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Recovering the Value in Wastewater



Transforming Wastewater Streams into Revenue Streams

ThermoEnergy Corporation has spent nearly two decades developing sustainable water treatment and recovery systems that help industry and municipalities operate more efficiently, save money, reduce carbon their footprints, and meet their sustainability goals.

Award-Winning Technology
Our versatile, award-winning CAST (Controlled Atmospheric Separation Technology), RCAST, and high-flow TurboCAST systems can be utilized as an effective stand-alone wastewater, chemicals, metals, or nutrient recovery system, or as part of an integrated site-wide recovery solution. These stateof-the-art vacuum assisted distillation units offer significant advantages over other evaporative technologies such as thin film and nucleate boiling. They are specially designed for high-strength wastewaters with high Total Dissolved Solids and Total Suspended Solids typically found in industrial, municipal and agricultural recovery processes. In industrial applications, our Zero-Liquid-Discharge (ZLD) Systems can recover nearly 100% of your valuable chemical resources or wastewater for immediate reuse of recycling with no liquid leaving your facility. CAST concentrates mixed hazardous waste down to as little as 5% of its original volume for economical disposal or reclaim. This patented technology is designed and constructed to exceed the demands of harsh chemical environments. ThermoEnergys TurboFrac and FracGen systems provide versatile and cost effective solutions to recover and recycle clean, usable water from contaminated produce water created by the hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking) of oil and gas wells.

Fast Return on Investment

ThermoEnergy wastewater recovery system reduce your costs by recovering process chemistry, metals, and clean water for reuse or recycling, and by eliminating most of your costly disposal of hazardous waste or process effluent. These solutions offer a solid return on your investment and a quick payback on your initial investment, with continued savings and efficiency for years to come.

Creating New Supplies of Usable Water and Recycling Wastewater in Oil and Gas Hydrofracking


Where fresh water is scarce, deploying ThermoEnergy FracGen systems to recover useable water from local brine sources can save millions of dollars that would have to be spent on purchasing and trucking in fresh water from distant locations, and would protect and extend potable water supplies in locations where usable water is available.

Recover and Recycle Ammonia in Municipal/Industrial Operations

At ThermoEnergy, we dont just treat wastewater we recover the value in it. Our Ammonia Recovery Process (ARP) can recover 90% or more of the ammonia in digestate streams, and reuse or recycle the ammonia as ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate fertilizer. A number of states have already adapted a nutrient credit and trading system for nitrogen, and the trend is expected to accelerate. This offers another revenue stream in addition to ammonium nitrate/sulfate fertilizer recovery and accelerates the payback on the ThermoEnergy ARP.

Higher Efficiency, Lower Operating and Capital Costs

ThermoEnergy solutions for ammonia recovery are far more efficient and cost-effective than traditional technologies. They offer lower capital and operating costs along with a much smaller footprint than other nutrient treatment technologies. As a retrofit to an existing wastewater plant, a ThermoEnergy ARP System can reduce or eliminate the need for enhanced nitrogen removal. ThermoEnergys TurboFrac system is a cost-effective solution to recover and recycle clean, usable water from contaminated flowback and produced water created by the hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking) of oil and gas wells. In addition to recovering usable water for reuse, these systems can concentrate the chemicals and other impurities for recycling or safe, cost-efficient disposal. ThermoEnergy systems are easy to operate and maintain. Because they are manufactured, you avoid the capital costs associated with the design and construction of in-place systems. And because they recover ammonia rather than just treating it, your costs are significantly lower.

The cost of transporting clean water to hydrofracking sites, and then transporting contaminated frack water back out for disposal, has created a huge market for frack water generation and recycling.

Recovering the Value in Wastewater

A Better Alternative for Wastewater Recovery in PV Solar Manufacturing
Photovoltaic solar panels, like computer chips are essentially semiconductor wafers made with silicon. Some of the newer PV materials may use expensive metals such as cadmium, selenium, rare earths, and transition metals. In addition, PV modules are often imbedded with chemicals. The wastewater produced by PV manufacturing contains many hazardous chemicals, including heavy metals, halogenated compounds, acids and organic contaminants. Currently, most manufacturers cope with the large amounts of contaminated wastewater by treatment and disposal. The waste is usually concentrated through bag filters often at high costs and is then sent to a waste disposal company. As an alternative, ThermoEnergy offers a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system that is based on vacuum evaporation and flash distillation. Our system is actually able to distill purified water out of the waste stream, recycling almost 100% of the water, and nearly eliminating the need to add potable water to the process. More than 90% of the process chemicals and acids can be concentrated out of the waste stream and then reused in the manufacturing process as-is, or after minimal treatment.

