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Brenna took of the dress and threw it on the bed.

Looking in her closet she saw what she wanted to wear, jeans and her favorite T-shirt, but she knew that Marl ey would kill her. She grabbed one of the dresses that Marley had picked out a few weeks ago and pulled it on. It was tighter and shorter than she usually wor e, but it was a lot better than the previous one. At least this one left a litt le bit to the imagination. Adding some thick tights and her black boots complet ed the outfit, or so she thought. Marley came bursting through the door, like s he always did. Your mom let me in, cause you're too lazy to come to the door yourself, she said, as she plopped down on the bed. What's wrong with this one? holding up the di scard that was beside her. It's just not my style, Brenna said. You don't have a style, here I'll let you borrow some of mine tonight, Marley said. Pulling off some of her long beaded necklaces and all but one chunky bra celet, she got up and started reinventing Brenna. Pulling up the hair that hung limply on her back, Brenna let Marley twist and pull the locks into a new haird o. After what seemed forever, Marley finally let her look in the mirror. She d idn't look like a brand new person, but she did look more pulled together and mayb e even a little bit older. See, I told you that you should let me do your hair m ore often. You just let it hang there and don't ever do anything with it. If I h ad your hair I would do something different with it almost every day. Yeah, well, whatever, Brenna said quietly. We better get going. I don't want to miss any of the drama. Let's go let you r mom know that I'm going to corrupt you tonight buy taking you to a wild, raging kegger, Marley said. Fine, I'll leave the wild and ragging part out, she said after seeing the look on Brenna's face. Fine, let's go and get this over with. Don't sound so excited or anything. Come on, Bren, these are the best days of your life. You're supposed to be having fun and throwing caution to the wind. Going a little crazy is allowed at our age. We're supposed to go a little crazy . I think your mom is a little disappointed that you don't go a little crazy. Y ou have to have fun tonight, for your mom. For my mom, Brenna said following Marley out of her bedroom. Mrs. D., I'm taking your only daughter to a party tonight. My mom said you can call her if you get bored waiting for us to come home. we're leaving. I pro mise to have her home at a reasonable time. As long as you guys are back before midnight. Have fun and keep your pho nes on you, Brenna's mom, Luca, said. Bye, mom and I'll have my phone on. I'll call you if I need anything, Brenna said as she was dragged out of the house. Come on, I need to change before we get there, Marley said. What do you mean change? You look fine, Brenna said taking in her friends tight jeans and even tighter shirt. I bought this killer skirt earlier today, but you know how my mom feels a bout short skirts. So of course I have to finish getting ready in the car, but I'm used to that, she said getting in the back seat so she could change. Brenna was used to having her best friend change in the backseat. If he r mom only knew that she changed almost every day in the car she would flip her lid. Marley's clothes weren't even as bad as half as the girls in their school, but she thought that her mom wouldn't let her leave the house in them, so she didn't. After a lot of swearing in the back of the car, Marley finally had shimmied into her skirt and was getting in the driver's seat. Whoo, it's just a little tighter then I remembered. Now, let's go and find o urselves a party. Try not to stand in the corner all night. Have some fun you deserve it. I deserve it because I finally got you out of the house looking lik e a decent teenager for once. I don't want to think about anything but cute guys and that goes double for you. Yes, ma'am, Brenna responded with a mock salute. Who's throwing this party any way?

Oh, you know, some senior guy. Were we even invited? This is a party, not some kindergarten play date where you need an invita tion. They expect people to just show up. Just relax; we're going to have fun to night. Brenna looked out the window as Marley reached over and turned up the ra dio. The bare trees flew by the window. Pressing her forehead against the cool glass she could feel the singer's raw pain vibrating throughout her whole body. Hearing the music before even seeing the house Brenna knew that she was in for a long night. She knew that she was supposed to enjoy this, but for some reason she would rather be at home on the couch with a book or just watching a movie in her P.J.s. Something must be wrong with her, what normal sixteen year old girl doesn't want to go to a party? God, parking's going to be a nightmare, Marley muttered to herself. Keep an eye out for somewhere to park, I didn't expect it to be so crowded. I guess this means the party must be banging, though if it's this hard to find a place to park.

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