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Bibliography "Alfred Gilman." Nobel Prize. Nobel Media, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>.

This is a photo of Alfred Gilman from the Nobel Prize website. This image is primary because it is a photo taken at the time at which Alfred Gilman lived. Blumberg, Albert. "The Late Paul Ehrlich." The Anaconda Standard [Anaconda, Montana] 12 Sept. 1915: 2. NewsBank Inc. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. < o0OjYzNjk&p_action=doc&s_lastnonissuequeryname=2&d_viewref=search&p_queryna me=2&p_docnum=30&p_docref=v2:11D9F1622301DED9@EANX-K1211F35C1E4D9C7770@2420753-11F35C1E702AFE60@511F35C1FC961F270@The+Late+Paul+Ehrlich>. This is an article from The Anaconda Standard about Paul Ehrlich, written by Dr. Albert Blumberg. This article helps us because it told us many facts about Ehrlich's life. He was born on March 14, 1854. During his college years, he submitted a college report on how "life is an oxidation process and so is the function of the brain." Ehrlich was made famous by his work in hematology, and discovered a way on how to identify tubercle bacilli from others, but later, he contracted tuberculosis. In 1896, Ehrlich became a professor at the University of Berlin and director of the Institute of Serological Research. Later, his ideas for the base of chemotherapy formed into curing disease with injections, and then experimented on tropical diseases like sleeping disease. He was awarded the Nobel prize for his work. After, he perfected the preparation of curing syphilis, 606 or salversan. He had thought

one injection would be enough to cure diseases at once, but quickly realized that for the cure, four or more injections were needed. Afterwards, Emperor William gave him the honor of being able to be called "His Excellency," streets were named after him, and he visited the United States, lecturing and having another honor of having the degree of LL, D. Finally, the little Jewish boy became "the pride of all Germany." This source is primary because it was written just a little after Paul Ehrlich's death, explaining some background information on chemotherapy during the time it was invented. "Bottles of Chemotherapy." Tennesee Mesothelioma. BJ Wade, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This is a picture of bottles of chemotherapy drugs. It is important because it shows that the drugs in the bottles are most likely what is in IV chemotherapy and other liquid methods of chemotherapy drugs going into the body. This picture was found in a Tennessee Mesothelioma website. "A Breakthrough That Strikes Gold." Science Illustrated Edition 1 Oct. 2012: n. pag. NewsBank Popular Periodicals. Web. 5 Oct. 2012. < oc_type=doc&p_queryname=800&p_product=PPCT&p_theme=newcat&p_nbid=D4DJ5 2OHMTM0OTQ0NDYzMS4yNDM3Njg6MTo0OjYzNjk>. Science Illustrated 's article is about how scientists discovered the fact of how a new technique can mark a cancer tumor with gold nanoparticles, allowing radiation to be aimed more precisely and lethally at the cancer. Combined PET and CT scanners can locate very small tumors precisely, but once the tumor is diagnosed, doctors may run into the problem that the scanner cannot detect. Some tumors, like those in the lungs, move every time the patient's body

preforms a basic function. With the gold nanoparticles, tumors can be concentrated on so doctors can follow the tumor's movements, even when the patient breathes in upcoming tests. If so, they could focus in and hit the tumor very precisely. To increase the amount of gold, researchers have attached tiny bits of proteins to camouflage it from the immune system. One injection of gold nanoparticles can have movable tumors visible during an entire treatment, which is usually around a month. If the gold nanoparticles are successful, patients may have fewer side effects and someday, a better chance for a cure. This is a primary source because it was written and published during the time gold nanoparticles were invented. "Cancer Patients." Tumblr. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2013. <>. This is a picture of two chemotherapy patients that are battling cancer. It is important because it shows how chemotherapy can improve the health of cancer patients and keep them cheerful. It is primary because it is an actual picture of real cancer patients. "Cancer Patients Will Have to Prove They Are Too Sick Too Work under New Government Proposals." TheGuardian. Guardian News and Media, n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. <>. This is what IV chemotherapy treatment generally looks like in the present. It is important because it shows how IV chemotherapy is commonly given. An IV drip bag and patient lying in bed is depicted in this image, and is a primary source because it is most accurately showing what treatment looks like. Chabner, Bruce A., and Thomas G. Roberts, Jr. "The History of Chemotherapy." Nature Reviews Cancer 5 (2005): 65-72. Nature Reviews Cancer. Web. 5 Oct. 2012.

