To Know The Bija Sphuta

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To know the Bija Sphuta, add the longitudes of Ravi Sukra and Guru in a male chart.

The sum of these three gives a Rasi and a Navamsa. Suppose, in a horoscope, the longitude of Ravi is 216.32, the longitude of Sukra is 192.18 and the longitudes of Guru are 177.24 the total by adding these three is 586.14 subtracting 360 degrees we get 226.14. It is Vrischika rasi. The navamsa falls in Vrischika. So, both of them are in even sign. If the bijasputa falls in Odd Rasi and Odd navamsa, there is possibility of begetting progeny. If both fall in the even signs then the result is negative. If both differ we can say remote chances are there.

To know the Kshetra Sphuta, add the longitudes of The Moon, Kuja and Guru in a female chart. Find the rasi and Navamsa in which the total falls. If bijasphuta falls in even Rasi and Navamsa then she will be able to conceive. If both belong to odd sign there is no chance of getting children. If one is in even and another is odd there may be delay.

Calculation of Tithi Sphuta Multiply the longitudes of the Moon by 5. Multiply the longitudes of the Sun by 5. Subtract the longitudes of the Sun from that of the Moon. Convert the figure into degrees, Minutes and seconds. And divide this by 12. The quotient plus 1 is tithi sphuta. If this is less than 15, comes under Sukla Paksha. If it exceeds 15 then it said to be in Krishna Paksha. If the reminder is less than 6 the karana is in 1st half. If it exceeds 6 then it is in 2nd half. Hereunder the Karana and tith table is given.
Tithi Karana Table Sukla Paksha Krishna Paksha 1st half 2 nd half Tithi 1st half 2nd half Kimstugna bava 1 balava kaulava balava kaulava 2 taitula garaja taitula garaja 3 vanija vishti vanija vishti 4 bava balava bava balava 5 kaulava taitula kaulava taitula 6 garaja vanija garaja vanija 7 vishti bava vishti bava 8 balava kaulava balava kaulava 9 taitula garaja taitula garaja 10 vanija vishti vanija vishti 11 bava balava bava balava 12 kaulava taitula kaulava taitula 13 garaja vanija garaja vanija 14 vishti sakuni vishti bava 15 chtushpada naga

Tithi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Tithis in Suklapaksha are benefic in getting children. The tithis in Krishnapaksha are malefic and reduce the chances of getting progeny. The 4,6,8,9,10,12 and 14 tithis in either paksha are not good and reduce the chances. The 1st day of krishnapaksha and the 14th day of suklapaksha are good and promote the chances. Chatushpada, Naga, Kimstughna, Sakuni, vishti are malefic. Others are benific.

Chances of progeny will be promoted if both the tithi and karana are benific If any one between the tithi and karana is malefic, chances of progeny will be reduced. If bijasphuta is strong, the malefic tithi can not operate. But the malefic karana particularly visti destroys he chances, though the tithi may be benefic. In Santahna deepika and other books it is told that some planetary pattern denote childlessness caused by Pitrusapa, Deva sapa, Vishnu sapa, Stree Matru sapa, Sarpa sapa, Marjala sapa, Brahma sapa, Garbhasrava and Retasskhalana . In every chart we have to study the fifth house in Rasichakra and Saptamamsachakra. The ashtakavarga bindus in 5th house from lagna and from the sign where guru is situated also is to be examined. In our Vedic
astrology system anaolgies of the male sperm and female ovaies have been defined that can be placed as longitudnal points in the chart. and then the influence of various benefic/ malefic etc can bee seen to test the potency of the astrological equivalent of sperm and the fertility of the astrological equivalent of ovary. This is how it works: 1) The Beeja Sphutha is literally the male seed ( call it the astrological equivalent of sperms) 2) The Kshetra sphutha is literally the ground for sowing the seed ( the astrological equivalent of ovaries) 3) If the ground is barren, the strongest of seeds will struggle to nurture into a life form. If the seeds are weak.....they will struggle to nurture in the most fertile grounds. 4) Beeja is calculated for MALES by adding the longitudes ( absolute with signs and w.r.t Aries house-1) of Sun+Jupiter+Venus. Remove 360 or multiples of it...if the total is high till you get a number less than 360. 5) Place the Beeja ( derived longtiude) in the approrpaite Rashi. If in an odd Rasi indicates natural strong potency....even Rasi indicates weakness. 6) Further ownership of Rasi, benefic conjucntions and aspects strengthen the beej and malefics weaken the beeja. 7) The kshetra sphuta is calculated for FEMALES by adding similarly absolute longitudes of Moon+Mars+Jupiter, removing 360 or multiples of it thereoff and placing in the appropriate sign. 8]If in an even sign indicates a naturally fertile woman. 9)If aspected or conjunct with benefics...fertility/ potency of Beeja and sphuta is enhanced. 10) Malefics ( Ra-Ke, Ma and Sat) are reportedly going to reduce the potency / fertility. My test cases show Ra-Ket probably are generally adverse.....for Sat and Mar my suggestion is to look closely as to how good or bad they are overall in natives chart. In my read Mars's influence on Kshetra would indicate surgical processes for Kshetra and Shani will be delays for both beej and Kshetra. Instead of outright denials of conception especially if Ma and Sat are well placed in the chart.

11)One other theory is if the Kshetra falls in the house of sun or conjunct or aspected by it's direct's fertility is burnt ( equivalent of combustion).......I am not sure and haven't been able to validate this pasrt. 12) The Beeja and Kshetra sphuta must be used in conjunction with the 5th house/ Jup-the-karak and D7 analysis as an addtional tool for indepth inidctaion and validation of fertility/ conception matters and not standalone. 13) Rasi chart is the best and first place to start......various commnentaries recommend repeating it in Navamsa / and/ or Saptamsa. I am more inclined to look at it in saptamsa if time permits, although Rasi has generally been suificient to get additional indicators.

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