Vedic Foundation of Homeopathy

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Vedic basis of Homeopathy

By Arun Kumar Upadhyay, IPS, M.Sc. AIFC, Cuttack

A German doctor Samuel Hahnemann (1755 AD) started Homeopathy after study of vari-
ous sciences and all ancient languages in 1796 (sanskrit sources are suppressed in all his
biographies as in works of other Indologists of Europe). In 1802-1821, six volumes of Orga-
non of Rational Medicine were published which is source of Homeopathy till today. It is
surprising that the medicines are effective and used worldwide, but there is no scientific basis
of these till today. All the 5 main aspects of Homeopathy are unexplained as per the state of
modern sciences today-(1) Medicines are prepared in alcohol solution only. (2) By diluting
the solution, power of medicine increases. (3) Dilution is done only 100 times at each step.
(4) Only the dilutions at 30, 200 and 1000 steps (called potency) are used. (5) As the total
number of electron-positron pairs in solar system is 1060 and visible universe has1086 parti-
cles in it, there can not be any atom of medicine in the preparation, but it is still effective. The
article explains the cosmological model explained in Taittir¤ya Upani¾ad about increase of
¢nanda 100 times at each level of world to explain the dilution. The levels of world are
measured in vedas in exponential scale with base two. With earth as a measuring rod, solar
system is of 30 units (called dh¢ma), so 30 power is most common. Solar system is a solution
in spread of alcohol in space of galaxy. Medicines prepared are effective as human body is a
static and dynamic image of galaxy, solar system etc. The effectiveness of Homeopathic
medicines is an experimental proof of validity of Vedic cosmology, otherwise none of the 22
theories of modern astronomy have any test. This also explains internal ratios of micro and
micro worlds as 107 and 105 which are correct, but not stated in any modern theory.
1. Introduction- Homeopathy was started has been published at low cost for spread in
by famous German doctor Samuel all universities by Govt of India for that pur-
Hahnemann (1755-1838) after study of an- pose. With the anti-Indian and anti-vedic pur-
cient languages (1). Here it may be noted that pose, and great contempt for anything Indian,
all ancient languages have been mentioned to Maxmuller and others of his kind never gave
avoid any reference to study of sanskit or any reference to any Indian source of Vedas.
vedas. All the European scholars were As per Oxford criteria itself, all the Indological
centered at Oxford where Colonel Boden had works of the university are baseless, stolen
donated his property looted from India in and false. In addition to the contempt for
1831 to start study of Indology. The declared knowledge and language of a defeated coun-
purpose(2) of the study are to uproot the vedic try, the aim of Hahnemann might have been
culture which had sprang up in past 3000 to make it acceptable to Europe and modern
years (as per them). The aim of destroying world. By naming Indian source, there might
vedas was re-iterated by all scholars includ- have been opposition from persons with
ing Maxmuller in all his writings, Roth, We- scholarly pretensions and specially from
ber, Wilson , Muir etc. Introduction to San- church. However, the deep inner faith in cor-
skrit-English Dictionary by Monier Williams rectness of Homeopathy continues till today
specifically mentions its aim of destruction of without knowing its ancient source or basis
Vedic knowledge, so that wretched Hindus in any modern science.
can see the light of Christianity. This book
2. Homeopathic medicines-To explain each step, suffix c can be used, e.g. 30c, 200c,
the theory of Homeopathy, it is necessary to but it is omitted.
explain the outline of processes for preparing 3. Unexplained basis-The process of
the medicines, which can be found in any text- Homeopathic medicines is popular all over
book. The process is- the world but, as per theories of modern sci-
(1) A medicine is selected for its qualities and ence, it should not be effective. The follow-
a saturated solution in alcohol is made-called ing aspects of these medicines have not been
mother tincture. Tincture means solution in explained so far-
Ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). (1) Medicines are prepared in alcohol solu-
(2) One drop of mother tincture is put in 99 tion only, not in water, milk, fat etc.
drops of pure ethyl alcohol. when the solu- (2) By increasing dilution, power of medicine
tion becomes homogenous, it is dilute 100 increases.
times more than the mother tincture, and its (3) Dilution is made only 100 times at each
potency (power or effectiveness) is called 1. step. Medicine of 30 potency is 1 part of
(3) Medicine of potency 1 is diluted 100 times mother tincture in 1060 parts of alcohol. It is
again to make potency 2. Repeating the proc- prepared by diluting 100 times for 30 steps.
ess again and again, we make medicines of The same can be done by diluting 50 times in
potencies 30, 200, and 1000 (called 1M). 60 steps, or 1000 times in 20 steps. But only
There are potencies of 1M, 2M, .. 10M also, one procedure is prescribed.
which are rarely used. (4) Potencies of 30, 200 and 1000 only are
(3) Medicinal property of a mineral or organic used.
product is tested by feeding the medicine to a (5) There are 1060 pairs of electron-positron
healthy person. The effect which are produced in the whole of solar system. Mass of solar
in a healthy person are called symptoms. The system is 1060 times mass of electron(3). Elec-
medicine will cure the same symptoms in a tron is a particle of negative charge surround-
patient. The medicine also depends on na- ing nucleus of every atom. Positron is parti-
ture or build of a person, called constitution. cle of same mass but of positive charge. In a
(4) By increasing dilution of a medicine, its solution of 100 drops having strength of 1 in
power increases. 30 power medicine is nor- 1060 can not have any atom of the medicine.
mally given in most symptoms with 1 to 3 Our galaxy has 1011 stars like sun (i.e. esti-
doses a day. 200 power is after intervals of mated mass of galaxy is 1011 time that of sun).
1-3 days. 1M power is given at interval of 1- The visible universe (1010 light years radius
2 weeks. from where light rays can theoretically reach
(5) The alcohol solution of required potency us) has 1011 galaxies. The total mass with dark
is absorbed in globules of glucose (sugar of matter and inter galactic space(4) is about 1086
milk) or in water solution for administering. times eletron. Thus medicine of 200 potency
(6) Sometimes mother tincture is diluted 10 (1 in 10400) is theoretically impossible. But
times at each step, by putting 1 drop in 9 drops medicines of 200, 1000 potency are not only
of alcohol. By this process potencies of 3, 6 made, they are also effective.
and 12 are used. This is mostly used for bio- 4.What is Veda-Before explaining vedic
chemic medicines. These potencies are indi- theory of universe, it is useful to know the
cated with suffix x, e.g. 3x, 6x, 12x. To dis- meaning of veda itself. Real veda is universe
tinguish medicines with 100 times dilution at itself. Veda(5) in world form is its approxima-
tion. Both are one, but understood in 3 parts- the old has beome new. Pur¢´a=pur¢
similar to Holy Trinity of Bible. Veda(6) as (old)+navati (becomes new). Veda is vidy¢
world is made by 3 gu´as of Prak¨ti (=na- (reception by puru¾a =man, conscious being),
ture, creative aspect of the Supreme Brahma)- tantra is mah¢vidy¢ (reception by mahar= sur-
sattva, raja, tama. Tama is matter (or energy) rounding).
