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Dichromatic vision

By: JulyFrans

FADE IN: INT. DEVONS BATHROOM - NIGHT DEVON REED, 33, a plain woman with dark hair and eyes, eases into the steamy water filling her bathtub. As she sinks into its relaxing warmth, her eyes slowly close. She takes a deep breath, releases it noisily. LITTLE GIRL (O.S.) Mommy? Devons eyes open, she bolts upright in the tub. Finds a dark-haired five-year-old LITTLE GIRL standing timidly beside the tub. By the look on Devons face, she is not supposed to be there. LITTLE GIRL Why did you give me away? Devon remains speechless, mouth agape, eyes bulging. The little girl rushes at her with inhuman speed, forcing her head under water. The last thing Devon sees is a flash of red eyes. She struggles underwater for a few seconds before forcing her head back up for air. The little girl is gone. Devon coughs out water, her eyes scan the room. INT. DEVONS BEDROOM - NIGHT Dressed in an oversized shirt with her hair wrapped in a towel turban, Devon sits on her bed in the middle of a mass of books, papers and manila folders. A pair of reading glasses sit on the tip of her nose. A tape recorder plays in the b.g. DEVON (V.O.) Why did you go with him, Heather? Do you know? A different voice filters out.

FRIGHTENED WOMAN (V.O.) I didn't have a choice. He was making me. DEVON (V.O.) How was he making you? Did he have a gun or a knife? Some kind of weapon? FRIGHTENED WOMAN (V.O.) He was using his mind. She ejects the tape and slides it into a box, "HEATHER ALDRICH" written on the binding. Devon chooses another tape with the name: "ASHLEY IVANOWSKY" on it. Slides it into the recorder, hits rewind, then play. DEVON (V.O.) ...try to get away? PATIENT (V.O.) I couldn't. He was controlling me... with his mind. A television across the room suddenly turns on, blasting the room with SOUND and causing Devon to SNAP off the tape. The startled woman watches as the TV surfs through channel after channel while the VOLUME GOES UP AND DOWN. Devon finds the remote beneath a heavy book. She pushes the power button but the TV remains on. She hits the remote and tries again. Still doesnt work. As a last resort, she removes the battery cover to find the compartment empty. Devon climbs over the mess, inches toward the TV, about to turn it off when it stops at a news broadcast. ON TV SCREEN A photo of a young redheaded woman, the caption reads: ASHLEY IVANOWSKY. BACK TO SCENE Devon stares at the screen wide-eyed. ANCHORMAN (V.O.) The body of twenty-three year old Ashley Ivanowsky was discovered

at around midnight by her roommate. Although police arent commenting at this time, sources say it appears to be suicide. A KNOCK on the door. RAYNA (O.S.) I saw your light on. Dont you sleep? Devons roommate, RAYNA GARCIA, early thirties, attractive, heavy Spanish accent, stands in the doorway. When Devon doesnt acknowledge her, she steps into the room to see what has captured Devons attention. RAYNA Whatre you watching? Rayna stands beside Devon, staring at the same news broadcast on the screen. A light brown cat prances in, curling its body around Devon's foot. RAYNA Someone you know? DEVON She was my patient. Devons eyes are glued to the TV screen as the news coverage continues in the b.g. RAYNA Im sorry. ANCHORMAN (V.O.) An empty prescription of painkillers and a bottle of vodka are among the evidence found at the scene. DEVON I just saw her yesterday. EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY A GROUP OF REPORTERS AND CAMERAMEN surround the hospital entrance. Devon slides her sunglasses on and tries to slip through unnoticed.

The crowd erupts with CHATTER. Microphones dart into Devons face. A FEMALE REPORTER steps out of the crowd. FEMALE REPORTER Dr. Reed, is it true that you were treating Ashley Ivanowsky for a psychiatric condition? Devon keeps her head down and pushes through the crowd. DEVON I was her psychiatrist. MALE REPORTER Did you have any idea Ms. Ivanowsky was suicidal? Devon pauses for a moment to give her statement. DEVON Ms. Ivanowsky had not shown any signs of suicidal tendencies. Had she, I would have had her admitted to the hospital for treatment. FEMALE REPORTER Dr. Reed, is it true this is the second patient youve lost this month? Devon charges for the hospital entrance, mowing through the reporters. DEVON No comment. INT. DR. HAMILTONS OFFICE The previous scene continues, displayed on a TV, Channel 2 icon in the bottom left corner. On screen, Devon disappears into the safety of the hospital. The TV clicks off to a black screen. DR. HAMILTON, middle aged, what little hair he has left has long since gone gray, sit behind his desk. A plaque reads: DR. GERALD HAMILTON, CHIEF OF STAFF. Ceiling to floor glass panels line the back wall, allowing an impressive view of the city below. The other three walls are decorated

with framed diplomas and certificates of merit. A doctor-of-the-year trophy is proudly displayed on the highly-polished desk top. Dr. Hamilton turns to Devon, who sits across the desk from him. rubs his brow. HAMILTON Im not exactly pleased with the way you handled that. DEVON How would you have handled it? HAMILTON I would never find myself in that predicament. DEVON I saw her yesterday. but not suicidal. She was upset, He

HAMILTON Do you have any idea how negatively this reflects on the hospital? There are swarms of media surrounding this building. DEVON She committed suicide. did nothing wrong. The hospital

HAMILTON Youre right. The hospital didnt, you did. A vein in Devons temple protrudes. DEVON The hell I did. HAMILTON Be careful, Dr. Reed. If something like this happens again... DEVON I can council them. I can prescribe drugs. But I cant stop a suicidal person from ending their life if thats what theyre determined to do.

HAMILTON Its not my choice, Devon. my obligation.


Devon sweeps her belongings into her arms. DEVON Are we done here? Dr. Hamilton takes an expensive cigar out of a case on his desk, positions it between his lips, lights it. HAMILTON Maybe you should stop seeing patients for a while, until this all blows over. DEVON If youre afraid of me killing more patients, fire me. Otherwise, Im going back to work. Hamilton exhales a puff of smoke at her. Devon stomps out and SLAMS the door. INT. HOSPITAL BUILDING - DAY Devon trudges down a long hallway, still upset after her encounter with Hamilton. She stops at an office with: DR. REED, HEAD OF PSYCHIATRY etched on the door. She steps into the OFFICE LOBBY The waiting area is empty. Her secretary, JEN, a diminutive woman in her early thirties, sits behind her desk in the back of the room. She looks up as Devon enters. Stands to meet her halfway. JEN Dr. Reed, Im so sorry about DEVON Thank you. Devon heads straight for her office door. JEN Jen follows.

Can I get you some coffee? Devon enters HER OFFICE Modestly furnished with a simple desk, bookshelves, and a few diplomas and certificates on the walls. A sitting area off to one side. A small rug defines the area that houses a sofa and two armchairs separated by a coffee table. It looks like a mini livingroom. Very cozy. Devon sets her purse, keys and armload of paperwork down on her desk. DEVON Whats my schedule like today? JEN Kelley Marshall is your first patient, but thats not until two-thirty. So your morning is open. Devon sits on her desk chair and pulls open a file drawer. She removes several manilla folders and stuffs them into a leather shoulder bag. DEVON Then Ill be out for the morning. INT. LIBRARY - DAY Devon sits at a table surrounded by books and hand-written notes. Several tables away, a group of COLLEGE STUDENTS study diligently. All the other tables are empty. Devon jots down some notes onto a yellow legal pad. She closes one book and grabs another. The title is True Encounters. Opens the book and flips through the pages. Stops at an entry. Reads under her breath. DEVON (reading) I dont know how else to explain it. It was like mind control. My mind was paralyzed. I was helpless. And he knew it.

Devon opens a patient file next to her, the name on the tab is: Kelley Marshall. She reaches for a highlighter. Draws a bold, yellow line over the phrase: "It was like my mind was paralyzed." MALE (O.S.) Devon. Devon looks over her shoulder, finds no one there. When she turns back around, there is a handsome man in his late thirties sitting in the seat across from her. His unusually dark eyes and features demand her attention. This is JULIAN. A startled gasp escapes her lips, attracting the attention of the students. Devon's hand jerks up to her chest to keep her rapidly beating heart from leaping out. He speaks with an indiscernible accent. JULIAN I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Devon takes several deep, calming breaths before finding her voice. DEVON Do I know you? JULIAN I know you. I've seen you at the hospital. My name is Julian. Julian extends a hand across the table. before shaking it. Devon hesitates a moment

The instant her skin comes in contact with his, her eyes expand, almost in alarm. She tries to pull away, but his grip tightens. Her mouth opens to speak, but nothing comes out. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon awakens in her leather chair before her cluttered desk. Disoriented, she gazes around the room. JEN (O.S.) Devon? Devon turns toward the voice, finding her secretary standing in the doorway.


JEN (CONTD) You okay? Devon clears her throat, straightens her clothing, slides her chair under the desk. DEVON Fine. I just closed my eyes for a second and SECRETARY Kelley Marshall is here. reschedule? No. DEVON Send her in. Should I

Jen nods and turns to leave, then swing back to Devon.

SECRETARY Oh, your roommate called to confirm dinner. DEVON Thank you. Jen leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - LATER KELLEY MARSHALL, 25, sits before Devon's desk, holding a Styrofoam cup with a trembling hand. The dark circles under her eyes and her careless appearance reflects her state of mind. Her greasy blonde hair hangs limply around her face, looking like it hasnt been washed in weeks. Devon sits behind her desk with a yellow legal pad in front of her and a pen in her hand which she uses to tap against the notepad. After a few seconds of silence, she removes her glasses and sets them down. DEVON Kelley, in order for me to help, you need to be completely honest with me. I'm going to


ask you again. Have you taken any non-prescription drugs in the last forty-eight hours? Kelley takes a sip of coffee, then sets the cup on the desk. Her trembling hands come to rest in her lap, folded one on top of the other. KELLEY Do you have nightmares, Dr. Reed? Devon shifts in her seat. No. DEVON I don't dream.

KELLEY I usually don't either, but a few nights ago I did. Or at least I think it was a dream. Its getting harder to tell dreams from reality. DEVON Kelley -Kelley continues on, staring ahead, almost catatonic, fingers caressing the gold cross dangling from a chain around her neck. KELLEY There was a man...I think he was homeless...someone killed him. He...he ripped his throat out and left him there, bleeding. Kelley's eyes, brimming with tears, meet up with Devon's. A single tear slips out. KELLEY (CONTD) I can describe where it was, but I've never been there. I even remember how it smelled. Rotting food from the dumpsters, rain, barbecue from the restaurant next door. Death and blood. Several more tears trickle down Kelley's cheek.


KELLEY (CONTD) I don't think I was dreaming. He wanted me to see it. He wanted me to know what could happen to me. Kelley absently rubs a hand across her neck. Devon glances over, sees two, small holes just under Kelleys left ear. In an eye blink, its gone. Devon rubs her eyes. DEVON Kelley, a colleague of mine offered to have a few sessions with you. She's very Kelley looks alarmed, shakes her head vehemently. KELLEY NO! I can't see anyone else. You're the only one that believes me. You believe me, dont you? Devon leans back in her seat, slides her reading glasses on, picks up the pen. Scribbles the sentence: "Schedule drug test" on her notepad. KELLEY I already told you, I'm not on drugs. Devon looks up with alarm and dismay. DEVON How did you -KELLEY I know things about you. Devon leans forward, interested. KELLEY (CONTD) You're afraid. Yes, I am. Kelley. DEVON I'm afraid for you, KELLEY


You're not afraid that I'm crazy. You're afraid I'm not. INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT Devon and Rayna sit at a small table in an upscale restaurant. Rayna has an appalled expression on her face, as if Devon has just revealed something shocking. RAYNA Did you call Peter? Devon looks up from her uneaten meal with wide eyes. DEVON The police? Rayna, I can't do that to her. She's my patient. RAYNA The girl practically confessed. DEVON There's this thing called doctorpatient confidentiality. Rayna leans toward her, trying to get her point across. RAYNA If you were so concerned about doctor-patient confidentiality, you wouldnt be telling me this. And besides, it doesnt apply to murderers. DEVON She's not capable of murder. RAYNA What makes someone capable of murder? DEVON It's just an odd coincidence. Rayna takes a folded newspaper off the table, opens it, slaps it down in front of Devon. The bold headline reads: "HOMELESS MAN FOUND BRUTALLY MURDERED.


RAYNA That's some coincidence. Devon stares at the sobering headline a moment longer before turning to Rayna to find her stern expression unyielding. INT. CHURCH - DAY Dimly lit, a series of stained glass windows depicting the crucifixion of Christ. Peaceful yet ominous. A sparse amount of PARISHIONERS are scattered among numerous pews. Devon sits among them, head bowed, hands clasped in prayer. FATHER ONEIL, a middle-aged priest, stands on the altar, conducting the mass. PARISHIONERS Amen. EXT. CHURCH - DAY Father ONeil stands near the door shaking the hand of each parishioner as they exit the church. He shakes Devons hand. They make eye contact.

