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Agnes Grace .

f Ilmi XD

Making a news item

Government moves to keep swine flu out of the country

Good morning ladies and gentelmen. This is Ilmi reporting for SBS News. And now im in the house of health minister Siti Fadilah Supari. As we know, recently there are news about swine flu which has spreaded in the same country. The outbreaks of swine flu to be a public health emergency of international concern. This means there is a risk of the new disease spreading to other countries. The government will rely on the preventive measures already in place to curb bird flu to keep the swine flu outbreak out of the country. And beside me there is Mrs. Siti Fadilah Supari as a health minister, we will ask some questions about swine flu. So, Mrs. Siti, good morning ? Morning too. What is your opinion about swine flu and are swine flu or bird flu viruses dangerous ? One reason this illness is more severe is that the virus is so new. And at present, risk of death in humans has not occured in the country or in the other tropical countries. The only difference is that swine flu is milder and spread by pigs. Can this new swine flu virus be easily transmitted from person to person? Almost surely it is transmitted by sneezing and coughing, and by skin-to-skin contact like shaking hands or kissing with an infected person. Unfortunately, the new swine flu virus can be transmitted between humans. How do we know if we've caught swine flu?

The initial symptoms of this flu virus are like those of the regular, annual flu viruses: fever, muscle aches, runny nose, and sore throat. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may be more common with this swine flu than with the regular flu.

How do I protect myself ?

To protect yourself from catching swine flu, take the same steps you would to prevent getting any cold or flu:

Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand cleaners frequently. When you greet people, don't shake hands or exchange kisses. Avoid contact with people with flu symptoms. And to protect others, if you develop sneezing and coughing, be sure to use tissues to wipe your nose and cover your mouth, and to throw the tissues in the trash or toilet bowl.

Can you get swine flu from eating pork? Absolutely not. But, as you probably know, you need to cook pork properly to avoid getting other illnesses that can be spread by undercooked meat. Thanks for the time you give to us and your attention for sharing to us concern swine flu. Ok, your welcome. Thanks for coming too. Ok, ladies and gentlemen thats enough for our interview today. I hope that this can be useful for us. See you tomorrow at the same time and channel only in SBS News.

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