Stories From The Mines... of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity

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from the
...of struggle,
& solidarity
Photo by PhilRights
his compilation givcs honor to all womcn who havc
campaigncd and arc still campaigning lor human
dignity, biodivcrsity conscrvation and sustainablc
Ior all thc womcn who havc put thcir livcs at risk, stood long
days in pickct lincs and havc cncountcrcd dangcr with thc
militarics and othcr armcd groups.
Ior all thc womcn who arc carrying thc additional burdcns
causcd by thc intrusion ol mining in thcir communitics.
Ior thcm who did not allow and will not allow mining
projccts to dcstroy thcir rich land and thc bcautilul luturc
thcy arc prcparing lor thc ncxt gcncration.
from the
...of struggle,
& solidarity
c/o Haribon Foundation
2/F Santos and Sons Building
#973 Aurora Blvd. corner Dapdap St.,
Cubao, Quezon City
Tel: +63 (02) 434-46-42
Tele Fax: +63 (02) 434-46-92
Judy A. Pasimio
Farah Sevilla, En.P
Amleth Lyn Bumanglag
Edel Garingan
Ryan G. Palacol
Printed in the Philippines October 2012
Table of Contents
For the Beauty of Buguey
Rei Panaligan
Going Against the Tide
Joan Masarate
Emiellou S. Pan
Manang Tina
Vernie Yocogan-Diano
A Struggle to Reclaim the Forest & Mountains Beauty
Angie Adviento
Mothers Home
Rico Mallillin
Ka Badang: Hungry for Justice
Judy A. Pasimio
Whats Serving in Pearls Cafe?
Edel S. Garingan
Story of Valor
Jenny Van Fiestada
A Beautiful Dream
Sherryll R. Mindo-Fetalvero
Winnie Royo: Losing and Finding Her Voice
Joe-Anna Marie Casidsid - Abelinde
Sisters Act in Sibuyan
Edel S. Garingan
An Insistent NO!
Joel Abelinde
Rodilisas Heartbreak: Sibuyans Mourn
Minerva E. Tabar
A Mothers Hymn for Justice
Edel S. Garingan
Doing Their Assignment
Edel S. Garingan
BEVERLY: Granddaughter of Lepanto Mines
Judy A. Pasimio
Manang Eliza
Edel Garingan and Elizabeth Mangol
Her Fight for A Safe Community
Elizabeth Mangol
Tagapangalaga ng Pinagmulan ng Buhay
Rofoo Coooo-Jr.o
Malaking Laban Para sa Kabundukan
Carlo Fajardo
From Tears to Bliss
John David Agpalo
Nightmare Warfare
John David Agpalo
Green Voices
Edel S. Garingan
Beyond the Pillars of Education
Lalaine Trono
Mayette Badar
Judy Pasimio
Choosing the Right Path
Faye P. Bada
Bruised but Not Broken
Sadie Delantar
The Makings of a Hero
Sadie Delantar
A Woman with Choice
Sweet Ordinary Gesture of Support
Edel S. Garingan
The Unfolding Story of the Mamanwas & Gandy
Vanessa Abalos
Astrid Villanueva
Imelda Luza
Zenia T. Balasa
Activist at Home
Edel S. Garingan
Resistance of Women in Samlang
Edel S. Garingan
What it Takes to Protect Life...
Edel S. Garingan
Delias Small Voice
Jonathan Espina
WILMA TERO Mag-aaral, Aktibista Subanen
Judy A. Pasimio
I am VICKY CAJANDIG, I am a Subanen
Judy A. Pasimio
A Mayors Plight
Edel S. Garingan
Sa Pagmimina
Dolores B. Yanan
Doc Nymia: Humang Rights Advocate, Defender
Joy Icayan
Rosanna Villegas
Virginia Pinlac
Sr. Eden Orlino, SPC
Joy Icayan
Leading the Way in Nature Conservation
Joel Abelinde
FuInIIing A Mission in A Distant Land
Edel S. Garingan
The Lawyer. The Activist. The Congresswoman.
Kristine Mendoza
Advocate Risa
Kristine Mendoza
Love for Nature... that Never Ends
Mark Pere Madrona
Sibuyan Island
5 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 5
Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity
lyansa Tigil Mina and LILAK wish
to thank Pambansang Kongrcso ng
Kababaihan sa Kanayunan (PKKK and
KAISA KA - Pagkakaisa ng kababaihan para sa
Kalayaan lor thcir assistancc in collccting storics
lrom thcir partncr communitics and lor promoting
thc projcct among thcir mcmbcr organizations.
To Visayas Statc Univcrsity in Baybay, Lcytc lor
allowing somc ol thcir studcnts to writc thc storics
ol womcn in Villa Imclda in MacArthur, Lcytc.
To all thc individuals and organizations lor thcir
contribution in this projcct.
. and to all thc womcn who havc sharcd thcir
storics, thc challcngcs thcy havc to lacc and thc
inspirations that kcpt thcm going.
Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity
Lakc Mainit
6 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 6
Stories from the Mines:
of struggle, sisterhood and solidarity
Ior scvcral days, Winnic Royo could not spcak.
This silcncc was brought about by thc incidcnt
shc witncsscd - thc violcnt conlrontation bctwccn
thc armcd guards ol thc mining company, and thc
unarmcd mcmbcrs ol hcr community, during thcir
protcst march against thc Sibuyan Nickcl Mincs.
Hcr silcncc was so loud, that hcr lamily lclt how
troublcd shc was, in lact, how traumatizcd shc was.
But whcn Winnic was ablc to brcak hcr silcncc,
hcr voicc bccamc strongcr - lor thc truth, and
against thc mining projcct in hcr homctown.
Winnic spokc, along with !9 othcr womcn. And
what thcy said, wc tricd to capturc and sharc
in this collcction. Thcy spokc ol thcir various
strugglcs against thc prcscncc ol dillcrcnt mining
projccts in thcir homcs, ol thc sistcrhood thcy havc
lclt with thc othcr womcn within thcir community,
ol thc solidarity across culturc, across mountains,
and scas.
Bcginning january ol this ycar,wc havc collcctcd
storics lrom dillcrcnt communitics, lrom dillcrcnt
islands. Wc had thrcc rcgional workshops - lirst
in Davao on july 15-18, lor thc Lumad womcn
workshop, on Scpt. 19-21,on Baybay, Lcytc, thcn
on Oct. 9-11, in Quczon City lor thc Luzon rcgion.
In cach workshop, wc would go homc richcr with
storics lrom womcn, who in dillcrcnt ways havc
bccn allcctcd by mining,but in a lot morc similar
ways, havc bccn involvcd in actions ol rcsistancc.
Mining companics havc dug thcmsclvcs dccp into
thc homcs and hcarts ol thcsc womcn, so dccp
that mining, or thc strugglc against mining in thcir
communitics, has translormcd thc livcs ol womcn.
In this collcction, wc will witncss a woman`s
couragc, dctcrmination, and commitmcnt as wc
cmbracc hcr drcams and hcr hopcs.
SHE spcaks, not without lcar, nor without carc.
Shc spcaks bccausc ol lcar - Isidra Bausul lcars lor
morc hungcr in hcr lamily and in hcr community
as lish kills havc bccn happcning in Lakc Bito
in Mc Arthur, Lcytc duc to thc opcrations ol
Nicua Mining Corporation. Tina Baticl Moyacn
could not lcavc hcr homc lor a month bccausc
ol unidcntilicd mcn riding motorcyclcs havc bccn
sccn outsidc hcr homc. Shc had bccn a targct ol
harassmcnts and thrcats sincc shc bccamc activc
in thc campaign against mining in Apayao.
But still, shc spcaks. Shc ovcrcomcs hcr lcar.
Manang Carmcn Ananayo was alraid ol thc
Australian mining company in Barangay Didi pio,
but slowly, as shc attcndcd mcctings,and involvcd
hcrscll in trainings, shc now says that shc is no
longcr alraid ol Occania Gold, and would lcad
community actions against it.
7 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 7
Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity
Morc than thc lcar ol thc mining company and
its armcd lorcc, shc has hcr scll-imagc, and thc
rolc assigncd to hcr by thc community, that shc
has to ovcrcomc. A dcvotcd mothcr, whosc only
divcrsion lrom mothcrhood and bcing a wilc,
was bcing a committcd tcachcr, Swcct Mindo-
Ictalvcro camc to a rcalization that mothcrhood
gocs bcyond thc conlincs ol homc whilc bcing a
tcachcr docsn`t stop in thc pillars ol schooling,"
as shc bccomcs onc ol thc lcading ligurcs in thc
Sibuyan light against mining.
As shc immcrscs hcrscll in thc strugglc against
mining,shc rcdclincs mothcrhood,and shc rcdclincs
hcrscll. With hcr 10-month old baby, Sclya Bahag,
a larmcr,joincd hcr lcllow mothcrs, and sistcrs,in
thc pickct linc against thc mining opcration. Edita
Rcalino took on thc rolc ol documcnting thcir
local organization mcctings, and hclpcd in thc
nctworking lor support, on top ol hcr rolc as lishcr,
and mothcr-wilc to hcr lamily.
Shc spcaks thc dillcrcnt languagcs ol NO! Ka
Badang Isidro, a Mangyan,did not lcavc any room
lor misundcrstanding ol hcr position against Intcx
Mining in Mindoro whcn shc wcnt on hungcr
strikc lor scvcral days. Thc B`laan womcn rcluscd
to givc conscnt to Sagittarius Mincs (SMI lor thc
Tampakan projcct.
Shc would bc in a boat travcling in thc middlc ol
thc night to join rallics in anothcr island,shc would
bc collccting signaturcs lor pctitions,shc would bc
lcading praycrs,silcntly,in community chapcls lor
thc salcty ol hcr kababayan. Shc would bc cooking
lor thosc attcnding thc mcctings. Shc would clcan
up and tcnd to thc gardcns whilc thc othcrs arc
away lor rallics.
Shc would bury hcr dcad husband, whilc shc
braccs hcrscll to continuc thc strugglc which took
his lilc.
Shc is in thc kitchcn,shc is on thc strcct,shc is on
thc larm, shc is insidc thc munici pal hall as thc
Mayor,shc is insidc thc Congrcss,shc is in Canada
supporting community strugglcs.
Shc is hcrc, with us.
Ior a long timc, shc has not spokcn. And cvcn
whcn shc docs, shc would not bc hcard. Now, shc
Lct hcr tcll hcr storics.
Octobcr 15, 2012
c lcarncd many lcssons
in our strugglc. It takcs
couragc, sacrilicc and
paticncc amidst lcar to
do thc right thing lor
thc pcoplc."
10 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 10
For the Beauty
of Buguey
Buguey, Cagayan Valley
Alliance for Buguey Community Advocates (ALBUCODA)
cn/o oyot mi di ogsordoy. 0 Bugucy,ili
mi /opotgon.'
It is bowcr a rcal thing ol bcauty. It is Bugucy, a
homc lor you and mc
--Exccrpts lrom Bugucy hymn.
Composcd by Iortunato Tacuboy, Sr.
Thc richncss and scrcnity ol hcr homctown, as
immortalizcd by hcr lolo Iortunato through his
words and rhymc, has always providcd Rosbin
Tacuboy-Martin inspiration and strcngth to do
cvcrything that shc can to hclp maintain Bugucy`s
pristinc bcauty.
Now Rosbin, widow and mothcr to a son, is
dcdicating hcr cncrgy and timc, and cvcn risking
hcr salcty in support ol thc anti-mining movcmcnt
that shc and lcllow conccrncd Bugucnos lormcd
to opposc thc rampant illcgal cxcavation ol
magnctitc-rich sands in thcir town.
Locatcd at thc northcrn part ol Cagayan, Bugucy
is surroundcd by mountains, plains and scas.
Sincc 200o, mining opcrations llourishcd in
Bugucy and othcr Cagayan towns with hugc
dcposits ol magnctitc-rich sands, which is also
callcd black sands". Magnctitc mining pcrmits,
according to thc cnvironmcntal group Kalikasan
Pcoplc`s Nctwork lor thc Environmcnt, covcr 13,
8!3 hcctarcs ol land along thc coast ol Cagayan.
Iili pino, Korcan and Chincsc busincssmcn and
thc Enrilcs, a powcrlul local political lamily, arc
known to bc linancing thcsc mining opcrations.
Rosbin lirst got involvcd campaigning against
mining whcn shc attcndcd a scminar in hcr town
in May 2009. Altcr lcarning thc advcrsc impact
ol mining to thc cnvironmcnt and pcoplc in
11 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 11 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Rei Panaligan is an cnvironmcntal advocatc
and has bccn involvcd in dcvclopmcntal
work lor morc than 15 ycars.
But then, leaving Buguey is not
an option because she believes,
deep in her heart, that no home
will be as lovely as Buguey.
thc allcctcd communitics, shc has bccn a kcy
advocatc lor thc anti-mining movcmcnt. Shc
has to managc hcr timc as shc also runs a local
pharmacy storc. Shc tirclcssly attcnds to thc nccds
ol thc group. Shc hclps in nctworking and lund
raising cllorts, providcs logistical support and
activcly partici patcs in dialogucs with conccrncd
agcncics and local ollicials.
In 2009, altcr doing rallics and a numbcr ol
advocacy work in thc town, Bugucnos won a major
victory whcn thc Dcpartmcnt ol Environmcnt and
Natural Rcsourccs (DENR Sccrctary Lito Aticnza
issucd a Ccasc and Dcsist Ordcr and suspcndcd
all opcrations and approval ol proposcd magnctitc
mining opcrations within Bugucy.
Howcvcr, lcgal ordcrs arc usclcss whcn
cnlorccmcnt is poor, and this was thc casc lor
Bugucy. Until now, illcgal mining opcrations
pcrsist in thc town. To makc mattcrs worsc,
cascs ol intimidation, violcncc and human rights
abuscs havc riscn, not only in Bugucy but also in
othcr Cagayan towns marrcd with illcgal mining
In March 2010,Gcnsun Agustin was gunncd down
along a highway ncar Barangay Calamcgatan
altcr spcaking in an anti-mining lorum hc
organizcd. Hc was a mcmbcr ol thc Alliancc lor
Bugucy Community Advocatcs (Albucoda and
Icdcration ol Anti-Mining Advocatcs in Cagayan
Thcn, two anti-mining lcadcrs, Conrado Bucnallor
and William Arzadon, wcrc murdcrcd, whilc
Adamson Arcllano, anothcr advocatc, was shot
during thc hcight ol thc May 2010 clcction.
Thc clcction bccamc a battlcground lor pro-
and anti-mining candidatcs and was vitiatcd by
violcncc. Until now, no onc has bccn brought to
justicc to answcr lor thc killings.
Still, thc spirit ol Bugucnos will not bc dctcrrcd.
Rosbin and hcr group continuc to monitor and
documcnt thc activitics ol thc mining companics,
conduct public gathcrings and rally othcr
stakcholdcrs to join thc campaign.
Bcing an activist and advocatc whcrc political
powcr and violcncc can shacklc human rights
and bring a small town to its knccs, it is usual
lor Rosbin to rcccivc mcssagcs ol conccrn lrom
hcr lovcd oncs, cspccially hcr daughtcr who is
studying in Los Banos, Laguna.
But thcn, lcaving Bugucy is not an option bccausc
shc bclicvcs, dccp in hcr hcart, that no homc will
bc as lovcly as Bugucy.
Black Sand Mining in Bugucy
ALBUCODA lilc photo
12 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 12
Buguey, Cagayan Valley
Brgy. Kagawad, Pagdaya, Buguey, Cagayan Valley
Going Against
the Tide
n january 2012, thc Barangay Captain ol
Pagdaya, Bugucy, Cagayan Vallcy lilcd a
rcsolution authorizing a magnctitc mining
projcct in thcir coastlinc. At thc start, thrcc
mcmbcrs ol thc council dcnicd thc projcct,
but it was only Imclda Mapc who stood up till
thc cnd and did not sign in thc pctition. Bcing
an clcctcd ollicial, shc kncw that shc had to
promotc thc intcrcst ol thc community.
A stri p ol thcir barangay laccs thc sca,with vast
arcas ol riccliclds locatcd just a lcw mctcrs lrom
thc coast. This is thc vcry rcason why Atc Imclda
thinks that mining is an inappropriatc busincss
in thcir coastlinc. Shc kncw that it can gravcly
allcct thcir riccliclds, which is thc community`s
main sourcc ol incomc. As a mothcr ol cight
childrcn, shc kncw cxactly how dillicult it
will bc lor othcr parcnts to compromisc thcir
Bccausc ol hcr unyiclding rcsistancc to thc
projcct, shc bccamc thc objcct ol rcscntmcnt
ol othcr barangay ollicials and cvcn a lcw ol
hcr constitucnts. Evcrsincc shc had shown
hcr disapproval to thc projcct, thc barangay
ollicc has rarcly invitcd hcr to mcctings, most
cspccially thosc about thc mining projcct. This
is no longcr your conccrn," thcy would tcll
13 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 13 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Joan Masarate is a graduatc ol political
scicncc at Univcrsity ol Caloocan City and is
currcntly working as a licld olliccr in a child
sponsorshi p agcncy in Mctro Manila.
hcr. Outnumbcrcd by thc pro-mining ollicials,
magnctitc mining in hcr town was pursucd.
just a lcw months altcr thc company initiatcd thc
projcct in March,thc community alrcady noticcd
that thc coast sccmcd to bc cxpanding and thc
sca bcginning to cncroach into thcir lands. Thcy
bccamc morc anxious about thcir riccliclds,
worrying that salt watcr lrom thc sca would soon
rcach thcir land and stunt thc growth ol thcir
With this cmcrging thrcat in thcir livclihood,
rcsidcnts ol Wcst Pagdaya planncd to stagc a
rally against thc projcct. Howcvcr, thcy worricd
that thcir gricvanccs may not bc hcard, thcir
barangay and local govcrnmcnt ollicials would
not listcn to thcir call sincc, at thc bcginning, no
community consultation or public hcaring was
hcld lor thc projcct.
Atc Imclda, in an cllort to hclp thc community,
also attcmptcd many timcs to talk to thc
opcrators ol thc mining lirm. But, bccausc shc
was alrcady idcntilicd as a staunch anti-mining
advocatc, shc had bccn dcnicd cntry into thc
mining prcmiscs many timcs, dcspitc hcr bcing a
barangay ollicial.
Thus, pcoplc would comc to hcr cvcry timc thcy
cncountcrcd problcms with thc mining company.
Onc morning, a mothcr camc to hcr asking
lor hclp bccausc hcr son had bccn accuscd ol
bcating a Chincsc mincr and damaging onc ol
thc company`s backhocs. But hcr son dcnicd thc
allcgation as hc was aslccp whcn thc incidcnt
happcncd. Atc Imclda assistcd thcm in liling a
countcr allidavit. Thcy walkcd around thc town
to cncouragc othcr witncsscs to contcst thc story
providcd by thc Chincsc mincr.
Mining is ncw in thcir town,and it is changing thc
tidc in Pagdaya. No onc knows yct how bad it can
gct. Atc Imclda docs not want to rcach that point
- that`s why, this carly, shc is alrcady lighting.
14 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 14
singlc vision can scrvc as a building
block to a drcam. And oncc wc look
dccpcr into that rcvclation, it is to bclicvc
that it bcars lurthcr promisc than a picturc to look
at, rathcr, wc scc opportunity at hand.
This, and many morc, spcaks ol bclicving.
But as many words as thcrc arc to dcscribc
what bclicving" rcally is, it takcs morc than a
dcscri ption to mcasurc what somconc bclicvcs in.
And most ol thc timc, bclicving is ncvcr casy to
quantily, mainly bccausc it carrics a gravity that
dcmands invcstmcnt ol timc, cncrgy, cllort and
undcrstanding, and mainly bccausc it dcmands
commitmcnt. As thcsc lorccs allcct us dillcrcntly,
thus, what a bclicl can do to onc could bc dillcrcnt
lrom what it can do to anothcr.
Wc arc about to mcct a bclicvcr, laithlul and
dccply dcvotcd to hcr bclicl.
Ior Sistcr Mincrva, hcr rccognition ol Thc Lord
and hcr adhcrcncc to hcr bclicls shapcd hcr to
bccomc thc pcrson shc is and cqui ppcd hcr
to do what shc is doing: IAS Pastoral Ministry
Coordinator and an activc advocatc ol anti mining
in Cagayan.
Ior six ycars, shc has bccn working as a coordinator
in hcr rcligious ministry, and to spiritually mould
thc pcoplc ol Sta. Ana. Shc rcachcs out to thc
Agtas to sharc hcr laith.
It is thc samc laith and bclicl, and thc samc
burning compassion lor thc Agtas that lcad hcr
activcly partici patc in campaigns against mining
in thc provincc ol Cagayan. And in cvcry activity
shc cngagcs hcrscll into, shc considcrs God as thc
vcsscl ol all hcr inspirations. Hcr bclicl in thc Lord
God as thc Crcator ol all things stirs hcr dcsirc to
do things according to His tcachings. This laith
has taught hcr that Hc is at work in all our livcs
and cvcry bcing, that thc carth and its trccs, thc
sca and its crcaturcs, thc woods and its wildlilc,
thc wind and thc birds, all thc animals,thc sky, and
cvcry clcmcnt ol lilc arc all part ol thc cnormous
palm ol God conncctcd yct indcpcndcntly worthy
ol rcspcct and protcction.
This is why whcn an application lor cxploration
pcrmit was lilcd in 2009, and thc anccstral domain
ol thc Agtas in Cagayan was put at risk,shc hccdcd
thc call ol thc church to bc in solidarity with thc
poor. Shc bcgan taking stcps that would cnsurc
sccurity lor thc pcoplc in Cagayan,thcir anccstral
land and propcrtics, culturc and indigcnous
15 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 15 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Cagayan Valley
Pastoral Ministry Coordinator and member of Federation
of Environmental Advocates in Cagayan (FEAC)
knowlcdgc. Shc rccognizcs that bcing among God`s
crcation, onc is accountablc lor and rcsponsiblc
to asccrtain thc lrcc llow ol lilc. And mining in
arcas that bclong to a culturc whcrc toiling thc
land lor crops as thc primary mcan to carn a
living would only disturb thc cyclc ol lilc. It would
only, as shown in hcr studics and obscrvations, lall
short ol its promisc ol cnvironmcntal stability and
cconomic dcvclopmcnt.
So as thc proposcd projcct appcarcd to thrcatcn
thc livclihood ol thc Agtas, Sistcr Mincrva`s
position on thc issuc is to protcct and prcscrvc lilc
and living in Sta. Ana Cagayan, cvcn il that would
mcan standing against mcn, military, and hcavy
cqui pmcnt.
With thc growing social, cultural, and cnviron-
mcntal impacts ol thc cxtractivc activity to lilc and
living in Cagayan, shc soon bccamc involvcd in
building thc Icdcration ol Environmcntal Advo-
catcs in Cagayan (IEAC, which aims to unitc
pcoplc who arc against mining in thcir provincc.
This is onc ol thc stratcgics that would hclp stimu-
latc, support and sustain an individual`s cllorts to
bccomc agcnts ol changc, apablc ol inllucncing
mining policics and dcvclopmcnt. Shc also nct-
workcd with local and national groups, attcnding
to lorums which spcak on issucs ol mining, lob-
bying dialogucs to local govcrnmcnt units to scck
support in prcvcnting attcmpts to cxplorc mincs
in Cagayan.
Hcr cllorts cxtcndcd to lcarning about incidcnts
ol incursions ol arcas and how it changcs thc
pcoplc`s way outisdc Cagayan and obscrving thc
hungcr and dangcr,thc inability ol ol thc pcoplc
to thcir lorcst to gathcr lod, and thc dcvastation
ol natural rcsourccs. This hcightcncd hcr conccrn
in protccting thc pocplc and thcir placc. Shc
activcly partici patcd in thc Ircc Prior Inlormcd
conscnt (IPIC proccss conductcd by thc NCIP,
making surc that mcn and womcn in thc arca arc
wcll awarc and armcd with knowlcdgc csscntial to
sustain thcir land.
Shc has also playcd a critical rolc in cducating
and disscminating inlormation and rcsourccs in
hcr arca. Shc has strcngthcns pcoplc through a
human rights-bascd community building which
involvcs inlorming thc Agtas ol thcir rights in thcir
anccstral land and dccpcning thcir culturc and
practiccs. As a nun, Sistcr Mincrva has providcd
thc pcoplc in Cagayan not only a bcttcr picturc
ol how lilc should bc rightlully livcd,but also shc
supplics thcm a propcr prospcctivc on thc mattcr
ol mining and its paramctcr.
Dcspitc thc sacriliccs and hard work that Sistcr
Mincrva has donc, thcrc still rcmain numcrous
proposals and attcmpts to cxplorc Cagayan
provincc lor mining, and shc bclicvcs that, as long
as thcsc challcngcs kccp cmcrging, thcrc is no
16 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 16
Emiellou Pan is a lormcr prcsidcnt ol a
community youth organization in Caloocan,
Quczon City and provincc ol Bulacan. Shc
is a graduatc ol Accountancy in Polytcchnic
Univcrsity ol thc Phili ppincs and currcntly
working in an intcrnational banking
Power and violence are
the instruments essential
in winning a battle, but in
this situation, she aims to
address the conict with
compassion, mercy and
Though shc has cxpcricnccd injusticc that
brought hcr to a statc ol inncr woundcdncss.
Sistcr Mincrva has high hopcs that thc battlc
against mining can bc won without having to
draw thc sword. Shc has won support lrom hcr
rcligious community, who, in thc bcginning wcrc
indillcrcnt to hcr involvcmcnt in this advocacy.
Shc was qucstioncd during thc conduct ol a
paralcgal training in Gonzaga. Shc was idcntilicd
as a rcbcl yct shc continucd to conduct workshops
in mining-allcctcd arcas. Powcr and violcncc arc
thc instrumcnts csscntial to win a battlc,but in this,
shc aims to addrcss thc conllict with compassion,
mcrcy and lorgivcncss.
Shc travcls unarmcd, but lcars nothing. Shc
has lost supportcrs along thc way, Shc took thc
drawbacks and structurcd thcm to sct hcr ncw
paradigm, victory dircctcd by gospcl valucs. Thc
light shc is into now is proccss oricntcd, and its
timclinc is a lilctimc. Shc is awarc that it rcquircs
paticncc and dctcrmination. Obstaclcs may blur
thc road to hcr rcaching a minc-lrcc community,
but thcy havc widcncd hcr pcrspcctivc making
thcm building blocks in thc conscious partaking
ol pcoplc in protccting naturc`s intcgrity. It is a
vibrant tcstamcnt to thc activc partici pation ol thc
community towards cnvironmcnt protcction and
Shc is activcly awarc thcrc is still a long way to go.
But hcr commitmcnt to hclp opcn thc cycs ol thc
indigcnous pcoplcs to thc impact ol mining, and
hcr laith that pcoplc can cnrich an agclcss culturc
and succccd in protccting thc cnvironmcnt. Shc
just has to show thcm that, at lirst, thcy havc to
17 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 17 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
c lcarncd many lcssons in our
strugglc. It takcs couragc, sacrilicc
and paticncc amidst lcar to do
thc right thing lor thc pcoplc."
- Rupina Tina" Baticl Moyacn
Rupina Baticl Moyacn, londly callcd Manang
Tina is lrom Conncr, onc ol thc munici palitics ol
thc provincc ol Apayao, in thc Cordillcra Rcgion
ol northcrn Phili ppincs. It is a land ol promisc as
dcscribcd by Manang Tina.
Thc town is thc homc ol indigcnous pcoplcs ol
Isncgs and Kolingos. Othcr indigcnous pcoplcs
lrom Mountain Provincc, Bcnguct, Abra, Cagayan
and lowland provinccs migratcd to thc placc.
Manang Tina`s lamily is lrom thc Kon/onocy-
Igorots ol Mountain Provincc.
Thc migrants intcrminglcd harmoniously with
thc Isncgs and Kalingas until largc-scalc logging
and mining activitics camc in," Manang Tina
Manang Tina
A Story of Defense for
Land, Life, and Resources
The Entry of Commercial Logging
Manang Tina witncsscd how thc natural
rcsourccs ol Conncr wcrc ol cnormous intcrcst
to corporations. Hcr story bcgan whcn thrcc
Chincsc-Iili pino logging conccssionaircs cntcrcd
thcir town lrom 1975 to 1985. In thc proccss ol
building roads lor thc logging trucks, productivc
agricultural lands plantcd to lruit trccs and lood
crops wcrc bulldozcd. Rcsidcnts wcrc displaccd
by thc logging opcrations.
I was in high school and thcn collcgc around
this timc," Manang Tina narratcd. In collcgc, shc
bccamc an activc lcadcr ol thc Cordillcra youth
and studcnt organization whcrc thc cxpcricncc
ol Conncr was among thosc thcy discusscd
as manilcstation ol national opprcssion on
indigcnous pcoplcs.
Upon graduating lrom collcgc, shc bccamc a
stall mcmbcr ol thc Cordillcra Pcoplcs Alliancc
chaptcr in Kalinga-Apayao that was bascd in
Tabuk, thcn thc provincial capital.
18 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 18
Then Militarization
As a community organizcr thcn and lcading an
organization that was undcr attack by thc statc
lorccs bcing labclcd as a support organization lor
thc Ncw Pcoplcs Army (NPA or a communist
lront, lilc lor us was cxtrcmcly risky, " Manang
Tina rclatcd.
Shc wcnt on to narratc how govcrnmcnt troops
wcrc scnt to Conncr in 1985, thus worscning thc
human rights situation in thc town. Militarization
continucd until 1995, whcrcin, local lcadcrs wcrc
killcd by soldicrs and para-military troops.
Lcadcrs and mcmbcrs ol pcoplc`s organisations
also cxpcricnccd intcnsc harassmcnt and various
lorms ol thrcats.
I was onc ol thc applc-ol-thc cyc ol thc military
stationcd in Conncr and ncarby Cagayan bcing
onc ol thc notcd lcadcrs listcd in thcir 'ordcr ol
battlc`," shc rclrcshcd hcr mcmory.
In a drcadlul situation whcrc sccurity and lilc
wcrc always at risk, Manang Tina and othcr
mcmbcrs ol pcoplcs` organizations in Conncr did
not succumb to lcar. Instcad, thcy asscrtcd thcir
rights, and procccdcd to do what thcy bclicvcd
was right.
The Entry of Mining
In thc coursc ol rcbuilding our livcs altcr thc
havoc wrought by thc logging companics and by
militarisation, thc pcoplc ol Conncr laccd anothcr
nightmarc," Manang Tina rccollcctcd.
Thc passagc ol thc Phili ppinc Mining Act ol
1995 providcd thc lcgal justilication lor thc cntry
ol mining corporations to thc munici pality. Thc
applications lor mining ol various corporations
covcrcd almost 30 ol Conncr`s land arca, lcaving
only 70 lor agriculturc.
Thc Cordillcra Exploration Incorporatcd (CEXI,
a subsidiary ol British-owncd Anglo Amcrican
and thc Australian-owncd Climax-Occana
Gold, applicd lor gold and coppcr cxploration.
Thc applications wcrc supportcd by govcrnmcnt
agcncics, such as thc National Commission on
Indigcnous Pcoplcs (NCIP, an agcncy cstablishcd
to supposcdly protcct thc rights and intcrcst
ol indigcnous pcoplcs. Govcrnmcnt agcncics
bccamc thc mouthpiccc ol mining corporations,"
Manang Tina, notcd sadly.
Thc pcoplc ol thc community, particularly its
womcn, actcd to opposc this thrcat to thcir
land and livclihood. A community lorum on
mining was conductcd on july 2005, which lcd
to thc lormation ol thc Savc Apayao Pcoplc`s
Organization or SAPO.
1 Anglo American Corporation calls itself one of the worlds major diversied mining groups. We continue to extend our reach around the globe and expand
the materials we mine. From accessed August 31, 2009. The website also states the companys presence in
the Philippines with exploration which started in 2000 in Mindanao and in the Central Cordillera.
Save Apayao Peoples Organization
19 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 19 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Thc organization campaigncd against thc
proposcd mining cxploration and opcration.
Womcn callcd lor community dialogucs with
local ollicials, dcvclopcd cducational matcrials
on mining that wcrc givcn out in thc communitics,
and conductcd a signaturc campaign against
mining whcrc 20 out ol 21 communitics in thc
munici pality ovcrwhclmingly votcd against
Thc local ollicials ol Conncr warncd thc pcoplc
to stop opposing thc mining projccts or clsc, thcy
would turn out to bc thc ncxt victims ol political
killing. Manang Tina undcrwcnt survcillancc.
Shc vividly rccallcd, I was unablc to lcavc my
housc lor a month in August 200o bccausc ol
thrcats. Unidcntilicd motorcyclc-riding mcn wcrc
sccn at night ncar my housc and my parcnts`
housc. My child attcnding nurscry school stoppcd
bccausc I could not accompany him to school
anymorc. I could not cvcn stcp out ol my own
doorstcp, communication with othcr olliccrs and
mcmbcrs ol SAPO was vcry dillicult."
Thcy brought thcir issuc to thc attcntion ol thc
Cordillcra Pcoplcs Alliancc (CPA, Innabuyog,
a rcgional alliancc ol indigcnous womcn`s
organizations in thc Cordillcra, and thc Cordillcra
Womcn`s Education Action Rcscarch Ccntcr
Asidc lrom thc local actions and rcgional support,
thc mining strugglc in Conncr was also brought
to othcr lora and cvcnts at thc national and
intcrnational lcvcl.
Resolved to Resist and Exist
In thc proccss ol rcsisting thc cntry ol corporatc
mining into thcir communitics, SAPO has
cxpandcd its work linking with thosc who
arc opposing broadcr national policics and
programmcs which bring dcstruction to thc land
and communitics ol indigcnous pcoplcs.
In Scptcmbcr ol 2008, scvcral womcn lcadcrs and
mcmbcrs ol SAPO sct up thc womcn`s committcc
ol thc organization. Manang Tina bclicvcs that this
is onc cllort to strcngthcn womcn`s partici pation
in thc pcoplc`s strugglc against thc mining giants,
whilc cqually rcsponding to spccilic nccds and
problcms ol womcn to bc morc cllcctivc in
partici pating in community dcvclopmcnt and
cmpowcrmcnt. Anothcr womcn`s organization
has cmcrgcd in thc strugglc to dclcnd land, lilc
and rcsourccs.
Thc bravc womcn ol SAPO say, Wc succccdcd
in stopping thc largc logging opcrations, wc
survivcd thc dark ycars ol militarization. Wc
stoppcd two giant mining lirms in thcir cxploration,
withstanding prcssurc lrom thc companics and
govcrnmcnt ollicials who colludcd with thc
companics. So what will stop us lrom complctcly
prcvcnting largc corporatc mincs to opcratc in
our land. Thcrc is no bcttcr placc than Conncr,
unlcss wc ccasc living."
I was unable to leave my
house for a month in August
2006 because of threats...
It was very difcult.
Vernie Yocogan-Diano is thc Exccutivc
Dircctor ol Cordillcra Womcn`s Education
Action Rcscarch Ccntcr (CWEARC
20 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 20
Didipio, Nueva Vizcaya
Didipio Earth Savers Multi-Purpose Association, Inc
A Struggle to Reclaim
the Forests and
Mountains Beauty
Manang Sclya is a larmcr who has livcd in Brgy.
Didi pio, Kasibu in Nucva Vizcaya all hcr lilc.
As shc stands on hcr bclicls, shc has bccomc an
activc mcmbcr ol Didi pio Earth Savcr`s Multi-
Purposc Association, Inc (DESAMA. Thcir
organization`s protcst lor thc protcction ol thcir
mountains startcd in 2000. Il wc will not protcct
out mountains, who will protcct our arca." shc
Onc ol thc cllccts that shc has witncsscd as a
rcsult ol Occana Gold Phili ppincs, Incorporatcd`s
(OGPI opcration is thc dcstruction ol thcir
mountains, shc is saddcncd that thcy arc slowly
bcing llattcncd. Thcir community`s culturc and
unity also diminishcd whilc dillcring princi plcs
lcd to pcoplcs` division.
Thcrc arc ruthlcss and illcgal dcmolitions.
And it bccamc dusty in our arca, cspccially thc
strccts. Our rivcrs arc all gonc whcn it uscd to
bc bcnclicial lor us, our watcr nccds arc starting
to gct allcctcd. And how about our mountains."
clya Bahag, 37, puts hcr lilc on thc linc as
shc protcsts against illcgal dcmolition and
inccssant mountain dcstructions brought
about by mining in thc tcrrains ol Nucva Vizcaya
and Quirino Provinccs.
21 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 21 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Angeli Adviento carncd hcr BA Social
Scicnccs dcgrcc lrom UP Baguio. Shc currcntly
works as a writcr lor an intcrnational non-prolit,
charitablc organization.