FATHER O'NEIL Devon, can you stay behind for a few minutes? INT. CHURCH - DAY Father O'Neil and Devon sit in the last pew, both waiting for the other to initiate the conversation. Then finally DEVON You wanted to talk to me, Father? FATHER O'NEIL I think it was you that wanted to talk to me. DEVON Why do you say that? FATHER O'NEIL I've known you since you were two


days old, Devon. And not once have you come to mass on Saturday. Devon remains silent. FATHER ONEIL (CONTD) Tell me what's troubling you. Her eyes wander around the empty church. An ELDERLY WOMAN sits in the first pew praying the rosary. A WOMAN helps her YOUNG SON light a candle near the exit. DEVON I've been having some doubts. FATHER O'NEIL About your faith? She stares down at the rosary in her hands while replying. DEVON There are things we're supposed to believe in even though we can't see them. And things we don't believe in specifically because we can't see them. FATHER O'NEIL Go on. DEVON If one of your parishioners told you something in confidence; something that went against everything you believe in... everything you know to be true... would you believe them? FATHER Not believing in something won't protect you from it. DEVON Do you believe in evil, Father? (beat) Real evil? FATHER O'NEIL


Your mother asked me that same question once. I told her that there is evil all around us. The weak succumb to it. The strong persevere. DEVON Do you think my mother was weak? FATHER O'NEIL She was troubled. Devon strokes the beads of her rosary. DEVON (quavering) Two of my patients committed suicide. FATHER O'NEIL And you feel like you're to blame? Devon nods guiltily. FATHER ONEIL No one blames a doctor when his patient dies of cancer. As tears trickle down Devon's cheeks, she wipes them away roughly, angry that she allowed herself to cry. DEVON What if I could have stopped them ...but I was too scared...and I didnt want to believe they needed saving? Devon turns to face the priest, her eyes wide and frightened. Father O'Neil places a supportive hand on top of hers. FATHER O'NEIL You couldn't save them. Devon pauses to allow his words to sink in, wanting desperately to believe it. She slowly rises from the pew and heads for the exit. FATHER O'NEIL (CONTD) You couldn't have saved your mother



EXT. CHURCH PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS Devon walks briskly to her car. PETER AMBERSTEIN, a thirty-something uniformed police officer, jogs to catch up. With his shirt tucked in, his round belly hangs over his waistband. PETER Devon, hold up. Devon glances over her shoulder, slows down but doesnt stop. DEVON Peter, whatre you doing here? Devon stops at her car, a black BMW. PETER I was patrolling the area. your car. DEVON Well, you found me. She opens her door, eases toward it. PETER I just wanted to let you know that Ashleys death has officially been ruled a suicide. DEVON What else could it have been? PETER Well, for a while there we werent sure. What with all the bruises on her arms. But turns out her bastard boyfriend was taking his shitty life out on her. Devon becomes solemn. Swallows hard. DEVON She unlocks it with a remote. Saw


Thanks for letting me know. PETER No problem. Devon steps into her car. Peter peers in.

PETER Are you okay? Yeah. DEVON Why wouldnt I be?

PETER I imagine losing two patients has to be a big confidence buster. I just thought DEVON Thanks for your concern, but Im fine. Devon pulls her door closed. Peter straightens up to watch the BMW pull out of the parking lot with a SQUEAL of tires. INT. DEVON'S HOME - DAY Devon walks through the front door, still dressed in her church attire. Tosses her keys and purse on the sofa, heads into the KITCHEN Rayna sits at the table eating ravenously. momentarily upon Devons entrance. RAYNA I called your cell and paged you five times. Devon fishes into her purse and checks her cell phone. DEVON I was at mass. RAYNA That was over at eleven. She sets her fork down



I needed some time to think. you need something? RAYNA Glad I wasnt in labor.


Devon slides into the chair next to her and places a hand on Rayna's noticeably round stomach. RAYNA Somebody called for you. ...somebody. DEVON Kelley Marshall? RAYNA That's it. She said it was urgent. Left a number. Rayna slides Devon a slip of paper with a number scribbled on it. Devon heads out of the room, spooked. INT. DEVON'S ROOM - DAY Devon enters her room dialing the phone. She allows numerous RINGS as she makes her way to the balcony doors. BALCONY Devon hits the redial button. More RINGING. She leans on the railing, peering over the edge. FLASHBACK - DEVON'S BALCONY A FEMALE BODY is strewn on the cement two stories below. BACK TO SCENE Devon clicks off the phone and storms back into her room. INT. KELLEY'S APARTMENT - DAY Devon makes her way through the seemingly abandoned apartment. She rummages through the living room, heads down the hall. DEVON Kelley! A Kelley


Devon bursts into the master bedroom, searches, heads into the BATHROOM Finds Kelley slumped in the tiny space between the toilet and wall. Kelley appears to be in shock. Knees clutched to her chest, face as white as death, lips slightly purple. Body trembling. DEVON Kelley, what happened? Devon kneels beside her. Kelley doesnt look up.

KELLEY (whispering) He's here. DEVON Who's here? KELLEY Julian. Devon is spooked. Cant speak.

KELLEY (CONTD) He's gonna take me. You can't let him take me. Kelley's sobs become louder, more desperate. Shh. DEVON It's okay. It's just us.

Julian appears in front of the door. Devon's heart pounds as she looks from Julian back to Kelley. Kelley raises her arms to show Devon that her wrists are slit. Devon looks down to find the tile floor and herself covered in blood. INT. DEVON'S ROOM - NIGHT Devon bolts up in bed. She searches her body for traces of blood, then gazes wildly around the room. The clock beside her bed reads: "9:45" pm. She reaches for the phone and dials. KELLEY


(filtered) Hello? Relieved, Devon sinks back into her bed, releasing the breath she had been holding. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Devon enters the main doors, buzzes through the lobby, waits for an elevator. The doors part. AVERY GARMAN, 36, a handsome man in a suit, exits, pleased to see Devon. She brushes past him as she would a stranger and attempts to enter the elevator. AVERY Devon, God, it's been so long. How are you? Devon recognizes him but doesn't seem overjoyed at the meeting. She takes a step toward the elevator as it starts to close. DEVON What are you doing here? Devon enters the elevator as Avery positions himself in the doorway. AVERY Have lunch with me and Ill tell you. What're you doing later? Devon pays very little attention to him as she pushes the sixth floor button repeatedly. The doors start to close and Avery fights them back.

AVERY Why do I get the feeling you're trying to avoid me? DEVON I'm seeing someone, Avery, if that's what this is about. Again the doors start to close. Avery pushes them back.


AVERY I just wanna have lunch, Devon. An ulterior motive-free lunch. That's all. Devon rolls her eyes, waits impatiently for the doors to close. AVERY Tell you what. I'm having lunch at Hillary's at around noon. It would be nice if we ran into each other. Devon gives Avery a gentle push, clearing him of the doors, allowing them to close. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon rummages through her desk drawers. Papers get frantically tossed aside. She SLAMS the top drawer shut and starts on the next. Her fingers find their way to a box of pills, a trial size sample of Xanax. 14 tablets. Devon lifts herself into the seat, pops several pills out of the foil wrapper, swallows them with a drink of water. INT. HILLARY'S RESTAURANT - LATER Devon enters the busy restaurant. HOSTESS Table for one? Devon searches for Avery in the crowd. Spots him. The HOSTESS approaches her.

DEVON Im meeting someone. She points and walks away. Approaches Avery unnoticed. DEVON Fancy meeting you here. Avery turns, a pleased smile spreading across his lips. halfway out of his seat as Devon slides into hers. AVERY You made it. DEVON He rises


With all the restaurants in town, you'd have to pick this one. AVERY I didn't think you'd remember. Devon picks up a menu and opens it as a distraction. DEVON A woman isn't likely to forget the first time she's proposed to. AVERY The first time? There's been others? DEVON No, but Im hopeful. AVERY Right, right. This guy youre seeing. Devon peers at him over the top of her menu. DEVON I'm not seeing anyone. I was just...I dont know...trying to avoid this moment. Avery takes a sip of wine. AVERY So, my chances, what are they, slim to none? DEVON And the ulterior motive rears its ugly head. Avery flashes a coy smirk. AVERY Cant blame a guy for trying. DEVON Why'd you come back? AVERY Get right to the point, dont


you? DEVON You know me. AVERY I heard about your patients. Devon shifts uneasily in her seat. DEVON Great. What are they doing, posting it on the internet? Devon Reed fucked up. AVERY It wasn't your fault. DEVON And thats why youre back? AVERY I thought maybe I could finesse my way onto the hospital review board. Put in a good word for you. DEVON If it wasnt my fault, like everyone keeps telling me, then this whole nightmare should be over soon and youll have come all this way for nothing. AVERY I got to see you. Devon gives him a hard look. Reaches for her water, accidentally spilling it on the table. She tries to clean it up, but Avery signals a waiter. The waiter quickly gets to work on the mess. DEVON Are we done here? AVERY We havent even had lunch. Devon attempts to stand up.


Avery grabs her wrist, stopping her. The waiter finishes cleaning the table. AVERY Thank you. The waiter walks away. AVERY I had a peek at your reports. Youre worrying for nothing. Those women were DEVON Crazy? Avery nods reluctantly. DEVON (CONTD) What if they weren't? Avery's deep, blue eyes grow round with interest. AVERY What do you mean? Devon pauses, contemplating whether to go on. DEVON I don't know what I mean. Devon picks up her wine glass and takes a few sips. Avery notices her hand trembling as she places it back on the table. AVERY Is there something you wanna tell me? DEVON Who would I be telling it to, my ex-fianc or a board member? AVERY I would never do that to you. Devon looks around. Lowers her voice to almost a whisper. Backs out.


DEVON I changed the reports. What I submitted to the was bits and pieces. AVERY To protect who, the dead girls or yourself? DEVON If anyone saw what's in those files... AVERY What? Devon hesitates. AVERY (CONTD) Devon? DEVON This was a bad idea. Devon bolts up from her seat and rushes away. Avery throws some cash on the table and follows her. EXT. HILLARY'S RESTAURANT - CONTINUOUS Avery catches up with Devon on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. He grabs at her arm but makes contact with her purse instead. It slips off her shoulder, scattering the contents. DEVON Damn it! Devon and Avery scurry to pick up the spilled items. AVERY I'm sorry. Avery comes across the foil sheet with five pills now missing. AVERY What's this? Devon tries to snatch it away.


Avery rises to his feet, investigating the back to determine the contents. AVERY Why is there Xanax in your purse? Devon tries to confiscate the pills again. AVERY (CONTD) What the hell's going on with you, Devon? DEVON Give it to me. Avery places the pills in her hand. She buries them into her purse, races down the sidewalk. Avery pursues her. AVERY I could tell the second you walked in that you had something to tell me. So what's stopping you? DEVON If I let you see those files... AVERY You know you can trust me. Devon slows to a stop. Turns to him. Avery pulls it away.

DEVON Meet me in the University library at midnight. EXT. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY - NIGHT A gothic building eerily illuminated by dim street lights. Ivy crawls up the walls, nearly concealing the stone. INT. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY - NIGHT Most of the tables are empty with the exception of two that are occupied by UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Devon glances around the room as she lowers herself into a chair at a table far removed from the rest. She cradles her backpack to her chest as she gazes around the room.


One group of students pack up and exit the library. Devon glances at her watch. Its midnight.

She unpacks several books and a yellow notepad out of her bag, spreads them out, begins reading. Something causes her to glance over her shoulder. She turns back around and checks her watch. MALE (V.O.) Devon. She turns to find no one there. Turns back expectantly, but the chair across her is still empty. She turns around once more to find a MALE FIGURE staring at her from across the room. He turns and walks past a shelf of books in the distance, disappearing from sight. Devon gives chase. She passes row after row of books, glancing down each one. The emergency exit door up ahead SQUEALS closed. Devon carefully opens the door. No alarm sounds. STAIRCASE The stairs continue up and down. Hello? Faint FOOTSTEPS in the b.g. She exits to No one is there.

DEVON Whos out there?

Devon goes up. Takes several steps, stops to listen. Heads back down. A MAN in a long, black coat blocks her path, causing Devon to let out a startled gasp. She looks up to find Avery. DEVON Jesus Christ! (deep breath) What're you doing? AVERY Following you. What're you doing? INT. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY - NIGHT


Avery gazes at a file in his hand while Devon waits anxiously for his reaction. AVERY Are you sure these women didn't know each other? DEVON Im positive. Avery lays down three sketches that look exactly like Julian. Averys expression is troubled, eyes blank. AVERY These women came up with the same image and all described his control over them in almost the exact same words? Devon nods. AVERY (CONTD) And you believe them? You believe he's a Devon shoves the drawings back into a folder. DEVON Everything I've been taught my whole life is telling me not to, but if I dismiss it...if I just conclude that those women were mentally unstable, then I'm dismissing myself too. AVERY What do you mean? Devon purses her lips, desperate to keep the truth from escaping. AVERY (CONTD) Devon? Tell me. Avery forces her to look at him. DEVON I've seen that man. He was sitting right there in a dream I had.


