UT Bulletin January 2013

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Union Temple of Brooklyn

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

JANUARY, 2013 TEVET - SHEVAT 5773 Vol. 164, No 5
4 Friday Evening
First Friday Family Shabbat
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
6:00 PM - Snacks
6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat
7:30 PM - Pot Luck Dinner

5 Saturday Morning
10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Exodus 1:1-6:1 Haftarah: Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-23
11 Friday Evening
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat

12 Saturday Morning
10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service
Torah: Exodus 6:2-9:35 Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21
18 Friday Evening
Celebration of the 40th Anniversary Of Roe v Wade
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat
Pizza and Rabbi's program to follow

19 Saturday Morning
10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Exodus 10:1-13:16 Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-28
25 Friday Evening
Fourth Friday Shabbat
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
7:00 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat
8:00 PM - Shabbat Service, with the Union Temple Singers
9:00 PM - Concert in celebration of Shabbat Shira
(Sabbath of Song)

26 Saturday Morning
10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Exodus 13:17-17:16 Haftarah: Judges 4:4-5:31

Our hearts go out to the
parents and families of the
20 darling children and 6
devoted faculty members at
the Sandy Hook Elementary
School in Newtown,
CT. We pray that they may
find some measure of conso-
lation in the love and sup-
port of each other, and of
our entire nation. May we
emerge from our national
grief emboldened to stand
up to the gun lobby in this
country, and eliminate this
scourge from our midst once
and for all.

Zecher Tzaddikim
May the memory of the
righteous be for a blessing.

Rabbis Message
Roe V. Wade 40 Years Later
This coming January 22
our country will mark the 40
anniversary of the land-
mark Supreme Court Decision of Roe v. Wade, which granted women in America
the legal right to obtain a safe and hygienic abortion. The 7-2 decision was writ-
ten by Justice Harry Blackmun, who was chosen because of his prior experience as
resident counsel at the Mayo Clinic. The case was based on a Texas statute that
criminalized all pregnancy terminations except those in which a direct threat to the
life of the woman could be demonstrated. The case was brought by Jane Roe,
the pseudonym of a single pregnant woman challenging the Texas law as a viola-
tion of the Constitutional right to privacy. The Court ruled that the Texas statute
violated the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments, which protect an
individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws. The decision cited past cases rul-
ing that marriage, contraception, and child rearing are activities covered in this
"zone of privacy." The Court argued that the "zone of privacy" was "broad enough
to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy." This
decision took into consideration the full range of physical, psychological, and economic stresses a pregnant
woman must face.
As we are well aware, this decision sparked a storm of controversy, and has elicited vigorous protests from
those groups who believe that life begins at the moment of conception, and thus any abortion procedure should
be considered as murder. But we also have seen significant support for this decision, growing out of a wide
spectrum of belief in this country. The wide divergence of perspectives, both religious and otherwise, make
one thing clear: there is no religious consensus in America on abortion, and thus these procedures must re-
main legal, safe, and available for all women and girls who decide to seek them out. While we breathe a col-
lective sigh of relief that in the recent election by and large the most extreme anti-choice candidates were de-
feated, there are still those in Congress and in the state legislatures who are actively seeking ways to chip away
at womens rights in this area, and restrict womens health care access in general, as the targeting of Planned
Parenthood for defunding measures proves.
As we anticipate this anniversary, it is useful for us to review the brief statements of some of the most promi-
nent religious groups in America, whose national judicatories have gone on record as supportive of choice, and
in recognition of a woman's moral agency and personal privacy.
Please note the presence of our own national body as well, the Union for Reform Judaism.
American Baptist Churches, USA: Recognizing that each person is ultimately responsible to God, we
encourage women and men in these circumstances to seek spiritual counsel as they prayerfully and
conscientiously consider their decision.
American Friends Services Committee: the right to individual conscience the personal right to
choose in regard to contraception and abortion. a consistent position supporting a womans right to
follow her own consciencefree of the coercion of poverty, racial discrimination and availability of
services to those who cannot pay.
Catholics for Choice: an examination of core principles of Catholic theology reveals a tradition
that respects the capacity of individuals to make moral decisions.
Disciples of Christ: persons who must decide whether or not to undergo an abortion shall have the
(Continued on page 3)