in dormant form. Sattva is matter with poten- Created world has 4 stages-collection of
tial of action or change. Raja is actual process matter, understanding their groups as galax-
of change. The universe as a whole is called ies, sun as centre of action as source of radia-
Svayambh¦ (=self created) ma´²ala (enclo- tion (¢tm¢ of world), and finally earth is place
sure, sphere). This has 3 aspects called for beings to stay. As a parallel, Veda in words
manot¢ (mental aspect)-Veda (perception of also has 4 stages-Saïhit¢ (collection of
other parts), s¦tra (thread, link), niyati (di- mantra by individual ¨¾is), Br¢hma´a (expla-
rection of change). Similarly, knowledge has nation), ¡ra´yaka (application) and Upani¾ad
3 parts-nigama (veda), ¢gama (tantra) and (settled principle). As an average of impartial
pur¢´a (scientific cause of chain of transfor- observations of many ¨¾i, veda is apauru¾eya
mation). (super human, beyond individual bias)
Veda=j®¢na (knowledge) Vedas as world or word-both comprise the
Tantra=Interlink in a system (e.g. 3-Brahma ( Totality), Karma (action, work),
praj¢tantra=democracy)=s¦tra. Yaj®a (production of desired object in cycles).
Pur¢´a=niyati =chain of transformation World has 3 parts-Cosmic system
Veda as knowledge has three parts corre- (¢dhidaivika), physical world seen on earth
sponding to 3 meanings of root verb vid. This (¢dhibhautika) and internal world within hu-
is seen against background of universe or man body (¢dhy¢tmika). Seeing the world as
stored knowledge. Thus 3 branches make 4 link among the three is work (11) of ¨¾i
vedas including the background-i.e. Tray¤ (tri- (rassi=string, link among worlds). §¾i is link
ple) means 4 vedas. Root veda was Atharva in other ways also-(1) link between world and
(tharva=to shake, atharva is un-changing uni- common man, (2) chain of transfer of knowl-
verse). It had 3 branches-§k (form), yajur edge to future generations, (3) stars which are
(motion) and s¢ma ( field of influence). linked with us by light coming from them, (4)
Veda Nature Meaning of vid Dh¢tup¢°ha §¾is starting chain of progeny, (5) primordial
§k form to exist 4/60 strings as asat (too small to perceive) pr¢´a.
Yaju motion to gain 6/141 As work, world has 5 stages. Action element
S¢ma Field to know 2/57 is called Ka (kartt¢=doer) Brahma. Since it is
Atharva Background consider 7/13,10/177 5, 5 ka-k¢ra were prescribed by Guru Govind
Receiving information by a conscious ob- Singh ji to Kh¢las¢. There are 5-fold yaj®a-
server is veda, action (use of force) to affect classified in many(7) ways. The 5 stages of
the environ (mahar) is tantra, and resultant creation are called 5 parva of world-(1)
chain is pur¢´a. Veda comes from nisarga Svayambh¦ (whole universe), (2) Parame¾°h¤
(sarga=creation, ni=totality), so it is nigama. (=largest brick, galaxy), (3) Saura (solar sys-
Tantra is practical action, to be learnt by per- tem), (4) Ch¢ndra (sphere around earth con-
sonal instruction of teacher, so it is called taining moon orbit), (5) Bh¦=earth. All these
¢gama. Or, it comes from basic knowledge- are called ma´²ala. Parallel to them, there are
nigama. Pur¢´a is science to explain as to how 5 chakras in spinal chord of human body from
pit of throat to base. The chain of creation ¹r¤-s¦kta (appendix of §k veda).
from Svayambh¦ to bh¦ (earth, verb bh¦=to World visible as puru¾a is a collection of 13
happen) is called the cosmic tree. The source viºva and 14 bhuvana. Pura is a structure-
form is called root and up, the branches are meaning town, body etc. Puru¾a resides in it,
downwards. Individual crations are leaves. so it is called puru¾a. Any pura which is al-
While the chain of creation (world tree) is per- most closed, complete and independent is
manent, individual forms are transient like called viºva. Man (or human body) is a viºva.
leaves (8). Viºva lager than man are successively bigger
There are 3 meanings of each mantra of veda in ratio of 107-man, earth, solar system, gal-
for 3 world systems. As action also, it has 5 axy and universe (10). In-between there is
sets of meanings. Thus, there are a total of 15 chandra ma´²ala (sphere containing moon
meanings of mantras. orbit) which is important for life on earth, so
Though there are 5 stages or yaj®a, there are that too is called a viºva, but it is not in same
9 cycles of creation called sarga. Including ratio. The 4 higher spheres and 3 intermedi-
the abstract, Bh¢gavata pur¢´a has stated 10 ate spaces (antarikºa)-are 7 lokas-Bh¦ (earth),
sargas. Creating environment (9) is called bhuvar (sphere around earth with 4000 times
parjanya (cloud, pari = peri = surroundings, earth size), svah (solar system), mahah
janya = creative). Thus, there are 9 clouds in (sphere of 1500 light year diameter around
Bible (chapter 1) for 9 sargas. For each sarga sun which covers width of spiral arm of gal-
creation, there is a time cycle, so S¦rya- axy near sun), janah (galaxy), tapah (visible
siddh¢nta, chapter 11 has described 9 scales universe), satya (Eternal field of universe
of measuring time. which is satya or same in 3 ways-all places,
5. Vedic Cosmology-Universe is one, all times, all directions). Worlds smaller than
but no single theory can be complete. In mod- man are 7, each smaller by 105 than the pre-
ern mathematics, this is called vious-kalila (cell), j¤va (atom), ku´²alin¤ (nu-
IncompletenessTheorem of Godel (1931). In cleus), jagat (particles of 3 types-chara= lep-
Veda, it is described by two parallel theories- ton, sth¢´u=baryon, anup¦rva= meson parti-
as a man and as woman. S¢nkhya, describes cle for link), deva-d¢nava (1/4 th of the en-
man as the conscious being (puru¾a) and ergy is available for creation-called deva of
woman as the material of universe (Prak¨ti). 33 types. 3/4th is not creative-called d¢nava
Since prak¨ti is m¢t¨ (mother), it has become of 99 types), pitara (prototype) and ¨¾i (string
matter or material in English. Puru¾a is called of 10-35 meters)
V¨¾¢ (which rains, var¾a=rain, source of ra- Man, 5 higher, and 7 lower worlds-these
diation). Each point in space can be taken as are 13 viºva. Jagat is a living dynamic entity,
center of consciousness, so puru¾a is com- which is invisible. The lord of Jagat is called
plete universe and actually 10 times more than Vi¾´u,but he shows only his viºva-r¦pa (r¦pa
that as per puru¾a s¦kta (Yajur veda 31/1). =form). There are levels of consciousness for
Woman is called ¹r¤ =field of inflence, en- each level of world, one level is same for all
ergy. Visible matter is lakºm¤. ¹r¤ and Lakºm¤ viºva. So there will be 14 types of beings-
-both are wives of N¢r¢ya´a (Yajur veda 31/ called bhuvana or bh¦ta-sarga. For 7 lokas,
22). Both are yo¾¢ =which joins with radia- there are 8 divya s¨¾°i (energy forms) as per
tion from v¨¾¢. World as man is described as s¢¬khya philosophy. Remaining 6 are on
puru¾a-s¦kta (all vedas) and as female it is in earth-man is complete image of God or world
structure, there is inanimate like soil, rock- tween different objects or points. Localiza-
called sleeping consciousness, plants with in- tion of infinite field is curling effect, called
ner consciousness. Three others are beings curl operator in vector calculus or n¢ga
of land, water, air. Thus the sequence of crea- (snake) in veda. 9th dimension is randhra
tion is 7 lokas (heaven of Bible, ¢sm¢n of (hole, deficiency) also called nanda (less than
Koran), 8 divya beings, and 6 types of earth. the 10th dimension ¢nanda). Randhra is the
This is 786-called Bismillah in numeric code reason of change or creation-to make up the
of old Arabic script. This is the first sentence defect. Rasa is the infinite homogenous mat-
of Veda-the three sevens cover the world ter of universe which is the original source.
