12 Steps - Great Arms

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A Prescription For The
Addictiveness Of The Quest For
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as other drugs, and the use, and possible abuse, of them. Any
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upon them being legally prescribed and supervised by medical
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1. Periodization
....................................................................page 3
2. 21s, Forced Reps, Negatives And
Other Set Types
....................................................................page 4
3. Diet
....................................................................page 5
4. Post Workout Nutrition:
A Primer On Protein
....................................................................page 5
5. Skull Crushers
....................................................................page 6
6. Hydration
....................................................................page 7
7. Sleep And Recuperation
....................................................................page 8
8. Anabolic Agents
....................................................................page 8

....................................................................page 9

....................................................................page 11
DermaTropin hGH

....................................................................page 13
....................................................................page 15
9. Heavy Training: Low Rep vs. High Rep
....................................................................page 18
10. Training Aids
....................................................................page 19
11. AAS
....................................................................page 20
12. Posing
....................................................................page 20
e could have used any
number of steps, but
we chose 12 because
big arms are an addiction over
which most people are power-
less. Like alcohol, drugs and any
other substance that requires
treatment, the only remedy for
the quest for big arms is a good
gym, a great diet and all of the
rest of what weve listed below.
Diet, of course, is crucial for all
growth, so an arm diet isnt
necessarily what youd eat for a
good pair of them alone. Youll
beneft from a great diet under all
circumstances because youll be
feeding and rebuilding your body
in a way that optimizes muscle
growth and minimizes wasting or
fat retention.
You cant go wrong with these
twelve prescriptions both for the
arms or for any body part work-
1. Periodization
A lot has been written on this
topic, but not a lot of guys really
know what it is if you ask the
question, What kind of periodiza-
tion do you follow in your work-
outs? Periodization is merely the
way in which you categorize and
organize your workouts.
Periodization is an organized ap-
proach to training that involves
progressive cycling of various
aspects of a training program
during a specifc period of time.
The roots of periodization come
from Hans Selyes model, known
as the General Adaptation Syn-
drome, which has been used by
the athletic community since the
late 1950s
Periodization is in place in a
bodybuilders repertoire to avoid
one thing: Overtraining. But its
also there to alternate high loads
of training with decreased loads
to continually keep the muscle
guessing and in its best condition.
There are three types of periodiza-
tion cycles: the microcycle, the
mesocycle, and the macrocycle.
The microcycle is generally 7
days. The mesocycle may be
anywhere from 2 weeks to a few
months and can further be classi-
fed into preparation, competition,
peaking, and transition phases.
The macrocycle refers to the
overall training period, usually
representing either six months or
a year.
Think of the micro, meso and
macro cycles as a way to view
the workout up close and from a
distance. Its important to be able
to do this because a) it means
you actually have a plan, and b)
you know where youre going
and why. In other words, theres
a method to your madness. And
we defnitely know youre mad to
hoist the kind of weights you do!
Traditional: Volume and inten-
sity are systematically manipu-
lated. Training cycle begins with
a high-volume, low-intensity
profle, then progresses to low
volume, high intensity over time.
Stepwise:Like the traditional
model, intensity increases and
volume decreases during the train-
ing period. Volume is decreased
during the training period. Volume
is decreased in a stepwise fashion:
Repetitions are reduced from eight
to fve, fve to three, and so forth,
at specifc time intervals.
Undulating:Training volume
and intensity increase and de-
crease on a regular basis: but they
do not follow the traditional pat-
tern of increasing intensity and de-
creasing volume as the mesocycle
progresses (Fleck 1999).
Overreaching:Volume or
intensity is increased for a short
period of time (one to two weeks),
followed by a return to normal
training. This method is use
primarily with advanced strength
trained athletes.
2. 21s, Forced Reps,
Negatives And Other
Set Types
A biceps workout wouldnt be
complete without a talk on 21s.
Its the single best set and rep pat-
tern for biceps that you can do. So
rather than just doing 6-10 reps,
you will be doing 21. But hold the
phone, because its not full repeti-
tions that you will be doing. First,
youll do 7 reps in a full range of
motion slowly and deliberately.
Next, youll do the lower half of
the range for 7 reps. In order to
round out the total 21 reps youll
complete 7 reps within just the
upper ROM bring the bar up
to the halfway point, where your
forearms are parallel to the foor
and go up from there and squeeze.
These partial reps allow you to
focus on the range as though
it were the only range and that
means extra squeezing and focus
on particular areas of the biceps
throughout the motion.
Sounds easy, but once you begin
doing 21s, youll see just how
much pump and burn youre go-
ing to get out of them and how
grueling they can be. These are
vital to your success with biceps
work because they force you into
fatigue situations where emphasis
is placed on varying parts of the
ROM. This combination of stress
and angle are crucial for facilitat-
ing growth of the arms both
biceps and triceps.
Twenty ones can be done with
a straight bar or an EZ curl bar.
You can also do them with an arm
blaster and an EZ curl bar so that
you immobilize the movement of
the upper arm. This will also hit
the diffcult to hit inside portion of
the biceps that creates the illusion
of girth in a front double biceps
shot and adds peak to your biceps
since your arms are locked in to
the body.
But dont forget other workout
repetition types. Capitalize on arm
growth by utilizing forced reps
with a partner or on a preacher
curl bench, one arm at a time, as-
sisting yourself or with a partner.
Negative reps are also benefcial,
particularly when doing biceps in
an arm blaster apparatus, or alone
bar or dumbbell. The point is
that through a variety of set types
you can achieve things you would
not be able to achieve just repeat-
ing a series of ho-hum garden
variety sets and reps.
In fact, employing training meth-
ods in the form of varied set types
also keeps you engaged mentally
too. Just do what youve always
done, with no variety, and pretty
soon youll check out mentally
whether you wanted to or not.
Engage your mind and your arms
with variety, choice and varying
degrees of diffculty and chal-
lenge, and youll have to stay
engaged mentally. This is also a
good way to engage in mind-mus-
cle connection which is so crucial
to workouts.
3. Diet
Diet is such a subjective matter.
But a diet that keeps an eye on
protein, especially, is better than a
diet flled with junk or haphazard-
ly put together it just goes with-
out saying. After that, it should
have ample protein and ample
calories if growth is the goal.
The single biggest mistake
amateur bodybuilders make, after
the quality of diet, is getting the
quantity wrong. You have to keep
calories high, high and HIGHER
if you want to pack on mass.
Calories need to come from 30%
protein, 50% carbs and 20% fat
when youre building mass no
exceptions. Heres a good meter
of grams of each broken down by
meal. If you dont work out in the
morning, then fip the pre and post
meals around to afternoon.
140 g carbs, 47 g protein
140 g carbs, 47 g protein
90 g carbs, 60 g protein
90 g carbs, 60 g protein
30 g carbs, 45 g protein
Fat shouldnt be metered out, de-
spite me saying 20%.... fax, fsh
oil caps, peanut butter (natural),
almonds, etc. are all fair game.
This plan should net you around
4000 calories at the minimum and
between 5000 and 6000 at the
A good example of what the
above would be, using one meal
as an example is this:
8-10 oz. steak (60 grams protein)
+ 2 cups of rice + bowl of mixed
vegetables (90 grams carbs)
Your 140 gram carb meals should
come from powdered carb forms
and powdered protein forms in a
shake mixture. There is no way
you can eat that amount of carbs
in solid food form, let alone
protein, and train. Nor could you
hack it after. Remember to add
some fax oil into those shakes a
couple of tbsp. And dont forget to
add fat to the other meals, in the
form of almonds, peanut butter,
fax, fsh oil caps, avocado, or in
the form of fattier meats. Its al-
ways best to eat lean cuts, but not
so lean that you keep calories low.
4. Post Workout Nutrition:
A Primer On Protein
Theres good diet and then theres
post workout nutrition. Separat-
ing them is crucial because the
prescriptions are more clearly
drawn out for post-workout nutri-
tion. Simply writing out a diet for
someone usually doesnt cover
how to eat immediately follow-
ing a workout. And eating after a
workout is how you optimize all
that youve just accomplished in
the gym.
So much has been written about
protein intake, and the appropri-
ate type of protein. Whey, is of
course, the superior choice there,
but these days with technology
and marketing, there are many
cross-fltered and combinative
products that make choosing the
single protein that will optimize
all growth, sometimes confusing.
Whey protein is the gold standard,
and one person might tell you that
the way that EAS does it is better
than the methods Designer Protein
uses, but the main thing is to try
the protein for yourself. Not only
is taste important, it is the single
reason youll either mix a glass of
protein up, or not. If you hate the
taste of a protein you bought in a
big 5 pound sack, it could be the
best protein in the world
