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A BYTE OF LIFE Tuesday, February 10, 2009

05 11
Battleground at Palamedu Slumdog Millionaire sweeps awards,
this time BAFTA



Ayon Sengupta in conversation with primatologist and author Jane Goo-
dall, who was in the city over the weekend, her friendly primate toy in tow.
» PAGE 03
02 NAMMA CHENNAI ERGO Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For the valentine

Kirtilals is celebrating Valentine’s Day till February
14. Diamond jewellery sets, solitaire rings… there
are many more to choose from. Drop in at Kirtilals
Showroom, 38, C.P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet.

A memorable celebration youngsters with a penchant for

Transfer trouble
W e, the Mphasis CSR team, decided to
celebrate Republic Day with the
Panchayat Union School students at
A senior IPS officer who was re-
cently transferred from Chennai
easy money and posh living are
taking to snatching. The advent
of first-time offenders in this
Neelangarai. Our relationship with the is an angry man these days as he crime is leaving investigators
school started when our team volunteered received three transfers (one was baffled.
to take up computer, spoken English and a punishment transfer) in the last
moral science classes to the students of Money received, three months. The cop apparent-
Cine star’s revenge
classes VI to VIII. ly lashed out at his juniors, in-
The chief guest of the day was Mrs. Devaki but by whom? cluding his driver who drove him Police recently arrested two
from Aseema Trust, who is spreading A hefty sum for investigation to the railway station before he foreign nationals possessing co-
Gandhian principles to the modern world. expenses is being allotted an- headed to his next posting. caine following a tip-off by a well-
She gave a speech on patriotism, Gandhian nually by the state government to known Tamil actress. Reliable
principles and explained in length about
the spinning wheel.
junior cops in the city. But the
juniors complain that the money
First-time police sources reveal that the ac-
tor was in fact an acquaintance of
As part of the celebrations, we conducted
various contests like essay writing,
is never distributed by the top
brass. Reliable sources reveal that
snatchers the apprehended duo as they
were the suppliers of contraband
elocutions, poetry, quiz, drawing, and a ‘money received’ voucher is for- The escalating numbers of for the star. Later, when her rela-
games like running race, frog race and cibly taken from the juniors by chain-snatching incidents in city tionship with the two soured, she
skipping race for the students of classes I to some corrupt seniors for a sum limits have turned into a big hea- decided to land them in the po-
VIII. The students drew the portraits of which wasn’t distributed. dache for the cops. The reason – lice net.
great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi,
Jawaharlal Nehru and B.R. Ambedkar. A
drawing of Jallianwala Bagh massacre really
touched everyone’s
heart. The kids were
happy to receive the
prizes. Cats sleep anywhere ...
The students thanked
all Mphasis volunteers
for handling interactive
classes making it more
enjoyable with games
and other activities.
We thoroughly enjoyed
the day and were
willing to spend more
time with the students.
Of course, each of us
will realise spending
time with innocent kids always makes life
memorable and meaningful.
CSR Education Team, Mphasis an EDS Company

... any table, any chair. With summer setting in on the city, this empty
flower pot seems to be an oasis for this cat. PHOTO: N. SRIDHARAN
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jane of the Jungle

In conversation with the enigmatic Dr.Jane Goodall,
who was in Namma Chennai over the weekend

Dr Goodall’s favourite stuffed monkey

Mr. H is heading to the hospital. hasing hens as a four-year-old at her fa-
Travelling with her for the past 15 ther’s family farm in the English country-
years to more than 60 countries, Mr. H side to following chimpanzees and other
is suffering from a partly severed head apes in African jungles and now globe-
and will be heading off for surgery trotting 300 days a year, Jane Goodall has al-
once Dr. Goodall reaches England. ways been on the move.
Couple of years back Mr. H had a At the ripe age of 75, she is still travelling and
“nose-job” done after an over-zealous sees no chance of slowing down in the near
puppy bit it off somewhere in Africa. future. “When in 2002 Kofi Annan (the then
The last of Dr. Goodall’s earliest UN Secretary General) asked me to be one of
subjects, Fiffy (daughter of the great his Messengers of Peace, I was flabbergasted. I
matriarch Flo) and alpha male Goblin told him ‘Kofi you possibly don’t expect me to
died three years ago. But Fiffy’s travel more.’ And he replied: ‘No Jane, I just
children and grandchildren roam freely want you to continue travelling because I know
in Gombe and Dr. Goodall shares a I can never ask others to travel to places where
special rapport with them. you go.’ And now I feel a compulsion to keep
continuing and I think I will go mad if I stop
suddenly,” she says in an exclusive interview to
Ergo during her recent visit to Namma
From facing initial opposition from the Brit-
ish home government allowing her as a 20-
year-old to travel into the uncharted Tanza-
nian jungles to facing stiff resistance from
conventional primatologists, Dr. Goodall has
seen a lot and has mostly come out on top and
it is safe to say that if there was any Tarzan (her
formative years’ hero) in Africa he would have
been bowled over by this “other Jane”. Recall-
ing her childhood, Dr. Goodall says: “At about
age 10, having discovered Tarzan in the books
and fallen in love with him and been furious
and jealous when he married that other wimpy
Jane – and that’s when the dream began –
when I grow up I shall go to Africa, live with
animals and write books about them.”
Her initial findings showing startling simi-
larities between humans and chimps created a
stir but her persistence and dedication paid off
in the end with all her views gaining gradual
scientific acceptance. Over the years she has
graduated into greater and bigger roles. Multi-
tasking as an author, naturalist, motivational
speaker and teacher over the past two decades,
Dr. Goodall is equally at ease in every sur-
rounding. “Gombe (in Tanzania) is my spiritu-
al home and I still do have my house in
England but I am just a visitor there. I can
never be well-settled in the U. S. But don’t ask
me why,” she explains. “I am comfortable do-
ing everything because I have let my life take
its course. I have never been excited or irritat-
ed. Following the chimpanzees for years with-
out any human contact and with no need for
spoken word has helped me be patient.”
Her youth initiative programme, Roots &
Shoots, is now in over 100 countries, engaged
in social, environmental and wildlife conserva-
tion work. “The young in the world has lot of
ideas. The problem is they are not always get-
ting a chance to bring them out. By bringing

them together we are giving all of us a chance,”