Recovering Ammonia from Anaerobic Digesters

ThermoEnergy can help you turn your anaerobic digester wastewater streams into revenue streams. Our Thermo ARP high-efficiency ammonia removal and recovery system is an unbeatable option for municipal and industrial operators of anaerobic digesters at dairy, cattle, and chicken farms who want to both comply with nitrogen regulations and recover ammonia as a valuable product. Thermo ARP recycles the ammonia in anaerobic digester wastewater into ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate for the production of valuable fertilizers and industrial products. Thermo ARP systems are energy efficient, extremely robust, and compact suitable for even rugged field conditions

Recover 99% of Chemicals or Metals in Your Wastewater

ThermoEnergys CAST wastewater treatment and recovery systems offer your manufacturing operation a low-cost, sustainable solution that is capable of recovering up to 99% of the process chemistry and metals in your process wastewater, including: glycol, acids/bases, ammonia, chromium, copper, zinc, nickel or other transition metals. ThermoEnergy also offers a Zero Liquid Discharge System that can separate process chemicals and impurities in your wastewater streams, so your water is 100% reusable and does not have to be disposed of in a sanitary sewer system. In fact, only ThermoEnergy CAST systems have a written EPA RCRA exemption for a Zero Liquid Discharge System in this application.

Recover and Recycle Glycol from Spent Aircraft Deicing Fluid

ThermoEnergys Thermo ADF Recovery System can make future EPA ADF regulations a non-issue, and at the same time, reduce the cost of aircraft deicing by 25 to 50%. Glycol is 98% of your ADF formulation. ThermoEnergys ADF Glycol Recovery System can economically separate and recover glycol at concentrations of 1% or higher from your spent ADF and storm water. The system recovers your spent glycol at a quality that meets ASTM and GM specifications. By recovering glycol, you can also avoid high discharge costs to the sanitary sewer or high transport and disposal costs of your storm water. ThermoEnergy ADF Glycol Recovery Systems offer a simple payback of two years or less and can reduce your ADF costs between 25% and 50% significantly lowering the cost of your deicing operations.

High-Efficiency, Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Solutions for Sugar Recovery and BOD Removal in the Food and Beverage Industry
Most food and beverage wastewaters have high biological oxygen (BOD) demand from dissolved sugars, fiber, and carbohydrates in their wastewater. BOD wastewater is often subject to significant surcharges if it is disposed into a sanitary sewer. Typically, food and beverage companies treat the wastewater BOD before disposal in the sanitary sewer. ThermoEnergy can help eliminate the expense of BOD treatment and disposal by making it economically efficient to recover and concentrate the soluble sugars. The concentrated sugars are suitable for resale in a wide variety of applications, including ethanol production, a market that has enormous potential following the elimination of federal subsidies for corn feedstock. ThermoEnergy SRS (Sugar Recovery Systems) integrate best available technologies to achieve the lowest OPEX/CAPEX, and the highest concentration levels of recovered sugar. ThermoEnergy SRS concentrates sugar bearing wastewater to create up to a 60 Brix sugar product for use in a variety of agricultural and renewable fuel market applications. At the same time, the system recovers 100% of the wastewater for reuse in plant operations.

In-House Laboratory Testing and Pilot Systems for Accurate Testing and Process Modeling
With its diverse services and modeling techniques, our ThermoEnergy laboratory sets the standard for testing and modeling within the water treatment industry. Clients are encouraged to send samples for detailed evaluation and treatment modeling. We use bench-scale filtration, distillation, ion exchange and membrane screening to process the samples and choose the appropriate technology. Results are tabulated in a formal report that clearly outlines each unit operation and details the recommended treatment process. Isolates are obtained after every treatment step and are normally returned to the customer for reevaluation and third party validation. Our lab also offers basic analytical testing, such a minerals, metals and standard wetchemical methods. Testing of more complex analysis is available from a network of subcontract labs at very competitive rates.

48,000 Square Foot Manufacturing and Laboratory Facility in Worcester, Massachusetts

ThermoEnergy has a 48,000 square foot manufacturing and technology development facility in Worcester, Massachusetts. It features a 2,600 square foot chemical bench-scale test laboratory and three pilot systems: a 1 gpm system, a 10 gpm system and a full-scale 400 gpm system. Because we manufacture our own systems, our solutions are less expensive and more reliable than systems engineered and constructed in place.

For more information email or visit our website at



10 New Bond Street Worcester, MA 01606 USA Tel: 508.854.1628 800.628.7528 Fax: 508.854.1753


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