informed supportive resources of the Christian community to help them make responsible choices, and
that congregations and individuals give continued full support to each person who must make such a
decision, knowing that whether or not an abortion is decided the person will need the supportive
assurance of Gods grace and love which meaningfully can come with the Christian community.
Episcopal Church: Any proposed legislation on the part of national or state governments regarding
abortions must take special care to see that individual conscience is respected and that the responsibil-
ity of individuals to reach informed decisions in this matter is acknowledged and honored.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): We affirm the ability and responsibility of women, guided by the
Scriptures and the Holy Spirit, to make good moral choices.
Union for Reform Judaism (formerly Union of American Hebrew Congregations): Affirm our un-
wavering commitment to the protection and preservation of the reproductive rights of women.
Unitarian Universalist Association: the right to individual conscience the personal right to
choose in regard to contraception and abortion.
United Church of Christ: within the context of the concern for sacredness of individual lives, as
exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, God calls us when making choices, especially as
these relate to abortion, to act faithfully. This includes being faithful in our concern for the life and
health of women.
United Methodist Church: We call all Christians to a searching and prayerful inquiry into the sorts of
conditions that may warrant abortion. We commit our Church to continue to provide nurturing minis-
tries to those who terminate a pregnancy, to those in the midst of a crisis pregnancy and to those who
give birth.
Please show these statements to anyone who still claims that religious people are anti-choice. In addition, I
also would heartily recommend to you the books of two of my colleagues who have worked tirelessly on be-
half of womens rights.
S. Ross
I am a member of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, representing all the religious groups whose
statements appear above, and more. I am also a member of Concerned Clergy for Choice, which operates in
partnership with Family Planning Advocates in Albany. In addition, I serve on the Clergy Advisory Board of
Planned Parenthood of NYC. Though I'm sure you know this, I want to reiterate the seriousness, thoughtful-
ness, and prayerfulness with which all my colleagues in these clergy groups approach this issue, and work on
behalf of women everywhere.
On the Shabbat preceding the Roe v. Wade anniversary, January 18
, after the Shabbat Evening Ser-
vice (at 6:30), as we eat our customary Third Friday pizza, we will hold a discussion on the anniversary,
and view several brief video clips. We will address problematic bills now pending in Congress and vari-
ous State Legislatures. We also will discuss what we personally can do to uphold Roe v. Wade, now fully
40 years later. I hope you will join us. It is a busy weekend, of course, with the celebration of Martin
Luther King Weekend and the Inauguration. But this is very much a part of the significance of that
weekend, and we at Union Temple will mark it accordingly.
-Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman
(Continued from page 2)