Dr. Goodall feels. “Working in war-torn central
African countries, Latin American rain-forests
and across Asia along with young leaders we
want to break all barriers and surge forward.”

04 TECHNORAMA ERGO Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Evil King
Why abhor evil when you can play
them on your PC? King Ceville,
the PC game release this month,
King Ceville
allows user to be a little evil. combines
some wacky

ames bring out all kinds of in a horror film. And the game’s
traits in a person and this comic book-style art pokes plenty humour and
applies especially to com- of fun at the evil king and a host of
puter and video games. other topics. role-play. For
Sometimes, living virtually
means taking on the role of a
Atmosphere is provided by the
game’s voice artists. The actress,
those who
fighter for a good cause, becom-
ing a warrior slaying a dragon to
who dubs Angelina Jolie’s voice in
German-language versions of
think that is
save a princess and other times it Hollywood movies, provides gaming for
means conquering the world. On some of them. Additionally, the
other occasions, it means shep- German actor, who provides the wimps, there
herding a group of virtual people voice for Bilbo Baggins in the
through their everyday existences Lord of the Rings movies, also is F.E.A.R 2
and helping them realize their
provides the voice for the king,
another sign that the game devel-
releasing this
The opportunity of playing a
baddie does not come often - and
opers at Boxed Dreams in Munich
have a sense of humour. Publish-
month, need
to have fun in the process. But er Kalypso Media plans to release we say
that is exactly what Ceville hopes Ceville on February 19.
to accomplish when it’s released Ubisoft is sticking to familiar another feel
in February. Another game, territory with its CSI:NY game.
Grand Ages: Rome, allows people Based on the popular television good rip them
o take on the role of a city mayor.
Then, there’s the usual mix of ac-
series, CSI:NY requires players to
solve murders in New York. A new
all off first
tion and adventure titles.
The name, Ceville, probably
twist allows players to step into
the shoes of some of the series’
does not yet ring a bell for most best-known characters. The game shooter.
people as it’s a brand-new game allows you to listen to suspects’
and not simply a sequel to a pop- testimonies and hunt for clues.
ular game series. But plenty of the Additional mini-games allow
content will seem familiar to players to investigate shooting to set up manufacturing industri- various times and ages. Accord- is using supernatural powers to
anyone who has played a point- angles or crack codes. The inves- es and take care of the workers ing to Kalypso Media, the game vent her anger on the town of Au-
and-click game that involves tigations begin on February 12. there. Grand Ages: Rome might should be available starting Feb- burn. A special unit is set up to
searching rooms for clues to the Players of Grand Ages: Rome will be a new title, but it borrows ruary 26. But the pace may be too fight her and hordes of gruesome
next step in solving an adventure. not be able to build a metropolis heavily from city-building simu- slow for some gamers. They assistants. Producer Warner
But, unlike other games of the like New York, but they will be lators set in the Roman era, like might want more action, which a Brothers promises that the game
genre, which focus on fantasy, able to build some nice settle- the Caesar series. Grand Ages is game like F.E.A.R. 2 - Project Ori- will be packed with action, mostly
adventures or crimes, this one is ments in ancient Roman style. actually the successor to Imperi- gin is more than willing to pro- in the form of exciting battles.
about experiencing life from the Your job is to create a town out of um Romanum. The renaming vide. The sequel is a pure F.E.A.R. 2 is expected to hit
perspective of King Ceville. His nothing. But after picking the site was needed to pave the way for a adventure offshoot from other shelves on February 13. ■
brand of evil is not like that found of the city, the virtual mayor has series of Grand Ages games in fantasy games. A girl named Alma DPA
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Hello Backpackers,
Send us pictures of your team or family
outing with a small write-up on the place,
mentioning why the trip was special, how you
got there or any interesting travel experience
for that matter.

An encounter with the

bulls of Palamedu
SRIDHAR LAKSHMANAN charging some scampered under from the word salli (meaning
the poll barricade and some coins) and kattu (meaning bun-

