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28 Day Challenge

Pray for your week of study. Ask God to show you more of Him. Pray for your AP. Read our passage for the week: Luke 10:2537. Have a wonderful week! Pray for your week of study and for your AP. Read our passage for this week: Luke 15:11-32. It may be so familiar; but ask God to show you new things ! Pray. Read Luke 12:22-34. Pray for your AP and her week of study. Ask God to help you look deep this week and make changes in your life where you need to.
Pray. Read Luke 11:14. This is probably the most familiar of all. Yet, God can use your study to totally change your prayer life. Ask Him to do that this week!

Monday Pray. Read Luke 8 10:25-37. LOOK for details: Who 's talking? Who's listening? What's the main point? Where are they? When? (chapter)
Pray. Read Luke 15:11-32. LOOK for details: Who speaks? Who hears? What is the main point? Where does it happen? When? (Look at the whole chapter for context.) Pray. Read Luke 12:22-34. LOOK for details: Who speaks? Who hears? What is the main point? Where does it happen? When? (Look at the whole chapter to find out.)
Pray. Read Luke 11:14. LOOK for details: Who speaks? Who hears? What is the main point? Where does it happen? When? (Look at the chapter)

Tuesday Pray. Read Luke 9 10:25-37. OBSERVE-Dig deeper to discover: What is being said about God? (verse 27). Copy 27 and mem
Pray. Read Luke 15:11-32. OBSERVE: Take a close look at verses 20-24. The father represents God. Circle all the actions the father takes and tell what this says about God. Pray. Read Luke 12:22-34. OBSERVE: All the things about God. Circle what He does. V. 30 says He knows what? V. 32 says what makes Him happy?
Pray. Read Luke 11:14. OBSERVE: What was Jesus doing when the disciples came? How does He say to address God? What does He say to ask God ?

Wednesday Pray. Read Luke 10:25-37. VISIT: Deut. 6:4-9. How is this passage like what Jesus says in Luke 10:27? Read Levitcus 19:18. What is the same here?
Pray. Read Luke 15:11-32. VISIT: A dictionary to define compassion. What does Matt. 9:36 say about Jesus and comapassion? Eph. 2:4-10 says God loved us when? Pray. Read Luke 12:22-34. VISIT: 1 Peter 5:7. Make a list of things you worry about and ask God to take each one. Phil. 4:6-8. Make a new list of things to focus on.
Pray. Read Luke 11:14. Underline the word name in v. 2. VISIT: Psalm 8:1, 9; 9:10; 52:9 and 115:1. What do you learn about God's name? Why is it holy?

Pray. Read Luke 10:25-37. VISIT: Proverbs 14:21. What happens when we love our neighbor? VISIT: Luke 23:26-46. How did Jesus show the ultimate love? Pray. Read Luke 15:11-32. VISIT: Psalm 51:4. True repentance, godly sorrow, shows we have sinned against___. Like the son, confess any sin to God today. Pray. Read Luke 12:22-34. VISIT: Isaiah 26:3-4. Trusting God brings____. How is God the Rock for us? You might like to draw a visual to help you remember it.
Pray. Read Luke 11:14. VISIT: Ephesians 4:32. How does God expect us to treat people who hurt us? Why? VISIT your study notes and see what else you can learn.

Pray. Read Luke 10:25-37. EXPLORE: As you think about all you have read this week, along with our passage, what do you need to do? To pray? To say? To change? Go for it Pray. Read Luke 15:11-32 EXPLORE: As you think about what you have read, and the compassion of God, what do you need to do? To pray? To say? To change? Do that. Pray. Read Luke 12:22-34. EXPLORE: As you think about what you've read, consider the things you worry over and treasure. Write a prayer giving those to God for good.
Pray. Read Luke 11:14. EXPLORE: your approach to God. How is your prayer life? Do you value God's holiness? Is there anything you need to change? Do it!

Pray 10:25 your Share learned this week. Go together and show love to a neighbor. (1 Cor. 13)
Pray. 15:11 AP you learned. Work on memorizing Eph. 2:8 9 together. Recite Luke 10:27 from memory. Pray. 12:22 AP hunt". Look for things that are most important to God . Take pictures and use them to remind you to focus on HIM.
Pray. 4. Today might be a really big step for you. Ask your pray out loud for her... and then actually pray, out. loud. Don't be scared. It's an honor.

Saturday Pray. Read Luke 10:25-37. Talk to your AP today. Share what you both learned this week. Go together and show love to a neighbor. (1 Cor. 13)
Pray. Read Luke 15:11-32. Talk to your AP and share what you learned. Work on memorizing Eph. 2:89 together. Recite Luke 10:27 from memory. Pray. Read Luke 12:22-34. Take your AP on a "treasure hunt". Look for things that are most important to God . Take pictures and use to them to remind you to focus on HIM.
Pray. Read Luke 11:14. Today might be a really big step for you. Ask your AP if you can pray out loud for her... and then actually pray, out. loud. Don't be scared. It's an honor.

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