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From: Subject: Date: To: Cc: Hi Eugene -

"Baltao, Elaine" <Elaine dot Baltao at> RE: Jan. 10 VTA Board Meeting @ 4pm Mon, January 7, 2013 12:13 pm "Eugene Bradley" <ebradley at svtransitusers dot org> "Board.Secretary" <Board.Secretary at vta dot org>

Thank you for your email. Please note that the Board Secretary's Office tries to keep meetings scheduled during their regular times/day. However, our Board Members have other commitments and there instances when there are schedule conflicts that affect the quorum and our ability to conduct business at Board meetings. The January 10 meeting will begin at 4 p.m. due to schedule conflict with several Board members' schedule. I would encourage you to send to us any concerns that you would like to relay to the Board. If you are aware of anyone who cannot attend the meeting and would like to address the Board, kindly ask them to send their concerns to us via email at: board.secretary at vta dot org. Our Office made aware of the conflict with the originally proposed February 7 meeting the week of the December 2012 Board meeting. Several Board members will not be able to attend the originally proposed meeting date; hence, the Board approved the 2013 schedule with the exception of the February 2013 date. Since then, we have polled the Board Members and the date that will work best for everyone's schedule is January 31 - a week earlier. This change is reflected in the calendar in our website. I would like to note that if the meeting is not held on the regularly scheduled time, we note it in parenthesis in the website (i.e. Second Thursday) If you are not yet subscribed to the email notification for calendar changes, I would like to encourage you to do so by clicking on the "sign up for email updates" on top of the calendar page. This way, you can get an email when we notify our subscribers regarding schedule changes. Again, thank you for your continued interest and support to VTA. Please feel free to email me back or call me at 408.321.5680 if you have any further concerns. Regards, Elaine F. Baltao -----Original Message----From: Eugene Bradley [mailto:ebradley at svtransitusers dot org] Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 9:21 AM To: Board.Secretary Subject: Jan. 10 VTA Board Meeting @ 4pm Dear VTA Board of Directors and Staff: I noticed that VTA's first Board of Directors' meeting of 2013 is January 10 at 4:00m at the County Supervisors' Chambers at 70 W. Hedding Street in San Jose. I am curious as to why this meeting will start at 4pm and not the normal 5:30pm. Also, why is there a VTA Board Meeting on January 31 and not on February 7?

I am aware that these Board Meeting dates and times were set back in late December. However, the earlier time of the January 10 Board Meeting means those who want to address the VTA Board must take at least 1/2-day off from work or school to address their concerns. The January 31 Board meeting instead of February 7 throws everyone off in terms of the expected Board meeting schedule. People like myself have always expected the Board meetings to be on the first Thursday of every month at 5:30pm. At any future VTA Board meeting where the time and/or date will be different than normal, VTA should disclose on its Board Meetings schedule page at why the meeting time and date will be different than normal to avoid confusion. As always, your written response to these concerns and questions is appreciated. Eugene Bradley Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users Twitter: @svtransitusers

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