The Book of Judges Part 4

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In Chapter 5 we read how Deborah sang a song and praised YHVH for the victory He
gave Israel, saving His people and for giving them rest. There was 40 years of rest
during Deborah’s ruling. We see that the victory came when the people offered
themselves willingly. The phrase, “willingly offered themselves” is one Hebrew word
“nadab” and was first used in Ex 25:2 where the people of Israel willingly brought
offerings for the construction of the Tabernacle.

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Back in the time of Moses they brought ‘offerings’ to build the House of YHVH, but
here we see that the people were the ‘offerings’, who forms the House of YHVH.
They willingly give themselves for His presence to indwell, making their bodies His

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The Axe of Destruction

The verse in 1 Cor 3:17 says that if anyone

destroys the Tabernacle/ Temple or I think you are sinful
Dwelling Place of Elohim, that person will and you cannot do the
be destroyed. What does this mean? He work of YHVH!
refers to the whole Body, not only to you as I love you.
an individual who needs to take care and
look after your body, not sinning; he also
referred to the assembly. It means that; if
the unity in the Assembly is destroyed by a
person, that that person will be destroyed or
will be taken away from the assembly and
be dealt with on the outside. We as
individuals are described as trees [Ps 1]
and Y’shua will put and axe to the root of the tree that does not bear fruit.

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This is a warning to all of us, not to destroy the unity, so that we will not be removed
from His Assembly. YHVH wants unity, with or without you. It said that YHVH would
put an axe to the root of those trees that do not bear fruit (of the Spirit). What does
the axe represent? The word axe is the word “garzen” An Axe instead of a Sword

and it sprouts from the family word “gare” that means The word axe has a Zayin

stranger. You can see that “gare” or stranger is found within (Word) and a Nun
the word “garzen” or axe and YHVH will use ‘strangers’ to
remove people from the assembly if they destroy the unity. (fruitfulness) combined with
These strangers are people in the world who will influence the ways of the “gare” or
YHVH’s people negatively (remember the Four Giants in
stranger. Axe = The “tool” that
Part 1), and cause them to move away from YHVH if they will separate people from the
allow this. These strangers are ‘people in the world’ or Unity in the Assembly due to
‘people who believe different than you’ who are the ‘axes’. their weaknesses and
YHVH will use these Giants as ‘axes’ to cut down these stubbornness. These people
people who are disturbing the Unity. We are supposed to be will end up in among the
set-apart and not allow ‘Giants’ (unbelievers and religious strangers. They will loose their
people) inside our inner circle of trust and counsel. This is a Sword (Zayin) and fruitfulness
very serious warning because these people can end up back (Nun).
in the world among the strangers ”gare” or unbelievers. The
word ‘axe’ is first found in Scripture in Deut 19:5.

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The person causing disunity is like the man chopping down trees (fellow believers)
from the assembly (wood) through his actions and words. His intentions may be pure
(the axe’s head slipped and it was an accident), but he was not supposed to use an
axe in the first place. He may cause the death of a fellow believer, causing them to
leave the assembly and go somewhere else, but he himself will also be removed by
YHVH and send to one of the cities of refuge. What do these cities represent? It is a
place where YHVH will deal with the proud so that the person can repent and live.
Paul gave us a bit more insight into this in 1 Cor 5:2

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This is where the flesh and pride will be broken down in isolation of fellow believers
but will be done among strangers. Their sin will become their enemy and will gain
strength and make them to fall and bump their heads so that they will wake up and
repent and live. This is dealt with in this manner so that that person can be sorted out
without destroying the Dwelling Place of YHVH (UNITY) so that YHVH can still work
in the midst of the assembly that are left. If the person still do not want to repent after
this, 1 Cor 3:17 teaches us that this person may loose his salvation at the end.