<>. This a timeline from an article from a journal called Nature Reviews Cancer about the history of chemotherapy. This is helpful to us because it gives a good summary about how chemotherapy began and its progress through time. In 1942, Louis Goodman and Alfred Gilman first used nitrogen mustard to cure a patient with Hodgkin's lymphoma and proved that chemotherapy and can induce tumor regression. Sydney Farber used antifolates to induce remissions in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in 1948. In 1955, the National Chemotherapy Program began at the National Institute of Cancer (NCI). In 1959, the FDA approved cyclophosphamide, a nitrogen mustard alklating agent. Combination chemotherapy was proven to induce long term remissions in children with ALL and to cure lymphomas in 1965 and 1970. In 1972, Emil Frei demonstrated that giving chemotherapy to patients after bone tumor removal can improve cure rates. In 1975, a combination of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil was proven to be effective for breast cancer. The NCI introduced disease orientated screening in 1989. In 1992, the FDA approved paclitaxel (Taxol) which becomes the first blockbuster oncology drug. In 2004, the FDA approved bevacizumab (Avastin) for the treatment of colon cancer. "Chemotherapy." The State [Columbia, South Carolina] 14 May 1911, 7153rd ed.: 4. Rpt. in NewsBank. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. NewsBank. Web. 5 Oct. 2012. < o0OjYzNjk&p_action=doc&s_lastnonissuequeryname=2&d_viewref=search&p_queryna me=2&p_docnum=8&p_docref=v2:11210D30DA68B248@EANX-K12-

113B419FF9026BE0@2419171-113B41A04849C3E0@3113B41A3A892D740@Chemotherapy>. This article is from the newspaper, The State, and was published on May 14, 1911. It helped us because this article gave credit of the invention of chemotherapy to Dr. Paul Ehrlich. It stated that chemotherapy was started with injections that destroyed parasites and sterilized the blood. The most important compound was dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol, previously known as "606," but is now know as salvarsan. It is prepared by a process of combining 35 percent of arsenic and coal-tar products, and had been compared to quinine in importance. Chemotherapy is claimed to have a specific effect on recurrent fever and sleeping sickness. This is a primary source because is was written at the time of when (source claimed) Paul Ehrlich invented chemotherapy. "Chemotherapy." UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center. U of San Diego, n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>. This website is from the UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center. This provided us with a basic summary of what chemotherapy is, its most common side effects, and ways to distribute chemotherapy into the body. Chemotherapy may differ for each person of how its put into the body such as intravenous (IV), what the side effects are such as nausea and vomiting, and how many drugs that person may take at a time and when they should take them. "Chemotherapy May Be the Cure for Cancer." Duluth News Tribune [Duluth] 15 Mar. 1913, 44th ed.: 4. Rpt. in Chemotherapy May Be the Cure for Cancer. 44th ed. N.p.: n.p., 1913. 4. Newsbank. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <

K12&p_theme=ahnp_k12&p_nbid=P6BU60XVMTM1MDg1MjA5NS43MjUzNTU6M To0OjYzNjk&p_action=doc&s_lastnonissuequeryname=2&d_viewref=search&p_query name=2&p_docnum=13&p_docref=v2:1156D7F7D713A378@EANX-K121193A42228229CC8@2419842-1193A4226BF697C8@31193A425A6F06A10@Chemotherapy+May+be+the+Cure+for+Cancer>. This is an article from the newspaper "The Duluth News Tribune". It was printed in 1913 when scientists had just started experimenting with chemotherapy. The article is about how chemotherapy was cited as a possible cure for cancer by Dr. Thomas A. Hogan. He talked about cancer treatment and reported on what he found in his four years of work in cancer treatment. He believed that by giving humans salts and certain metals in doses, he could cure cancerous tumors. Dr. Hogan said that the tumors would not be able to withstand the toxic metals, so they would slowly degenerate. This is helpful to us because we can now understand how early chemotherapy done. It is a primary source because it was written while chemotherapy was just invented and still developing. "Chemotherapy Pills." Chemotherapy Advices. WordPress, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This picture shows chemotherapy pills. This is the way chemotherapy is distributed orally; by a pill or tablet. This is primary because it shows another way of how chemotherapy can be distributed into the body. It is important because it shows one way chemotherapy can be taken orally. This picture was found on a website named, "Chemotherapy Advices." "Chemotherapy Research." Mesothelioma Center, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <

300x200.jpg>. This is a picture of a doctor researching chemicals for chemotherapy. This is important because it shows that people must be careful around these chemicals-- the doctor has goggles, gloves, and is holding the rack of tubes very carefully. It is provided by, published by The Mesothelioma Center. This is a primary source because it is taken at the time of research done by the doctor. "Chemotherapy: Why It's Done" ["Chemotherapy: Why It's Done"]. Mayo Clinic: Chemotherapy. Mayo Clinic, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>. This article is from the Mayo Clinic website, and stretches through multiple articles separated by subjects connected to chemotherapy. This website helped us because it told us what chemotherapy is, why it is done, chemotherapy for conditions other than cancer, and help for chemotherapy patients. Chemotherapy is a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill cancer cells in the body, since cancer cells grow and multiple much more faster than most cells in the body. Chemotherapy is done to kill cancer cells, to kill hidden cancer cells after other treatments-- which is called adjuvant therapy, to prepare the patient for other treatments-- which is called neoadjuvant therapy, and to ease signs and and symptoms-- which is called palliative chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is used not just for cancer, but can also be used for bone marrow diseases and immune system disorders. It can also have some side effects, common ones being nausea, vomiting, and pain, or long-lasting ones like heart problems, nerve damage, or risk of a second cancer. This website also tells how to prepare for chemotherapy-- like having tests done to lessen the chance of complications-- and what to expect from it-- like the side effects. Chemotherapy can be given from creams, drugs to treat one area of the body,

given directly to the cancer, infusions, pills, and shots. Doctors determine how often chemotherapy should be given, and the patient's situation decides where chemotherapy can be given. Depending on the patient's situation, he or she may be tested to monitor the cancer to see how it is responding to the chemotherapy, and the treatment may be adjusted for a better result. Developmental Therapeutics Program. National Cancer Institute, n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2012. <>. This website is from the National Cancer Institute. This has shown us how chemotherapy has progressed by the years and even shows the prediction of what the future and the goals of chemotherapy will be. In this timeline, an iconic person, President Nixon, represents the start of the war on cancer. Before this and after the declaration, the timelines states the development of the drug and chemicals which are in chemotherapy. A few chemicals that are listed in this timeline are Mechlorethamine and Geldanamycin 122750. Besides this is even more information that is not just chemical receivements that are still major happenings in cancer. Between 1957 and 1977 computer age began, multimodal therapy is proven more effective on certain cancers, and war on cancer by President Nixon. DeVita, Vincent T., Jr., and Edward Chu. "A History of Cancer Chemotherapy." The Journal of Cancer Research 68 (2008): n. pag. Cancer Research. Web. 7 Oct. 2012. <>. This is an article from The Journal of Cancer Research. It gives a very detailed timeline of the history of cancer chemotherapy. This helps us understand the history of chemotherapy as a whole. In the early 1900s, the German scientist Paul Ehrlich tried to develop a drug that would treat infectious diseases. He was the first to use animals as models for his experiments. In

1908, arsenic was used in chemotherapy. In 1912, the first transplant-able tumors were developed in rodents. In 1935, Murray Shear set up a program that would become a model for cancer drug screening. In 1943, nitrogen mustard was used in lymphomas. Sydney Farber tested antifolate compound in children with leukemia in 1948, and had good results. In 1951, Hitchings and Elion had developed two drugs that treated acute leukemia: 6-thioquanine and 6-mercaptopurine. The Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center was developed in 1955. In 1963 to 1970, Hodgkin's disease and acute lymphoma leukemia were cured. The cure of testicular cancer was found in 1976. The first monoclonal antibody is approved in 1997. In 2007, the rate of the decline of the number of deaths from cancer had doubled. Drechsler, Markus. "Liposomes." Markus Drechsler. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This image shows a scale drawing of liposomes. It is important because it shows what liposomes actually look like. It is primary because it is an actual image of real liposomes. Goldberg, Harry. "Medical... Science, Discovering a 'Selective Affinity' Between Dyestuffs and Bacteria, Now Seeks an Elixer of Death With Which to Combat Every Kind of Destructive Organism in the Blood." The Seattle Daily Times [Seattle, Washington] 25 Dec. 1927: 47. Rpt. in The Seattle Daily Times. N.p.: n.p., n.d. NewsBank Inc. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. < o0OjYzNjk&p_action=doc&s_lastnonissuequeryname=2&d_viewref=search&p_queryna me=2&p_docnum=48&p_docref=v2:127D718D1E33F961@EANX-K12-