allikattu has been the event I climbed upon it. The Collector dle), signifying the bundle of gold
have been waiting for. Last was virtually pleading with the coins that used to be tied to the
year, when I went armed tamers not to hold the bull by its bull’s horns, which the winner
with my photo gear to shoot tail or use a lasso as it was a Su- could claim. Today, it is almirahs,
the Alanganallur Jallikattu, I preme Court guideline, and if cycles, copper vessels, new
hardly managed to capture any- they violated the game would be clothes and cash that are offered
thing but the rear of more than a suspended. as prizes.
hundred bulls. This year, I was However, there was an emer- Two strange events stand out
better prepared to shoot pictures gency ambulance and medical in my mind. One, where a bull
from a prime spot. officers nearby to help the in- stood right in the middle of the
At 11 a.m., I was at Palamedu, jured and a team from the Animal arena, surrounded by about 30
which is some 20 kms from Alan- Welfare Board to ensure that the men but not allowing even one to
ganallur. The crowd had begun to bulls were treated properly. come anywhere near it. Inviting
throng in large numbers to wit- them by digging the earth with its
ness one of the most brutal con- Thus goes history horns and hooves. It remained
flicts between man and animal. The game was traditionally unconquered till the end and the
Initially, the bulls of Palamedu meant to promote valour in owner had to be called to take it
were let loose and as tradition young men and as a means for away.
The Supreme Court has banned goes these were not to be touched young women to choose their The second was when a bull re-
let alone tamed. Later, the other husbands. Another story says that fused to leave from the entry
jallikattu, but alongside the restless bulls were let loose. After some some human sacrifice had to be point to the arena as it was abso-
caustic sarcasm from the com- offered to the local goddess, and lutely petrified. It was forced to
villagers who have to show their mentator to the sissy bull-fight- fearing pestilence. If it was not leave, but it only refused. Finally,
valour through the rural sport, we had ers, the action began. The men
started to hold the bulls by the
done, it was decided that the
most non-controversial way to do
the owner had to come with a las-
so and drag it out of the arena. ■
a reader who captured it up-close hump and run along with it, it was to conduct a sport where (The writer works with Satyam.
some managed to catch it by its life was at stake. For more photos visit
horns. When the bulls came The game derives its name
06 VILLAGE ERGO Tuesday, February 10, 2009

World’s worst driver

An elderly woman in South Korea has failed her
driving test for the 771st time. But the 68-year-old
has no intention of giving up - despite taking and
failing a test almost every working day since 2005.

Zakir Hussain wins Grammy Alpine ice man was

Indian tabla maestro Zakir Hussain has won the Grammy
award as part of the winning team that created the bludgeoned and then shot
Global Drum project. The Global Drum was nominated The famous
under the Best Contemporary World Music Album Alpine ice man,
category. Hussain shares the honour with Mickey Hart, whose 5,000-year-
Sikiru Adepoju and Giovanni Hidalgo. The Global Drum old mummified
tour brought Hart, Hussain, Adepoju and Hidalgo body was
together in a reunion sparked by the 15th anniversary discovered in a
of the ground-breaking album Planet Drum. Released in melting glacier,
1991 on the Rykodisc label it went on to earn the first- was bludgeoned
ever Grammy Award in the World Music category. and then finished
IANS off with an arrow
by prehistoric
according to a
Tamil Canadian watches TV for 72 team of German researchers.
Adding new clues to the Stone Age riddle, the paleo-
hours, sets Guinness record forensic scientists at Ludwig Maximilians University of
Sri Lanka-born, Toronto-based Suresh Joachim, who already Munich say they can now prove that the Oetz Valley
has 53 Guinness records to his credit, set another on Glacier man, dubbed Oetzi, did not die of exposure after
Sunday by watching television non-stop for 72 hours in having suffered a non-lethal blow with a blunt object,
Stockholm. In the process, the 39-year-old of Tamil origin possibly a stone from a slingshot. Instead, his attackers
broke his own previous record of 69 hours and 48 minutes shot him with a flint-tipped arrow to make sure he was a
established in September 2005 at the ABC studios in New goner, according to the experts. “He only lived for a short
York. A holder of many Guinness records, Joachim was time after the arrow impact,” said Andreas Nerlich, who
invited by Sweden’s headed the study.
television TV4 network DPA
to compete against a
Swedish challenger.
The shy unassuming
Joachim, who lives
with his wife in the Man dumps wife on Facebook
city of Mississauga on A British man ended his marriage by dumping his wife on
the outskirts of the social networking website Facebook. Emma Brady, 35,
Toronto, said he spent claims she only learnt her husband was divorcing her only
his time watching when he changed his status on the site to read: “Neil
episodes of a drama Brady has ended his marriage to Emma Brady.” She also
series and drinking claims she only discovered that she was being divorced
cups of coffee. His when she was telephoned by concerned friends who had
record-breaking feat read the update. The mother of one faced further
began at 8 p.m. humiliation when other users began adding comments.
Thursday and ended The couple no longer live together but have yet to begin
Sunday evening. formal divorce proceedings.

Thalidomide ‘was developed by the Nazis’

T halidomide, the morning sick-
ness drug which caused many
women to give birth to deformed
the Director of the Thalidomide
Trust, who led the team, thalido-
mide was developed by Third Reich
as saying: “It is now appearing in-
creasingly likely that thalidomide
was the last war crime of the Nazis.”
babies, was first developed by the scientist, Otto Ambros, as an anti- Moreover, Grunenthal’s 1954
Nazis under Adolf Hitler as part of dote to nerve toxins before he went thalidomide patent also indicated
their chemical weapons pro- to Grunenthal after the war. Dr that the morning sickness drug had
gramme, according to a new study. Johnson was quoted by The Times already been tested on humans be-
It was earlier thought to have fore official tests began worldwide
been invented in the early 1950s by for its use, he said. Meanwhile, Car-
German firm Chemie Grunenthal, los De Napoli, an Argentinean au-
before its use by pregnant woman
The drug was tested on thor of an upcoming book on Nazi
worldwide from 1957 to 1961, lead- prisoners at scientists has claimed to have
ing to the birth of 10,000 babies in concentration camps in found a document which reveals
Europe and Africa with deformities. thalidomide has its origins in Hit-
Now, a team has claimed that thali- Germany by the Nazis ler’s laboratories in Germany.
domide was tested on prisoners at to determine whether it “There is absolutely no doubt of the
concentration camps in Germany Nazi development of and experi-
by the Nazis to determine whether
could act as an antidote mentation with thalidomide in the
it could act as an antidote to nerve to nerve gas in case of World War two camps,” he was
gas in case of a chemical warfare. a chemical warfare quoted as saying. ■
According to Dr Martin Johnson, PTI
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Websites of the day
Explore National Geographic Online - a world leader in geography, cartography and exploration. http://
Lonely Planet offers travel advice, detailed maps, travel news, popular message boards and health
information. Also lists information and updates regarding guidebooks.