and you wont drink it
because you hate the
Also, youll notice
that you have a great-
er sense of well-being
on one protein than
another. One of those
earmarks is whether
the protein produces
gas and bloat or not.
If it doesnt, its obvi-
ously a better choice for
your body than one that does.
Brand to brand, everyone reacts
differently. Its just important that
you have protein supplementation
in your diet.
Now for post-workout shakes
Probably the two most important
meals of the day are the frst one,
and the one just following your
workout. So no matter when you
work out, you need to keep in
mind that having nutrition at the
ready is essential to your success.
Without that ready and waiting for
you once you fnish your workout
either in the form of a restaurant
down the block, chicken and rice
in a container in your locker or
car, or a shake that just needs wa-
ter added to it to feed your body
after a high intensity workout.
Food is never the wrong thing
to eat, but a lot of people cant
force food down their throat
after a grueling, sickening work-
out. Leg workouts, and to some
extent, arm workouts, are just
those types. I dont know about
you, but I get physically sick with
biceps pain- and angry. It takes me
awhile to get over that physically
and food is the last thing I want.
Yet, I know if I dont eat right
after, Im not going to start
the repair process and that
window is a small one.
Its one reason to recom-
mend a shake, rather than
a full meal. That shake
is then followed up by a
meal in about 1-2 hours
after when the appetite
returns and recuperation
begins. Thats the time
when you come home,
shower, and kick back on the
couch with things like chicken or
steak and a big fat yam. Carbs are
just as important post-workout
even if you are counting carbs
thats one of the times to take
them in.
A good post-workout meal should
include around 50 grams of
protein, glutamine, 100+ grams
of simple carbs (ideally not sugar,
but thats what some people use to
carry all of the nutrients quickly
into the muscle) a good carb
choice might be a carbo powder
that comes from a stable source.
A good choice might be protein
powder, glutamine, a little creatine
to replenish, a tbsp of peanut but-
ter and a tbsp of low sugar jam,
blended with milk and water or
just water. You can buy one of
those individual blenders to keep
in your car or gym bag they
make combining these ingredients
easy and fast.
5. Skull Crushers
We separate this out from a
general workout because skull
crushers are one of the best triceps
exercises you can do not includ-
ing them in your workouts is like
going into a lions den, defense-
Biceps get 21s and negative reps
as the variety that muscle group
needs to grow. But what of the tri-
ceps? You cannot do negative reps
with triceps because of the injury
factor. You can, but you ought not
to. So what kinds of sets and rep-
etitions can you do to maximize
growth with the triceps? One good
method is always including skull
crushers as a part of your workout.
Always use a spotter with skull
crushers. That is key since as the
name implies, these are triceps ex-
tensions, inverted, with the weight
poised closely over the face and
skull. Some go behind the head in
the lying position, but we prefer to
keep the elbows close to the body
and the hands gripping the EZ curl
bar just over the nose.
You can use either a short or
longer bar, one that is pre-loaded
or one you load. But no matter,
make sure you have a spotter, and
collars on the ends of your barbell
if you are using a short bar that is
loaded with plates by you.
For a challenge, use a decline
bench instead of a fat bench and
vary where you bring the weight
downover nose, over chin, over
forehead and overhead.
6. Hydration
People often downplay water
intake until it counts in a cosmetic
sense. Bodybuilders are notorious
for only counting water intake as
important prior to a competition.
But, in fact, a steady pattern of
hydration is crucial for muscle
growth, pump, and overall well
being during a workout. Food is
what most people consider to be
the hinge pin of all energy, but
dont look now, its also water.
Water is individual for all people.
Some do well on less water, some
need water constantly. Too much
water right before a workout can
mean running to the restroom
during an intense session. But
keeping a jug of water on hand is
a smart idea. Sweating, particu-
larly in the summer months, is foe
to good results, and can thwart at-
tempts to go heavier or maximize
pumps. Pumps the muscles
feedback to you that you have
enough food and water stored
in the form of glycogen and
whether you get them on a regu-
lar basis, will tell you if you are
on the right track. Without them,
you cannot engorge the muscle
appropriately and cannot get the
maximum amount of growth out
of each rep and set.
If you weigh 200 pounds, you
should take in at least 1 quart of
water daily more if its a heavy
workout day. Some mark the gal-
lon as the amount to which you
must aspire to have success, but
thats overkill on a daily basis.
Look to weather, food, diet, work-
out schedule, and other factors to
decide how much is enough.
Also consider that if you have
a competition upcoming, you
should leave a little room for
shocking the body. Some people
might disagree with that, but
getting the body to lose that last
little bit of water is dependent
upon being able to drink a little
more during that time, so that your
body thinks it has something to
relinquish. In other words, if you
are already at the gallon mark,
on a daily basis, you wont have
any kind of leverage to force your
body into releasing more. Add a
little more water like a gallon a
day and deplete carbs for 2 days,
and youll release a lot of stored
water before you fll up with
glycogen from carbs added back
into the diet. So leave yourself the
room to do that.
If you have diffculty getting
water into your diet, remember
that you can count a lot of other
liquids you drink, such as tea or
coffee, though they can be slightly
dehydrating. But they still count
to some extent. You can also add
things like Crystal Light into your
gallon jug and carry it around with
you throughout the day to ensure
you get it. Rule of thumb? What-
ever works!
7. Sleep And
Some say that 90% of all growth
happens over the course of nightly
recuperation. Recuperation is key
to growth and cannot be pushed
aside in favor of things you think
are important, such as diet and
training. Sleep its recuperative
powers are equally important.
When the body rests, cell regener-
ation occurs. Without rest, regen-
eration does not occur or it occurs
in smaller amounts.
Keep in mind that once an oppor-
tunity to repair cellular wasting
from a workout passes, that win-
dow is forever closed. That means
you have to rebuild new cells at
another time and slow your prog-
ress. Its like starting from scratch.
No one wants to start from scratch
its completely unnecessary.
Get at least 8 hours of sleep each
night 7 if you cant help it and
you should repair whatever you
did that day. Remember that at
least 85% of all growth hormone
release happens in the hours of
slumber. Without sleep, this can-
not occur.
Growth hormone constitutes about
190 amino acids synethsized and
secreted by cells called somato-
trophs in the anterior pituitary. It
controls a great many physiologic
processes, including muscle
growth and metabolism in adults.
Fat cells also have growth hor-
mone receptors and when bound
to them, they encourage the emp-
tying of fat cells. So it isnt just
muscle that makes GH release im-
portant. And for every bit of GH
you release, your body responds
by manufacturing and releas-
ing IGF-1, which is what acts on
target cells, within muscle tissue,
with such great effect and result.
Recuperation between workouts
is also important though. If you
wonder whether youre doing
too little or too much in the gym,
always err on the side of doing
less. I say that because while
your workouts individually should
be hard, intense, grueling and
tough, you need to back off once
youre done, and not tinker around
in there or go in because you just
cant stay away from the social
aspect or the concept that going
back in to do something is pro-
ductive. It isnt.
Even if you trained 3-4 days a
week, but those days were intense
and grueling, you could feasibly
take the rest off and get better
growth than if you were doing 5
days a week. Some people will
do one body part a day, 5 days a
week, but hit that one body part so
hard they cant move. They then
get 6 days to rest that body part
in between. Do it either in days
or in time between workouts for
a particular body part, and youll
beneft greatly.
8. Anabolic Agents
Now, obviously, the two most im-
portant elements of getting hugely
muscular is the training and nutri-
tion! After all, if all you did was
take steroids and never lifted a
weight (and didnt eat anything)
you wouldnt gain even an ounce
of muscle! However, once your
training and diet are perfect, then
anabolic agents become pure 24
carat gold.
Thats because they are awesome
facilitators of protein synthesis
or muscle growth and they are
very, very powerful.
So, in order to get maximum mus-
cle growth, you must use anabolic
agents of some type, prescription
or some of the new, sophisticated
natural anabolic agents you can
get without a prescription.
For example, theres a new, just
released compound called Meso-
bolin that infamous steroid guru
Dan Duchaine had a hand in creat-
ing! He called it a natural Deca,
and man is it ever!
And theres also anew testosterone
compound called corTESTEN
by Pharma-Stuttgart that rivals
moderate doeses of synthetic test,
but you can also get it without a
And dont forget Growth Hor-
mone. A couple of units, three
times a week from your Doctor
will work wonders, especially
if you stack it with test! But, if
this is too much trouble and too
expensive (some people spend
$1000 - $1,500 a month) you can
try DermaTropin hGH, the new,
just released GH compound that
has been clinically proven to el-
evate GH levels by up to 750%!
And everyone is raging about
TridenosenH, the amazing Austra-
lian Anabolic that acts as an ana-
bolic synergist with any supple-
ment taken, including creatine,
protein and even real anabolic
In fact, these aforementioned
compounds are so potent they
are accelerating muscle growth
2-3 times faster than normal.
So, continue reading more about
why these anabolic agents are so
potent for facilitating muscle
growth well beyond your normal
genetic limits. These compounds
are on the sharpest of cutting
edges and every one is backed by
legitimate, bona-fde scientifc