129343B4B907D3DC@2425240-1293402DD44429EA@46-1293ACC0A4F82975>. This article is from The Seattle Daily Times, published on December 25, 1927. This article helps us because it told us what chemotherapy was in early times. Before, people tested which colored dyes would kill Cocci and Coli, the "tribes of Bacillus and bacteria." According to this article, in a test tube, one drop of dye in five million drops of water killed whole armies of bacteria. Scientists have learned some colors of dye have an "affinity" for certain bacteria. Paul Ehrlich reasoned that "Why can't we shoot drops of color into the blood stream which have an affinity for the bacteria we wish to kill, attach a drop of poison to each molecule of dye to make it more deadly, surround the germs with dye and kill them with the poison?" Apparently, dyes have two main qualities, color and "fastness"-- this is the "power to cling to fabric through thick and thin, through storm or sun" and this is the ability to get a grip on bacteria. Colors discovered to kill bacteria were: hexa-ethyl violet killed stapylococcus, brilliant green destroyed the colon bacillus, trypan red and isamin blue showed an affinity for tubercular lesions, methylene blue liked hubercular bacilli, and basic fuchsia eliminated typhoid and dysentery bugs. The most famous dyes used were mercurochrome 200, gentian violet, crystal violet, and acriflavine. Mercurochrome is a dark red dye with a mercury sting to poison bacteria-- it has been known to be an impressive cure for septicemia, bronchopneumonia, pneumonia, and a few cases of bubonic and pneumonic plague. Trypan red was also found to be "hard on trypanosome," which is a bug that causes a disease in South American horses, while trypan blue likes the trypanosome that causes the same disease in cattle. Later, it was found that the chemical compound was injected two or three days after the infection, the results were much more better than an injection two or three hours after the infection.

Afterwards, many other dyes and chemical compounds were found to destroy bacteria, but either had bad side effects or were needed to be radically increased. From this, it is well known to the public that chemotherapy is the very promising once finding "a compound for every germ that will kill the parasite and leave the body and blood clean and unharmed." This is a primary source because it was published almost directly after the colored dyes were found to kill certain bacteria, telling the general audience about the effectiveness of the colored dyes. "Gold Nanoparticles Can Define Brain Tumor From Healthy Tissue." The Original Memory Gym., 22 Dec. 2011. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This picture shows a cancer tumor coated with gold nanoparticles, comparing it against the surrounding healthy tissue. This is important because it shows how effectively the gold nanoparticles work, as the gold nanoparticles are very noticeable against the tissue surrounding the tumor. This is from, or "The Original Memory Gym" and is a primary source because it is a picture taken when the gold nanoparticles landed on the tumor. Haven, Kendall F. ntion+of+chemotherapy&source=bl&ots=m_czvInEpN&sig=2duuYt4BfN7_mOq2XDB8Hq12lU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NR5bUOXlGzC0AG40IHAAQ&ved=0CFoQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=invention%20of%20chemother apy&f=false. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This book is about many important inventions of time. It has information on chemotherapy on page 249. Chemotherapy was invented in 1950 by

Gertrude Elion. It involves chemical compounds able to selectively target and destroy almost any specific form of cancerous growth. While the war on cancer is far from won, the patients stand a much better chance if they are treated with chemotherapy. This book helps us because it gives us more facts about how chemotherapy might have started. "History of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute." Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 2012. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. <>. This web page from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute provides background information about the founding of the Institute, facts on Sidney Farber's life and work, milestones, and advances. Sidney Farber was one of the founders of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and is known as the "father of modern chemotherapy." His work has improved many cancer patients' lives, and now is even spreading to East Africa, where the center being opened there will be visited by DanaFarber nurses. This page is very important, as it gives many facts on Sidney Farber and how much he has done for chemotherapy. "How Chemotherapy Works." Cancer Research UK. Cancer Research UK, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>. This is a page on Cancer Research UK informing us on how chemotherapy kills cancer cells and how it kills dividing cells. On a different topic, this website also tells us about how chemotherapy works as in if it will shrink it, or completely cure a body of cancer. How chemotherapy kills cancer cells is a "simple" maneuver. Regular adult cells divide only to grow or repair damage so they don't divide as often. Cancer cells also grow and divide, but more often, then the mass of cells group together and create a tumor. Chemotherapy