In 2000, Manang Sclya and hcr group wcnt to
Malacanang to rally against OGPI`s opcration and
callcd on to lormcr prcsidcnt Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo to abandon thc Mining Act ol 1995. Thcy
walkcd lor lour hours lrom thcir Sitio,all thc way to
thc tcrminal going to Mctro Manila-pcoplc sacriliccd
and paid lor thcir own transportation, whilc othcrs
contributcd moncy so that othcr mcmbcrs can comc.
That timc,it was just tcn months altcr shc gavc birth
to hcr child. Although shc kncw that it would bc vcry
hard lor hcr, shc still dccidcd to join and lcad thcir
group. Shc lights against mining lor hcr childrcn`s
luturc and lor thc gcncrations to comc. Shc prays
lor God`s guidancc in thcir strugglc as indigcnous
communitics,opposing thc cntry ol mining opcrations
in thcir lands.
Howcvcr, thc govcrnmcnt did not rcspond to thcir
On March 9 to May o, 2008,thcy sct up a barricadc
in Sitio Dinauyan, 30-minutc walk away lrom thcir
community, to block thc cntry ol hcavy cqui pmcnts
to bc uscd lor thc mining opcration. Childrcn and
womcn wcrc thcrc. Shc was with thc womcn in lront
ol thc barricadc.
During that timc, shc wokc up bclorc sunrisc to
prcparc lor hcr childrcn`s nccds and lclt chorcs lor
hcr childrcn. Shc sacriliccd work in thc liclds and
guardianshi p ol thcir housc. Manang Sclya and hcr
husband wcrc both activc in DESAMA.
Thcy guardcd thc barricadc 2!/7 to stop thc cntry
ol mining cqui pmcnt. But thc mincrs still got in
thc way.
Evcryday, I scc how OGPI dcstroys our lorcsts.
Somctimcs I lccl anxious and kcpt thinking on
how wc will succccd. I always rcmcmbcr my
cxpcricnccs with our abundant lorcsts at thc back
ol our housc,thc clcan rivcr whcrc wc uscd to play
and takc a bath," shc rccalls.
On April 30, 2012, DESAMA stagcd anothcr
rally in Kasibu Munici pal Hall. Along with othcr
barangays and sitios in Kasibu, Nucva Vizcaya,
thcy shoutcd thcir disapproval ol thc mining and
thc proposcd dam projcct. In lront ol thc Mayor,
Vicc-mayor, and Congrcssman, Manang Sclya
spokc about thcir community`s opposition to thc
mining projcct in thcir arca.
Amidst challcngcs, Manang Sclya gavc hcr
bountilul gratitudc to organizations that hclpcd
thcir group voiccd out thcir conccrns to authoritics.
Ior this pcrscvcring mothcr, until thc mining
company is allowcd actual opcrations, thcrc is still
hopc to gct thcm out ol thcir chcrishcd land.
22 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 22
Mothers Home
armcn Ananayo or Atc Carmcn livcs in an
old sccnic two-storcy housc surroundcd
by couplc ol trccs at an clcvatcd land
just along thc rough pavcmcnts ol Sitio Didi pio
in Kasibu, Nucva Vizcaya. Many ycars ago,sincc
thc timc shc movcd to Didi pio with hcr husband
and startcd thcir lamily, Atc Carmcn thought that
shc had a simplc lilc in thc midst ol towcring
mountains and lush lorcst. Thcy would swim and
lish in thc clcan rivcrs cascading at thc loot ol
thc mountains and at somc timcs thcy would pick
lruits and othcr things to cat insidc thc lorcst. But
things changcd quickly, whcn a mining projcct
intrudcd in thcir community.
Thc opcration ol Occana Gold Phili ppincs, Inc.
(OGPI is just lcw mctcrs away lrom Atc Carmcn`s
housc. Evcryday Atc Carmcn is conlrontcd by thc
ruthlcss rcalitics ol thc projcct, lrom thcir windows,
shc can clcarly scc how mining scrappcd thcir
mountains and dcstroy cvcrything that uscd to
livc in it. At night, thc opcration prcscnts a vicw
alicnating lrom thc wholc community, strong
lights llashcs lrom trucks, containcr vans and
bulldozcrs. Thc minc opcration also disturbs thcir
silcncc, sircns and somc cxplosions rcvcrbcratc
in thc air dcmonstrating thc strcsscs it causcs
to Mothcr Naturc. Evcryday, Atc Carmcn is
rcmindcd ol hcr light lor hcr town and thcir call
to push away OGPI.
In the barricade
Irom March 9 to May o, 2008, Atc Carmcn was
onc ol about lilty pcoplc who barricadcd in Sitio
Dinauyan, to obstruct thc cntrancc ol mining
cqui pmcnt and lacilitics ol OGPI. In thc timcs ol
possiblc cncountcr,womcn would stand in lront ol
thc barricadc and would lcad thc conlrontation
with thc mining stall and somctimcs with thc
policc lorcc. On that timc, pcoplc would takc
turns in manning thc barricadc sacrilicing thcir
timcs lor thcir larm and lamilics.
They burned our house!
At thc hcight ol violcnt dcmolition ol communitics
in thc town instigatcd by Occana Gold Phili ppincs,
in onc ordinary morning whilc Atc Carmcn was
washing somc clothcs in hcr lront yard,a wccping
mothcr was running hastily towards hcr. Thc
mothcr was crying as shc narratcs in brokcn
words that a dcmolition tcam lrom OGPI camc
to thcir placc and blcw up thcir housc. Without
sccond thoughts, Atc Carmcn droppcd what shc
was doing and run hurricdly to thc placc. It was
about 25-minutc run on thc rough pavcmcnt ol
thc town. Whcn thcy arrivcd, thcy saw thc housc
23 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 23 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Didipio, Nueva Vizcaya
Didipio Earth Savers Multi-Purpose Association, Inc
dissolving in llamc. It was latc lor thcm to savc it.
Thc sccnc was horriblc.
Atc Carmcn wcnt to thc OGPI`s ollicc with thc
pity womcn. Shc told thc mothcr not to lcavc
OGPI ollicc until thc company givc thcir lamily
a ncw placc lor shcltcr. Ior thc damagcs on thc
housc,lor thc land and thc cmotional dcgradation
ol thc lamily, OGPI only gavc thcm Php 50,000.
Thc lamily dccidcd to lcavc Didi pio and startcd
a ncw lilc in a ncarby community. Atc Carmcn
bclicvcs that it was unacccptablc harassmcnt and
a gravc abusc to thc human rights ol thc lamily.
Kung titingnon ong mo ong bo/oy no yun, /o/it
moliit yun,/onilo yun ot yun oy to/onon nilo. Yun
oy /onilo ot /indi so 0CPI.'
In her own house
Ior Atc Carmcn, this campaign had also madc
a divcrgcncc against hcr rclativcs. Hcr brothcrs
and sistcr and cvcn hcr cousins would askcd hcr
why shc continucs to rcsist thc projcct and not scll
hcr larm land to thc mining company. 1ingnon
mo yong bo/oy mo,/olunos-lunos nomon /umporo so
mgo /opitbo/oy mo.' Thcy would tcll hcr. (Look
at your housc, it lookcd so poor comparc to your
ncighbors who havc sold thcir lands to thc mining
But shc has no plans to submit to thc will ol OGPI.
With all wit and hcart, Atc Carmcn insistcd that
thc land shc rcccivcd lrom thcir anccstors will bc
thc samc land shc`ll grant to hcr ollspring.
Doti nototo/ot o/o so 0CPI,pcro do/il no din so mgo
troining no nopunto/on /o,nooolo no ong to/ot /o
so /onilo. Do/il no din so mgo troining,notuto o/ong
mogsolito so /oropng mododoming too ot i poglobon
ong /ototo/onon ot /oropoton ng momoyon'. (Bclorc,
I was alraid ol OGPI. But bccausc ol thc trainings
that I attcndcd, my insccuritics to thcm had bccn
vanishcd. Bccausc ol thc training, I lcarncd how
to talk in lront ol many pcoplc and light lor what
is truc and lor thc rights ol othcr pcoplc.
A day in Didipio
Many ycars ago, pcoplc in Didi pio would wakc
up carly and prcparc thcmsclvcs in thc larm, tcnd
thcir animals and lish on thcir rivcrs lor somc
lood lor brcaklast and lunch. Childrcn would
go to school lccling thc brcczc ol thc lorcst air.
But not anymorc today, pcoplc working in thc
mincs will wakc up gcaring up thcir slcck gcar,
wcar thcir boots and hard hat. Bulldozcrs will bc
running around thc rough road as thc opcration
bcgins to dismantlc thcir mountain. Childrcn
playing around havc no choicc but to brcathc thc
thick cloud ol dust causcd by mining.
Thc likcs ol Atc Carmcn who havc not sold thcir
land to OGPI will chcck thcir liclds hoping that
24 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 24
Rico Mallillin is a mcmbcr ol a voluntccr
group bascd in Caloocan. In April 2012, Rico
partici patcd in thc Earth Day cclcbration
ol thc anti-mining communitics in Kasibu,
Nucva Vizcaya whcrcin various groups hcld
a rally in lront ol Kasibu Munici pal Hall to
dcnouncc thc opcration ol Occana Gold in
Didi pio. Rico also wcnt to Didi pio whcrc shc
mct Atc Carmcn.
thcy will havc good harvcst lor thc ncxt day. In
somc othcr day, Atc Carmcn will bc waking up
carly, prcparing brcaklast lor hcr kids and would
hcad straight to thc protcst thcy arc staging at thc
munici pal hall in Kasibu against OGPI, crying
out loud that taking thcir lands lor picccs ol gold
might cnd thcir povcrty lor a whilc, but thc samc
limitlcss potcntial and capability lics on thcir
mountains cvcn il it rcmains just as it is, a homc
lor cvcrybody.
Mining opcration in thc Didi pio
25 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 25 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Ka Badang:
Hungry for Justice
arion Wallacc Dunlop wcnt on a
hungcr strikc in july 5,1909. Shc was
in prison whcn shc startcd hcr hungcr
strikc, altcr shc was arrcstcd lor militancy. Marion
was a British sullragcttc, a woman activist lighting
lor thc rights ol thc womcn to votc. In prison,
Marion wcnt on hungcr strikc to protcst thc arrcst.
Hcr motto thcn was Rclcasc or Dcath". Altcr 91
days ol hungcr strikc, thc authoritics rclcascd hcr
as thcy did not want hcr to bccomc a martyr.
Altcr Marion, othcr womcn sullragcttcs who wcrc
imprisoncd also took on hungcr strikc to protcst
thcir arrcst and thcir long scntcnccs.
Ka Badang Isidro may not havc hcard ol Marion
Wallacc Dunlop, or hcr organization Womcn`s
Social and Political Union (WSPU, but thcy do
sharc somcthing in common - thcir militancy,
and thc rcputation lor bcing thc lirst woman in
thcir particular licld and causc to mount a hungcr
strikc. Ka Badang, !! ycars old, is onc ol thc lirst
Mangyan womcn to go on hungcr strikc.
In Novcmbcr 17, 2009, Ka Badang, along with
25 Mangyans and othcr Mindorcnos, unloldcd
thcir mattrcsscs in prcparation lor a long haul
ol hungcr strikc in lront ol thc hcad ollicc ol
thc Dcpartmcnt ol Environmcnt and Natural
Rcsourccs (DENR. Thcy wcrc protcsting thc
wrong doing against thcm, thcir lamilics and thcir
communitics - thc issuancc ol thc Environmcntal
Compliancc Ccrtilicatc (ECC to Intcx Rcsourccs,
a Norwcgian mining company lor its Mindoro
Nickcl Projcct in thc Mindoro Provincc, cvcn as
thc thcrc is an cxisting Provincial moratorium on
mining, cvcn il no Ircc, Prior,Inlormcd Conscnt
(IPIC was issucd by thc Mangyan, and cvcn il
thc Rcvicw Committcc rccommcndcd thc dcnial
ol an ECC to Intcx. Onc ol thcir lindings is that no
public consultation with thc stakcholdcrs dircctly
allcctcd was hcld, and that thcrc was no propcr
projcct arca dclincation.
Unlikc Marion, Ka Badang is ncithcr a political
activist, nor an icon in thc womcn`s movcmcnt -
indigcnous movcmcnt lor that mattcr. Ka Badang,
26 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 26 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity
Photo by judy Pasimio
27 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 27 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
This is a sacrice am doing not
just for myself but for the others.
So maybe the Lord will reward
me by taking my UTI away.
Judy A. Pasimio is thc coordinator ol LILAK
(Purplc Action lor Indigcnous Womcn`s
Rights. LILAK is a collcctivc ol womcn`s rights
advocatcs and lcminists lor thc advanccmcnt ol
indigcnous, womcn`s rights.
an Alangan Mangyan, is a voluntccr ol Mangyan
Mission, a church-bascd group which providcs
scrviccs to thc Mangyans. Shc is a vcgctablc growcr
in thc town ol Victoria, Mindoro Occidcntal.
Shc grows kamotcng kahoy and bananas. Most
ol thcsc go to thc lamily dinncr tablc, and whcn
thcrc arc surplus, shc sclls thcm in town. But thcsc
days, shc says, thc Mangyan womcn havc no morc
sourcc ol incomc,as thcy havc no morc lands to
plant. Lands arc bcing claimcd by non-Mangyan
pcoplc, and thcy scll thcsc to thc mining company.
Thc National Commission on Indigcnous Pcoplcs
(NCIP is not bcing hclplul to thcm, shc lamcnts.
And that is why thcy bring thcir light straight to
thc doorstcp ol DENR.
A mothcr to ! childrcn, Ka Badang wcnt to Manila
without tclling any ol hcr kids, or hcr husband.
Shc didn`t want to upsct and worry thcm. Shc was
sullcring lrom acutc urinary tract inlcction (UTI,
and lor that, shc had to takc a mcdicinc rcgularly
which had to bc takcn on a lull stomach. But sincc
shc was on a hungcr strikc, shc could not takc
hcr mcdicinc. So altcr thrcc days, Ka Badang was
lccling thc discomlort ol UTI, as wcll as gcncral
wcakncss ol hcr body. This is a sacrilicc am
doing not just lor myscll but lor thc othcrs. So
maybc thc Lord will rcward mc by taking my UTI
On thc 7th day, thcn DENR Sccrctary Lito
Aticnza camc down to thc hungcr strikcrs and
announccd that it was suspcnding thc ECC, and
that an invcstigativc tcam would bc crcatcd to
look into thc issucs raiscd by Ka Badang and thc
Ka Badang was so happy, shc callcd onc ol hcr
sons to join in thc cclcbration ol this victory. That
night, Ka Badang sharcd a bowl ol lugaw (ricc
porridgc with hcr lcllow hungcr strikcrs. And
with that, shc was lcss hungry. . . lor lood, lor
28 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 28
Whats Serving
in Pearls Cafe?
Ate Pearl discovered new great things to
offer other than brewed coffee & pasta.
anuary 2011 at Pcarl`s Calc in Adiongan,
Tablas Island, Romblon. Atc Pcarl Hardcr
was scrving collcc to a couplc ol pcoplc whcn
a lamiliar man sauntcrcd insidc hcr rcstaurant.
In thc convcrging lights ol thc altcrnoon and
thc gcntlc brcczc ol post-Christmas air,Atc Pcarl
glcamcd and gavc hcr spccial lricnd Ircd a warm
wclcomc. Thcy sat down and cxchangcd updatcs
on cach othcr livcs. Thcy talkcd about many
things,thcir lricnds,thc collcc and thc othcr mcnus
in thc rcstaurant. Thcn Ircd suddcnly gavc an
carncst cxprcssion and opcncd thc discussion on
thc cxploration pcrmit ol Ivanhoc Phili ppincs,Inc.
Freds story
Ircd,who had bccn working in Ncw jcrscy,USA
dccidcd to go back in Romblon in 2010 and
stay thcrc lor a ycar to dcvclop thcir larm and
thc lamily busincss. Whilc hc was chccking thc
progrcss ol thc larm hc obscrvcd thcrc wcrc
group ol mcn" who would always pass by in his
arca. Onc ol thc pcoplc who was hclping him
in thc construction works in thc larm happcncd
to bc a mcmbcr ol thc barangay council and so
was awarc ol thc busincss ol thc said mcn". Hc
told Ircd that thosc wcrc stall and cnginccrs ol
Ivanhoc working on thc probablc cxploration
activity lor thcir mining projcct.
Worricd that thc projcct may mcddlc with thc
opcration ol thcir larm, and also on its possiblc
impact to thc cnvironmcnt and thc pcoplc ol
Tablas,Ircd dccidcd to talk to Atc Pcarl,whom hc
had known as an cnvironmcntal advocatc.
Immcdiatcly, Atc Pcarl kncw that shc has to
do somcthing, not just lor hcr lricnd but lor thc
pcoplc ol Tablas. In thc lollowing days, shc was
alrcady talking to hcr lormcr collcagucs in thc
local council and gathcring inlormation about
Ivanhoc Phil. and its proposcd mining projcct.
Onc day, altcr rcalizing that thc campaign against
mining would bc bcst spcarhcadcd by pcoplc
29 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 29 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Tablas Island, Romblon
Romblon Ecumenical Forum Against Mining
Edel S. Garingan is thc Mcdia and
Communications Olliccr ol Alyansa Tigil
who bclicvcd that pcoplc arc thc stcwards ol thc
naturc, as also proclaimcd in thc Biblc. Shc talkcd
to thc lcadcrs and pcoplc ol dillcrcnt rcligious
groups, and togcthcr thcy organizcd thc Romblon
Ecumcnical Iorum against Mining (REIAM.
At Pearls Caf
Evcry so oltcn, Pcarl`s calc is lillcd ol customcrs
craving lor collcc, noodlcs and pasta. But whcn
Atc Pcarl bccamc activc in thc campaign against
Ivanhoc, pcoplc would comc to hcr placc lor ncw
othcr rcasons,cithcr to lcarn things about mining,
partici patc in thc planning scssion ol REIAM or
just hang-out with thc othcr anti-mining advocatcs.
In somc days, Atc Pcarl also scrvcd lrcc collcc
and pandcsal to pcoplc attcnding cducation
scssions in thc rcstaurant.
Out ol thc scssions, ncw lcadcrs lrom thc
community cmcrgcd. Tcachcrs and studcnts
in Tablas workcd togcthcr to organizc thc
Association ol Studcnts against Mining (ASAM.
A ncw cncrgy was lclt insidc thc calc. Ccrtainly,
thc Pcarl`s Calc bccamc a signilicant spacc lor
cvcrybody as Atc Pcarl agrccd to makc it thcir
People Power in Romblon
In Icbruary 1!, 2011, a strong pack ol 12,000
pcoplc partici patcd in thc dcmonstration rally to
show thcir opposition to Ivanhoc Phil. Inc. It was
thc biggcst and most divcrsc public gathcring in
Romblon, clcctcd ollicials ol dillcrcnt political
partics, church lcadcrs and lollowcrs, studcnts,
and thosc who livc in thc city and cvcn in thc
rcmotc villagcs.
Ior about ninc months, Atc Pcarl with thc othcr
conccrncd citizcns ol Tablas rcjoiccd altcr
knowing that thcir cllorts linally yicldcd good
rcsult. Ivanhoc has withdrawn thcir applications
lor cxploration pcrmit and at long last, lclt thc
With thcir succcss in driving out Ivanhoc, Atc
Pcarl, with thc mcmbcrs ol REIAM and ASAM,
and thc local govcrnmcnt unit ol Romblon is
in high hopcs that thc bill lilcd in thc Housc
ol Rcprcscntativcs dcclaring thc provincc ol
Romblon as a mining lrcc zonc will bc cndorscd
to Scnatc and linally bccomcs a lcgislation.
Ircd had gonc back to Ncw jcrscy lor his work
whilc REIAM and ASAM continuc to mcct with
cach othcr and plan ncw activitics. As lor Atc
Pcarl, shc is still scrving thc bcst brcwcd collcc in
Tablas but outsidc hcr rcstaurant shc scrvcs thcm
with smilc and an opcn hcart in hclping thcm to
protcct thcir cnvironmcnt.
30 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 30
Story of Valor
A child retold the story of a woman who
inspired her to ght for what is right.
s mining companics bccomc much morc
intcrcstcd in our land, Tablas Island,
Rombon,morc pcoplc arc also opposing
it. This is whcrc thc story ol my cousin Marbcth
Marcclo Iadriqucla bcgan, thc loving wilc ol an
cnginccr and a thoughtlul mothcr to thcir daughtcr.
Shc is a tcachcr and a busincsswoman. Shc
startcd hcr cnvironmcntal campaign in january
2011 as shc was inllucnccd by thc subjcct shc
was tcaching - Good Govcrnancc,Environmcntal
Stcwardshi p and Social Rcsponsibility. Shc wants
to protcct thc cnvironmcnt lor hcr child and thc
ncxt gcncrations.
Marbcth`s advocacy lcd hcr to bccomc onc
ol thc adviscrs ol Alliancc ol Studcnts against
Mining (ASAM and bc a mcmbcr ol Romblon
Ecumcnical Iorum Against Mining (REIAM.
Hcr grcat advocacy is to prcvcnt mining activitics
in hcr homctown. ASAM bccamc thc arm ol
REIAM in disscminating inlormation among
youth and othcr stakcholdcrs in thc community on
thc dangcr that mining brings in thc cnvironmcnt
and thcir livclihood.
Hcr advocacy dccpcns altcr knowing that thcrc is
a mining projcct ncar thcir lamily-owncd propcrty,
and shc was cvcn surpriscd that thc owncr ol
that mining company is a popular pcrson in thc
provincc. Shc could not acccpt that a child ol
Romblon is doing such tcrriblc act to thcir town.
Shc continucs to join thc battlc against Ivanhoc
Phili ppincs. Onc ol thc most unlorgcttablc
momcnts in all ol thc group`s cllort to opposc
Tablas, Romblon
Adviser, Alliance of Students against Mining (ASAM)
31 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 31 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
and she was even
surprised that the owner of
that mining company is a
popular person in the province.
She could not accept that a
child of Romblon is doing such
terrible act to their town.
Jenny van Fiestada is a cousin ol Marbcth
Marcclo, a studcnt ol Romblon Statc Univcrsity
taking up Bachclor ol Scicncc in Education and
a mcmbcr ol thc univcrsity publication guild.
mining happcncd during thcir vcry lirst vidco
prcscntation in thc community whcrcin somc
ol thc stall ol Ivanhoc Phili ppincs obstructcd
thc projcct by taking picturcs ol thc cvcnt and
intimidating mcmbcrs ol thc campaign group.
Onc Ivanhoc stall cvcn pronounccd that blood
may shcd in this strugglc. Altcr thc prcscntation,
thc group immcdiatcly rcportcd thc incidcnt to
thc policc authoritics.
But thcy havc provcn that thcy will light until
thc cnd. With much praycrs lrom thc pcoplc ol
Romblon and untiring cllorts to gain morc support
lrom thc community, linally succcss camc thcir
way whcn Ivanhoc Phili ppincs lclt thc provincc
and totally withdrcw thc projcct.
Thc group is vcry proud ol thcir accomplishmcnt.
Thc wholc community ol Romblon rcjoiccd and
commcmoratcd thcir cllort. To cnsurc that thc
ncxt gcncration will always bc rcmindcd ol this
story, Romblon local govcrnmcnt crcctcd thc lirst
cvcr Anti-Mining Monumcnt in thc country.
Thcir light with Ivanhoc Phili ppincs has cndcd,
but hcr advocacy to protcct thc cnvironmcnt has
not. Shc is awarc that any day lrom now, othcr
mining companics may try to gct in and challcngc
thcir commitmcnt. Shc will ncvcr stop lighting,and
shc continucs to cncouragc thc youth to do thc
samc. Marbcth Marcclo Iadriqucla will not stop
lighting lor hcr advocacy until Romblon has bccn
dcclarcd as a MINING IREE ZONE.
32 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 32
The campaign against mining is harsh
and difcult but this teacher in Romblon
sees it otherwise.
A Beautiful Dream
Tablas, Romblon
Adviser, Alliance of Students against Mining (ASAM)
y namc is Swcct, a mothcr and a tcachcr.
I bclicvc that mothcrhood gocs bcyond
thc conlincs ol homc whilc bcing a
tcachcr docsn`t stop in thc pillars ol schooling.
Bcyond this lilc, I havc a bcautilul drcam - a
hcalthicr, bcttcr and mining-lrcc cnvironmcnt lor
my childrcn and thc studcnts ol Romblon.
My advocacy to protcct thc cnvironmcnt and
opposc mining bcgan with a tcxt mcssagc
inviting hcr to attcnd in an oricntation on mining.
Unknowingly that thc rcst is a rollcr-coastcr ridc
ol cxpcricnccs, I succumbcd to thc call to protcct
our island.
Two important things howcvcr stood out as thc
bcst that I`vc donc lor this campaign. Iirst is
bcing an organizcr ol thc Alliancc ol Studcnts
Against Mining (ASAM, thc working arm ol thc
Romblon Ecumcnical Iorum Against Mining
(REIAM that mobilizcs studcnt lcadcrs in raising
public awarcncss about mining by distributing
llycrs, conducting lccturcs and showing
documcntarics about thc mining cxpcricnccs ol
somc communitics in thc country.
Dcspitc our pcrsonal prcoccupation, wc wcrc
hands-on in doing thc ground works, wc visitcd
communitics in arcas covcrcd in thc mining
applications, oricntcd local ollicials on ways to
dcal with thc mining lirms,callcd on our clcctcd
lcadcrs to makc stand on thc issuc, and spcnt
slccplcss nights compiling anti-mining rcsolutions
that wc lilcd in thc DENR ollicc. Wc also prcparcd
pctition documcnts in support ol Housc Bill !815,
a bill authorcd by our Congrcssman sccking lor
a Mining Ircc Romblon. Wc spcarhcadcd thc
signaturc campaign against mining in Romblon
and Palawan. To datc, 127, 853 signaturcs (75.5o
33 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 33 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
ol thc voting population signcd thc pctition lor
No to Mining in Romblon".
Sccond is that I was ablc to bring my toddlcrs to
this advocacy. I bccamc strongcr whcn I saw thcm
cmbracing,bclicving and supporting my crusadc.
Whcncvcr possiblc, I will takc thcm in anti-mining
mcctings to cxposc thcm to my advocacy. Thcy
hclpcd in gathcring signaturcs lor thc campaign,
thcy too walkcd undcr thc sun without signs ol
protcst and thcy cvcn somctimcs linishcd somc
lorms lastcr.
Thcrc wcrc also mcmorics I won`t lorgct: thc
conlrontation with thc cmissarics ol Ivanhoc
Phili ppincs, thc lirst public lorum I had that
cndcd up at thc policc station, thc uncxpcctcd call
lrom Gina Lopcz and thc publication ol my lcttcr
at thc Phili ppinc Star.
All ol thcsc wcrc not casy. My conviction was
ultimatcly put to tcst whcn somc ol my supcriors
hcld dillcrcnt vicws than minc, whcn our motivcs
wcrc qucstioncd, whcn somc ollicials did not
hccd in our signaturc campaign, whcn othcrs in
thc advocacy slowcd down and whcn I got tircd
with much work yct undonc. I bccamc cngrosscd
to this advocacy lcaving littlc timc lor my lamily
which cvcntually causcd a rccurring lriction
bctwccn mc and my husband.
Thcrc was a timc that I was not ablc to hclp my
daughtcr with hcr assignmcnt. My daughtcr just
cxplaincd to hcr tcachcr that I was busy lighting
thc mincrs.
Dcspitc thcsc drawbacks,I havc no rcgrcts bccausc
this advocacy is worth lighting lor. Thc Mining
Company quit and Housc Bill !815 Dcclaring thc
Provincc ol Romblon a Mining Ircc Zonc had
bccn rccciving much attcntion in thc congrcss.
Environmcntally scnsiblc studcnt lcadcrs wcrc
born. My daughtcr wish to bc likc mc and my
husband`s lull acccptancc ol this advocacy
inspircd mc morc.
I was told that I havc donc somcthing good lor
thc provincc. But this advocacy has donc morc
lor mc. This complctcd mc. I linally discovcrcd
that scrving thc community givcs mc a dillcrcnt
joy. I bccamc a bcttcr pcrson with cnhanccd scll-
rcspcct and scll-cstccm. I lcarncd that only il wc
arc going to lill our hcarts with wondcrlul things
and bcautilul drcams and only il wc arc going to
spcak straight lrom our hcart thcn wc can makc
a dillcrcncc.
Ior as long as I am a mothcr and a tcachcr, I
won`t givc up on this bcautilul drcam.
34 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 34
Winnie Royo:
Losing & Finding Her Voice
innic hailcd lrom thc provincc ol
Masbatc, but shc latcr movcd to
Sibuyan, Romblon whcn shc got
marricd. Shc and hcr husband havc livc childrcn,
and thcy livc modcstly with thcir mcagcr incomc
lrom planting root crops and wood-picking.
Winnic and hcr husband livc a simplc lilc in a
cross-country villagc ncar Mount Guiting-guiting
and Dagubdob Rivcr. Onc may pass through
thcir villagc whcn going to that part ol thc
mountain or whcn vcnturing to cxplorc thc rivcr.
Ior mountainccrs and tourists, Winnic`s villagc
sccms likc a gatcway lor thcsc natural attractions.
In spitc ol this,thc villagc rcmaincd unsullicd and
Thcn in 2007, thc mincrs camc.
A mining cxploration tcam lor thc Sibuyan Nickcl
Projcct tricd to pass though thc villagc to start
digging at Mt. Guiting-guiting. Thc villagcrs tricd
to stop thcm by barring thcir way. Ior a bricl
pcriod ol timc,thc pcacclul and slccpy villagc was
translormcd into a lront linc ol opposing intcrcsts
and hcatcd conlrontations. Thc mcn who travcllcd
all thc way lrom homc to thcsc rcmotc parts wcrc
upsct at bcing thwartcd to pcrlorm thcir dutics
but thc villagcrs stood lirm to protcct thcir homcs.
Onc particular conlrontation was so violcnt lor
Winnic to witncss. Not just bccausc ol thc loud
and aggrcssivc voiccs, thc physical thrcats, but
morcso that what was at stakc was thc luturc and
livclihood ol hcr childrcn and hcr grandchildrcn.
Thc conlrontation was just too much to bcar. Shc
was unablc to spcak lor scvcral days. It was just
purc trauma lor Winnic. Whcn shc rccovcrcd,shc
had no appctitc lor lood and hcr lamily mcmbcrs
had to cndurc hcr unprcdictablc tcmpcr. Soon
cnough, shc was diagnoscd with mild ncrvous
Bong, onc ol hcr childrcn, lclt Manila and wcnt
back to Sibuyan to takc carc ol hcr. Hcr childrcn
thcn tricd to wcigh thcir rcmaining options. Thcy
thought ol scnding thcir mothcr back to Masbatc.
Thcy also stoppcd talking about any mining-
rclatcd issucs in lront ol hcr. Thcy ccntcrcd thcir
discussions on scvcral domcstic conccrns,so as to
blot away all mcmorics ol mining and thc trauma
that it brought to thcir mothcr. Thcy dccidcd that
lorgctting was thc bcst rccoursc to gain hcr back.
And onc would think that Winnic would willingly
want to lorgct too. Instcad, shc bccamc morc
involvcd. Shc kncw that shc has to do somcthing
to prcvcnt thc mining industry lrom dcstroying hcr
homc. Winnic continucd to join protcst actions
35 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 35 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Sibuyan Island, Romblon
Adviser, Alliance of Students against Mining (ASAM)
Joe-anna Marie Abelinde is a Social
Workcr by prolcssion & is currcntly tcaching
at Pamantasang Lungsod ng Maynila.
and community mcctings. At 70 ycars old,Winnic,
is a stark rcmindcr ol thc luturc that will bc lost
to hcr childrcn and hcr grandchildrcn oncc thc
mining opcrations commcncc in thcir locality.
In 2008, Winnic and hcr lamily joincd a mass
protcst to mcct with lormcr Prcsidcnt Gloria
Arroyo, who arrivcd at Sibuyan to pcrsonally
attcnd to thc conccrns brought by thc sinking ol
thc shi p MV Princcss ol thc Star. Winnic wcnt
with thc protcstcrs and travcllcd by truck to go
thc adjaccnt community. Howcvcr, thcy wcrc
prcvcntcd by thc army to cvcn scc thc Prcsidcnt`s
location. Ior thc protcstcrs, thc army`s actions
wcrc uncallcd lor. This lcd to anothcr hcatcd
conlrontation. Knowing that this triggcrcd hcr
mothcr`s distrcss a lcw months ago,Bong did his
bcst to calm his mothcr. Hc brought hcr out ol
carshot. Hc prcvcntcd hcr lrom sccing hcr two
daughtcrs and thc rcst ol thc protcstcrs hcld at
gun point by thc military.
Dcspitc not sccing what rcally happcncd, it
sccmcd that thc lailurc ol not sccing thc Prcsidcnt
and tclling hcr thcir scntimcnts wcrc cnough to
convincc Winnic that shc can bcst hclp hcr lamily
and hcr community - not only by risking hcr lilc
but also lighting thc mincrs with all hcr strcngth.
Shc rcalizcd that shc can do all this, and morc,
simply by rcgaining thc scnsc ol scll that was lost
on that latclul day in 2007.
Today, Winnic is still vcry much part ol thc
protcst movcmcnt in Sibuyan. Shc takcs on thc
rolc shc dccidcd shc can takc on vcry wcll - shc
joins in praycrs lor thc salcty ol hcr lamily and
hcr ncighbors whcn thcy join in protcsts and
rallics against mining. Shc tcnds to what thc
othcrs lcavc bchind whcn thcy arc out lor protcsts
and mcctings - taking carc ol thc grandchildrcn,
thc small gardcn, and thcir homc. Altcr all, thcrc
must bc somconc to hold thc lort. Whilc shc`s
not strong cnough to cndurc thc physical and
cmotional strain ol bcing at thc middlc ol strong
oppositions,shc can casily contributc to thc causc
by living hcr lilc as bcst as shc could, and by
building a lcgacy that will prcvcnt hcr childrcn
and hcr community lrom succumbing to thc
short-tcrm thrills ol carning lrom mining.
At prcscnt, thc community is rcjoicing lrom thc
Ccasc and Dcsist Ordcr issucd by thc court to
prcvcnt thc mincrs lrom opcrating at thcir lands.
This ordcr is clcarly duc to thc pcoplc`s rclcntlcss
campaign, and to thc lcrvcnt praycrs ol Winnic
and thc othcrs. And Winnic, along with hcr
lamily and thcir community,will ncvcr stop until
thosc diggcrs lcavc thcir dcar bcautilul island
36 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 36
Sisters Act in Sibuyan
bout thirty ycars ago, Nanay Gclyn
would wakc up in thc cold gust ol thc
morning. Shc shivcrs as shc would try to
wakc hcr two sistcrs slccping bcsidc hcr. Togcthcr,
thcy would lix thcir hair, smilc with cach othcr
and at lour o`clock bclorc sunrisc thcy would bc
rcciting that day`s mystcry ol thc rosary with thcir
mothcr. Thcir gcntlc voiccs would ccho insidc
thcir modcst housc rcsting at thc loot ol Mount
Guiting-Guiting in Sibuyan Island, Romblon.
Thcy kiss thc day carly with praycrs and do
crrands in thc housc. Thcy havc spccilic tasks
but what thcy rcally lovc to do was doing thc
samc things togcthcr going to school,attcnding to
church mccting and cvcn partying with lricnds
during community licsta. In somc lucky days,thcy
will bc allowcd to visit thc lorcst, swim on thc
crystal watcr ol thc strcam and gct somc vincs lor
thcir handicralts.
Many ycars altcr, thc sistcrs now havc lamilics
and houscs on thcir own. Thcy go to church in
dillcrcnt timc and wandcr around thc island in
discrctc purposcs. Atc Pannclyn is busy with hcr
small hog-raising busincss, shc walks around thc
town to talk to potcntial buycr. Atc Gclyn on
thc othcr hand is part ol thc local organization
managing thc town`s tourism attraction Dagubdub
Rivcr whilc Atc Vicky, bcing a mcmbcr ol thc
barangay council is always busy coordinating
projccts lor thc community. Thcy wcrc cngagc in
many dillcrcnt things. until mining gcts in thc
way ol thcir livcs.
Vantage point
Octobcr 3, 2007. It was known alrcady in
thc community that thc pcoplc opposing thc
proposcd mining projcct in thc island would bc
holding a pcacclul dcmonstration in Sitio Olango,
thcy would prcssurc thc lorcstry studcnts who
wcrc allcgcd commissioncd by thc mining lirm
to conduct an invcntory ol thc trccs that will bc
slashcd lor thc projcct. Atc Panncly would likc
also to bc thcrc, unlortunatcly it was just lcw days
altcr shc gavc birth to hcr youngcst child. Shc
was still wcak and would probably not bc ablc to
stand in thc long linc ol thc protcstcrs. Shc staycd
in thc housc but had rcmaincd wary on thc latc
ol thc protcst.