Dear Friend and Fellow
Iron Warrior!
You may be too young to remem-
ber the cop show Dragnet, but
in the opening to the show, the
voice on TV said, The story you
are about to hear is true but some
of the names have been changed
to protect the innocent. And the
same is true with this story! It is
true, very true! Unlike the show
- the names in this case have not
been changed to protect the in-
nocent. They will all be revealed
because they are all guilty!
Guilty of what? you may be
Guilty of making the most potent
anabolic compound ever made,
and then some! Keep reading on
and you will truly read the great-
est steroid story never told until

May 1986, the U.S. Attorneys
Offce in San Diego announces a
huge steroid indictment and one
of the main characters in this huge
media story was none other than
the infamous steroid Guru Dan
Duchaine. Youve got to love this
guy! He went to prison
twice for selling shit and
even wrote a book on how
to make GHB at home!
(And let me tell you,
this really pissed off the
government to no freaking
end!!!) He was a true rebel
with a steroid cause and
may god bless his revo-
Dan Duchaine
lutionary soul. But here is some-
thing only a handful of people in
the world would know and that
is this legendary steroid bust set
into motion the suppression of
an anabolic agent called Meso-

that Duchaine was in the

process of bringing to market.
Now, some Mesobolin

did make
it to market before he got busted,
but auditions for this project
fell by the wayside after Dans
second bust in 1990, not to men-
tion his failing health. However,
as brilliant as Dan was, he had an
equally brilliant co-conspirator in
this invention, none other than the
cutting-edge Dr. Syrov.
Anyway, this is how I learned
about Mesobolin

from the bril-

liant Dr. Syrov. Now, why Dr.
Syrov has taken so long to tell
anybody about this is anybodys
guess, but the best guess would
probably be Soviet people are
just not as fnancially driven as
So basically, this idea just sits on
the shelvesfor years on end!
In fact, the original research on