kills the dividing cells, both cancer and regular, thus stop the cells from dividing any more. That is also why chemotherapy patients have no hair; the chemotherapy stops it from growing. When a cell divides, in the nucleus in chromosomes made of genes, the cell copies its genes exactly the same, then divide into two completely same cells. The chemotherapy attacks the nucleus, that is why the cells won't divide anymore. Cancer cells will hopefully stop spreading and healthy regular cells will renew later. Remission is also when the cancer cannot be located on scans and x-rays and may be gone or have gotten smaller. "Intravenous (IV) Chemotherapy." Cancer Research UK. Cancer Research UK, n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2012. <>. This web page is from Cancer Research UK. It is about intravenous (IV) chemotherapy. IV chemotherapy can be taken over different amounts of time, from a few minutes to months. It depends on the type of cancer and the type of drug. Chemotherapy given over months is called a continuous infusion. Some types of chemotherapy can be given at home by trained nurses. When chemotherapy is given, the nurse will wear protective equipment such as goggles and gloves because chemotherapy drugs are harmful to skin. There are many ways to get the drugs into the bloodstream by IV chemotherapy. One way is by a small tube in the arm, which is also called cannula. Another way is a central line put in the chest. Some problems with drips are that they can stop when the arm is moved, and also the liquids could leak out into the tissue instead of going into the bloodstream. If there are problems at home with the IV, then the patient should call the medical staff for advice. This article is helpful because it gives general information on IV chemotherapy.

"Loss of Normal Growth Control." National Cancer Institute. National Cancer Institute, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This image shows how there can be a loss of normal growth control in cells. It shows how cancer cells divide and the mutations they go through before they grow uncontrollably. This image was found on the website of the National Cancer Institute. It is important because it shows what happens when a cancer cell is formed. "Louis Goodman." Yale Medicine. Yale School of Medicine, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This is a black and white photo of Louis Goodman from the Yale School of Medicine. It is primary because it is a photo of Louis Goodman that was taken at the time when he lived. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Chemotherapy. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>. This is a medical encyclopedia from MedlinePlus which summarizes what chemotherapy is and what it does. Regular cells divide and die in a controlled manner but cancer cells divide in a uncontrolled way. Chemotherapy kills dividing cells including the healthy cells causing side effects such as nausea an vomiting, tiredness, and hair loss. Healthy cells recover after the chemotherapy is over, though. Treatments will vary from every week or month, or may have breaks from the treatment to regain more healthy cells. The chemotherapy treatment can be taken through IV (intravenously), pills, or in a shot. "Normal and Cancer Cells." Tumblr. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This is a black and white image that compares and contrasts healthy cells and cancer cells. It shows how a cancer cell's

structure differs greatly from a healthy cell's. It is important because many pieces of information about the differences in cancer cells and healthy cells were gathered from this image. This image was found on Tumblr. "Paul Ehrlich." Nobel Prize. Nobel Foundation, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This is a black and white photo of Paul Ehrlich from the Nobel Prize website. He is mostly known for starting the research on early chemotherapy. It is primary because it is a photo of Paul Ehrlich when he lived. "Photo of Chemotherapy IV." LIVESTRONG. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This picture shows chemotherapy hooked onto a IV. It was found on the Livestrong website on a article about chemotherapy drugs. It is important because it gives us an idea of what chemotherapy IVs could look like. "Photo of Gertrude Elion." National Academies Press. National Academy of Sciences, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This is a photo of the biochemist Gertrude Elion who contributed to the work of chemotherapy. This photo was found on the website of National Academies Press, and is primary because it is a picture of when Gertrude Elion lived. "Secrets of Successful Administrations." Daily Tulsa World [Tulsa, Oklahoma] 19 Nov. 1913, 55th ed.: 10. Rpt. in Daily Tulsa World. N.p.: n.p., n.d. NewsBank. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. < o0OjYzNjk&p_action=doc&s_lastnonissuequeryname=2&d_viewref=search&p_queryna