Officers Column
Super Response by Temple to Sandy
On behalf of the officers, best wishes for
a happy and productive 2013. We have
been even busier than usual here at Un-
ion Temple, as the High Holidays and
subsequent festivals led right into the
Presidential election campaign, which
itself was interrupted by Superstorm
Sandy, which was followed by the relief
efforts of the entire URJ and Union
Temple community.
This year we intentionally scheduled
Mitzvah Day in November instead of in
the spring, to follow naturally from the
rush of holidays and festivals in Septem-
ber and October. As it turned out, our Social Action activities were
even more extensive than expected because of the needs resulting
from the devastation to the Rockaways and elsewhere, caused by
Sandy. In addition to our annual successful Thanksgiving Food
drive at Key Food, and our blood drive in conjunction with Meth-
odist Hospital, Union Temple volunteers responded in a number of
ways to assist storm victims. Our Preschool collected cash dona-
tions in support of Warbasse Nursery School. The Youth Group
conducted a clothing and supplies drive for Midnight Run, an inter-
faith organization serving New Yorks homeless population. We
collected winter coats for people who needed them, in cooperation
with New York Cares. The Religious School participated in a bake
sale in cooperation with Masbia that raised $3200. Rabbi Good-
man visited the Rockaways with her colleagues from the New York
Board of Rabbis, along with representatives of FEMA and the Met-
ropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty. Vol-
unteers cooked Thanksgiving meals that
were distributed through the Old First Re-
formed Church in Park Slope. Old First
has organized an impressive program to
help storm victims, and as of this writing,
the Social Action Committee is planning
efforts with Old First for the holidays, in-
cluding obtaining cash donations made
payable to Union Temple, with Old
First Church Hurricane Relief in the
memo, and organizing volunteers to cook.
In addition we have included in our website
and E-Blasts volunteer opportunities and
fund raising appeals linked particularly to
the URJ Relief Fund and UJA.
Social Action has always been an integral
part of Union Temple, and we are gratified
by the response of our members to all of
these efforts. The work will continue in the
New Year, so please pay attention to the
Bulletin, E-Blasts and website for further
information. Thanks to the Social Action
Committee and all volunteers who have
-Jeffrey Stein, Vice-President

Please save the date - Sunday, January 27th at 10 AM - for a Brotherhood Book
Breakfast. Rabbi Goodman has arranged for author Erika Dreifus to speak about her
book Quiet Americans. It is a collection of seven short stories about families of
Holocaust survivors, and the lingering effects, and dilemmas the characters faced
shortly afterward and generations afterward.
It is a very engaging book, not very long, and available in either paperback or E-
book format. I highly recommend reading it over the next few weeks. And even if
you don't get a chance to read Quiet Americans in advance, please come to our
Brotherhood Book Breakfast on Sunday, January 27th.
-Steven Segall, President

Join the Brotherhood Book Club
Home, is a little word,
but for every one of us it
comes packed with pow-
erful images and con-
jures up a multitude of
emotions. For most of
us, its the place where
we live, where we feel
loved and comfortable,
where we belong. Too
often we take it for
granted and forget that
there are many people,
especially Jews, for
whom home is but a
longing and a dream. On
Sunday, January 13,
2013, at 10 AM, Joyce
Zonana, the acclaimed
author of DREAM
HOMES: From Cairo to
Katrina, an Exiles
Journey, will explore the
true meaning of home
with Sisterhood. An
Egyptian Jew, Ms. Zo-
nana was born in Cairo,
but her family fled the
country after the 1948
Arab-Israeli war. Her
life became a series of
journeys as she searched
the world for the one
place where she could
truly feel accepted and
at home. She will tell us
the riveting story of her
travels and of their in-
spiring culmination. She
will also share with us
her video of Cairos
beautiful but now de-
Conjuring Images of Home
serted synagogues. Be sure to be with us to meet this remarkable woman and to dis-
cuss her unforgettable story. Bring your friends, and, of course, bring your appetite,
for, as always, our table will be spread with good things to eat.
Sisterhood wishes everyone a happy, healthy, and successful New Year. May 2013
be a year of joy, peace and blessings in our lives, our homes, and our world.
-Barbara Brett, Secretary

From Friday through
Monday, December
7-10, more than 250
Reform Jewish high
school students gath-
ered in Washington,
DC for the LTaken
Conference, con-
vened by the Reli-
gious Action Center
(RAC) of Reform
Judaism. My hus-
band Stephen and I
accompanied six of
the members of our
own Union Temple
Youth Group for this
extraordinary week-
end. The participants
were: Ben Campbell,
Amanda Grad, Abi-
gail Marin, Ben
Segal , Isabel l e
Siegel, and David
Vogel. Joy Grad,
Amandas aunt, also
came to help as a
T h e n a m e
LTaken comes
from the notion of
Tikkun Olam,
r e pa i r i ng t he
world, which we
Jews consider to be
our ethical mandate
in the world. The
RAC runs six of
(Continued on page 7)
Union Temple Youth Group
(Top) Chanukah at the Jefferson Memorial - Jefferson would have been most gratified.
(Below) Visiting the US Holocaust Memorial Museum - proof positive that the Nazis failed.

