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5.1 5.1 Use the Reynolds transport theorem (Eq. 4.19) with B= volume and, therefore, b = volume/mass = 1/density to obtain the continuity equation for steady or unsteady incom- pressible flow through a fixed control volume: V-fidA = 0. The Reynolds Transport Theovern is DE . 2 phat» f ebv.Aan (419) Dt at Jev ts and with Bz and b= L we have Di, . 7 aan Pte. 2 fol )it + [ew 4 bt or Pe = 2% + [ oRan a) t For incompressible tow, the volume of the system, we is constant with time so DX 2 Oo (2) Dt Also, tr a tixed torte! volume, + does not change avd so avy = 0 7] a¢ and thus combining Egs. (D,(2)and(3) we get f V.idA =o €s 5.2 5.2 An incompressible flow velocity field 2 (water) is given as &, += @ mis | Erie Ty where ris in meters. (a) Calculate the mass flow- _{ oe rate through the cylindrical surface at r = 1 m from z = 0 to z = 1 mas shown in Fig. PS.2a. (b) Show that mass is conserved in the annular control volume from r = 1 m tor = 2 mand z = 0toz = 1 mas shown in Fig. PS a wo) FIGURE P5.2 () The general expression for mass towrale ozs cylindrical qra A, fs m= is py. naa Since the radial direction component oF velocity, VY, , is unitormly distibuted over A, we Can use y= P CHA) = (998 D1 B27) = 6280 49 i“ Ss = i" ~ . (bo) If f Pv.ndA = 0, then mass is conserved. CS = . - However & pV. AMA = Em and since the component of velocity normal to ach cylindrical aud plane areg of the cont! volume js unitormly oistributed over that area we have Em = p(%,A,- %A, ~ Yay Ay + Yay Ay ) zm 2% m? _ 2r Mm — om 3 n= (27 Bir gO of? ) Sm = 0 aad mass is conserved, W 5.3 5.3 Water flows steadily through the horizontal piping sys- Ai 20 sess , tem shown in Fig. P5.3. The velocity is uniform at section (1), A frea = 0.3 th the mass flowrate is 10 slugs/s at section (2), and the velocity 15 tts @ is nonuniform at section (3). (a) Determine the value of the FEW =a D Eh fey quantity 5 f pd, where the system is the water contained EES t Sein in the pipe bounded by sections (1), (2), and (3). (b) Determine Oa Ey iii the mean velocity at section (2). (€) Determine, if possible, the FIGURE P5.3 value of the integral i pV +fi dA over section (3). If it is not possible, explain what additional information is needed to do so Use the control velame shown wilh the dashecl Ines in the figure above. (a) Frm the conservation of mass princple we get D fedt= 30 dv is th hangin if 2 Sf OO since fe is the unchanging mss 0 Hye Sys System . (b) = PA, Vv thus _ shege yz Me = ize Ft PA 194 s!Mt) 6.3 #4 2 ae ) fe) 77, = [ev naa and from the conservation of mass A. . 4 Principle we ger m= Mm +3 = 7) tn, = PAV ~ ma, = Com ta (ort sD — = 10 tgs r= 10-4 SMS oe Vanda og 3 5 e A>

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