She points to an empty chair across the table. AVERY Of course youre dreaming of him. Youve seen the drawings, youve talked to the women. His image is embedded into your brain. DEVON I'm not even sure I was dreaming. Devon struggles to remain in control of her emotions. DEVON (CONTD) Every day I wake up, I feel less and less in control of my life. I can't sleep, and when I do, I have horrible nightmares. God, if you'd only seen the things Ive seen. A tear escapes. Devon quickly wipes it away. Clears her throat. She is not used to crying. DEVON I dreamt about Heathers and Ashleys deaths before they happened. (beat) Last night I dreamt that Kelley slit her wrists. AVERY Devon -DEVON Her blood was all over me. man... And that

Devon pulls out the sketches, stabs it with her finger. DEVON ...he was there...watching us. Just like they described him. Avery sighs heavily, rubs his chin. AVERY I already told you why youre dreaming about him. DEVON


He was here tonight. I followed him out the emergency door. AVERY I was out there, too, remember. didnt see anyone. DEVON (whispering) I feel like I'm going crazy. AVERY You're not crazy. I

INT. DEVON'S CAR - NIGHT Devon drives, focused on the dark road ahead. to fall. She turns her wipers on. A light rain starts

A horn HONKS somewhere behind her. She causally glances at the rear view mirror, sees a set of red eyes staring back at her. DEVON Shit! Devon whips around to search the backseat but finds no one. She turns around just in time to see her car veering off the road. She slams on the breaks. EXT. HIGHWAY - SAME Devons BMW skids to a stop on the shoulder lane. INT. DEVONS CAR - SAME Devons head bounces off the steering wheel as the car comes to an abrupt halt. Oblivious to her injury, she throws the door open and leaps out of the car. EXT. HIGHWAY - SAME Devon puts a hand up to her aching forehead, staring at her car suspiciously. After a few deep breaths, she cautiously opens the back door and peers inside. No one there. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY


Devon sits at her desk, dabbing concealer over the bruise in the center of her forehead, just below her hairline. The intercom on her desk BEEPS. JEN (filtered) Dr. Garman is here. Devon slips the tube of concealer into her purse before hitting one of the buttons to respond. DEVON Send him in. She straightens the clutter on her desk. A KNOCK. DEVON Come in. The door opens and Avery walks in. He goes to the seat across Devon's desk and sits. AVERY Morning. She offers a polite smile as a response. They stare at each other for a bit. Avery notices the bruise. He waits for an explanation, but doesnt get one. AVERY Gonna tell me what happened? Devon opens her top drawer and removes some files. DEVON I fell asleep at the wheel. AVERY Devon... Avery reaches across the desk, brushes a finger over the bruise. DEVON Its nothing. Im fine. Jens voice comes over the intercom again.


JEN (filtered) Kelley Marshall is here. Devon and Avery separate like two teenagers caught in the act. DEVON Send her in. AVERY You ready for this? DEVON We have to get her to agree first. The door opens and Kelley peers in, hesitant to step into the room. KELLEY You wanted to see me? Devon rises to her feet. DEVON Come in, Kelley. Devon meets her at the door and escorts her to the seat beside Avery. She seems reluctant to sit, almost afraid. DEVON It's okay, Kelley. This is a friend of mine. He wants to help. AVERY I'm Dr. Garman. Kelley looks at Devon for instructions, her eyes wide with fear. DEVON Hes a psychiatrist like me. Its okay. With a watchful eye on Avery, Kelley lowers herself into the seat. Devon sits on the edge of her desk. AVERY Kelley, have you ever been hypnotized before?


Kelley turns to Devon without answering. DEVON It's okay. Kelley turns back to Avery, still uncomfortable with his presence. She never establishes more than a spilt second of eye contact. KELLEY No. AVERY Would you like me to try? It could help us figure out what's going on inside your head. Kelley appears more fearful than ever as she turns, once again, to Devon who anxiously awaits her reply. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - LATER Kelley appears completely at ease as she reclines back in a sofa with Avery at her head and Devon at her feet, holding a tape recorder. AVERY Can you take us to the first time you met Julian. Do you remember? KELLEY Yes. AVERY Where are you? KELLEY I'm waiting for the bus. dark. I'm alone. Avery and Devon exchange glances. AVERY Are you sure you're alone? KELLEY I hear footsteps. Suddenly Kelley's face begins to tense up. The color slowly drains from her cheeks, tranquillity in her voice gone. It's


Oh, God!

KELLEY Oh, my God!

AVERY What is it, Kelley? see? FLASHBACK - DARK STREET

What do you

A MAN rushes at Kelley. The only feature we can clearly make out are his blood red eyes. BACK TO SCENE No, stop! Get away! KELLEY Stay away from me!

As Kelley tries to bolt out of her chair, Avery leans across her to hold her in place. A KNOCK is heard on the door. JEN (O.S.) Devon? Devon rushes to the door. AVERY (O.S.) It's okay, Kelley. I'm right here. He can't hurt you. I won't let him. Devon opens the door only wide enough to peer out. A concerned expression is plastered across her secretary's face. She cranes her neck to see in. DEVON It's okay, Jen She's just upset. JEN Should I call someone? No. DEVON We've got it under control.


Devon shuts the door, hurries back to her seat.

KELLEY Somebody help me. Stop him. Don't let him take me. Please, stop him! Devon's concern increases along with the volume of Kelley's voice. DEVON Bring her out. AVERY Listen to me, Kelley. When I count to three you're going to wake up and youll be safe. Kelley tosses and turns under the weight of Avery's arms restraining her, fighting him off as if he were her attacker. AVERY One...two...three. Kelley's body stiffens and elongates. Her head turns to the side, exposing her throat. The greenish-blue jugular vein in her neck pulsates. FLASHBACK - DARK STREET The MAN lowers his lips to Kelleys neck. He pulls back to reveal two tiny puncture wounds and traces of blood. BACK TO SCENE DEVON What's happening to her? AVERY I don't know. DEVON You said youve done this before. AVERY Not like this. Avery takes a pen light out of his pocket and carefully pulls one of Kelley's eyelids open, shining the light inside.


At first the eye is completely white but in a second it rolls around to reveal a huge black pupil surrounded by a red iris. Avery jumps back with an astonished gasp. DEVON What? Avery cautiously tries again. This time her eye is its normal shade of deep blue. He slides the light back into his pocket. AVERY Kelley, can you hear me? A single tear trickles out of Kelley's eyes. KELLEY (soft, solemn) Help me. AVERY Kelley, it's time to wake up now. I'm gonna count to three and you're gonna wake up. (deep breath) One...two...three. Kelley's eyes begin to flutter behind their closed lids. AVERY It's okay, Kelley. You're safe now. Open your eyes. Kelley's eyes open slowly. She gazes wildly around the room, focuses on Avery. KELLEY Where am I? AVERY You're in Dr. Reed's office. you remember? Do

Avery gingerly helps her into an upright position, disoriented, investigates her surroundings. DEVON


What happened, Kelley? you see?

What did

Julian appears beside Devons desk. Kelleys breathing quickens, eyes expand in shock. She is the only one that can see him. Julian steps closer. He waves at Kelley, an evil smirk curling the corners of his lips. KELLEY He's here. Kelley tries to bolt up from the sofa. Avery holds her down.

Devon's eyes frantically search the room. Doesnt see Julian. Still, she appears alarmed. AVERY There's no one here but us. Kelley's panic increases as Julian gets dangerously close. She breaks free of Avery's grip and races toward Devon's desk. She grabs something off the top and cowers in a corner. Devon backs into a corner, plastered against the wall, eyes wide and aware. Avery eyes Devon, realizes she will be of no help to Kelley in her present state. He rushes to Kelleys aid, kneeling before her. AVERY It's okay, Kelley. He's not here.

Kelley's eyes scan the room, finding no sign of Julian. Her terrified blue eyes come to rest on Avery. KELLEY That's because you can't see him. He can be anything. Kelley's face glazes with realization as she remains focused on Avery. KELLEY (CONTD) He can be anyone. Kelley raises her hand with a pair of scissors clutched in her fist and lunges at Avery, stabbing him.


He cups a hand over his left eye, falls back. Devon rushes to her desk and fills a syringe with a clear liquid. She injects it into Kelleys arm. Almost immediately, Kelley seems calmer. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon enters her office and finds Kelley seemingly asleep, lying on the sofa with her back to the door. She places a hand on her shoulder. DEVON Kelley, I made a few calls and I found a safe place for you to stay least until we figure out what's going on. Kelley doesn't reply or move. DEVON Kelley? Devon shakes her again, this time more roughly. Kelley turns to face Devon. Her eyes are blood red. KELLEY It's too late for me. INT. DEVON'S HOME - NIGHT Devon is startled out of her nightmare by the RINGING of the phone. Sitting rigidly on the sofa, she searches until locating the cordless phone under a sofa pillow. DEVON Hello...oh, my God...when... I'll be right there. Devon tosses the phone down, bolts out of the sofa, heads for the front door. INT. PSYCHIATRIC WARD - NIGHT Devon races down a hallway, meeting up with Avery halfway. He takes her by the arm and they continue at a near jog. A square of white gauze is taped above his left eye. Devon shakes her slightly.


DEVON How could you let this happen? I told you to stay with her. AVERY I got your page. I thought you needed me so I went downstairs to use the phone and DEVON What page? I didn't page you, Avery. I was asleep. AVERY It was your number and nine-oneone. Avery and Devon arrive at the nurses station. there for them. PSYCH NURSE Are you Dr. Reed? DEVON Yes. The nurse leads them down another long hallway. PSYCH NURSE Right this way. Devon and Avery follow urgently. DEVON How is she? A PSYCH NURSE waits

PSYCH NURSE Scared, confused...but physically shes okay. They stop at a large metal door with a small observation window. nurse motions Devon to enter. INT. KELLEY'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Kelley is curled up in a ball in one of the corners of the padded room. The


Her wrists are bandaged, face deathly white, lips have a bluish tint. She rocks back and forth methodically, uttering to herself. KELLEY Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. The sound of a KEY SLIDING INTO THE LOCK causes Kelleys bloodshot eyes to jerk toward the door. The massive slab of metal CREEKS open, the sound magnified ten times louder than it should be. Kelley's hands shoot up to cover her ears. Devon enters the room. Kelley resumes her rocking and reciting of prayers, now with her hands protectively over her ears. KELLEY (CONTD) If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Devon kneels beside Kelley. She hardly seems to notice.

DEVON's me...Dr. Reed. The terrified woman continues praying, her hands still cupped over her ears. KELLEY Now I lay me down to sleep... DEVON Kelley...tell me what happened. Kelley's hands slowly slide off her ears as she makes eye contact with Devon for the first time. KELLEY (whispering) He'll hear you. It's


DEVON There's no one here, Kelley. just us.


KELLEY (barely audible) He's always here. Kelley resumes her previous position, picking up the prayer where she left off. Devon heads toward the door. KELLEY (O.S.) He said to give you a message. Devon turns abruptly to face Kelley. Her head is lowered, concealing her face. KELLY/JULIANS VOICE Youre next. Devon gasps, stumbling back against the door. Kelley returns to her prayer. KELLEY If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT Devon sits alone in a waiting area. Avery walks up, hands her a cup of coffee. She takes it with trembling hands. Avery slides into the seat next to her. AVERY You okay? Devon's attention is fixed forward, as if in a trance. DEVON Tell me this is all just a bad dream. AVERY I called Rayna. Devon sits up alertly. DEVON


I told you not to. her involved.

I don't want

AVERY She's not involved. Shes just gonna take you out and keep you company 'til I get there. DEVON Take me out? So I'm supposed to ...what?...go get a couple drinks and forget what happened today? AVERY (takes her hand) I don't know what's going on, Devon ...and I know you're scared... The automatic doors of the main entrance slide open and Rayna enters. She spots Avery and Devon and heads their way. AVERY There she is. Now, just go with her and call me when you get there. DEVON What about you? Rayna steps up to them, a curious but pleasant expression on her face as she glances at one face, then the other. RAYNA What's up? Avery gets to his feet, pulls Devon up, ushers her toward Rayna. AVERY I can't get this workaholic to have any fun. Would you please see to it that she has a good time tonight? Rayna smiles as she turns to her friend. RAYNA I'll try, but she's a hard nut to crack.