these 4-day programs each year, so
that some 2,000 Reform Jewish
youth from all over the country
have a chance participate. The
participants in this particular gath-
ering mostly came from the
Tristate area, though there were
also two groups there from Cali-
From Friday through Sunday,
through various learning activities
and lobbying simulations, the teens
explored issues of importance on
the current political scene: federal
funding for embryonic stem cell
research, greater access to gyneco-
logical care and abortion services
for women in the military, greater access and benefits for people with disabilities, closing the gun show loop-
holes, the economics of global warming, ENDA legislation (LGBT Employment Non-Discrimination Act),
complexities of nuclear disarmament, and more. Then, on Monday morning, dressed to the nines, we all trav-
eled up to Capitol Hill, and individually addressed the staffers in the offices of the members of the Senate and
House of Representatives. The members of our
temple spoke with the staffers of Senator Kirsten
Gillebrand, Congresswoman Nydia Velasquez, and
Congressman Jerrold Nadler. I can tell you that
they were absolutely wonderful: articulate, pas-
sionate, and exuberant. I hope to share each of their
speeches with you. We were proud and moved. I
also hope that this experience will encourage them
to make lobbying their Senators and Congressional
Representatives, and their Assembly Members and
State Senators in Albany as well, a regular part of
their lives as Jewish Americans with a stake in our
society. And, if I may, its a process in which
ALL of us ought to be engaging, for the stake WE
have as well.
Yesher Koach to the Union Temple Youth Group!
-Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman
(Continued from page 6)
Goes To Washington
At the Capitol - preparing to meet our lawmakers

Helping With the Sandy Cleanup
In the aftermath of Hurricane
Sandy we decided to join together
as a school and reach out to a
school affected by the storm. War-
basse Nursery School is located in
the Coney Island area. This highly
regarded school has provided early
childhood education since 1969 for
both typical and special needs chil-
dren ages two to five years old.
The hurricane brought several
inches of water to Warbasse, dam-
aging much of their toys and
equipment. Clean-up included a
costly expenditure for mold reme-
diation. We reached out to our par-
ent body and Temple members to
donate money for our sister school
to aid their rebuilding efforts. We
are in the process of collecting do-
nations which we will forward to
Warbasse Nursery School.
Back at Union Temple Preschool,
the Chickadees, our two year olds,
have been learning about Chanu-
kah and all aspects of the celebra-
tion - the menorah, latkes, and
dreidels. They are also talking
about the winter. The children will
learn about snow, ice, cold, and all
the gear that comes along with the
season. There is a lot more inter-
action between the children as they
begin to move past the stage of
parallel play and are forming con-
nections and building friendships
through a variety of games.
Life in the Sparrows and Robins,
our three year old classes, is a buzz
with growing friendships and play.
They are currently working on a
winter unit and talking, singing
and reading stories about the
changing weather and upcoming
holidays. The Sparrows and Rob-
ins have been creating lots of seasonal and Chanukah art including,
lovely snow collages, Chanukah themed pictures and beautifully deco-
rated snowflakes of all sizes and different mediums. The wooden meno-
rah, driedels, gelt and latke toys are a recent favorite in both classrooms.
The Sparrows love to take turns hosting daily Chanukah parties on the
rug and in the dramatic play area. While the Sparrows and Robins are
working hard learning new songs and creating festive art work, they
continue to work on friendship building and self- awareness through
their classroom routines. The growth we see is heartwarming. The Rob-
ins and Sparrows have become close knit groups, eager to help one an-
other through frustrating moments and always offering tidbits of advice
to each other.
The Puffins and Hummingbird, our four year olds, are also focusing on
Chanukah while simultaneously working on a social curriculum. In the
Hummingbirds classroom the teachers noticed that many of the chil-
dren were uncomfortable trying new things and felt intimidated if they
could master something right away. In response to this the Humming-
birds have a new motto: Hummingbirds Try Everything; Hummingbirds
are Flexible; Everyone Makes Mistakes
The Puffins and Hummingbirds classes recently visited the Brooklyn
Museum where they continued to explore the theme of differences and
imperfection. First they visited Mickalene Thomas's exhibit: Origin
of the Universe, where they observed one of Ms. Thomas' works, a
gold and red painting of imprecise horizontal lines. Some of the chil-
dren were surprised that this painting could be in a museum. They dis-
cussed that maybe she didn't like her lines, but that she didn't get upset
and kept painting. Next they visited Connecting Cultures A World in
Brooklyn, where they saw an exhibit of 25 different pitchers. They
discussed the similarities and differences of the pitchers and how each
one is unique. The children then had the opportunity to make their own
pitchers out of model magic. When they returned to the classroom, they
made their own paintings inspired by Mickalene Thomas' work. After
the visit to the museum the teachers have noticed a big change in the
classroom. The children are much more willing to attempt new things
without the fear of failing.
-Susan Sporer, Preschool Director
Anyone parking in the garage for a Temple spon-
sored event is reminded to have your parking ticket
validated so that your parking fee can be waived.

