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Math Statistics Unit Report:

This report shows the result of an investigation we had to go through. We had to pick a question and create a way of finding data. C and I worked together as a group because we had almost the same question. I knew many people in our year who play games, so I was interested in how long they play games. This is how I decided to investigate further on this topic. The question I chose was How long do people in year 8 play games for? Later I changed my question to How long do boys game compared to girls in year 8? I changed my question to make the investigation more interesting for me and C. My hypothesis is that boys play more games than girls because normally when I see people playing games it is usually the boys who are gaming. The Area of Interaction that this investigation covered is environment. It helped me learn about the people around me. Through learning about my environment I know where I fit in this school environment. The method we chose to find information for the answer to our question is we sent out a survey asking questions about how long people game. To send these questions we sent our survey to the teacher Miss Lee who then sent it out to the rest of year 8. Only 20 people answered the questions at first, 9 girls and 11 boys so we needed another way of finding data. We decided to go to the other classes and ask them. We asked a few people from 2 classes and ended up with results from 50 people altogether. 27 boys and 23 girls answered our survey. The results we got are shown in the 2 graphs with tables below:

Time(in minutes) Dont Play Games (0) 1-59 mins (0-1 Hour) 60-119 mins (1-2 Hours) 120-179 mins (2-3 Hours) 180-239 mins (3-4 Hours) 240-299 mins (4-5 Hours) 300-359 min (5-6 Hours) 360 mins + (6 Hours +) Total: Class Center(x) 0 30 90 150 210 270 330 360 1440 Frequency(f) 4 9 8 1 1 0 1 3 27 fx 0 270 720 150 210 0 330 1080 2760

Boys Mean Average: The mean is when the you add all the fx column up and divide it by the total frequency. Using this process the average is what the answer would be if everyone did the exact same amount. In this case that would mean Boys Mode Average: 0-1 Hour The most selected option for our question was 0-1 Hour so it is our mode. Boys Median Average: 1-2 Hours ( Hours. Boys Range: 8 The range is the biggest answer minus the smallest answer. The range helps us understand how much our data varies. The answer here is The 14th person or middle person to answer the survey chose 1-2 which for 1 decimal place would be .

Time (in minutes) Dont Play Games (0) 1-59 mins (0-1 Hour) 60-119 mins (1-2 Hours) 120-179 mins (2-3 Hours) 180-239 mins (3-4 Hours) 240-299 mins (4-5 Hours) 300-359 min (5-6 Hours) 360 mins + (6 Hours +) Total: Girls Mean: The mean is when the you add all the fx column up and divide it by the total frequency. Using this process the average is what the answer would be if everyone did the exact same amount. In this case it would be Girls Mode: 0-1 Hours The most selected was 0-1 Hours because 10 people chose it. Girls Median: 0-1 Hours The 12th chose 0-1 Hours, so the median is 0-1 Hours. Girls Range: 9 The range is the biggest answer minus the smallest answer. The range helps us understand how much our data varies. The answer here is which for 1 decimal place rounds up to . Class Center(x) 0 30 90 150 210 270 330 360 1440 Frequency(f) 8 10 2 0 1 0 1 1 23 fx 0 300 180 0 210 0 330 260 1280

To summarize the data given above here is a graph with only the averages and range:
Boys Girls Mean 102.2 mins 55.7 mins Median 60-119 mins 1-59 mins Mode 1-59 mins 1-59 mins

This graph shows that boys in year 8 play games for a longer period of time. If each boy were to plat for the exact same amount of time and the girls would each have to play the same amount then the boys would play for a longer time this is shown by the mean. Here is a graph to visually represent the data given in the tables above.

Time Spent Gaming In Year 8

12 10 8 Frequency 6 Boys 4 2 0 0 mins 1-59 mins 60-119 mins 120-179 180-239 240-299 300-359 360 mins+ mins mins mins min Girls

Time Spent Gaming (in mins)

The comparison bar chart above is a quick way to visually compare the data we got from our results. It is also helpful because it allows us to compare data from 2 different groups. I could have used a pie-chart as well but the pie chart wouldnt be able to show it if there was a frequency of zero. My data consist the frequency zero so the pie chart would not work for me.

Few conclusions from a quick glance at the graph given above are: The minimum difference between the frequency for both boys and girls gaming is 1-59 minutes. There is nobody who plays from 240-299 minutes. For the times 180-239 and 300-359 there are the same amount of boys and girls who play for that time period. The biggest difference between the time spent gaming of boys and girls is from 60-119 mins. For my data the most useful type of average would be the mean, because I want to see which gender would play more if each person had to play for the same amount of time. There were a few limitations with my method of finding data. One of these problems were that people didnt always answer the survey. I wanted data from the whole of Year 8 to get a census but because not everyone answered I had to go with a sample of 50 people out of everyone in Year 8. Another of these limitations was the way my group chose to find data. We thought that people would answer the surveys but they didnt and finally we went out to collect data ourselves. If we had decided to go and get data ourselves earlier then we could have got more data. I think to get more data, I could have asked people during my free time because then I could have collected data from all the other classes. To conclude this investigation, by looking at the data we have and the charts we made it can be seen that boys in Year 8 play games for a longer time than girls in Year 8. By knowing this I know if I have to talk to anyone about games it would probably be a boy. If I ever get a chance to do this investigation again and I chose the same question then I would change a few things. First and foremost I would change my method of finding data. I would also try to get data from all 5 classes instead of just 2 classes.

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