me=2&p_docnum=19&p_docref=v2:11C57F37B8EA58CA@EANX-K1211CE847DC5999FD0@2420091-11CE847DF7824808@9-11CE847EDF814AD8>. An article was in the newspaper Daily Tulsa World in 1913 about a "blood poison remedy". It is found out by chemotherapy and is being used extensively everywhere all over the world and not just in Germany. Over 37 million shots have been injected with this chemotherapy product and has been proven destructive to the blood poison. Very important people have been involved in this article. John D. Rockefeller paid $100,000 to get this remedy into the United States and Thomas Edison said it to be the greatest discovery of the year. In 1913, the Indiana State Medical Journal states that 15 million of the U.S. population is infected with blood poison. This newspaper advertises about getting rid of the blood poison forever with this remedy, the person talking in the paper being Dr. C. W. McCarty. This a primary source because it was written when chemotherapy was just discovered as a blood poison remedy. "Shock Study: Chemo Can Backfire, Make Cancer Worse." NY Daily News. NY Daily News, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <>. On NY Daily News, this showed how chemotherapy is faring in the modern world. Chemotherapy may now cause backfire to the patient. When the drug is in the body it kills all the cells, even the healthy ones. The healthy cells then secrete a protein that sustains tumor growth and resists to more treatment. It was a completely unexpected part of information. The protein is called WNT16B, which apparently boosts cancer cell survival. The secreted protein goes to the nearby cells making them resistant to the treatment. This was also found in ovarian and breast cancers. Now, the alternative is the treatment in smaller doses and

antibodies against the protein which might kill more tumor cells. This is a primary source because it announces to the public about how chemotherapy is currently working. "Side Effects of Chemotherapy." GovHK. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2013. <>. This picture shows the common and well known side effects of taking chemotherapy treatment. This also has cartoon images to show the side effects of chemotherapy. It was found in the website of the Hong Kong government. "Sidney Farber with a Microscope." Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Dana Farber cancer Institute, n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This picture shows Sidney Farber next to a microscope. This is primary because it shows a contributor to chemotherapy. This picture was found on the website of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. "Some Powerful New Remedies." Salt Lake Telegram [Salt Lake City, Utah] 28 Aug. 1921: 31. Rpt. in Some Powerful New Remedies. N.p.: n.p., 1921. 31. Newsbank. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. < To0OjYzNjk&p_action=doc&s_lastnonissuequeryname=2&d_viewref=search&p_query name=2&p_docnum=37&p_docref=v2:1197192A90767E28@EANX-K1211A4E85224AC2F00@2422930-11A1E8B552290C40@3011F6BE5168E50DCD@Some+Powerful+New+Remedies>. This article came from a newspaper called Salt Lake Telegram. It was printed in 1921. The article is about some early experiments on chemotherapy. It has stated that some new substances could be used to cure many diseases such as cancer, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Dr. George W.

Raiziss along with Drs. J. F. Schamberg and John A. Kolmer succeeded in making arsphenamine, which is valuable to curing blood taint diseases. Dr. Raiziss believed that what knowledge he has from his experiments will lead to the discovery of cures for other diseases. This article was helpful because it tells about some of the early substances used in chemotherapy. It is a primary source because it was written at the time when chemotherapy was just invented and includes some of the scientists who were studying chemotherapy at the time. "Syringe and Injection Needle." Happy Cow. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This is an image of a syringe and injection needle that could be used in chemotherapy from a website called Happy Cow. It is important because it shows what a syringe used for chemotherapy could look like. "Torrence Spence." Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. <>. This is a picture of Torrence Spence, a five year old who is fighting cancer and receiving her third round of chemotherapy in four years. This picture is important because it shows how well chemotherapy can help cure cancer. This is primary because it is a picture of an actual cancer patient who receives chemotherapy treatments. "Treating Cancer with Chemotherapy." Cancer Chemotherapy Treatment. Amgen, n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2012. <>. We found a web page that is from It has information treating cancer with chemotherapy. It talks about how people sometimes fear chemotherapy because of the side effects, but that they should still try it as it is the best option for a successful