Rayna takes Devon by her arm and leads her toward the door. Devon follows hesitantly, glancing over her shoulder at Avery. INT. NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Devon and Rayna sit at a table in the packed nightclub. They attempt to have a conversation over the BLARING MUSIC. RAYNA I hope you appreciate this, cause I stick out like a sore thumb in here. DEVON Then lets get out of here. RAYNA I have my orders. Speaking of which, Averys looking pretty good these days. Maybe you should reconsider. DEVON Huh? RAYNA You heard me. Devon turns away from Rayna, searching the faces on the crowded dance floor. DEVON Avery and I are different people now. RAYNA I know you had your reasons, but neither of them were Averys fault. You shouldnt have pushed him away. Changing subjects. DEVON You want something to drink? Virgin, of course. RAYNA Are you kidding? I already have to use the bathroom every five


minutes as it is. Devon calls over the WAITRESS. She nods but is too busy to come over. RAYNA Your mother was sick. She would have killed herself rather you were there or not. The song playing comes to an end and a SLOW SONG takes over. and Devon are now able to communicate at a normal volume. DEVON And what about reason number two? You think Avery wouldve stuck around to raise my bastard child? Devon leaves the table, making her way through the crowd to the bar. She slides onto an available stool and waits for the BARTENDER to notice her. BARTENDER Whatll it be? DEVON Vodka martini. Rayna appears at Devons side, clumsily climbing onto the stool next to her. The bartender places the drink in front of Devon and she finishes it in one try. RAYNA I'm sorry. I never know when to keep my big mouth shut. Devon signals the bartender for another drink. ACROSS THE ROOM Julian sits at a table alone, watching Devon and Rayna. He slowly rises from his seat and walks into the crowd. As he nears Devon, he morphs into someone else, an average-looking male in his early thirties. Julian, disguised as a male CLUBGOER, steps out of the crowd and approaches the two women. Rayna


CLUBGOER Would either of you lovely ladies like to dance? RAYNA Look at me, I'm as big as a house. (beat) Dance with my friend. Devon seems adverse to the idea as she rolls her eyes at Rayna. The clubgoer holds out his hand and Devon takes it reluctantly. The bartender puts down her drink. She guzzles it before letting the man lead her away. INT. DANCE FLOOR LATER

Devon and her dance partner slowly sway to the SOFT MUSIC. The size of the crowd has slimmed down considerably as only a few couples remain on the dance floor. Both Devon and the man she dances with appear to be equally inebriated. Holding her close, the man slowly moves his lips to her neck. Her eyes begin to close while she gives gentle resistance. Ultimately, she stops fighting and allows them to close completely. The sound of a HEARTBEAT starts up in Devons ears, filtering out the music. Devon's eyes burst open. She pushes the man away, glares around the room. DEVON What's that noise? CLUBGOER What noise? The HEARTBEAT sound increases in volume to a deafening level. Devon turns, circles, investigating faces of people around her. No one seems to hear it but her. Devon clamps her hands over her ears. Other CLUB PATRONS stare. The room spins around her nauseatingly fast. Faces become distorted. DIFFERENT VOICES fade in and out. LAUGHTER. STRANGE VOICE (V.O.) Check out the psycho over there. 2nd STRANGE VOICE (V.O.)


Looks like someone can't hold her liquor. Devon starts to pick up bits and pieces of VARIOUS CONVERSATIONS. CLUB GUY (V.O.) Come back to my place and hang out a while. CLUB GIRL (V.O.) Sounds like a plan. A large group of ONLOOKERS gathers around Devon, some snickering others pointing. CLUBGOER (filtered) Are you okay? Suddenly everything stops. Devon lowers her hands, looks from one face to another, desperate for an explanation. The man she has been dancing with keeps his distance. Rayna rushes up to her. RAYNA Devon, what's wrong? Devon opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Her body suddenly goes limp, forcing Rayna to catch her. The onlookers close in. The man morphs back into Julian as he stares down at Devon with a smirk. INT. DEVON'S ROOM - DAY Devon is sound asleep in bed with her blanket over her head. The sound of DRIPPING slowly filters in, softly at first then increasingly louder until Devon awakens. She forces herself out of bed, shielding her eyes from the sun that seeps in through the blinds. She enters the BATHROOM A close inspection of the sink reveals a tiny leak. knob, it stops. She turns the

The eerie silence that follows is broken by the RINGING of the phone


amplified to triple its normal volume. Devon covers her ears and waits for it to stop. Ten RINGS later, she rushes to the phone and lifts the receiver. INTERCUT - DEVON'S BEDROOM/DAYCARE CENTER Rayna stands in a corner of a noisy classroom with children playing all around. She covers one of her ears to hear better. Devon? RAYNA Hello?

Devon lowers herself to the bed. There are deep, dark circles under her eyes. Skin pale. She looks like hell. DEVON Rayna? RAYNA Are you still in bed? Devon pulls the receiver away from her ear. DEVON (almost whispering) No, I'm up. Where are you? Rayna waves to a CHILD as her MOTHER leads her out of the room. RAYNA At work. DEVON What time is it? RAYNA Almost two. Devon confirms the time with a quick glance at the clock. RAYNA Are you okay? Should I come home? Rayna walks to a desk cluttered with papers and carefully lowers herself into the chair. DEVON I know this is gonna sound weird


...but I need to ask you something. About last night. RAYNA What about it? DEVON What happened? RAYNA You had too much to drink and passed out. Silence on the line. RAYNA (CONTD) I'm coming home. DEVON No, I'm okay. Thanks for calling. Devon hangs up, then sluggishly gets out of bed. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Devon takes a can of cat food out of the cabinet, opens it, empties the contents into the cat bowl on the floor. Buttercup. DEVON Come and get it. A few

Devon sinks into a chair at the table, scans the newspaper. pages in, an article catches her attention. MISSING FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL FOUND BRUTALLY MURDERED

Devon is stunned as she sees the accompanying photograph. A hand goes up to cover her mouth. A beautiful little girl with long, dark hair and big, brown eyes stares up at her. Her eyes fill with tears. Sound of GLASS SHATTERING in the b.g. catches her off guard. Devon quickly walks out of the room. UPSTAIRS


Devon creeps down the hall, opening each door to peer inside. door at the end of the hall is slightly ajar. She enters MASTER BEDROOM Finds her lamp on the floor in pieces. DEVON Damn it! She kneels to pick up the sharp fragments.


The door CREEKS shut, causing Devon to turn and look. Nothing to see but a closed door. SHUFFLING under the bed distracts her from the door. She gets down lower and lifts the bedspread to peer underneath. She is barely able to distinguish the outline of Buttercup the cat as it crouches defensively. Buttercup. DEVON Get out of there.

Devon waits for the cat to come out and grows concerned when it doesn't. DEVON What's the matter with you? Devon reaches under the bed. The cat SNARLS.

Devon shouts in pain as she withdraws her arm to find four, long scratches. DEVON Son-of-a-bitch! She bolts to her feet and rushes into the BATHROOM Wraps a towel around her arm, glances at her reflection in the mirror. A mark on her neck catches her attention. Two tiny holes, the pink edges of which are beginning to heal. INT. KITCHEN - LATER


In a drawer next to the sink, Devon pulls out a first aid kit. She takes out a roll of gauze while holding her towel-wrapped arm against her body. Her hands tremble slightly. DEVON Buttercup, you're a dead fucking cat. You hear me! Devon rips the towel off her arm to find that the scratches are gone. Not even a single drop of blood remains. Her hand goes numb. The gauze falls and rolls away, leaving a trail on the floor. DEVON Oh, my God. Devon stares in dismay, running her fingers absently over her arm. She stumbles to the phone and dials frantically. RECEPTIONIST (filtered) Dr. Garman's office. Can I help you? DEVON I need to talk to Avery. RECEPTIONIST (filtered) I'm sorry, Dr. Garman is in a meeting. May I take a message? DEVON This is important. The receptionists's voice changes from monotone to mild annoyance. RECEPTIONIST (filtered) I'm sorry but it's a board meeting. No one's allowed to interrupt. Devon slams the receiver down violently. INT. DAYCARE CENTER - DAY Rayna sits on a chair surrounded by a semi-circle of intrigued



She holds up a book as she reads. RAYNA (animated) ...then he huffed...and he puffed ...and he -


A female CO-WORKER peaks her head into the room. CO-WORKER Rayna, phone call.

Rayna offers the children an apologetic grin as she closes the book and slowly lifts herself out of the chair. INT. DEVON'S HOME - DAY Rayna bursts through the front door, absolutely frantic. RAYNA (shouting) Devon, where are you? She searches the living room before dashing through the swinging doors, into the KITCHEN Rayna finds Devon crouched on the tile floor, forehead rests on her knees, body wracks with sobs. RAYNA Devon, what happened? Devon doesn't acknowledge her. Rayna sees a large kitchen knife in her left hand as it rests on the floor next to her. Rayna inches toward her. Devon lifts her head, cheeks drenched in tears, eyes bloodshot from crying. Far away, psychotic look in her eyes. RAYNA Devon, give me the knife. Devon jumps to her feet, thrusting the knife out in front of her. Rayna startles back.


DEVON You think I'm crazy? I'm not crazy. Rayna keeps her distance.

I'm not.

RAYNA Why would you say that? you're not crazy.

I know

DEVON It was there. I saw it. I'm not crazy. It was there, I swear it was. Devon holds out the arm carrying the knife to show Rayna the unmarred surface where the scratches once were. RAYNA I don't see anything. there? What was

DEVON The scratches...your cat attacked me. I was bleeding...and then it was gone. It was just gone. Devon stares into Rayna's eyes, desperate for her to believe. Rayna stands speechless. DEVON I don't know what's happening to me. After last night, I tried to tell myself, I said: "You're just tired and confused, Devon. That's all. Everything's gonna be okay." But it's getting worse. Devon shakes the knife at Rayna while raving. RAYNA Devon, you're scaring me. What's going on with you? Put down the knife. Devon slowly lowers the knife.


DEVON If I tell you something, will you believe me? RAYNA Of course I will, Devon. DEVON Don't just say what I want to hear. I need someone to believe me. RAYNA Ill believe you. DEVON Someone killed my patients. He killed those women...and he's coming for me next. I know it. I can feel it. RAYNA Those women took their own lives, Devon. It wasn't your fault... or anyone elses. DEVON It was my fault. They tried to tell me, but I didnt believe. Rayna steps toward Devon, hand out for the knife. RAYNA Give me the knife, Devon. Devon shakes her head vehemently, sobbing again. DEVON You don't believe me either. You think I'm crazy. You're gonna have them lock me up. RAYNA No. No, I don't. I would never do that. I believe you. Devon scrutinizes her expression, then shakes her head again. You don't. DEVON But you will.


Devon slices her arm, wrist to elbow. Rayna screams as the blood gushes out. In Devons state of shock, Rayna is able to take the knife away and slide it across the floor. Oh, my God. RAYNA What did you do?

Rayna grabs Devons injured arm and attempts to wrap a towel around it. Devon pulls away. DEVON Just wait and you'll see it too. It'll disappear...just like before ...and then you'll know. Know what? death. RAYNA You're gonna bleed to

Rayna takes Devons arm and wraps it in the towel. INT. DEVON'S ROOM - NIGHT Devon lies in bed, her bandaged arm rests on her stomach. Avery sits on one side of the bed while a DOCTOR stands on the other side packing medical supplies into a doctor's bag. DOCTOR She was lucky. A little deeper and we'd have two suicides on our hands tonight. AVERY Thanks, Ben. DOCTOR Sure. The doctor starts for the door. AVERY And thanks for keeping this quiet. He pats Avery on the shoulder. INT. DEVON'S HOME - NIGHT


Avery enters the kitchen looking fatigued. the table. Sorry. drink. AVERY I just need something to

Finds Rayna sitting at

RAYNA There's sodas in the fridge. Avery flashes an appreciative smile, retrieves a can from the refrigerator, heads back out. RAYNA I think I know why she did it. Avery turns to face Rayna. RAYNA (CONTD) I found this on the table. Rayna holds out the newspaper article on the murdered girl. Avery joins her at the table and sinks into one of the chairs, taking it from her. AVERY I dont understand. RAYNA She was Devons daughter. INT. DEVON'S ROOM - NIGHT Devon is asleep in her bed. She tosses and turns before waking. Finds Avery slumped over in a chair, sound asleep. She slips out of bed, leaves the room. HALLWAY Devon gazes down the other end and sees the door to Rayna's room slightly ajar. RAYNA'S ROOM Devon enters to find Rayna asleep. The door SLAMS shut. locked. She whips around and tries the knob but it is


She turns back around to see Julian standing beside Rayna's bed, looming menacingly over her. Devon backs up against the door. Julian pulls up Rayna's nightgown until her pregnant stomach is fully revealed, then runs his long-nailed fingers over it, leaving five bloody trails. INT. DEVON'S ROOM - NIGHT Devons eyes burst open but her body remains rigid against the bed. Avery sits beside her. AVERY Nightmare? DEVON Wheres Rayna? AVERY Shes in bed. DEVON Go check on her. AVERY I just saw her five minutes ago. DEVON Just do it. Avery hesitantly leaves the room. Devon sits up, reaches for her arm as a spasm of pain hits her. She stares at the sterile dressing for a second before peeling it back. A stitched wound lies underneath. AVERY (O.S.) What're you doing? Devon replaces the gauze and tries to get out of bed. her back in. AVERY You shouldn't be out of bed. You lost a lot of blood. Avery forces


His head lowered, Avery sinks into the chair next to the bed. AVERY (CONTD) What the hell happened, Devon? What would make you -DEVON I can't just lie here. I have work to do. I have to check on Kelley. Devon tries to get up again. Avery gets on the bed next to her.