Half of Chinese toy

makers wiped out in crisis
early half of China’s toy mak- Smart Union, a Hong
ers closed last year due to
shrinking exports brought Kong-listed maker of
about by the global financial products for US giants
crisis, Chinese media reported Mon-
Mattel and Disney, shut
At the start of 2008, China had 8,610 down in October last
companies that produced and export- year, causing 7,000
ed toys, but by the end of the year,
that number had declined by 49 per- people to lose their jobs
cent to 4,388, the Beijing Times said,
citing customs data. Chinese toy ex-
ports grew marginally in 2008 by 1.8 nomic crisis struck.
percent to 8.6 billion dollars, but the Recalls around the world of danger-
overall figure masked a dramatically ous Chinese-made toys severely tar-
worsening performance towards the nished the industry’s reputation,
end of the year, according to the pa- while rising labour and land costs also
per. caused problems.
In November, toy exports declined Adding to the woes, India banned
by 8.6 percent from the same month a Chinese toy imports in late January
year earlier, while December marked for six months, triggering trade ten-
a drop of 7.6 percent, the paper said. sions between the world’s two biggest
China’s southern province of emerging economies.
Guangdong, which produces roughly In reaction, Chinese officials are
half of the world’s toys, has seen some now deciding whether they should
large-scale factory closures. appeal to the WTO Dispute Settle-
Smart Union, a Hong Kong-listed ment Body, state media said last
maker of products for US giants Mat- week. Overall, China’s exports have
tel and Disney, shut down in October also been hit hard by the crisis, with
last year, causing 7,000 people to lose shipments abroad declining for the
their jobs. first time in seven years in November
China’s toy industry had already and December. ■
been facing problems before the eco- AFP

Salman Rushdie’s It’s celebration time

latest arm candy
F our failed marriages have not stopped Sir
Salman Rushdie from being a charmer or
so it seemed after the stunning Pia Glenn
was recently spotted on his arm.
The Booker prize-winning author, who
parted ways with the beautiful Top Chef
host Padma Lakshmi in 2007, was seen with
Glenn, 29 years his junior, at Mansion’s
opening-night party.
On being questioned what their relation-
ship should be called, Rushdie agreed to
nothing less than “lucky”.
“That’s a good word. She’s unbelievably
talented. She’s a show-stopper, isn’t she?”
the New York Daily News quoted him as
The 61-year-old has previously stated
that he no longer harboured intentions of 쒀
tying the knot again, though he did not rule The Booker prize- Villagers wear traditional costumes as they perform Zou Madeng to celebrate
out the possibility of falling in love. winning author was the Chinese Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao) in Hefei, central China’s Anhui province
The writer faced serious trouble with his seen with Pia February 8. Lantern Festival or Yuan Xiao, is one the key traditional Chinese
fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, in 1988, for festivals, which falls on the 15th day of the first month in the Chinese lunar
which he landed with death threats and a Glenn, 29 years his calendar, on the first full moon night of the new year. People celebrate the
fatwa from Muslim protestors. junior, at a party festival, by watching lanterns, guess riddles and eating dumplings. AFP PHOTO
08 SPORT ERGO Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Atwal finishes tied 53rd

Arjun Atwal signed off exactly the way he had kicked off,
turning in an even-par 72 in the final round to finish tied 53rd
in the USD 5.3 million Buick Invitational golf tournament in San
Diego. Atwal finished with an aggregate of four-over 292 to
pocket US$ 12, 270 apart from 16.50 FedExCup points.

Bichel calls it a day

Former Australian Test fast bowler Andy
Bichel on Monday announced his retirement
bandwagon rolls on
from first-class cricket after 17 seasons.
Bichel, 38, who played 19 Tests and 67 One-
Day Internationals for
Australia, said he had
been forced to quit
because of an ongoing
shoulder problem since
having reconstructive Hungry Eto’o keeps scoring
surgery 14 months ago.
“I don’t want to let
anyone down,” Bichel
said on Monday. “It (the
shoulder) is good
enough for grade (club)
cricket, but I didn’t want to get out there
(for Queensland) and not do what I used to
do.” Bichel captured 58 Test wickets at 32.24
and hit 355 runs with a highest score of 71.
He finished two games short of 100 first-
class matches for Queensland, but still
chalked up an impressive list of milestones
and achievements. He is the second-highest
first-class wicket-taker in Queensland history
with 463 wickets, behind only Michael
Kasprowicz (505) and is the third-highest
wicket-taker in Australian first-class domestic
cricket, behind leg-spinner Clarrie Grimmett
and Kasprowicz.
Bichel played 176 matches for Queensland
(98 first-class and 78 one-day) and was a
member of four first-class championship
teams and three one-day title-winning sides
for his state.