(Atharva-1/1/1). It has 14 other meanings Its awareness gives pleasure, so it is called
also. ¢nanda also. Purpose of medicine is to give
Another view(12) is of 10 dimensional space. ¢nanda. As it gives rasa, it is called ras¢yana.
Space has 3 dimensions-length, area, volume 6. Man as image of world-The static
are of 1, 2, 3 dimensions. Matter is the 4th image is represented by two reverse trees with
dimension. This is not a separate dimension roots upwards and branches downwards. The
in General Theory of Relativity-but a result 7 stages of cosmic/human tree are-
of curvature of 4-dimensional space-time- Cosmic tee Human tree
continuum. This is 4-headed Brahm¢. Time 1. Formless abstract rasa-Sahsr¢ra chkra
is the5th dimension-indicated by 5-headed 2.Duality for creation -- ¡j®¢ chakra
¹iva-called Mah¢k¢la (=the Great Time). 3. Svayambh¦ ma´²ala- Viºuddhi chakra
These 5 dimensions represent mechanical 4. Parame¾°h¤ ma´²ala- An¢hata chakra
world described by physics. As such 5 basic 5. Saura ma´²ala - Ma´ip¦ra chakra
units of measurement suffice-length, mass, 6. Ch¢ndra ma´²ala- Sv¢dhi¾°h¢na chakra
time, curent (or charge) and permittivity of 7. Bh¦-ma´²ala - M¦l¢dh¢ra chakra
free space. This is indicated by 5 M¢-chhandas The first two levels ae abstract-represented
(m¢=to measure, chhanda=cover, measure). by Om (AUM). 5 visible levels of cosmic tree
Next 4 dimensions are different levels of are indicated by the 5 root vowes of sanskrit
chetan¢. Consciousness is called chetan¢ as alphabet-in first 2 of 14 s¦tra of Maheºvara.
it does chayana (selection, arrangement). In- Levels of human tree from viºuddhi down-
animate mechanical world on its own cannot wards are indicated by corresponding inner
arrange itself into ordered structure. Left to letters-also indicated (13) by 2 s¦tras of
itself, it always goes to a state of greater dis- Maheºvara at start of consonants.
order. In thermodynamics, disorder is meas- Cosmic letters Human letters
ured by by entropy, which always increases A h
in a natural event. Elements of mechanical I y
world are 52=25 elements of s¢nkhya. For 6- U v
dimensional space, there are 62=36 elements § r
of ¹aiva philosophy. Extra 62-52=11 elements μ l
are 11 rudras which are organs of conscious- The letters of human tree are the b¤ja-
ness. The first stage of chetan¢ is perception, mantras (seed letters) of the 5 chakras-used
or reaction. 6th dimension is indicated by for meditation.
K¢rttikeya (Skanda=incanation of Vi¾´u) of 6 In space, individuality starts from galaxy.
heads. 7th dimension is ¨¾i which is link be- Beyond that, the whole universe looks same.
Galaxy has 3 zones-the nutrino corona is ate, prasava =child birth). Further 24 aharga´a
called Goloka in Pur¢´as as it has only light bigger is galaxy, whose zone is field of intel-
(go). This is the permanent field in which gal- lect, called sarasvat¤. S¢vitr¤ and sarasvat¤ are
axy is born and dies. As it does work, it is higher forms of g¢yatr¤ itself, being in same
called K¦rma in vedas. Sphere of galaxy is ratio. This is called Maitreya ma´²ala of size
parame¾°h¤ and the central rotating disc is of 105 yojana, where yojana is diameter of
¢k¢ºaga¬g¢ (space river). This disc has two sun. It is place of creation , or earth of solar
spiral arms called ¹e¾a-n¢ga. In its zone near system. Within this, at distance of 60 AU or
sun, there are about 1000 stars in width of 6000 sun diameters is the zone of solar wind
the arm, which are 1000 heads of ¹e¾a. One called £¾¢ (axial rod) or goj¢ (rod). This is
of the heads is sun, on (or in) which earth is Kratu (creator), beyond that is son of Kratu
of 109 parts of the solar system. Solar system where 60, 000 B¢lakhilya (child planets at
has 6 zones called va¾a°k¢ra (v¢k=space, end) of 1 angu¾°ha (96 parts of earth=135 km
sound which moves in it, ¾a°=6, k¢ra= cre- diameter) are situated.
ated). Earth is the measuring rod. Measure- 33 aharga´a is the limit of solar system. Upto
ment starts with inner core(14) of earth-1/4 of this distance, bodies will be under gravita-
radius. 1/2 of radius is middle part. Outer tional pull of sun and sun light will be more
layer of radius r is 3rd unit. Next measures than average brightness of galaxy. Pr¢´a (en-
also increase 2 at each time. The measure is ergy level) of each zone is a deva, thus there
called aharga´a (15). Distance d of nth aharga´a are 33 devas. Their symbols are consonants
is given by- from k to h, and sanskrit script is a nagara
d = r x 2 (n-3) (arrangement, chiti =city) of devas, so it is
Starting from earth size of 3 aharga´a, next called Devan¢gar¤. This is 30 zones (dh¢ma)
zones increase by 6 aharga´a at each step. beyond or bigger that earth, so v¢k (field) of
9th aharga´a=r x 26=64r. Moon is at 61 r. sun is of 30 dh¢ma. This is the reason of 30
15th aharga´a=212 of earth size=sphere upto power medicines.