The Body of Messiah

This is what Paul teaches us in 1 Cor 12, that we are the

Temple of YHVH and the Body of Messiah [Rom 12:5], the
dwelling place of His presence. In 1 Cor 12 he describes
this body with different members because of the different
Gifts the Spirit given to each individual. We can only
represent the Messiah in His full stature in the Assembly
through His Gifts because the fullness of Him lies within
the Gifts He gave to His people. YHVH takes
the unity of His people very seriously because
His effectiveness relies on the love and unity of the people who represent
Him. Y’shua is the Head of the Body and if we do not have this unity and
love amongst the brothers, He may not have hands or feet and only a
head and we will represent a Paraplegic Y’shua to the world. YOU on
your own is not the body of Messiah, His Body is his people Unified
together in love, operating in His Gifts. How can the Messiah fully function
and do His work with no fingers, hands, arms or legs?

We have looked at the phrase “…the people gave themselves willingly…”, that is the
word “nadab” and it has the following meanings:

The word “nadab” means to offer freely, to volunteer, to give freely, to be

generous and free will offering (“olah” - which is also pointing to the three free will
offerings; elevation offering, peace offering and meal offering).

“Nadab” has a very interesting meaning if we look at the meanings Unity = Whole Body =
of each letter. “Bet” means ‘house’ and is on the left hand side, Y’shua
You cannot serve YHVH
meaning physical house, The assemblies came together in on your own in isolation,
houses. “Dalet” means Door and represents Y’shua. They all not wanting to fellowship
with others. The people
had Y’shua in common and that faith drew them together as one are the ‘medium’ of your
Body. “Nun” means fruitfulness and is on the right or spiritual faith, living out His
Commandments. Just like
side. They operated in the Gifts of the Spirit and represented the you need water to swim in,
Messiah to the world and many came to faith, in other words; they you need people to live out
were fruitful. To be spiritually fruitful (Nun), making an impact in His Commandments.
this world, winning battles, you have to represent Y’shua (Dalet) in Without a Body that is
your midst through unity with fellow believers, which will make up ONE, Y’shua will not be
the house (Bet) for His presence in this world. present in His fullness
among you.
As we saw in Judges Chapter 5, the people gave themselves
willingly as sacrifices to do battle for YHVH. This is also true in our
lives where we have to be part of YHVH’s army who will stand up and fight against
the enemies in our lives (internal enemies) and enemies in this world (external
enemies). This understanding gives more meaning to the following passage:

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You are to present your body as a living sacrifice, unto service, to serve the Body
of Messiah. In other words, your should walk in holiness, renewing your mind,
living humbly and in faith, because this is not for your self, but for the benefit of
others in the assembly (in your area), to help to build them up into full maturity so
that you as an Assembly can represent the Dwelling Place of YHVH, and the
presence of Y’shua in your midst. Y’shua cannot be represented in His fullness
unless there are unity operating in His Gifts. This takes commitment of each
person to be willing to give them selves to help build Y’shua’s presence and full
Body among them. Then you as a whole Body will be effective in doing the work
of the Messiah and win souls for the Kingdom in your area.

When Israel left Egypt, they brought gifts with them and gave it to Moses for the
construction of the Tabernacle, in the same way you came out of Egypt (sin) and
need to give your body for a vessel that will contain one or more Gifts, for the
edification and build up of His Temple in you (Assembly). As we have seen in
Judges, they have won the victory and destroyed the enemy when they GAVE
themselves as offerings and to service and then YHVH manifested His Presence
through unity, defeating the external enemy. When He showed up, the enemy
had to flee. External enemies are strongholds and bondages on people in the
world and the only way these enemies can be defeated is through the presence
of YHVH in your midst. How do we overcome the external enemies? By being in
unity allowing YHVH to show up in our midst, then these enemies will flee.

As we have seen previously, we have enemies on the inside and on the outside.
You have to deal with the enemies on the inside, and if these enemies are sorted,
you will be able to give yourself willingly to be part of the ‘bigger picture’ and
assist in fighting the enemies on the outside. You will be spiritually mature, filled
with the Spirit and have received some of His Gifts so that you are can commit
yourself to serve others and be One with your ‘brothers’ and then those enemies
on the outside will flee from the presence of YHVH. We saw this time and again
in the history of Israel where they rage battles against their enemies and YHVH
gave them the victory.