Barcelona’s Samuel Eto’o (left) is congratulated by team-mate Thierry Henri (right) after scoring during the
Underwater billiards Liga match against Sporting Gijon at the New Camp Stadium in Barcelona. PHOTO: AFP
Scuba diver Sabir Bux took on national-level
billiards player Ahsan ul-Haque during a

game under the surface of the Bay of amuel Eto’o scored twice as than going for a second goal. effort into the corner. Alves made
Bengal off the coast of Orissa, which they Barcelona beat Sporting Gi- Guardiola reshuffled the Barcelo- it 3-0 with a great solo goal before
say was the first such attempt in the world. jon 3-1 at Camp Nou to re- na backline with central defen- Gijon pulled one back through
The game was played off the coast of establish their 12-point ad- ders Rafael Marquez and Gerard Kike Mateo three minutes later.
Gopalpur, some 180 km from state capital vantage over Real Madrid at the Pique, called into the Spain Eto’o was denied a hat-trick by
Bhubaneswar, for over an hour on Sunday. top of the Spanish table. Eto’o squad for Wednesday’s friendly the post while Henry could have
“It was a trial match. We will play a match scored in the 23rd and 40th min- with England, both suspended. got three himself after spurning
to set a world record later on,” Bux said. He utes on Sunday to take his perso- Carles Puyol returned from in- several chances.
plans to play at least 10 more trial matches nal tally to 21 for the season with jury and Uruguayan international “We came here with the idea of
before going for the final record attempt. Valencia’s David Villa his nearest Martin Caceres, a 16.5 million giving them a fright but they gave
An 8x4 sq ft iron table weigh 62 kg was rival on 17. Euro signing from Villarreal, had us a fright,” admitted Sporting
installed about 20 feet deep in the water Brazilian Dani Alves added a a rare start in central defence. Ca- coach Manolo Preciado. “When
and special balls were used. Four students third in the second half as Barce- ceres had a quiet night as Barce- you are on the pitch you realise
of the Kalinga Divers lona eased to their 10th succes- lona had Sporting on the back that this (Barcelona) is the best
institute assisted sive league win. “Alves never gets foot from the start and deservedly team in the world. They have eve-
them. The institute tired and is an extraordinary took the lead on 23 minutes. rything - fighting spirit, physical
was set up by 43- player while Eto’o is helping us a Sporting had a corner but when strength and the right attitude.”
year-old Bux to lot with his goals and work rate,” the ball was cleared the hosts New Atletico Madrid coach
provide training in said Barca coach Pep Guardiola. launched a lightning quick coun- Abel Resino had a memorable de-
scuba diving. It has “We got our intensity back to- ter-attack with Andres Iniesta but as his side defeated Recreati-
produced over 100 night and switched well from de- carrying the ball at pace before vo Huelva 3-0 to record their first
professional divers fence to attack. There are fewer feeding Thierry Henry who win in 2009. Resino replaced the
till now. games left now but there are a lot crossed for Eto’o to tap in. sacked Javier Aguirre this week
Bux, a man with a of things that can still happen.” and the change of manager had
fascination for both music and diving, has Sweet 100 the desired effect as Atletico
already filmed music videos underwater, Winning ways It was Barcelona’s 100th goal closed to within two points of
both in the Bay of Bengal and in the Champions Real notched their this season in all competitions fourth-placed Valencia. Sergio
Mahanadi River. seventh win on the spin with a but they weren’t resting on their Kun Aguero scored after just two
IANS 1-0 triumph over Racing Santan- laurels as Eto’o scored again minutes and Diego Forlan hit a
der on Saturday but they were shortly before half-time. Picking quick-fire brace to wrap up the
jeered off by their own fans for up a Lionel Messi pass, Eto’o points. ■
clinging to the slender lead rather jinked inside before smashing his AFP
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

IPL has benefited players a lot and has provided opportunities to play as a
team with international players who come out with different tactics. The IPL
series would be ideal preparation for most of our guys before going for the
Twenty20 World Cup tournament a few weeks later.
Mahela Jayawardena on the role IPL will play ahead of the ICC Twenty20 World Cup to be held in England in June

Profitable International
sabbatical exile
promises rich
rewards for
xile from international cricket could make An-
drew Symonds richer by almost one million
dollars as the troubled Australian all-rounder,
if ignored for the April ODI series against Pa-
kistan, will get to play the entire duration of the
lucrative Indian Premier League.
The 33-year-old is undergoing rehabilitation
and counselling after being declared unavail-
able for selection by Cricket Australia, which cit-
ed his lack of commitment as the reason to ignore
him for the time being. He will miss the Test tour of
South Africa which follows the ongoing One-Day
series against New Zealand. If he sits out of the
Pakistan series as well, he would be free to
play for his IPL team Hyderabad Deccan
Chargers for the entire duration of the
Twenty20 event.

Good for IPL

“Any decision by CA to block
Symonds from playing in the
Pakistan series – to be played
in the United Arab Emirates
– will enable the Queenslan-
der to be available for the
entire duration of the cash-
crazy Indian Premier League.
Symonds’ IPL deal with Dec-
can is valued at 1.47 million
dollars and he will pocket every
cent if he plays out the six-week
tournament,” the Sunday Herald
Sun reported.
“If he is not picked in the Aus-
tralian team, I would like to see
him here for the whole tournament.
That would be great,” IPL commis-
sioner Lalit Modi said. “He would be a
wonderful asset. If there was a ban on
him by the ICC, that is one thing, but he
has not made any derogatory com-
ments or done anything wrong as far as
the IPL is concerned,” he added.

