The Hydra

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The Hydra - the Plasma Electromagnetic Dynamic Generator (HPEMDG)

It is the Round Closed Contour (RCC) with of Active Induction Coils (AIC) connected to the raising transformers located on circle RCC contour, electromagnetic system of windings of a primary induction, operating windings and the Hydra - the Plasma Electro Impulse Installation (HPEII) accordingly is a source of electric energy of the big capacities on parameters and provides exit quantity electric power in phases. Alternative energy source type of the Round Closed Contour. The Hydra - the Plasma Electromagnetic Dynamic Generator (HPEMDG) - the generator electric power of new type work on alternative energy, source energy received of water - 2, is used the method of secondary electronic emission by division of molecules of water on elementary particles with allocation of huge energy in the form of a lightning , at the expense of liberation - electromagnetic interaction of elementary particles 2 (the oxides of the HYDROGEN). Force of electromagnetic interaction of a proton and electron in atom of hydrogen more in 1042, than force of gravitation of the Earth. There is a liberation energy electromagnetic interaction of elementary particles 2 (the oxides of HYDROGEN) in the form of the powerful electric category in the form of a lightning. Primary electromagnetic system and operating windings form a primary electromagnetic vertical field in working chamber RCC of a contour and a current in windings AIC of coils. As a result of an electric impulse from HPEII pulse installation and electric breakdown of gas in working chamber RCC of a contour the plasma ring with an electric current flowing in it in millions amperes - the closed rotating Electromagnetic Vertical Stream of the Charged Particles (EMVSCP) turns out. In HPEMDG generator as a result of influence of electromagnetic field EMVSCP stream of the charged particles rotates in working chamber RCC of a contour on a circle and directs an electric current in windings IS of coils which arrives on raising transformers for transfer of the electric power to consumers on a long distance so rotary movement of the electric power passes in the forward. There is a direct transformation of electromagnetic energy of the moving environment to electric energy (a magnito-hydro-dynamic method of reception of the electric power).

The Hydra - the Plasma Electro Impulse Installation (HPEII) provides formation of a stream of the charged particles, the powerful electric category in the form of a lightning of the directed action and giving of energy of the charged particles in working chamber the Round Closed Contour (RCC), Energy it is allocated much more than it is spent. As a result of an electrical pulse in the chamber RCC contour produced plasma ring with the electrical current to the millions of amperes. HPEII impulse installation serves to maintain the current density in the chamber of RCC contour. Injection of the ions and electrons can add to the already moving the

ions, electrons to the total energy in the storage ring to compensate for losses occurring particles. At rotation many times the charged particles on a circle in working chamber RCC of a contour there are partial losses of energy on plasma heating, HPEII pulse installation fills up with new portion of the charged particles and compensates losses. HPEII pulse installation can create necessary density EMVSCP of a stream of the charged particles. The Hydra - the Plasma Electro Impulse Installation has received the name from the first stage of substance initial water - the electric category - a electric stream and plasma. Plasma possesses a number of specific properties that allows to consider it as a special fourth condition of substance. Because of the big mobility the charged particles of plasma easily move under the influence of electromagnetic fields.

Base part HPEMDG generator is the Round Closed Contour (RCC) with the Active Induction Coils (AIC) located on RCC contour and electromagnetic system of a primary windings induction, it drawings and schemes will be specified in the technical description. Pinch-effect (compression), effect of self-compression of an electromagnetic stream, property electric a channel current in the spending environment to reduce the diameter under the influence of own magnetic field generated by a current. Passage enough the big currents through gas is accompanied by its transition in a condition of the full plasma consisting of charged particles of both signs. The Pinch-effect in this case wrings out a plasma cord (a current the channel) from chamber walls in which there is an Electromagnetic Curl Stream of the Charged Particles (EMCSCP), conditions for magnetic thermoisolation of plasma from walls of the working chamber are created. This property of powerful self-compressed categories interest to Pincheffect, as to the most simple mechanism of deduction of high-temperature plasma speaks. The magnetic field formed by windings induction, operating windings and AIC coils allows to create additional conditions for rotation EMCSCP of the charged particles and deduction of a plasma cord in working chamber RCC of a contour. Different variants IS depending on the purpose of application of power installation are possible.

