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Chapter 2: Structure of Atom Sir Wahidin Jangsi

2.5 Historical development of atomic models John Dalton (1808) (atom as a ball) John Dalton out forward Daltons Atomic theory which state: i. An element comprises of tiny indivisible particles called atoms. ii. Atoms cannot be created nor destroyed. iii. Atoms of the same element are the same but differ from others. A small indivisible tiny ball / particle

Neils Bohr (1913) (electron shells) Neil Bohr further improved Rutherford model. According to Bohr, electron moved around the nucleus in fixed orbits or shells.

J.J Thomson (1897) (discovered electron) J.J Thomson discovered electron. He describe the atom as a sphere of positive charge which contains a few negatively charged particle called electron. (plum pudding model). shells James Chadwick (1932) (discovered neutrons) Proved the existence of neutrons, the neutral particles in the nucleus. Nucleus of an atom consists of protons and neutrons. Ernest Rutherford (1911) (discovered proton) Ernest Rutherford, suggested that: i. The mass of an atom is concentrated in a small positively charged called centre called the nucleus which contain positively charged particles called proton. ii. Most part of the atom contain empty space. iii. Electron moves around the nucleus at different distances from the nucleus.


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Chapter 2: Structure of Atom Sir Wahidin Jangsi
2.6 Subatomic particles of an atom 1. All atoms except for hydrogen is made up of three smaller subatomic particles namely proton, neutron and electron. 2. There are two parts of an atom, that is: a) Nucleus which consist of proton and neutron. The nucleus is positively charged and most of the mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus. b) Shells which is the pathways where the electrons move around the nucleus. 3. In a neutral atom, the number of protons is the same of electrons. For a positively charged ion, the number of proton is more than that of electron whereas for a negatively charged ion, the number of proton is less than that of electron. 4. Proton number (atomic number) of an element is the number of proton in a nucleus of an atom. 5. Nucleon number (mass number) of an element is the total number of proton and neutron in the nucleus of an atom. Nucleon Number = Number of proton + number of neutron 2.7 Isotopes and their importance Isotropy / Isotopes 1. Isotropy is a phenomenon whereby an element can have atoms that has the same number of protons (proton number) but different number of neutrons (nucleon number). 2. Isotopes are atoms of the same elements with the same number of protons (proton number) but different number of neutrons (nucleon number). 3. Nucleon number differs due to the difference in the number neutrons, that means isotopes of an element has different number of neutrons. 4. For example, Hydrogen isotopes: , (deuterium), (tritium) Element Oxygen Chlorine Isotope No. of proton 8 8 8 17 17 No. of Neutron 8 9 10 18 20 No. of electron 8 8 8 17 17

5. Isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties (due to the same number of valence electron) but their physical properties differ (due to the diference number of neutrons) 2.8 The electronic structure of an atom 1. Electrons in an atom are arranged in shells around the nucleus. The shells are numbered starting from the one nearest to the nucleus. Each shell can only occupy a limited number of electrons.

2. The table below shows the maximum number of electrons permitted in each shell. Shell Maximum number of electrons 1st (N shell) 2 2nd (M shell) 8 3rd (L shell) 8 or 18 4th (K shell) 36


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Chapter 2: Structure of Atom Sir Wahidin Jangsi
3. The way in which the electrons are distributed in the shells of an atom is called the electron arrangement or electron configuration of the atom. Elements Electron Valence electron * Arrangement K, L, M, N Hydrogen 1 1 1 Helium 2 2 2 Nitrogen 7 2. 5 5 Chlorine 17 2. 8. 7 7 Calcium 20 2. 8. 8. 2 2 * The electrons in the outermost occupied shell are known as the valence electrons. 4. Helium has exactly two electrons in the first shell. It has attained the duplet in its electron arrangement which is stable. Neon and Argon each has eight electrons in the outermost shell. It has attained the octet in its electron arrangement which is stable. Q1. Draw the structure of the atom and write electron arrangement for hydrogen, lithium, aluminium and oxygen atom. [Proton no.: H=1; Li =3; Al =13 and O =8] [ Nucleon no.: H=1; Li =7; Al =27 and O =16] Q2. Complete the following table:
Particle No. of proton No.of neutron No. of electron Proton Number Nucleon number Electron arrangemnet Type of particle

Proton Number


12 9 6 13 11

12 9 6 14 12

10 10 6 13 10


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