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CAUSES OF MALE HOMOSEXUALITY The causes of male homosexuality we can define as follows: 1.

Homosexuality is the result of sexual arousal towards oneself (narcissism), while it is worn a particular garment or object, while oneself is naked, or while oneself is imagined in a homosexual relationship scenario. 2. Homosexuality is the result of an incomplete development of male identity, due to male attributes that the homosexual feels he has no or presents a deficit. Both causes can coexist together or separately, and be the reason why a man feels sexual arousal towards people of his same sex. A. Narcissism, narcissistic fetishes or homosexual fetishes as causes of male homosexuality: The following example explains it better: If a female gets aroused by wearing a, Will he get aroused by seeing other men wearing suits and ties? The answer is yes. Yes, he will get aroused! It is due to a narcissistic sexual theory that dictates: "That that arouses you on your own person will arouse you to see it in other people of your same sex." Another one is:

"That that arouses you of your own body will arouse you to see it in other people of your same sex." This is because the man identifies sexually with those who meet the male attributes that to him gets aroused in his own person. If this man gets aroused by wearing a suit and tie, he will identify sexually with those men who wear them, and now, not only he will feel sexual arousal towards himself, but also towards other men who wear suits and ties. This is a clear indication of how narcissism degenerates into homosexuality. But what would happen if this man does not get aroused himself by wearing a suit and tie? Will he get aroused by seeing other men dressed in suits and ties? The answer is no. Since there is no sign of narcissism, there is no possibility that there is apparently a manifest homosexuality. In the case of the man who gets aroused by wearing a suit and tie: Why does he get aroused by wearing a suit and tie?, causing not only his sexual arousal towards himself, but also towards other men who wear a suit and tie, which is a clear sign of a manifest homosexuality.

In this case, it is because the wear of the garments stimulate his senses, especially the sense of touch, and mainly where erogenous zones are concentrated. Any item of clothing that comes in contact with the erogenous zones can stimulate them and provoke sexual arousal and unwanted erections. Erogenous zones are those parts of the human body (not only the genitals) having a higher sensitivity, the stimulation of which may result in the production of sexual arousal. People have erogenous zones all over their bodies, but which areas are more sensitive than others vary. Some may resent stimulation that others find arousing. The stimulation of these areas can produce gentle, mild or intense arousal. Some of them are: Buttocks, neck, lips, tongue, underarms, nipples, back, feet, chest, penis, glans, prepuce, anus and testicles. The suit and tie serve as stimuli for this man, making that erogenous zones, which are affected by the wear of the garments, are stimulated, and cause him sexual arousal and unwanted erections. In this case, the neck may be stimulated by wearing a tie, buttocks by wearing dress pants, the penis by wearing tight boxers, foot by wearing nylon socks, and so on, until discovering which garment is causing sexual arousal by wearing a suit and tie. Sexual arousal is manifested mainly with an erection.

This is a clear indication to know what thing arouses you and what thing attracts you. If a man has an unwanted erection and feels sexual arousal only when wearing a lycra boxer brief, for example, this can certainly lead to a manifest homosexuality. That is, a sexual attraction towards other men who wear lycra boxer briefs. The same applies to any object or garment belonging to male gender. If a man gets aroused by wearing an object or garment belonging to the same sex, he will get aroused by seeing other men who wear it, and this will degenerate into a manifested homosexuality. This is known as homosexual fetishism, narcissistic fetishism or narcissism. Here we can conclude that homosexuality has its origin in narcissism or homosexual fetishism, i.e. sexual arousal towards oneself while is worn certain clothes or objects. The treatment for male homosexuality caused by narcissism or homosexual fetishism consists of subtracting the erotic power to the libidinal object (homosexual fetish). This results in two ways: 1. Wearing the garment without that it causes you sexual arousal, this is accomplished avoiding that erogenous zones are not stimulated by the clothes. If this is not possible:

2. Not wearing the sexual object, and stay away from it and from the sight of men who wear it.

B. Homosexuality caused by the incomplete development of male identity due to masculine attributes that the homosexual feels he has no or presents a deficit. The title says it all: the homosexual feels he lacks or has a deficit of male attributes that he sees and wants of another man. It seems apparent that some homosexuals choose as sexual objects people who have characteristics physical, personal or both in which they themselves feel deficient. . . . Dissatisfaction with the self, with the way one is .. . measured against internalized standards about how one would like to be . . . may be one of the major roots of some homosexual feelings and behavior. (Kaplan) Kaplan continues: Often the homosexual seeks that quality that he feels lacking in himself, but which he sees in the other. Thus, the union gives him the feeling, at least momentarily, that he is now whole, or through identification, now possesses the missing quality. The treatment for male homosexuality caused by a lack or a deficit in masculinity consists of subtracting the erotic power to the libidinal object (the beloved man), through the adaptation and integration in oneself of what was previously sought in another man and was a source of sexual arousal.

With this achieves a full development of male identity, and therefore, a full identification with the men that before used to be attractive and a source of sexual arousal for the patient. In full agreement with the APA and WHO we consider that homosexuality is not a mental illness but as a different expression of the attraction for the erotic object. Thus, we are not against the investigation to determine the causes of why a person feels sexual arousal towards different sexual objects from what normally should be. Written by Rafael Osornio Medina.

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