AVERY Did it have anything to do with this? Avery holds out the newspaper. AVERY Was she mine? Devon rolls over, back to him. none. He waits for a reply, but receives Devon turns away.

AVERY I think I deserve an answer. DEVON No, she wasnt. AVERY But she was conceived while we were together. Avery tries to turn Devon to face him but she resists. DEVON What does it matter now? dead. Shes

AVERY It matters to me. Who's the father? After a long, drawn-out silence... DEVON


I didn't get a good look at his face. It was dark and I was too busy screaming. AVERY What? DEVON I didn't want you to know. Avery struggles to find the right words. AVERY I didnt...I...I'm sorry. shouldn't have assumed DEVON Maybe if I had kept her -AVERY You cant think like that. was her time. It I

Devon sits up in bed, picks up the phone. AVERY Whore you calling? DEVON I need to check on Kelley. AVERY Hang up the phone. DEVON This is Dr. Reed, Kelley Marshalls psychiatrist. Avery lowers his head into his hands, waits for the inevitable. The phone drops to the floor with a THUMP. Avery sits up to see a stunned expression on Devons face. He hangs up the phone, puts his arms around Devon. DEVON How? AVERY Strangulation. Somehow she got hold


of a rosary and... A tear falls from Devon's terrified, alarmed eyes. DEVON That meeting you were in today, was it about me? AVERY I tried to get a hold of you. Devon pulls away from him. DEVON Whats the verdict? AVERY They're letting you go. Her back still to him. DEVON Which side were you on? AVERY I did everything I could. Devon shakes her head in disgust, finally turns to him. DEVON Did you tell them what you know? About the hypnosis? About Julian? AVERY What good would that have done? It would only make you look more... DEVON More what...crazy? AVERY You tried to kill yourself last night, Devon. My God! DEVON Thats not what happened. know me better than that. AVERY You


Then tell me what happened? DEVON I wouldnt waste my breath. Devon walks to the door, opens it, waits for Avery to get the hint. AVERY I know you must be confused and frustrated right now, but if you just DEVON Dont you fucking dare. Dont treat me like one of your patients. I know what I saw. AVERY Just like Ashley knew what she saw and Heather and Kelley, too. And look where it got them. (beat) Im not going to pretend that I know whats going on. But I know damn well what isnt. Devon SLAMS the door shut, hands on her hips. AVERY (CONTD) There are no vampires. They dont exist. If someone is responsible for those women's deaths, he needs to be caught and put in prison...not (MORE) AVERY (CONTD) have a wooden stake driven through his heart. DEVON Its easier, isnt it? To believe the lies than be terrified by the truth? AVERY You're so determined to assign blame for their deaths that you've allowed yourself to become possessed with these lies. I'm afraid for you, Devon. If you don't step back and


take a look at yourself, I'm afraid of what might happen to you. Avery grabs his jacket off his chair back and heads out of the room. AVERY Ill sleep on the couch. DEVON I want you out. AVERY Rayna asked me to stay. afraid. DEVON Of me? AVERY Wouldnt you be? Avery walks down the stairs. Devon follows. Shes

DEVON Why did you come back, Avery? Really? AVERY I believe Ive answered that. Avery sits on the sofa, rolls his jacket into a pillow, lays down. DEVON Now tell me the truth. Was it to get close to me? To look at my files? Get me to trust you? To confide in you? Avery closes his eyes. AVERY Goodnight, Devon. DEVON Who asked you to do it? Just tell me that. Which member of the board? Was it Hamilton?


Avery opens his eyes, sits up to stare at her. AVERY Do you hear yourself? Do you have any idea how paranoid you sound? DEVON If its not true, why are you so upset? AVERY I dont appreciate being accused of sabotaging the woman Im in love with. Devon lets out an ironic chuckle. DEVON You dont love me, Avery. If I were one of your patients, you would have locked me up long ago. Devon walks away. She passes a mirror over the mantle, glances at her reflection. The bite marks are gone.

DEVON (CONTD) (defeated) Maybe I deserve to be locked up. She starts up the stairs. AVERY Devon DEVON Stay, go, I dont care. leave me alone. INT. DAYCARE CENTER - DAY Rayna clips freshly painted pictures up on a drying line. Devon sits behind Raynas desk, arms folded across her chest. RAYNA Avery called five times this Just


morning. Is there something you want me to tell him? DEVON Yeah, fuck off. Rayna looks around the room to make sure none of the kids overheard. DEVON (CONTD) Why am I here? What are you and Avery hoping to accomplish? RAYNA There are worse places you could be right now. Dead tops my list. Two ROWDY BOYS begin fighting for a toy. Rayna rushes over to break it up. Devon approaches the drawings and looks them over. She picks one up for a closer look. A cowering child with a dark, shadowy figure looming over her. At the top left hand corner is the name: "JESSICA" written in the large, sloppy letters of a child. DEVON Rayna! Rayna puts the boys in two separate corners for a time out, then goes back to Devon. Devon thrusts the drawing in her face. Rayna looks at it, sees a different image. with a sun and rainbow overhead. What? RAYNA It's just a drawing. A child climbing a tree

Devon rips the paper out of her hand to find the pleasant image staring back at her. INT. HALLWAY - LATER Devon bolts out of the room, stands in the hallway taking deep, panicked breaths. CHILDISH GIGGLING catches her off guard. She looks down one end of the hall then the other. A little girl (same one from Devons opening


nightmare and the picture) turns the corner and vanishes from sight. DEVON Jessica? Devon follows, finds the girl headed through a door. The girl turns long enough to glance at Devon, then continues through. Devon follows. She pushes through the swinging door, finds herself alone in a storage room. Dead end. She turns to leave. LITTLE GIRL (O.S.) Mommy? Devon stops, takes a deep, shaky breath, closes her eyes, turns. She opens her eyes to find the little girl standing before her. The girls face is a ghostly shade of white and her lips are slightly purple. DEVON Jessica? Devon lowers herself to her knees. closer. LITTLE GIRL You're bleeding. The girl touches Devon's neck, holds up her fingers to show the traces of crimson. Devon places a hand against her neck, brushing her fingers over the bite wound. LITTLE GIRL I have those too. The girl pulls down the collar of her shirt just enough to reveal a similar wound. LITTLE GIRL It's how he marks us. Only the lucky ones get the mark. DEVON Who told you that? The intrepid child takes a step


LITTLE GIRL He did. DEVON Who is he? (beat) What is he? A slight smile forms on the child's innocent face. LITTLE GIRL You know. The girl backs away. LITTLE GIRL (CONTD) It's okay to be scared. I was too. The girl turns to walk away. The back of her head is smashed. A gasp escapes Devon's lips as she buries her face in her hands, bawling. A distant SCREAM catches her attention. She straightens up to find herself alone in the room. She scurries to her feet, races down the hall. CLASSROOM Devon rushes into the classroom to find Rayna on the floor, clutching her stomach, crying out in pain. The children are gathered around her. DEVON What happened? The children all turn at once. INT. HOSPITAL RESTROOM - NIGHT Devon sits in one of the stalls, rustling through her purse. She pulls out the foil sheet of pills, discovers there are no pills left. She bursts into tears, sobbing into her hands. INT. HOSPITAL - LATER Devon stands outside a hospital room, staring in through the observation window. Their eyes are blood red.


Inside the room, Rayna lies on the bed with her back facing the window. AVERY (O.S.) Give her some time. Avery sits in a nearby chair, a close eye on Devon. DEVON She has every right to hate me. AVERY It's not your fault. DEVON Everything is my fault. Avery gets up, eases toward her. AVERY Let me take you home. She walks off. Avery follows persistently.

AVERY Devon, about last night... DEVON Not now. Devon stops at the elevator, pushes the down arrow. AVERY I love you. I always have and Im sure I always will. No matter what happens. The elevator stops on the fourth floor. STAIRS Avery pursues her relentlessly. She begins jogging down the stairs to evade him. AVERY I want to help you get through this. DEVON You want to help? Write me a Devon sighs, heads for the


script for Xanax. AVERY The pills are the problem, not the cure. DEVON Then I guess you cant help me. INT. DEVON'S ROOM - LATER Devon enters her room in a hurry. She pulls a suitcase out from under her bed. Tosses in random pieces of clothing. She is almost done packing when she hears a car outside. out her window to see Avery getting out of his car. She looks

She takes a picture of herself and her mother off the night stand and stuffs it into the suitcase. Zips it up and leaves the room. She runs into Avery on the staircase. She tries to bypass him but he blocks her path. DEVON Get out of my way. AVERY Where're you going? DEVON Get out of the way! AVERY I'm not letting you leave like this. Avery tears the suitcase out of her hands and enters her room, tossing it on the floor. She reaches for her bag, but Avery takes her by the wrists and pulls her closer. He takes her face between his hands, stares into her eyes. AVERY I can't lose you again. all I have. Devon begins to sob. You're


DEVON What's happening to me? Avery moves his lips closer to Devon's until they meet. passionate kisses follow. Soon they move to the bed. More

They remove each others clothes, kissing more intensely, wanton. Avery pins her hands above her head, interlocking their fingers. The sounds in the room are soon replaced with a THUMP-THUMP. THUMP-THUMP. Devon's breathing deepens, her chest rises and falls rapidly. The BEATING becomes unbearably loud. She squeezes her eyes shut. When she opens them a second later, they are dark red with large, black pupils. Devon works her lips down to Avery's neck. lets out a wince, pushes her away. She clamps down. Avery

Devon's eyes have returned to their deep brown color. The THUMP-THUMP remains in the b.g. Avery watches in shock as Devon lifts a hand absently to her lips and draws it away with blood on her fingertips. She looks up at Avery and realizes it is no longer him, but Julian. INT. DEVON'S ROOM - NIGHT Devon leaps up from her nightmare. Avery lies beside her, arm anchored around her waist. She carefully slips out from under him and gets dressed. INT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT Devon sits across a desk with a plaque that reads: "OFFICER AMBERSTEIN". She has a jacket around her shoulders and holds the sides together with a trembling hand. Peter sits behind his desk munching on a greasy fast food burger. PETER So, what can I do for you?


DEVON Do you have a cigarette? Peter reaches into his desk, takes out a cigarette, hands it to her. PETER (jokingly) Was that it? Devon places the cigarette between her lips with a shaky hand. Peter offers a light. DEVON I hate that Im about to tell you this, but I have no where else to turn. Peter dumps his food into a trash bin. attention. PETER Im listening. Devon takes a final puff of her cigarette before snuffing it out in an ashtray on the desk. DEVON I think my patients were murdered. PETER Thats a pretty big accusation. I assume you have some kind of proof. DEVON Nothing I can show you. have to believe me. But you Gives her his undivided

PETER Its too freaking early for murder talk. I need coffee. INT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT Devon and Peter stand at the coffee machine. Peter pours himself a cup and stirs in a large quantity of sugar. PETER Want some?


Devon shakes her head. Peter walks away and she follows. DEVON Arent you even going to check it out? Peter takes a sip of his coffee. PETER Im not sure what you want me to do, Devon. Put out an A.P.B on a thirty-something foreign male, medium height and build with unusually pointed teeth? Devon pulls Peter by the arm, stopping him in his tracks. DEVON You could start with dropping the sarcasm. You think it was easy for me to come here and tell you this? PETER Look, Devon, you lost a couple patients. You lost your job. That sucks. But you havent lost your mind...yet. Dont push it. DEVON So what are you gonna do? Sit around here drinking coffee flavored sugar, ignoring the fact that theres a killer out there. What would it take to convince you? Does he have to kill me, too? Peter sighs loudly. Thinks it over long and hard. Thats

PETER Ill look into it, okay. all I can promise.

DEVON Come with me. I think I can prove it to you.


INT. HOSPITAL MORGUE - NIGHT Peter pushes the door open and walks in with Devon trailing behind. An eerie silence falls all around them as they pass gurney after gurney of covered bodies. MEDICAL EXAMINER (O.S.) It's this one here. A MEDICAL EXAMINER in a long, white lab coat stands beside a covered body. Devon and Peter walk up to him. MEDICAL EXAMINER Would you like me to stay? Devon stares at the white sheet, transfixed. No. PETER Were fine.

The man nods and walks away, his FOOTSTEPS less and less audible as he leaves the morgue. The DOOR CLOSES in the b.g. Peter takes the toe tag in hand to confirm that the body under the sheet is Kelley Marshalls. PETER So, wheres the proof? Devon takes a deep breath for courage and gingerly pulls back the sheet with a trembling hand. Kelleys lifeless body lies on the cold metal table. Devon extends her hand toward Kelleys face, pulls back. Tries again, this time turning Kelleys head to the side. Finds two tiny holes identical to her own. Devon GASPS, backs away from the body. She turns to Peter, pointing. There. DEVON See it? Thats his mark.