about 60% of space btween earth and venus There is another division of solar system
orbit. Var¢ha (boar) in 3 zones at 100, 1000 and 105 diameter
21 aharga´a=This is 218 of earth size, extend- distance from sun-called 3 steps of Vi¾´u. As
ing beyond saturn orbit. In another measure, Vi¾´u holds the earth by its gravitation, its
this is sahasr¢kºa (1000 eyes=1000 diameters Greek name Hercules is shown holding the
of sun, sahasr¢kºa is synonym of Indra= ra- earth. This is exclusive zone of sun. Beyond
diation, king of gods). This is wheel of ratha that also sun is visible and the last limit up to
(chariot, body of solar system). Since this which sun can be seen as a point is defined as
measure crosses that wheel of ratha, it is Brahm¢´²a (galaxy is an egg=a´²a of
called rathantara-s¢ma (s¢ma=field of influ- Brahma). As last limit of sun it is parama-pada
ence, rathantara=crossing ratha). of Vi¾´u. Its size is 49 (49.3 to be exact)
27 aharaga´a-Compared to earth this is 224 aharga´a, whose symbols are 49 letters (in-
or 107 times bigger. Starting from man, earth cluding vowels) of Devan¢gar¤ script(16). The
is bigger in same ratio, 24 is number of let- zones starting from centre of galaxy (in M¦la-
ters in g¢yatr¤ chhanda, so earth has been barha´¤ star=increasing from root) upto its end
called g¢yatr¤. Zone of 27 aharga´a is crea- are 49 marut. This is like devas of solar sys-
tive area called s¢vitr¤ (=creative, sava=to cre- tem, so they are brothers of devas. This may
mean that the core assumed to be black hole mana in Vaiºe¾ika philosophy. By outer in-
is of 1/4 diameter of earth which can contain fluence, fluctuation caused in chitta is per-
more than 106 sun mass. ception and this aspect of mind is called
7. Mind-Original desire which started Praj®¢na-¢tm¢ -image of moon. Arriving at a
creation was by mind in vacuum (ºvovas¤yas decision is object of intellect. This is part of
mana). Individuality started with galaxy. Field Sun or its sphere and is called Vij®¢na-¢tm¢.
of satrs including interstellar space is great Thus sun is ¢tm¢ and moon is mana of world
individual mind. Human mind is an image of and control that aspect of man. Personality is
that in the sense that both contain same based on Vij®¢na-¢tm¢ which is linked to sun
number of particles-1011 nurons of human at speed of light(19). The link or message goes
brain are image of same number 1011 stars of from heart of man upto Brahma-randhra by
galaxy. This is given in detail in Charaka- individual path (a´u-patha=lanes) and then by
samhit¢. ¹atapatha-Br¢hma´a (10/4/4/2, highway upto sun by speed of light. As light
12/3/2/1,5) gives detail of the calculation. takes 8 minutes to cover distance of 15x107
Muh¦rtta is 15th part of average day-length kms. up to sun, it will go and return 3 times
of 12 hours. By dividing it 7 times by 15, we in a muh¦rtta of 48 minutes. This is continu-
get lomagartta (pit of hair, cell). Number of ous link with sun which is modifed by 7 types
lomagartta in a civil year of 360 days is equal of rays of planets upto saturn. Beyond 1000
to number of stars in galaxy, or cells in hu- diameters of sun, rays are too feeble to have
man body. 1/10th or 1011 is the number of effect and their time cycle also is more than
cells (nurons) in human brain. The tranquil human life. After death, the message goes to
field of galaxy stars is linked with human mind sun, but does not return. Link of praj®¢na-
and fluctuations in that field are caused by ¢tm¢ with moon also is with same speed and
motion of moon. So Moon has been called as the cycle is completed in a nime¾a (twinkling
born from mana (mind), giving its name as of eye). Mah¢na ¢tm¢ contains praj®¢na also
moon(17). and after death goes till limit of moon orbit.
The uniform matter in universe is ocean of The material part mergeswith Pitars and in-
rasa called nabhasv¢n (like nabha=sky). Un- dividual vij®¢na ¢tm¢ drifts under radiation
dulations in that are salila which created in- pressure (tail of Go=ray or cow) till saturn
dividual galaxies and their groups. Spread of whose rings are 3 zones of Vaitara´¤ river.
matter in space of galacy is ocean of ap 8. Explaining Homeopathy-(1) Solution
(¢pnoti=contains all), or v¢h (v¢ri= av¢pnoti in alcohol is made because solar system itself
=containing). Lord of this ocean is Varu´a. s a solution in alcohol of galaxy. This is field
This is mostly alcohol atoms(18), so v¢ru´¤ of mind, so the medicine will have effect
means liqour or alcohol. Matter or energy in through mind. This is also based on the
a boundary is Agni, spread in space is soma. interlink of 3 wold systems-Cosmic, man, and
Thus moon or its region are called soma. As physical (alcohol solution is image of galactic
fluid of galaxy, it means alcohol also. process).
Human mind as image of galaxy is called (2) The original material of world is ¢nanda.
Mah¢na-¢tm¢. Chitta is spread of conscious It is consumed in creation. Thus its density
field(in galaxy or man). Fluctuation in that field will be least, where matter is most dense.
is its v¨tti or mana. Smallest fluctuation level Densest part in solar system is earth. Starting
of a system has been called a´u (atom) of from earth, there are 30 zones till limit of solar
system, each of double size compared to pre- of particles divisible in up to 10 2000 parts or
vious or lower. Taittir¤ya Upani¾ad (2/8) tells more. Even the number of nutrinos will be
that ¢nanda will increase 100 times for each less. Mass and numbers of nutrinos are still a
higher loka. This tells about 15 levels and conjecture. Possibly, it goes upto level of pitar
¹atapatha br¢hma´a (its last chapter of 10-30 meter size or ¨¾i of 10-35 meter. But
B¨had¢ra´yaka upani¾ad, 4/3/2) tells 6 lev- any length of less than nucleus is not defined
els. But the rule applies to the whole solar in modern physics as it is smaller than the
system. Thus the solution in alcohol is diluted scale (wavelength of light).