on the death of Diane's mother
on December 6th.
We extend our sympathy as well to Diane's sister
Marsha and her husband Robert Steinberger, and all the
grandchildren: Philip Polonsky z"l, Robert Polonsky, Ja-
son and Allyson Hack, Oliver and Heidi Hack, Ezra and
Meredith Polonsky, and Ariel Polonsky; and Diane's sis-
ter Marsha and her husband Robert Steinberger, and
their children: Beth and Avrumi Friedman, Yussie and
Efrat Steinberger, Zev and Aviva Steinberger, Ilana
and Raffi Grabin, and Avigail and Raffi Seidenfeld. Rose
is also survived by 18 great-grandchildren.

and to

and their son DAVID MEISTER
on the death of Kenneth's mother
on December 18th.
We extended our sympathy as well to Ken's
brother Johnny and his wife Liz,
and their children, Tammi, Blake, Zachary
and Travis.
nbz? d:\bt
May their memories be for a blessing
Donated by ....................................................................................... in memory of
Dr. Dorothy Silverman ............................................................................... Max Silverman
Helen Caplin Heller .................................................................................... May Caplin
Nancy M. Greenberg .................................................................................. May Caplin and Benjamin S. Greenberg
Iris Rosen .................................................................................................... Sandra Rosen
Mark G. Spiro ............................................................................................. Raymond L. Spiro, Mike Weigand and
Rosa Weigand
Jonathan Kurfirst & Beth Lawrence ........................................................... Saul Kurfirst and Arlene Lawrence
Erica J. Shatz-Spry ..................................................................................... Kopel Shatz
Erica J. Shatz-Spry ..................................................................................... Jack Shatz
Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman .................................................................... Jeanette Henry
Joyce M. Charles ........................................................................................ Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Donated by ....................................................................................... in honor of
Jennifer Jacobson ................................................................................................... Union Temple
Hortense Hurwitz ................................................................................................... Doris Klueger

Donated by ....................................................................................... in memory of
Marianne C. Dreyfus .................................................................................. Rabbi Dr. David Sperling
Hyman and Barbara Brett ........................................................................... Rose Siegal

Donated by
Anne Maltz .................................................................................................. in honor of Suzanne Maltz
Arlene Greendlinger .................................................................................... 1 copy each in memory of her father, Harry
Ebner; mother, Sylvia Ebner; stepmother Raye
Ebner; and aunt Dorothy Ebner
December 14th ........................................................................................... Sponsored by Dennies Gajadhar

