InTraDE Newsletter Jul-Dec 2012

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of hard work and joint collaboration, the InTraDE trans-national partnership has approached the conclusive development stage of the Intelligent Transportation for Dynamic Environment project. The prototype of an Intelligent Autonomous Vehicle (IAV) for port freight conveyance is undergoing final testing: trajectory tests; tests of GPS mast with/without container/cassette; battery management system, twist-lock system and Control Aerial Network tests. At the beginning of the new year its functioning will be publicly unveiled during open events at the ports of Rouen, Oostende and Dublin. The ports will provide logistical support to enable the implementation of different scenarios. THE FIRST PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION OF THE InTraDE RobuTAINeR IAV PROTOTYPE WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE RADICATEL TERMINAL ON 27 FEBRUARY 2013. If you interested in participating, please contact:

Radicatel terminal, port of Rouen

InTrade tests at the Radicatel terminal

InTrade RobuTAINeR construction

IS THE InTraDE IAV GOING TO REVOLUTIONARISE PORT OPERATIONS? InTraDE is developing not only the IAV prototype, but also an inter-linked Intelligent Transport System (ITS) which consists of a supervision system to monitor the IAV operations, and a virtual simulator which reproduces the port environment for simulations of traffic scenarios. Prof. Rochdi Merzouki, InTraDE Project Manager (Politech Lille) stated: Because of its flexibility, effectiveness and economic/environmental advantages, we believe that the InTraDE integrated system could appeal to different types of big and medium-sized ports where diverse types of commodities are handled. We do not expect that its utilisation will completely revolutionarise the way port operations are managed. However, what we know is that it has a huge potential to help optimise freight traffic.

MEPs BACK "CONNECTING EUROPE FACILITY" TO INVEST IN TRANSEUROPEAN NETWORKS Rules on how in the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework (2014-20) the "Connecting Europe Facility" is to fund infrastructure projects of common interest for trans-European transport, energy and telecoms networks were approved in a joint vote by the Transport and Industry committees on 18 December 2012 with 81 votes in favour, 8 against and 5 abstentions. Three-fifths of future CEF funding is earmarked to develop modern, sustainable, safe and high performance transport networks (source: EU Parliament). The question is: are IAVs going to play a role as potential key elements to enhance transport flows and optimise logistics in the future EU funding Programmes?

The InTraDE IAV - RobuTAINeR prototype loaded with a reach stacker Rochdi MERZOUKI, Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, Avenue Paul Langevin 59655 Villeneuve dAscq. +33.(0).,,

INTRADE TESTS SUCCESSFULLY PERFORMED 20 October. The Robutainer prototype was delivered to the port of Rouen Radicatel, following a set of system tests carried out in Bidard at Robosofts site. Technicians and design engineers were appointed to work on a number of additional tests in preparation for the first demonstration events. Tests were performed on the empty IAV (steering & lateral/forward/backward drive; linear & curvilinear trajectories; 360 Volt lead batteries power unit and converters) and with an empty container (loading and unloading; lateral motion and braking). A final test scenario involved positioning the Robutainer to pick the cassette and twist lock it. Platoon with InTraDE RobuTAINeR INTRADE SHOWCASED AT THE IFSTTAR PLInfra SEMINAR 6 November, Paris. During the closing seminar of the PLInfra project (20082012), held at Paris La Dfense and organised by IFSTTAR - Institut franais des sciences et technologies des transports, de lamnagement et des rseaux, an InTraDE delegation showcased the projects cockpit and presented InTraDE to a multi-sector audience. The efforts of the partnerships and technology employed aroused great interest and opportunities were explored to further share best practices among the various stakeholders. PLInfra is a scheme aimed at improving road safety, developed by IFSTTAR in conjunction with the scientific and technical research centres of the MEDDE Ministry (Ministre de lenvironnement, du dveloppement durable et de lnergie) and DGITM (Direction gnral des infrastructures, des transports Moving freight with better trucks. et de la mer). Image courtesy of: Bernard Jacob, IFSTTAR InTraDE LOOKS FOR SUPPORT TO TEST ITS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERABILITY The demonstration events at the InTrade partner ports in 2013 will showcase the advantages that the system offers to small-medium sized ports in general and confined spaces in particular. Such public tests will provide the basis upon which a socio-economic impact study will be subsequently conducted to analyse its benefits but also its possible future exploitation and applicability. It will, in fact, be vital to assess how and to which other environments (e.g. airports, rail freight yards, bus routes, campuses, museums, even farms) and/or means of transport (buses, cars,etc.) the technology could be transferred. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE InTraDE IAV? WOULD YOU LIKE TO DISCUSS ANY POTENTIAL APPLICATION OF THIS TECHNOLOGY WITH THE PARTNERSHIP? CONTACT /