37 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 37 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Sibuyan Island, Romblon
Sibuyan Island Sentinels League for Environment Inc.
Atc Gclyn was busy arranging things lor thc
dcmonstration. With hcr husband and othcr
anti-mining pccrs, thcy walkcd altogcthcr to Sitio
Olango and invitcd pcoplc to join thcm in thc
rally. Ior a couplc ol timc, thc scrvicc ol thc
mining company was ablc to pass through sincc
thcy wcrc just still on thc sidcs ol thc road. Pro-
mining ollicials camc to thc rally and qucstioncd
thcir action. Conlrontation startcd to build-up.
Thc protcstcrs including Atc Gclyn dccidcd to
occupy thc road as thc mining lirm`s owncr-typc
jccp scrvicc was trying to cross thc strcct. Tcnsion
rosc as thc pcoplc bccamc morc lirm to block thc
Thc jccp pullcd-back and movc lcw mctcrs
away lrom thc dcmonstrators. Thc drivcr thcn
callcd Armin Marin, thc munici pal councilor
lcading thcir pack. Succccding untoward incidcnt
happcncd. Thcy saw thc drivcr grabbcd Armin
on his shirt and pullcd him unto his lap. Suddcnly,
thc protcstcrs wcrc in commotion, thcy wcrc
running towards thc jccp to hclp Armin. Thcn a
gun shot rcvcrbcratcd in thc solt air. Ior a minutc,
thcy stood still. Thcn silcncc. Armin Marin lcll on
thc ground with blood bursting lrom his mouth.
Atc Gclyn quickly dashcd towards Armin but his
unclc who was running in lront ol hcr lcll on thc
ground, so thcy had (with hcr husband to hclp
him lirst. Pcoplc startcd to camp around Armin.
Atc Vicky saw cvcrything that happcncd to
Armin, shc was standing ncar thc jccpncy and
was talking to hcr child. Whcn thcy hcard thc gun
shot, shc grabbcd hcr child and thcy lcll on thc
ground. Dopo! Dopo!' Pcoplc wcrc tclling thcm
to gct on thcir knccs. Ior a momcnt,hcr cycs wcrc
glucd to thc killcr and thc othcr passcngcr ol thc
truck,a woman who was also a stall ol thc mining
company. Thc two got oll thc vchiclc and ran lor
thcir livcs in scparatc dircction in thc ricc licld.
Thc girl got stuck on a lcncc and was not ablc to
run larthcr lrom thc pcoplc. Shc wcnt to thc road
and kncclcd down in lront ol thc raging crowd.
Moooo /oyo so o/in,togo-rito o/o!' (Havc mcrcy
on mc, I livc hcrc Huoog niyo /ong soso/ton,
porong ooo niyo no,' (don`t hurt mc, plcasc shc
plcadcd. Thc pcoplc lclt thc girl and bcgan thcir
scarchcd lor thc gunman.
38 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 38
Atc Vicky got up and ran towards hcr motorcyclc.
Hcr child riding at thc back was crying all thc
timc. With hands shaking, lcct trcmbling and
hcart pounding likc a drum, Atc Vicky could not
rcmcmbcr how shc managcd to bring hcr child
homc. Shc shuddcrcd on thc sola whilc trying
to at pcacc hcr child. Hcr husband camc to hcr,
puzzlcd and worricd. Po,binoril si Porcng Armin,'
shc said many timcs,
Armin oos /il lcd,' thcsc words cchocd on
Panclyn`s mind altcr Gclyn told hcr about what
happcncd in thc rally. Shc tricd to bc strong and
hid hcr cycs in lront ol hcr sistcr. With hcr lccblc
body, Panclyn got up and walkcd slowly away
lrom hcr sistcr. In a minutc,hcr tcars lcll gcntly on
hcr chccks as shc cricd in silcncc.
Another blow
What happcncd to Armin did not dctcr thc will ol
thc sistcrs. Thcy continuc with thcir campaign to
halt thc mining projcct. Thcy attcndcd rallics altcr
rallics although thcy know that thc incidcncc can
happcn again to anyonc ol thcm.
And so it did, almost. In Novcmbcr 2008, thcy
hcard that thc prcsidcnt will bc visiting Sibuyan
to monitor thc ongoing opcration to rcsolvc thc
tragcdy ol thc Princcss ol thc Star, a shi p that
sank in thc bay ol Sibuyan at thc hcight ol intcnsc
typhoon. Thc group would likc to bc thcrc lor
two rcasons: onc was to join in thc mass lor thc
victims ol thc disastcr and anothcr was to lind an
opportunity to talk to thc prcsidcnt and cxprcss
thcir strong opposition on thc mining projcct. It
was not an absolutc plan bccausc thcy kncw that
thcy havc to rcspcct thc spirit ol mourning lor thc
Loadcd in a rusty truck,thc group which includcd
Atc Panncly and Gclyn and thcir husbands
travcllcd in thc bumpy tcrrain ol thc road. Vicky
was on a scparatc vchiclc. Mctcrs away lrom
whcrc thc mass will bc hcld, a chcck point blockcd
thcir way. About 20 military pcrsonncl wcrc
manning thc arca. Military stood in lront ol thc
truck and askcd thcm to stop. Thc army told thcm
that thcy cannot attcnd in thc cvcnt. Atc Vicky,
bcing a barangay ollicial, talkcd to thc olliccrs
and rcqucstcd that thcy should bc allowcd to pass
through thc road. But thc army asscrtcd thcir lirst
ordcr and inlormcd thcm that only Vicky can go
thcrc sincc shc was thc only onc invitcd.
During thcir argumcnt, anothcr vchiclc approachcd
thc road loadcd with pcoplc lrom othcr barangay,
thcy wcrc all wcaring grccn, which is a distinct
color lor thc pro-mining group. Easily thcy wcrc
ablc to hit thc road and wcnt dircctly to thc cvcnt.
39 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 39 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Atc Gclyn and thcir group lclt insultcd. Tcnsion
lillcd thc air. Pcoplc got oll thc truck and laccd
thc military. Bo/it silo pinodoon ninyo.' (Why
did you allow thcm cntry. askcd Mang Rubcn,
husband ol Atc Gclyn. Thcy wcrc alrcady lurious.
Thc military only told thcm that thcy wcrc just
lollowing ordcrs lrom thcir olliccrs. Dissatislicd
with thc answcrs, thcy continucd to asscrt thcir
purposc ol going to thc cvcnt.
Suddcnly, thc military raiscd thcir rilllcs and
aimcd such to thc lacc ol thc Mang Rubcn and ol
thc othcrs. Sigc i puto/ mo!' (Go,shoot mc! said
Mang Rubcn. Somc ol thcir mcmbcrs stcppcd
back and hid on thc trccs around thc arca. But thc
Royo sistcrs and thcir husbands wcrc among thc
pack that stood strongly in lront ol thc army. Thcy
lookcd licrccly in cycs ol thc military. Thcy wcrc
ncrvous but dctcrmincd not to givc up thc light.
Dcbatc ragcd on in thc air. Thc wind was blowing
soltly, intcnsc wavcs wcrc rcaching thc bay and
lcavcs lrom tall trccs gcntly lcll on thc ground.
Thcrc was anothcr momcnt ol silcncc.
A local policc olliccr camc to thcm and spokc in
hushcd tonc,'oog no long /oyong mogpumilt,/ung
popotoyin nilo /oyo,susunduin long silo ng /clicoptcr
ot dodol/in /ung soon mon silo goling. Hindi nomin
silo /o/ilolo.' (Don`t asscrt yoursclvcs hard. Il
thcy kill you, a hclicoptcr will just pick thcm up
and bring thcm back to whcrcvcr thcy camc lrom.
Wc don`t know thcm. Thc group wcnt homc
with hcavy hcarts.
It lingers on
It was anothcr grcat day. Atc Gclyn would makc
a phonc call to hcr son studying in Manila. Shc
would prcparc mcals lor hcr daughtcr now
working in anothcr non-govcrnmcnt organization
doing projccts in thc island. Shc would ask hcr
two othcr childrcn to clcan thc housc as shc
prcparcd thc icc-candics that thcy would scll
latcr to thc visitors ol thc Dagubdub Rivcr. In thc
altcrnoon, shc would try to gct somc morc slccp
and takc light rcst. Hcr ncighbors would call hcr
to ask about hcr orchids and thc activitics on thc
church. At night,hcr husband would arrivc altcr
thc long work in thc construction. Shc would bc
scrving dinncr to hcr lamily with somc vcgctablcs
shc pickcd in thcir small gardcn. Bclorc slccping,
shc would tcll hcr husband that hcr sistcrs just
agrccd that thcy would join thc anti-mining rally
thc ncxt day.
40 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 40 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 40 40 40 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 40 40 40
Sibuyan Island, Romblon
41 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 41 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
An Insistent NO!
l you livcd in a 172-squarc-milc island rich in
granitc, nickcl, silica, mcrcury, zinc, coppcr,
silvcr, limcstonc, sullidc, orcs, kaolin, clay,
magncsium and quartz, would you allow hcavy
cqui pmcnt to dig out thcsc trcasurcs. And il thcsc
trcasurcs arc within lush surroundings ol lorcst,
and crystal clcar strcams, would you.
An insistcnt no has bccn thc rcply ol Emclinc
Ralols, !8 ycars old, a wilc and a mothcr who
livcs in sitio Cross Country, in thc town ol San
Icrnando in Sibuyan.
This solid disposition slowly took root in hcr in
200!, whcn shc joincd an oricntation on how
mining ncgativcly impacts thc cnvironmcnt.
Thcrc was a discussion on thc advcrsc cllccts
ol mcrcury, which shc kncw was alrcady bcing
uscd by small scalc mincrs in Magdiwang, hcr
homctown. Shc cngagcd in mcctings, trainings
and community actions which dccpcncd hcr
knowlcdgc ol thc wcalth ol hcr island and lortilicd
hcr will to protcct it.
In March 2007, against thc backdrop ol thc
dramatic grassy pcaks, shc put hcrscll as part
ol a human linc to block thc asccnt to thc saw-
toothcd mountains ol a mincral cxploration tcam
supportcd by thc barangay chairman and hcr
town`s mayor. Emclinc and hcr community stood
hcr ground, succcsslully prcvcnting thc group
carrying shovcls and pails and othcr cqui pmcnt
unlamiliar to hcr, lrom cntcring thc lorcst to
takc soils samplcs. On that road that winds and
disappcars into thc lolds that run up to thc lorcst
is cast hcr lirst mcmorablc act stating hcr stancc to
protcct Sibuyan.
Awarc that community lcadcrshi p is at thc corc
ol hcr community`s anti-mining campaign, hcr
barangay agrccd to votc lor candidatcs who
support thcir stancc and rcplacc thc cxisting
lcadcrs who mastcrcd thc audacity to submit a
rcsolution dcclaring support to minc thcir island
amidst community opposition. Antici pating
thcy will bc visitcd by opponcnts on thc cvc ol
thc clcction day, to bc talkcd to and pcrsuadcd,
ollcrcd bribcs, or thrcatcncd, Emclinc and most ol
hcr ncighbors agrccd to spcnd thc night togcthcr
in a housc ncar thc school whcrc thcy will cast
thcir votcs thc lollowing day.
Thc cnd ol that day saw thcir conccrtcd cllort
mark anothcr triumph. Thc ncw barangay chair
is on thcir sidc.
Triumphs, small or big, only mcant othcr morc
lormidablc challcngcs arc just waiting to happcn.
42 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 42
In April thc lollowing ycar, Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo, thcn thc prcsidcnt ol thc country and
a staunch advocatc ol cxploiting thc country`s
mincral potcntial, was slatcd to visit Romblon,
Romblon. It was lor thc signing ol thc contract
with Sibuyan Nickcl Propcrtics Dcvclopmcnt
Corporation, thc lirm choscn to cxtract thc rich
nickcl dcposits and othcr mincrals in thc island.
Pro-mining camps lrom thcir island wcrc scnt to
manilcst thc population`s support to thc projcct.
Emclinc`s community brcwcd a quict plan. Thcy
would go to Romblon, Romblon too. With thc
support ol barangay lcadcrs and local church,
thcy lound somconc to sponsor a boat lor 150 to
200 pcoplc to lcrry thcm across thc sca.
At six o`clock in thc cvcning, as thc sun sct on
April 17, Emclinc discrcctly crosscd ricc liclds
and lollowcd tracks, assuming a casual air but
grcatly taking carclul notc to convcy clcarly thc
quict plan. By 9:00 o`clock in thc cvcning, as shc
has succcsslully rclaycd, hcr group gradually
tricklcd at thc dock, in lront ol Our Lady ol thc
Rcmcdy Parish in Sibuyan.
Emclinc was alrcady thcrc, nonchalant but
watchlul. With hcr husband and son, thcy trod thc
dark cdgc ol thc paddics at thc pcri phcry ol thc
ricc liclds, without a word. Thcy lollowcd a small
road to cvadc thc attcntion ol thc pcoplc in thcir
ncighborhood who support thc mining initiativc.
Altcr almost two kilomctcrs, thcy rcachcd thc
agrccd placc.
Thcy wcrc morc than a hundrcd. Sctting sail at
11 o`clock that night and arriving in Romblon two
hours latcr, thcir group arrivcd at thc Romblon
Cathcdral at 3 am. Pumpcd with adrcnalin lrom
thc midnight journcy, thcy spcnt thc rcmaining
hours ol thc night tclling storics until thc brcak
ol day.
Early morning, wcaring whitc, llying banncrs and
holding postcrs that scrcamcd thcir opposition to
thc mining projcct to thcir island, thcy marchcd to
thc picr to mcct thc govcrnmcnt ollicials.
Thc supportcrs ol thc mining conccssion wcrc
alrcady thcrc, caught by surprisc by thc suddcn
appcarancc ol thc opposing group. Thcrc wcrc
only 30 ol thcm, Emclinc`s group rcckoncd, 10 ol
whom wcrc actually portcrs at thc dock, coaxcd
to join to crcatc a biggcr crowd. Thcy also carricd
banncrs. Amongst thcm was thc barangay chair
lrom Magdiwang, thc placc ol hcr birth, whom
shc thought all along was bchind thcir causc. Hc
worc a ycllow shirt, with inscri ption proclaiming
pro-mining slogans.
In a llood ol suddcn ragc, Emclinc approachcd
and grabbcd him by thc collar. What arc you
doing hcrc. I thought you arc an cxamplc bccausc
you opposc mining likc thc pcoplc. How much
43 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 43 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
wcrc you paid." Hc was startlcd and unablc to
rcact, say a word or pull away lrom hcr. His group
brokc into laughtcr. Hcr companions, also caught
unawarc ol hcr action, wcrc quick to intcrvcnc
and pullcd hcr away.
Emclinc would latcr cxplain to hcr husband it
paincd hcr to scc thcir lcadcr support a projcct
that would dcstroy Sibuyan. That is our light,
why should I bc alraid. That was a chancc to
bring across our conccrn," shc addcd.
Prcsidcnt Arroyo did not comc, and scnt Vicc-
Prcsidcnt Noli dc Castro instcad. Thc pro-mining
camp was in lront ol thcm. But whcn Vicc
Prcsidcnt dc Castro camc, now in a common act
ol swiltncss, Emclinc and hcr group quickly brokc
to thc lront holding last onto cach othcrs` arms,
conccaling now thc group with thc grccn shirts
and pro-mining mcssagcs.
With thcir mission accomplishcd, Emclinc`s group
hcadcd back to Sibuyan shortly bclorc sunsct. But
not bclorc sharing a mcal providcd by pcoplc
lrom Sibuyan who now livcd in Romblon. That
mcal may as wcll bc symbolic ol common strugglc,
communion and thc translormation Emclinc and
hcr island hopcs lor. Shc longs to scc a dcvclopcd
wcalthy Sibuyan too.
Prcscntly, thc strcams, rivcrs, thc lorcst and thc
land sustain Emclinc`s lamily. Thc island ol
jaggcd pcaks, onc-third ol which is covcrcd by
largcly untouchcd primary lorcsts dubbcd onc ol
thc most divcrsc and dcnsc in thc world (Olsson
&Knudscn, tccming with largcly lilc-lorms that
arc yct to bc catalogucd, is thc sourcc ol Emclinc`s
lood, clcan watcr and shcltcr.
Emclinc livcs at thc loot ol thc mountains. All
about hcr is hcr wcalth. And hcr light to kccp it
is lor hcr childrcn and thc gcncrations altcr thcm.
Whcn thc carth is ovcrturncd and thc nickcl and
othcr mincral dcposits arc takcn, it will no longcr
bc thcirs.
Hcr lirmly sct chcck boncs, hcr dctcrmincd
cycs and solid build, shc stands unwavcringly at
a gravcl road that curvcs and vanishcs into thc
mountains bchind.
Shc will continuc to say no.
In a ood of sudden rage, Emeline approached and
grabbed him by the collar. What are you doing
here? I thought you are an example because you
oppose mining like the people. How much were
you paid? The chairman startled and was unable to
react, say a word or pull away from her.
Joel Abelinde is a Communication
Coordinator lor an intcrnational non-
govcrnmcnt agcncy in Mctro Manila.
44 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 44
Rodilisas Heartbreak:
Sibuyans Mourn
Sibuyan Island, Romblon
Elementary teacher and a member of Sibuyan Island
Sentinels League for Environment Inc.
Rodilisa Marin or Atc Inday is a tcachcr
in Sibuyan-an island known lor its most
divcrsc and dcnsc lorcst, with thc country`s
clcancst inland body ol watcr, and imposing
Mt. Guiting-Guiting and Mt. Nailog. Altcr
linishing hcr dcgrcc lrom National Tcachcr`s
Collcgc, shc has dccidcd to livc a lilc at this
crcsccnt-shapcd island in Romblon Provincc
and dcdicatc all hcr lilc thru thc scrvicc lor thc
Hcr scrvicc lor hcr island docsn`t stop by bcing
a committcd tcachcr. Having known thc cllccts
ol largc-scalc mining in othcr provinccs ol thc
Phili ppincs,Rodilisa stands up with hcr husband,
Armin, to light against thc grccdy mining
companics. Hcr lirm stand on thc issuc ol mining
in thcir island givcs hopc whcn Armin`s soul lor
thc issuc is at its lowcst point.
It is said that bchind cvcry grcat man is a grcat
woman-this was Rodilisa to Armin. His light
lor thc discontinuation and total climination ol
thc largc-scalc mining opcration in thcir island
wcrc tcstcd a lot ol timcs. Whcncvcr Armin had
prcdicamcnts to thosc who arc allowing such
opcration in Sibuyan,hc wcnt to Rodilisa to cry his
hcart out. Hc would sit with Rodilisa with a cup
ol collcc and would tcll hcr how much lrustration
hc`s cxpcricncing bccausc thcrc wcrc appcals ol
thc pcoplc that wcrc not hcard.
During thcsc timcs, Rodilisa stood with Armin,
supporting him with all hcr hcart.
The day that breaks her heart
Octobcr 3, 2007. That morning was quitc
dillcrcnt. Armin would bc lcading a pickct
45 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 45 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
We just want a silent
protest, we did not want
to end the day like that,
Rodilisa recalled when
asked about that day.
Sibuyan cried with her.
Minerva Tabar is a mcmbcr ol a voluntccr
group bascd in Caloocan. Shc is involvcd in
various works promoting youth partici pation in
community scrvicc activitics.
ol pcoplc to protcst against anothcr mining
company, thc Romblon Nickcl Projcct, a group
with links to Australian-bascd Pclican Rcsourccs
Ltd. and Canadian-bascd Altair Rcsourccs,which
is now opcratcd by Sibuyan Nickcl Propcrtics
Dcvclopmcnt Corporation (SNPDC.
Armin,as thc town councilor, church`s lay lcadcr
and promotcr ol social dcvclopmcnt, had shown
thc wholc Sibuyan Community what commitmcnt
and lovc lor your country mcans. That is why it
is no ordinary that pcoplc rcspcct and lollow him.
Hcr husband wcnt to thc cxploration sitc carlicr
than Rodilisa as shc was assigncd to prcparc thc
lood. At about 8 o`clock in thc morning, Rodilisa
wcnt to thc rally carrying hcr cooking utcnsils.
Togcthcr with thc othcr Sibuyanon` wivcs,
Rodilisa cookcd thc lood lor thc pack ol pcoplc
airing thcir conccrns to thc local ollicials and to
Whcn Rodilisa dccidcd to go,thc mining company
sccuritics stoppcd thcm at thc Picr. Thcy did not
want morc protcstcrs to join Armin`s group.
Altcr 30 minutcs, Rodilisa saw that Armin was
lollowing a sccurity car. Thcn, shc hcard a
gunshot. Shc ran as shc hcard pcoplc shout that
Armin was shot! Hundrcds ol pcoplc saw what
happcncd. Thc sccurity ollicial grabbcd Armin`s
shirt and pointcd thc gun on his mouth and shot
him to dcath. Wc just oont o silcnt protcst, oc did
not oont to cnd t/c doy li/c t/ot,' Rodilisa rccallcd.
An Awakening Truth
But what pains Rodilisa thc most is thc lact that
livc ycars altcr Armin`s murdcr, thcrc is still no
justicc. Thc vcrdict ol judgc Ramiro Gcronimo
is a 3-ycar scntcncc lor Sccurity Olliccr Mario
Kingo ol SNPDC-guilty ol criminal ncgligcncc
and imprudcncc" and not ol murdcr.
I rcol ly cxpcctcd t/ot t/c punis/mcnt oould bc morc
t/on just t/ot. Hc oos /il lcd, /il lcd /clplcssly.'
Ior Rodilisa, thc injusticc lor thc loss ol a lovcd
onc is thc most tragic and dcvastating thing shc
continucs to cndurc.
Caring lor thcir livc childrcn, Rodilisa still lights
and stands lor Mothcr Naturc, not just lor Armin
but also lor thc island that thcy truly lovc.
46 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 46
Listen to the song that captures the
death of an environmental hero.
A Mothers Hymn
for Justice
ctobcr 3,2007,Sibuyan Island,Romblon.
Many pcoplc wcrc alrcady gathcrcd
outsidc a vacant lot in Sitio Olango that
carly morning. Packcd with thcir usual campaign
paraphcrnalia (banncrs and placards stating thcir
opposition against thc proposcd Sibuyan Nickcl
Projcct. Thc hundrcd strong dcmonstrators wcrc
dctcrmincd to block thc way ol thc mining stall
who wcrc supposcd to conduct an invcntory
ol trccs that will bc cut lor thc projcct. That
situation was vcry unusual lor that pcacclul placc,
thc grazing land on thc othcr sidc ol thc road
rcmaincd calm with thc solt brcczc ol thc air
whilc thc towcring Mount Guiting-guiting sccmcd
to bc watching thcm silcntly. Icw blocks away
lrom whcrc thc pcoplc wcrc gathcrcd was thc
humblc housc ol Pcrlita Palomar or Mamay lor
hcr childrcn and othcr ollspring in thc island,who
on that timc was vcry busy cntcrtaining hcr visitor.
Mamay, o5, was alrcady prcparcd to join thc
rally whcn Armin Marin stcppcd in on hcr lront
yard. Shc had nothing to scrvc lor thc munici pal
councilor but collcc and thcn thcy talkcd. Armin
thankcd hcr lor always joining thcir dcmonstration
dcspitc hcr agc. Mogpo/otiboy /o Momoy,' thcsc
wcrc thc last words shc hcard lrom Armin (Bc
strong, Mamay. Mamay did not know that that
short convcrsation with Armin would also bc thc
last lor thcm.
At tcn in thc morning,Armin got an cncountcr with
thc stall lrom thc mining company,was shot on his
mouth and dicd on thc road to thc hospital. Pcoplc
gricvcd ovcr thc loss ol a grcat cnvironmcntal
activist. Thcy wcrc crying, somc wcrc mad and
cvcn hystcric on what had happcncd. Sincc thc
day Armin was killcd,Mamay would always bring
llowcrs and light candlcs on thc cxact placc whcrc
Armin lost his lilc. Shc would go ovcr thcrc to
pray and talk to Armin,rcmcmbcring that thcy arc
lighting lor thc samc causc, protccting thc island
ol Sibuyan.
A day altcr thc incidcnt whilc shc was washing
hcr clothcs, music camc to hcr cars with words
rctclling what shc saw on thc day that Armin was
killcd. Thc tunc that kcpt playing on hcr mind
and thc cxprcssion that shc arrangcd on hcr
mcmory suddcnly bccamc a song dcdicatcd to
47 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 47 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Sibuyan Island, Romblon
Armin. That song that shc had composcd has
a vcry slow mclody with a lccl ol 1950`s music
suitcd lor classic movics. Vcry similar with old
Iili pino symphony,hcr song is morc than just an
cxprcssion ol lccling, it was a sad narration ol
murdcr,a call lor justicc and strong will to cnd
thc intrusion ol mining in Sibuyan. To givc thc
song a pcrlcct mclody,shc workcd with a young
man in thc town lor thc guitar accompanimcnt.
Shc lirst sang thc song on thc wakc ol Armin.
Thc mourning crowd stood in silcncc as thcy
rckindlc thc last mcmorics ol Armin in thc rally
whcn a man working in thc mining company
callcd him,grabbcd his shirt and hit thc gun on
his mouth. Sincc thcn,Mamay had bccn invitcd
to pcrlorm hcr piccc in any gathcring whcrc
thc pcoplc want to hcar it again, shc would go
to othcr barangay and cvcn in othcr island to
pcrlorm. Thc song was lovcd by many not only
bccausc it calls justicc lor Armin Marin but also
lor thc pcoplc ol Sibuyan who had bccn crying
out loud to stop thc cntry ol largc-scalc mining
in thcir bclovcd island.
Mamay is now 70, somctimcs shc is wcak alrcady
but shc continucs to campaign against mining in
Sibuyan. Shc had joincd in scvcral rallics altcr
Armin was put to rcst. Shc ridcs in jccpncys and
walks long hours with thc othcr protcstcrs. Shc
probably can no longcr shout on top ol hcr lungs
but hcr soullul voicc whcn shc sings and hcr song
arc that thc bcst things that shc can givc to thc
Today,whcn tourists and othcr visitors go to thc
monumcnt that pcoplc had built in mcmory ol
Armin, Mamay will bc thcrc. Shc will not just
talk about thc llowcrs shc plantcd around thc
mcmorial,or thc candlcs that shc lightcd around
it at night, or thc pcoplc trying to convincc hcr
to stop lrom what shc is doing in thc campaign
sincc shc is old alrcady - shc will sing with all hcr
hcart in thc mclody that shc crcatcd on hcr own
and with a trcmbling voicc. Bccausc cvcn though
shc has sung thc song many timcs,shc will always
lccl thc pain ol losing a grcat but gcntlc pcrson
who rcmindcd hcr to bc strong on thcir light to
conscrvc thcir bcautilul island.
48 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 48
Doing Their Assignment
Meet the teachers in Sibuyan who were
accused of a misconduct for doing their
share in protecting the island they all loved.
Sibuyan Island, Romblon
ctobcr 2, 2007. Tcachcrs ol Espana
Elcmcntary School (ESS wcrc about to
lcavc thc school whcn somc mcmbcrs
ol thc school`s Parcnts-Tcachcrs Community
Association (PTCA camc to thcm and handcd thcm
an important lcttcr. It was an appcal lor tcachcrs to
support thc rally that thc community will bc staging
against thc implcmcntation ol a largc-scalc mining
in thc island. Undcrstanding thc potcntial advcrsc
impact ol thc projcct to thcir island, unknowingly,
many ol thcm lilcd an application ol lcavcs to bc
with thc community.
Thc ncxt day, thc school was almost cmpty, no
studcnts to lill thc scats, boards wcrc clcan and
thc wholc ground was quict with only birds and
buttcrllics playing around. Thc tcachcrs who would
always stand in lront ol thc class wcrc instcad
standing tall and strong in a vacant lot with parcnts
ol thcir studcnts.
Surprised gathering
Insidc thc classroom, tcachcr Esia ol Espana National
High School talks solt to hcr studcnts, shc always
smilc to thcm and apprcciatc thcir action. Shc is
also known lor bcing a good prcscntcr cspccially
during school activitics. Thc night bclorc thc rally in
Sitio Olango,shc was just cmcccing an activity ol thc
parcnt-tcachcr association in thc school whcrc thcy
havc invitcd Armin Marin, an anti-mining activist
and a munici pal councilor during that timc. At thc
cnd ol thc program, Armin invitcd hcr to join thc
49 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 49 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
Esia`s sprit lit up whcn shc arrivcd in thc rally and
saw that thcrc wcrc many tcachcrs partici pating in
thc rally. Togcthcr,thcy aircd thcir gricvanccs on thc
proposcd nickcl projcct in thc island. Pcoplc wcrc
holding thcir banncr rcjccting thc projcct. It was a
pcacclul dcmonstration, at lcast at thc bcginning.
At about tcn in thc morning, a group ol rallyists
campcd on thc road and blockcd thc scrvicc vchiclc
ol thc mining company. Commotion startcd to
intcnsily bctwccn thc protcstcrs and thc stall lrom
thc mining lirm. Thcn a gun shot was hcard. Armin
lcll on thc ground with blood bursting lrom his
Tcachcr Elcna Bcntayo was doing somcthing in thc
housc whcn shc hcard about thc shooting incidcnt.
Shc immcdiatcly ran to thc sitc whcrc thc rally was
bcing hcld and chcckcd on hcr husband who was
onc ol thc protcstcrs. Pcoplc wcrc crying cvcrywhcrc,
somc wcrc mad and in a statc ol shock, including hcr
husband who also had bloodstain on his body.
Accused of misconduct
Whilc thc town ol San Icrnando was still gricving
ovcr thc dcath ol Armin Marin, thc tcachcrs did
not know that thc mining company alrcady lilcd a
complaint in thc Ollicc ol thc Dcputy Ombudsman
lor Luzon lor thcir partici pation in thc rally, claiming
that such was a gravc misconduct on thcir duty. In
an ordinary day in thc school altcr thc incidcnt in
thc rally happcncd, a lcmalc policc olliccr handcd
lcttcrs to thc princi pal. Thosc wcrc thc subpocnas
lor 17 school tcachcrs (including thc princi pal ol
Espana Elcmcntary School dirccting thcm to lilc
thcir countcr-allidavit lor thc casc.
And so thcy did. Two tcachcrs including Elcna
immcdiatcly contcstcd thc allcgations sincc both ol
thcm wcrc actually not prcscnt in thc rally and thcy
wcrc just mistakcnly idcntilicd by thc complainant,
who`s working in thc mining company.
On thcir allidavit, thc tcachcrs cxplaincd that thc
rally was not thcir conccrtcd cllort, it was clcar
at thc bcginning that it was part ol thc on-going
campaign ol thc community against mining. It was a
collcctivc cndcavor ol thc church,lishcr lolks,larmcrs,
womcn and cvcn somc local govcrnmcnt olliccrs.
To say that thc partici pation ol thc tcachcrs in thc
rally was a manilcstation ol a 'strikc` that intcnds to
lcrvcntly disrupt thc class was a lalsc assumption.
Thcy wcnt to thc rally as childrcn ol thc island doing
thcir rcsponsibility to protcct it in timcs ol dangcr
including thc thrcat lrom largc-scalc mining.
Passing grade
Thcrc was an outpouring support lrom thc parcnts ol
thcir studcnts whcn thc ncws about thc casc sprcad
in thc community. Parcnts cvcn told thc tcachcr that
thcy would hcld anothcr rally il thcy would bc put
in jail.
On july 2011, thc ollicc ol thc Ombudsman issucd
thc rcsult ol its invcstigation. Thc Ombudsman
cxplaincd that thc tcachcrs` action ol joining thc rally
could not bc considcrcd as a prohibitcd conccrtcd
activity, thcir partici pation in thc dcmonstration
uphcld thcir constitutional right lor a balanccd and
hcalthlul ccology in accord with thc rhythm and
harmony ol naturc.
Thc tcachcrs howcvcr wcrc hcld liablc lor a lcsscr
ollcnsc ol violating rcasonablc ollicc rulcs lor lailing
to sccurc approval ol school authoritics bclorc
joining thc mass protcst.
Thc tcachcrs arc now back at work. Thcy stand in
lront ol thc class, givc thcm assignmcnts and asscss
thcir pcrlormancc. During thcir lrcc hours thcy will
discuss about thc rally, thc casc and thc lcsson thcy
lcarncd lrom thc cxpcricncc. In Espana National
High School, tcachcr Esia smilcs to hcr studcnts and
narratcs thc assignmcnt that thcy havc to submit ncxt
wcck, shc knows that somctimcs it will not bc casy
lor thcm. Thcn, shc will smilc again, rcmcmbcring
that shc hcrscll had oncc had hard timcs doing hcr
assignmcnt not in thc school but lor thc island shc
lovcs most.
50 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 50
Chair, KATRIBU Party List
51 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 51 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
BEVERLY: Granddaughter
of Lepanto Mines
cvcrly Longid was born in Lcpanto,
Mankayan. Hcr Lolo (grandlathcr, a
workcr lrom thc Lcpanto mincs, raiscd
hcr and hcr thrcc siblings. An articulatc spcakcr,
Lcpanto Consolidatcd Mining Company would
havc bcnclittcd a lot lrom hcr as thcir organic
rcsourcc pcrson lor thcir community rclations.
Unlortunatcly lor thc mining company, Bcvcrly
has dircctly witncsscd thc dillicultics that wcrc
cxpcricnccd by minc workcrs and thcir lamilics.
And so shc has madc it hcr lilc`s mission - to spcak
thc truth about thc lilc undcr Lcpanto mincs.
Lcpanto Consolidatcd Mining Company would
always say that thc Ibaloi pcoplc, cspccially in
Mankayan, should bc gratclul to thc company,
lor thc cducation ol thcir childrcn. But why
would thcy kccp saying that, as il our parcnts and
grandparcnts owc thcm this. Thc workcrs havc
workcd hard lor this,it was not an act ol charity."
Bcvcrly said that it was with hcr bcing part ol thc
Cordillcra Pcoplcs` Alliancc - lrom cducation
olliccr to bcing Chair,and hcr work with DINTEG
(Cordillcra Indigcnous Pcoplcs Lcgal Ccntcr that
shc undcrstood thc plight ol thc minc workcrs.
Thc Lcpanto Employccs Union hcld strikcs in
2002 and 2005, and thc workcrs wcrc dcmanding
lor highcr wagcs.
Thc mining company was carning so much on
thc back ol thc low wagcs givcn to workcrs. It was
during thcsc strikcs that Bcvcrly rcally undcrstood
thc dangcrs that go with bcing a mincr. It is ncvcr
casy to cntcr thc mincs-it is hot insidc,no lrcsh air,
and thcrc is no scnsc ol salcty, as thc tunncls may
collapsc anytimc. With thcsc dangcrs laccd by
workcrs,thcir wagc is unjustly low."
Whilc thc company was dcclaring incrcascd
carnings, thc minc workcrs and thcir lamilics
wcrc attcsting that thcir livcs and thc conditions
in thcir communitics havc not improvcd, il not
worscncd. Bcvcrly saw with hcr vcry cycs how
mining has dcstroycd thc Ibaloi`s agricultural and
pasturc lands. In lact,rarcly do wc scc ricc liclds
in Bcnguct, cspccially in Itogon and Mankayan.
Wala na nga yata."
Thcn thcrc`s thc sinking ol Mankayan. Bcvcrly
would rcmcmbcr growing up in Mankayan with
widc land arcas. Thcrc was this particular photo
shc had with hcr and hcr otc (oldcr sistcr takcn
in lront ol thc munici pal hall, and thcrc was this
hugc portion ol land in thc background. But this
land, as wcll as thc othcr arcas, could no longcr bc
sccn today. Thcsc havc sunk.
What can bc sccn today arc opcn pits throughout
thc provincc. What cannot bc sccn today arc pinc
trccs, crccks, rivcrs and lorcst covcr.
Ior Bcvcrly, hcrc is onc most common sight
today in thc Mankayan communitics-a long linc
ol pails waiting lor thcir turn to bc lillcd up with
52 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 52
For Beverly, there is one most
common sight today in the
Mankayan communitiesa long
line of pails waiting for their turn to
be lled up with water, a precious
resource in this dried up land.
Why cant the company provide
this service to the people?
watcr, a prccious rcsourcc in this dricd up land.
Why can`t thc company providc this scrvicc to
thc pcoplc."
Lcpanto has bccn in opcration lor 75 ycars yct
what docs it havc to show lor. A goll coursc,"
according to Bcvcrly. Thc hospital that thc
company put up supposcdly to providc hcalth
scrviccs to thc community is not wcll-cqui ppcd,
that`s why rcsidcnts still nccd to go to Baguio or
La Trinidad lor bcttcr mcdical carc.