goes all the way back

to the 1940s.
Mesobolin is actually the com-
bination of two Russian and two
Hungarian prescription only
anabolics agents So this stuff
is the real deal and this is no BS,
just listen to this quote from a real
Soviet scientifc study done by
one of Dr. Syrovs Homeboys,
back in 1976...
On back-to-back studies
done on animals, 5 beta-
cholest-6-on-7-ene deriva-
tives were found to be actu-
ally superior To synthetic
steroids like Dianabol for
increasing muscle cell
Now lets get more specifc about
5-beta and where it comes from
This anabolic agent is a chemical
that is derived from a Siberian
plant called Rhaponticum, and
within that plant there is a com-
pound called Turkesterone, which
contains the 5-beta.
Now you may have never heard
of Turkesterone, but it is well
known to Soviet Coaches and
Athletes because the impetus
for its research and development
were positive drug test incurred by
Soviet athletes at World Cham-
pionships held outside of Russia!
(Hey, I wonder why no Soviet
weightlifter tested positive in
any meet held in Russia thats
Anyway, Turkesterone is the
result of this extensive research
and when I say research I mean
research. In fact, research on
this exciting new to America
anabolic agent goes back over 60
years and in a nutshell
heres why its so anabolic.
As youve read in my
column many times, there is a
process called DNA-RNA Tran-
scription. And what this means is,
a communication is made inside
the nucleus of the cell to engage
the protein synthesis process more
rapidly which ultimately causes
more visible see-able muscle!
And this is how anabolic steroids
work! However, Turkesterone
does engage this process but it
does it even more effciently than
even powerful steroids like Di-
anabol by directly stimulating the
Now, Deca, D-Bol and Test also
stimulate the Ribosome but they
do it by going through several
prior steps, whereas Turkester-
one goes right to the Ribosome
and gets to work. In other words,
Turkesterone is a no foreplay
anabolic it gets down to busi-
ness right away engaging the
ultimate muscle building process
even faster!
Ok, thats anabolic agent number
one in Mesobolin

, Turkesterone.
Now on to number two, called
Ajuga Turkestanica. Hey, thats
weird; one of its names is Turke-
stanica which is almost identical
to Turkesterone, which you just
read about and it is! And, quite
obviously there is a big reason for
this and that is Turkesterone is
by far the most potent form of a
general classifcation of what
are called ecdysterones, which are
found most abundantly
in plants, and it is this
information (which
plants contain by far
the most potent ecdys-
terones, Turkesterone)
that Syrov shared with
So Mesobolin

contains extreme-
ly high doses of two anabolic
agents that are both prescription
and anabolic agents in Russia that
have been shown in documented
clinical studies by real doctors to
stimulate protein synthesis even
better than Dianabol!
However, instead of impeding
your natural testosterone output,

can actually improve

it by stimulating testosterone pro-
duction through increased endo-
crine output.
Anabolically, both 5-methoxy-
isofavone and 7-iprifavone work
through three pathways. One,
they act as nutrient partition-
ing agents which mean that the
nutrients you eat, i.e. Protein and
carbs are shuttled toward the de-
velopment of muscle, as opposed
to fat! So you get much bigger and
leaner on this stuff!
The second way these compounds
are anabolic is that they both
block estrogen which frees
up available testosterone
(which will be further
enhanced by the two
Turkesterone agents)
so youll get hard-as-
an-anvil! Seriously bro,

can shred
you because all four of
its prescription only in
Europe compounds are
lipotropic. This fat-burning effect
is effectuated through so many
pathways that I could write a 36
page doctorial thesis on just its
fat-burning effects!
Oh, I almost forgot, the third
anabolic component of 5-me-
thoxy-isofavone and 7-iprifavone
is that it has the capacity to retain
calcium in the muscle cell. Now,
it doesnt take a Harvard graduate
to fgure out that intense weight-
training causes calcium loss. And,
since calcium is a vital, vital min-
eral involved in protein synthesis,
the more of it that is available, the
Remember, steroids do far more
anabolically speaking than
just increase protein synthesis
through increased mRNA activ-
ity! They also cause anabolism
through nutrient partitioning
(which you just read about),
increased red blood cell pro-
duction, anti-catabolism, and
increased mineral content, i.e.
calcium phosphorous, etc.
Anyway, in closing, this is what
Dr. Syrovs great contribution was
to Mesobolin

... he revealed to
Duchaine the most potent of the
many ecdysterone strains, the
Turkesterone which actually has a
greater impact on protein anabo-
lism than prescription anabolic
steroids... but with no hormonal
side-effects that cause bitch-tits,
water retention and most horrid of
all... testicular dysfunction.
I know you will be thanking the
collective geniuses who all had
a hand in the formation of this
anabolic agent that will cause you
to never take so called real stuff
ever again, because Mesobolin

is the truly the REAL STUFF!!!
And it is the greatest steroid story
never told until now!*
lNTR0000lN0 corTESTEN:
The Amazing New Testosterone
Technology From Germany
Dear Friend and Fellow Iron Warrior!
As you know, I have a favorite saying
and that is, Test Is Best for build-
ing muscle! After all, testosterone is
the foundation of every steroid ever
invented (except two) and the last
time I checked testosterone related
steroids are used by every bodybuild-
er who is anybody at a National
or World-Class level. Sure they take
growth hormone and insulin, but the
real culprit for so much of the pros
massive size is lots of good old fash-
ioned test!
However, there is a caveat to lots
of synthetic test, lots of side-effects
most notably, the interruption of your
own testosterone production which
can be permanently shut down due to
prolonged androgen cycles!

