Chiefs of Ontario: For Immediate Release A Statement by The Indigenous Nations of Ontario "An Opportunity For Renewal"

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POLITICAL OFFICE: 109 Mission Road Fort William, ON P7J 1K7 Thunder Bay, Ontario (807) 626-9339 (807)

626 9404 Fax

ADMINISTRATION OFFICE: 111 Peter Street, Suite 804 Toronto, Ontario M5V 2H1 (416) 597-1266 Fax (416) 597-8365 1-877-517-6527 Website:


Ottawa, ON (January 10, 2013) We have been pushed into a corner due to the violation of our fundamental treaty, inherent and human rights. We face an onslaught of imposed legislation at an unprecedented level. This onslaught goes against the principle of non-interference embodied in the two-row wampum and successive treaties. Our people live in overwhelming poverty while Canada ranks fourth in the UN Human Development Index. To support its high standard of living, Canada continually sells Indigenous lands and resources to foreign governments with no return to our peoples. We continue to uphold our end of the treaties despite Canada`s disrespect. We must have our Treaty partner, the Governor General, at the January 11th meeting. Be absolutely clear that should this meeting not occur the responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of the Governor General. Our citizens` level of frustration has boiled over into the streets and failure to find common ground can only result in heightened tensions. This is a time of action, a time to create substantive resolution to enable lasting, meaningful relationships. Short term gains like programs and services from the Federal Government have proven they will never eliminate poverty in our communities. Only control over the resources within our homelands can create long-term sustainable growth and development. The honour of the Crown is at stake. Canada must abandon its efforts to assimilate and colonize Indigenous peoples. Canada must take concrete steps with Indigenous Nations as equal partners to establish clear milestones to dismantle its colonial system. This is a significant opportunity to establish a renewed relationship with Indigenous Nations. To maintain the status quo; assimilation and systemic genocide, is a situation that is unacceptable to Indigenous Peoples and Canadians alike.

Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians First Nations of Treaty #3 Independent First Nations Nishnawbe Aski Nation Union of Ontario Indians

We demand that Canada ensure transparency by streaming the January 11th meeting live. Canada can no longer hide or sidetrack from the real issues of treaties and obligations with malicious media distractions. We need the voice and support of the Canadian public to achieve justice and true reconciliation between Indigenous Nations and the Crown.

For information, please contact: Andre Morriseau, Media Relations Cell: 1-416-580-9320

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