I rcally don`t scc a bcttcr or morc progrcssivc lilc
lor thc communitics allcctcd by mining.
My advocacy lor mining to bc gcnuincly
rcsponsiblc, pro-cnvironmcnt and support to
national industrialization was dcvclopcd much
lrom my social involvcmcnt," says Bcvcrly. Hcr
social involvcmcnt can bc traccd lrom hcr bcing
a studcnt activist and a mcmbcr ol Lcaguc ol
Iili pino Studcnts, and thcn latcr a mcmbcr and
olliccr ol PIGSA (Progrcssivc Igorots lor Social
Action, which litcrally mcans in Ilocano, strcngth.
Il not lor thc indigcnous pcoplcs movcmcnt,
I will not bc ablc to apprcciatc thc dclcnsc ol
anccstral lands,cvcn il am a lull-bloodcd Igorot. I
will not bc ablc to apprcciatc and undcrstand thc
intcrrclationshi p ol things."
Hindi nomon toyo /ontro mining pcr sc. 1ingin /o
/oilongon po rin nomon ong pogmimino /osi totoo
rin nomon no /oilongon notin ng /oldcro,computcr,
mcdicol cui pmcnt, ctc. Ayoo nomon notin bumoli/
so Stonc Agc /o/it no /otutubo toyo. So pombonsong
industriolisosyon oy mo/ologo po rin ong pogmimino.
Mos /oilongon long tologong pogbu/uson ng
pono/on ong rcscorc/ ot pog-dcoclopng mos mooyos
ot ligtos no pomomoroon so pogmimino. Kosomo
din ong pogpolit ng [romcoor/ so mining-mining
no /indi pro[it-driocn but mining tooords notionol
(I am not anti-mining pcr sc. I think wc still nccd
mining bccausc wc still nccd pots, computcr,
mcdical cqui pmcnt,ctc. Wc don`t want to go back
to Stonc Agc, cvcn il wc arc indigcnous pcoplcs.
Mining is still nccdcd lor national industrialization.
But wc rcally nccd to spcnd timc lor rcscarch and
dcvclopmcnt ol a salc mcthod ol mining. And wc
nccd to changc thc lramcwork ol mining-mining
that is not prolit-drivcn, but mining towards
national industrialization.
And so today, with this advocacy, Bcvcrly brings
hcr activism to a dillcrcnt platlorm-Congrcss.
Shc is thc lirst nomincc lor thc indigcnous
pcoplcs party list - KATRIBU. Bcvcrly rccognizcs
that mining is an issuc bcsctting indigcnous
pcoplcs not just in thc Cordillcra rcgion, but also
throughout thc country.
Bcvcrly, as thc Chair ol KATRIBU, was part ol
thc consultations hcld nationwidc in rclation to
thc campaign against thc Mining Act ol 1995. As
a concrctc rcsult ol thc scrics ol consultations, a
Pcoplcs` Mining Bill was draltcd, and was brought
to thc Housc ol Rcprcscntativcs. Pushing lor thc
law, amidst strong lobby lrom thc mining industry
could bc onc ol thc ol thc tough challcngcs that
Bcvcrly would lacc in thc 2013 Congrcss, should
KATRIBU wins a scat, or two.
53 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 53 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
n thc latclul day ol March 2!, 199o, Eliza
M. Hcrnandcz, who was thcn 5! ycars
old, was on thc strctchcs ol thc bcautilul
Boac Rivcr,doing hcr laundry. Shc sat on hcr usual
spot in thc rivcr and bcgan soaking hcr hands in
thc watcr. Altcr a lcw minutcs, somcthing wcnt
wrong, an undcscribablc loul smcll lillcd thc air,
thcn lishcs and shrimps surlaccd... to hcr thc Boac
Rivcr had dicd.
Manang Eliza saw how thc tailings lrom thc
Marcoppcr mining opcration surgcd in thc
watcr, inundatcd agriculturc lands and cvcntually
killcd thc Boac Rivcr. This bccamc thc biggcst
cnvironmcntal disastcr in thc country.
Thousand ol pcoplc rclying on thc richncss ol
thc Boac Rivcr lost thcir livclihood. In thc casc
ol Manang Eliza, who washcs clothcs lor othcr
houscholds, shc had not carncd anything lor
almost a ycar, shc had lost hcr customcrs bccausc
no onc would likc thcir clothcs bc washcd on thc
contaminatcd watcr ol Boac Rivcr. Shc tricd to
survivc and continuc hcr laundry works bcaring
Manang Eliza
Rising from the spill
cxtra labor in gctting watcr lrom a manual watcr
pump or poso.
Although allcctcd lamilics rcccivcd somc
rcparation lrom thc minc company lor thc
damagcs it causcd to thcir livcs, lor Manang Eliza
and hcr ncighbors, such was ncvcr cnough to
compcnsatc lor thc lost ol thcir livclihood.
Thc impact ol Marcoppcr Mining Tragcdy to
thc rcsidcnts sccmcd cndlcss. Many pcoplc
cxpcricnccd and sullcrcd somc scrious dcrmal
discascs including Manang Eliza. Shc had aplastic
ancmia with thc high lcad lcvcl in hcr blood. This
condition somctimcs gavc hcr wcak lcclings. In
2003, with thc hclp lrom Boac Mayor Robcrto
Madla, Manang Eliza and othcr rcsidcnts wcrc
ablc to rcccivc mcdical trcatmcnt in Phili ppinc
Gcncral Hospital.
Struggling with thc impact ol thc disastcr to thc
community, Manang Eliza bccamc involvcd in
various campaigns against mining in Marinduquc.
Shc joincd in thc rallics and othcr actions initiatcd
54 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 54
by Marinduquc Council lor Environmcntal
Conccrns or MaCEC. In 2011, Eliza was onc ol
thc pctitioncrs ol thc Writ ol Kalikasan that sought
thc issuancc ol an Environmcntal Protcction
Ordcr lor Marinduquc and ncarby provinccs. It
was lilcd to compcl thc mining company to bc
accountablc lor thc dcstructions it causcd to thc
cnvironmcnt and pcoplc ol Marinduquc.
Dcspitc many attcmpts to bribc hcr, shc rcmaincd
lirm to pcrsist on hcr light lor thc sakc ol thc
cnvironmcnt. At 70, Manang Eliza is still activc
and will not stop until thc provincc was totally lrcc
lrom any thrcat ol mining. And although it sccms
impossiblc, shc wants to scc again thc natural
bcauty ol Boac Rivcr, whcrc shc uscd to wash
clothcs to carn a living.
Elzabeth Mangol is Mining and
Environmcntal Olliccr ol MaCEC.
MaCEC lilc photo
55 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 55 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
atividad Nagutom or Naty, o1, is a
rcsidcnt ol Barangay Magapua, Mogpog
in Marinduquc. Shc is marricd to
julio Nagutom and a mothcr ol 8 childrcn.
Shc is a mcmbcr ol Marinduquc Council lor
Environmcntal Conccrn or MaCEC lor ovcr
13 ycars and now thc chairpcrson ol MaCEC
chaptcr in thcir Barangay. Hcr involvcmcnt in
MaCEC had dcvclopcd hcr to bccomc a tough
advocatc ol human rights and a salc and pcacclul
Likc most mcmbcrs ol MaCEC, Naty has hcr own
sharc ol strugglcs with thc impact ol mining in thcir
town. In 1993, thc Maguila-guila Siltation Dam ol
Marcoppcr Mining Corporation collapscd and
causcd a llashllood that gushcd to thc Mogpog
Rivcr. Thc hcavy surgc ol watcr and minc spill
had shakcn thcir housc and almost drowncd thcm
to dcath. Naty and hcr husband ticd thcmsclvcs
with thcir cight childrcn, so that thcy can support
cach othcr and avoid drowning.
That traumatic cxpcricncc drovc hcr to bc
involvcd in thc campaign against mining in thcir
community and thc cntirc provincc. Shc activcly
partici patcd in many scminars, trainings, and
mobilizations in and out ol thc provincc which
arc usually sponsorcd by MaCEC. With support
Her Fight
for A Safe
lrom MaCEC and othcr organization, shc took thc
lcad in liling thc casc against Marcoppcr Mining
In 2005, shc attcndcd a Mining Conlcrcncc in
Baguio City organizcd by Lcgal Rights and Natural
Rcsourccs Ccntcr (LRC. In thc conlcrcncc, shc
sharcd hcr cxpcricncc during thc 1993 llashllood
and hcr contributions to thc anti-mining actions.
Thc partici pants lclt hcr strugglc, almost all ol
thcm cricd altcr rcalizing that thcy wcrc not alonc
in thc light lor justicc. That cxpcricncc madc hcr
an cvcn strongcr advocatc.
Hcr intcgrity was challcngcd by thc attcmpts
ol mining company to buy oll hcr stand and
discontinuc. But shc ncvcr thought ol withdrawing
thc casc cvcn though somctimcs it lrustratcs hcr to
think that it is moving slow.
But thcy chcrish victorics and milcstoncs in thcir
campaign-thc 50-ycar mining moratorium in thc
provincc is onc. To Naty,mining is a dcstructivc
industry that causcs pcoplc to livc in lcar and
cxposcs thcm to so much thrcat. Ior hcr,mining
has no placc now in Mogpog and in thc cntirc
provincc ol Marinduquc.
MaCEC lilc photo
56 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 56 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 56 56 56
Mogpog Rivcr
Insct Photo: Natividad Nagutom
57 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 57 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
ng o/ing pog/omulot so /o/ologo/on
ng pongongologo so oting /oli/oson ot
c/osistcmo oy nogsimulo noong 1980
bilong mog-oorol no noging bo/ogi ng isong
tolo/oyon ng mgo Mongingisdo so Poronouc no
o/tibong /olo/o/ so pongongologo ng Looo ng
Loguno ot Moynilo. Higit no lumooo/ ito noong
Tagapangalaga ng
Pinagmulan ng Buhay
o/o oy noging iso mgo togopodoloy ng bo/oginon
ot songgunion ng mgo mongingisdo so buong
Looo ng Loguno no itinoguyod ng Asion Sociol
Institutc. Dito /o no/ilolo ong mgo lidcr ng mgo
pomoyonong /umi/ilos poro so pongongologo ng
pongisdoon ot nogsusulong ng pogbolong/os ng
polisiyong mogtitiyo/ nito.
58 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 58
A/o oy noninioolo no ong li/os yomon oy oting
minono ot /irom so susunod no solinlo/i ot ong
c/osistcmo oy mog/o/o-ugnoy no nongongoilongon
ng pomoyonong pomomo/olo upong motiyo/ ong
li/os /oyong poggomit ot mo/otoirong po/inobong
lolo ng mgo moliliit no mongingisdo.
Aoniro/on ong o/ing pomilyo so 1oguig noong
198!. Motopos ong ilong toon ng pogliling/od so
Pomo/oloong Lo/ol ng 1oguig bilong Munici pol
Autrition Action 0[[iccr ot Culturol A[[oirs 0[[iccr
noging 1roining 0[[iccr o/o ng Soriling Si/op Inc.,
no moy /otuoong mgo uplond [ormcrs so Abro,
Aucoo Viscoyo, Loguno,Quc.on,Cuimoros ot Doooo.
So mgo lugor no o/ing nopunto/on, noso/si/on /o
ong molooo/ong pog/osiro ng /obundu/on do/il so
molo/i/ong pogmimino, potubig ot ibo po. So lo/ot
ng ito ong unong bi/timo oy ong mgo mogsoso/o no
siyong no/o/oronos ng iboyong /o/iropon.
Ang pog-oorgoniso ot pogsoso/opongyori/on ng
pomoyonon bilong oltcrnotibong pocrso /olo/o/
ong mgo /oboboi/on oy mo/ologong soli/ tungo so
pogbobogo lolo no pomomo/olo ng li/os yomon-
iyon oy o/ing pologoy.
1oong 199J,o/o oy noging bo/ogi ng Scroicc Burcou
[or Sociol Fis/crics Incorporotcd o SBSFI no moy
progromong Community-Boscd Fis/cry Rcsourccs
Monogcmcnt so Zombolcs. A/tibo ong SBSFI so
mgo nog/o/oisong AC0 ng Zombolcs ot 0longopo
ot so ugnoyon ng mgo AC0 so Citnong Lu.on. Ito
ong pono/on no moigting ong pog/ilos lobon so
isong mino/on so Mosinloc ot ong rc/obilitosyon ot
pogbongon mulo so pinsolo ng Bul/ong Pinotubo.
Ponsomontolong no/into ong opcrosyon ng pogmimino
ng c/romitc so Acojc, Sto. Cru., Zombolcs goyundin
ong pogmimino ng gold so Son Morcclino motopos
motobunon ng lo/ot ong /onilong mgo /ogomiton.
Somontolong ong Bcnguct Mining Corporotion so
Coto, Mosinloc oy nogluoos no lomong ng stoc/[ilc
ot nogplono no ring /uminto. 1oong 199ng o/tool
/ung mo/ito ong mino/on so Coto. Doon din o/o
no/i pog-usop so mgo pomilyo ng mgo mincro /ung
tung/ol so pog-oorgoniso ng isong somo/on no siyong
sumubo/ mog/onopng ibong pong pog/o/o/itoon ng
/omunidod ot gumooo ng mgo progromo poro so
rc/obilitosyon ng /oguboton.
Ao/ito /o no molooo/ ong pinsolo no nogooo ng
mino/on ot moliit din lomong ong rc/obilitosyong
noisulong ng sinosobing sociol orm ng /omponyo.
So isong tolo/oyon noong 199 no itinoguyod ng
Crccn Forum,no/ilolo /o ong mgo /oboboi/ong togo-
Morinduuc no nogpopogomot ng /onilong mgo ono/
no noopc/tu/on ng pogmimino ng Morcoppcr. Aoroon
din ong ilong mgo Mongyong mulo so Sobloyon,
Mindoro 0ccidcntol ot Bongobong,Mindoro 0ricntol
no tumututol so mining cxplorotion so /onilong lugor.
Sumomo o/o so mgo pog/ilos so /oropng Dcportmcnt
o[ Enoironmcnt ond Aoturol Rcsourccs ot ibo
pong o/cnsiyo ng pomo/oloon upong tutulon ong
pogsosobotos ng P/ili ppinc Mining Act ng 199.
Dito /o lolong nointindi/on no /indi lomong ong
/oli/oson ong sinisiro ng pogmimino, /ung /indi
moging ong pomumu/oy ot /inobu/oson ng mgo
momomoyon. Ito din oy to/osong pogyuro/ so
/oropotong pontoo.
1oong 2010, so pomomogiton ni Kilusong poro so
Pombonsong Dcmo/rosyo o KPD oy no/ilolo /o ong
mgo /obotoong lidcr mulo so Yout/ [or Aotionolism
Dcmocrocy o YAD. A/o oy /onilong inonyoyo/on
poro so isong tolo/oyon u/ol so Pogmimino ot
Koropotong Pontoo. Mulo dito noging bo/ogi o/o ng
Dc[cnd Zombolcs no nogtotoguyod ng pongongologo
ng /oropotong pontoo,/obu/oyon ot /oli/oson upong
motiyo/ ong pog-unlod no no/obotoy so bolonsc ot
mo/otorungon poggomit ng li/os yomon. Dito noging
mos motolos ot mololim ong pogunooo /o so usoping
pogmimino ot so mgo impli/osyon nito so /obuuong
/ooyuson ng c/onomiyo, politi/o ot li punon. So
59 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 59 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 59 59 59 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon Chapter 1: Women in Luzon Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
60 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 60
tunggoliong nog/o/ori, /igit ong lotoy nito so mgo
moliliit ot oolong lo/os no momomoyon no minson
oy /umo/opit so mgo lidcr ng pomoyonon no pooong
bi/timo rin ng sistcmong /indi mo/otorungon.
Bogomot mooring limitodo rin ong o/ing noioombog
so /iluson,o/o oy potuloy no mogtotoyo ot mogloloon
ng notitirong pono/on upong moging bo/ogi ng
/ilusong mopogpoloyo ot mogsobu/oy ng mgo
simuloing tungo so pogbobogo ng /ooyuson.
So mgo inilo/od /ong /oronoson ot po/i/isong/ot,
doon o/o /umu/ugot ng dioo ot upong /otulod ng
ibo pong /oboboi/on oy mogpotuloy so pog-ooloy ng
bu/oy ot /o/oyo/ pog-orugo ng li/os-yomong
pinogmumulon ng bu/oy!
Runna Ganhoa-Arccga is a lormcr Nutrition
Action Olliccr and Cultural Allairs Olliccr
ol Taguig City. Hcr cnvironmcntal advocacy
bcgan in 1980 whcn shc attcndcd a studcnt
lorum on thc protcction ol Laguna Lakc and
Manila Bay. In 1995, shc mct somc parcnts
lrom Marinduquc who visitcd thc city lor thc
mcdical chcck-up ol thcir childrcn suspcctcd
to havc bccn inlcctcd by thc toxic ol thc minc
opcration in thcir community. In 2010, shc
bccamc a mcmbcr ol Dclcnd Zambalcs whcrc
shc gcts morc involvcd in thc anti-mining
campaign cspccially in Zambalcs.
61 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 61 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
o pono/ong ito ng mo/obogong mundo,
pogto-troso ot pogmimino ong i/inobubu/oy
ng ilong too. Aoon, mgo /obundu/on so
lolooigon oy /oy sorop pogmosdon sopog/ot
/ino/i/itoon ito ng mgo noglolo/i/ong puno,
luntiong /olomon, noggogondo/ong bulo/lo/,
mgo /oyopno nog/o/obulon,ot mgo ibon no nog-
oooiton. Agoyon,/indi no mounoooon ong mu//o
ng oting /obundu/on. Hindi no moigu/it ng isong
pintor ong lorooon ng oting /oli/oson. Hindi no
moilorooon ng isong monunulo so mgo solito ong
/ogondo/on ng oting mgo li/os no yomon. Pounti-
unti,nooooolon ng mu//o ong oting /olupoon. Ito
ong /opolit ng modcrnisosiyon. Ang pog/osiro ng
/oli/oson ong /oboyoron so oting /ini/inging pog-
Ang mgo mondirigmong no/i/ibo/o poro so
/opo/onon ng Inong Koli/oson oy mgo mototondo
no nomulot so li/os no /ogondo/on nito,mgo boto
no nomulot so unti-unting nitong pog/osiro, mgo
/ololo/i/on no lo/os ng bisig ong pu/unon so
po/i/i poglobon,ot mgo /oboboi/ong nogpopo/oyog
Malaking Laban
Para sa Kabundukan
ng topong poro so /ototo/onon tung/ol dito. Iso
si 1crcso dclo Cru. so mgo bobocng mogiting no
nogtotonggol so oting Inong Koli/oson.
Si 1crcso dclo Cru. oy isong /otutubong Acto
no no/otiro so Sitio Moporoc, Brgy. Son Juon,
Cobongon, Zombolcs. So /osolu/uyon, /oli/im
siyo ng Moporoc Acto 0rgoni.otion, no /oyogong
i pinoglolobon ong /oropoton ng mgo /otutubong
Acto bilong isong Fili pino ot bilong mgo toong
nogtotonggol so /oli/oson. Kotulod ng ibong
/oboboi/ong no/i/ibo/o, siyo oy moy soriling
Siyo ong /obiyo/ ni Angclito dclo Cru. ot ino
ng dolooong boto. So booot oroo no lumili pos,
dolooong pomilyo ong /oniyong /ino/olingo
ong osooo't mgo ono/ ot ong mgo /otutubong
no/osondol so /oniyong /otopongon ot /o/oyo/on.
Pilit no i pinog/o/osiyo niyo ong /onyong oros
poro mogomponon ong tung/ulin bilong ino,
bilong osooo, ot bilong isong /oli/im ng /onilong
orgonisosiyon. Cinogooo ong lo/ot ng mo/o/oyo
62 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 62
upong /indi mogtompo ong iso.
So /otopongon, si 1crcso dclo Cru. oy moooring
i/ombing /oy Cobriclo Silong. Hondo siyong
ibuois ong bu/oy poro so /opo/onon ng
no/ororoming /oboboyon. Koniyong oini/o po
ngo, Wolo po o/ong /ino/oto/uton so gonitong
po/i/i poglobon,sopog/ot olom ng booot lidcr no
poro so /opo/onon ng oming /omunidod ot /opoo
/otutubo ong o/ing ginooo, moging bu/oy mon
ong /opolit sopog/ot oyoo nomin moronoson ng
oming /omunidod ong mgo nororonoson ng mgo
/opoo noming /otutubo so ibong lugor.' Moy mgo
nogbobonto so /oniyo upong itigil ong po/i/ibo/o.
Kung ibong too ong mo/o/otonggop ng gonitong
bonto,moro/il tumigil no. Agunit ong noso isi pot
puso ni 1crcso oy /indi soriling /opo/onon /ung
/indi ng lo/ot. Siyo oy mogpopotuloy, ot oolong
sinumon ong mo/o/opigil so /oniyong loyunin.
Ang nois ni 1crcso oy /opoyopoon ot pog/o/oiso
ng mgo /otutubong /otulod niyo upong lobonon
ong mgo mopogsomontolo. Hondo siyong /oropin
ong sinumon poro i po/oyog ong sitoosiyon
ng /oli/oson ot ong bonto so /inobu/oson ng
/onilong mgo ono/.
Aoong buoon ng Pcbrcro ng toong 2012, si 1crcso
oy /umorop so /ongrcso, so mgo non-goocrnmcnt
orgoni.otions,so ibo't ibong o/cnsyo ng gobycrno,ot
so ibong /otutubo. Ipinoroting niyo ong /ologoyon
ng mgo /otutubong Acto so lolooigon ng Zombolcs
ot ng mgo li/os no yomon no mototogpuon dito.
Wolo siyong to/ot no i/otid ong /ototo/onon ot
lobonon ong iligol no pogmimino sopog/ot botid
niyo so no ong mgo soloping moooring mo/u/o so
pogmimino oy moy /oboyoron no pogduruso. Hindi
mon ito nororomdomon ngoyon,ngunit gogonti ong
Inong /oli/oson ng /igit po so inooso/on ng toong
So onim no toong pogliling/od ni 1crcso,bu/ol so
puso ong /oniyong pogsulong ng /onilong odbo/osiyo
no pongologoon ong /obundu/on. Pogbobo/ogi
ng /oniyong mgo nololomon ong iso so mgo
/opomoroonon. Hobong moy mgo nogsosomontolo,
Maporac Aeta Orgaization
63 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 63 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon
siyo oy mononotili so /onilong somo/on, isinusulong
ong /onilong i pinoglolobon ong /oropoton ng booot
/otutubo so lupoing /onilong /inogisnon. Ang /oniyong
inspirosiyon oy mgo /opoo niyo lidcr so /onilong
somo/on,ot mgo /oolisyon tulod ng Alyonso 1igil Mino,
no nogmomoloso/it so tulod niyong /otutubo.
Bilong isong /otutubong lidcr,ong o/ing inspirosyon so
gonitong odbo/osiyo, uno, ong mgo /otulod /ong lidcr
no potuloy no no/i/ibo/o, pongolooo, ong mgo AC0
sopog/ot doon /o no/ito no bogomot mgo /otutubo
/omi oy moy mgo toong nogmomoloso/it so oming
/opo/onon ot i pinopomulot ong oming /oropoton,'
sobi ni 1crcso.
Poro /oy 1crcso, molibon so mgo motogumpoy no
/ino/inotnon ng /onilong mgo pog/ilos, ong /igit no
/otogumpoyon poro so /onyo oy ong pog/o/oiso ng
booot /otutubo no protc/to/on ong /onilong /oropoton
ot /obundu/on. Koniyong botid ong /o/ologo/on ng
pog/o/oiso so /onilong lobon. Si Coliot/ mon ong
/onilong /olobon,/indi silo mododoig sopog/ot silo oy
Tcrcsa dcla Cruz,an Acta and dclcndcr ol lorcsts
and indigcnous pcoplcs right,is an icon ol woman
lcadcrshi p in thcir community in Cabangan,
Zambalcs. Shc is currcntly thc Sccrctary ol
Maporac Acta Organization (MAO-an
organization that advocatcs thc conccrns ol thc
Acta communitics, spccilically ol dcvclopmcnt
aggrcssions including mining and illcgal logging.
As rcprcscntativc ol MAO, shc has spokcn is
scvcral national cvcnts including in hcarings at thc
Housc ol Rcprcscntativcs, civil socicty gathcrings,
mcctings at thc Dcpartmcnt ol Environmcnt and
Natural Rcsourccs, and many othcrs.
Wala po akong kinakatakutan
sa ganitong pakikipaglaban
sapagkat... ayaw namin
maranasan ng aming
komunidad ang mga
nararanasan ng mga kapwa
naming katutubo sa ibang lugar.
Carlo Fajardo is a mcmbcr ol a voluntccr
group bascd in Caloocan and a graduatc ol
AB English in Univcrsity ol Caloocan City and
currcntly working as an English instructor in
Asian Institutc ol Computcr Studics.
ndom no o/o so onumong
(I`m prcparcd lor whatcvcr it is that
will happcn.
Manicani, Samar
66 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 66
From Tears to Bliss
Coming to blows for the Common Good
ust as shc had cvcry othcr night lor thc past
lcw months, Isidra Bausal lcll into a litlul
slccp in thc carly hours ol thc morning. Day
altcr day, shc lound hcrscll lcaning uncasily across
somc piccc ol lurniturc. Not a day had passcd that
nothing happcncd to rcmind hcr ol thc damagcs
causcd by thc Magnctitc Mining opcration ncar
Lakc Bito.
On March 1! 2012,sadncss swcpt ovcr Aling Purit,
as shc is popularly known,as shc lookcd around
Lakc Bito with dcad lishcs lloating and surlacing
in thc lakc. A clcar physical manilcstation ol thc
thrcat and dangcr to thc livcs ol thc community
brought about by thc mining opcration in thc arca.
Shc brokc down, an ovcrwhclming lcar knotting
hcr stomach and pulling at hcr hcart. Pinchcs and
spikcs ran up hcr spincs and sorcncss in hcr throat
thrcatcncd to chokc hcr. Panic took ovcr.
Shc and hcr lcllow citizcns havc cxpcricnccd
scvcral problcms altcr thc massivc lish mortality
happcncd. Onc livclihood has bccn allcctcd sincc
most ol thc rcsidcnts living ncar thc mining sitc
arc larmcrs and lishcr lolks. Hcr lamily cannot
providc thcir daily nccds sincc thcy only dcpcnd
on thc incomc thcy gct lrom lishing. Thcrc had
bccn a dccrcasc ol lish catch causcd by thc
contamination ol watcr with oil and grcasc duc to
mining. Two, thcy prcscntly do not havc sourcc
ol salc drinking watcr. Thc lakc`s placid and clcar
watcr has alrcady turncd murky and brown with
oil and grcasc. It is an obvious indication that
thc watcr is not salc lor drinking nor lor thcir
larmlands and lor purposcs ol thcir othcr mcans
ol livclihood.
It cvcn camc to a point that hcr lamily has nothing
to cat and hcr childrcn wcrc not ablc to attcnd
thcir classcs bccausc thcy do not havc moncy.
All thcy havc that timc wcrc cmpty pockcts and
starvcd tummics.
Worricd that thc havoc causcd by mining would
cxaccrbatc and continuc ruin thcir livcs, Aling
Purit and hcr ncighbours organizcd thcmsclvcs.
Right thcrc and thcn, thc Unahin Natin Lagi
Ang Diyos (UNLAD Bito Lakc Iishcrlolks and
Iarmcrs Association was born.
Shc, with othcr UNLAD mcmbcrs, constructcd
a /ubo in thcir barricadc sitc. It is thcir way
ol dcclaring thcir opposition against mining,
happcning in thcir homcland. Thcrc, thcy
conductcd thcir rcgular praycr mcctings,
asscmblics, consultations and gct-togcthcrs.
By joining UNLAD, Aling Purit lcarncd so many
things about how mining can crccp up thcir
pcacclul livcs. Shc also was ablc to know morc
about God. Hcr laith bccamc strongcr. Shc lound
ncw lricnds whom shc can turn to whcncvcr shc
lccls down and wcary.
67 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 67 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
Javier, Leyte
Unahin Natin Lagi Ang Diyos (UNLAD)
Bito Lake Fisherfolks and Farmers Association
John David Agpalo is a journalism studcnt
lrom thc Visayas Statc Univcrsity. Hc is a
voluntccr writcr lor this projcct.
UNLAD cncountcrcd many challcngcs. Thcir
barangay ollicials lclt thcm alonc. Thc pcoplc
who motivatcd thcm to join this social action
against mining arc thc samc pcoplc who lclt thcm
hanging. Aling Purit and hcr othcr co-mcmbcrs
wcrc cvcn allcgcd as mcmbcrs ol thc Ncw Pcoplc`s
Army or thc NPA. A big hoax thcy lloutcd.
Dcspitc all thc odds camc hcr way,Aling Purit did
not rcgrct anything. Hcr light against mining is onc
ol thc wiscst dccisions shc cvcr madc according to
hcr. I am lighting to stop mining not only lor
myscll but also lor my lamily,lor my lricnds,and
lor thc gcncrations to comc", shc admittcd. Shc
wantcd to lct thc lorthcoming gcncrations witncss
thc bcauty and plcasurc thcy gct lrom thcir much-
lovcd Lakc Bito.
On April 30, 2012, Aling Purit lookcd around
at hcr co-UNLAD mcmbcrs with happincss as
thcy gathcr in thcir Barricadc sitc. Thc mining
opcration ncar thc lakc has bccn tcmporarily
suspcndcd. A lump lormcd in hcr throat and
tcars wcllcd in hcr cycs. Thc tcars wcrc a strangc
mixturc ol hopc, ol purc bliss and pridc, a lccling
ol not knowing what thc luturc hcld but bcing so
rcady to lacc it all.
All hcr cllorts, sacriliccs and hard works paid oll.
Howcvcr, hcr light to stop mining in MacArthur
docs not cnd hcrc. As Christians, it is important
ol our laith to bc truthlul in our calling as wardcns
ol God`s crcation and to protcct it lrom any kind
ol lorccs that will causc its dcvastation. As long
as I livc, I will light lor our rights - our right to
livc, right to cat at lcast thrcc timcs a day and our
right to protcct onc ol thc grcatcst gilts that God
has givcn to us, thc Lakc Bito. I will ncvcr allow
anyonc ruin thc luturc our placc, our childrcn and
our livcs. I will light 'til I can slumbcr pcacclully
and with composurc night by night".
Aling Purit - a woman against mining, a mothcr
with a story to tcll.
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
68 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 68
MacArthur, Leyte
Unahin Natin Lagi Ang Diyos (UNLAD) Bito Lake
Fisherfolks and Farmers Association
Nightmare Warfare
Her ght against mining is worth dying for
taring out thc room window, Edita Rcalino
wondcrcd whcthcr hcr co-UNLAD mcmbcrs
wcrc alrcady at thc barricadc sitc or not yct.
Shc prcsumcd that thcy wcrc, and as shc watchcd
thc tidcs brcaking ovcr thc lakc, shc qucstioncd
whcthcr thcy wcrc still ablc to noticc thc rich lish
launa and somc watcrlowls inhabiting thc lakc.
Shc had bccn awakc lor an hour, but shc was
not rcady to lacc thc day. Thc days lclt dillcrcnt
altcr thc lish kill which rcsultcd in loss and
irrcvocablc damagcs to thc lish cagc owncrs and
thc community thcmsclvcs who dcpcnds solcly
on thc lakc. An incidcnt, thcy considcrcd thcir
grcatcst nightmarc.
Shc wantcd to do somcthing to makc this
nightmarc go away. Shc wantcd to turn back thc
clock to thc momcnt thc tilopio had hatchcd, thc
timc whcn thc wholc community was cnjoying thc
lavish and plcntilul rcsourccs that Lakc Bito could
ollcr, whcn all was right with thc world.
In hcr ordinary days, shc gcts up at !:30 am to
prcparc lood lor hcr husband who works as
a labourcr and hcr childrcn attcnding school
ncarby. Altcr doing hcr chorcs ol clcaning thc
housc and thc backyard, washing dishcs and
doing laundry, shc will stand by thc window in
hcr room and cnjoys lcw quict momcnts rclaxing
whilc looking at thc sccnic vicw ol thc grcat Lakc
An casy-going lilc without prcscncc ol grcasc and
oil, domcstic wastc and somc othcr hcavy mctal
contamination lrom thc mining opcration has
now bccomc a drcam. Somchow shc managc to
lall aslccp again, lucky hcr, and shc has anothcr
drcam. No dcad lishcs this timc, but a vibrant
69 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 69 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
Manang Edita has no regrets
because she believes that her
advocacy is worth dying for.
I am also doing this for my
family. For our livelihood that
was stolen by the miners.
crowd ol charactcrs whom shc ncvcr would havc
cxpcctcd to mcct, a group ol individuals lighting
against mining in thcir dominion.
Manang Edita, dccidcd to livc up to hcr drcams.
Shc dccidcd to roll up hcr slccvcs and gct rcady
lor hcr battlc - thcir battlc against mining. Hcncc,
shc joincd thc Unahin Natin Lagi Ang Diyos
(UNLAD Bito Lakc Iishcrlolks and Iarmcrs
Bcing onc ol thc ollicials ol thcir organization,
Manang Edit was taskcd to documcnt thcir
mcctings, hclpcd thc public to makc inlormcd
dccisions rclatcd to thc work ol thc organization,
supportcd thc proccss to lorm nctworks with various
stakcholdcrs such as dcvclopmcnt scctor donors,
NGOs, privatc scctor, rcscarch organizations and
acadcmic institutions to mobilizc thcir support lor
sustainablc dcvclopmcnt initiativcs.
All thcsc wcrc not casy," shc conlcsscd. Shc
mastcrcd standing up lor what shc bclicvcd in
and knowing what to do whcn you`rc callcd upon
to act. Shc rcluscd to bc all-talk, as thc clichc gocs
Action spcaks loudcr than words."
Thcrc was cvcn onc timc that shc wasn`t ablc to
cook lor hcr childrcn and hcr husband which
causcd thcm to havc a light. Hcr husband put
all thc blamc to hcr lor bcing busy lighting thc
mincrs, lcaving littlc timc lor hcr lamily.
In thc lacc ol thcsc downsidcs, Manang Edita has
no rcgrcts. I am also doing this lor my lamily.
Ior our livclihood that was stolcn by thc mincrs.
Ior my childrcn`s luturc that has bccomc obscurc
bccausc ol thc dctrimcnts mining had brought.
And light lor our rights to lct usc ol God-givcn
natural rcsourccs. I will ncvcr stop lighting against
mining. Not until wc arc compcnsatcd. Not until
arc salc," shc said.
Manang Edita dcsircs to scc a bcttcr hopc lor
hcr community. Shc admits that thcrc arc scvcral
things that nccd to bc improvcd in thcir placc.
Morc lamilics should havc thcir livclihood. And
morc childrcn and youth should bc ablc to go to
school and dcvclop thcir lull potcntial to attain
highcst quality ol human capital and knowlcdgc
to improvc thc productivity, prolitability, cquity
and wcll-bcing ol thc larmcrs, lishcr lolks and
houschold mcmbcrs ol MacArthur, Lcytc. I`ll
kccp on drcaming until I gct up on thc right sidc
ol thc bcd."
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
70 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 70
A journalist nds a good cause to
sing to her hearts desire
Green Voices
cr drcam ol bccoming a singcr and havc
a duct with Rcy Valcra didn`t happcn
but shc has no rcgrcts. Shc had rcalizcd
that hcr voicc is not mcant to cntcrtain pcoplc
with good music but to hclp crcatc a rcsponsiblc
community that will rcspond to thc challcngcs
ol thcir timc. Whcthcr in thc radio program shc
uscd to anchor or in thc storics shc lcaturc in
hcr column in a local ncwspapcr, Marissa Cano
cnsurcs that thc voicc shc has now will cncouragc
pcoplc to protcct thcir rcmaining natural rcsourccs
and inspirc thcm to dcnouncc dcstructivc projccts
such as mining.
Atc Maris, as shc is londly callcd, is known to
many pcoplc in Baybay, Lcytc as a journalist
advocating lor thc cnvironmcnt, not only bccausc
shc opcnly discusscs that in hcr works but also
lor hcr activc partici pation in thc drivc against
mining and othcr projcct that may harm Mount
In 199o, Atc Maris joincd thc massivc campaign ol
various scctors to stop thc proposcd Gcothcrmal
Projcct ol thc Phili ppinc National Oil Company
(PNOC. With thc voluntccrs lrom Visayas Statc
Univcrsity (VSU and mcmbcrs ol thc church,
shc hclpcd in lacilitating community discussions,
bcing donc in thc cvcning, so that larmcrs and
othcr stakcholdcrs would know what arc thc risks
involvcd in thc projcct and how it will allcct thcir
livcs. Shc also joincd in thc caravan calling lor
thc immcdiatc dismissal ol thc gcothcrmal projcct
whcrc thcy travcllcd lrom Tacloban to Ormoc
That cxpcricncc in PNOC was just thc bcginning.
