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COMPETENCY BASED QUESTIONNAIRE Team Skills 1) Who is the most difficult person you have worked with and

how did you handle him? 2) What kind of people do you enjoy working with? Why? 3) Tell me an instance where your team members agreed upon your views? 4) Describe any situation where you had a disagreement with someone in your team? 5) Describe any situation where you were successful in getting people to work together? 6) Describe any situation where you resolved conflicts between your team members? 7) Describe any situation where you encouraged non performing team member and facilitated a better outcome. What qualities do you admire most in your team members? 9) What kind of people frustrates you? Why? 10) Have you ever been a member of a team that broke up because it was impossible to work with each other? What did you do? 11) Can you recall a situation when you completely disagreed with the way your team was working? What did you do? 12) Tell me about a time when you worked successfully as a member of a time. 13) What was your toughest challenge in working with others. Communication Skills 1) Tell me an instance where you were successful in getting crucial information from another person 2) What do you rate yourself from 1 to 5 in communication if one being the least and five being the highest. Why? 3) Tell me an instance when someone misunderstood what you were attempting to communicate to them 4) Tell me about a time when you worked with people from a culture unlike your own and how did you handle it. Did you find difficulty in expressing your views / thoughts? 5) Describe a situation where you were not able to put forth on writing (e.g. Mail) whatever you wanted to communicate? 6) What did you do to overcome any perceived barriers? Problem Solving 1) Tell me about a difficult decision that you have made 2) Tell me about an unpopular decision you have made 3) What significant problems have you faced in the last year? 4) Tell me an instance when you had to make a quick decision and what did you do? 5) Tell me about a situation where you achieved a satisfactory outcome to a problem that others thought couldn't be solved. What did you do and what was the outcome? 6) Tell me about a time when you had conflicting priorities and what you did to resolve them. 7) What kind of problems do you handle best?

Have you ever anticipated a difficult situation before it arose? Describe the situation, the action you took and the outcome. 9) Describe a situation where people came to you for a solution to a problem they are facing with. 10) Tell me an instance where your solutions brought appreciation from your superiors? 11) Describe a time when things dint turn out the way you have planned and what did you do to analyze the situation. 12) Tell me about a recent problem in which old solutions wouldnt work. How did you solve the problem? 13) Can you describe me a problem that you were unable to solve? 14) Describe a time when you had to analyze a problem and generate a solution Leadership Skills 1) How do you resolve conflict in the groups or teams that you have been heading? 2) Describe a situation where you motivated an employee who was performing poorly? 3) Is there any situation you were successful being a Team Leader. 4) What sort of team members you would like to have? Why? 5) How do you handle conflicts if it arises in your team? 6) Any situation where you found difficulty in handling a team? 7) Tell me an instance where you felt you were being partial towards a particular team member? Describe how you maintain the performance of your team? 9) Tell me a situation where you had a fight with your team members? 10) Any particular achievement to be mentioned being a team leader. 11) Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and those reporting to him or her. 12) Describe the situations where you tend to loose your temper? 13) Can you accept criticism? Why? 14) Describe a situation where you inspired others to meet their goal 15) Tell me an instance where you felt you are successful being a team leader. 16) Give me an example when you recognized that a member of your team had a performance difficulty and what did you do? 17) Have you ever had to arbitrate between two team members who were unable to work together? How did you get them to cooperate? 1 How often to you hold meetings with your team members? How did you prepare for the last meeting? 19) Has it ever happened that targets were not met while you were in charge? What did you do then? Multitasking 1) Describe a situation where you faced problems handling more than one job at a time? 2) Is there any instance where you asked to do more than one job at a time? If so, explain what it was and how you able to do it. 3) Is there any instance you forgot to do something which was assigned to you because of

your other priorities? 4) What sort of mistakes you tend to do if multiple jobs are assigned to you? Time Management 1) Explain a situation where you procrastinated the tasks in hand 2) What sort of troubles you get making plans well in advance. Provide an example. 3) Explain a situation where do assisted others in scheduling their tasks? 4) Tell me about an instance where you did a proper scheduling and completed the assigned task before the stipulated time. 5) How do you prioritize or plan your day well before? 6) Explain me an aspect of your time management you most wanted to improve? 7) Tell me an instance when you had to readjust the Schedule due to unforeseen circumstances? Information Management 1) What are the different ways you have tried to gather some information from a particular source 2) Is there any instance where you introduced a report and was being used in the organization and even got you appreciations from the management? 3) How fast you are at learning things. Is there any instance where you have learnt anything new and implemented the same? Motivational Skills 1) Tell me an instance where you motivated others to perform better 2) Tell me an instance where you felt motivated 3) According to you explain me what do you thing the best method that keeps others motivated 4) Is there any instance where you motivated others and yielded good results out of that? 5) How often do you think you motivate others? 6) What do you think would motivate you? Explain the situation where you used the same to motivate others 7) Have you tried anything different to motivate others? If so, what was that way? Explain a situation where you recognized your team member for significant accomplishments at work and awarded him/her? Creativity 1) What motivates you to be creative? 2) Have you ever experienced a moment of inspiration or insight as part of a creative process? If yes, please describe such an experience. 3) At what environment do you think you can be more creative? Tell me a situation where it was fruitful? 4) Explain me with a situation where you were successful in imagining things which you

have never scene e.g. walk of a dinosaur? 5) Why do you enjoy being creative artist 6) How would you rate yourself for creativity from 1 to 5 where one being the lowest and five being the highest? Give me an instance supporting your answer. 7) Is there anytime when you got appreciation from your superiors for creativity and when? Negotiation 1) Please describe a contract you have negotiated in which the parties had a difficult time coming to agreement. How you have helped the parties work through the problem. 2) Describe a situation where you convinced the party with out much effort. 3) Describe a situation where you failed to negotiate with the customer / party.

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