No stopping him
CA spokesman Peter Young said the
Board would not come in the way of
Symonds’ IPL participation if he is ig-
nored for the Pakistan series. “We’re
not going to stop people going to the
IPL if they have IPL contracts. We have
our first claim over their time (re-
quired for Australia), part of the go-
vernance that the IPL accepts,”
Young said. “But if they are not play-
ing for us and choose to go to the
IPL, that is their business, so long as
they report back fresh for Australia.
Depending on the details we finalise
with Pakistan, Andrew could be
playing cricket for Australia for the
first part of the IPL,” he added. ■
10 FLICK ERGO Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I do not want a Grammy

Sinead O’Connor is the only artiste to
refuse a Grammy, declining to accept
the award for Best Alternative Music
Performance for ‘I Do No Want What I
Haven’t Got’ in 1990.

Robert PLant and

Alison Krauss
nabbed five
awards for their
Plant & Krauss,
Coldplay dominate
album Raising


usical odd couple Robert Vida’, and rapper Lil Wayne, with Rock Album for ‘Vi- star-studded line-up of artistes
Plant and Alison Krauss four. va La Vida’. due to perform.
stole the show at the “I’d like to say I’m bewildered,” “Thank you and Police in Los Angeles con-
Grammys on Sunday, Plant told the audience after col- sorry for blatantly firmed they were questioning Ri-
dominating the prestigious gala lecting Album of the Year, the fi- recycling the Ser- hanna’s boyfriend,
with their groundbreaking rock- nal award of the night. geant Pepper al- singer-songwriter Chris Brown,
country collaboration to nab five “It’s been a wonderful time,” bum,” Coldplay in connection with an allegation
awards. added bluegrass queen Krauss, drummer Will of domestic violence.
Led Zeppelin frontman Plant who has now won a staggering to- Champion said The 20-year-old Barbados-
and country icon Krauss led the tal of 26 Grammys during her ca- after collecting born singer had been due to per-
field, winning the coveted Album reer, a record for a female the song of the form early in the show but orga-
of the Year honour and Record of performer. Plant and Krauss also year award, in nizers abruptly announced
the Year prize for work stemming won Grammys for Best Country comments directed her withdrawal just before
from their acclaimed Raising Collaboration with Vocals, Best at Beatles legend Paul the event.
Sand album. Pop Collaboration, Best Contem- McCartney. Meanwhile, tragic sing-
Other big winners at Los An- porary Folk/Americana Album, Meanwhile, as the awards er Jennifer Hudson won
geles’ Staples Center included and Record of the Year. unfolded, a behind-the-scenes the first Grammy of her
British supergroup Coldplay, Coldplay’s trio of awards came drama involving pop singer Ri- career after triumph-
which won three awards, includ- for Song of the Year, Best Pop hanna forced organisers to make ing in the best R&B al-
ing song of the year for ‘Viva la Performance by a Group and Best an 11th hour change to their bum category.
Hudson, 27, who is
re-emerging into the
spotlight after the
Coldplay got three Grammys -- murders of her
Song of the Year, Best Pop mother, brother
Performance by a Group and Best and nephew last
Rock Album year, won for her
album Jennifer
“I don’t really
know what to
say,” said
Hudson, her
voice crack-
ing with
after she
Jennifer Hudson Houston. “I
shows off her would like to thank
Grammy in Best my family in heaven and
R&B Album those that are here today. I just
category. PHOTO: AFP don’t know where to start. Every-
body, thank you all.” ■
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Billu minus barber
Shah Rukh Khan has decided to drop the word ‘barber’ from the film
posters of his home production, Billu Barber, after a section of
hairdressers objected to the word terming it as ‘derogatory’. “I
understand the emotions and I respect it… We will try and remove
the word ‘Barber’ from the posters,” said Khan.

Slumdog, again No cry baby, this

W ill Smith, Hollywood’s daredevil hero famous
for shooting down aliens and zombies,
admitted on Monday he found it more
frightening to handle the intense emotions
involved in his latest movie, Seven Pounds.
“It’s very terrifying for me as an artiste to make
a movie with no aliens, no explosions and no
special effects,” the 40-year-old told a news
conference in Tokyo to promote the movie. “I
generally do not cry in real life,” he said.
In the film, Smith’s character sets out on a
mission to change the lives of seven people
after feeling guilty about a car accident in
which seven others died.
The film has been
Mickey Rourke wins in directed by Gabriele
best leading actor Muccino, who also
category for his role in worked with Smith on
The Wrestler the 2006 rag-to-riches
story, The Pursuit of
Smith said his
trick for crying
scenes was
Slumdog Millionaire wins five actually to try
to hold back his
awards at BAFTA. Many see tears on
this as Oscar indicator “When you’re
trying not to
cry it’s much