100 times at each step. (6) Dilutions by 10 in each step appears to be
(3) Due to increase in ¢nanda with dilution, due to process of yaj®a= creation of desired
potency of medicine increases with dilution. objects in a cyclic order. Creation of com-
(4) Since solar system is 30 dh¢ma (zones) plete model of universe is called sarvahuta
beyond earth, medicine of 30 power is com- (in which all is consumed) yaj®a. This is com-
monly used. Image of sun is Ma´ip¦ra chakra pleted in 10 cycles called 10 days. In each
behind navel, which controls digestive sys- day creation is in tranquil part called night
tem. Since most deceases are related to di- (r¢tri). Man as a model of universe is reated
gestion only, 30 power is common. Earth is in 10 revolutions of moon i.e. 273 days in
result of condensation, called Bh¨gu (attrac- womb. After death, the body of lunar sphere
tion towards centre). There is an opposit ac- is made in 10 days (revolutions of earth). The
tion of radiation away from center-A¬gir¢ dilutions are in multiple of 1000= 3x or 103.
(=flame). Its centre is sun. Thus, the medi- This may be because puru¾a has 1000 º¤r¾a
cines affecting vij®¢na-¢tm¢ are sun-centric. (head or source), 1000 akºa (eyes, axis or
Earth is at 200 radius and largest planet Jupi- center of action) and 1000 p¢da (feet, steps
ter at 1000 radius from sun. So the next pow- of measuring rod).
ers are 200 and 1000, or multiples of 1000. 9. Mathemaical model-The preceeding
In Bh¨gu system there are 33 devas, in A¬gir¢ analysis indicates following aspects of cosmol-
ststem, there are 107 devas till limit of solar ogy which need explanation in any theory-
system. Thus there are 33 x107 devas in all. (1) Structures of world bigger than man are 5
(5) The dilution of 1 in 1060 for 30 power in mutual ratio of 107. Lower (smaller) struc-
medicine corresponds to the number of elec- tures are 7 in mutual ratio of 105. Thus, there
tron-positron pairs in solar system. Itis sur- is cross ratio of 5 and 7 with base of 10.
prising that the image process also behaves Worlds Level numbers Ratio of sizes
as if it contains same number of particles in Gross 5 7 (Exponential, base 10)
small amount of alcohol solution. There has Micro 7 5
been attempt to explain it on the basis of Thus Universe should behave like an entity
memory of a solution by Jerusalem Univer- of 10 dimensions.
sity, but it is a conjecture only. Some memory (2) Each dh¢ma or zone starting from earth is
of shape is exhibited in metals or crystals as in exponential scale with base 2, i.e. double
described in books of solid state physics, but of the previous. For mathematical operations,
no such theory is available in modern phys- base of natural logarithm is taken as e, which
ics. Puru¾a is past present and future also(20), is sum of an infinite series with approximate
so it will contain memory of past action also. value of 2.78.... Exponential nature of cos-
The solution behaves as if it has virtual number mic structure is also expressed in Helmholtz
Principle which tells that our perception of These are related to k¢la and n¢ga dimen-
sound, light are in logarithmic scale. Thus the sions. In, G¤t¢, third time has been called
units of sound (bel), light of stars (visual mag- akºaya (inexhaustible) k¢la, which is result
nitude), or earthquake (Ritcher scale) is meas- of 5 types of conservation laws in physics.
ured as logarithm of the energy. In other This is linked to randhra, when defect of one
words, the energy of cosmic event is in expo- place is removed, it is by taking from other
nential scale of our perception. place. Last k¢la is par¢tpara which is same
(3) Due to 10 dimensions of Universe, there always and beyond description. This is linked
were 10 alternate branches of cosmic theo- to10th dimension ¢nanda.
ries explained in N¢sad¤ya-s¦kta (§gveda 10/ (6) All the modern theories(21) are field theo-
129/1-7). On that basis, Pa´²ita Madus¦dana ries, assuming uniform world. That uniform-
Ojh¢ had explained Daºv¢da-rahsya (Secrets ity is only at level of space containig 1000
of 10-fold theory) in his book of that name galaxies. This does not explain the discrete
and in 10 separate books also for each theory. structures of world at 13 levels of viºva.
However, science of measurement is com- (7) There is no experiment in astronomy. We
plete with 5 dimensions giving 5 basic units can not change, remove, create or stop any
of measurement in physics. By including 4 star or a planet. We can only observe what-
additional levels of consciousness (combina- ever small light can reach us. Homeopathy is
tions of ºiva+ºakti in ºaiva philosophy), we the only system in which we can test the model
get 4 more theories. One is the uniform sca- of cosmology described in Vedas. Its effec-
lar field of universe, called rasa or ¢nanda. tiveness, makes it as the only tested theory.
This gives 6 fold philosophy. (8) It is surprising that, universe behaves si-
(4) Zones of successively double sizes from multaneously as per several models. Thus no
earth have 100 times more ¢nanda. These are single theory can explain. There is no math-
zones of condensation (Bh¨gu). Zones of ra- ematics which is continuous and discrete both.
diation (A¬gir¢) dtart from sun center and are (9) All three systems of world-cosmic, physi-
in linear scale. In that scale also ¢nanda in- cal, human-are images of each other. Their
creases 100 times at each level. interlink is foundation of vedas. Non-believ-
(5) Some dimensions are infinite, some are ers in such link are non-vedic-like jaina,
local, due to n¢ga (curling). Localization has bauddha, ch¢rv¢k. These also are correct, as
been explained by Calabi-geometry used to most of the matters do not need considera-
explain 10 dimensional string theories. tion of link or discussion of ¢tm¢. Thus, vedas
(6) In 10 dimension string theories, there is a are by ¨¾i (rassi=link) and Jaina texts are by
dimension of time, and another time-like di- muni (thinkers).
mension. In Indian astronomy, there are two Key words-mother tincture, potency, symp-
types of time-Nitya (eternal) k¢la (time) is toms, constitution, Veda, gu´as, Prak¨ti ,
steadily deacying world (kºara puru¾a). This Tray¤, ¢dhidaivika, ¢dhibhautika, ¢dhy¢tmika,
is thermodynamic arrow of time in modern ¨¾i, yaj®a, parva, chakra, cosmic tree, sarga,
physics due to which any natural process in- parjanya, puru¾a, viºva, Jagat, lokas, dimen-
creases entropy or disorder. Another is janya sions, Rasa, aharga´a, deva, dh¢ma, mana,
(creative) k¢la which is measured. That is re- ap, v¢ru´¤, Agni, soma, Chitta, Vij®¢na-¢tm¢,
lated to yaj®a which is production in cycles. ¢nanda, Bh¨gu, A¬gir¢, sarvahuta, k¢la.
Measure of that cycle serves as unit of time.
(1) Any standard book on Homeopathy may be seen.