We express our heartfelt sympathy to:

Union Temple suggests that its members
contact our Funeral Director
Martin D. Kasdan of
Boulevard-Riverside Chapels
1895 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
Proudly maintaining more
than 50 years of Temple involvement
The Bulletin
Union Temple of Brooklyn
17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238
(718) 638-7600
Fax (718) 783-9151
E-mail uniontemple@uniontemple.org
Website Uniontemple.org
Dr. Linda Henry Goodman

Lauren Phillips
Student Cantor

Shinae Kim
Temple Musician

Dr. Andy Dubin
Educator/Rabbinic Intern

Susan Sporer
Preschool Director

Beatrice Hanks

Abe Barnett
Ellen Kolikoff
Henry Singer
Vice Presidents

Steven Segall

Jeffrey Stein

Mike Baron
Hortense R. Hurwitz
Doris Klueger
Honorary Presidents

David Rapheal
Bulletin Editor

John Golomb
Temple Administrator

Martin Kasdan
Funeral Director
(800) 522-0588
Memorial Plaques
A memorial plaque is a lasting
tribute to a loved one.
If you wish more information regarding
obtaining a plaque in memory of a
loved one please e-mail the temple at
or leave a message with the temple office.
Pfc. Leon Meyer Mack ....................................................................... January 2, 1945
Tena S. Solomon ................................................................................ January 2, 1993
Rose B. Zimmerman ........................................................................... January 2, 1997
Zissel Davidson .................................................................................. January 3, 1903
Justine Goldschmid ............................................................................ January 3, 1914
Anna Fogel ......................................................................................... January 3, 1936
Dr. George Freiman ............................................................................ January 3, 1947
Elizabeth Marienhoff .......................................................................... January 4, 1943
Carrie Dreyfuss .................................................................................. January 4, 1944
Sidney S. Silverman ........................................................................... January 4, 1947
Leah D. Elman .................................................................................... January 4, 1963
Mildred D. Newman ........................................................................... January 5, 1963
Solomon Markowitz ........................................................................... January 6, 1928
Selma U. Newman .............................................................................. January 6, 1973
Mary Nadler ....................................................................................... January 6, 1988
Richard Zimmerman .......................................................................... January 6, 1998
Abraham Klein ................................................................................... January 7, 1946
Geraldine F. Isaacs ............................................................................. January 7, 1980
Jacob Baar .......................................................................................... January 8, 1916
Daniel Newman .................................................................................. January 9, 1963
Miriam L. Heimberger ........................................................................ January 10, 1981
Sylvia Wolfson Fried .......................................................................... January 10, 1991
Betsy Nias .......................................................................................... January 11, 1924
Maurice Goldschmid .......................................................................... January 11, 1938
Frederick D. May ............................................................................... January 11, 1989
Philip H. Lustig, Hon. President......................................................... January 12, 1937
Mabel H. Gross .................................................................................. January 12, 1945
Pauline May ....................................................................................... January 12, 1944
Morris Wolburg .................................................................................. January 12, 1944
Rosa S. Schey ..................................................................................... January 12, 1947
Annie Wax ......................................................................................... January 12, 1960
Adolph Schiff, Hon. Trustee ............................................................... January 13, 2000
Anna Eis ............................................................................................. January 14, 1920
Florence Sasuly Weiner ...................................................................... January 14, 1986
Isidore Kauffman ................................................................................ January 15, 1947
Caroline B. Hirsch .............................................................................. January 15, 1950
Lillian Cohen ...................................................................................... January 15, 1968
Ruth Schoenfeld ................................................................................. January 15, 1985
Rose Danziger .................................................................................... January 16, 1983
Clara Kleinberg .................................................................................. January 17, 1971
Esther Lopato ..................................................................................... January 17, 1998
Herbert P. Quartin .............................................................................. January 18, 1991
Vivian Z. Karlitz................................................................................. January 18, 1998
Joseph Lax .......................................................................................... January 18, 1968
Hattie Sasuly ...................................................................................... January 19, 1963
Joshua Davidson ................................................................................. January 20, 1939
Bonnie Sue Levine ............................................................................. January 21, 1999
Jacob Baum ........................................................................................ January 22, 1937
Louis L. Rosenberg, Hon. Trustee ...................................................... January 23, 1998
Emma Lee Min Minkin ...................................................................... January 23, 2000
Manice Hymes .................................................................................... January 24, 1952
Frieda Landes ..................................................................................... January 25, 1934
Abraham and Henriette Blum ............................................................. January 25, 1949
Pauline Van Raalte ............................................................................. January 25, 1976
Annie Woronock ................................................................................ January 26, 1958
Herman Feinstein ............................................................................... January 26, 1967
Robert T. Levitt .................................................................................. January 27, 1958
Charles Frank ..................................................................................... January 28, 1902
Helen R. Peters ................................................................................... January 28, 1945
Annie Rockmore................................................................................. January 28, 1934
Frederick S. David .............................................................................. January 30, 1996
Bessie F. Schwartz ............................................................................. January 30, 1955
Selma Manheimer Rosenwasser ......................................................... January 31, 1943