Evcry timc shc lcarns that thcrc is a projcct bcing
proposcd in thcir provincc that would advcrscly
allcct thcir cnvironmcnt,shc is onc ol thosc who
will sit-down and chcck whcthcr that vcnturc is
somcthing bcnclicial lor thc community. Ior thc
issuc in mining, shc would always bclicvc that it
had a potcntial to kill pcoplc with its bad impact in
thc cnvironmcnt. Thcrc may bc arcas appropriatc
lor mining,but not in thc important spaccs bcing
protcctcd by pcoplc likc Mount Pangasugan.
With thc rcspcct that shc carncd lrom pcoplc,shc
is now taking morc rcsponsibility to updatc hcr
71 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 71 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
Baybay, Leyte
Journalist, Instructor at Visayas State University
When you do this work, it is
like you are saving yourself
and the lives of other
people it is a nice feeling
to know that you are able
to inuence people to also
protect the environment. Yet
all of these are not easy!
knowlcdgc and undcrstanding on thc issuc ol
mining cvcn its rclation to othcr cnvironmcntal
conccrns. And so shc attcnds mining lorums and
cxpands hcr nctworks. Shc had thc chancc to visit
St. Bcrnard, Lcytc and thcrc shc saw how mining
has actually causcd thc mountain to crumblc. Shc
thcn askcd hcrscll what othcr worsc things that
can happcn to a mountain that is bcing dcstroycd
by a mining projcct.
Whcn you do this work, it is likc you arc saving
yourscll and thc livcs ol othcr pcoplc. it is a nicc
lccling to know that you arc ablc to inllucncc
pcoplc to also protcct thc cnvironmcnt. Yct all ol
thcsc arc not casy!" Atc Maris rccognizcs that shc
cannot plcasc cvcrybody most spccially pcoplc in
thc mining companics. Shc is in lact, somctimcs
alraid. Hcr husband is always asking hcr, Why
do you havc to put your scll in a vcry dangcrous
situation." Shc would just look at him and say,
Ior thc common good."
Shc is also awarc that what shc`s doing is an
addcd work lor hcr, shc is a mothcr ol two kids,
a wilc, a daughtcr and somctimcs a coach to thc
studcnts ol VSU. But as shc says, As long as I still
havc hands that can rcach out to othcrs and hclp
protcct thc cnvironmcnt, I will continuc with this
advocacy. In lact thc morc I accomplish things
thc morc I rcalizc that thcrc arc cvcn morc things
I nccd to do."
Last january 31 to Icbruary 1, 2012 shc attcndcd
thc Visayas Rcgional Asscmbly ol Alyansa Tigil
Mina and thcrc thcy idcntilicd stratcgics that will
intcnsily thcir campaign to stop mining in thcir
town. Shc is bound to lacc a morc dcmanding
ycar. Shc may not havc bccomc a singcr, but
many pcoplc listcn to hcr voicc, as it rings out lor
hcr cnvironmcntal advocacics.
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
72 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 72
Maam Tess gives meaning to a devotion
of teaching a community
Beyond the Pillars
of Education
Baybay, Leyte
Director of the Institute for Strategic Research and Development Studies, Visayas State Universities
t was vcry carly morning. Shc sat by thc window,
si pping collcc and staring at thc splcndor ol thc
mountain bclorc hcr. Shc starcd at thc grcat
Mount Pangasugan in Baybay, Lcytc, a promincnt
mountain rangc in thc Visayas rcgion, sitting idly
amidst thc wct carth, knowing that somcthing is
thrcatcning its lilc. In a lcw minutcs,shc would nccd
to hustlc. Mcct with scvcral womcn with thc samc
aspiration, samc goals and onc aim, to campaign
against illcgal mining, cspccially in arcas surrounding
thcir lamilics. Bcing thc Dircctor ol thc Institutc lor
Stratcgic Rcscarch and Dcvclopmcnt Studics ol
Visaya`s Statc Univcrsitics, activc advocatc lor thc
protcction ol thc cnvironmcnt,and an activc council
mcmbcr ol Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM,Ma`am Tcss
Tabada always has a lot ol activitics planncd lor a
Shc ncvcr kncw shc`d go this lar in tcrms ol hcr
advocacy against mining in hcr town in Baybay,
Lcytc, it was, at lirst, just part ol hcr job,bcing assigncd
by thc univcrsity prcsidcnt to lcad thc anti-mining
advocacy tcam ol VSU in 2008. Thc tcam was
cstablishcd in rcsponsc to thc growing numbcr ol
73 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 73 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
Lalaine Trono works as a voicc-writcr lor and
cditor lor Mc Graw-Hill Intcrnational.
Never mind that there
are threats to her life,
its all part of the risk to
bring out the truth.
mining lirms liling lor cxploration pcrmit in Mount
Pangasugan and cvcn in othcr arcas in Lcytc. Each
timc Ma`am, Tcss hcars anothcr minc cxplosion
or ncws ol landslidcs or cvcn worsc, murdcrs ol
community lcadcrs and cvcn anti-mining advocatcs
lrom MIMAROPA (Mindoro, Marinduquc,
Romblon,and Palawan to Albay, Surigao and many
morc yct unspoilcd islands, shc lclt that somconc
rcally has to spcak out. A small lirc was lit in hcr
hcart,and bccamc a dcsirc to rcach out, sprcad thc
knowlcdgc and bc an advocatc lor cnvironmcntal
protcction and campaign against mining
Sincc thc timc shc acccptcd hcr assignmcnt in thc
anti-mining advocacy tcam, shc startcd attcnding
mining lorum with hcr collcagucs in thc collcgc.
Atc Tcss, visitcd communitics allcctcd by mining,
shc oncc staycd in a housc lor onc night and thcrc
shc rcalizcd thc discomlort ol living bcsidc a mining
projcct whcrc in almost all day and night you
will hcar thc drilling and thc noiscs ol thc mining
opcrations. Currcntly, thc tcam is closcly monitoring
thc progrcss ol thc application lor cxploration ol a
Chincsc-owncd mining lirm in thc mountain dircctly
lacing thc univcrsity.
To catch up with thc prcssurcs in campaigning
against mining, Ma`am Tcss would try to gct morc
inlormation about mining by nctworking with othcr
anti-mining group and attcnding in lorums and
conlcrcnccs. Shc lcarncd that mining industry has
rcachcd an all timc high in cxploiting ncw-lound
lands and discovcring grccn licld invcstmcnts in
dcvcloping countrics likc thc Phili ppincs. With
carnings rcaching billions ol dollars, it is ncvcr
dillicult to scc why many invcstors havc riskcd
capital to lollow its path. Thc problcm is, it`s not
always a 'gold rush` lor thc choscn sitc. Iorgct that
somctimcs, thcsc companics havcn`t bccn issucd
an Environmcnt Compliancc Ccrtilicatcs (ECC,
it bccomcs irrclcvant to thcir opcrations, lorgct
that livcs arc at stakc, lrom thc poison that sccps
through thc carth to thc dcalcning cxplosions that
occur cvcry now and thcn. It docsn`t count on
thcir rcvcnucs, lorgct that thc luturc ol a mincd
community is almost a land-rapcd arca, with lcwcr
and lcwcr living crcaturcs to sustain thc ccosystcm,
it`s not thcir homctown anyways, or il it is, thc valuc
ol moncy is irrcsponsibly carncd lor tomorrow
that`s unsurc to comc.
Thcsc arc thc rcasons why shc campaigns lcrvcntly
against illcgal mining. Having a Mastcrs Dcgrcc isn`t
cnough, thc rcsponsibility shc has to womcn, lamilics
and communitics nccdcd morc than a dcgrcc on
papcr. It nccds commitmcnt,and shc nccds to bc an
inspiration to othcrs. Evcn on cvcnings, shc would
go to small communitics to disscminatc inlormation
about thc cvils ol opcn-pit mining,and shc lcrvcntly
hopcs that it would makc a dillcrcncc. Ncvcr mind
that thcrc arc thrcats to hcr lilc, it`s all part ol thc
risk to bring out thc truth. Knowing shc has laith in
a Suprcmc Bcing, thc lovc and support ol hcr lamily
and lricnds, shc is unalraid to takc on thcsc risks.
Shc linishcd hcr collcc and prcparcd to lcavc.
Thc day is young, and many pcoplc nccd to bc
cnlightcncd. Shc prcparcd hcr paraphcrnalia, shc
docsn`t know whcn it will cnd, il this would cvcr cnd,
but onc thing lor surc shc would ncvcr stop until shc
lullills hcr mission. Thc llamc that shc startcd has
slowly consumcd hcr cntirc soul. Shc, likc scvcral
othcrs, bccamc a woman with a purposc, not only lor
hcrscll, not just lor hcr community, but also lor hcr
childrcn and thc childrcn ol many who dcscrvc to
inhcrit a habitablc and mincrals-rich land.
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
74 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 74
Mayette Badar
An advocate faces sad realities
of women in mining
Eastern Samar
Pambansang Koalisyon ng mga Kababaihan sa Kanayunan
(PKKK), President of the Eastern Samar chapter
aycttc Badar is known in dillcrcnt
towns in Eastcrn Samar as a traincr,
lacilitator,and a womcn`s rights activist.
As thc prcsidcnt ol thc Eastcrn Samar chaptcr
ol Pambansang Kongrcso ng mga Kababaihan
sa Kanayunan (PKKK, a national lcdcration ol
rural womcn, lor 7 ycars, shc has bccn around thc
rcgion,giving trainings,conducting mcctings, and
simply kccping in touch with thc strong and activc
mcmbcrs ol thc PKKK.
Onc ol thc munici palitics that PKKK is activc in
is Salccdo. Maycttc and hcr tcam havc conductcd
scrics ol gcndcr scnsitivity trainings (GST as wcll
as Barangay Dcvclopmcnt Planning (BDP among
thc Salccdo womcn. PKKK has a strong and
broad basc in this munici pality. But rcccntly,thc
lcdcration is cxpcricncing tcnsion and division
within thc mcmbcrshi p. And this is all bccausc
ol mining.
Sincc 2008, mining in Salccdo town has slowly
bccomc a booming industry. Earlicr, thc big
problcms ol Salccdo arc illcgal logging and illcgal
lishing. But thosc who arc involvcd in thcsc havc
now movcd to illcgal mining. Iorcign invcstors
havc bccn coming in, particularly Taiwancsc,
to lund chromitc mining in thc arca. Whcn
mining was takcn on by PKKK as an urgcnt issuc,
mcmbcrshi p lrom Salccdo town cxpcricnccd a
painlul division. Thcrc would bc PKKK womcn
who havc husbands and/or sons working lor thc
mincs,and it would bc cxtrcmcly dillicult lor thcm
to go against mining, lor thcy havc bccomc rcliant
on thc incomcs lrom thc mincs.
This is onc ol thc rcasons why PKKK has takcn
on thc issuc ol mining, particularly in Eastcrn
75 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 75 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
Samar. Maycttc sccs mining as a thrcat against
womcn`s rights. With thc agricultural lands
and /olubi/on (coconut plantations clcarcd and
convcrtcd to minc arcas,thc work ol womcn ticd
to land and coconut arc no longcr availablc and
possiblc. As scvcral towns ol Eastcrn Samar arc
small islands likc Manicani, lishing is also bcing
advcrscly allcctcd, as mining has pollutcd thc
watcrs. Although mining had altcrnativc jobs to
pcoplc, most work arc ollcrcd to mcn. This mcans
that thc womcn, who uscd to bc an activc partncr
in bringing incomc to thc lamily, is now rcliant
on thc mcn`s incomc. Thc womcn in thcsc minc
arcas arc now cconomically displaccd.
Thcrc arc a host ol othcr issucs which mining has
brought to thc Woroy communitics, particularly to
thcir womcn. Incidcnts ol violcncc against womcn
arc on thc risc sincc mining camc. Maycttc cxplains
that with thc incomc coming lrom thc mincs,and
with thc mcn having lull control ol this and givcn
that thcy arc thc solc brcadwinncrs now,thc mcn
arc pronc to usc somc ol thc moncy to alcohol.
This lcads to drunkcn violcncc against thcir wivcs.
Thc womcn,on thc othcr hand,arc cxpcricncing
low moralc and scll-cstccm. Child labor, Maycttc
lurthcr rclatcs, is also anothcr issuc that thcy arc
conlrontcd with. Thcrc arc boy-childrcn who
would bc lorccd to stop schooling and hclp in
thc mining work, cxposing thcm to toxic as wcll
as physical dangcr. In hcr rccollcction, two small
boys havc dicd, as thcy lcll in thc minc pit sincc
2008. Thcn thcrc arc thc cnvironmcntal advcrsc
impacts ol mining, which allccts thc lamily lood
And so, as a womcn`s rights advocatc, it is ncccssary,
and urgcnt, lor Maycttc to takc on thc issuc ol
mining as it impacts on thc rights, and thc livcs
ol womcn and thcir lamilics. Ior now, Maycttc
and PKKK havc bccn lacilitating discussions on
mining and its impacts on thc cnvironmcnt,on thc
livclihoods, on thc rights ol both womcn and mcn,
but cspccially so on womcn. Maycttc`s goal is to
opcn thc cycs ol Waray womcn to thc short-tcrm
gains that mining may havc on thcm,and thc long-
tcrm, morc pcrmancnt damagc that this will bring
to thc communitics, and to thc Waray pcoplc.
Mooring moolool ong bu/oy ng ilong mgo /osomo,
ot /oboboyon do/il so mino, pcro pono no bu/os. So
susunod no bu/os. Kung siro no ong /oli/oson,ong
/obu/oyon. Kung ooto/ ooto/ no ong mgo pomilyo
do/il so oooyon.' (Somc ol our lricnds and
ncighbors may bc comlortablc today, givcn thc
bcnclits thcy havc lrom mining, but what about
tomorrow. Or thc day altcr. Il our cnvironmcnt is
dcstroycd, and so arc our sourccs ol livclihood. Il
our lamilics arc dividcd givcn thc conllicts.
Maycttc plans to do morc barangay visits in mining
allcctcd arcas in thc provincc. Thc prcscncc ol
armcd groups in Salccdo, howcvcr, is causing
conccrn among rcsidcnts, and is hampcring thc
movcmcnt ol Maycttc and hcr collcagucs. But
Maycttc considcrs this as part ol hcr task - as
prcsidcnt ol PKKK, and as a womcn`s rights
activist. Although bcing a mothcr ol ! childrcn,hcr
own mothcr somctimcs warns hcr ol thc possiblc
dangcrs shc might run into with hcr advocacy. But
bcing a sistcr to hundrcds ol rural Waray womcn,
shc lccls conlidcnt that no harm would comc
hcr way as long as shc is with thc womcn in thc
Maaring maalwal ang buhay
ng ilang mga kasama, at
kababayan dahil sa mina; pero
pano na bukas? Sa susunod
na bukas? Kung sira na ang
kalikasan, ang kabuhayan?
Kung watak watak na ang mga
pamilya dahil sa awayan?
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
76 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 76
Choosing the Right Path
Behind her sweet smile and comical
personality is a woman who fearlessly
ghts for what she thinks is right.
woman with high cncrgy and vivacious
pcrsonality can`t hclp but always stand
out in thc crowd whcrcvcr shc gocs. It
was latc in thc morning whcn I arrivcd at thc
workshop scminar on womcn,land and mining and
I was not ablc to catch up with thc introduction
part. I just quictly sat at thc back part ol thc room
whilc listcning to thc lccturc and obscrving thc
partici pants. It sccmcd that I would rcally havc a
hard timc knowing most ol thcm sincc cvcrybody
is putting thcir hcart and mind into thc discussion.
Amidst thc busy chattcring and taking down
notcs, a woman had caught not only mc but
cvcrybody clsc`s attcntion. All ol thc storics ol
thc partici pants wcrc hcartbrcaking and you can`t
hclp but bc scrious all throughout thc scssion but
all ol that suddcnly changcd whcn Elcna B. Galo
linally took thc lloor.
just likc cvcryonc clsc, hcr cxpcricncc was not
plcasant. I mcan who would bc happy sccing your
grccn, lush placc turncd into a big, barrcn and
lilclcss arca ol soil with no land to till and worsc,
no salc watcr to drink. No onc right. Unlcss you
arc that scllish and uncaring ol your lilc and thc
pcoplc you carc about.
Thcrc arc two things why Elcna stood out
during thc scminar. Onc is hcr lunny but lcarlcss
pcrsonality and thc othcr is, among all ol thc
partici pants who attcndcd thc scminar, hcrs was
a succcss story.
Elcna is a Brgy. Councilor ol Lunas, Maasin, Lcytc,
a mountainous arca. What amazcd mc during
thc intcrvicw is that Elcna, bcing a high school
graduatc has a strong drivc to protcct and takc carc
ol hcr placcs` cnvironmcnt that is incomparablc
to an individual with a Bachclor`s Dcgrcc. Elcna
dcspitc hcr simplicity and humor, has scrvcd in
an cnvironmcntal organization namcd YISEDA
(Young Innovator lor Social and Environmcntal
Dcvclopmcnt Association lor 18 ycars. A pcrson
would dclinitcly not last dcdicating thc past 18
ycars ol hcr lilc in an organization il shc docsn`t
lovc, bclicvc and stand lor its causc.
Bclorc thc mining company arrivcd at thcir
placc, thcy wcrc just onc ordinary and pcacclul
77 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 77 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
Maasim, Leyte
Brgy. Councilor of Lunas, Maasin, Leyte
community. But,all ol this changcd whcn a small
scalc mining company arrivcd at thcir placc. just
likc cvcrywhcrc clsc, thcy lurcd thc rcsidcnts
unto thcir cmpty promiscs likc cmploymcnt and
a bcttcr lilc lor thc community. In a rural arca
whcrc dcvclopmcnt sccms clusivc, this was a
drcam comc truc. Thcn, thc problcm bcgan.
Thc community was dividcd, hall ol thcm wcrc
convinccd that mining is a solution lor thcir nccds.
Bccausc ol this, thc barangay council was trappcd
bctwccn two partics. Thc mining companics had
its way in convincing pcoplc, but Elcna and thc
rcmaining barangay ollicials had just madc thcir
dccision and that was to stop mining.
As cxpcctcd, Elcna rccallcd during thc sharing,
thc mining company would surcly not just raisc
thc whitc llag bccausc ol that. Thcy uscd othcr
mcans to obtain thcir support and that`s through
bribing Elcna and thc othcr barangay ollicials.
I rcmcmbcrcd Elcna saying that thc mining
company had discovcrcd that thcir placc is a pot
ol gold. This will hclp you undcrstand why thcy
would not casily givc up on it. Thcrc was a timc
whcn all ol us- barangay ollicials - wcrc invitcd at
a party in thc othcr barangay. Luckily, wc did not
attcnd it, bccausc that was thc mining company`s
stratcgy to win us ovcr and buy our stand," says
Elcna. Whilc convcrsing, it sccmcd likc shc has all
thc cncrgy in thc world that radiatcd all ovcr thc
room. Wc can`t hclp but laugh at hcr animatcd
gcsturcs and lunny statcmcnts cvcry oncc in a
whilc but whcn you look into hcr cycs, you would
noticc that it was an cxpcricncc that shc can`t
casily lorgct.
As a Brgy. Ollicial, Elcna is vcry awarc that thcir
dccision should not just bc a onc-sidcd ruling but
it must includc thc wcllarc ol hcr pcoplc. By that,
it docsn`t mcan that it`s only all lor moncy. I can
lccl thc suddcn shilt ol cmotions as shc narratcd
on how thcy wcrc prcssurcd by thc disappointcd
rcsidcnts who wcrc unhappy with thcir vcrdict. At
that momcnt,you can scnsc that at that point shc
was having a hard timc in hcr lilc. It`s good that
through that,shc always had hcr support systcm -
hcr husband,Bicnvinido Galo and thcir six childrcn
whom shc uscd to carry along with hcr whilc doing
cnvironmcntal works whcn thcy wcrc just babics.
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
78 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 78
Sacricing our
for money is not
sustaining our
needs but is a
mere selshness.
Faye Bada is a Dcvclopmcnt Communication
studcnt ol Visayas Statc Univcrsity major in
journalism and a mcmbcr ol Dcvclopmcnt
Socicty doing works in school and communitics
in Lcytc.
Iinally, altcr quitc a timc,thcy wcrc ablc to stop thc
mining activity in thcir arca. Wc wouldn`t want
to bc likc Guinsaugon," shc said. Guinsaugon is
a barangay in Southcrn Lcytc buricd many lcct
bclow thc soil bccausc ol landslidc. Ol coursc,
I don`t think anybody would likc to bc buricd
many lcct bclow thc ground. What`s good about
Elcna was that shc didn`t stop hcr light against
mining altcr winning. Shc still joins scminars
and workshops rclatcd to this mattcr and most
importantly, shc hadn`t stop cducating hcr lcllow
rcsidcnts on thc ncgativc cllccts ol mining. Shc
lclt mc this statcmcnt that madc mc contcmplatc
Il moncy is thc conccrn why wc allow our
cnvironmcnt to bc ruincd,thcrc arc anothcr ways
to carn it and not by dcstroying thc God-givcn gilt
ol abundancc that Mothcr Naturc had bcstowcd
upon us. Sacrilicing our cnvironmcnt lor moncy is
not sustaining our nccds but is a mcrc scllishncss.
Il thcrc`s anothcr way why not do it. Dcstroying
thc cnvironmcnt is thc samc as bcing a criminal.
You arc just dcstroying thc livcs ol othcr pcoplc
who rcly on thc cnvironmcnt to survivc." Sadly,
many pcoplc don`t think this way.
79 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 79 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
Bruised but Not Broken
The story of a HEROs unfaltering courage
to ght against mining in Homonhon
Homonhon, Samar
Homonhon Environment and Rescuers Organization (HERO)
It was back in 199o whcn Rosario Abucmc
and thrcc othcrs loundcd thc Homonhon
Environmcnt and Rcscucrs Organization (HERO,
an organization that aims to put a stop to mining
in Homonhon. It was cspccially hard back thcn,
shc rccalls. Evcry timc thcy had to writc a lcttcr to
thc DENR lor complaint and qucrics, thcy would
walk to anothcr barangay lor two hours just to
borrow a typcwritcr.
During that timc, mining was only small-scalc,
opcratcd by thc Hcritagc Mining Corporation.
Thcn Cambayas Mining Corporation has
acquircd a pcrmit to opcratc until 203!. Shc says
that ovcr thc ycars,mining had lclt thcm with vcry
littlc land to cultivatc, and now anothcr mining
company, Mt. Sinai Mining Exploration,wants to
pry what littlc land is lclt lrom thcir hands. Il thc
govcrnmcnt allows Mt. Sinai to opcratc, wc will
bc lclt with nothing," shc cxclaims.
That is why Rosario, along with othcr mcmbcrs ol
HERO, hcld a protcst outsidc Mt. Sinai`s ollicc in
August ol 2009. Thcir organization did not havc
lunds to support thcir cxpcnscs, so thcy had to
rcly on rclativcs lor linancial support. Thcy had
to travcl lrom barangay Casuguan in Homonhon
and had to cross thc watcr to Guian lor two to
thrcc hours to rally and to cxprcss thcir opposition
to Mt. Sinai.
Littlc did thcy know that thcir protcst that day
would rcsult to criminal chargcs.
Rosario, along with 1o othcrs, was sucd lor
robbcry and arson by Mt. Sinai. Wc arc wrongly
accuscd," shc cxplains. Wc did not stcal or sct
lirc to anything. Wc just protcstcd."
According to Rosario, justicc was on Mt. Sinai`s
sidc. Wc wcrc ncvcr invcstigatcd by thc policc.
Thcy dcalt only with Mt. Sinai. Thcn wc lound
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
80 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 80
out that thcy wcrc bribcd by Mt. Sinai,along with
thc prosccutor," shc claims. Thc prosccutor cvcn
ollcrcd to hclp us lowcr thc chargcs to 'malicious
mischicl` il wc pay him lilty thousand pcsos. But
wc don`t havc that kind ol moncy - wc can barcly
allord to support our organization`s cxpcnscs.
So wc rcportcd him to thc judgc, who sct us an
appointmcnt with thc NBI."
Thcy wcrc assigncd an NBI agcnt to documcnt
that thc prosccutor was indccd guilty ol cxtortion.
Thc cntrapmcnt has bccn planncd, thc markcd
moncy was prcparcd, and thc datc and placc was
sct. But according to Rosario, whcn thcy wcnt
to thc prosccutor`s housc, hc rcluscd to takc thc
moncy, which surpriscd thcm. Wc lound out that
day that hc had alrcady approvcd thc rcsolution,
and that hc had not lowcrcd thc chargcs. Hc must
havc lound out about thc cntrapmcnt plan. Wc
had high hopcs that hc will bc caught rcd-handcd,
but nothing happcncd. It was hcart-brcaking lor
all ol us," Rosario cxplains.
As ol now,thcy arc schcdulcd lor arraignmcnt on
Octobcr !th, 2012, and thcir bail is sct to onc-
hundrcd lour thousand pcsos cach. Wc do not
know whcrc in thc world wc can gct that amount
ol moncy. Wc only wantcd to light lor our land.
Wc arc not guilty ol what Mt. Sinai is accusing
Rosario says that thc cnginccr who works lor Mt.
Sinai, thc onc who lilcd thc casc against thcm,was
not cvcn thcrc thc day thcy allcgcdly committcd
robbcry and arson. Thcy only havc a witncss,thc
guard,to tcstily lor thcm. That witncss, whosc vcry
word can put thcm bchind bars, is hcr husband`s
unclc, a lact that makcs thc casc morc painlul lor
Rosario and hcr lamily.
But cvcn though Rosario sccms likc shc is unalraid
ol what lilc throws at hcr in hcr light against mining,
shc admits that thcrc wcrc timcs that shc qucstions
cvcrything. Altcr 1o ycars,oncc in a whilc,I lind
myscll lccling tircd ol lighting lor our causc.
Somctimcs I ask myscll, Why don`t wc stop this.
Nothing is happcning, anyway." But whcn I look
at what mining has donc to our land and to thc
pcoplc, I tcll myscll, I will not surrcndcr. Wc will
not stop until mining is stoppcd," shc says as shc
wi pcs hcr tcars.
Shc rccalls a timc, whcn it raincd non-stop lor
ninc days. Thc pcoplc in thcir barangay had no
crops to harvcst and no moncy to spcnd. Thosc
who did had nothing to spcnd it on, bccausc
thc lood was that scarcc. Thc childrcn wcrc all
hungry, but thcy had no lood to lccd thcm.
Thcrc was no clcctricity, and no boats wcrc
travclling. Rosario says thcy wcrc all alraid ol
what thc ongoing calamity might do to thcm,and
shc was ovcrcomc with worry lor thc salcty ol
hcr childrcn. Whcn shc looks back at that timc,
shc says shc lccls luclcd with couragc to light lor
what`s right.
As a mothcr, shc had madc a lot ol sacriliccs lor
hcr causc. Thcrc arc timcs whcn I had to lcavc
my childrcn to attcnd lorums, mcctings, or to talk
to pcoplc in othcr barangays. Thcrc is this onc
barangay that is so lilthy - thc strccts arc muddy,
thcir watcr dirty, and thcir ricc liclds ruincd
bccausc ol thc mining ol Mt. Sinai. It`s only a
mattcr ol timc whcn thcy won`t havc acccss to
salc, clcan watcr. And I try to cxplain this to
my childrcn that this is happcning cvcrywhcrc
whcrc mining is opcrating,and that I am lighting
not just lor our sakc but lor othcrs as wcll."
In lact, Rosario says that thc chargcs, albcit a
hugc obstaclc that thcy havc to lacc in thcir light
against mining in Homonhon, had madc hcr
strongcr. Dcspitc what happcncd, I know that
wc havc God on our sidc. Wc lcavc cvcrything
to Him."
Sadie Delantar is a studcnt ol Visayas Statc
81 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 81 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
The Makings of a HERO
How one woman became a hero
in the war against mining
t lirst, Nida Abucmc did not want to
join thc activitics ol thc Homonhon
Environmcnt and Rcscucrs Organization,
or HERO. Evcn though hcr own brothcr was thc
prcsidcnt ol thc organization and was cndlcssly
trying to convincc hcr to bc an activc mcmbcr,
Nida was still hcsitant. Shc says that shc thought
that it was pointlcss - all thc protcsting and rallying
and liling complaints - bccausc nothing sccmcd
to havc changcd. Altcr ycars ol lighting against
mining in Homonhon, it sccms unstoppablc as
it continucs to takc away thcir livclihood and
dcstroys thcir bclovcd island.
But onc day, hcr brothcr caught hcr in a good
mood. Whcn hc askcd hcr to join him and othcr
HERO mcmbcrs in Guian to protcst outsidc Mt.
Sinoi Mining Explorotion`s ollicc, shc dccidcd to
givc in to hcr brothcr`s plcas and said ycs.
On thc way to Guian, shc and hcr brothcr wcrc
riding in tandcm on a motorcyclc, and thcy got
in a minor accidcnt. Shc lcll oll thc motorcyclc,
hcr hcad had hit a hugc rock, and hcr brothcr
cvcn lcll on top on hcr. Hcr hcad throbbcd with
pain and hcr body was sorc. By thcn, shc had a
scnsc ol lorcboding. Shc thought ol backing out,
but sincc shc was alrcady thcrc, shc lorccd hcrscll
to brush thc ominous lccling away and, togcthcr
with hcr brothcr, continucd on thcir journcy to
Whcn thcy arrivcd at thc sitc and whcn thcy
startcd chanting and protcsting, shc was surpriscd
by hcr own voicc. Shc lclt cmpowcrcd and strong,
as shc shoutcd and chantcd along with thc crowd,
shc lclt a rush ol adrcnalinc insidc hcr. All thc
pain shc lclt, both lrom thc prcvious motorcyclc
accidcnt and lrom what mining has donc to hcr
homcland. As shc stood thcrc, shouting and
lctting all hcr lrustrations and angcr towards thc
mining company comc out, hcr lists pumping
on thc air in sync with hcr raging cmotions, shc
undcrstood why hcr brothcr and thc othcr HERO
mcmbcrs continuc to light dcspitc thc odds.
Hcr instinct was right,bccausc according to Nida,
that was thc day that Mt. Sinai claimcd that thcy
had committcd robbcry and arson. On March
1o, 2010, on thc day ol thc Mogcl lon Anniocrsory,
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
82 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 82
Homonhon, Samar
Homonhon Environment and Rescuers Organization (HERO)
whcn shc was out on thc strccts with hcr lamily
cclcbrating, shc was approachcd by a policc
olliccr who gavc hcr a piccc ol papcr. It was a
subpocna,and on that day, in thc midst ol all thc
chccrlul laughtcr and lcstivitics, shc lcarncd that
shc and 1o othcr HERO mcmbcrs wcrc chargcd
with robbcry and arson.
Surprisingly, Nida says that dcspitc thcir pcnding
warrant and lailcd cntrapmcnt opcration ol thc
prosccutor who tricd to cxtort moncy lrom thcm,
shc stood lirm on hcr and thcir organization`s
causc. Shc says shc lclt likc a soldicr who, dcspitc
bcing woundcd, continucd to light. Il wc stop
lighting lor what`s right, thcn who will light lor us.
At thc cnd ol thc day, at lcast I can say to myscll
that I did somcthing. I didn`t just wait lor things to
happcn. I lought."
In lact, Nida lccls that thc casc had madc hcr
strongcr. Shc says that hcr couragc and urgc to
light comc lrom two things: hcr two childrcn
and hcr lovc lor hcr homctown. Shc says shc
continucs to light not lor hcrscll but lor thc luturc
ol hcr childrcn. Shc wantcd thcm to undcrstand
through hcr that il thcy know what is right, thcy
havc to light lor it. Also, shc wantcd to hclp savc
what is lclt ol Homonhon. It is a bcautilul island,
and it has a historic signilicancc. Honcstly, wc can
all just lcavc and rcsidc in anothcr placc to gct
away lrom all thc dcstruction mining brings, but
wc can`t lcavc Homonhon. As thcy say, 'thcrc`s
no placc likc homc.` Wc owc it to our homcland
to savc it lrom thc damagcs mining docs to it."
As lor thcir pcnding casc, Nida says shc hopcs
and prays that God will lct justicc prcvail in thc
cnd. Wc arc innoccnt. I lcavc it up to thc Lord
bccausc I trust that Hc will hclp us bccausc wc arc
lighting lor thc good."
83 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 83 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
opotigil long ong mino so Moniconi
ngoyon, bu/os no bu/os din oy mog-
oosooo no /o,' Nancy would tcasc
thosc who`d ask about hcr bcing singlc at agc !1.
Indccd,marriagc sccms to bc thc last thing on hcr
mind. Who wouldn`t bc il you`rc cxpccting a
warrant ol arrcst lor illcgal asscmbly. Or il your
lathcr has just bccn dctaincd lor dclcnding his lilc.
Or il 73 ol your island is bcing carvcd out,soon
to bc uninhabitablc to your lamily and would-
bc childrcn. - all bccausc ol thc mincs. So ycs,
marriagc is not Nancy`s priority and though this is
not ncccssarily a sacrilicc lrom hcr pcrspcctivc,shc
couldn`t agrcc morc that things could havc bccn
bcttcr in thc past twcnty ycars.
Shc rccalls that shc was 20 ycars old whcn thc
conllict startcd in 1989, whcn Hinatuan Mining
Corporation (HMC cntcrcd thcir island and
occupicd thc land that thcy wcrc cultivating
undcr a social lorcstry projcct. Nancy`s lathcr,
Vcrando Badilla, actcd as lcadcr ol thc morc
than 100 larmcr-holdcrs ol thc ccrtilicatc ol
stcwardshi p contracts. Thc HMC bulldozcd thcir
crops - pincapplc, jacklruit, calamansi, pomclo,
rootcrops - and that was only thc bcginning ol
thcir sullcrings. HMC shi ppcd out thousands
A Woman with Choice
Nancy Badilla chooses to ght for Manicani
- her home, her hope
ol tons ol nickcl orc in 1991 cvcn at thc timc it
had no pcrmit or ccrtilicatc at all.
Thc mining
opcrations soon allcctcd thcir watcr sourccs,
coconut trccs, lish catch, shclls and othcr coastal-
bascd livclihoods. Thc suspcnsion ol opcrations
in 2001 (duc to violcncc and killing did not stop
thc loading ol 150,000 mctric tons ol nickcl orc
in 200!. As timc passcd, it bccamc apparcnt that
HMC uprootcd not only trccs and crops but also
lamilics, poisoncd not only thcir drinking watcr
but also rclationshi ps. Ior Nancy,onc ol thc most
unlortunatc impacts ol mining is dividing lamilics
and communitics into pro-mining group (holding
on to promiscs ol ncw jobs and anti-mining
group (holding on to thc intcgrity ol thcir larming
and lishing livclihoods, at thc cost ol loss ol livcs
lrom both camps. Indccd, shc bclicvcd mining is
all about dcccption, dcstruction, division.
Nancy was thc natural sccond-lincr to hcr lathcr`s
lcadcrshi p, shc providcd thc tcchnical assistancc
hc would nccd and applicd hcr Education dcgrcc
in a dillcrcnt but rcal-lilc 'lcsson plan.` At lirst,
shc would just hang around during thc mcctings
that wcrc oltcn hcld in thcir housc. Latcr, shc
would hclp organizc thc youth in thc community
in providing support to during big actions,
1 HMC received its Environmental Compliance Certicate on February 1992, the Interim Mines Permit on August 1992, and the Mineral Productivity
Sharing Agreement on October 1992.
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
84 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 84 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 84 84 84 84 84 84
Manicani, Samar
Save Manicani Movement
84 84 84
85 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 85 Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
lrom prcparing lood to actual prcscncc in thc
dcmonstrations and barricadcs. In 1999, Nancy
had a bricl stint in Manila whcn shc tricd to work
in a privatc insurancc company and thcn latcr in a
school. But cvcn away lrom homc, hcr rcsolvc was
to scck hclp lor Manicani in its strugglc against thc
mincs, shc liaiscd with support groups in Manila
and lacilitatcd thcir organization`s rcgistration.
Thc Savc Manicani Movcmcnt was rcgistcrcd at
thc Sccuritics and Exchangc Commission in 2000.
Thc ycar 2000 was a turning point in thcir lamily.