Peter looks where she indicates, shakes his head. PETER


What am I looking at? Devon looks down at Kelley again. Clearly sees the mark on her neck. DEVON The mark. The two holes. you see it? Dont

PETER Devon, maybe you need to take some time. Go away for a while. Rest. Relax. Clear your head. DEVON Goddamned it! Devon pulls the sheet back over Kelleys body. Peter walks away. Devon stares at the sheet-covered body a moment longer before turning to leave. Kelley stands in front of her, blocking her path. Her eyes are white and blank, sunken far back into her head. In a split second he's gone. Glancing back at the table, Devon finds Kelleys body still lying under the sheet. INT. HOSPITAL BATHROOM - NIGHT Sound of VOMITING comes from one of the stalls. The toilet FLUSHES and Devon exits looking pale and exhausted. She crosses to the sink, washes her hands. Stares at her reflection, finding a woman she hardly recognizes. A hand on Devon's shoulder causes her to whip around. Her former secretary, Jen, stands behind her. Devon glances over her shoulder to find that the woman's image is not reflected in the mirror.

JEN Devon, I'm so sorry about Kelley and your job. Its so unfair. Devon brushes past the woman on her way out. Jen grabs a hold of her arm. Devon notices the mark on her neck. She rips her arm away and


continues out the door. INT. HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS Devon rushes down a corridor. She glances over her shoulder several times to find she's being followed by Jen. Other PEOPLE in the hospital seem to stop what they are doing and stare at her. Devon stares back at them suspiciously. Up ahead Peter and a group of doctors are talking to Avery. As she gets closer, she overhears a brief insert of their conversation. AVERY I dont want to do anything too drastic. I just want her to get better. DEVON What's going on? Avery turns toward the voice, surprised to see her. Jen rushes up behind Devon, offering Avery an apologetic expression. AVERY Devon, I thought you were DEVON Whatre you doing? One of the men in the group, DR. RIVERA, speaks up. His thick, white beard nearly conceals his tiny mouth. DR. RIVERA Devon, I'm Dr. Rivera. Why don't we go to my office so we can talk. Devon scowls at the doctor, then at Avery. DEVON You did this? AVERY Devon, I'm just -Dr. Rivera takes a step toward Devon, his words silencing Avery. DR. RIVERA


Avery is very worried about you. He just wants you well. Devon glares at Avery with hurt and disbelief. DEVON What are you trying to do? me committed? Have She backs away.

DR. HAMILTON, who is also among the doctors, interjects. DR. HAMILTON We're not committing you, Devon. We're merely making a suggestion. We all just want to see you better. Let us help you. Devon stares from doctor to doctor, makes a startling discovery. They all have the bite marks on their necks. DEVON Stay away from me. (to Avery) You have no fucking idea what youre doing. As Avery takes a step toward her, she turns and dashes away. Avery's angry glare falls on Jen. AVERY I just needed five minutes, Jen. SECRETARY I'm sorry. AVERY Shit! Avery runs his hands through his hair, visibly upset. INT. RAYNA'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Devon sits in a chair beside Rayna's bed. Rayna lies on her side with her back facing Devon. The room is mostly dark with the only light seeping in through the glass observation panel on the door. DEVON (whispering) I can't stay long.

I just came


to warn you. It's not safe here. You have to get out. RAYNA I called my brother. He's coming in a few days to take me back home. Devon glances repeatedly at the door. DEVON That's not good enough. to leave now. You have

Rayna slowly turns in the bed to face Devon. RAYNA I can't take any more, Devon. I want you to get help. I'm afraid of what might happen to you if you don't. Devon sits up alertly in her chair. DEVON Who've you been talking to? RAYNA Dr. Hamilton came by earlier to see how I was and he said -DEVON Rayna, listen to me -RAYNA I'm tired of listening to you. Look where it got me. Rayna's eyes brim with sorrow as she goes on. RAYNA (CONTD) I've lost my baby and my ability to have more. I have nothing left. Rayna turns her back to Devon once again. Tears spill out of her eyes. RAYNA I just want to lie here and die.


INT. FUNERAL HOME - DAY Devon stands before an open casket, staring in at Ashleys pale, lifeless body. The same woman from the news broadcast. MRS. IVANOWSKY (O.S.) Are you Dr. Reed? MRS. IVANOWSKY, a heavy-set woman with red, puffy eyes and a mournful expression, stands behind Devon. DEVON I'm so sorry, Mrs. Ivanowsky. MRS. IVANOWSKY What happened? Devon appears taken aback by the question. DEVON Didn't someone tell you? MRS. IVANOWSKY But how? How could you not know. Why didnt you help my baby? DEVON I'm very sorry. MRS. IVANOWSKY Thank you. Mrs. Ivanowsky goes back to her seat. Devon turns back to Ashleys body. AVERY (O.S.) Im sorry for your loss. Devon turns to find Avery talking with Mrs. Ivanowsky. She looks back at the casket, prepared to move on when A hand grabs her wrist. Ashley sits upright in her coffin, her colorless eyes staring accusingly at Devon. Devon struggles to get away just as Avery appears at her side to lead her back to her seat. She peers over her shoulder to find Ashleys body lying in the casket just as it was before.


EXT. FUNERAL HOME - LATER Devon exits the building and crosses a grassy area, heading to the parking lot. Numerous black-clad MOURNERS both ahead of and behind her. Avery jogs up to her. AVERY Can I give you a ride? Devon's attention remains fixed straight ahead. Where to? hospital? DEVON The state mental

AVERY I went to them for advice, not to have you committed. Devon scans the people around her suspiciously. One face in the crowd catches her attention. A man passes her and Avery, then turns to Devon for a split second. It is Julian. Devon races after him, grabs him by the arm, violently turns him toward her. To her embarrassment, she finds a completely different man staring back at her. I'm sorry. DEVON I thought...I'm sorry.

The man isn't gracious about the mistake and rips his arm away then storms off. AVERY What was that about? Without an explanation, she continues toward her car. DEVON I meant it when I said to stay away from me. Devon pulls her keys out of her pocket as she arrives at her car. AVERY And I meant it when I said you're


all I have left. Devon unlocks the door with the remote and pulls it open. DEVON Really? I thought you just said it so I'd sleep with you. Devon gets behind the wheel and tries to slam the door on Avery but he pulls it open. AVERY That's not true. I love you. I just want things to be the way they were. DEVON It'll never be like that again. My mother is dead. My daughter is dead. Three of my patients are dead. And thats just the people I know. How many others are there? She pulls the door shut and starts the car. Avery stands there alone as she pulls out of the stall and speeds away.

INT. LIBRARY - DAY Avery investigates a stack of old newspapers. Several articles lay in front of him. LOCAL STORE OWNER DONALD CLARKE FOUND DEAD HIKERS DISCOVER BODY OF 16-YEAR-OLD GIRL DEATH OF PROMINENT LAWYER RULED AS SUICIDE Avery quickly flips through numerous others. LIBRARIAN (O.S.) Found more of those papers you're looking for. Avery glances up to find the middle-aged LIBRARIAN offering him another stack of papers. He takes them graciously. AVERY Thank you.


The woman stands behind him, looking over his shoulder. LIBRARIAN Sure have been a lotta deaths in the last few years, now that I think about it. Avery nods, scans the new stack of papers. LIBRARIAN (CONTD) Let me know if you need anything else. AVERY I will. The librarian turns to walk away, then pauses. LIBRARIAN Couple days ago a woman came in asking for the same thing. Avery looks over his shoulder at her, eyes narrowing in thought. LIBRARIAN (CONTD) Said she was a doctor. The woman walks away. Avery goes back to the papers. Turning a few pages, he finds a large section cut out. INT. DEVON'S HOME - NIGHT Persistent CHIMING of the doorbell. Devon trudges down the stairs still dressed in her black funeral attire. She opens the door to find a HISPANIC MAN standing on the porch. DEVON Can I help you? The man speaks with a hint of a Spanish accent. HISPANIC MAN I'm Rayna's brother. She asked me to come by and pick up her things.


Devon stares skeptically at him. DEVON She said you wouldn't be here for a few days. HISPANIC MAN She called me last night...said to come as soon as possible. DEVON Come in. The man enters and Devon closes the door behind him. DEVON It's upstairs...first room on the right. The man stands awkwardly in the foyer as Devon pushes the kitchen door open and enters, letting it swing shut after her.

INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Devon goes to the sink and fills a glass with water. The kitchen door opens and swings shut as someone passes through. DEVON Couldnt find it? Devon turns mid-sentence and finds that it is not Raynas brother, but Julian. The glass in her hand slips and CRASHES to the floor, sending water and fragments everywhere. Julian stands just beyond the doorway for a few seconds, then takes a step toward Devon. DEVON Stay away from me! Devon pulls open the drawer behind her and reaches in for a knife, but the drawer is empty. Devon pulls open another drawer and takes out the first thing she gets


her hands on.

When she turns, Julian is right behind her.

She lunges forward with the object -- a corkscrew - and drives it into his face. Julian snickers. He pulls the corkscrew downward, slicing open the entire side of his face. Devon gasps and turns away at the sight of the profuse amount of blood running down his face and neck. A smile crosses Julian's lips as he violently rips the weapon out and drops it to the floor. Devon trembles as he takes her hand and places it over the gash. He allows her to pull away, revealing no trace of blood remaining. She runs from him. Grabs another weapon; a letter opener. it out in front of her. Thrusts

Julian stares into her eyes. Devon tries to look away, but there is a force holding her to him. Her body relaxes, arm straightens out, letter opener falls to the floor. Frozen in fear, Devon can do little more than stare into Julian's transparent blue eyes. Her eyes are suddenly heavy and begin to close. Julian strokes the sides of her face with his large, masculine hands. Devons eyes remain closed as Julian sweeps the stray hair off her shoulders, leaving her neck exposed. He lowers his lips to her neck. His sharp teeth break through the healed surface of the existing bite mark. A gasp escapes her lips as a thin stream of blood trickles down her neck. Devon opens her eyes to the realization that Julian is nowhere to be found. Her fingers brush past her neck, coming back stained with blood. She slowly sinks to the floor. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as the, now-familiar, BEATING begins in her ears. Devon grabs hold of the table top, pulling the tablecloth and all the items atop the table down on her. She gets to her feet, staggers out of the kitchen.


Up the stairs. Down the hallway to her room door. A newspaper clipping is taped to the door. closer look. She tears it down for a

A picture of an older woman stands between a smiling Avery and Devon. Headline reads: BODY OF LOCAL DOCTOR DISCOVERED BY DAUGHTER. Devon stares at it a moment longer before entering the room. INT. DEVON'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS The balcony doors are open. The silhouette of a FEMALE can be seen through the sheer curtains that blow in the breeze. DEVON Mom? Devon starts toward the doors, but when she gets there, the woman is gone. Down below, hundreds of VAMPIRES surround the house. stiffly, staring up at her with red eyes. They stand

Among them are faces Devon recognizes. Officer Amberstein, her secretary, Dr. Rivera, Dr. Hamilton and Peter. Hundreds of DIFFERENT VOICES fill her ears, quiet at first then increasingly louder. Covering her ears, Devon slowly sinks to her knees. She tries to crawl into the room, but is stricken with spasms of pain throughout her entire body. She clutches her stomach, collapses to the floor, writhing in agony. She rolls over to reveal the veins in her arms and neck throbbing. A shadow is cast on Devon. Help me! Avery kneels beside her. His face expressionless. She looks up to see Avery.


AVERY Don't fight it. Devon struggles to her feet, backs away, flees the room.


Once she is gone, Avery morphs into Julian. INT. LIVING ROOM - SAME Devon stumbles down the stairs and out through the front door. EXT. DEVON'S HOME - CONTINUOUS The group of vampires awaits Devon as she leaves the sanctuary of her home. Still clutching her stomach in agony, she stares from the porch a second before proceeding into the crowd. The vampires part, creating a path down the center. As Devon passes through, numerous arms grab her with icy grips. She keeps moving. One of the pale arms that reaches out for her refuses to let go. Devon turns to find her MOTHER standing there. Devon shakes her head in denial. DEVON No. LITTLE GIRL (O.S.) Come with us, mommy. The little girl stands beside Devons mother, holding her hand. She extends a hand to Devon. DEVON No. JULIAN (O.S.) You can't run from us, Devon. is your fate. This

Devon turns, sees Julian standing there, smug smirk ever-present on his face. DEVON Why me? JULIAN Dont take it personally. taking the whole town. Im

Julian motions to the large group of gathered vampires.


