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Content Immigrant Journey

Immigrant Ancestor Paper Rubric Excellent: 2 points Fair: 1.5 points Needs Improvement: 1 point Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Provides vivid description of immigrant ancestor undertaking the journey, including the age, physical attributes, emotional/mental characteristics Clearly narrates reasons for leaving homeland, describes journey to America, explains feelings about America after arriving; everything adds to the major theme of the paper and there are no extraneous details Uses sufficient sensory details and figurative language to capture the essence of the journey, making the reader feel as if he/she is also on the trip Provides picture of immigrant ancestor, but lacks sufficient detail to help reader see all facets of individual clearly Includes description of immigration but lacks details about key parts of the journey; may include extraneous details that seem out of place with the rest of the essay Uses some sensory details and figurative language, but still tells about the trip rather than showing through vivid pictures/examples Provides inadequate description of immigrant ancestor

Lacks sufficient detail that explains why trip was taken and what initial thoughts of America were

Show vs. Tell

Lacks sufficient imagery to capture the scene being narrated; uses little or no sensory details or figurative language

Organization Format
Effectively uses first person or third person to convey story; no gaps in sequencing. Writer uses creative, sophisticated techniques including flashback, en medias res, authorial interjections, or other narrative device. Has intro that grabs readers attention and a conclusion that answers the so what question, provoking further thought Uses thoughtful transitions between ideas and paragraphs Uses strong, active verbs to show the scene Language is natural and phrasing is highly individual; captures the writers voice Varies sentence structure for fluency through the paper Few to no errors in formal English spelling, grammar, and punctuation where appropriate. Shows clear organization, but may have some gaps in the sequence; progression of essay is somewhat formulaic Organization is unclear; the logical flow of the essay is difficult to determine


Has an intro and a conclusion, but they may not draw in reader or tie up loose ends Uses transitions between most paragraphs, but may have some inconsistency in parts Uses strong verbs at times, but lapses into weaker verbs/passive voice at other times Familiar words and phrases communicate, but do not capture readers imagination; captures writers voice at times Occasionally varies sentence structure Some errors in formal English spelling, grammar, and punctuation where not appropriate that might be distracting to reader

Lacks intro and/or conclusion; intro/conclusion overly simplistic; need to be more engaging or clearer Lacks transitions

Transitions Style/Mechanics Verbs Voice

Overuses to be verbs, or lapses into passive voice Language is vague; only a general idea of writers voice comes through Sentence structure has insufficient or no variety; comes off as monotone A significant number of errors in formal English spelling, grammar, and punctuation where not appropriate that are distracting to the reader

Sentence Variety Grammar

Attention to MLA Formatting: Heading, Date, Last Name & # Top Right, Title ___ / 2 pts Pedigree Chart included, with Ms. Ps stamp or signature: ___ / 1 pt Interview Questions & Notes included, with Ms. Ps stamp or signature: ___ / 2 pt Rough Draft included: ___ /1 pt

TOTAL: _______ / 26 points

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