It was thc ycar that Nancy`s lathcr was arrcstcd
in rclation to thc dcath ol a mining cnginccr in
an altcrcation at thc barricadc. Shc thought shc
was prcparcd lor thc conscqucnccs ol hcr lathcr`s
rcsponsibility as thc organization`s lcadcr. Shc
and hcr livc othcr siblings (Nancy is sixth in thc
brood arrangcd lor hcr mothcr to bc in Manila
so as not witncss thcir lathcr`s arrcst. But what shc
did not cxpcct was that shc hcrscll would sullcr
lrom dcprcssion, what shc wantcd thcn was just
to slccp hcr worrics away. Shc tricd to rccovcr
and stcp-up thcir lcgal battlc lor twclvc ycars,but
unlortunatcly hcr lathcr and anothcr mcmbcr
ol thc community lost thc casc. At thc agc ol 72,
Nancy`s lathcr was dctaincd in Guian munici pal
jail. But Nancy`s disposition now is way dillcrcnt
lrom hcr dcprcssion thcn,shc trics to draw lcssons
lor thcir ncxt lcgal battlcs, shc wakcs up cvcry
morning with thc thought: ondom no o/o so
onumong mongyoyori' (I`m prcparcd lor whatcvcr
it is that will happcn.
It is pcrhaps this thought that urgcd hcr to bravcly
stand at thc Manicani picr last junc 23, 2012 to
prcvcnt thc cntry ol a jccpncy markcd with Samar
Nickcl Mining Rcsourccs Corporation (SNMRC.
Nancy narratcd how thrcc womcn, including
hcrscll, stood in lront ol thc jccp`s pathway, six
othcr malc mcmbcrs wcrc thcrc as support. Ior
ninc days, thcy wcrc ablc to hold thc jccp, which was
supposcdly a school scrvicc" lor thc childrcn in
Manicani. Ior Nancy and hcr organization, NAC
has no right to bc visiblc much lcss opcratc in thc
island. NAC was supposcdly thc onc rcsponsiblc
lor inllucncing thc Guiuan munici pality ollicials
to lilt thc suspcnsion ol mining opcrations in
Manicani. On july 1!, in a protcst camp at thc
mining sitc, Nancy and 8 othcrs (all mcn wcrc
chargcd with illcgal asscmbly.
Twcnty ycars ago, Nancy would not havc bccn this
dcdicatcd to Manicani. Hcr outlook was always
bcyond thcir coast, whcrc thcrc is clcctricity and
othcr amcnitics,whcrc thcrc is job waiting in thc
city or abroad. But thcn hcr cxpcricnccs showcd
hcr othcrwisc. Manila is dillcrcnt: air is lcss lrcsh,
watcr lcss acccssiblc, pcoplc lcss lricndly. So shc
wcnt back to Manicani, only to lind that thc vcry
rcasons shc camc back lor arc bcing violatcd by
thc mincs. But as a woman with choicc, Nancy
chosc to light lor Manicani -- hcr homc, hcr hopc.

Maria Daryl L. Leyesa has workcd with
womcn larmcrs, lishcrs, rural workcrs and
indigcnous womcn lor morc than a dccadc now.
Shc`s a mcmbcr ol thc Pambansang Koalisyon
ng Kababaihan sa Kanayunan (PKKK/ National
Rural Womcn Coalition sincc 2003.
Chapter 2: Women in Visayas
oro so oming mgo Suboncn,
ong mino oy /indi bu/oy
/undi ito oy ong pog/ooolo
so lo/ot no moy bu/oy,
so loob ot lobos ng oming
lupoing ninuno.'
(Ior Subancn, mining is not lilc
rathcr it kills livcs, insidc and outsidc
our anccstral domain
Zamboanga dcl Sur
88 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 88
Sweet Ordinary Gesture
of Support
A mother in Dinarawan proves that help
comes even in small actions
Jabonga, Agusan del Norte
Dinarawan Indigenous Peoples Organization
In an ordinary day, Pinky Capua, onc ol thc
Mamanwas dwclling in Sitio Dinarawan in Brgy
San Pablo in jabonga, Agusan Dcl Nortc would
wakc up in hcr usual routinc at !:00 am to prcparc
lood lor hcr childrcn attcnding school in ncarby
town. Altcr doing thc normal chorcs ol clcaning
thc housc, washing thc dishcs and doing thc
laundry, shc would sit in lront ol hcr housc and
cnjoy lcw momcnts rclaxing and looking at thc
magniliccnt vicw ol thc Danao commonly known
as Lakc Mainit. That silcnt pacc ol hcr contcntcd
lilc in thc mountain rcmaincd sccmingly
undisturbcd until a mining company pushcd its
will in thcir anccstral domain in 2008.
Suddcnly thc tribc has two lactions: thc pro-
mining group who sccms to bc whccdlcd by thc
promisc ol good cconomic rcturns lor thc lamily,
and thc anti-mining group who givcs rcspcct to
thc thcir hcritagc and valucs thc bcnclit thcy gct
lrom naturc.
89 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 89 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
And being at the kitchen
does not mean that she
has less knowledge on
and commitment to the
campaign. She knows that
MRL had violated their rights
and had disturbed their
culture and only brought
chaos to their peaceful living.
It took awhilc bclorc Pinky rcalizcd that thcy
havc to cmbracc changcs that go along with thcir
pursuit to stop thc cntry ol Mindoro Rcsourccs
Limitcd (MRL mining projcct in thcir anccstral
domain. Thcrc had bccn consultations and scvcral
mcctings to kccp cach othcr on track about thc
progrcss ol thcir campaign.
january 12, 2012, was just among thosc days
whcrc thcy havc to do othcr things, asidc lrom
thcir usual rcsponsibilitics at thcir rcspcctivc
houscs. At 10:00 o`clock in thc morning, about
twcnty Mamanwas, including youth and womcn
wcrc lilling thc woodcn Chapcl standing tall in
thc midst ol thcir community. Pinky`s rolc in
lunctions such as thc campaign planning might bc
vcry simplc - shc, with othcr womcn in thc town
would prcparc mcals lor thc group. Today, thcy
cookcd spccial adobo with thick saucc and lricd
tilapia that thcy just caught in Lakc Mainit. Whcn
thc chicltain gavc thc signal lor lunch brcak, onc-
by-onc, shc scrvcd lood to cvcrybody.
Thc task ol prcparing and scrving lood to pcoplc
attcnding mcctings can bc vcry tasky lor Pinky,
and can bc considcrcd dctachcd lrom thc actual
strugglc ol thc community against mining. But
this is hcr contribution to thc community, and this
is what shc docs wcll. And bcing at thc kitchcn
docs not mcan that shc has lcss knowlcdgc on
and commitmcnt to thc campaign. Shc knows
that MRL had violatcd thcir rights and had
disturbcd thcir culturc and only brought chaos to
thcir pcacclul living. Shc lclt thc samc conccrn
whcn MRL conductcd cxploration to thcir sacrcd
grounds without thcir conscnt. Shc is always
willing to do morc than thc task ol cooking il
thc situation dcmands it lrom hcr. But until that
momcnt comcs, shc will continuc what shc docs
bcst lor thc group - lill thcir stomach with grcat
lood. Ior now, shc takcs pridc in whatcvcr support
shc can givc to thc group. Shc will sign all position
papcr and rcsolutions thcy will givc to thc local
govcrnmcnt unit or cvcn to thc Prcsidcnt ol thc
Altcr thc scssion on that day, shc sat again in
lront ol thcir housc to marvcl at thc sight ol Lakc
Mainit. Latcr, Pinky will bc scrving dinncr to hcr
childrcn and in hcr own words will bc cxplaining
to thcm what wcrc discusscd in thc mccting, how
MRL has cncroachcd upon thcir lands and how
thc campaign that thcy arc doing will bc ablc to
hclp thcm livc a normal lilc again.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
90 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 90
The Unfolding Story
of the Mamanwas
and Gandy
She believes that if mining will
psuh through in their town, there
will be landslides, water will be
contaminated with substances
harmful to human being and worst,
mountains will be devastated.
amanwas in Sitio Dinarawan,San Pablo,
jabonga, Agusan Dcl Nortc has grcat
storics to tcll about thcir livcs and
culturc,how thcy trcat sick pcoplc in thcir sacrcd
placcs,thcir ways ol plcasing thc unsccn rulcrs ol
thc cnvironmcnt, thcir agricultural practiccs and
how thc mountains surrounding thc Lakc Mainit
wcrc lormcd. But thcrc is a story cmcrging in thc
tribc that many wishcs to havc a happy cnding.
It startcd in july 2008, whcn Mindoro Rcsourccs
Limitcd (MRL Gold Phili ppincs, Inc., a mining
company, cntcrcd in thc anccstral domain ol
thc Mamanwas in Sitio Dinarawan and many
ol thcm opposcd thc projcct. Gandy Purugoy, a
vcry couragcous woman is thc Prcsidcnt ol thc
womcn`s indigcnous group in Dinarawan, and
is vcry activc in thc campaign against mining.
Shc bclicvcs that il mining will psuh through in
thcir town, thcrc will bc landslidcs,watcr will bc
contaminatcd with substanccs harmlul to human
bcing and worst, mountains will bc dcvastatcd.
Shc rccalls how signilicant thc mountains arc lor
hcr - it is thc placc whcrc shc got marricd and
startcd to build a happy lamily. Rcmcmbcring hcr
wcdding now comcs with gricl as MRL pushcs
thcir projcct. Ior hcr, thc wholc domain is a placc
to trcasurc and protcct.
Morc than thc mcmorics ol hcr wcdding, thc
Anahawan Mountain is thcir sacrcd ground,
sourcc ol drinking watcr and thc loundation ol
thcir livclihood. Bcing a larmcr hcrscll, shc is ablc
to providc things lor thc lamily through thc crops
shc harvcsts on thcir land. And so whcn thcy
lcarncd that MRL wcnt to Anahawan to conduct
mincral cxploration without thcir knowlcdgc and
conscnt, Gandy stood up without inllucncc lrom
othcrs. Shc dccidcd to takc actions against mining
and asscrt thcir rights in thcir land.
Hcr advocacics lcd hcr and othcr mcmbcrs ol
thc tribc to sct mcctings and communications to
DENR ollicials. In Icbruary 27, 2011, thcir group,
Dinarawan Indigcnous Pcoplcs Organization
(DIPO lilcd a pctition to opposc and stop thc
mincral cxploration ol MRL in thcir anccstral
91 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 91 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
Jabonga, Agusan del Norte
Dinarawan Indigenous Peoples Organization
Vanessa Abalos is a mountain climbcr and a
mcmbcr ol a voluntccr group in Caloocan. Shc is
working at a child-sponsorshi p agcncy in Mctro
domain. Also, in Scptcmbcr 1o, 2011, thc group
scnt a lcttcr ol complaint to Intcrnational
Iinancc Corporation (IIC in Washington, DC,
USA, dctailing thc violations ol MRL such as thc
conllict it causc in thc community, and organizing
lcadcrs without thc conscnt ol thc traditional
chicltains and cldcrs which is a gravc violation
ol thc customs and traditions ol thc tribc. Thc
group also inlormcd IIC that MRL had causcd
unduc strcss and lcar as tribal community lccls
thrcatcncd by thc impacts ol mining and thc
damagcs it will bring to thc mcmbcrs.
Gandy lcarncd things about mining through thc
storics ol Mamanwas in othcr parts ol Mindanao.
Shc hcard ncws that mining companics promiscd
jobs, sccurc homcs and allowanccs to thc allcctcd
communitics, but thcsc promiscs wcrc oltcn not
mct, and mining companics tcnd to dishonor thc
agrccmcnts. Mining companics continucs with
thcir opcration whilc thc communitics strugglc to
lind ncw mcans ol livclihood.
MRL has not startcd thcir cxtractivc activitics in
thcir lands, and yct thcir community is now lacing
challcngcs that arc ncw to thcm. Shc is saddcncd
to hcar storics ol brokcn rclationshi ps bcing
damagcd by thc social prcssurc ol mining to
thcm. Siblings arc lighting, throwing harsh words
at cach othcr and cnd up avoiding cach othcr.
Anti-mining advocatcs also rcccivc thrcats lrom
thc pcoplc in thc barangay and mcmbcrs ol pro-
mining group. Thc local govcrnmcnt in jabonga
is not dcaling with thc conllicts in thcir town wcll.
Gandy is consolcd that hcr lamily is supporting
hcr call, all ol thcm is against mining. Thcy too,
want to protcct thcir anccstral domains. With
thcir light, nothing is lcarcd ol,only God. Shc has
laith that il thc govcrnmcnt will pay attcntion to
thcir pctition and MRL withdraws its projcct, thcir
battlc against mining will bc a succcss.
Gandy bclicvcs that this unlolding story ol
Mamanwas should cnd whcrc thcir livcs bcgin -
loving thcir cnvironmcnt.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
92 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 92
Dandelita a feisty
mother to her family and
her Mamanwa community
hc lorcst and anccstral domain ol thc
Mamanwas in jabonga, Agusan dcl Nortc
is in pcril lrom cxtractivc activitics ol thc
Mindoro Rcsourccs Limitcd, and thc Mamanwa
community has long bccn battling against it. Ior
almost six ycars now, Dandclita A. Palay has bccn
a staunch anti mining activist and a protcctor ol
thcir domain.
Aois /ong protc/to/on ong oming onccstrol domoin.
Doon /omi nobubu/oy so /obundu/on. Kopog
nogmino silo doon, oolo no /oming /o/oinin.
Mosisiro din ong pinog/u/unon nomin ng tubig,
pognogmino, mooooolon /omi ng molinis no tubig.
At bo/o mosiro ong oming looo.' I want to protcct
our anccstral domain. It is within thcsc mountains
that wc livc. Il thcy minc thcrc, wc will not havc
lood anymorc. Our sourcc ol watcr will also bc
dcstroycd. And our lakc may bc dcstroycd."
Thc looo' rclcrs to Lakc Mainit, thc lourth
largcst lakc in thc country. Lakc Mainit is known
lor its pijanga,gabot,banak,haw-an,gi-ngaw,igi,kasili
and bug-wan - rarc lish spccics lound only in this
lakc,and is a natural habitat to somc cndangcrcd
Phili ppinc llora and launa.
Mindoro Rcsourccs
plans to minc just a lcw kilomctcrs away lrom
Lakc Mainit.
Dandclita knows pcrlcctly wcll thc altcrmath ol
cxtractivc activitics. Oncc shc visitcd a rclativc in
Surigao. Shc immcdiatcly noticcd thc rivcr,which
turncd brown, comparablc to a chocolatc drink,
bccausc ol mining. I don`t want this to happcn to
us. I lost a cousin thcrc,lound lying lilclcss on thc
strcct lor thcrc was no morc lood to cat,no clcan
watcr to drink. I don`t want that to happcn to any
ol us Mamanwas," sharcd Dandclita.
Soon altcr,shc bccamc onc ol thc strong voiccs ol
thc Mamanwas opposing mining activitics in thcir
anccstral domain. Dandclita would not stop amidst
dcath thrcats. According to community grapcvinc,
should mining pushcs through, Dandclita would
not gct anything lrom thc company.
93 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 93 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
Is that a thrcat. I would not want to gct a singlc
ccntavo lrom thcm anyway," Dandclita rctortcd.
Dandclita and hcr organization, Womcn`s
Indigcnous Group in Dinarawan, havc laith in
what thcy arc lighting lor. Evcn il lamily mcmbcrs
bcratc hcr stand against mining, shc continucs
hcr battlc,lor thc sakc ol hcr thrcc childrcn. Shc
bclicvcs that mining may givc thcm bliss at thc
momcnt, but soon altcr thcsc mining companics
havc consumcd thcir lorcst,nothing will bc lclt ol
thcm. Thcy may bc littlc ol us lighting against thc
mining at this point, but in thc cnd, lct`s scc who
will triumph." But shc still hopcs that onc day,all
ol thcm will unitc,and work togcthcr in thcir war
against thcsc giant mining industrics.
Dandclita docs not know whcrc this light against
mining will lcad hcr, but as long as hcr voicc is
bcing hcard,and hcr actions bcing rccognizcd,shc
will continuc to stand up thc light that thc mining
company startcd.
As thcir tribc namc suggcsts, thc Mamanwas
arc thc lirst dwcllcrs ol thc lorcst,and no onc or
nothing will takc it lrom thcm.
Jabonga, Agusan del Norte
Dinarawan Indigenous Peoples Organization
The pro-mining
people may enjoy
their present
situation, but in no
time, they will have
no place to go.
Astrid Villanueva is thc Communication Hcad
ol Haribon Ioundation. Haribon Ioundation is
onc ol thc lcad convcncr ol Alyansa Tigil Mina.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
94 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 94
Tandag, Surigao del Sur
Women Association of SDS - Tandag Chapter
Imelda Luza
mclda is a larmcr`s daughtcr. Now !3-ycars
old, marricd with thrcc childrcn, shc works
in thc Social Action Ccntcr ol Tandag in
Surigao dcl Sur.
Imclda has bccn an anti-mining advocatc sincc
199! whcn shc startcd bcing a dioccsan workcr.
Bcing awarc ol thc issuc and thc church`s stand,
shc has bccn part ol thc campaign against mining
cspccially in thcir community.
Shc bclicvcs that only thc capitalists bcnclit lrom
thc mining opcration whilc thc poor workcrs
just acccpt thcir work salary. Whcncvcr calamity
duc to mining occurs, poor larmcrs and womcn
working ncar thc minc sitc arc mostly allcctcd-
thcy sullcr thc conscqucnccs.
Shc has bccn thc organizcr ol thc Womcn
Association ol SDS - Tandag Chaptcr sincc
2000 to 2011. Shc bclicvcs in thc organization`s
objcctivc to cstablish thc rights ol womcn in thc
cconomic, political and cultural licld by initiation
ol thc rcal situation ol womcn in our country
cspccially in thc basic scctor. Shc is also on thc
lookout on issucs involving cspccially violation
against womcn`s rights.
Shc activcly joins small group discussions, givcs
lccturcs and scminars (IEC, organizcs, lacilitatcs,
writcs lor thc statcmcnt`s llicrs during organizcd
rally and acts as spcakcr lor somc occasions. Shc
has grcat conccrn lor indigcnous communitics in
Cantilan, San Migucl and Carascal in Surigao dcl
Hcr most mcmorablc cxpcricncc in thc advocacy
was organizing 2500 pcoplc, including mcmbcrs
ol thc church and ccumcnical groups lor a human
rights day protcst, and whcrc shc was assigncd to
bc a spcakcr togcthcr with a to-bc-ordaincd pricst
95 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 95 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
What she feared more is when the genuine action from the basic
sector of farmers and the indigenous opposing mining will stop.
Zenia Balasa is a graduatc ol clcctronics and
communication cnginccring lrom Tcchnological
Univcrsity ol thc Phili ppincs, Manila. Shc is
currcntly working in japan.
Shc also cxpcricnccs trials as an anti-mining
At homc, hcatcd discussions with hcr husband
arc incvitablc. Hc is a govcrnmcnt cmploycc and
somctimcs thcy havc misundcrstanding about hcr
advocacics. Whilc lamily budgct and timc lor hcr
childrcn arc also sacriliccd, somctimcs.
Shc has rcccivcd thrcats via tcxt mcssagc.
Somctimcs, mcn who latcr introduccd thcmsclvcs
as mcmbcrs ol thc Intclligcncc Scrvicc ol thc
Armcd lorccs ol thc Phili ppincs (ISAIP visitcd
hcr homc. Shc has bccn intcrrogatcd livc timcs.
But thcsc ncithcr stoppcd hcr nor lcsscncd hcr
couragc to light. What shc lcarcd morc is whcn
thc gcnuinc action lrom thc basic scctor ol larmcrs
and thc indigcnous opposing mining will stop.
Shc also wishcs that all ol church hicrarchy
cspccially all thc bishops will support thc
campaign against mining and look at mining as
a sin bccausc it kills sccn in a totally ol vicw. Ior
hcr, mining docs not only kill naturc but also
disrcspccts thc human condition by thc unlair
salary mcthod ol thc mining company.
Hcr motivations to continuc this light against
mining arc thc ovcrwhclming support and
partici pation ol primarily thc indigcnous scctor ol
larmcrs and thc alliancc ol othcr scctors as thcir
support group. Lay pcoplc and thc Lcaguc ol
womcn who scriously listcn to hcr lccturcs and
cagcrly partici patc during activitics inspirc hcr.
Shc has dcvclopcd hcr conlidcncc, bcing ablc
to intcract with dillcrcnt kinds ol pcoplc, cvcn
thosc with high position in thc govcrnmcnt whcn
Until now, shc still strivcs to continuc organizing
protcst though somctimcs lccl stopping duc to
opposition lrom hcr supcrior. Shc bclicvcs that
succcss mcans actions lrom dillcrcnt scctors
pcrsist. whcn lcgal battlc against mining and
mobilization both continuc.
Imclda is currcntly a community organizcr ol thc
Land and Licc Consortium Projcct implcmcntcd
by Alyansa Tigil Mina, Phili ppinc Human Rights
Inlormation Ccntcr, Lcgal Rights and Natural
Rcsourccs Ccntcr, Phili ppinc Indigcnous Pcoplcs
Links and thc Social Action Ccntcr ol Tandag.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
96 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 96
Activist at Home
Emma had been to many places and live
a good life miles away from the country,
but she knows at the beginning that there
is really no place like home
hcn Emma Hotchkiss rctircd lrom hcr
job in thc Unitcd Statcs ol Amcrica,shc
kncw alrcady that shc will bc coming
back to thc Phili ppincs. Shc planncd to writc a
book about thc history ol Cantilan,hcr homc town
in Surigao dcl Sur and do somc works lor hcr
community. With much cxcitcmcnt on hcr rcturn,
shc initially voluntccrcd in thc Munici pal Tourism
Council. But as shc bcgan to rcconncct with thc
pcoplc in thc town, shc was cxposcd in a stark
rcality bcing laccd by thc community. Pcoplc
in hcr town arc witncssing how thcir mountains,
which had bccn providing livclihood to many ol
thcm and giving thcm lrcsh air and watcr, arc
bcing thrcatcncd by mining.
Bcing awarc ol thc issucs on mining conlronting
pcoplc in ncarby munici palitics in Surigao dcl
Sur and Surigao dcl Nortc, Emma lclt that shc
had to do somcthing to stop thc proposcd mining
projcct in thcir town. and that`s what shc did.
A tricky encounter
Emma has a bcautilul housc lacing thc occan.
Thc porch has two ovcr-sizc woodcn solas
with big pillows in subtlc huc ol rcd and violct.
Thcrc is a woodcn collcc tablc sct with cutc littlc
llowcrs on top. On thc wall is anothcr hardwood
cupboard adorncd with travcl and housc-kccping
magazincs. Hcr housc is indccd vcry inviting
and cxciting with thc intricatc littlc dctails on thc
dccorations. Emma`s housc is a lavoritc placc ol
hcr lricnds and rclativcs visiting thc town - and
acccpting gucsts in hcr cutc quartcrs bccamc a
ncw sports lor hcr.
In onc ordinary day, through hcr brothcr, onc ol
thcir cousins who is involvcd in politics invitcd
gcntlcmcn in hcr housc. Shc rcccivcd thc gucst on
hcr porch, scrvcd thcm spccial tcas and cxchangc
storics about thc town. No onc rcally talkcd about
busincss or cvcn politics. Bclorc saying goodbyc
to thcm, shc cvcn invitcd onc ol thcm to go back
and bring his wilc. Only to lind out latcr that hcr
cousin had actually brought mincrs on hcr placc.
97 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 97 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Carrascal, Cantilan, Madrid, Carmen, Lanuza
(CCMCL) Baywatch Foundation
Family affair?
Whcn thc mining cxccutivcs visitcd thc town
again, Emma had closcd hcr housc lor thcm.
Thc mincrs, bcing rclativcs to Emma`s kin just
staycd in thc housc ol Emma`s mothcr and that
was painlul lor hcr. Whcn shc got thc chancc to
talk to thcm, shc just told thcm that shc wantcd
thcm out in thc town. You arc dcstroying thc
birth placc ol your lathcr-in-law," rclcrring to onc
ol thc cxccutivcs ol thc mining company who was
marricd to hcr cousin.
Hcr campaign against mining bccamc morc
conllicatcd with blood lincs connccting thcm to
thc owncrs ol thc mining company and politicians
lrom thc othcr town supporting thc projcct. Hcr
cousins abroad would talk to hcr about thc things
shc postcd on Iaccbook, shc would just tcll thcm
that shc was just tclling thc truth. Thcy arc doing
it against thc law," shc would cxplain to thcm.
Hcr brothcr, Rctircd Air Iorcc Brig. Gcncral
Charlcs Hotchkiss and is now involvcd in thc
advocacics ol thc Phili ppinc Eaglc Ioundation,
askcd hcr onc timc, Arc you rcady lor this."
Emma rcplicd without hcsitation,I am, arc you."
Thcn, thcy wcnt rallics togcthcr, attcndcd
conlcrcnccs and cncouragcd pcoplc to bc onc
ol thcm in campaigning against mining in thcir
In the court room
In 2009, thcir group, Carrascal, Cantilan, Madrid,
Carmcn, Lanuza (CCMCL Baywatch Ioundation
with thc pcoplc supporting thcir call wcnt to
court and lilcd lor Tcmporary Environmcntal
Protcction Ordcr (TEPO against Marc Vcnturcs,
thc company insisting to minc thcir mountains.
Attcnding thc hcaring was anothcr throbbing
cxpcricncc lor Emma. Shc would stand at thc
back ol thc court room to cnsurc that shc will hcar
thc dclibcrations and scc all thc pcoplc taking
thcir stand in thc issuc. On thc sidc ol thc mining
company was thc husband ol hcr cousin, arguing
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
98 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 98
thc signilicant contribution ol mining in thc town.
Thcy waitcd lor couplc ol months but thc casc
had not progrcsscd.
Onc latclul morning, Emma joincd in thc rally
ol about lilty lishcr mcn and larmcrs in lront
ol thc tribunal ollicc. Whcn thc judgc linally
arrivcd, Emma and thc othcr protcstcrs braggcd
thcir placards. Hcr lricnd was holding a sign
saying, Bugas o Nickcl." (Ricc or Nickcl. whilc
Emma`s was saying in bold lcttcrs, What`s up
jj." (jj stands lor thc judgc and his namc. Emma
lookcd licrccly in thc cycs ol thc judgc asking him,
What`s holding you up."
Thc cllort was succcsslul. Wccks altcr,thc judgc
rccognizcd that thc TEPO should bc scrvcd
against thc opcration ol Marc Vcnturcs but thc
judgc inhibitcd himscll in thc casc sincc his son is
working lor thc mining company.
Staying home
Emma can just go back to thc US, lind anothcr
job or just travcl around thc world,but shc chosc
to bc at homc. To light lor thc land whcrc shc
uscd to havc wcckcnd partics with hcr siblings
and cousins, stay in thc bcach and gobblc lor
chcrrics to thcir hcarts dcsirc. Shc is a mothcr, a
sistcr, a child and an activist who knows that thc
cnvironmcnt whcrc shc was born is a homc whcrc
shc can livc hcr cntirc lilc.
Photo by Cli ps Eribcrri
99 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 99 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
hcn thc Dcpartmcnt ol Environmcnt and
Natural Rcsourccs (DENR discardcd
thc application lor Environmcntal
Compliancc Ccrtilicatc (ECC ol Sagittarius Mincs
Inc., (SMI lor its Tampakan Projcct, ncwspapcrs
and onlinc communication portals wcrc lloodcd by
various statcmcnts and scntimcnts ol thc Chambcr
ol Mincs ol thc Phili ppincs (COMP and SMI. At
thc samc timc, cnvironmcntal groups hailcd thc
dccision and thcy continuc to push lor thc total
rcjcction ol thc projcct. Evcn local govcrnmcnt
units havc dillcrcnt rcactions ovcr thc mattcr.
Whcthcr thcy lavorcd thc dccision or not,various
scctors madc an cllort to also channcl thcir conccrn
to thc Prcsidcnt. But amidst this complcx cxchangc
ol inlormation, pcoplc in Samlang, Malungon,
Sarangani rcmaincd cluclcss.
I had thc chancc to mcct B`laan womcn in Sitio
Samlang last Icbruary. During a cold and rainy
altcrnoon wc discusscd thcir cxpcricnccs in
campaigning against thc Tampakan projcct. I
was surpriscd to know that most ol thcm did not
undcrstand what an ECC is and its signilicancc
to latc ol Tampakan projcct. Sincc it will bc thc
Resistance of Women
in Samlang
The struggle to know the truth and
build a good life from it
rcsidcncc who will bc dircctly allcctcd by thc
opcration ol thc mining projcct, I bclicvcd that thcy
should bc inlormcd about cvcrything that has to do
with it. This lcd mc to look into what inlormation thc
mining proponcnts providcd thc local community
to cnablc thcm to makc an inlormcd dccision on
thc Tampakan mining projcct.
I askcd thc group il thcy had alrcady issucd a lrcc
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
Vicw ol Mount Matutum in Samlang
100 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 100 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 100 100 100 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 100 100 100
101 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 101 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
prior and inlormcd conscnt (IPIC or any similar
documcnt to SMI. Thcy gavc mc blank looks whilc
two to thrcc ol thcm wcrc shaking thcir hcads.
Thcir Bac, a woman tribal lcadcr cxplaincd that
thcy launchcd a signaturc campaign in 2011 to
signily thcir rclusal to thc projcct,and almost all ol
thc pcoplc in thc community gavc thcir support in
thc campaign.
As an indigcnous pcoplcs community,I vcrilicd on
how thc National Commission lor thc Indigcnous
Pcoplcs (NCIP has bccn assisting thcm on thcir
strugglc. But, cvcn NCIP in thcir rcgion has
conlusing signals,thcy said,and addcd that an NCIP
ollicial cvcn qucstioncd thcir stand and said that
a mcmorandum ol agrccmcnt had bccn signcd
alrcady. But thcy also claimcd that whatcvcr is in
thc MOA was not madc clcar to thc community.
Thcy rccallcd a mccting conductcd in thcir
barangay hall whcrcin thcy wcrc not allowcd to
partici patc. Thc way thcy undcrstood thc situation,
only thosc who lavors thc Tamapakan projcct wcrc
allowcd by thc tribal chicltain to witncss thc contract
signing insidc thc building. Somc timc in 2008,
SMI conductcd a consultation in thcir community.
Thcy complaincd that what appcarcd to bc a
sinccrc cllort to rcach out to thcm turncd out to
bc anothcr bait to gct thcir signaturcs. Evcn though
thcy attcndcd thc wholc mccting,thcy noticcd that
only thosc who signcd in thc attcndancc shcct wcrc
givcn packcd lunchcs. Wcll, womcn in Sitio Samlang
just wcnt homc and had a simplc lunch with thcir
Thc road to thcir community is a bit stccp and
physically challcnging lor somconc who always travcl
in thc widc road ol thc city. Whcthcr you arc riding a
singlc motorbikc or a lour-whccl drivc, thc ridc would
still bc bumpy and bccomcs morc dillicult whcn it
rains and thc trail gcts murky. But thc sccncry that
wraps thc surrounding is so awc inspiring, that thc
rcsidcnts and thc pcoplc and visitors lorgct thc rough
ridc. Thc cndlcss rangc ol mountains,larms and small
scttlcmcnts showcasc thcir culturc.
Indccd, cvcrything in thc surlacc is so rich, that
thc womcn ol Sitio Samlang, do not bclicvc that
thcy nccd to cxtract what`s bcncath thcir land and
mountains. Bcing wivcs and mothcrs, womcn ol
Samlang dcdicatcd thcir cllorts to thcir childrcn who
will inhcrit thc samc mountains handcd to thcm by
thcir lorclathcrs.
Tcchnicalitics in contract signing, community
consultation and cvcn prolit sharing arc not what
mattcrs most to thc womcn in Samlang. Thcy havc,
in its placc,choscn thc bcttcr position,thcir adhcrcncc
to thc basic tcnct ol aspcct lor lilc and princi plc
ol caring lor thc cnvironmcnt that nurturc thcm.
This is morc than cnough lor thcm to stand lirm in
opposing thc Tampakan mining projcct.
Indeed, everything in the
surface is so rich, that for
the women in Sitio Samlang,
they no longer have to
extract whats beneath their
land and mountains.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
102 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 102
Bae, female leader of a Blaan Tribe in Samlang
thc mountains, trccs standing tall and thc plants
and animals that build strong intcrconncctions
with onc othcr.
Part ol that complcx wcb ol lilc is thc B`laan
tribc who, sincc timc immcmorial, had livcd in
community with naturc. Ior Atc Robina, that
asscmblagc ol lilc is a wcalth that thc pcoplc
havc to protcct. So whcn shc lcarncd that a lcw
kilomctcrs away lrom thcir humblc villagc, on
thc cdgcs ol thcir mountain, Sagittarius Mincs
Inc (SMI was pushing lor thc lull opcration ol
its Tampakan Coppcr-Gold Projcct, shc stood up
and showcd what it mcant to dclcnd thcir domain.
As a Bac or lcmalc lcadcr ol thc B`laans in Sitio
Samlang, shc had to cnsurc lirst shc consultcd
thc community lirst bclorc making a dccision.
Shc visitcd cvcry housc,talkcd to thc pcoplc and
discusscd thc issuc with thcm. Shc cxplaincd to
thcm that thc bcnclits bcing prcscntcd by SMI
will last lor only a short timc and could not
sccurc a good luturc lor thc ncxt gcncration. Shc
would tcll thcm, Show thc samc lovc lor our
cnvironmcnt, bccausc whatcvcr wc do to carth,
What it Takes to
Protect Life...
...and all the things that nurture it?
vcry timc Robina Poblador looks at thc
cndlcss mountain rangcs surrounding thcir
small villagc in Malungon,Saranggani,what
shc sccs is lilc in dillcrcnt lorms, thc birds llying
abovc thc lorcst canopy, thc rivcr wcavcs down
103 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 103 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
wc do to our childrcn!" Shc rclraincd lrom doing
lormal mcctings as it may bc misintcrprctcd as a
plot against thc barangay council or cvcn somc
pcoplc in thc munici pal ollicc.
Shc has bccn vcry opcn with hcr stand against
mining. Shc would conlcr with thc community
during a mass scrvicc, shc would sharc hcr vicws
in thc barangay asscmbly or would rcprcscnt thc
tribc in a consultation mccting with thc mining
company. With thc cllorts shc has cxcrtcd,almost
all ol thc pcoplc in hcr tribc arc now saying NO"
to thc projcct.
But thc days bccamc vcry challcnging in tcrms
ol hcr campaign. Shc rcalizcd that whilc shc
trics to undcrstand morc things about mining
and its advcrsc cllcct to thc community and thc
cnvironmcnt, shc also nccds to lcarn how to
dcal with thc cocrcion ol pcoplc in thc barangay
lcrvcntly promoting thc projcct.
In onc ol thc scssions in thc barangay hall, shc
had a conlrontation with a local ollicial who was
saying that hc too is against mining but would likc
to takc a chancc on thc projcct bccausc hc saw
that as an opportunity lor thcm to carn a largc
amount ol moncy. Atc Robina wantcd to ask
morc things lrom thc ollicial but thc barangay
captain camc to hcr and lorccd hcr to stop. Thc
local ollicial cvcn told thcm that thcy do not havc
thc right to dccidc ovcr thc rivcr and thc lorcst
bccausc thcir tribc docs not own it.
Atc Robina and somc lcadcrs ol thc community
arc also qucstioning somc barangay projccts
that allcgcdly havc bccn lundcd by SMI: a
scholarshi p program lor thc studcnts and somc
hcalth cducation scssions. In Dcccmbcr 2011, thc
barangay dclivcrcd construction matcrials in thcir
sitio which will bc uscd to build a community
ccntcr, thcrc wcrc rcports that this projcct is
part ol thc Php 50,000.00 lund givcn by SMI to
thc barangay council. As ol Icbruary 2012, thc
construction has not bccn startcd.
Shc is vcry carclul in attcnding mcctings with
SMI or thc barangay council. As shc has notcd
in onc mccting, partici pants would not rcccivc
lunch unlcss thcy sign in thc rcgistration lorm
cvcn though thcy staycd and partici patcd in thc
wholc program.
Hcr husband is working in thc barangay ollicc.
Hc is not asking Atc Robina to stop hcr drivc
against mining but would just rcqucst hcr to slow
down in somc ol hcr cllort, as hc is conccrncd
lor hcr salcty and sccurity. In Dcccmbcr 2011,
Atc Robina was accuscd ol bcing thc mastcrmind
inthc shooting incidcnt ol thcir barangay captain.
Thc barangay captain, who is also Atc Robina`s
cousin, was so lurious about what happcncd, that
in thc barangay asscmbly in january 2012, hc
announccd to thc pcoplc, Kung doti moboit o/o,
ngoyon pocdc no o/ong pumotoy!' (Il I am kind
bclorc, now I can alrcady kill pcoplc. But Atc
Robina, who dcnicd bcing involvcd in any way
with thc shooting, shows no sign ol rctrcat, as
shc says, I am not alraid to dic. Il it is lor thc
community, I can givc my lilc lor it."