JULIAN (CONTD) It was just your turn. DEVON You may have gotten my family, but youre not getting me. Devon backs up a few steps, then turns and runs. EXT. CHURCH - NIGHT Devon races up the stairs, POUNDS on the doors. She waits impatiently, looking behind her. DEVON Father! (under her breath) Oh, God. Please be here. More POUNDING. side. The door opens. Father O'Neil stands on the other



Father O'Neil quickly pulls her inside, glances out into the darkness before closing the door. INT. CHURCH - LATER Father O'Neil and Devon are in his office, no lights, a candle on the desk. Devon sits in a chair across from the priest, one of his hands placed on her forehead. FATHER ONEIL Take this all of you and drink from it. This is the cup of my blood. The blood of the new and everlasting covenant. Devon trembles, slightly at first, then more noticeably. Father O'Neil begins reciting his prayer quicker. FATHER ONEIL (CONTD)


It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me. He holds up a goblet. FATHER O'NEIL The Blood of Christ. After some struggling, Devon accepts the cup. Father ONeil helps her with the cup, like a parent helps a child. Father O'Neil continues to utter prayers as he blesses her with holy water. FATHER ONEIL In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirt. DEVON (hoarse) Amen. Devon's body shakes violently. She is barely able to stay in her seat. She grips the armrests with white knuckles. FATHER O'NEIL You have to fight this, Devon. The only way he can win is if you give up. DEVON Did he kill my mother? FATHER O'NEIL Yes. DEVON And my daughter? FATHER O'NEIL He can't hurt you as long as you're here. You have to believe that. DEVON Why didn't you tell me? FATHER O'NEIL Like you, I didn't want to believe.


Devon's fragile body shakes uncontrollably now. She squeezes her eyes shut as several tears slip out. FATHER O'NEIL (CONTD) Keep fighting, Devon. BEATING starts up in Devon's ears accompanied by VOICES CALLING HER NAME. She cups her hands to her ears. The windows burst open, stained glass shatters. The room fills with powerful gusts of wind. Candle goes out, plunging the room into darkness. FATHER O'NEIL (yelling over the wind) can do this. Hold on. Just as quickly as it all began, everything stops. Devon slowly straightens up to face the priest with terrified eyes. The eerie silence is soon filled with a child's GIGGLING. Devon and Father ONeil look around. No one. A childs voice comes from outside the office door. LITTLE GIRL (O.S.) Mommy! Devon stares from Father O'Neil to the door, horrified. LITTLE GIRL (O.S.) Mommy, open the door. I'm scared. Devon begins bawling. DEVON No! She walks toward the door, hand covers the knob, starts to turn it. Devon, no. anymore. FATHER O'NEIL She's not your daughter

LITTLE GIRL (O.S.) Mommy, please. Let me in.


Devon continues crying.

Father O'Neil joins her at the door.

FATHER O'NEIL Your daughter is dead, Devon. That...soulless all that's left of her. Don't open that door! Devon opens the door but no one is on the other side. She stands there frozen in place until Father O'Neil pulls her back inside and closes the door. INT. CHURCH - DAY Devon awakens to find herself slouched in a chair in Father O'Neil's office. The priest sits in the chair next to her, wide awake. The floor is littered with papers and pieces of shattered glass. DEVON Is it over? FATHER O'NEIL For now. Father O'Neil cautiously steps over the glass and debris, making his way behind the desk. DEVON Is this what happened to my mother? FATHER She came to me too late. He had already won. But it's not too late for you. DEVON Is he... Devon pauses, afraid to finish her thought out loud. FATHER O'NEIL Yes, but not like you think. have very few weaknesses. DEVON Then what do we do? They

How do we stop


them? FATHER O'NEIL Every time he takes a life, he gets stronger. Not from their blood, but from claiming their soul. If we can stop him from killing, we can weaken him. If we can weaken him, we can surely defeat him. Devon starts for the door. FATHER O'NEIL Where are you going? It's not safe out there. She turns back to him, determined. DEVON Not believing in something wont protect you from it. You said so yourself. EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY A fire truck and three police cars pull up to join the COPS and FIREMEN already on the scene. A large group of ONLOOKERS have gathered out of curiosity, held back by police tape. Officer Amberstein steps out of one of the cruisers. He approaches a COP on the scene. PETER Whatta we got? COP Jumper. Peter shields his eyes and stares up at the roof of the hospital. COP (CONTD) It's Devon Reed. Peter shakes his head, enters the building.



Devon stands on the edge of the roof, takes a step back, glances over to see the swarm of fire engines and police cars. A group of DOCTORS and several POLICE OFFICERS stand in front of her at a safe distance. Peter takes a step toward Devon, hands out in front of him. PETER Devon, let's talk about this, okay. DEVON I don't want to talk to you. You're one of them. He takes another step. PETER One of who? Devon takes a daring step backwards, causing Peter to quickly back off. Stay back. DEVON I swear I'll jump.

Devon glances over the edge again, sees a group of REPORTERS. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Avery and a CAMERAMAN navigate through a narrow hallway lined with curious DOCTORS and POLICE. Dr. Hamilton steps out in front of them. DR. HAMILTON Nothing that woman says will be aired on television. Is that clear? The cameraman looks from Avery back to the doctor. CAMERAMAN Just doing my job. DR. HAMILTON This woman is extremely delusional. If you broadcast her on your news,


you're going to be looking at a monumental lawsuit from this hospital. AVERY What are you afraid of, Dr. Hamilton? If she's "delusional" like you say, no one will believe her anyway. DR. HAMILTON You, of all people, should want to spare Devon from publicly humiliating herself. Avery doesn't reply. again. Dr. Hamilton turns to the cameraman

DR. HAMILTON Do whatever you have to, pretend to tape her, I don't care. But if a second of it gets on the air, you might as well head straight for the unemployment line. The cameraman eyes Hamilton, then follows Avery out. EXT. HOSPITAL ROOF - CONTINUOUS Avery and the cameraman step out. Avery proceeds toward Devon, closer than anyone else has gotten. DEVON I guess I was right about you after all. AVERY Why are you doing this? Devon takes one more step backwards, her heels millimeters from the ledge. Avery backs away.

AVERY You're making a lot of people very nervous, particularly me. The cameraman sets up, aims the camera.


DEVON I know why they're nervous, but it's not because I'm threatening to jump. She turns her attention to the cameraman. DEVON Is that on? The cameraman nods. Devon glances at the doctors for their reaction before turning back to the camera. DEVON I know what I'm about to say is going to sound crazy. A lot of you won't want to believe it. I didn't at first. AVERY Devon, stop this. You say you want people to listen to you. This isnt the way. The only thing they care about is doing their job. Devon proceeds on, undaunted. DEVON Our friends, our families, our co-workers...people we love and trust have been keeping a secret from us. (beat) Up until a few days ago, I was a psychiatrist at this hospital. Three of my patients confided in me. They told me something shocking, something no one in their right mind would believe. AVERY Devon, dont do this! DEVON And because I didnt believe them, theyre dead now. (beat)


But what's happening to them is worse than death. They're becoming lifeless creatures that roam the streets at night searching for something they can never find. Their souls. The cameraman lowers the camera to glance at the doctors. They all shake their heads, dismissing Devon and her claims. He lifts up the camera again. DEVON I know how it sounds AVERY If you want to be taken seriously, come inside and everyone will listen. Devon has blocked Avery out completely. She doesnt even flinch at his latest interruption. DEVON After the things I've seen and heard and felt. The door opens and Julian saunters out dressed in a suit and a white lab coat with a doctor's badge dangling from the pocket. DEVON Hes one of them. Stay away from me! The doctors and cops turn to see Julian. peculiarly, almost recognizing him. AVERY Who are you? JULIAN I'm Dr. Bernard. DR. RIVERA He's a psychotherapist. in the country. Best Avery stares at him

Julian takes several steps toward Devon.


JULIAN Devon, don't be afraid. to help you.

I'm here

Devon shakes her head vehemently, trembling with fear. DEVON You're too late. Julian continues toward her at a slow pace. JULIAN I can help you feel better, Devon. I can make all of the confusion and pain go away. Give me your hand. Julian holds out a hand to her which Devon refuses to take. She glances down to find her heels already dangerously close to the ledge. DEVON I'll jump, I swear I will. I have nothing to lose. You took everything. Julian continues toward her. His relentlessness distresses Avery. He steps forward but a police officer restrains him. AVERY Hes gonna get her killed. The officer ignores his concern. JULIAN Devon, I know you're afraid. The mind is both a wonderful and (MORE) JULIAN (CONTD) terrible thing. It can make you believe things that aren't true. Let me help you make everything right again. No. DEVON Stay back.

Julian continues to move forward. As he reaches out for her, Devon recoils back, loses her footing, falls back.


Julian lunges forward and grabs a hold of her arm. Lying face down on the concrete, he retains a firm hold of Devon's wrist as she dangles off the side of the building. Police rush to his aide. JULIAN (whispering) They'll never believe you now. Two POLICEMEN pull Devon back up. They restrain her while she kicks and SCREAMS. Julian motions Dr. Hamilton who steps up with a syringe. DEVON No! Dont let them do this. Avery! Avery sighs, looking away. Julian injects Devon in the arm. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Devon lies in a hospital bed, eyes closed, strapped down to the bed by her wrists and ankles. INT. HOSPITAL - SAME Avery watches her through the observation window, forehead rested hopelessly against the glass. JULIAN (OS) How is our patient tonight? Avery turns abruptly to find Julian standing beside him. He glances back at the glass but does not see Julians reflection. AVERY Who the hell are you? JULIAN Who do you think I am? AVERY Stay away from this room. (beat) You hear me?


No reply.

Julian is gone.

EXT. CHURCH - NIGHT Julian ascends the stairs of the church. He glances up at the angelic figures carved above the door and smirks. INT. CHURCH - CONTINUOUS Julian heads toward the confessional booth. As he passes a table of lit candles, they extinguish in unison. INT. CONFESSIONAL - SAME Father O'Neil and a PARISHIONER are separated by a thin wall with a screen window. The priest performs the sign of the cross choreographed to his words. FATHER O'NEIL In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The outline of the woman is all that can be seen. PARISHIONER (O.S.) Thank you, Father. Father O'Neil sits back as the woman exits the booth and someone else enters. A male silhouette is visible through the screen.

JULIAN (O.S.) Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been ages since my last confession. Father O'Neil sucks in a deep, frightened breath. FATHER O'NEIL How dare you step foot in the house of the Lord? JULIAN (O.S.) Not even your Lord can save you. Father O'Neil leaps out of his seat and pulls open the confessional door to find Julian standing before him, blocking his path.


JULIAN You can yell, but not a soul will hear you. Father O'Neil opens his mouth to scream. Julian grabs him by the throat, pushes him back into the booth, closes the door behind him. INT. RAYNA'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Rayna sits on the edge of her bed, dressed in regular clothing. A KNOCK followed by an ORDERLY entering with a wheelchair. ORDERLY Your rides here. He parks it next to the bed, helps Rayna into it. A second KNOCK. Both Rayna and the orderly turn to find Avery standing in the doorway. AVERY Can I come in? Rayna places her legs on the leg rests. RAYNA I'm going home. (to orderly) I'm ready. The orderly unlocks the breaks and starts to push the wheelchair out of the room. AVERY I'll take her downstairs. The orderly glances at Rayna for permission, which she gives after brief hesitation. Avery positions himself behind the wheelchair and pushes Rayna out. INT. ELEVATOR - LATER Rayna sits in the wheelchair while Avery stands behind her. She


watches the numbers above the door. AVERY She's in trouble, Rayna. Rayna attempts an uncaring expression. RAYNA It's not my problem anymore. brother My

AVERY But if you could just spend five minutes with her, I would really appreciate it. You're the only one she still trusts. A long silence. RAYNA Five minutes. INT. DEVON'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Avery pushes Rayna into Devon's room, parks the wheelchair next to the bed. He stays behind her, unable to see the tears that stream down her cheeks upon seeing Devon's condition. Devon's face is a sickly shade of white, cheeks and eyes sunken deep into her face. If it weren't for the steady rise and fall of her chest, she would appear dead. RAYNA Does she have to be tied down like an animal? AVERY I'm sorry you have to see her like this. Rayna leans forward, takes one of Devon's cold hands, rubs it between hers. RAYNA Shes so cold. (beat) Devon, it's me, Rayna.

Wake up. No response or

Rayna brushes her fingers against Devon's cheeks. movement. She turns toward Avery.


RAYNA What did you people do to her? AVERY She's heavily sedated. choice. We had no

An uncomfortable silence fills the air before Rayna's weeping breaks through. RAYNA Is she gonna die? AVERY They don't know what's wrong with her. Until they do, they can't treat it. Rayna dries her tears, focuses on Devon again. RAYNA Devon, I'm sorry for those things I said. It wasn't your fault. I (MORE) RAYNA (CONTD) want you to wake up, okay. Wake up and talk to me. The door opens suddenly and a YOUNG NURSE peeks in. YOUNG NURSE Doctor, there's a call for you. AVERY Take a message. YOUNG NURSE He says it's urgent. Avery sighs, follows her out. Rayna slowly rises out of the wheelchair, moves Devons hair out of her face. RAYNA Devon, I'm here. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm gonna stay right here until you get up.