And if you continue reading youll
discover a new testosterone tech-
nology that is now being used by
Olympic athletes to beat drug tests
even though reports suggest it is
elevating their natural testosterone
levels to the maximum 6 to 1 ratio of
testosterone to epitestosterone! No
Kidding! In fact, this new technology
has the capacity to elevate test levels
even higher, but the athletes have to
cut back on the dosages because they
dont want to exceed the 6 to 1 ratio!
But, since you are probably not an
Olympic athlete its possible you
could elevate your test levels to 7 to
1, 8 to 1 or even higher! And remem-
ber, this new technology does not
hinder your natural production and
has nothing to do with testosterone
banned steroids!
Lets continue! What you may not
realize is, the body has another an-
drogen producing system other than
the hypothalamic/pituitary/testicular
axis. And it is this alternative system
that has opened the door for athletes
to take their testosterone levels to the
moon without ever getting caught!
This alternative system is called the
Adrenal cortex and it produces a
hormone called Adrenocorticotrophic
Hormone (ACTH), which then is con-
verted by highly specialized enzymes
to androgens or testosterone!
So, it would make perfect sense if
you could super-charge your adre-
nal cortex and make it Supermans
adrenal cortex so to speak and then
produce excessive and massive
amounts of androgens, which is ex-
actly what you want!
Well, this is exactly what this new
method does, it supercharges the
adrenal cortex with intravenous
injections of adrenal cortex cellular
material from a pharmaceutical com-
pany called Regeneressen located in
Hamburg, Germany!
Now A Thing Of The Past
Now, since this compound has to be
I.V.ed and is illegal in this country,
this new testosterone technology is of
little value to the average lifter but it
is of great value to Olympic athletes
as just mentioned. And the way they
are taking it is by going to see sev-
eral doctors in Tijuana, Mexico who
get the Regeneresen Adrenal Cortex
shipped to their offce in T.J. and then
they simply I.V. athletes who simply
walk across the border! And, since
all this extra testosterone is their own
testosterone, and since everyone has
adrenal cells... you cant possibly test
positive for too high test levels!
Anyway, this is how all the Big
Money athletes are jacking their
test levels into outer space and not
getting caught... pretty damn slick,
huh! Now, lets get to the part that
will greatly interest you because this
amazing new testosterone technology
is being put into a pill form called

from Pharma-Stuttgart
in Stuttgart, Germany.
Dont you just love those German
scientists... they come up with cool
stuff, dont they?!

contains ma-
terial in a pill form as well as several
other compounds that are designed
to cause massive production of LH
(Leutinizing Hormone).
And, to seal the coffn lid to your
synthetic vial of test forever,

also contains an SHBG

inhibitor! SHBG (sex hormone bind-
ing globulin) binds to sex hormones
and blocks them from usage! So more
simply put, its designed to free up,
or make usable all the extra testos-
terone you will be producing through
increased production of 1.) ACTH
(Adrenocorticotrophic hormone)
which is converted to androgens and
2.) by increasing LH (Leutinizing
hormone) which stimulates the testes
to produce more test!
Do you see how clever this is?
Both of your testosterone spigots will
be gushing... but at the same time all
this extra test will increase in potency
due to it being unbound, or let out
of its cage! After all, a dozen tigers
in a locked cage are as harmless as a
kitten... but unlock the cage and then
see what happens!
Hey, and guess what? A doctor in
T.J. did just that! Lets call him Dr.
Santiago (because I cannot use his
real name) because he is the Doc that
is juicing about 20 high-level pro
athletes with massive amounts of
Adrenal cortex cells and jacking their
test levels off the charts! But believe
me, he exists, and I have been to his
offce many times and have seen him
I.V. Adrenal cortex cells, amino acid
solutions, vitamin C, you name it,
into many top Olympians!
Anyway, I brought him a bottle of

and explained that it is

founded on his premise of increas-
ing test by increasing ACTH through
Adrenal manipulation and would
he test it against the I.V. to see if

could compete with an

I.V. (if youve never had something
I.V.ed, its amazing because every-
thing goes directly into the blood-
stream without any gastric degrada-

came very
close statistically by in-
creasing basal free testos-
terone levels (which is
usable testosterone and
this makes a difference)
on average with 12 test
subjects by 289%, over
2.5 times, while 10cc of
Regeneresens Adrenal
cells (which is a very
high dose) elevated us-
able test by... (are you
sitting down?) 411%! Yep, 4 times
more usable freaking test! Holy
Christ, can you imagine walking into
the gym after getting your I.V... youd
rip peoples heads off!
Now, of course these results are not
clinical nor can they be cited as
factual data on

nevertheless, Dr. Santiago is a stand
up guy and I trust his methods.
But listen, an increase of over 2.5
times in usable test is still HUGE!
And besides, since you can use it
year round, without a prescription
or lengthly travels... you will pack
on lots of muscle with it! In fact,
many users claim

the anabolic effects of about 200mg
of synthetic test a week (this seems
about right because most guys spit out
about 70mg a week!).
Now factor in that
you never have to
off cycle, and then
throw in some Tride-
(to elevate
testosterone recep-
tors) and you can
build all the muscle
youll ever want
without one single
steroid side-effect...
except for getting as big as a freaking
And believe me again friend, this is a
much better way than taking a bunch
of synthetics.
So lets recap.

is de-
signed to elevate testosterone three
ways; One, by increasing androgens
through increased ACTH production,
Two, by increasing LH and then mak-
ing all this extra test more usable by
blocking SHBG.
So quick, what are you waiting for,
your boss to transfer you to San
Diego to visit Dr. Santiago? Not
likely... besides

almost as good... and its a heck of a
lot cheaper because Dr. Santiago
charges $75 American per cc and
most guys are getting 10cc a week...
750 BUCKS?!!! Ouch!
But hey, whats 40 grand a year to
a guy who makes 20 million in the
same period.. and who wants to get
into the Hall of Fame, keep his Gold
Medal, or his Endorsement contract!
Just a drop in the bucket, and thats
about what

will cost
you in comparison!*
Its The Worlds Best And Most Potent Growth Hormone And You Can
Get It Without A Doctors Prescription
Dear Friend and Fellow Iron War-
The legendary steroid guru Paul
Borressen once told me, a phy-
sique without Growth Hormone,
is like a Rolls Royce without
chrome hubcaps! In other words,
its the fnisher the fnal touch
to complete physique refnement
because you get super shredded
and tight, especially your abs
and pecs area! And, if youre
taking any testosterone or other
anabolic agent, youll explode
with size as well! But as previ-
ously mentioned, youll get really
shredded, with paper thin skin,
along with all the size! So the
result is a very pumped-up, super-
shredded body thats tapered like a
velvet V.
Plus, your skin will look super
smooth and
shiny, which the
babes always love!
And these are just the cosmetic
effects of GH, the stuff you can
see! But what you cant see is,
increased bone density, increased
tendon and connective regenera-
tion, collagen formation, increased
heart function and many other
health benefts!
Synthetic GH - Its
Not All Its Cracked
Up To Be
Especially For
The Price!
Listen, youd be foolish to believe
me if I said synthetic GH didnt
work, because it certainly does, in
high enough doses! And, it really
works if you take Test along
with it (more on this later). Ok,
what Im saying is, all things com-
bined, effcacy, side-effects, price,
hassle of getting it, legalities etc
make it not nearly as desirable as
it could be!
But, what if you could get all
the benefts of synthetic GH, but
with no side-effects like shutting
down your own natural produc-
tion, abdominal destination
(which is caused by intestinal
enlargement) and acgroromeg-
lia (enlargement of cranial
bones). And then theres the
most obvious side effect, the
price, because many people
spend a $1,000 a month or
more on it. And then youve
got to pay the man to write
the script, its downright
But like I said a second ago, what
if you get all the good stuff
from GH but with none of the
bad stuff well now you can!
Derma-Tropin hGH