How do we overcome these two types of enemies?

The Enemies Inside - We overcome these enemies by studying and learning the
Word, washing ourselves clean and living set-apart lives. You are personally
responsible for your own life regarding sin, and you have to overcome these
enemies through discipline and dependence on YHVH through consultation of
His Spirit.
The Enemies Outside - We overcome these enemies by committing to serve
one another in love and being in unity through commitment and humility. YHVH
will then give you the victory and you will be able to function and mean something
for His Kingdom. Remember, you are not the Body of Messiah; it is through Unity
of His people and the collating of His Gifts that His Body is established in you all.

The Higher Calling

If you are part of an assembly, you should pursue

unity and the higher calling of YHVH; manifesting His
Plan and Purpose through you in a collated Body.

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Patience will put out the fire of arguments among you and humility
will kill offence. Choose to do this and the Spirit will help you to
achieve it. The Spirit is the “Glue” that keeps us together and we will
have the Spirit in our midst if we pursue Unity. Without unity the
Dwelling Place of YHVH will fall apart. It is like magnets attracting
each other, if you bring it close, aligned in polarity (unity), it will
attract with a great force and nothing will pull it apart. If you have disunity, the
polarities will not be in the same direction and that same force will work in the
opposite and force the people away from each other.

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The Gifts of the Sprit and the Twelve Tribes of Israel

Why do we look at the Gifts and the Fruit of the Spirit studying Judges? As you
have noticed, every time a Judge was raised up to rule the people, YHVH’s Spirit
came upon them and gave them the ability to do what they needed to do. YHVH’s
Spirit is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. We are in a privileged time to
have the detail of the Gifts and the Fruits recorded by Paul in Eph & 1 Cor, so
that we can understand what it means when the Spirit comes upon you. There
are a total of 23 Gifts listed with some duplication and if you group them, you will
find a total of 12 Gifts of the Spirit through the combination of these passages:
Rom 12:6-8, Eph 4:11-12 & 1Cor 12:8-12. As in everything YHVH does, the
number 12 has a lot of significance and meaning. There were 12 Tribes, 12
Judges, 12 Disciples and now we see that there are 12 Gifts as well. The number
12 is made up of adding 2 to 10, 2 means; ‘Restoration of Relationships’ and 10
means; ‘Completion and fullness’. By giving these people the Anointing of Gifts,
He equips them to complete the restoration process between man and YHVH
and man and man, through the Body of the Messiah. Lets look at these 12 Gifts,
putting them against the 12 Tribes and Moses’ blessing for each tribe to get some
insights. YHVH gave the Gifts to His people to equip them as leaders to serve His
people. One person would not have all the Gifts, He will give it to His people as
He pleases and where it is needed to fill the gap in leadership.

As we have seen in the previous sections, we are all leaders or leaders in
training, being in a process so that we will be equipped and able to disciple His
people. Discipleship is the means of being trained and everybody has that
responsibility as a spiritual mature believer, to help and train others so that they
will know how to follow YHVH. YHVH chose Israel to be the light of the World and
to lead the nations unto Restoration back to Him. In the same way are we
equipped by the Gifts of the Spirit to be the light of the world and to lead the
people into the Kingdom.

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12 Tribes of Israel 12 Gifts of the Spirit