lumdog Millionaire swept seven, including best
the board at the British A-director for Danny more painful
cademy Film Awards (BAF- Boyle, best adapted for the audience
TAs) in London on Sunday screenplay for Simon than when you
with seven prizes including best Beaufoy and the music, cin- watch someone who’s
film. ematography, editing and sound Penelope Cruz chosen best trying to cry,” he said.
In a star-studded ceremony, prizes. supporting actress. PHOTOS: AFP “It’s very rare in life
Kate Winslet also picked up the Before the ceremony, fans that you’re actually
BAFTA for leading actress for herbraved the rain outside the Royal She will be up against Streep and trying to cry,” he said.
role as a former Nazi prison campOpera House in London’s Covent Jolie again at the Oscars. Rourke’s “The fight of trying
guard in The Reader, while Mick- Garden, jostling for a chance at win secures his comeback after not to cry is what
ey Rourke took the an autograph from one of the A- years in the wilderness, and in his looks powerful on
leading actor listers present, including Brad speech he thanked director Dar- screen.” ■
gong for The Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Robert ren Aronofsky. Heath Ledger was
Wrestler. Downey Jr. awarded with a posthumous
Slumdog Dev Patel seemed as star- BAFTA for best supporting actor
Millionaire struck as anyone – he was for his menacing performance as
had been nominated for leading actor the Joker in the latest Batman
nominated but said he never expected to movie, The Dark Knight.
for 11 awards
and took
win, and the main thing he
wanted from the night was to
Penelope Cruz won best sup-
porting actress for her role in Sons and fathers
home meet Pitt.
“I’m 18 years old and
I’m at the BAFTAs!’ said
Woody Allen’s sparky romantic
drama, Vicky Cristina Barcelona,
an honour she said came as a
J ean-Claude Van Damme
is planning to resurrect
his acting career in a bid to
Patel, who lives with complete shock. “I’m so happy, win back his youngest son.
his parents and sister so excited, so surprised,” she The hunk’s personal life
in Harrow, north-west said. The BAFTAs have grown in and career hit rock bottom
London. prominence in recent years and in the 1990s and following
Winslet beat rivals are now seen as one indicator of a nasty divorce from his
Jolie, Kristin Scott who will win the film industry’s fourth wife Darcy LaPier in
Thomas and Meryl biggest gongs, the Oscars. 1997, he lost access to his
Streep to take the Last year, the winners of BAF- youngest son, 13-year-old Nicholas.
second BAFTA of TA’s four acting categories went The star, who has been dubbed the ‘Muscles from
her career – she won on to win the equivalent Acade- Brussels’, told Britain’s The Sun newspaper: “The
best supporting ac- my Awards – although Atonement only way I can bring my son back is to be
tress in 1995 – and won best film here only to lose successful again as they were saying to him, ‘Your
her second award for out to No Country for Old Men in father is a loser.’” ■
The Reader after a Hollywood. ■ ANI
Kate Winslet with her Golden Globe last month. AFP
best leading actress award
12 ERGO Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday’s Question:
If you are asked to buy
one expensive accessory
with a 75% discount,
what would you like to
buy and why?
■ I’ll get a BMW.
Mohan Kumar,
Tata Consultancy Services

■ A helicopter due to Chennai traffic.


■ Platinum necklace set as that is

something valuable for future. Swathi Bonthala from TCS has nominated her team mates as Partners in Crime. This picture is taken
Serena D’souza,
at Boat House on ECR Road
Allsec Technologies

■ 100000 shares of Satyam, IT will

bounce back.
Wipro Technologies

■ Buy Innova car as it is my dream. I

want to achieve my dream in less cost.
Mahi, Anandhi,
Sangu, Pavi,
Wipro Technologies

■ I’ll buy diamonds.

Wipro Technologies

■ Car used in Karakattakaran film (which

is used by "soppana sundari"
■ A new brand Apache bike.
Keshav from Wipro Technologies has nominated his friends as Partners in Crime. This pic was
Tata Consultancy Services
clicked at Kishkinta.

■ A high quality laptop with every latest

versions of all the software available and
with extreme configuration of high
performance hardware available.
InfoView Technologies,

■ Gold – for the price it is being offered

and its resale value.
Saravana Kumar Y.V,

Today’s Query:
Of all the Indian cricket
captains who is your
favourite and why?
Karthic Ghanesh from iNautix Technologies has nominated his freinds as Partners in Crime.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunil Kumar T. of Ramco Systems Ltd has been nominated ■ Hi Rajameenakshi,

as Office Angel by Ramprasad R. Engal Manamarntha Pirandha Nal Nalvalthukkal
Wish you many more happy returns of the day.
It is hard to see such a friendly person like him. Highly Live Long Life
motivating and would always be the centre of our group. His With Best Wishes
team spirit during working hours and during leisure is always From - WK-TCOE
the best. TCS

■ Dear DR Danapal,
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight and
wipes wrinkle away.
Hope you share lots and receive lots for days to
Kick off your shoes;
Take a break;
Dance and Shake;
Light the candles;
Cut the cake make;
It is a day that is simply great.
Happy Birthday Dana alias DR. Vijay.
With Tons of Luv,
Art featured in this column will receive gift cou- Route No. 4 Friends,
pons from Fruit Shop on Greams Road. Send in Scope International
your addresses so that we can post the coupons.
■ Dear Archana,
Wish you many many more Happy Returns of the
Day and joy filled life!
Have a nice time at MGM.
Wishes from one and all!
With Cheers,
Vinothini Pachaiyappan of Ranjane, Balaji, et al.
Infosys doodled this.
■ Dear Affi,
May God shower all the blessings on you.
May the coming years bring lots of happiness and
cherish in your life. We wish that all your dreams
come true.
With Love,
Wipro Technologies.

■ Dear Deepa,
On your Birthday,here comes our hearty wishes…
May you achieve success and happiness in the year
Wishing you a many more happy returns of the
Meena, Karthi..
Wipro Technologies.