The New Revolution
in GH Therapy
Get Big And Get
Shredded Now!
Listen, Ive seen tons of GH
compounds come and go over
the years, and most of them go
because they suck. However, this
isnt to say that some of them
dont work because there are some
decent GH products out there.
However, the new GH compound
youre about to get turned on to
is so unbelievable that you will be
overwhelmed by not only how it
works but by how fast it works!
Its called Derma-Tropin hGH


and it was designed

to work topically meaning it is
absorbed by the skin and directly
enters the bloodstream within
minutes! So fast in fact, that some
preliminary tests using a testing
procedure called radio-immuno-
assay reportedly showed an in-
crease in GH levels by up to 750%
in just 30 minutes! But whats
most exciting about Derma-Tropin

is that it works by pulsat-

ing action which means a steady,
more prolonged GH output, and
this is a huge advantage over syn-
thetic GH that is taken just once or
at most twice a day by injection!
However, Derma-Tropin hGH

was designed to cause many GH
releases or spikes throughout
the day and night. And this is
very cool because every expert
says to do one thing with each
shot of synthetic GH and thats
eat a large protein meal because
GH is very nitrogen retaining!
And, since you eat protein many
times during the day, youll be
using this GH-protein stack
7 times a day! Yeah, thats how
many pulsatile GH spikes happen
in a 24-hour period while using
Derma-Tropin hGH

And whats even more cool is,
you can time these GH-pro-
tein stacks because your frst
spike starts at about 4:00am in
the morning during your deepest
REM sleep (rapid eye movement)
and then every 3 hours after that!
So in this case, 7:00 am and then
again at around 10 am and so on!
And if you have the discipline to
actually do this you will grow
like never before because the GH
and protein will coincide and
youll get freaky huge!
Now Add Some Test...
And Youll Make Arnold
Look Skinny!
Well, not exactly, but you get the
idea youll freakin explode
with muscle because testosterone
and GH are kind of like a match
and lighter fuid an explosive
combination that will trigger
muscle growth at its deepest cel-
lular level. In other words, when
you combine Test and GH youll
cause new genetic material to
form by increasing whats called
messenger RNA activity!
And, since youll be jamming
so much protein, youll literally
become a nitrogen bomb with the
biggest, most ripped up physique
you can imagine! I suggest small
amounts of cypionate and enan-
thate (about 200mg every 10-days
from your doctor of course) or a
natural test compound like

by Pharma Stuttgart

Now, if youre already big
enough, you may not need the
Test, however, if you want to re-
ally explode while using Derma-
Tropin hGH

I strongly
suggest some sort of testos-
terone compound!
Derma-Tropin hGH

Listen, its better, less expensive,
and easier to get than synthetic
GH so quick, what on earth are
you waiting for? Derma-Tropin

is the real deal and its

guaranteed to be all that and
then some! So quick, call now
1-800-535-9858 and tell one of
the friendly Anabolic Advisors to
hook you up with some Derma-
Tropin hGH

, its the best GH

compound Ive seen and Ive seen
almost all of them!
P.S. Oh, and one more thing. I sug-
gest using a high quality protein
(Strategic Protein

from Bran-
denburg Nutrition

is a good one)
combined with chicken, low fat
cottage cheese, and fsh as your
protein sources! Remember, its
always the protein building the
muscle. Compounds like Meso-

, Derma-Tropin hGH


are just facilitators,

and great ones they are but
youve got to jam your protein too,
its just as important, maybe even
more important!*
Its True! 1000s Of Body-
builders Have Searched The
Internet, Taken The Trek
Down Under And Are Hitting
Up All their Most Resourceful
Contacts Desperately Trying
To Get Their Hands On This
Amazing New Drug!
Youve got to hand it to the Aus-
sies, they come up with the most
unique and amazing anabolic
steroids of any country in the
world Including Russia. Drugs
like Nitrotain, Drive, and Nandro-
lone Phenyl-Propionate are now
legendary in the upper echelons
of bodybuilding.
However, their latest new inven-
tion, Tridenosen Injection by Na-
ture Vet, may transcend Austra-
lias most cutting-edge steroids.
In fact, Tridenosen is
now the number one
black-market anabolic in
Australia and is quickly gaining a
foothold in Northern Europe as
Technically, Tridenosen is not
an anabolic steroid because it
does not exert its anabolic ef-
fects through synthetic hormone
manipulation, but it nevertheless
allows the athlete to enjoy similar
protein sparing effects as mid-
range doses of Nandrolone and
Boldenone! Additionally, Tride-
nosen is extremely thermogenic,
leaving the user with a very lean,
striated look, comparable to Clen,
yet with plenty of muscle fullness
due to its extreme nitrogen reten-
tion qualities.
And, since its not a hormonal
anabolic it in no way shuts
down, or impedes the vital Hy-
pothalamic / Pituitary / Testicular
axis. In fact, it actually increases
all natural hormone output includ-
ing Growth Hormone, Testoster-
one, IGF-1, EPO, and Insulin!
Sound too good to be true? Well
- it kind of is - because Tridenosen
is strictly a veterinarian anabolic
agent used on 1,200 lb. racehorses
for muscle growth and recovery
and is not widely available to
bodybuilders outside of Australia!
So if youre planning on taking a
vacation to Sydney, start putting
a few dimes in your piggy bank
each week for your Tridenosen
Trust Fund because you can
legally bring back 6-10 bottles
depending on how many horses
you tell the customs inspector you
own. (Be sure to bring along your
offcial horse ownership papers, as
well as some photos for documen-
tation purposes).
But Until Then Heres
The Inside Scientific
Scoop On Tridenosen:
Invented by Nature Vet to repli-
cate traditional vet steroids like
Nandrolone and Boldenone, (due
to their blunting effects on the
Hypothalamic / Pituitary axis),
Tridenosen is not only extremely
anabolic and thermogenic its
also an extraordinary vasodilator
of the abundant vascular beds
found in striated muscle!
Remember, Tridenosen is de-
signed for 1,200 lb. racehorses
whose vascular network is about 7
times larger than a humans. So as
you can imagine, the pumps that
can be induced through the use of
this compound are quite profound.
In fact, experimental studies done
by Nature Vet show a 92% in-
crease in blood supply to skeletal
muscle! And this is a licensed by
the government of Australia com-
pany with real scientists!!
Ok, now that you understand
what Tridenosen does, lets delve
into the science behind how this
truly revolutionary anabolic agent
The most infuential compound
in Tridensosen is Adenosine 5-
triphosphate, more commonly
known as ATP. Simply put, ATP
is the Holy Grail!... It is pure
cellular energy! And when your
ATP levels are high you can
train virtually all day! And, as
you might have suspected, one of
the reasons anabolic steroids are
so anabolic is because they all
increase creatine phosphate levels,
which in turn increases ATP,
which in turn increases protein
So, why havent bodybuilders
been using pure ATP, instead of
creatine, considering that ATP
provides over 11 times more
cellular energy? Simple, because
ATP taken orally has always been
eaten alive by the gut before
even one tiny milligram could
hit the bloodstream. So although
scientists have known for years
that ATP was extremely anabolic
in high enough doses, it was not
practical for the supplement
market. So essentially, procuring
this level of deliverable ATP has
always been diffcult if not fat-out
But Heres The Good
News My Friend...
Brisbane Labs