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1. Reuben – He who sees the 1. Apostles – Sent one - They are the people
vision 4 You are my first-born, my who have the vision and who break open new
might, and the beginning of my ground and who support and chain all the
strength, the excellency of dignity and assemblies together with a higher overseeing
the excellency of power. Unstable (reckless) as function. They can be reckless with their words at
water, you shall not excel, because you went up times because of their knowledge of the Word,
to your father' s bed; then you defiled it. He went and should take heed not to cause confusion like
up to my couch. Paul did.
2. Simeon – He that hears and 2. Prophets – Hearing and speaking YHVH’s
obeys - Simeon and Levi are Words - Prophets are the people who hears the
brothers; tools of violence are their words of YHVH and obey by speaking it over the
weapons. Oh my soul, do not come people. There is a lot of reproof to these people
into their secret. Let not my honor be united with for they can kill people spiritually by their words if
their assembly. For in their anger they killed a they speak their own words because the they are
man, and in their self-will they hamstrung a bull. accused of being self-willed. This is one of the
Let their anger be cursed, for it was fierce; and reasons why false prophets exits today, people
their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide them in taking the gift of YHVH and misuse it producing
Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. spiritual death in stead of spiritual edification.
They will be divided against one another in the
last days and will be scattered within the earth
among the believers. The main function of a
prophet is to establish the spiritual boundaries and
to remind the people to repent if they have
crossed the line to bring them back into safety of
His Word.
3. Levi – Interweave - Simeon and 3. Evangelists – Preachers of the Gospel -
Levi are brothers; tools of violence These people are similar to the prophets and have
are their weapons. Oh my soul, do not the same impact on the people if they are not
come into their secret. Let not my based on the foundation of the Word. They are in
honor be united with their assembly. For in their the public eye end can lead or mislead people

anger they killed a man, and in their self-will they very easily because of their gift. The Levites
hamstrung a bull. Let their anger be cursed, for it existed to serve the people and teach the people
was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel. I will and evangelists are to interweave new believers,
divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. which they find in the world, bringing them into the
kingdom and hand them over to the shepherds
People that were Levites: Moses, Aaron, Eli, John and teachers to establish them in the faith.
the Baptist.
Moses was an evangelist who led the people out
of Egypt (sin & bondage)

4. Judah – Praise of YHVH - may 4. Pastors & Shepherds – They will be

your brothers praise you. May your people who maintain the standard of the Torah
hand be in the neck of your enemies. and guard it so that the flock can be fed. They
May your father' s sons bow before protect and guard the flock like a lion, the king of
you. Judah is a lion' s whelp. My son, you have the animals, ruling over them. Pastors and
gone up from the prey. He stooped, he crouched Shepherds are needed inside the Promised Land
like a lion; and like a lioness, who shall rouse to govern the people.
him? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor
a Lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh David was a good King who established YHVH’s
come. And the obedience of the peoples to him. Government in the land of Israel and Y’shua will
Binding his foal to the vine, and his ass' s colt to be the King who will rule over the earth forever.
the choice vine, he washed his garments in wine,
and his clothes in the blood of grapes. His eyes
shall be sparkling with wine, and his teeth white
from milk.

Descendants that came from Judah: Caleb, King

David, Solomon and Y’shua the Messiah.
7. Dan – He that judges - He shall 5. Teachers – Teachers are to present the
judge his people, as one of the tribes word in order to govern the assembly in right
of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the ruling and truth. They are to judge certain
way, an adder in the path, that bites situations and oversee the flock that there may be
the horse' s heels, so that its rider shall fall unity and peace. They support the Shepherds and
backward. I have waited for Your salvation, O does basically the same function.

People that descended from Dan: Samson

10. Naphtali – Struggles or fights - 6. Helper, Encouragement & Show

Naphtali is a deer let loose. He gives mercy – Words of encouragement for those who
goodly words. are confused (let loose) and who struggles and
fights in their life to get things right.
Encouragement is their main Gift to uplift those
who are weary and their words will bring strength.
8. Gad – Good Fortune - Gad, 7. Wisdom – Wisdom is like a weapon that can
raiders shall attack him, and he shall be used to confront your enemy from a place they
attack their heel. would not expect it. Wisdom will give good fortune
and great blessing, as you will find in the Book of
Proverbs of Solomon.
9. Asher – Blessed - Out of Asher 8. Knowledge – Knowledge is the beginning of
his bread shall be fat, and he shall everything – the understanding of YHVH. To know
yield royal dainties. His Word is Bread for our life and we shall be
satisfied and blessed. People blessed with this
Gift are usually Teachers who know the Word and
who has the ability to teach.
6. Issachar – Reward - He is a 9. Faith – Faith is like a strong Ass that can bear
strong ass crouching down between a lot without complaining. People of faith are an
the sheepfolds. And he saw that rest example to others when things get tough because

was good and that the land was pleasant. And they trust in YHVH. This is a Gift everybody can
he bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a have and must ask for – the ability to stand and to
tribute-slave. trust, no matter what.