What are IAVs? IAVs are similar but technologically, economically, environmentally more efficient than Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV). IAVs do not need to follow fixed routes embedded in the infrastructure to reach their destination. The IAV is an individual unit which can also work in groups allowing it to form a platoon similar to a train with locomotives. The unit capacity of an IAV is one TEU (twenty foot equivalent unit). Two IAVs will be required to transport two TEU or one FEU (forty foot equivalent unit). All four wheels have actuators and a failure in any of the wheels individually does not stop the vehicle from operating. The unit is battery operated and the wheels offer 360 degrees movement allowing the vehicle to move in any direction within a confined space. The IAV is a multi-input, multi-data (MIMD) system equipped with several sensors which will enable it to benefit from Geographical Positioning System (GPS), allowing it to move unmanned around port terminals, delivering containers to and from marshaling areas. Although the IAV is not exactly new, what makes it different is that it does not require a guidance system such as rails or transponders set into the ground. (Port technology of the future, Kay McGinley and Roisin Murray) THE InTraDE IAV:

Hybrid drive, battery operated, plug-in, with a build-in thermal generator (GPL) to ensure unconditional autonomy. Two degrees of mobility x and y to steering control. Totally operable by a remote control computing in virtual environment. Ability of pairing/unpairing enabling a pair of 1-TEU (20-foot Equivalent Unit) IAVs join and transport any size between a 1TEU and a 1-FFE (40-foot Equivalent) containers. Feed-back to the remote control by sensors (GPS, lasers, ultrasonic) 4 wheels drive, 4 wheels steering on 360, integrated suspensions.

Rochdi MERZOUKI, Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, Avenue Paul Langevin 59655 Villeneuve dAscq. +33.(0).,,

INTRADE ON THE EU PARLIAMENTARY MAGAZINE & REGIONAL REVIEW October 2012. The InTraDE project gained substantial visibility thanks to the publication of two articles which appeared in the EU Parliamentary Magazine (issue 355) and Regional Review (issue 24): The digital version of the magazines have an audience of 50.000 incl. those listed in the European Public Affairs Directory. Every month more than 4.000 hard copies of the EU Parliamentary Magazine are distributed to MEPs, EU agencies, NGOs, trade associations, other stakeholders.

ITS WORLD CONGRESS The World Congress on ITS is an international meeting and exhibition that rotates among three major geographic regions (Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific) annually. The 2012 edition was organised in Vienna from 22 to 26 October. During 1 week the 19th Congress showcased the latest developments within the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. With more than 10,000 participants from 90 countries the event set a new record in the number of visitors. The 2013 ITS World Congresss Opening Ceremony will take place at the Tokyo International Forum whilst the Sessions & Exhibition will be held at the impressive Tokyo Big Sight (1418 October). Open has been chosen as the key word for expanding the potential of ITS: open platforms for basic concerns, open connectivity, opportunities and collaboration for the tree new domains.