, an Australian
pharmaceutical company, has
recently released an oral version
of Tridenosen called Tridenosen

(human) and we are seeing some
pretty remarkable results. Due to
s profound effect on
protein synthesis, users are able to
turn-over protein much faster (like
traditional anabolics) but with no
androgen related side-effects.
But heres the kicker... the re-
searchers at Brisbane were able to
achieve a very substantial uptake
of ATP and the other constituents
by coating them using a highly
specialized pharmaceutical coat-
ing process.
The only drawback with the oral
is that it takes a little longer to
disperse because of the special
coating which protects it against
the stomach acids (about 45 min.
- 1 hour) whereas the water based
Tridenosen injectable hits in about
15 minutes!
Early reports from our sources say
the oral is just as effective (maybe
even slightly more effective)
because the ATP concentration is
actually higher in the oral form.
But, whats even more exciting
is that Tridenosen
is not con-
sidered a drug in the U.S. Like
the Tridenosen Injection, so its
perfectly legal to purchase in the
US without a prescription!
Now lets take a closer look at the
four ways in which high levels of
ATP cause anabolic effects
Because high levels of ATP al-
low you to dig deeper and grind
out about 40-50% more reps per
set, this activates many thousands
of latent muscle fbers that have
never been recruited before. And
this is why you train in the frst
place to recruit muscle fbers
so they can adapt and grow larger.
Heres something that will shock
you Many scientifc studies
clearly show up to a 50% less
ability to synthesize protein when
ATP levels have been lowered by
exercise! 50%... thats a lot! So
the infusion of pure ATP into your
body is extremely anabolic and
Remember, ATP is pure cellular
energy so every cell in the body
will work more effciently, includ-
ing your Hypothalamus and Pitu-
itary glands which cause a natu-
ral Testosterone and Growth
Hormone release. Also, low ATP
levels have been known to reduce
the rate at which the Ley-
dig cells (in your testes)
synthesize Testosterone.
So ATP is an augmenter
of your vital endocrine system,
not a thief of it like synthetic,
testosterone-based anabolics.
This is the training method
used by Arnold, Draper, Chuck
Sipes, and the rest of the boys
at Muscle Beach and Golds back
in the day. They were all rep-
pers grinding out 200-300 reps
per bodypart, per workout, and
thats a lot of reps! But since they
were taking moderate doses of
red blood cell producing, and ATP
producing steroids like Dianabol
and Test, they could withstand
this type of training volume and
were able to pump up to such a
massive degree that they induced
a response called Capillariza-
tion. This amazing phenomenon
causes an increased number of
capillaries, and since capillaries
carry blood, your muscles grow
by the process of increased blood
volume. Additionally, since capil-
laries need nerves to compel them
to function, new nerve beds will
develop in skeletal muscle
which will further facilitate
deeper fber recruitment
and thus more growth.
In every fat cell there
is whats called an A1-
adenosine receptor which
greatly inhibits lipolysis
(fat-burning). However, if these
receptors can be desensitized or
shut-down, they can no longer in-
hibit fat burning, and fat literally
melts away. And the best way to
shut down these receptors is with
the chronic administration of A1-
adenosines natural agonist, ATP!
The reason for such dramatic fat
loss is because these fat storing
receptors become less dense and
less in number thereby greatly
reducing the bodys fat stores!
Quite obviously, over time, this
effect becomes greater and greater
as more and more receptors
shutdown. In fact, after 3 months
of chronic administration of ATP,
A1-adenosine receptors down-
grade by up to 83%!
So what are you waiting for? You
could either; obtain some horse
ownership papers, call your travel
agent and risk seizure and deten-
tion on your return trip, or get it
now... LEGALLY and FAST! The
choice is yours my friend... but
choose wisely.*
Call Toll-Free Now 1-8uu-535-9858
9. Heavy Training:
Low Rep vs. High Rep
Heavy training can, and should,
be a part of your periodization
strategy. In fact, heavy training is
so important to talk about when
talking big arms, that it merited a
whole separate section.
A lot of people train individual
sets and reps in an exercise, or
theyll superset or tri-set or giant
set. We recommend you doing at
least one of those every 10 days or
so. Train normally, and then crank
up the heat.
But what of repetition number?
This has been a hotly debated
issue for years now to train
with higher rep or lower rep, and
whether to keep weights heavy
and still use high reps.
The answer is both.
Guys like Shawn Ray got to be as
consistently hard and conditioned
and full by training heavy almost
all the time. Not powerliftng
heavy, but bodybuilding heavy.
And unlike a lot of other lazier
pros, he kept the intensity high by
keeping the weights high and the
reps high. On average, he would
train at least 10-12 reps per set,
sometimes going to failure when
he felt it was necessary.
Truly a by feel trainer, thats
how you should employ rep and
set schemes. Pay attention! Pay
attention to anything and every-
thing that happens to you during
a workout. Eat to accommodate
training, not appetite and youll
have the energy to train heavy and
high intensity/ high rep.
Remember, dont overdo the sets
when you go higher rep. In fact,
you should cut the sets down by
one if youre going an extra 3-4
reps per set using heavy weight.
Youll even get to the point where
you know which exercises ben-
eft you in this type of training
and which do not. Only use what
works. Sound obvious? Youd
think. But thats not the case with
most people who just include
an exercise in a heavy training
routine because they think they
should. Include the exercises
that pack on the most mass, are
the more inclusive of multi-joint
beneft and ones you can sustain a
high level of intensity throughout.
Triceps Pushdowns
4 x 10
Skull Crushers
4 x 10
Overhead Triceps Extensions
4 x 12
2 x failure
Incline bench dumbbell curls
4 x 8
Preacher Curls
4 x 10
Hammer Curls
4 x 12
Low Cable Pulley
1 x failure at the end of the
This has a lot of room for tailor-
ing to your own body. Whether
in the amount of weight you use,
or the type of bar you use, as well
as adding forced reps, negatives,
pyramids, etc.
The point here is to take a routine
like this and make it your own.
You see plenty of routines online
and they all either look basic or
they look complex and too much
like the guy who has written
them down. Remember, a train-
ing routine is a living thing. It can
be altered to suit you, and it will
change with you as you grow and
build mass. You can use the exact
same routine and have it look dif-
ferent each time you step into the