outcome. Chemotherapy is designed to kill cancerous growth. It can be injected through a vein, orally as a pill, or injected into a body cavity. Unfortunately, chemotherapy drugs can't tell the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells, so it will probably take out the hair cells, too. Each type of drug will take out different types of cancer cells. It also talks about side effects and the inconveniences of taking chemotherapy and that one should consider this before taking it. A doctor will make a treatment plan that is designed for that person. The amount, the type, and frequency of chemotherapy drug taken depends on the type and seriousness of the cancer. Some common side effects of chemotherapy are low red and white blood cell count, low platelet count, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and fatigue. "Using Copper to Customize Cancer Treatments." Science Illustrated Edition 1 Oct. 2012: 43. NewsBank Popular Periodicals. Web. 5 Oct. 2012. < doc_type=doc&p_queryname=800&p_product=PPCT&p_theme=newcat&p_nbid=D4DJ 52OHMTM0OTQ0NDYzMS4yNDM3Njg6MTo0OjYzNjk>. Science Illustrated 's article is about the use of copper and liposomes as a cancer treatment. Liposomes are small, hollow balls of fat that take cytotoxins into tumors and kills the cancer cells. These enter tumors the same way as gold nanoparticles did. An advantage is that more medicine went into the tumor than the surrounding healthy tissue-- the treatment's effectiveness was increased and the side effects decreased. Unfortunately, there is not a way to directly monitor effects in individual patients. Therefore, DTU Nanotech scientists have developed liposomes with radioactive copper in them that can be seen by a scanner. The scan makes it possible to evaluate if the patient is benefiting from the treatment or not. If

the chemotherapy is not working, it can be discontinued so there are not any unnecessary side effects, but if the nanomedicine enters the tumor, scans can tell if the treatment is working. This article also tells what happened when liposomes were inserted into a mouse with and without tumors. It is a primary source because is was published during the time when the information about the liposomes and copper was released. Welch, Cindy. "History of Chemotherapy." Colon Cancer Resource. Cancer Information Center, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>. This is a history of chemotherapy on the website Colon Cancer Resource. Back in time, chemotherapy was used to describe any kind of medicine. Now it chemotherapy is a name for treatment to cure cancer. Chemotherapy can be used alone, with surgery, or with radiation. In the 1940's and 1950's, chemotherapy was first found when trying to find uses for mustard gas in the Department of Defense, a chemical warfare agent. They found that this chemical was sucessful in treating lymphoid cancer in animals. Chemists Goodman and Gilman worked with a surgeon Linksog to inject a similar chemical into a cancer patient and noticed a reduction of the cancer tumors. Dr. Farber from Harvard found out that folic acid is effective in treating children with leukemia after World War II. Farber and Kilte worked with Lederle Labs on one of the first modern drug research studies and found that folic acid blocked out certain chemical agents. His idea was not accepted until ten years later because it was thought that children with cancer were to left alone to die in peace. In 1965, Holland's Freireich and Frei found that combining drugs makes a tumor harder to fight against the drugs than a single drug. Chemotherapy is more effective if the tumor is small. Chemotherapy is a poison to the body and many people are trying to reduce the side effects. Chemotherapy

is given in many different ways by the type of illness or the patient. The survival rates have increased over time. "What Is Cancer?" National Cancer Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2012. <>. This is an article from the National Cancer Institute about cancer. It explains exactly what cancer is, and the origins of cancer. The article also states and defines some types of cancer, like carcinoma and leukemia. It explains the different types of tumors, and why some kinds are not cancerous and can be removed. Lastly, the article gives some cancer statistics. This article is helpful because it has information on cancer that is relevant to our research. "Who Invented Chemotherapy?" Who Invented It. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2012. <>. This article is from the website Who Invented It? . As it is unclear to who exactly invented chemotherapy, this article gives credit to Alfred Gilman and Louis S. Goodman. This article gives credit to them for discovering that nitrogen mustard could be used as a therapeutic agent-- it could actually treat lymphoma. Later, Madagascar periwinkle was found to block tumor cell proliferation by Eli Lilly. The effectiveness of combination chemotherapy as cancer treatment was found in 1965. Additional facts are that the use of drugs and chemical substances as medication originated in ancient India. Chemotherapy is recommended to patients to palliate symptoms or prolong life. Chemotherapeutic drugs are classified into different types which are anthracyclines, antimetabolites, alkylating agents, toptisomerade inhibitors and plant alkaloids. This is important because it tells us facts on who invented chemotherapy.

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