INTRADE FEATURED IN THE NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PLATFORM December 2012. Founded in 1976 and headquartered in Austin, Texas, National Instruments provides a graphical system design platform for test, control, and embedded design applications that is transforming the way engineers and scientists design, prototype, and deploy systems. In December the article La solution CompactRIO reste financirement trs abordable par rapport dautres alternatives envisages" by Nicolas-Thomas Bec, Vincent Coelen, Michel Pollart and Rochdi Merzouki, Polytech Lille (InTraDE Lead Partner) was published on its website, thus illustrating a technical part of the InTraDE work to a very wide audience. See: INTRADE PUBLISHES NEW SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Port technology of the future by Kay McGinley and Roisin Murray was presented at the Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN) Conference 2012, hosted by the University of Ulster on 29-30th August 2012. The paper highlighted the main features of IAVs -such as the InTraDEs RobuTAINeRwhich, according to the authors, will contribute to improving the traffic management and space optimization inside confined space by developing a clean, safe and intelligent transport system. Cooperative behaviors for the self-regulation of Autonomous Vehicles in space sharing conflicts by Mohamed Tlig, Olivier Buffet, Olivier Simonin, Universite de Lorraine / INRIA was submitted to the 24th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence. The event took place on 7-9 November in Athens, Greece. Smooth Path Tracking without Swing for Wheeled Robots, Jano Yazbeck, Alexis Scheuer and Franois Charpillet, LORIA / INRIA, MAIA team Campus Scientifique was submitted to the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. ICRA 2012 was held in St. Paul, MN, USA on 14-18 May 2012; ICRA 2013 will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany on 6-10 May 2013.

For info: / ITS Japan, Ms Haruko Ide, Tel. +81(0)3-57771013, ITS America, Ms. Nicole Oliphant, Tel. +1-202-7214215, ITS Europe, Ms. Pamela Valente , Tel. +32-2-4000785,

Tokyo International Exhibition Centre (Big Sight) Rochdi MERZOUKI, Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, Avenue Paul Langevin 59655 Villeneuve dAscq. +33.(0).,,

WHAT IS INTRADE? InTraDE - Intelligent Transportation for Dynamic Environment ( is a 7m project 50% co-financed by European Regional Development Funds under the Interreg IVB trans-national cooperation North West Europe Programme. Started in 2009 and led by the Polytechnic of Lille, it brings together seven partners from France, Ireland, Belgium and the UK: University of Science and Technology of Lille (USTL-LAGIS) Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA-LORIA) South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) - abolished in March 2012 Centre Rgional d'Innovation et de Transfert de Technologie - Transport et Logistique (CRITT TL) Port of Oostende (AGHO) National Institute for Transport & Logistics, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) Liverpool John Moores University (LOOM) The project intends to design, test and validate innovative intelligent transport vehicle prototypes (autonomous and human-driven) to utilise in port areas or urban-confined spaces. The main objectives are to reduce traffic, improve operational effectiveness and mitigate adverse environmental effects. For info:

IEEE IAV & IFAC IAV SYMPOSIA The Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'13) is the premier annual forum sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. The event will take place at Gold Coast, Australia, from 23 to 26 June 2013. On this occasion researchers, academics, practitioners and students from universities, industry, and government agencies are invited to discuss research and applications for Intelligent Vehicles and Cooperative Vehicle Systems. The 8th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, IAV 2013 will also be held at Gold Coast from 26 to 28 June 2013. This Symposium is the eighth of a series of IFAC-sponsored meetings in the field of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles held on a triennial basis. Researchers and practitioners from the fields of land, air and marine robotics & autonomous systems will be brought together to discuss common theoretical and practical problems, describe scientific and commercial applications and explore avenues for future research. For info:


27/02/2013: testing of InTraDE prototype at the Radicatel terminal (port of Rouen) April 2013: testing of InTraDE prototype in the port of Dublin June 2013: testing of InTraDE prototype in the port of Oostende June 2013: InTraDE final conference

Gold Coast


HAPPY 2013
The InTraDE partnership would like to wish you a successful new year, full with promising challenges and interesting economic opportunities!

16-18/02/2013: 2013 International Conference on Transportation, Bandung 10-12/04/2013: IEEE ICNSC 2013, Paris-Evry ( 06-10/05/2013: IEEE ICRA 203, Karlsruhe ( 04-07/06/2013: Transport logistic, Munich ( 23-26/06/2013: IEEE - Intelligent Vehicles Conference IV'13, Gold Coast ( 26-28/06/2013: IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Gold Coast ( 15-18/07/2013: World Conference on Transport Research 2013, Rio de Janeiro ( 07-09/10/2013: IEEE ITSC 2013, The Hague ( 09-11/10/2013: GreenPort Congress, Antwerp ( 15-17/10/2013: Transport & Logistics Expo, Antwerp ( 14-18/10/2013: ITS World Congress, Tokyo (

Rochdi MERZOUKI, Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, Avenue Paul Langevin 59655 Villeneuve dAscq. +33.(0).,,

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