Don't worry about a thing, okay? Rayna's attention is drawn to the gauze wrapping of Devons injured arm. She starts to unwrap it. Layer by layer the gauze is removed. The wound is gone. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Avery stands at the nurse's station, on the phone, lips pursed in frustration. AVERY Who is this? EVIL CHUCKLING echoes in his ears. JULIAN (filtered) Don't you know by now? AVERY What do you want? JULIAN (filtered) Heather and Ashley...they were practically effortless. Kelley... now she was a bit tough...but Devon...that was a real challenge. And I enjoy a good challenge. AVERY What are you talking about? JULIAN (filtered) Let's see...who's left? The fianc...gone...the priest...not a problem. (chuckle) I know I'm forgetting someone. The best friend?, taking care of her even as we speak. I guess that just leaves you. Avery drops the phone and runs for Devons room. Through the observation window he can see Julian standing inches behind Rayna.


Avery rushes to the door, finds it locked. Another look through the window reveals a scalpel in Julian's hand. He POUNDS more frantically. AVERY Somebody open this goddamned door! Avery peers into the window again. Julian is even closer to Rayna and she is still unaware of his presence. AVERY (yelling) Somebody help me! Avery POUNDS violently on the glass. Rayna! AVERY Get outta there! Avery's eyes widen.

Julian raises the scalpel up to her neck. AVERY No!

In one quick movement, Julian slits Rayna's throat. the floor, eyes wide with shock.

She slumps to

Turning to his one-man audience, Julian raises the scalpel to his lips and licks the blood off. AVERY Someone open this door! The young nurse and a SECURITY GUARD come running to his aide. YOUNG NURSE What is it? AVERY A woman was just killed in there! The security guard fumbles with his keys before unlocking the door. They all rush in to find Julian gone. Rayna lays on the floor in a pool of blood, her throat slit. While the nurse rushes over to check Rayna for a pulse, Avery walks to Devons side.


Finds her asleep and the restraints on her wrists and ankles unfastened. INT. DEVON'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Devon sleeps peacefully, wrists and ankles restrained. The room is completely dark, blinds drawn over the single window. Avery sits forward in his chair, takes her hand between his, kisses it. AVERY I should've believed you. The door opens and a man in a white lab coat walks in. His FOOTSTEPS echo in the quiet room but Avery remains focused on Devon. Dr. Hamilton places a hand on his shoulder. AVERY Whos next? Me? DR. HAMILTON What was that? AVERY You heard me. DR. HAMILTON I dont know what you mean. AVERY Youre one of them, arent you? DR. HAMILTON One of who? Avery bolts out of his seat, grabs Hamilton by the shirt. AVERY Dont play dumb with me, you son-of-a-bitch. I stood outside that door and watched your friend Julian, Dr. Bernard, whatever you want to call him, murder a woman. You may have been able to convince the police and hospital staff that a heavily sedated woman leapt out


of bed to murder her best friend, but I know what really happened. Dr. Hamilton remains completely calm throughout. DR. HAMILTON Do I need to call security? Avery releases him, pushes him back. DR. HAMILTON (CONTD) Because were such good friends, I feel its my obligation to warn you that if you run around town telling your little vampire (MORE) DR. HAMILTON (CONTD) tale, it wont be long before you find yourself strapped to a bed being fed tranquilizers, as well. AVERY Are you threatening me? DR. HAMILTON Im advising you. AVERY I want her transferred out of here first thing in the morning. DR. HAMILTON You and I both know thats not going to happen. For one thing, shes not stable enough to be moved. And for another, you dont have the authority to make that happen. Dr. Hamilton calmly walks to the door. DR. HAMILTON (CONTD) See you in the morning. He leaves the room. Avery takes the table beside Devons bed and throws it across the room in a fit of rage.


INT. CAFETERIA - DAY Avery and Peter sit across each other at a table. Peter meticulously empties one packet of sugar after another into his steaming coffee. PETER Thats going to be hard to convince a jury, you know that, right? AVERY She didnt do it. Youve known Devon since she was a little girl. PETER Avery, I believe you. I just want you to realize what well be up against. AVERY Then what are we going to do? Peter stirs the coffee, replaces the lid, takes a sip. PETER Well, there are several options. Im not sure how many of them youre going to like. AVERY Shes not pleading insanity. I wont let her admit to wrongdoing in any capacity when I know what really happened. A YOUNG BOY walks over to them and takes a drink out of a nearby soda cooler. As the glass door swings shut, Avery notices that Peters reflection doesnt show up. Avery bolts out of his seat. AVERY You son-of-a-bitch. How many more of you bastards are there? Peter gets closer, as close as Avery will allow. PETER Too many. Whispers.


Avery backs away from him, realization creeping across his face. He burst through the swinging doors and out of the cafeteria. Peter gets out his cell phone, dials. PETER Dr. Garman needs to be escorted from the building.

INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY Avery walks briskly down the corridor as two husky SECURITY GUARDS approach from the front. SECURITY GUARD You're gonna have to come with us. The thugs grab Avery. AVERY What are you doing? The security guards pull Avery down the hall while he struggles to get free. They disappear around the corner. AVERY (O.S.) Get your goddamned hands off me! INT. AVERY'S HOME OFFICE - NIGHT Avery stands in front of a window, staring out into the endless night. Taking a deep breath, he pulls the window down and latches it at the bottom, securing it closed. He then pulls the dark black drapes over the window. Avery sinks into the chair behind his desk. illuminates the paper he writes on. A small desk lamp

AVERY (V.O.) I have no idea what happened to Devon; if she is dead or alive, as Ive been allowed zero contact with her. INT. DEVONS HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT


Devon sits on her bed, catatonic, staring at the wall. The young nurse stands at her side, concluding Devons sponge bath. She puts the wet cloth back into a tub of water, then ties the strings of Devons hospital gown.

AVERY (V.O.) Whether her patients were murdered or driven to suicide, one fact remains. That man, that monster they called Julian, left a path of destruction in his wake. If his sole intention was to ruin lives, he succeeded. INT. AVERYS HOME OFFICE - NIGHT Avery runs out of room on the page. He places it on the bottom of the stack, producing a new sheet. He continues writing. AVERY (V.O.) For some unexplained reason, my life has been spared. While his victims lie cold in their graves, desperate to get back what was stolen from them, I exist in a similar hell of which there seems to be no end. Avery lays the pen down. He places the top page on the bottom and slides the stack into a manila envelope. A KNOCK on the door catches his attention. AVERY Come in. The door SQUEALS open and his elderly HOUSEKEEPER with graying hair and a warm smile steps in. HOUSEKEEPER Dr. Garman, can I get you something to eat? You haven't eaten all day. No. AVERY I'm not hungry.


Avery hands the envelope to her. AVERY Deliver this for me. Personally.

The old woman takes the envelope and glances at the name on the front. She stares questionably at Avery. HOUSEKEEPER You want me to - ? Yes. AVERY Tonight. HOUSEKEEPER But -Avery turns in his chair, his back to her. AVERY Thank you. The woman nods and leaves quickly. Avery listens to the sound of her FOOTSTEPS echoing down the hall. He leans back in his swivel chair. INT. KITCHEN - LATER The housekeeper enters the kitchen carrying the envelope. She goes to the sink, strikes a match and sets the envelope on fire, watching it burn with red eyes. INT. DEVONS HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Devon continues to stare at the wall with the nurse at her side. Blood pours out of the walls as if they are bleeding. A pool of blood gathers at the baseboards and inches its way toward Devon. The nurse walks toward the door. YOUNG NURSE Ill be right back with your meds. The nurse leaves the room. INT. AVERY'S HOME - SAME Avery sits in the same position, eyes slowly close. The desk lamp flickers and the bulb burns out, plunging the room into


an abrupt darkness. When Avery opens his eyes, he finds himself sitting in the dark. The window he had just locked is now wide open, the curtain blowing in the gentle night breeze. Avery pulls one of the drawers open, removes a revolver. He opens the chamber, slips his hand back into the drawer, grabs a handful of bullets and loads them in. INT. DEVONS HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Devon sits in the same position as the nurse fills a syringe with a clear liquid. Here we go. YOUNG NURSE A little pinch.

The nurse injects the needle into Devons upper arm, but before she can release the liquid... AVERY (O.S.) Get away from her. The nurse turns to see Avery standing across the room, gun aimed at her head. The nurse removes the needle from Devons arm, moves away from her. YOUNG NURSE What are you doing? AVERY Devon, cmon. Were leaving. Devon doesnt respond. Doesnt even acknowledge his presence.

AVERY (CONTD) Devon, lets go! YOUNG NURSE You cant do this. She needs to be here. She needs her meds. Avery steps closer to the nurse, thrusting the gun out at her. AVERY Move away from her.


The nurse obliges him, taking several steps away from Devon. With the gun still diligently on the nurse, Avery goes over to Devon and takes her by the arm. Slowly edges her toward the door. AVERY You can tell your boss Ill be taking over Devons care. YOUNG NURSE Tell him yourself. The nurse nods toward the door. Avery turns to find Dr. Hamilton and Julian (as Dr. Bernard) standing there, blocking his path. Avery aims the gun at Dr. Hamilton and Julian, a firm grasp on Devons arm. Devon stares off into space, seemingly oblivious to the events around her. JULIAN Youre determined, Ill give you that. AVERY Get over there, with the nurse. Avery motions with a nod of his head. JULIAN Are you under the impression you can harm us with that gun? Avery aims the gun at the nurse, FIRES OFF A ROUND. The nurse leaps out of the way. It barely misses her head. Devon doesnt even flinch. JULIAN How far do you think youll get? Were everywhere. AVERY Ill take my chances. the way. Get out of

Julian moves out of the doorway. Dr. Hamilton looks conflicted at first, then moves aside as well.


Avery takes a firmer hold of Devons arm and hurries out, dragging her along. Dr. Hamilton waits until they are gone before speaking. DR. HAMILTON What are you doing? JULIAN It doesnt matter where he takes her. She belongs to me. INT. AVERYS CAR - NIGHT Avery drives, alternating looks at the road with glances at Devon. Devon sits in the passenger seat slumped against the door, eyes closed. Out the windshield, cars whiz by as Avery does well over the speed limit. AVERY Everythings gonna be okay. Im gonna take us some place safe. He checks the rearview mirror. EXT. GAS STATION - NIGHT Averys car pulls up to a gas station seemingly in the middle of nowhere. INT. AVERYS CAR - SAME Avery puts the car into park. Turns in his seat to face Devon. She still appears to be asleep. AVERY I need to get directions. right back. Ill be Focuses on Devon again.

He pauses for a response even though he doesnt expect one. Gets out of the car. INT. GAS STATION - NIGHT


A bell above the door CHIMES as Avery walks in. He looks around, finds a PUNK GIRL behind the register. Her dyed black hair and dark makeup are a bit intimidating, but Avery approaches her, undaunted. AVERY Hi, I was wondering if you could help me out. Im completely lost. The girl stares at him blankly. AVERY Whats the name of this city? She finally speaks, her black lips moving as though it pains her. PUNK GIRL Langford. AVERY Any idea how to get to Harbor Way? The girl grabs a road map off a nearby rack and tosses it at him. Avery sighs, slaps some money down on the counter, walks away with the map. AVERY Thanks anyway. EXT. GAS STATION - NIGHT Avery walks back to the car slowly, busy looking through the road map. He opens the car door, peers inside to find Devon sitting up in her seat, holding the gun, aimed at his chest. Avery startles back, staring at her, outraged. AVERY What are you doing? Tears roll down Devons cheeks. Her eyes finally have life to them again, although they reflect great sadness and regret. DEVON You have to tell people. You have to make them believe. AVERY


I will, Devon. She shakes her head.

We will.

DEVON Promise me. Say it. make people believe. Avery hesitates.

Say youll

Devon cocks the gun.

AVERY Okay, okay. I promise you. Ill make people believe, if its the last thing I do. DEVON I believe you. In one swift movement, Devon aims the gun at her temple and pulls the trigger. She slumps over in her seat, the gun falls away in her limp hand. AVERY No! Averys screams echo through the dark night as he covers his face and sinks to his knees. INT. WAITING ROOM - DAY Averys head remains in his hands as he sits in a waiting room chair. His own SCREAMS echo in his ears. RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) Mr. Stevens...Mr. Stevens... Avery straightens up, looks around. He sits alone in a waiting room. He spots the RECEPTIONIST, an attractive woman in her early twenties. A large sign above her head reads: Santa Rosa Daily. RECEPTIONIST Mr. Stevens, Ms. Sinclair will see you now. Avery walks into the office area where numerous NEWSPAPER STAFF sit behind their desks in their cubicles. RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) Its the third desk on the right.


Looking around as he goes, Avery slowly makes his way to the third desk on the right. A young woman dressed in a professional skirt and blouse, MS. SINCLAIR, stands to meet him. She offers a hand. MS. SINCLAIR Hi, Im Hallie Sinclair. You must be Avery doesnt shake her hand. He sits down in a seat across her desk in the small cubicle. AVERY My name isnt important. I have to tell you is. MS. SINCLAIR (sarcastic) Please, have a seat. Ms. Sinclair sits down and pulls her chair under her desk. MS. SINCLAIR (CONTD) So, what is it you have to tell me? AVERY Do you believe in vampires? FADE OUT What

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