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning

9:30 AM
Religious School
Parent Seminar
Rabbi Goodman


6:15 PM


7:00 PM
UT Singers
8:00 PM
Anshei Mitzvah
6 7 4:00 PM
Friday at Four
First Friday
Family Shabbat
6:00 PM Snacks
6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning

9:30 AM
Religious School
(Chanukah Party)


6:00 PM
Board of

6:30 PM
UT Singers
7:15 PM Preschool
8:00 PM
Anshei mitzvah

13 14
4:00 PM
Friday at Four
6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
15 9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Service
6:30 PM
Chanukah Dinner

9:30 AM
Religious School

6:30 PM
Religious School


7:00 PM
UT Singers
8:00 PM
Anshei Mitzvah
20 21
4:00 PM
Friday at Four
6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
Pizza Dinner
to follow
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning

Religious School
24 25 26

27 28

6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning

Religious School
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2

7:00 PM
UT Singers
8:00 PM
Anshei Mitzvah
3 4
4:00 PM
Friday at Four
First Friday
Family Shabbat
6:00 PM Snacks
6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
Pot Luck Dinner
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning
9:30 AM
Religious School
Parent Seminar
with Rabbi

10:00 AM

6:15 PM
8 9

7:00 PM
UT Singers
8:00 PM
Anshei Mitzvah

7:00 PM
Religious Prac-
tices Committee

4:00 PM
Friday at Four

6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat

Rosh Chodesh
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning
9:30 AM
Religious School
10:00 AM
Rosh Chodesh
Seder with Joyce
Zonana, author of
"Dream Homes"

6:00 PM
Board of
15 16

7:00 PM
UT Singers
7:15 PM
8:00 PM
Anshei Mitzvah
17 18 4:00 PM
Friday at Four

6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
Pizza to follow
Celebration of the
40th Anniversary
Of Roe v Wade

9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning

Martin Luther
King Day
22 23

7:00 PM
UT Singers
8:00 PM
Anshei Mitzvah
24 25 4:00 PM
Friday at Four
Fourth Friday
7:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Service
UT Singers
9:00 PM Oneg/
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning

27 9:30 AM
Religious School
Tu BiShevat
10:00 AM
Brotherhood Book
Erika Dreifus


6:30 PM
Religious School
29 30

7:00 PM
UT Singers
8:00 PM
Anshei Mitzvah
January 2013Tevet-Shevat 5773
The Forgotten
Union Temple of Brooklyn
17 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 638-7600

Prospect Park
Health and Racquet Association

In Union Temple Building at
17 Eastern Parkway
Ask about Special discounts for
Union Temple Members
Happy New Year!

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