■ Dear Aryamol,
Wishing you a very Happy & Memorable Birthday.
May God bless you and all your dreams come true.
With Lots of Love,
Amal, Vinu, John & Midhun
Wipro Technologies

1. In a bakery shop: ■ Dear Britto,

Parthiban: Unga kadaila ella bun’num kidaikkuma? Happy Birthday to You & May God Bless you.
Vadivel: Hmmmm…. May this day be the beginning of another special
Parti: Ok 1kg rib’bon, 2kg Car’bon kodu… year.Let this birthday bring you lot of joy and
Vadivel: Avana nee……….??????? happiness in your life!
A Warm Birthday Wishes from All of us! I wish all
2. Principal: Eanda late? your dreams will soon come true!!
Student: Bike puncher sir With love,
Princ: Busla varalam la…. Bhavani Ananthan.
Stud: Varalam…. Aanna, Bus vanga vasathi illa sir….. Team Beacon.
Shiva Kumar A., HCL Technologies Ltd.
Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd
14 TRAFFIC JAM ERGO Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baywatch Bilbo
Britian’s sole lifeguard dog Bilbo is starring in a Baywatch
style video appeal in a plea to get his job back. The 90kg
(14 stone) Newfoundland was banned from roving his
beach despite helping to rescue dozens of people.


This spider has

built its web in
a hut thatched
with coconut
leaves. Karun
Palaniswamy of
spotted its home
behind his
house in

So you think you would make a terrific photographer but never really had the
platform? Mail us your best work and we’ll publish it in this space, with credit.

Editor: Karthik Subramanian

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Dy Chief Designer: R. Ravi Kannan
Illustrator: R. Venugopal

Technical Support:
V.R. Vasudevan, K.G. Gurumurthy
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Contact: 2857 5757

Head of Circulation:
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mail your feedback to
FAX 2857 6691

Printed and Published by S. Karthik on behalf of

KASTURI & SONS LTD., at Plot B-6 & B-7,
CMDA Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist., Pin:
603209 & at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860,
Anna Salai, Chennai-600002. Editor: S. Karthik
(Editor responsible for selection of news under
the PRB Act). RNI No. TNENG/2007/24553
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New star-ff needed Word’s worth
A finance company is advertising for new staff “Eccaleobion” (eck-kal-ee-oh-bye-un) the name given to an egg-hatching machine invented
based on star signs. The firm wants only Ariens, in 1939 by a W. Bucknell. The name is supposed to be the sentence “I evoke life” written
Capricorns, Taureans, Aquarians and Leos as one Greek word. It has been used figuratively; a citation from 1880 in the OED says that
because it says they are the best workers. a particular magazine was “at one time a very eccaleobion for young writers”.



You may remain very much focussed on work till
noon but after that you may start getting confused
about various issues related to your work. On the
relationship front, you might have to play with
words to convince your beloved.


It’s a day of mixed feelings for you, by and large.
Till noon you may remain very firm in your views
while talking to others at work but after that, you
may change your views about various matters


At the beginning of the day you may not be in a
BORN LOSER mood to devote much time to work. After the noon
time, you will devote much time and energy to your
work. Your partner may find you very flirtatious, yet
the relationship may blossom very well.
You may be depending a great deal on luck till
noon. You should try not to take up important tasks
on hand today, advises Ganesha. In personal
relationship, your partner may doubt your integrity
which may hurt you.
LEO JULY 21 - AUG 20
Ganesha finds you distressed because of some
technical error or confusion at workplace. However,
post lunch time, you may be able to solve all the
problems. You will be able to have a very good
time with your life partner or beloved one.
It is a very favourable day at workplace. You will be
FREE RANGE WORKING IT OUT able to crack many complex issues very easily. The
day favours research and development activities too.
Your focus may not be on the personal relations so
your life partner or beloved one may feel neglected.
You may not need to crave attention at office,
everyone will be automatically asking for your
guidance and opinion. You will be able to solve
complex issues very easily. If you are in a
relationship, the day promises you romantic time.
It is slightly unfavourable day for you so you may
need to attend office work with lot of focus. In love
life, you may need to compromise and adjust, which
seems to be the best way out to handle your
partner’s emotions, as per Ganesha’s view.
Ganesha feels that your important task may get
delayed today. But with the passage of time, you
can find solution of problems. On the other hand,
your emotional bonds with opposite sex may
become stronger.
Ganesha suggests you not to take important
decisions related to work today. If you do so, you
may feel like rectifying your decision in second half
of the day. There may be emotional stress due to
some unforeseen reasons in love life.
PREVIOUS You may be very creative and innovative in your
work today, feels Ganesha. Stars are in your favour
ISSUE’S in the second half of the day. You may express your
love dramatically in front of your beloved one or life
SOLUTIONS partner.
At office, you may not be in a mood to handle
important tasks. If you do so, you may end up
committing some mistakes. In love life, you may be
completely submissive and may be in a mood to
compromise so your beloved. .
Predictions by Bhavesh N. Pattni
16 ! ERGO Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One look is all it takes

Snapshots from the 51st annual Grammy awards in Los Angeles and
the British Academy of Film and Television Awards nite in London

British actor Dev

Patel and Indian
actress Freida British director Danny Boyle (R) and
Pinto pose for Indian composer A. R. Rahman arrive at
photographers at the the BAFTA on February 8. AFP PHOTO
British Academy of
Film and Television
Awards (BAFTA) on
February 8.

Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

arrive at the BAFTA at the Royal Opera
House in central London on February 8.
Jolie was nominated for best leading
actress for her role in Changeling and
Pitt for best leading actor for his role in
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Actor Gwyneth Paltrow introduces Katy Perry performs her hit song ’I Kissed a Girl’ during the 51st annual Grammy awards. AFP PHOTO
Radiohead during the 51st annual
Grammy awards. AFP PHOTO

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