(2) See-Bh¢ratavar¾a k¢ b¨had Itih¢sa-by Bhagavaddatta, vol-I, Pranav Prakashan, 1/28,
East Punjabi bag, new Delhi-110026. Edition 3 of 94. Appendix-Western Indologists-A
study in Motives. Or see,Vol. 1 of 18 Volume Indian History, by BHISHMA,B-7/8, Shreepal
Apartments, Panch Pakhadi, Thane-400602.
(3) See-Fundamentals of Physics-4th Edition-By Halliday, Resnick & Walker-Asian Books
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi-110020-Appendix.
(4) The estimate can be found in many books on cosmology-e.g.-Cosmology-By J.B.Narlikar,
Cambridge University Press.
(5) This is based on writings of Sri Madhusudan Ojha, who wrote about 250 books in sanskrit
to explain scientific topics of vedas. His student Pt. Motilal Sharma of Jaipur has explained
many of his concepts in his voluminous books mainly published or available with Rajsthan
Patrika Prakashan, Jaipur. Some books of Sri Ojha have been published with Hindi translation
by Madhusudan Ojha Chair of Jodhpur University, Rajsthan. These have been summarized in
my Hindi book-S¢nkhya Siddh¢nta, 2006-Nag Publishers, Delhi-110007, or English book-
Vedic View of SÃr¤ Jagann¢tha-Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupai-517507.
(6) See for example G¤t¢-› VËg{X{V {ZX}emo ~«÷UpñÌ{dY: ñ_¥V:Ÿ& (17/23)
àH¥$Vo: {H«$`_mUm{Z JwU¡: H$_m©{U gd©e:(3/27)
I.e.Triple indication of Single Brahma is done, e.g. Aum, Tat, Sat. All acts are being done by
Prak¨ti with its (3) gu´as.
(7) nmL²>º$mo d¡ `k: (eVnW ~«m÷U 1/5/2/16, JmonW nyd© 4/24 Am{X)
nmL²>º§$ dm BX§ gd©_² (V¡{Îmar` Cn{ZfX² 1/7/1)
`m{Z nÄMYm Ìr{U Ìr{U Voä`mo Z Á`m`: na_Ý`XpñV (N>mÝXmo½` Cn{ZfX² 2/21/3)
I.e.Yaj®a are 5-fold. All these are 5-fold. There is nothing extra or more than 5 triples, or 3
fives. Five fold meanings have been listed in Taittir¤ya Upani¾ad (1/3) as-adhiloka, adhijyauti¾a,
adhividy¢, adhipraj¢, adhy¢tma. Triple meaning is indicated at start of G¤t¢, chapter 8-
adhy¢tma, ¢dhidaivika, ¢dhibhautika.
A total of 15 meanings are indicated in G¢yatr¤-Varivasy¢ of Bh¢skarar¢ya Bh¢rat¤. These
have been called 15 sources (uktha) in §gveda-
ghòYm nÄMXem{Z CŠWm `mdV² Úmdmn¥{Wdr Vmd{XV² VV² (F$½doX 10/114/8)
I.e. Sources are 15, each thousand fold and infinite, they extend as much as earth (3 types-
planet earth, solar system, galaxy) and their sky.
(8) D$Üd©_yb_Y: emI_ídËW§ àmhþaì``_²Ÿ& N>ÝXm§{g `ñ` nUm©{Z `ñV§ doX g doX{dV²Ÿ& (JrVm 15/1)
I.e. The tree with roots above and branches downwards is called eternal aºvattha (ficus tree).
Chhanda (measures of word or world) are its leaves. Only those who realize this understand
the vedas.
(9) gh`km: àOm: g¥îQ>²dm nwamodmM àOmn{V:Ÿ& AZoZ àg{dÜ`îd_of dmo@{ñËdîQ>H$m_YwH²$Ÿ& (JrVm 3/10)
AÝZmX²^dpÝV ^yVm{Z nO©Ý`mXÝZgå^d:Ÿ& `kmX²^d{V nO©Ý`mo `k: H$_© g_wX²^d:Ÿ&
H$_ª ~«÷moX²^d§ {d{Õ ~«÷mjag_wX²^d_²Ÿ& Vñ_mËgd©JV§ ~«÷ {ZË`§ `ko à{VpîR>V_²Ÿ&(JrVm 3/14-15)
Ed§ àd{V©V§ MH«§$ ZmZwdV©`Vrh `:Ÿ& ... (16)
I.e. Praj¢pati (creator aspect) created yaj®a alongwith praj¢ (progeny) and stated-you will
produce desired objects by this only. From anna (grains or any food) are made bh¦ta (be-
ings), anna is from parjanya (pari=surrounding, janya=creation, all round clouds help in cul-
tivation, so cloud also is pajanya), parjanya is from yaj®a, and yaj®a is from karma. Know
karma (action=force x displacement) created from Brahma (collection of matter) and Brahma
from Akºara (non-decaying onscious being). This cycle of yaj®a is to be followed by all.
(10) See my books in ref. (5). All higher lokas have been measured in 7 different units of
length called yojana. There are 7 yugas also. Yojana and yuga-both are derived from root
verb-yuj=to join. These unite in 7 ways in ratha (body of universe or man,car)-
gßV `wÄOpÝV aW_oH$MH«$mo EH$mo Aídmo dh{V gßVZm_m (F$½doX 1/164/2-Añ`dm_r` gyº$)
Only one example of world structures is given-
a{d MÝÐ_gmo`m©`Ý_`yI¡ad^mñ`VoŸ& g g_wÐ g[aÀN>¡bm n¥{Wdr VmdVr ñ_¥VmŸ&
`mdËà_mUm n¥{Wdr {dñVman[a_ÊS>bmŸ& Z^ñVmdËà_mU§ d¡ ì`mg _ÊS>bVmo {ÛOŸ& ({dîUw nwamU 2/7/3-4)
Earth is (defined as) the zone lighted by sun and moon; in these ocean, river and rivers are
stated. Planet earth is the first p¨thiv¤ lighted by sun and moon both. The zone lighted by sun
is second earth. last limit of reach of sun-rays is third earth called Brahm¢´²a. O Br¢hma´a !
(Maitreya to Par¢ºara)-Whatever is the measure of earth in diameter and circumference (starting
from man), the same is diameter and circumference of its sky from earth size. Thus, starting
from man, earth, its sky solar system, galaxy (sky for solar system as earth) and Universe
(sky for galaxy) are in same ratio =107.
~mbmJ« eVgmhò§ Vñ` ^mJñ` ^m{JZ;Ÿ& Vñ` ^mJñ` ^mJmYª VËj`o Vw {ZaÄOZ_²Ÿ& (Ü`mZ{dÝXw Cn{ZfX² 4)
B¢l¢gra (hair end) is hundred thousand part (of man), make same parts 6 times more (to get
smaller worlds), beyond that is Nira®jana (not seen with any instrument).