Howcvcr, Atc Robina wants pcacclul rcsolutions
to thc things rclatcd to thcir campaign,and sincc
what thcy arc protccting hcrc arc thc livcs and thc
luturc ol B`laan tribc, shc docs not want that a lilc
will bc sacriliccd lor this pursuit.
I am not afraid to
die. If it is for the
community, I can
give my life for it.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
104 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 104
a Blaan in Tmurok, Sarangani
105 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 105 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
Delias Small Voice
t was all still vivid in Delias mind. That
day when the representatives of the mining
company, Sagittarius Mines Inc., or SMI,
visited their town of Malungon in Saranggani
province in Mindanao to offer them something
that seemed impossible to resist.
Better livelihood, health services, infrastructure,
and even scholarships for their children, those
were all promised to them by the mining company
in exchange for their yes. Their approval to the
proposed copper-gold mining project near their
area. A plan that is undoubtedly destructive to
the environment and its people, yet still highly
supported by the local government.
In a town stricken by extreme poverty where
majority of the people rely on agriculture for a
living, it was a very tempting offer. Most of Delias
neighbors were inclined to grab that once in a
lifetime opportunity. All their lives, they have been
struggling. Mining was supposed to be their one
last shot for a decent living, but Delia knew better.
She was more than aware of what happened
to the nearby provinces affected by mining,
Moy mgo /otribo /omi ngoyon no no/i/iropon
nong mo/o/onop ng pog/oin so gubot.' (We have
some tribe members who are now experiencing
oilnculty in nnoing looo in the lorest.,
Delia is a Blaan, an indigenous group of
people in the Southern Mindanao. She may be
perceived as a simple home-maker, a farmers
wife, and a member of an indigenous group,
but she is considered a rarity in their town. She
possessed something that is so elusive for their
poor community, even considered a privilege for
some. Delia, unlike her other tribe members, is
educated. And being well-educated means she
has a bigger responsibility for her people, to guide
them towards a well-informed decision.
Delia knew it all along, that SMI, just like other
mining companies, are just taking advantage of
people`s lack ol eoucation lor their own selnsh
motives. At that point, she claimed that big
responsibility, to use her education to inform and
empower her people. She made a stand to say NO
to mining.
Her conviction was powerful enough that, little
by little, she was able to innuence her entire
tribe against mining. She spearheaded numerous
meetings with the tribe about its negative effects
on their lives, on how this would destroy their
forest and eventually their source of living. More
importantly, she challenged her people to think
about their future, as well as of their childrens
future. SMIs promises are not for free, she
explained; in the coming years, mining just might
joepardize their own lives.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
106 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 106
More than anything else, Delia has successfully
tapped the most personal attribute of her tribe
members and used it to ignite their sense of
pride to eventually object to the proposed mining
project. She reminded them to be proud of
being a Blaan, to stay true to their identity and
traditions. That being a Blaan is being free to
cultivate their own land. It is their land, and no
one, even the big mining companies, can take that
away from them. She added that even the law
recognizes the ancestral domain of indigenous
people. By the time when SMI conducted another
consultation, almost all were against the proposed
mining project. Delias efforts paid off, but little
did she know that, it was just the beginning of
more challenges ahead.
The mining company did not give up. Backed by
the local government, SMI was intensely serious
to take over the Blaans land. Delia did not expect
the harassments that came afterwards. Inooooy
o/o ng /opiton. tinonong /omi /ung bo/it oyoo nomin
ong mining,sobi /o /osi mosomo yon so /obundu/on
nomin.' (Our Barangay captain confronted me
angrily. He asked me why we dont want mining
in our place. I tolo him it will oestroy our lorest.,
After a few days, strangers were spotted in
their area, roaming around as if observing the
very small details of the town. Eventually those
suspicious men were starting to lure and bribe the
Blaan people to change their minds and support
the mining project. Delia knew that those actions
were aimed at her to scare her. Maybe because
she is a woman, harassers thought that it would be
easy to frighten her.
But Delia proved them wrong. She showed them
that though she is a woman, and she is strong and
nrm in her conviction. She never hao any secono-
thoughts continuing the nght. She wanteo those
strangers out of their place.
In the coming days, Delia and the other Blaans
built a fence to protect their property. Hoyoon
niyo /omi dito. Ko/it mo/irop /omi - /oyo nomon
nomin. Huoog niyo /oming lo/o/in! (Leave us
alone. Let us just live the life that we want. We can
manage. Don`t lool us,
Just like the fence that one day would be taken
down, she knew that the company would not
stop until the resistance faltered. This was just
the beginning. She knows that harassments and
bribery would follow, but Delia is willing to
conquer it all, for her family and for the Blaan
people. Her passion for their traditions and also
for the environment is so profound and intense.
Delia wants us to know that while we are busy
managing our own lives in the city, there is a
small group of indigenous people in a far and
mountainous place in Mindanao whose lives are
threatened by mining capitalists.
A few months ago, the local government of
Saranggani received 15M worth of assistance
from SMI. Though the true intention of the
oonation is questionable, it just signines how
big that mining company is compared to Delia.
Nobody knows how long Delia could hold on and
nght, but she oesperately neeos our help to raise
It wont hurt if for just one moment, let we try to
listen to Delias small voice.
Jonathan Espina has livc ycars ol
cxpcricncc writing and producing shows lor
TV and radio.
107 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 107 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
Mag-aaral, Aktibista
Hig/ sc/ool po long o/o no/osomo no o/o so isong
bori/odo lobon so Sunoil lc Logging Compony so
omin so Midsoli p,Zomboongo dcl Sur. Hindi /o po
noon noiintindi/on /ung bo/it bo nogbobori/odo ong
mgo too. Bosto no long o/ong pumunto so pic/ct orco
do/il inisi p/o bo/o ibogso/ o/o so /losc pog /indi
o/o sumomo so pogbobori/odo. So ooo ng Dios,do/il
so pogbobori/odo nopoolis ong Sunoil lc Logging
Compony,ot no/oposo o/o.
1oong 199^ nong uno /ong norinig ong usopin tung/ol
so pogmimino do/il ong R1Z (Rio 1into Zinc),ong
unong mining compony no nog opply ng Finonciol
ond 1cc/inicol Assistoncc Agrccmcnt (F1AA) dito so
Midsoli p. Pcro /indi /o po rin mointindi/on ono bo
ito ot ono ong cpc/to nito so oting Inong Koli/oson
ot so mgo too. Do/il so F1AA opplicotion ng R1Z,
isong oroo no/opogdcsisyun ong mgo toong boyon
so Midsoli p (Subooncn ot Visoyo) no bumisito so
Sibutod, Zomboongo dcl Aortc so mining orco ng
P/ilcx Mining Compony. Custo /osi ng mgo too no
mo/ito nomin mismo ong cpc/to ng pogmimino so
oting /oli/oson ot so mgo too.
Pogdoting nomin doon,no/ito /o ong mgo no/o/olbo
nong mgo gubot ot bundo/, ong /orogoton oy /uloy
pin/ no do/il so minc toilings, ong poloyon ng mgo
too oy /indi no tumutubo. Aorinig /o rin ong mgo
/inono/it ng mgo rcsidcntc ot iso so sinobi nilong
/indi /o mo/olimuton. Sobi nilo,Kung mo/iropmon
/omi noong oolo po ong pogmimino dito so omin,
ngoyon mos mo/iroppo /omi so dogo.'
Hindi long ito ong unong bcscs no no/opunto o/o so
isong mining orco. Do/il no rin so tulong ng Lcgol
Rig/ts ond Aoturol Rcsourccs Ccntcr (Cogoyon dc
0ro o[[icc) no/opunto o/o so dolooong mining orcos
so Surigoo ot no/ito /o doon ong doting potog no
lupoin no noging nopo/olooo/ no looo, ot ong isong
orco no grobc rin ong pog/osiro so mgo /obundu/on.
Molo/ing tulong poro so o/in ong totlong bcscs no
cxposurc /o so mgo mining orcos ot dito do/on-do/on
/ong nointindi/on /ung ono ong cpc/to ng pogmimino
so mgo too. Aong grumodoct o/o so /olc/iyo noong
2000,iso o/o so mopolod no no/osoli ng Porolcgol
1roining no ibinigoy ng LRC CD0. Dito /o nolomon
ong mgo /oropoton nomin bilong mgo /otutubo so
oming lupoing ninuno. Dito /o notutunon popono ot
ono ong pucdcng gooin upong lobonon ong mgo mining
componics no gustong sumiro so oming lupoing ninono.
Dito no rin o/o nogsimulong sumomong mo/ibo/o
poro moprotc/syunon ong nog-iisong Socrcd
Mountoin nomin,ong Mt. Pinu/is,no siyo no ring puso
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
108 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 108
ng mgo /otubigon no dumodoloy ot nogpopotubig ng
mgo poloyon ot poloisdoon so buong Zomboongo
Pcninsulo (Zomboongo dcl Sur, Zomboongo
Sibugucy, Zomboongo dcl Aortc). So Mt. Pinu/is rin
pumupunto ong oming mgo bclion (s/omon) upong
mogpo/ingo ot /ousopin si Mcgbcboyo. Dito rin silo
/umu/u/o ng mgo /olomong gomot poro so oming
mgo /oromdomon.
Umobot so 1! mining opplicotions ngoyon so
Midsoli p C.orstonc Mining Compony,1VI Rcsourccs
Dcot. P/il. Inc., Mo/ilolo Mining Corp., JJ Mining
Inc.,Midlobotu/ Mining,Molompoy Mining,Mosodo
Mining,CAMI (Ccotcc/niucs ond Mincs Inc.),1^8
Fcrrum Poci[ic,Juon Coril lo,Mt. Sinoi Mining,Victor
J. Yu,C/cril l Postori.o,Dumon Rcd Lion ot,so ngoyon,
ong Huo Ming ot Huo PHu Mining.
Aoong 200^,nong mog umpiso ong pogproscso ng FPIC
(Frcc Prior ond In[ormcd Conscnt) so lugor nomin,
sobro ong /iropno dinonos nomin lolo no /oming mgo
/oboboi/on - noronoson nomin ong i po/iyo so /orop
ng moroming too, oyoo /oming pogsolitoin ng ACIP
Prooinciol 0[[iccr do/il /indi /omi ong out/
no mogsolito do/il /indi /omi ong CAD1 cloimont,
/indi pino/inggon ot oolo roo /oming boscs tologo.
Pcro /indi dito nogtopos ong oming po/i/ibo/o.
Potuloy /oming /umonopng poroon /onggot umobot
no nomon /omi so pogbobori/o. Molibon dito,umobot
po /omi so congrcssionol /coring noong Jonuory 2011
ot public /coring noong Moy 2011.
Bilong togopogsolito,dito /o ibinulgor ong lo/ot ng
onomoliyo no ginooo ng mining compony ot ng ACIP
Prooinciol o[[icc, dito /o no rin ibinu/ing /ung sino
ong totoong mgo tribol lcodcrs no /indi /inilolo ng
ACIP ot ong mgo /indi totoong mgo tribol lcodcrs no
noging oolidotcd tribol lcodcrs,cldcrs do/il so no rin
so /untsobo/on ng mining compony ot ng Prooinciol
o[[iccr ng ACIP. Honggong so punto no sinompo/on
/omi ng dolooong /oso ng CAMI (criminol cosc
ot cioil cosc) do/il so pog/orong doo nomin ng
pogtronsport ng /onilong mo/ino poro so /onilong
cxplorotion octioity.
Kesalabuukan Tupusumi Organization
109 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 109 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
Bilong spo/cspcrson ng oming somo/on
(Kcsolobuu/on 1upusumi 0rg.) /indi modoli poro
so o/in ong lo/ot ng ito. Ao/oronos o/o ng pogod,
to/ot,ot pog/odismoyo. Pcro /indi po rin o/o sumu/o.
Potuloy po rin o/o /onggong ngoyon so po/i/ibo/o
do/il,poro so o/in,/ung momotoy mon o/o do/il so
ginogooo /ong ito,mosoyo o/ong momomotoy do/il
ong son/i ng o/ing pog/omotoy oy /indi poro so o/ing
sorili /undi poro so /opo/onon ng o/ing tribo ot ng
mgo /opotid /ong Visoyo, /opo/onon ng oting Inong
/oli/osonon ot /opo/onon ng mgo susunud pong
mgo /cncrosyon. Poro so oming mgo Suboncn, ong
mino oy /indi bu/oy, bog/us ito oy ong pog/ooolo ng
lo/ot no moy bu/oy,so loob ot lobos ng oming lupoing
ninuno. Poro so oming mgo Subooncn, ong lupo oy
nopo/osogrodo do/il /ung ito oy mooolo ot mosiro,
oolo rin ong lo/ot ng cspiritu no nondyon so poligid
nomin - mgo cspiritu no nogbigoy-lo/os ot giyo so
oming mgo bclion.
Aoninioolo o/o no ong pogmimino oy /indi tunoy
no dcoclopmcnt do/il ito oy no/o/osiro so ibot-ibong
uri ng bu/oy - bu/oy ng too, bu/oy ng mgo ibot-
ibong /olomon ot /o/oy, bu/oy ng mgo moliliit ot
mololo/ing mgo /oyop. Ang totoong dcoclopmcnt oy
yong lo/ot oy no/i/inobong dito ot oolong nosisirong
bu/oy, ot oolong nilolobog no /oropoton ng too,
ng mgo /oyop, ot ng mgo /olomon. Ang sustoinoblc
ogriculturc (/indi ginogomiton ng mgo /cmi/ol no
potobo ot midisino) ong totoong dcoclopmcnt do/il
ong tunoy no ginto oy ong mgo ginto no goling so
bungo ng poloy, mois, ibot-ibong prutos ot guloy.
Ito sono ong polo/osin ng oting gobycrno /indi ong
mino, /indi ong logging ot ibo pong sinosobi nilong
Wilma Tcro was in high school whcn shc
startcd joining barricadcs and mobilizations
against Sunvillc Logging Company in Midsali p,
Zamboangc dcl Sur. It was in 199o whcn lcarncd
about thc issuc on mining-whcn Rio Tinto Zinc
applicd lor a Iinancial and Tcchnical Assistancc
Agrccmcnt (ITAA in thcir arca. Altcr visiting
minc sitcs in Zamboanga dcl Nortc and Surigao,
and attcnding a paralcgal training organizcd by
Lcgal Rights and Natural Rcsourccs Ccntcr-
Cagayan dc Oro in 2000, shc lcarncd about thc
rights ol indigcnous pcoplcs, and thc cllccts ol
mining opcrations to thcir lands and pcoplc.
Now,thcrc arc 1! mining applications in Midsali p.
Dcspitc thc discrimination and non-rccognition
ol Subancns as rightlul owncrs ol thcir anccstral
domains, shc continucs to stand in bchall ol
thcir organization, Kcsalabuukan Tupusumi
Organization-lor thcir rights and bclicls. Thcy arc
advocating lor sustainablc agriculturc as opposcd
to thc dcvastations causcd by mining.
Para sa aming mga Subaanen, ang
lupa ay napakasagrado dahil kung
ito ay mawala at masira, wala rin ang
lahat ng espiritu na nandyan sa paligid
namin - mga espiritu na nagbigay-
lakas at giya sa aming mga belian.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
110 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 110
n 200!, I startcd working with Pigsalabukan
Bangsa Subanon (PBS. This is a group
ol Subancn lcadcrs lrom thc Zamboanga
Pcninsula who wcrc asscrting thc rights ol
indigcnous pcoplcs and thcir rights ovcr thcir
anccstral domains. During thc implcmcntation
ol thc plans and programs ol thc PBS, I saw lor
myscll that dillcrcnt Subancn communitics
had dillcrcnt situations and dillcrcnt lcvcls ol
dillicultics bccausc ol intcrvcntions by mining
companics that would likc to cntcr into thc
anccstral domain and takc advantagc ol its rich
rcsourccs. This cncouragcd mc to gct morc
involvcd with thc issuc on thc cllccts ol mining
plans and programs within Subancn anccstral
domain arcas, apart lrom my administrativc and
linancc work in thc organization. I did not want
thc Subancn communitics to lccl hclplcss against
thcsc companics.
This signalcd thc bcginning ol my involvcmcnt in
thc strugglc against mining.
My advocacy against mining is in dclcnsc ol my
tribc, my lamily, and thc Subancn communitics
I am a Subanen
who arc,in onc way or anothcr,madc vulncrablc
by thcsc rcsourcc-cxtractivc programs. I aspirc
to climinatc dillcrcnt typcs ol mani pulation bcing
donc against my lcllow Subancn,cvcn within thcir
anccstral domains.
I am grcatly inllucnccd, primarily by my lathcr,
a purc-bloodcd Subancn who workcd as a
community organizcr ol thc DIOPIM Committcc
on Mining Issucs (DCMI scvcral ycars ago.
Whcn I startcd to gct involvcd in thc strugglc,
thcrc wcrc so many changcs that happcncd to
mc. I think thcsc changcs arc lor my bcttcrmcnt.
I had to dcal with attcnding a lot ol scminars,
workshops,and trainings to dcvclop and cnhancc
my capacity. I sought scll-cmpowcrmcnt in ordcr
to hclp my lcllow Subancn. I saw thc nccd to
also hclp in thcir own cmpowcrmcnt in ordcr
that no onc would bc ablc to takc advantagc ol
our wcakncss, that is, thc lack ol knowlcdgc ol
our rights, and thc lack ol capacitics to asscrt
thcsc rights. By our scll-cmpowcrmcnt, wc arc
bcttcr ablc to dclcnd our rights ovcr our domains,
improvc our systcm ol govcrnancc, rcvivc our
111 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 111 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
traditions, which would guidc us in our dccisions
to asscrting control ol and choosc our own path
to dcvclopmcnt, without compromising our own
communitics and thc luturc gcncrations.
Ol coursc, my advocacy is not without challcngcs.
Altcr scvcral ycars, I can now lccl thc prcssurcs
and thc strcss ol my work manilcsting in my
physical condition. Raising 2 boys,and caring lor
my lamily, whilc bcing thc Exccutivc Olliccr ol
Pikhumpongan Dlibon Subancn, Inc., (PDSI, a
Subancn womcn`s organization, can takc its toll
on my body. But I still lccl grcatly challcngcd to
risc abovc this limitation,and continuc to advocatc,
bccausc I know thcrc is still a lot to bc donc in
tcrms ol asscrting our rights, cducating my lcllow
Subancn so that thcy will also makc a stand in
protccting and dcvcloping thcir tcrritorics lor and
in bchall ol thcir lamilics and communitics, and
lor thc luturc gcncration ol Subancn. Bcsidcs, thc
work that I do is a sourcc ol dccp happincss. I lccl
happy whcncvcr I am with my lcllow Subancn
and I lccl my bclongingncss with my pcoplc,
as wc stand togcthcr to conlront giant mining
Howcvcr, thcrc is a lccling ol lrustration and
sadncss whcncvcr I hcar about othcr Subancn
lcadcrs bcing mani pulatcd and lurcd by promiscs
ol morc cconomic bcnclits at thc cxpcnsc ol thc
communitics. I lccl sad ovcr thc vulncrabilitics
ol thcsc lcadcrs bccausc ol thcir bclicl that by
supporting thcsc companics, thcy will bc ablc to
hclp thc communitics. I lccl sad bccausc I bclicvc
that thcsc lcadcrs still nccd to bc inllucnccd or
cmpowcrcd ovcr thcir own lcadcrshi p abilitics
which would opcn thcir cycs to othcr lorms ol
dcvclopmcnt that would givc morc cconomic
bcnclits but lcss dcstructivc than mining.
But whatcvcr challcngc, whatcvcr lcar that I havc, I
dcal with thcm by pushing on with my advocacics.
I don`t lct thcsc stop mc lrom doing what I think
arc ncccssary in ordcr that my lcllow Subancn
Pigsalabukan Bangsa Subanon (PBS) and Executive Ofcer
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
112 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 112
will lcarn lor thcmsclvcs that thcy arc thc oncs
who rightlully know what thcy nccd to do with
thc land and rcsourccs that havc bccn bcstowcd
on thcm, that thcy arc thc oncs who arc bcttcr
ablc to protcct and prcscrvc thcm lor thc ycars to
comc,to bc lclt as a prcscrvcd lcgacy lor thc luturc
gcncrations ol Subancn. I continuc to bc involvcd
in activitics that impart bcttcr undcrstanding
on thc mattcrs ol rights, and dcvclopmcnt, lor
communitics. I continuc to cngagc with rclcvant
agcncics and groups who arc in thc position to
cxtcnd assistancc to thc communitics, as wcll
as othcr groups and communitics who arc also
in nccd ol a bcttcr undcrstanding ol thc strugglc
ol thc Subancn so that thcy will bc ablc to hclp
Subancn communitics to makc a stand lor thcir
rights, and not drag thcm down.
I sinccrcly wish that thc communitics would soon
bc ablc to gain lull control and govcrnancc ovcr
thcir anccstral domain, having bccn accordcd
thc lormal titlc as rcquircd by thc govcrnmcnt,
and givcn thc ncccssary assistancc to cmpowcr
thcmsclvcs to bc ablc to cxcrcisc this control and
govcrnancc, and managc thcir anccstral domains,
cngaging in dcvclopmcnt projccts that arc
bcnclicial to all but arc not dcstructivc to thcm
and to othcr communitics as wcll.
As lor mc, I wish that am ablc to sustain my dcsirc
to hclp my pcoplc and to bc ablc to lcarn morc.
I am continually inspircd by non-Subancn pcoplc
who sinccrcly hclp us in asscrting our rights and
control as indigcnous pcoplcs within thc anccstral
domains, and in pushing lor thc rccognition and
rcspcct ol our human rights.
Ior now, I am grcatly challcngcd to cxcrt morc
cllort in combating mani pulations against
Subancn by non-indigcnous pcoplcs, as wcll as
lcllow indigcnous pcoplcs who want to takc
advantagc ol our mincral-rich domains. All ol us,
womcn and mcn,young and old, nccd to bc truly
cmpowcrcd so that wc can havc a truly collcctivc
strugglc lor thc protcction ol our domains and
not just lcavc thc hard work to thc hands ol our
lcadcrs. I hopc I will still bc ablc to hclp thcm in
any way that I can so that togcthcr, wc will bc ablc
to lcavc a bcttcr world lor thc ncxt gcncration ol
I did not want the
Subanen communities
to feel helpless against
these companies.
113 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 113 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
She was not allowed to get inside the
mining site she opts for closure, now
shes looking for other ways to get in
A Mayors Stand
n hcr lirst attcmpt to chcck thc opcration ol San
Roquc Mctals Inc. (SRMI in Tubay, Agusan
dcl Nortc,dcspitc a dcputation lcttcr lrom thc
dircctor ol Mincs and Gcoscicnccs Burcau (MGB
ol thc Dcpartmcnt ol Environmcnt and Natural
Rccourccs, shc was dcnicd cntry. Howcvcr, shc
kncw that a lrail hcart will not bring justicc lor hcr
pcoplc, so shc gathcrcd hcr strcngth and sought
hclp lrom Gina Lopcz ol ABS-CBN Ioundation,
who is also an anti-mining advocatc.
On Icbruary 3, 2012, Tubay Mayor Sadcka
Garcia-Tomancng and Gina Lopcz rcturncd to
SRMI,togcthcr with MGB Dircctor Lco jasarcno.
Though SRMI had timc to clcan thc sitc,thc cllort
was not cnough to conccal thc scrious damagc
it causcd in Tubay`s lorcst and coast linc, to
an cxtcnt that allcctcd communitics now havc
diminishing sourccs ol livclihood. And whilc thc
invcstigation is going on insidc thc minc sitc, morc
than two thousand Tubaynons gathcrcd outsidc
SRMI to call lor its closurc.
Mayor Sadcka and pcoplc in Tubay achicvcd
succcss in calling thc attcntion ol thc national
govcrnmcnt through thc MGB that SRMI,contrary
to its promisc ol community dcvclopmcnt, only
gavc thcm siltation, pollution and thc worst
lloodings thcyhad cvcr cxpcricnccd. Altcr thc
visit, Dircctor jasarcno placcd SMRI and thrcc
othcr mining lirms in CARAGA rcgion undcr
invcstigation lor thcir rcportcd lailurc to comply
with cnvironmcntal and hcalth hazard laws. Asidc
lrom thc cnvironmcntal issucs associatcd with thc
SRMI opcrations, Mayor Sadcka also ought to
collcct about a million pcsos worth ol taxcs and
lccs that thc lirm has rcluscd to pay.
But SRMI continucs to dcny all thc allcgations
and put morc prcssurc on thc lcadcrshi p ol
Mayor Sadcka. SRMI Chairman ol thc Board
and Caloocan vicc Mayor Edgar Ericc lilcd
a complaint against hcr in thc Ollicc ol thc
Ombudsman lor gravc abusc ol authority.
Indccd, hcr light to stop mining in Tubay has
rcachcd a lcvcl that shc could not havc imagincd
bclorc shc cntcrcd politics. Evcrything startcd
whcn shc was clcctcd mayor ol Tubay in 2010
and conductcd consultation mcctings with thc
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
114 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 114 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 114 114 114
115 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 115 Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
barangay captains who raiscd thc issuc. Thcrc
wcrc also complaints lrom thc lishcr lolks, who
wcrc cxpcricncing scarcc catch and thus could
no providc cnough incomc lor thcir lamilics.
Immcdiatcly, Mayor Sadcka commissioncd
cxpcrts to conduct a study on signilicant sitcs in
thcir community.
It might bc vcry hard,cxhausting at somc point
but I havc no rcgrcts doing all ol thcsc." This
is how shc dcscribcs hcr campaigns to stop thc
opcration ol SRMI. I can look myscll in thc
mirror in thc coming ycars and say to myscll that
I havc donc somcthing that is just right lor thc
pcoplc ol Tubay."
Thc way shc looks at thc mining industry in thc
country is morc ol a statc dccision, but whcn things
turn rough, thcrc comcs thc strugglc bctwccn thc
local govcrnmcnt units and thc national ollicc. On
hcr asscssmcnt, it is hard to convincc thc national
govcrnmcnt, both thc prcsidcnt and DENR, to put
an cnd to a projcct that it promotcd and insistcd
in thc community. Shc strongly bclicvcs that thc
mining policy in thc country should bc rcvicwcd
and must bc changcd. Local govcrnmcnt units
should havc a strongcr rolc in dcciding whcthcr
a mining projcct is appropriatc in thcir arca ol
It is hard to sct thc timc linc lor hcr campaign,but
Mayor Sadcka is willing to takc all that is ncccssary
to achicvc cvcn small victorics, onc at a timc. Shc
hopcs to go back onc day to thc SRMI minc sitc,
and at that timc shc won`t mind il thc company
will lct hcr in,bccausc shc would bc thcrc to put
a padlock on thc gatc and pcrmancntly closc thc
opcration ol thc mining lirm.
Tubay, Agusan del Norte
I can look myself
in the mirror in the
coming years and say
to myself that I have
done something that
is just right for the
people of Tubay.
Chapter 3: Women in Mindanao
l you takc a look at thc
history ol mining in thc
country, at no point in timc
has thcrc bccn so callcd
rcsponsiblc mining,"
Phili ppinc Human Rights
Inlormation Ccntcr (PhilRights
118 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 118
Sa Pagmimina
ng /indi motopos-topos no usopin so /ung
dopot bo o /indi dopot no i pogpotuloy po
ong pogmimino oy isong usoping potuloy no
bumoboli/,/indi lomong so mgo simplcng umpu/on
/ung /indi moging so mgo pormol no tolo/oyon.
Kung poono o/o nosong/ot so usoping ito, yun ong
mogondong bigyon ng simulo.
Doti no o/ong moy po/iolom so usopin ng /oli/oson,
/indi ngo long mosyodong /oloto noon. Boto po long
o/o,olom /o no ong /olot oy dopot so bosuro/on.'
Solomot so mgo itinuro so o/in ng o/ing nonoy.
Aodolo /o ong mgo orol no iyon mulo so probinsyo
ng Quc.on /onggong so Siyudod ng 0longopo.
Hindi po o/o noon mosyodong bu/os so ibo pong uri
ng usopin so /oli/oson, ong so o/in oy isong simplcng
po/i/ibo/ogi long so /ung poono pononotili/ing
molinis ong /opoligiron. Honggong isong oroo ng
Aobycmbrc toong 2009,nong bumulogo so o/in ong
usopin ng pogbo/o so boyon ng Botolon /ung soon
moroming bo/oy ong nolubog so bo/o. Ang uno /ong
tonong oy bo/it ot ono ong do/ilon. Aoging modoli
nomon ong pog/u/o /o ng mgo tugon do/il no rin
so polioonog ng mgo /osomo so DEFEAD Zombolcs,
no siyong nogtotoguyod polo ng lobon so pogmimino
so probinsyo ng Zombolcs ot ng Kiluson poro so
Pombonsong Dcmo/rosyo (KPD).
Ang Yo/ubori Foundotion oy nog/oroon ng pog/o/otoong
mog/oroon ng rclic[ opcrotions /osomo din ong KPD
poro so mgo bi/timo ng bo/o. Doon /o no/ito ong
molo/ing pinsolo ng pogmimino so bu/oy ot ori-orion
ng mgo rcsidcntc ng Botolon. Sobi /o so sorili /o,scryoso
polo tologo ong usopin /inggil so bogoy no ito. Kung
bu/oy ot ori-orion no ong no/otoyo,/indi no pocdcng
i pogsooolong-/ibo ong mgo bogoy no ito.
Mulo noon oy noging o/tibo o/ong /osopi ng DEFEAD
Zombolcs. Aogpupunto /omi so mgo lugor upong
mogbigoy ng mgo pog-oorol so /ung ono bo ong
mosomong dulot ng oolong /obos no pogmimino so
probinsyo. Kosoboy nito ong potuloy no pogpopounooo
so mgo rcsidcntc so /ung ono ong /onilong mogogooo
/inggil dito, /indi lomong do/il moy pinsolong
no/otoyo /undi oy rcsponsibilidod nilo-noming-
ong pongongologo ng li/os no yomon ng bonso ot
pogtotonggol so /oli/oson.
119 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 119 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
Lo/od,mortso ot pog/igo so /olsodo ong /inoilongong
gooin upong moi po/oyog so mgo /inouu/ulon ong
/onilong mgo /inolimutong obligosyon. Hindi bolcng
mosunog ong bolot ot mopudpod ong soclos ng sopotos
mo/opogpo/oyog long ng noisin. Hindi usopin /ung
moy pomoso/c ot boong pog/oin tutol porc-porc/o
nomon /omi ng mgo /osomong oolong ooso/on /ung
/indi ong oming mgo poninioolo ot pomomog-oso no
moy moioombog /omi so pogtotoguyod ng /oli/oson.
So booot oroo ng pogpunto so mgo cryo oy dolo-
dolo nomin ong pog-oso ot pongonib no /oo/ibot ng
po/i/i pogtunggolion so usopin ng pogmimino.
So pono/on ong poglubog so mgo /omunidod, /igit
no nobontod so o/ing mgo moto ong molo/ing
pinsolo so /oli/oson ot ong cpc/to nito so bu/oy
ot /obu/oyon. Ao/ito mismo ng mgo moto /o ong
oolong polit-polit no domi ng tro/ no nogdodolo ng
pinsolo so mgo /olsodo ot oli/obo/ so mgo to/onon
/ung tog-oroo ot puti/ nomon /opog pono/on ng tog-
ulon. Hindi no rin moitogo ong cpc/to nito so mgo
poloyon ot /oilugon no unti-unti nong /ino/oin ng
puti/ ot boto. Ang mgo ilog no doti-roti oy longuyon
oy puti/ no lomong ong dumodoloy. Isomo po notin
ong no/o/olbo nong /obundu/on no /indi nomon
obot-tonoo ng mgo rcsidcntc so ibobo ng /obundu/on.
Hindi po rin topos ong usopin so pogmimino, lolo
po ot sinusu/oyon ito ng pongulo ng Pili pinos ot ng
mgo botos no pumopobor dito. Pcro, poro so tulod
/ong isong boboc, ino ot toong moy pogpopo/ologo
so /oli/oson, simplc long ong mgo poninioolo ot
orgumcnto /o /inggil so usoping ito /indi lomong dito
so Zombolcs /ung /indi moging so buong bonso rin.
Uno,moy nogsosobing ong pogmimino oy /oilongon
upong po/inobongon ong /iloo no motcryolcs
goling dito upong mo/obuo ot mo/otugon ng ibong
pongongoilongong /ini/ingi ng oting c/onomiyo no siyo
nomong mogtitiyo/ so pogtugon so pongongoilongon
noting mgo momomoyon. Subolit /indi ito ong totoong
nongyoyori. Ang /ototo/onon, /inu/u/o ong oting
mgo li/os no yomon mulo so mino/on pcro /indi
toyo ong no/i/inobong, Kung mcron mong so mgo
lo/ol no momumu/unon, moliit no porsycnto long
silo /umporo so mgo dombu/olong mino/on. Higit
no noso /onilo ong po/inobong ot noso /oli/oson
nomon ong inioon nilong /olopostongonon.
Defend Zambales
Chapter 4: National Advocate
120 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 120
I/olooo, /indi ong pogmimino ong mogbibigoy
ng /osigurodu/on so pog-unlod ng c/onomiyo ng
lugor /ung nosoon ong mino/on. Holimbooo no so
/ologoyon ng c/onomiyo ng probinsyo ng Zombolcs.
Aoninioolo o/o no mos moitotoguyod ot mos
mopouunlod ong c/onomiyo ng probinsiyo /ung
ibobotoy ito so ogri/ulturo, pongisngisdo ot mgo
industriyo no doti ng pinog/u/unon ng /obon ng
yomon probinsyo. Doti nong nobu/oy ot potuloy no
nobubu/oy ong mgo Zombolcno so li/os no yomon
ot yomong bungo ng poggooo,/oyo /indi imposiblcng
mogpotuloy ong gonitong goooin.
I/otlo, /oilongong linongin ong mgo li/os no yomong
mincrol oyon so pongongoilongon ng mgo industriyo
so Pili pinos nong /indi no/o/ompromiso ong
pogpopounlod ng ogri/ulturo ot pongingisdo no siyong
mogtitiyo/ ng /osigurodu/on so suploy ng pog/oin
ng bonso. Dopot ding ibotoy so pongongoilongon ng
bonso ong domi ng /u/uning mino upong moy moioon
po poro so mgo susunod no /cncrosyon.
So pong/olo/otong pogtingin, /oilongon ong
pogmimino subolit so /ologoyon ngoyon ng probinsyo,
noninioolo o/o no dopot nong mog/oroon ng
moroturyum so pogmimino upong mobigyong-doon
ong pogtotoso so tunoy no /ologoyon ng /oli/oson
ot mobigyon ng pog/o/oton ong rc/obilitosyon. Kung
/indi ito moisosogooo, /igit no molo/ing pcroisyo
ong idudulot nito /indi lomong so /obu/oyon,lolo ot
/igit so bu/oy ng mgo momomoyon.
Lakad, martsa at higa sa kalsada ang
kinailangang gawin upang maipahayag
sa mga kinauukulan ang kanilang mga
kinalilimutang obligasyon.
Dolly Yanan is thc Ccntral Luzon Chair ol
Pagkakaisa ng Kababaihan para sa Kalayaan.
Shc was a lormcr radio announccr in Ccntral
Luzon,a psychologist and a lormcr Exccutivc ol
Yokubari Ioundation, a community-bascd non
govcrnmcnt organization dcdicatcd to lacilitatc
thc holistic growth ol childrcn.
Dolly tclls hcr lilc story and how shc has bccomc
an cnvironmcnt and womcn`s rights advocatc.
Shc bclicvcs that mining in Zambalcs is not salc
lor thc communitics bccausc ol its impact to land,
causing lloods and landslidc in thc allcctcd arcas,
and gocs to sharc that thc pcoplc thcrc has livcd
by agricultural and lishcrics producc.
Iurthcr,shc calls lor a moratorium on mining in
thc country and proposcs thc lormulation ol a
national industrialization plan whcrc mining will
bc utilizcd lor Phili ppincs` dcvclopmcnt.
121 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 121 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
Doc Nymia:
Human Rights
Advocate, Defender
ndigcnous Pcoplcs in thc mountainous mining
arcas in thc country call hcr Doc Nymia or
Ma`m Nymia, whcthcr among thc Bugkalots
and Kankana-cys in Nucva Vizcaya, thc Mangyans
in Oricntal Mindoro, thc Actas in Zambalcs,
Manobos ol Surigao dcl Sur or thc Subancns
in Zamboanga dcl Sur. Shc and thc stall ol thc
Phili ppinc Human Rights Inlormation Ccntcr
(PhilRights makc it a point to go whcrc human
rights problcms arc rcportcd likc in thc mining
opcrations ol multinational mining lirms. Oltcn
timcs thcsc involvcd long dangcrous trcks in
rcmotc mountains arcas such as in Sicrra Madrc
Mountain Rangc in Quczon, Zambalcs mountain
rangcs, or in thc mountains ol Zamboanga dcl Sur
and Surigao dcl Sur.
