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Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________

sarim - 08/22/11 21:34

#608763 just wanted to share this. e.g. due to the "Non -sense Mutation(STOP Codon)", note that "Truncated Protein" Band appear at the Bottom on SDS-PAGE due to it's smaller size. * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________
technodoctor - 08/22/11 21:43

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thankx :) * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________

sharif0812 - 08/22/11 21:45

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hey thanks sarim for this---do u kno why the truncated one is on the bottom?? * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________
technodoctor - 08/22/11 21:58


@sharif0812....the truncated one is smaller in size and therefore would travel farther. The normal protein is heavier and therefore remains closer to original position. I hope you know that these proteins travel towards the opposite charge in electrical feild...they being -vely charged travel towards + electrode... the lighter the protein, the farther it will go * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________
step1saga - 08/23/11 02:51

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Thanks sarim!! I think you should get be the only person to get a 300 ...and I m sure you'll come pretty darn close :) (also saying this based on your nbme explanations--thanks again) * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________
step1saga - 08/23/11 03:00

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300/99* Im gonna add something about sickle cell on sds page HbA = Is valine( which is a hydrophobic AA)-- so it goes towards the positive charge in the electrodee HbS = neutral HbC= is lysine (positively charged AA)- moves towards the negative electrode * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________
step1saga - 08/23/11 03:03

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does SDS page involve charged electrodes? or just argose gel? * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________
sarim - 08/23/11 04:03


@step1saga thanks for ur nice words.wish u all the best.

SDS-PAGE: -is an Electrophoresis as the name states(SDS-polyacrylamide gel Electrophoresis), so it does involve + and - poles.......BUT separate the protein strands by their "SIZE" (and not by their Intrinsic Charge)

-the gel is prepared with wide range of average Pore sizes -u can read about SDS-PAGE on net, it will help u solve Qs that otherwise seem weird. -Here are some Diagrams in the following links ......if u would like further discussion, i'll be glad to join. Note that the standard molecular wt (on the Lt side) are given as reference and they are spaced out from Top(larger fragments) towards Bottom(Smaller Fragments) good luck.

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* Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________

odin - 08/23/11 19:49

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Thanks, sarim! Very helpful. * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________

step1saga - 08/23/11 20:52

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thanks for the links sarim :) * Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________

sarim - 08/23/11 21:09


:) thanks Note how SDS give out Negative charge to all protein molecules (Masking the protein Intrinsic charge)

step1saga - 08/23/11 21:19

*they can also put it sideways yeah that makes charge to be completely inconsiderable or negligible to have any significant effect so they would definitely not show sickle cell anemia on a SDS. Since defiinitely determined by size. I almost turned my laptop 90 degrees to see the one sideways..
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* Re:Truncated Protein on SDS-PAGE_________

psychmledr - 08/23/11 22:57


Thank you so much :)

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