F${fä`mo {nVamo OmVm {nV¥ä`mo Xod XmZdm:Ÿ& Xodoä`íM OJËgdª Ma§ ñWmÊdZwnyd©e:Ÿ& (_Zwñ_¥{V 3/201)
From §¾is were born pitara, from Pitara were deva and d¢nava. From Deva only (not from
d¢nava) were all jagat (moving particles) of 3 types-chara (moving=lepton), sth¢´u (heavy or
fixed-baryon) and anu-p¦rva (before and after link)=mesonic particles.
(11) Pt. Madhusudan Ojha has defined 4 types of §¾is in his book Mahar¾i-kula-vaibhavam-
By Rajsthan Oriental Research Institute, Jodhpur-(1)Human ¨¾i of 3 types-chain of knowl-
edge, progeny, and seers, (2) stars, (3) asat pr¢´a, (4) preachers. However, there are 3 more
types-(1) primordial strings of 10-35 meters, (2) 7 types of atomic forces-3 valencies,
gravitaition, electromagnetic and strong and week nuclear forces, (3) and 7th dimension of
10 dimensional world. Size of string is given in sequence of micro worlds. Asat pr¢´a is
defined in ¹atapatha Br¢hma´a (6/1/1/1)-
AgÛm@BX_J«@AmgrV²Ÿ& VXmhþ:-qH$ VXmgr{X{VŸ& F$f`mo dmd Vo@J«o@AmgrV²Ÿ& VXmhþ:-Ho$ Vo F$f` B{VŸ& Vo
`Ënwam@@ñ_mËgd©ñ_m{XX{_ÀN>ÝV: l_oU Vngm[afZ²-Vñ_Ñf`:Ÿ&
There was asat only in begnning. What is that asat? They are §¾is. What are the ¨¾is? They
were before all this world. They pulled (like rope) with force and energy, so they are called
¨¾i (=rassi, rope).
(12) 10 dimensional space has been described to explain 10 mah¢vidy¢ in Journal of Ganganath
Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Allahabad, Jan-Dec.2002-03, and also in the book-
Glimpses of T¢ntric Studies-published by R.N.Bhattacharya, Kolkata-2006. Modern 10 di-
mensional string theories can be seen in the following books-String theory-by Tulasidas-New
Age Internatinal, Hyderabad. Introduction t Supersymmetry and Supergravity-By S.P.Mishra-
Wiley eastern Ltd, Delhi-2. The Elegant Universe-By Brian Greene-Vintage Books, New
(13) 14 s¦tra (aphorims) of Maheºvara (¹iva) are result of beating his ±amar¦ (double coni-
cal drum). These contain 43 letters and are source of tantra to explain the origin of universe
(as explained in Nandikeºvara k¢ºik¢) and of grammer (P¢´ini has formed 4000 aphorims
using codes made from these s¦tras, these are in 8 adhy¢ya=chapters, so it is called A¾°¢dhy¢y¤)
(14) There are 3 dh¢ma within earth-core, middle liquid layer, and outer surfane. These are
images (involution in geometry) of two outer earths-solar system, and galaxy which are
closed (P¨thu) and place or base of creation-
{Vòmo _mV¦órZ² {nV¦Z² {~^«XoH$ D$Üd©VñWm¡ Zo_d ½bmn`pÝVŸ&
_ÝÌ`ÝVo {Xdmo A_wî` n¥ð>o {díd{_X§ dmM_{díd{_Ýdm_² (F$H²$.1/164/10)
The one (Praj¢pati) holds (bibhrad) 3 mothers (bases of creation) and 3 fathers (surrounding
sky which is conscious cause of creation-Puru¾a of S¢nkhya). Praj¢pati is placed above them
(original source in tree or chain of creation is called up). These creations (£m) do not affect
(ava-gl¢payanti) Him. His word knows the world (viºvavid) but aloof from that (viºvaminva).
This is observed on surface of sky (dyu).
{Vòmo ^y{_Ym©a`Z² ÌréV ÚyZ² Ìr{U d«Vm {dXWo AÝVaofm_²Ÿ&
F$VoZm{XË`m _{h dmo _{hËd§ VX`©_Z² déU {_Ì MméŸ& (F$H²$.2/27/8)
That Praj¢pati holds 3 bh¦mi (earth) and 3 dyu (sky). Between the 3 pairs are 3 antarikºa
(intermediate spaces) whose §ta (energy field) are 3 ¡ditya-Aryam¢ (of Tapah loka=visible
universe), Varu´a (janah loka=galaxy, its spiral arm near sun is mahar-loka), and Mitra
(bhuvar=part of solar system)
Úm¡pînV… n¥{W{d _mVaY«wJ¾o ^«mVd©gdmo _¥iVm Z…Ÿ&
{dídm Am{XË`m A{XVo gOmofm Añ_ä`§ e_© ~hþb§ {d `ÞŸ&(F$H²$.6/51/5)
Father is dyau (sky) and mother is earth, which is adhrruk (holder, not against). Agni
(concentrated energy or matter in a shape) is brother (being born from same parents). Vasus
are 8 forms of agni and also brother which please us. All worlds are¡ditya (from which
creation has started, ¢di=beginning). Aditi is creative field of ¡ditya, it weaves (viyanta)
many covers (=ºarma of bodies, objects) around us.
n¥{Wì`m{__o bmoH$m…(n¥{Wdr, AÝV[aj Úm¡) à{V{ð>Vm…Ÿ&(O¡{_Zr` Cn{ZfX² ~«m÷U 1/10/2)
Within earth, these lokas are located (earth, intermediate, sky).
Vñ`m EVV² n[a{_V§ ê$n§ `XÝVd}{X (^y{nÊS>…) AW¡f ^y_m@n[a{_Vmo `mo ~{hd}{X…(_hmn¥{Wdr)-
EoVao` ~«m.8/5)
This limited form of that earth is internal vedi (creation place=earth), the unlimited bigger is
outer vedi (grand earth).
(15) Aharga´a is day-count in astronmy of calender. From a selected point (beginning of
reation era, kali or any recent point),we calculate number of days called aharga´a and calcu-
late positions of planets from that. Ahar has two meanigs- lighed part(day time on earth
surface, or brightness zones in sky), or day-night(also called dina or divasa). Divasa is really
day+night, i.e. ahar+r¢tri=ahor¢tra or hor¢ in short form. Hor¢ divides ahar parts or r¢ºis
(signs of zodiac) into 2 parts like day-night divisions. Vice versa, ahar should mean double of
previous parts in sky. This meaning of ahar counts of sky was purely from its relation with
hor¢. This is confirmed from the following verse-
ÛmqÌeV§ d¡ XodaWm•çmÝ``§ bmoH$…Ÿ& V§ g_ÝV§n¥{Wdr {ÛñVmdËn`}{VŸ& Vm§ g_ÝV§ n¥{Wdt {ÛñVmdËg_wÐ… n`}{VŸ&
(~¥hXmaÊ`H$ Cn{ZfX² 3/3/2, AWm©V² eVnW ~«m÷U 14/3/1/2)
This loka of Deva-ratha (=chariot or body of devas or lighed zones) is of 32 ahar (ah¢ni=plural
of ahar). All around it is the earth (solar system of 33 ahar in this context) which is double in
size. Again double sphere around this (34th ahar) is sea (spread of galactic matter).