Il you takc a look at thc history ol mining in thc
country, at no point in timc has thcrc bccn so
callcd rcsponsiblc mining," Dr. Nymia Simbulan
cmphasizcs. Thc human rights organization shc
hcads, Phili ppinc Human Rights Inlormation
Ccntcr (PhilRights has bccn involvcd in thc anti-
mining strugglc sincc 200o, conducting cducation
and trainings on human rights, monitoring and
documcntation. Dr. Simbulan bclicvcs that thc
issuc ol mining must bc vicwcd lrom a human
rights pcrspcctivc,rathcr than just an cnvironmcntal
problcm. Whcn mining activity commcnccs
in an arca, it is incvitablc that various human
rights arc thrcatcncd or scriously violatcd. It is
important on thc part ol pcoplc to scc that thc
mining issuc is a human rights issuc in ordcr to scc
thcir rcsponsibilitics in dclcnding thcir rights and
cxacting Statc accountability in tcrms ol protccting
thcir rights."
In thc ycars that PhilRights has conductcd
work in mining allcctcd communitics, it has
raiscd awarcncss ol pcoplc in thc allcctcd
communitics on human rights and dcvclopmcnt
issucs incxtricably linkcd to mining. According
Executive Director of Philippine Human Rights
Information Center (PhilRights)
Chapter 4: National Advocate
122 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 122
Joy Icayan works as a research associate
in Philippine Human Rights Information
to Dr. Simbulan, mining, with its implications on
thc lullillmcnt ol cconomic social and cultural
rights has bccomc onc ol thc main issucs thc
institution has locuscd on.
Thc rcsults ol thc work ol Dr. Simbulan and
hcr organization havc bccn cvidcnt among thc
mcmbcrs ol various communitics who arc now
awarc ol thc issucs ol human rights. Pcoplc can
now spcak ol thcir rights and asscrt it whcn it
is bcing violatcd. Dr. Simbulan highlights thc
contribution ol PhilRights in vicwing thc issuc
ol mining in thc country lrom thc pcrspcctivc
ol upholding human rights likc ol thc rights ol
indigcnous pcoplcs, small larmcrs and lishcrlolks,
womcn and childrcn.
Agoyon, /opog pinog-uusoponon ong pogmimino,
/indi pocdcng /indi moidugtong dito ong usopin ng
/oropotong pontoo.'
Iurthcrmorc,thc institution was ablc to train thc
community in thc monitoring and documcntation
ol human rights violations in thcir rcspcctivc
arcas. Allcctcd communitics and individuals
uscd to rcly on anccdotal cvidcncc whcn airing
thcir gricvanccs, but now thcy havc rcalizcd
thc importancc ol writing allidavits, pcrsonal
tcstimonics, taking photos, and paying attcntion
to important dctails likc datcs, namcs ol pcoplc
involvcd in thc incidcnt. Dr. Simbulan always
cmphasizcs thc importancc ol propcr monitoring
and documcntation.
Il you campaign lor thc promotion ol human
rights at thc national and intcrnational lcvcls, it
is vcry important that you submit supporting
documcnts to provc thc incidcncc. Hindi pwcdcng
anccdotal.kailangan groundcd by cmpirical
cvidcnccs." Thc documcnts gathcrcd lrom thc
allcctcd communitics havc bccn instrumcntal in
thc lobbying work ol thc institution and othcr anti-
mining advocatcs and organizations.
Dr. Nymia Simbulan and thc PhilRights` stall
bclicvc that Iili pinos who arc vulncrablc to
human rights violations must bc cmpowcrcd so
thcy would bc ablc to asscrt and dclcnd thcir
Hcr advocacics havc lound support lrom hcr
pccrs in thc Univcrsity ol thc Phili ppincs (UP.
Shc has bccn rccognizcd by thc Collcgc ol Arts
and Scicnccs in UP Manila lor thrcc consccutivc
ycars as an outstanding laculty in thc cxtcnsion
Inoolocmcnt in t/c onti mining compoign /os grcotly
cnric/cd t/c lcssons I tcoc/ in t/c uniocrsity,cspcciol ly
sincc /indi ito mo/iropiugnoy so Sociology, modoling
mogomit no ilustrosyon so mgo po/song pinog-
oorolon so /losc.,Ao/o/otulong so pogpopolooo/ ng
/omuloton ot pononoo ng mgo mog-oorol. Fig/ting
[or t/c rig/ts o[indigcnous pcoplcs ond t/osc o[[cctcd
by mining /os bccn on cxtcnsion o[o li[clong strugglc.
It's olrcody port o[my systcm. porong noso dugo /o
no yon,'
Dr. Simbulan is no strangcr to lighting lor thc
plight ol thc marginalizcd. Shc rccalls hcr days
as a studcnt activist during thc martial law and
post-martial law ycars. Shc has craltcd a carccr
in human rights and thc acadcmc tcaching social
and bchavioral scicnccs.
Whcn thc rights ol indigcnous pcoplcs no longcr
nccd protccting that`s whcn wc`ll know our work
is ovcr," Simbulan sharcs. Shc docsn`t ncccssarily
scc all largc scalc mining as wrong, but would
likc to push lor a mining policy, that abovc all,
prioritizcs thc rights ol thc pcoplc and takcs into
account mcasurcs that will mitigatc thc incvitablc
cnvironmcntal dcstruction that mining cntails. Ior
this to happcn, Dr. Simbulan bclicvcd that thc
statc must cxcrcisc political will. Thc problcm
with statc agcncics, according to Simbulan is that
instcad ol promoting thc rights ol IPs and allcctcd
communitics, thcy`rc thc oncs that somctimcs
bow to thc dcmands ol multinational mining
companics. Mining policics arc also craltcd lrom
a lramcwork whcrc thc nccd to attract lorcign
invcstors and raisc rcvcnucs lor thc Statc takc
prcccdcncc ovcr thc obligation to rcspcct and
protcct thc rights ol pcoplcs and communitics.
Shc is awarc thcrc is still a long way to go lor all
thcsc to happcn, but shc would vcry much likc to
scc it through.
thcsc to happcn, but shc would vcry much likc to
123 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 123 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
Youth for Nationalism and Democracy
Atty. Virginia Pinlac is a human rights
lawyer and President of KAISA KA
Osang was ablc to linish hcr studics and carncd
hcr dcgrcc. Shc rcally wants to tcach. But shc
chooscs to tcach outsidc thc lormal school, shc
tcachcs and hclps organizc thc young womcn.
Shc now organizcs thc Kaisa Ka Youth.
Both YND and Kaisa Ka arc mcmbcr-
organizations ol Kilusan Para sa Pambansang
Dcmokrasya and onc ol its major activitics is thc
campaign against dcstructivc mining.
Now, Osang lrcqucnts thc many univcrsitics
in Manila. Shc organizcs lora and round-
tablc discussions among young womcn collcgc
studcnts. Shc tcachcs thc impacts and ill-cllccts ol
dcstructivc mining and thc systcm ol capitalism
that allows dcstructivc mining lor thc sakc ol
Osang may not bc tcaching insidc thc room
ol a big univcrsity, but shc is cvcry inch a rcal
osanna Villcgas is a mcmbcr-organizcr ol
Youth lor Nationalism and Dcmocracy.
Hcr lricnds call hcr Osang".
Osang comcs lrom a poor lamily. Shc has also
witncsscd thc many lorms ol violcncc that hcr
mothcr would sullcr lrom hcr lathcr. Bcing thc
cldcst in a lamily ol livc (5, shc was morc than
dctcrmincd to linish hcr studics, hoping that in
doing so, shc would bc ablc to hclp hcr othcr
siblings, and somchow, changc hcr lamily`s lilc. In
hcr lourth ycar in Bachclor ol Scicncc in Education
in Phili ppinc Normal Collcgc joincd thc Youth lor
Nationalism and Dcmocracy, bclicving that thcrc`s
morc to lcarn outsidc thc lour corncrs ol thc room
and that thc world is bcyond hcr univcrsity.
Chapter 4: National Advocate
124 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 124 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 124 124 124
Sister of St. Paul of Chartres
125 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 125 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
Sr. Eden Orlino, SPC
y namc is Sistcr Edcn Orlino, SPC. I
was invitcd to work in thc Dioccsc ol
Bayombong by Bishop Ramon B. Villcna
in 2000. Thc main apostolatc ol thc Social Action
in Bayombong is ADVOCACY. Advocacy lor thc
cnvironmcnt, human rights and justicc and pcacc.
I honcstly admit that advocacy as an apostolatc is
totally ncw to mc. I havc bccn on a mission lrom
anothcr Dioccsc doing dcvclopmcntal work in thc
rcalm ol Social Action and it was also challcnging
knowing thc lact that my undcrgraduatc prcparation
was music. But noncthclcss my bcing a Sistcr ol St.
Paul ol Chartrcs gavc mc somc initiation to this typc
ol work sincc as a congrcgation, wc arc immcrscd
into thc apostolatc ol cducation, hcalth, pastoral work
and lormation.
As I look back through thc ycars I havc bccn into this
apostolatc, thc lirst qucstion that comcs to mind is:
is thcrc mcaning and rclcvancc doing this advocacy
mission. This qucstion has bccn coming to thc lorc
likc a 'lcit motil` lrom my lamily and lricnds.
I havc just two simplc answcrs to this qucstion:
Doing advocacy work linds its dccpcst mcaning
lrom my vocation as a nun. Advocacy in human
rights protcction, justicc and pcacc, biodivcrsity
conscrvation arc bcst cxprcssions ol God`s lovc
and conccrn lor His 'anawim` and crcation. Doing
advocacy work is doing God`s work.
On a vcry pcrsonal notc,I am now living a 'borrowcd`
lilc,a sccond lilc. I could not thank cnough our Lord
lor thc bcautilul gilt ol canccr which hc gavc mc
twclvc ycars ago and madc cvcn morc bcautilul
and mcaninglul bccausc ol my God-givcn mission
hcrc in thc Dioccsc ol Bayombong.
Morc than commitmcnt and passion, I lind at thc
corc ol my advocacy is a dccp spirituality and
disccrnmcnt that kccps a good balancc in my lilc
as a consccratcd pcrson. Thc balancc that makcs
you stay alloat, no mattcr how rough and tough
thc sailing, somctimcs.
Thc dcmands ol advocacy work arc many. Onc
has to study, rcllcct, pray, plan/makc thc bcst movc,
and put thc pcrson and thc common good as top
priority. Onc has to listcn and listcn morc.
Whcn you do advocacy,you must rcmcmbcr that
at thc cnd ol it,you lcavc a lootprint that is ONE
with thc carlicr lootprints lclt by pcoplc who havc
gonc ahcad and also ONE with thc succccding
lootprints that will bc madc altcr you arc gonc.
Why. Doing advocacy is trcading on a Holy
Ground, and thcrc is only ONE lootprint, that ol
This is my simplc story that I want to sharc.
Advocacy in human
rights protection, justice
and peace, biodiversity
conservation are best
expressions of Gods
love and concern for His
anawim and creation.
Doing advocacy work is
doing Gods work.
Chapter 4: National Advocate
126 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 126
Leading the Way in
Nature Conservation
champion lor thc cnvironmcnt is how
wc all rcgard Ms. Anabcllc E. Plantilla,
Haribon Ioundation`s Chicl Opcrating
Olliccr. Haribon Ioundation is thc country`s pionccr
cnvironmcntal non-govcrnmcnt organization in thc
Phili ppincs. Iondly callcd Ms. A by hcr stall and
collcagucs, shc has spcnt 1o ycars advocating and
campaigning lor biodivcrsity conscrvation, which
includc hcr crusadc against mining.
Hcr campaign against mining in thc country bcgan
in 2005, whcn shc was thcn thc Exccutivc Dircctor
ol Haribon Ioundation. Thc organization had
just launchcd its campaign to gathcr onc million
signaturcs to ban commcrcial logging and mining
in thc rcmaining natural lorcsts ol thc country in thc
immcdiatc altcrmath ol typhoon Winnic in 200! that
wrcakcd havoc in Quczon Provincc. Thousands ol
livcs wcrc lost, hundrcds rcndcrcd homclcss, whilc
discovcring hundrcds ol logs lrom lorcsts wcrc washcd
away by thc llash lloods and landslidcs. This disastcr
pushcd Haribon to takc action, thus thc birth ol thc
signaturc campaign, rcminisccnt ol a similar projcct in
1987 in Palawan, thc last lronticr ol Phili ppinc lorcsts.
But just whcn Haribon cmbarkcd on thc projcct
that ycar, thc govcrnmcnt startcd to aggrcssivcly
push mining as a kcy stratcgy to drivc thc national
cconomy lorward. So Haribon, with its long history
ol collaboration with othcr NGOs and othcr
pcoplcs organization conccrncd about thc thrcats
ol mining, bcgan to takc a morc activc and dircct
actions in anti-mining campaigns.
In 2009, Mangyans accompanicd by church
lcadcrs lrom Mindoro campcd out in lront ol thc
Dcpartmcnt ol Environmcnt and Natural Rcsourccs
(DENR national ollicc to stagc a hungcr strikc to
call thcn Sccrctary Lito Aticnza, to rcvokc thc
cnvironmcntal compliancc ccrtilicatc (ECC issucd
to Intcx Rcsourccs, Inc., to cxtract nickcl and
cobalt in thc lorcsts ol thc island. Shc was ablc to
hclp thcir protcst sct a grcatcr audicncc by asking
broadcastcr Arnold Clavio to intcrvicw thcm in
his radio program. Altcr an outpouring ol support
lrom othcr indigcnous pcoplc`s groups and various
scctors ol thc socicty, thc DENR linally rcvokcd thc
thc ccrtilicatc.
127 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 127 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
This is unlorgcttablc," Anabcllc rccalls. I
partici patc as much as I can in all anti-mining
activitics,thcsc bc cxhibits or cvcnts. Through my
column in Thc Manila Timcs, I am ablc to publish
anti-mining articlcs/position papcrs," shc sharcs.
Asidc lrom supporting dialogucs and mass action,shc
has supportcd thc promulgation ol local lcgislation
that situatcs thc cxtractivc industry within thc social
and cnvironmcntal hcritagc ol thc country. Shc has
lcnt grcat support lor altcrnativc lcgislation,such as
thc Altcrnativc Mining Bill in 2010 by AKBAYAN
rcprcscntativcs and thc Mincrals Managcmcnt Bill
pushcd by Rcprcscntativcs Tcddy Baguilat and
Kaka Bag-ao.
As an advocatc, Anabcllc laccs many challcngcs.
Lobbying lor altcrnativc bills bcing conlrontcd by
somc policy makcrs who protcct vcstcd intcrcst
ovcr and abovc thc public intcrcst, hindcring thc
passagc ol such bills Obtaining inlormation lrom thc
govcrnmcnt has somctimcs provcn dillicult, cvcn
il thcsc should rcadily bc madc availablc to thc
public. Thc govcrnmcnt docs not sccm to gcnuincly
prioritizc cnvironmcntal protcction.
Amid thcsc lrustrations, Haribon as an organization
managcd to accomplish a grcat job in raising
public awarcncss on thc anti-mining campaign,"
Anabcllc rccognizcs. With thc succcsscs and thc
currcnt conlounding challcngcs, shc docs not scc
hcrscll discontinuing hcr cllorts to stop mining
lrom dcstroying thc cnvironmcnt and pcoplc`s livcs,
cspccially ol indigcnous communitics. Thc mining
industry docs not havc crcdibility in thc country.
It purports that it will bring wcalth, but cxpcricncc
shows othcrwisc. Il this is so, thcn why do thc
communitics in Bcnguct rcmain poor, in spitc ol thc
gold that has bccn dug out ol thcir mountains." shc
Anabcllc cnvisions a luturc whcrc thc govcrnmcnt
has clcar policics on thc cnvironmcnt and thc
cxtractivc industrics, whcrc thcrc arc no longcr land-
usc conllicts likc cxcising part ol a protcctcd arca lor
mining. Thcn shc may say shc has succccdcd.
With thc many vcstcd intcrcsts at stakc in thc issuc
ol mining,it is a tall ordcr. But cmboldcncd by thc
small succcsscs ol thc past, and by support lrom
individuals and organizations, Anabcllc vows to
continuc lighting.
Chief Operating Ofcer of Haribon Foundation Inc.
Chapter 4: National Advocate
128 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 128
Fullling A Mission in
A Distant Land
ncc you arc conlrontcd by a rcality
that is brutal, unjust, unlair and so
wrong,you havc no choicc but to try
to ligurc out what you can do about it.`
-- Cathcrin Coumans
Cathcrinc Coumans, rcscarch coordinator ol
MiningWatch Canada camc to thc Phili ppincs to
study libcration thcology as a rcquircmcnt lor hcr
PhD in Cultural Anthropology. But thc impact ol
mining in Marinduquc in 1988 was alrcady vcry
apparcnt that it disturvcd hcr. Shc rcalizcd how
Marcoppcr Mincs (Placcr Domc had distortcd
local politics, dividcd lamily rclationshi ps, and
put morc prcssurcs on thc livcs ol thc pcoplc in
community. Sincc thcn,shc tricd to do somcthing,
shc would writc lor ncwspapcrs,scnd appcal lcttcrs
to govcrnmcnt agcncics and partici patc in Placcr
Domc`s annual gcncral mccting.
During hcr stay in Marinduquc,shc would always
marvcl at thc sitc ol Boac Rivcr, which shc dcscribcd
as a bcautilul and gcncrous wondcr ol naturc. On
March 2!, 199o, a massivc spill lrom thc Marcoppcr
Minc lillcd thc 2o-kilomctcr-long rivcr with 3-!
million tons ol mctal-cnrichcd and acid-gcncrating
tailings. - Though shc was alrcady in Canada thcn,
Cathcrinc strctchcd hcr timc and rcsourccs to
support thc strickcn communitics in Marinduquc.
From Canada she reached out to
a community who loved her back
Shc callcd thc attcntion ol thc mothcr agcncy ol
Placcr Domc in Canada to bc accountablc in thc
disastcrs that thc busincss causcd in Marinduquc.
As lar as Cathcrinc is conccrncd thc cllort ol Placcr
Domc to addrcss thc issuc was not cnough cvcn to
at lcast control thc situation in lavor ol thc allcctcd
communitics, so with thc hclp lrom hcr husband,
shc loundcd thc Intcrnational Calancan Bay
Villagcrs Support Coalition. In 2002, shc rclcascd
a casc study rcport on thc Placcr Domc disastcr,
noting how thc company abandoncd thc minc and
its rcsponsibility to thc pcoplc ol Marinduquc.
What startcd out as a two-ycar rcscarch projcct
bccamc a lilc-long commitmcnt to assist
communitics in linding ways to risc abovc thc
advcrsc impact ol mining and makc thc mining
company accountablc to thcsc.. Shc has writtcn
various articlcs discussing thc urgc nccd to mining
policics to lavor communitics and thc cnvironmcnt
in many countrics and lor mining lirms to changc
thc way thcy handlc thcir busincss.
In 2009,shc was again in Marinduquc,hclping thc
community in drcdging toxic minc wastc out ol thc
Mogpog Rivcr, at thc samc timc aiming to prcvcnt
thc llooding in thc town. Thc community sawthc
urgcnt nccd to do thc drcdging, as ncithcr thc
129 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 129 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
mining company nor thc govcrnmcnt had takcn
concrctc stcps to halt thc contamination ol minc
wastc in thc rivcr.
In january 2012, shc was invitcd by Ir. jocl Tabora,
prcsidcnt ol Atcnco dc Davao Univcrsity, to sharc
hcr cxpcricnccs as an anti-mining advocatc in
thc Intcrnational Mining Conlcrcncc on Mining
in Mindanao. Shc talkcd about global trcnds
in mining. And shc obscrvcd, around thc world,
indigcnous and rcmotc communitics arc thc most
vulncrablc to cncroachmcnt and displaccmcnt. Shc
also sharcd how mining lirms usc militarization to
protcct thcir busincss and disrcgardcd thc rights ol
With thc mining industry claiming to bring
cconomic dcvclopmcnt in its ncxt prcy (thc
communitics, luring pcoplc with cmpty promiscs
ol cducational scholarshi p, assistancc in hcalth
scrviccs and stablc sourcc ol livclihood,Cathcrinc
lramcd it with a lamous movic linc: thc cmpirc
strikcs back". But shc also throws a hcavy qucstion
borrowcd lrom a lamous story: docs thc cmpcror
havc any clothcs." Thc mctaphor thcn says that
mining industry cannot covcr thcir sly tactics
and thc atrocitics thcy brought to pcoplc and thc
On thc sccond day ol thc conlcrcncc (january 27,
thc Chambcr ol Mincs ol thc Phili ppincs (COMP
rclcascd a paid ad in Phili ppinc daily Inquircr
condcmning thc activity and so thc lorcign spcakcrs
including Cathcrinc. In thc lacc ol dcstruction
such as this,Cathcrinc has rcluscd to bc shakcn. In
Icbruary 2012, shc signcd in thc call ol intcrnational
coalitions and organizations lor thc Prcsidcnt ol thc
Phili ppincs to issuc a rationalizc policy on mining
in rcspcct ol thc right ol thc pcoplc and protcction
ol thc cnvironmcnt.
Hcr work in assisting mining allcctcd communitics
lor morc than twcnty ycars shows that thc mission
shc cmbarkcd on in 1988 has bccomc hcr lilc.
Although, shc rccognizcs that thc problcms in
mining may not bc rcsolvcd in hcr lilctimc,shc will
continuc to try doing things and introducing small
actions that could gcncratc morc positivc changcs
in thc community. Evcn shc livcs in thc homc
country ol somc ol thc notorious mining lirms in
thc world - that will not thwart hcr commitmcnt.
Whcthcr shc is in Canada or in thc Phili ppincs or
in othcr parts ol thc world, hcr mission is clcar: hclp
pcoplc in whatcvcr way shc can.
MiningWatch Canada
Chapter 4: National Advocate
130 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 130
The Lawyer. The Activist.
The Congresswoman.
aka is a daughtcr ol Dinagat Island. Shc
uscd to bathc in its rivcrs whcrc hcr latc
mothcr uscd to wash clothcs. Shc would
divc in to its scas to catch a glimpsc ol thc corals
and hikc its mountains to stroll in its rich mossy
lorcsts. Homc to thousands ol spccics, a rcal
biodivcrsity paradisc, thc pristinc littlc island also
a dcclarcd a mincral rcscrvation.
Whcn hcr lamily movcd to Manila, Kaka rccallcd
visiting Dinagat and noticing its muddy-rcd rivcrs
which uscd to irrigatc larm lands,and hcr /oubons
who havc not tastcd thc promisc ol dcvclopmcnt
madc by mining companics whcn thcy camc, thcy
dug, thcy dcstroycd.
It is no wondcr that Dinagat Island and its
strugglcs would bcgct a lawycr-activist Kaka.
Shc was still a studcnt whcn shc bcgan joining
actions involving cnvironmcntal issucs. Whcn shc
linishcd law school, shc joincd Balaod Mindanaw
and Saligan, two altcrnativc law group bascd in
Mindanao. Shc bccamc an altcrnativc lawycr,
Congresswoman, Dumagat Island
AKBAYAN Representative
131 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 131 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
handlcd cnvironmcntal cascs, campaigncd against
thc advcrsc cllccts ol mining to thc cnvironmcnt,
agriculturc, lishcrics, and rights ol indigcnous
pcoplcs. Shc is currcntly involvcd in a casc against
mining in Cantilan, Surigao Sur, whcrc thc mining
claim was issucd in a watcrshcd arca whcrc lour
rivcrs, sustaining lilc in Surigao, run. Shc also
campaigncd against mining in Calatagan, Batangas,
whcrc larmcrs with cmanci pation patcnts wcrc
displaccd in ordcr lor mining companics to cxtract
But Kaka is not just thc lawycr on thc ground.
Altcr rcsting hcr wcary lcct lrom walking 1700 km
in thc lamous Sumilao March, a trck ol larmcrs
lrom Sumilao, Bukidnon to Malacanang in Manila
to drum up support lor thcir plca to gct back thcir
land lrom a privatc individual shc was nominatcd
and latcr on clcctcd as rcprcscntativc ol Akbayan
Partylist in thc 15
Congrcss. With hcr ncw
platlorm, Rcp. Kaka bccamc onc ol thc champions
ol thc Mincrals Managcmcnt Bill or HB 37o3, a
ncw mining policy which would uphold thc rights
ol indigcnous pcoplcs to thcir anccstral domain,
larmcrs to primc agricultural lands, lishcrlolks to
clcan scas, communitics to thcir sharc ol prolit,
and our childrcn to trccs, watcrs, mountains, and
othcr rcsourccs mining would dcstroy il wc would
allow thc currcnt law to stay.
Rcp. Kaka now cclcbratcs thc currcnt public
discussions on mining, thc continuing dclibcrations
in thc Housc ol Rcprcscntativcs on thc ncw bill,
thc ordinanccs and rcsolutions banning mining
in thc localitics,thc Savc Palawan Movcmcnt,thc
SOS-Yamang Bayan, thc cnvironmcntal cascs
lilcd and thc protcction ordcrs grantcd. Shc
says thcrc arc still a lot ol things to bc donc and
shc would continuc to work towards thc vision
ol a Phili ppincs without mining, and making
govcrnmcnt rcalizc that thc progrcss ol this
country lics in thc improvcmcnt ol thc livcs ol its
basic scctors who managc and protcct our mincral
that the progress of
this country lies in the
improvement of the lives
of its basic sectors who
manage and protect our
mineral resources.
Kristine Mendoza works as a lcgislativc
stall in thc ollicc ol Congrcsswoman Kaka
Chapter 4: National Advocate
132 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 132
AKBAYAN Representative
133 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 133 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
Advocate Risa
o bring thc campaign to thc vcry halls
whcrc thc problcm camc lrom, surc was
an obstaclc worth ovcrcoming lor
Advocatc Risa.
Risa Hontivcros - Baraqucl has always bccn a lirm
bclicvcr in cnvironmcntal justicc and happcncd to
bc Akbayan`s rcprcscntativc at thc 1!
A politician and an idcalist, Risa saw no patcnt
contradiction in hcr lot, scrving two tcrms in thc
Housc ol Rcprcscntativcs whcrc shc authorcd a
bill cxtcnding and rclorming thc agrarian rclorm
law and madc chcapcr mcdicincs availablc to thc
public. Along with lcllow Akbayan Rcprcscntativc
Waldcn Bcllo, Dcputy Spcakcr Erin Tanada
and thcn Congrcssman TG Guingona, shc lilcd
thc Altcrnativc Mining Bill, thc lirst attcmpt at
bringing back thc mining issuc into thc body that
bcgot thc Mining Act ol 1995.
It was rcally inspiring to bc part ol this
solid campaign mountcd by cnvironmcntal
NGOs, indigcnous pcoplcs and pcoplc lrom
mining communitics," Risa says rccalling thc
mobilizations shc partici patcd in as rcprcscntativc
ol Akbayan.
Wc kncw whcrc wc stood,our calls havc always
bccn Scrap thc Mining Act" thc challcngc to mc
was to bring thc placards and thc mcgaphonc
insidc thc plcnary not just at thc South Wing
gatc." Risa said it was a tough task, rcpcaling
a law dcsigncd to invitc lorcign invcstmcnts
and crroncously pcrccivcd to bring cconomic
dcvclopmcnt in thc country and cnacting a ncw
onc, with cnvironmcntal protcction, human rights,
and largcr cconomic bcnclits lor Iili pinos as its
corc princi plcs.
Thcsc Congrcsspcrsons havc always catcrcd to
thc intcrcst ol lorcign mining companics. Thc task
assigncd to mc was to changc thcir minds."
It should havc bccn thc normal coursc ol rcpcaling
a law and passing a ncw onc in Congrcss, had
our lcgislativc body bccn a truly dcmocratic onc
Chapter 4: National Advocate
134 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 134
whcrc wc can supposcdly changc our lcadcrs
at rcgular intcrvals callcd clcctions. Whcn Risa
lilcd thc Altcrnativc Mining Bill during thc 1!
Congrcss, shc laccd thc vcry politicians who wcrc
bchind thc Phili ppinc Mining Act ol 1995. Somc
wcrc thc sons and daughtcrs ol thc old ordcr,still
thc Congrcss that thc mining companics had
won morcthan a dccadc ago. Thc Committcc
on Natural Rcsourccs was thcn hcadcd by thc
latc Rcprcscntativc Ignacio Arroyo who rcluscd
to hcar thc bill. Risa also was a mcmbcr ol thc
powcrlcss minority, who at thc rulc ol lormcr
Prcsidcnt Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and hcr
policy ol colonizing thc lowcr housc, did not
rcccivc thcir Priority Dcvclopmcnt Assistancc
Iund. Thcir bills wcrc usually not prioritizcd.
Thc Chambcr ol Mincs also did man-to-man"
on somc mcmbcrs ol thc Congrcss. Thus, Risa
lost thc lirst attcmpt at rcpcaling thc mining act
during thc 1!
Congrcss to thc classic partncrs-
in-crimc, thc mining companics and thc congrcss
thcy patronizcd and nurturcd.
But as tradition gocs, bills that comc lrom thc
progrcssivc movcmcnt takc many Congrcsscs to
bc passcd il it would bc passcd at all. Now, as
thc spokcspcrson ol Akbayan, a pcrccivcd ally
ol Prcsidcnt Aquino, Risa wants to cngagc thc
currcnt administration in cralting its ncw policy
on mincral rcsourccs. Shc said that thc ncw
govcrnmcnt must listcn to thc pcoplc allcctcd by
mining whilc thc movcmcnt continucs prcscnting
altcrnativcs to thc public.
Administrations comc and go, and this may
changc our posts, but until wc gct what thc country
and its pcoplc dcscrvc thcrc is no stopping in
this campaign". To Risa may no longcr bc ablc
to partici patc in thc dclibcrations on thc rc-lilcd
bill, but shc said shc will always bc our Risa, thc
I havc ncvcr bccn anything clsc. I`ll continuc
supporting thc movcmcnt in any way I can.
Huminto. Ano yun.'
These Congresspersons have
always catered to the interest
of foreign mining companies.
The task assigned to me was
to change their minds.
135 Chapter 1: Women in Luzon 135 Chapter 4: Women in the Philippines
Love for Nature
that Never Ends
n 1980s shc livcd in thc slums ol Alrica and
staycd in houscs with no dcccnt toilct slcpt on
thc lloor, and had to lall in linc with thc rcst ol
thc community to gct watcr lor hcr daily usc. This
was hcr lilc during hcr missionary work in Ghana,
Kcnya, and Tanzania - lar lrom thc lilc shc has
livcd in thc Phili ppincs.
Shc is Gina Lopcz or Rcgina Paz Lopcz, managing
dircctor ol ABS-CBN Ioundation, thc brainchild
ol scvcral cducational shows in ABS-CBN as wcll
as thc proponcnt ol Bantay Bata 1o3 and thc
advocacy group, Bantay Kalikasan.
At prcscnt, Gina Lopcz is known lor hcr
cnvironmcntal advocacy. Shc is thc lcad
convcnor ol thc anti-mining group Savc Palawan
Movcmcnt,a multi-scctoral coalition ol conccrncd
cnvironmcntal, lcgal, rcligious, and othcr civic
groups that oppos mining in thc said southcrn
Luzon island provincc. Thc situation in thc
provincc gaincd national attcntion whcn radio
broadcastcr and staunch mining critic Gcrry
Ortcga was shot to dcath in january 2011.
A lcw wccks altcr Ortcga`s murdcr, Lopcz
togcthcr with Pucrto Princcsa City Mayor Edward
Hagcdorn, running pricst" Ir. Robcrt Rcycs, as
wcll as cnvironmcntal organizations, such Alyansa
Tigil Mina, and many othcrs launchcd thc No
to Mining in Palawan" signaturc campaign. Thc
cllort aims to gct tcn million signaturcs to dclivcr
a strong mcssagc to both thc local and thc national
govcrnmcnt that pcoplc not just in Palawan" but
around thc country arc opposing mining in thc
island and that thcy arc standing up to protcct onc
ol thc Phili ppincs` last rcmaining trcasurcs.
Ncarly scvcn million pcoplc havc alrcady signcd
thc pctition. Gina Lopcz considcrs this as hcr
advocacy`s biggcst accomplishmcnt to datc.
According to hcr, it is a sign that Iili pinos arc
linally taking a stand lor thc cnvironmcnt. It`s an
awakcning ol thc pcoplc," shc said.
I lccl that mining in thc Phili ppincs has bccn
badly donc lor thc past 70 ycars. Thcrc is no
such thing as rcsponsiblc mining in an island
ccosystcm. Companics should not brcak thc
bcauty ol agricultural placcs."
Shc is also worricd about thc continucd
prolilcration ol largc-scalc mining opcrations
in thc provinccs. Why don`t thcy clcan up thc
mcss thcy lclt in abandoncd mining sitcs lirst.
Thcy havc to provc to us that thcy arc capablc
ol rchabilitating thosc arcas," Shc citcd Bagacay,
Samar and Atok, Bcnguct as cxamplcs ol thcsc
Chapter 4: National Advocate
136 Stories from the Mines: ...of Struggle, Sisterhood and Solidarity 136
Managing Director, ABS-CBN Foundation
Going up against mining giants havc provc to bc
thc most daunting challcngc lor Lopcz` advocacy
work. In March 2012, Lopcz had a hcatcd
argumcnt with Manucl V. Pangilinan, chairman
ol Philcx mining, thc largcst mining lirm in thc
country. Thc cxchangc was caught on national
tclcvision. Lopcz disputcd thc claim madc by
mining cntitics in a lull pagc ncwspapcr ad last
March that thcy havc collcctivcly paid billions ol
pcsos in taxcs to thc govcrnmcnt.
Ior all thcir billions, what do wc gct in rcturn.
Think about thc damagc donc by mining
corporations to our biodivcrsity, to agriculturc,
and to thc hcalth ol thosc living in thc arca. Thcy
don`t pay lor thcsc damagcs,"
Shc also rcbuttcd thc argumcnt that mining hclps
solvc povcrty. Whcrcvcr largc-scalc mincrs go,
thc communitics arc damagcd. Thcy rcmain
poor. Thc so-callcd cconomic bcnclits do not
bcnclit thc pcoplc. Mining docs not translatc to
community dcvclopmcnt. Wc don`t nccd thcsc
invcstors. Thcy only rapc thc country," Lopcz
Hcr campaign against campaign also brought
hcr to many mining allcctcd communitics in thc
country and by hcrscll, saw thc actual impact ol
mining. Shc had bccn to Compostcla Vallcy, in
Homonhon Island in Samar and Tubay, Agusan
dcl Nortc, whcrc shc took long broadcast
journalist Tcd Iailon to documcnt thc opcrations
ol San Roquc Mctals,Inc.
What thc mincrs do to naturc is vcry grucsomc. I
visit mining placcs and scc hugc holcs cvcrywhcrc
and rcd liquid llowing to thc sca. It is awlul!"
Thc kcy to lighting mining, according to hcr,
is to show pcoplc that thcrc is anothcr way ol
carning without damaging thc cnvironmcnt. Shc
suggcstcd lurthcr boosting cco-tourism on onc
hand whilc promoting local products on thc othcr,
as an altcrnativc. Shc is not hcsitant to usc hcr
lamily`s mcdia conglomcratc to push lor thcsc
advocacics, rcitcrating rcpcatcdly that (hcr
strcngth is markcting." Lopcz adds: Pcoplc do
not havc to risk thcir livcs in mining."
Lopcz docs not scc hcrscll taking a backscat in thc
light against mining anytimc soon, saying that shc
will always havc thc lovc lor thc cnvironmcnt."
Shc addcd: I am in a position to makc a
dillcrcncc." Shc says shc`ll only bc ablc to say
'mission accomplishcd` oncc all Iili pinos havc
takcn a truly cnvironmcntal stand."
Hcr unrclcnting passion lor hcr advocacics
undcrscorcs thc lact that dclcnding thc
cnvironmcnt ncvcr cnds.
Mark Pere Madrona is a lrcclancc journalist
and bloggcr. Hc rcccivcd thc Bcst Tcxt Blog
award in thc 7
Annual PopDcv Mcdia Awards.
What the miners do to
nature is very gruesome.
I visit mining places
and I see huge holes
everywhere and red
liquid owing to the sea.
It is awful!
Chapter 4: National Advocate
Photo by Erwin Mascarias
supportcd by:
Il your mothcr, wilc, sistcr or your
lricnd sharcs thc samc advocacy
with thc womcn lcaturcd in this
book, you can cithcr writc an
cssay about thc milcstonc in thcir
campaigns and actions and scnd it to
OR you can just cmail your
rccommcndations and contact dctails
and wc will coordinatc thc intcrvicw
with you and thcm.
There are more
stories to tell...

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