The Round Closed Contour is the semicircular pipe connected in the form of a ring represents the closed contour for the purpose of creation in it EMVSCP a stream of the charged particles. The Round Closed Contour (RCC) it the accelerator-storage contour is going conserved energy. The high-voltage accelerator (accelerator of direct action) the accelerator of the charged particles in which acceleration of the charged particles occurs electromagnetic field all time of acceleration of particles. The important advantage of the high-voltage accelerator in comparison with other types of accelerators - possibility of reception of small disorder on energy of the particles accelerated in homogeneous electromagnetic field. The given type of accelerators is characterised by high EFFICIENCY (to 95 %) and possibility of creation of rather simple installations of the big capacity that is rather important at use of accelerators in the industrial purposes.

The HPEMDG generator works in a mode of start from three phases of an alternating current and further autonomous. The design allows the using of reserve three-phase generators with a drive from the diesel engine for start HPEMDG generator. Winding of coils of an electromagnet can be executed of superconductor and simple conductors depending on the purpose of application of power installation. HPEMDG generator can be established in power stations, on the ships and other equipment of a special purpose.

HPEMDG generator works in three regimens: 1 Regimen of Start. 2 Regimen of Activation and electromagnetic system of a primary windings induction and HPEII impulse installation switched to food from HPEMDG generator. 3 Autonomous Regimen with the further increase in capacities to necessary parameters.

Each Active Induction Coil (AIC) works autonomous and is an electric power source, thus in a combination to the raising transformer provides an electric power exit in 7 phases. A result general parameters the quantity phases HPEMDG generator quantity AIC coil increase in 7 phases. Quantity AIC coil is corrected depending on design HPEMDG generator. Accordingly from here there are general parameters capacities and quantity phases HPEMDG generator. The more quantity AIC coil is stipulated by a design - the more efficiency from the installation HPEMDG generator. The auxiliary windings intended for a connection of a network of own needs with capacity essentially smaller, than rated power of the transformer, for indemnification of thirds harmonious a magnetic field, connection of electromagnetic system of windings of a primary electroinduction of installation and connection HPEII impulse installation. The classical scheme of installation has 12 AIC coil and 84 exit phases HPEMDG generator, probably 24 AIC coil and 168 exit phases.

Having included HPEMDG generator in Autonomous Regimen, additional expenses for maintenance are not required.

HPEMDG generator is used in power stations as an electric power source. Parameters HPEMDG generator are set from calculation of necessary capacities of power station.

In power stations of industrial scale parameters HPEMDG generator are set from calculation of necessary capacity of power station.

Installation HPEMDG generator is going out from modern metal materials can be executed both stationary type and modular type. Materials are going up depending on parameters and capacity of power station.

Basic advantage in HPEMDG generator no moving, no rotating details elements of the installation participating in transformation of energy of an electromagnetic field in electric energy. There is a direct transformation of mechanical, rotating electromagnetic energy of the moving environment to electric energy.

Combined HPEMDG generator (induction and conduction) the generator with AIC coil can be executed in a combination to demountable electrodes for direct current and a reception variable will be specified in the technical description.

Combination HPEMDG of the generator with steam-power and gas - turbine electric power installations is possible, using plasma thermal energy that allows to receive additional capacities of electric energy in one power installation. Installations are in addition equipped with steam coppers and boilers that gives the chance to have steam of various pressure for industrial requirements and hot water with standard temperatures.

The power station with HPEMDG generator works in a premise equipped in the earth (-1 a floor) and does not demand the big floor spaces. The energy installations with HPEMDG generator are convenient on speed of assemblage, installation and management can be both stationary type and modular type.

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