KSDL Project

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Effectively working on setting up of a Sandalwood Nursery & Sandalwood Garden at Shimoga for educating the farmers as well as entrepreneurs for the long term sustainable supply of natural sandalwood from the legal & ethical sources for the mutual benefit of the farmers and KS&DL by means of providing quality planting materials, Technical & Marketing information. KSDL continues its basic corporate philosophy of 'Share & Prosper' by making buy back arrangement with thousands of farmers under "Grow More Sandalwood" scheme. The scheme will enrich the farmers and creating exciting opportunities in the coming years. The propagation of commercial cultivation of Sandalwood as a part of conservation of resource of Sandalwood which is in the verge of extinction not only protect the specie and to maintain the green and lush environment coupled with Economic empowerment of the rural population and creation of the massive rural employment opportunities in the coming years by collective farming & crop diversity. Effectively working on sustainable ecologically sound & ethical supply of Sandalwood in a socially responsible manner to KS&DL on long term basis at the best advantageous of the growers & Industries as a part of bio-diversity conservative measures without the impact on the land degradation as an inter plantation crop along with other medicinal plants. Effectively working on utilization of spare capacity of our essential oil Distillation units and diversification of our activities towards other natural essential oil bearing plants cultivation viz.,Vetivert, Patchouli, Lemongrass, Palmrosa etc., Working effectively on enlarging the natural sandal range of products to the newer segments like Room fresheners, Deodorants, Fine

perfume sprays, Shaving gels, Body wash gels & other herbal products. Setting up of the Sandalwood plantations for captive consumption, modern nursery, clonal orchards, Quality seedlings, germ plasm bank for quality planting material, effectively working on different l configuration of host plants for economic cultivation of Sandalwood plantation. Our vision is to make India to regain the glory of the past, the largest producer of Santalum album in the coming next 10 years period by making buy back arrangement with the potential growers, entrepreneurs by giving scientific & marketing information from time to time on Indian Sandalwood Industry and the Global scenario. Our vision is to develop Sandalwood Oil Factory as centre for learning from Soil to Oil, on cultivation of Sandalwood, along with other host plants with different configuration of hostorial plants as a measure to reduce the gestation period its utility value & conservative measures to the visiting Farmers & the Entrepreneurs. Continuing the programme on "Grow More Sandalwood" effectively for the propagation of commercial cultivation of Sandalwood all over the State. Participation in the similar kind of programmes in other parts of the Country to showcase the Sandalwood cultivation, its potential/commercial benefits, ecological advantages, increase green cover, create livelihood, reduce poverty, reducing emission from deforestation and forest degradation

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