5. Zebulon – Dwelling - You shall 10. Working of miracles & Healing –

live at the sea shore. And he shall be a Y’shua did miracles by the sea which represents
haven for ships, and his border beside the nation. People in the world needs signs to
Sidon. bring them in but people of faith needs the Word
to be equipped to disciple them. If Believers
pursue signs and wonders they will become
ineffective and miss their calling and stagnate.
People who are Apostles and Evangelists
normally have this Gift as well to bring in people
from the Nations into the Kingdom of YHVH.
11. Joseph -Ephraim & 11. Discerning of spirits – Which spirits are
Manasseh – Increase - He is a there to discern? Joseph is a picture of the “Lost
fruitful son, a fruitful son by a well, Tribes” found in the Church following Christ who
whose branches run over the wall. have received the Gifts of the Spirit and who are
The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at fruitful. Their branches run over the wall, into all
him, and an archer lurks for him. But his bow nations. The archers (words spoken against) have
abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were shot these people who try to follow YHVH in
made strong by the hands of the mighty Elohim of Truth. YHVH gave them ‘ammo’ (truth) to shoot
Jacob (from the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel); by back and defend their faith. Among these
the Elohim of your father, who shall help you. And followers, there will be deceiving spirits that will
may the Almighty bless you with blessings of lead the people away from total restoration, away
Heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies from the Torah. These spirits are: Balaam,
beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the Jezebel and the Spirit of the Antichrist/Anti-
womb. The blessings of your father are above the Messiah. These people with this gift are aware of
blessings of my ancestors, to the utmost bound of these things and can discern which spirit operated
the everlasting hills. They shall be on the head of in an assembly and what to pray for.
Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him, the
ruler, the leader of his brothers.
People that descended from Joseph: Joshua,
Gideon (Menasseh)
12. Benjamin – Son of my right 12. Tongues & interpretation of tongues
hand - He is a wolf that tears in – Wolves are a sheep’s enemy and putting the
pieces. In the morning he shall devour emphasis only on certain gifts can devourer chase
the prey, and at night he shall divide the sheep away, especially the gift of tongues
the spoil. because people do not understand it. Those who
have this gift must be careful how to apply it to
People that descended from Benjamin: King Saul. edify the flock without chasing them away. People
can use this Gift as “Wild Fire” that will cause
confusion if it is not done orderly. Prophets
normally have this Gift and it is of the same kind.

The Fruit of the Spirit

Not all people have all the Gifts of the Spirit and we will look
into this at a later stage, but all of us should pursue to have
all the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

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The biggest one of all these fruits is love. Without love your
motive for following YHVH and His Torah will be wrong and
you will end up destroying people with the Torah and not
building people up.

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The fruits are designed by YHVH to help us to live out His Torah with the right
attitude, without the Fruits, the Torah will only be a set of rules and a dead letter
that kills. We will be made competent if we apply the Word (letter) with the Spirit
(Fruits) and this will build people up and give life. This is why the Ark of the
Covenant has a Mercy Seat, giving access to the Ten Commandments. You have
to have mercy before you can apply the Commandments correctly and this
“Mercy” is made up out of the Fruit of the Spirit.


In context of this study, the Fruits of the Spirit are there to build up and maintain the
Unity in YHVH’s Body here on the earth. With love, peace, joy, gentleness, self-
control, goodness and patience in an Assembly, who would not fit right in and enjoy
being part of Y’shua’s Body? If these things are missing in an Assembly, there will be
fighting, turmoil, division, sadness, selfishness and hate, and no Messiah.

Pray and ask YHVH to give you the Gifts that He wants to give you so that you can
give yourself as a living sacrifice willingly to serve His people. Then you will be part of
the Collected Judge and Bride, Deborah that will manifest His Presence that will
defeat your external enemies so that people will come into the Kingdom.


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