Thus, ahar measures are successively double of the previous ahar zone. The measures in this
unit are chhanda, e.g. galaxy measure is jagat¤ (meter of 48k2 syllables). Other 6 units of
length can be seen in ref. (5).
(16)B{V ñVwVmgmo AgWm [agmXemo `o ñW Ì`íM qÌeÀM Ÿ& _ZmoX}dm `{k`mg:Ÿ& (F$H²$ 8/30/2)
Aï>m¡ dgd EH$mXe éÐm ÛmXe Am{XË`m: àOmn{VíM dfQ²>H$maíM (EoVao` ~«m÷U 2/18, 3/7, 3/22)
There are 33 devas born in mana (galaxy)=8 vasu+11 rudra+12 ¢ditya+Praj¢pati, va¾°k¢ra.
gá gá {h _méVm JUm:Ÿ& (7•7=49, `Ow.17/80-85, 39/7, eVnW ~«m. 9/3/1/25)
Marut groups are 7x7.
(17) MÝÐ_m _Zgmo OmV: (nwéf gyº$, dmO.`Owd}X 31/12)
Chandra (moon) is born from mana (mind).
(18) Definition of Ap and Varu´a is from Gopatha br¢hma´a, p¦rva (1/2,7), v¢h (v¢ri )
from ¹atapatha br¢hma´a (6/1/1/1)
`ñ` Ìr nyUm© _YwZm nXmÝ`jr`_mUm ñdY`m _XpÝVŸ&
` C {ÌYmVw§ n¥{Wdr_wVÚm_oH$mo XmYma ^wdZm{Z {dídmŸ&4Ÿ&
Three steps of Vi¾´u are full of madhu (honey or alcohol) are intoxicated by their inexhaustable
source. Singly he holds 3 dh¢tus earth, sky and all bhuvanas,
VXñ` {à`_{^ nmWmo Aí`m§ Zamo `Ì Xod`dmo _XpÝVŸ&
CéH«$_ñ` g {h ~ÝYy[aËWm {dîUmo: nXo na_o _Üd CËg:Ÿ&5Ÿ(F$H²$1/154)
In favourite place of Vi¾´u, followers of devas are intoxicated. Parama (extreme) step of
Vi¾´u is inexhaustable source of alcohol.
For modern theories, see these books-
Life Itself-F H C Crick-Simon & Schuster, Newyork,1982
Evolution From Space-F.Hoyle and Chandra Wickramsinghe
Intelligent UniverseF.Hoyle, Michael Joseph-London, 1983
Astronomical Journal-975(196-99)
(19) {Ìh© dm Ef (_Kdm-BÝÐ:-Am[XË`:-gm¡aàmUm:) EVñ`m _whÿÎm©ñ`o_m§ n¥{Wdt g_ÝV: næ`}{VŸ&
(O¡{_Zr` Cn. ~«m.1/44/9)
Pr¢´a of ¡ditya makes round trip of earth in a muh¦rtta.
ê$n§ ê$n§ _Kdm ~mo^dr{V _m`m: H¥$ÊdmZñVÝd§ n[a ñdm_²Ÿ&
{Ì`©{Ôd: n[a _whÿÎm©_mJmV² ñd¡_©ÝÌ¡aZ¥Vwnm F$Vmdm(F$H²$.3/53/8)
Maghav¢ (Indra) takes each form by limiting itself in a boundary (m¢y¢). Indra (radiation)
goes from earth and comes back 3 times in a muh¦rtta.
(20) nwéfEdoX§ gdª `X² ^yV§ `ÀM ^mì`_²Ÿ& CVm_¥VËdñ`oemZmo `XÝZoZm{Vamoh{VŸ&& `Ow (31/2)
Puru¾a is all this created world, its past, present and future. He is lord of immortality and
grows from grains.
(21) Modern physics can be seen in Feynman Lectures in Physics-in 3 vols. by Narosa
Publishers. Modern Cosmology theory can be seen in 2 books by J.B.Narlikar-Universe around
Us-Oxford University Press, and Cosmology-Cambridge UP.
Transliteration of sanskrit words
(1) All sanskrit words are given in italics. Some other non Engkish words also are in italics.
(2) Key words of sanskrit or modern sciences are in bold letters and listed at the end.
(3) Definition of key words is where they are in bold letters in the text.
(4) It is not possible to give all references. Only the minimum and easily available have been
(5) Special sounds-Long vowels have bar over them, e.g.-¢, ¤, ¦,
Vowel r and other letters spokenfrom top of pellet have dot below them-¨, °, °h, ², ²h, ´, ¾.
The third s spoken from nearer to throat has oblique bar over it-º.
Nasal sound before k group is-¬, before ch group is ®.
ch is pronounced as in chair. Adding h sound makes it chh.
Some sources
The common samhit¢ (compilation of mantras) for each veda in original is published by Nag
Publishers, 11A/UA, Jawahar nagar, Delhi-7. It has also published all the 18 pur¢´as-
2 M-matsya, m¢rka´²eya, 2 Bha-Bh¢gavata, Bhavi¾ya, 3 Bra-Brahma, Brahm¢´²a, Brahma-
vaivarta, 4 Va- V¢mana, v¢yu, vi¾´u, var¢ha. 7 misc-An¢palingak¦ska=Agni, N¢rada, Padma,
Linga, Garu²a, K¦rma, Skanda. English translation of §gveda and Atharva are also available
from this, but they are almost meaningless. Hindi translation with S¢ya´a commentary in
sanskrit is available from Chowkhamba, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-7.
¹atapatha Br¢hma´a with S¢ya´a commentary in sanskrit in 5 vols is by Nag Publishers,
Taittir¤ya samhit¢ in 7 vols with Bha°°a-Bh¢skara commentary in 7 vols is by Motilal
Banarsidass, Jawahar nagar, Delhi. It has also planned 100 vol. translation of Pura´a in English
of which 70 have come out.
108 Upani¾ad are from Chowkhamba. 188 Upani¾ad collection is by Motilal Banarsidass.
Mah¢bh¢rata with Hindi translation is by Gita Press Gorakhpur in 6 vols. G¤t¢ is part of it. It
has been published with several commentaries by G¤ta Press and others.
Others have been indicated in reference.


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