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annaparabrahma.blogspot .hu


A Glamorous Heart Cake

Wh en ever th ere is an upcomin g marriag e in th e family, I make sure th at I g et my special momen ts with th e bride or g room to be. I was broug h t up in th e join t family. I h ave n o sibblin g s but h ave 4 cousin sisters an d 2 cousin broth ers, we g rew up as a tig h t kn it family. It does n ot stay th at way th oug h , so th en you beg in to carve out th ese momen ts with more effort to be treasured later. With all my cousin sisters I h ave tried to make th ose momen ts precious, th ey g ot married an d absorbed in to th e vortex of life th at followed. So before th e last of my cousin s g ets married we spen t th is refresh in g h oliday tog eth er last September after celebratin g h is birth day in Blr last year. Now I am back in Mumbai an d so a special cake for everyon e in th e family. I asked Hrush i wh at h e would like but h e trusts my judg emen t more or th e experimen t more don 't kn ow, h e left it to me. I kn ew I was g oin g to make Mascarpon e ch eese for h is birth day so did a advan ce test. Th e test was successful in My Kitch en Lab. Will soon sh are it h ere. Th e Mascarpon e ch eese g oes really beautifully with fresh fruits, it was a discussion an d th en Deeba's post th at made me feel con fiden t th at th is will be on e Glamorous cake for a birth day. Th is is an elaborate recipe so I preferred makin g it over 3 days. Day1: Made th e Heart spon g e cake Day2: Made th e Mascarpon e ch eese an d left it to drain an d firm up in th e fridg e. Day3: Did th e layerin g an d left it to ch ill in th e fridg e. Added th e g an ach e on top. Day4: At midn ig h t th e cake was cut. Th e flavors were soaked well. Th e Fruits still crun ch y. Happy appreciative smiles an d man y drools.

Ing r edients For the Hear t spong e cake 1.5 cups All Purpose Flour / Maida 2 tsp Bakin g powder 1 cup Curd 3/4 cup Sug ar 1/4 cup oil 1/4 cup con den sed milk 1 tsp Raspberry essen ce 1 tablespoon flax seeds powder + 3tablespoon s water; rested for 10 min s. Measure out th e flour an d alon g with th e bakin g powder sieve it. Keep aside. In a mixin g bowl, add curd, con den sed milk, oil, raspberry essen ce an d sug ar an d beat un til fluffy. Add th e flax seeds powder sludg e wh ich would h ave become albumin ous to th e wet in g redien ts. Mix well. Now add little by little th e flour an d bakin g powder mix. Fold in th e flour to g et a batter th at falls in layers wh en poured. Preh eat oven for 10 min s at 180 deg celcius. Prepare h eart sh aped tin by g reasin g an d dustin g with flour. Pour th e batter in to th e tin . Tap th e tin g en tly on th e coun ter to remove th e air bubbles an d even ly spread th e cake batter. Bake in preh eated oven for 40 min s or till top is g olden an d kn ife in serted in it comes out clean . Let it cool in th e tin for 30 min s an d th en demould on to a plate. I left th e cake covered on th e coun ter for an en tire day. If you are doin g th e en tire cake in a sin g le day en sure it cools completely before you do th e layers. Th is cake is slig h tly den se an d works well with th e wet layers. It provides th e required support an d absorbs th e liquids released by th e fillin g . For the layer ed filling 1/2 cup Oran g e Marmalade 2 cups Homemade Mascarpon e ch eese 1/2 cup icin g sug ar 1 teaspoon Raspberry essen ce Mixed cut fruits (I used 2 ripe pears + 1 apple with skin + 2 Nag pur oran g es peeled + 1 cup Pomeg ran ate arils, ch oose a colorful combin ation of fruits.) After th e cake is cooled completely, start th e layerin g . Slice th e cake h orizon tally. Put th e slice in to th e cake tin . First spread th e Oran g e marmalade, level it out even ly. Ch ill a splash proof bowl in th e freezer. Next in th e splash proof bowl put th e mascarpon e ch eese, raspberry essen ce an d add little icin g sug ar at a time an d keep beatin g with a wooden spatula till all icin g sug ar is in corporated an d you g et stiff

creamed mascarpon e. At th is poin t add th e mixed cut fruits to th e creamed mascarpon e ch eese. Mix g en tly. Fill in all th e mix in to th e tin . Place th e top slice of th e spon g e cake over it. Press a bit to make it stick to th e fillin g . Cover th e tin with clin g film an d keep in th e fridg e to ch ill.

For the Ganache 1 slab of Bourn ville Dark ch ocolate (I used Hazeln ut) 50 ml fresh cream Just before servin g , make th e g an ach e. Remove th e set layered cake on to a servin g dish . You can just turn it upside down on an y plate for support an d place th e Fin al servin g plate face side down on it. Turn it uprig h t ag ain . Remove th e support plate. Leave it to stan d uprig h t for furth er decoration . In a bowl break th e bar of ch ocolate in to pieces. Place th e cream in a clean bowl an d h eat till it starts boilin g , keep stirrin g so it does n ot spill over. Pour th e boilin g cream over th e ch ocolate pieces. Beat it to dissolve th e ch ocolate an d fluff up a bit. Pour th e g an ach e from th e cen ter an d move outward. Spread it with a butter kn ife. With a clean fin g er draw th e swirl at th e cen ter to g ive it a effect of a rose bud.

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