gym, by using tri-sets, or any of
the types of repetition forms I just
Writing your workouts down in
a training journal is a good idea
not because you want to become
some workout geek, but because
it benefts you to see where you
have been and where you are now.
Thats important information to
know and helps you construct
something different next time. It
also gives you an idea of what
youve already done and maybe
want to wait to do again. Experi-
ment with everything from load
to set and rep number to failure
to varying repetition and set type
to fnd what gives you the best
10. Training Aids
Training Aids are anything that
help you to complete an exercise
within a workout. For the arms,
that means everything from arm
blasters to apparatus like a preach-
er bench. Its really important to
have a variety of training aids for
the arms, since like the legs, they
require a good deal of creativity to
get them to grow.
You probably have one area of
the arms that grows better than
the other. For some, its effortless
biceps growth. For others, its
gargantuan triceps.
Always keep straps with you in
your gym bag, and always keep
wrist wraps for sure. These are
great tools for bis and tris and can
push you to use heavier weights.
Wrapping when doing bar work in
biceps curls is important because
you can pull heavier without need-
ing the grip strength. Your grip
strength will catch up sooner or
later, but until it does, use straps.
Also, use a lot of different attach-
ments and apparatus in the gym.
Use the preacher bench often for
biceps, do several different forms
of dips from upright roman chair
type dips, to dips between two
benches, to Nautilus or Cybex
type machine dips.
Use attachments like single
handles to make your arms work
independently of one another.
This is a great training aid that I
wouldnt be without in my work-
outs. Its great to say you can lift
X amount with an EZ curl bar, sta-
bilized, and with wraps. But can
you do a biceps curl, one armed,
with a cable and handle attached?
That is the measure of success
and a meter as to whether you can
handle the weight.
Arm blasters are also great tools
for isolating and for building spe-
cifc parts of the biceps mostly
the outer head. Make sure your
gym has one. If it doesnt, order
one and use it at least every other
11. AAS
A big anything prescription
wouldnt be complete without a
brief talk on AAS. We wouldnt
feel right not including them in
this discussion. So if you are ve-
hemently against the use of them,
and prefer to stick with ergogenic
aids like protein, creatine and
pro-hormone cycles, we respect
that. But if you do all of that and
are looking for a bit of an edge for
arm growth, listen up.
All AAS cycles have some merit,
but some do better for building
limbs and others are better for
building trunk mass. You might
say thats unsubstantiated Ive
never heard of that but I know
its true, because I and many of
my friends have experienced it. I
have also trained a lot of people
high up and notice that this pans
out. Trust it or dont, but the cycle
below is a great choice for limb
growth in general. Combine it
with creatine in a stack with other
supplements (save your prohor-
mones for later when youre com-
ing off) and youll see amazing
growth here.
Week 1-12 Sustanon
500 mg/week
Week 1-4 D-bol
25 mg/day
Week 2-13 HCG
500 iu/week (250x2)
PCT should be with Nolvadex for
5 weeks starting 15 days after last
Test shot.
Run Creatine CEE
with D-bol for fright-
ening arm pumps
during workouts, if
you can hack it. It will
also boost your cycle
success and add a
pound a day eat
clean and youll
probably pack on 20
real, solid pounds
you can bank on
and keep.
If you happen to
have any scares
with gyno, pop a
Femera 2.5mg tab and 60-80 mg
of nolvadex and you wont be
scared anymore. But only take
Femera when you need it as it is a
sex drive murderer.
As for HCG, dont go more than
4 days without it. 3-4 in between
shots is perfect.
12. Posing
Weve all seen the posers in
the gym the guys who rip their
pants off, and stand in the middle
of the gym in their tighty-whiteys
and shamelessly pose down with
their refection in the mirror. Yeah,
But posing isnt just an earmark of
a stupidly emboldened personali-
ty, its a real necessity, particularly
for the arms.
The biceps and triceps are both
smaller muscle groups. Its one
reason you dont do the number
of sets and reps you would for
the chest or back. But they need
etching and detailing because they
are muscles that are part of a limb,
not a trunk. Because you fex and
extend them as part of
that limb system, and
they are longer muscles
that need rolling up and
bearing down on when
hitting poses on stage,
you need to practice
that very motion dur-
ing your workout and
The biceps on an average
male arm are anywhere
from 9 to 12 inches long
in an extended or relaxed
state. Thats a lot of muscle to curl
and unfurl in and out of a pose.
Practicing doing this not only sets
in detail and size, it sets in hard-
ness and stamina both of which
are needed on stage for appear-
ance and function.
The triceps are shaped differently,
of course, but in order to get the
detail from them that you need on
stage the cross-hatched striations
that lace the shape of a horseshoe
you need to set those creases
in place by constantly fexing
and releasing over the course of
a workout, during the day, and in
posing sessions.
Crease changes in, crease size in,
and youll be less likely to lose it.
That sounds like b.s. but its re-
ally true. The more you pose and
crease and work with what youve
built, the better quality youll have
and that wont go away even if
you shrink to a slightly smaller
size than when you were just
fnished with a cycle. You cant
take detail away within the muscle
and the more you pose, the denser
that muscle will become thats
a fact!

, DermaTropin gGH

and Mesobolin

are dietary supplements. Before using these or any

other dietary supplement, contact your health care practitioner. Use Tridenosen

, DermaTropin gGH


as directed and do not take more than the recommended dose provided on the label. Take with a sensible
nutrition and exercise program. Just like with prescription drugs, there may be undesired side effects. Tridenosen

, DermaTropin gGH

and Mesobolin

are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The statements made in this ad have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The active ingredients in

, DermaTropin gGH

and Mesobolin

may or may not have conclusive clinical studies by

medical and/or regulatory authorities. Do not consume Tridenosen

, DermaTropin gGH

or Mesobolin

if you have not followed all of these warnings along with the accompanying warnings and recommendations included with
every box of Tridenosen

, DermaTropin gGH

and Mesobolin

. 2007 AAS Labs, All Rights Reserved.

A Prescription For The
Addictiveness Of The Quest For
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