Lesson Plan Managing Skill

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LESSON PLAN Managing Skill

School Subject Matter Class/Semester Matter Topic Time Allocation

: Harapan Nusantara : Physics : VII/1 : Force : Contact Force and Field Force : 25 Minutes

A. Competency Standard Identify the kind of forces and their affect into the object that act the force. B. Basic Competence Describe the forces that exert to the object that act by the force. C. Objectivities 1) Understanding and the application of concept, the students can: 1. Explain the definition of force 2. Differentiate between contact and field force 3. Mention the form of forces and their example 4. Mention the changes that caused by the force 5. Draw the force that exert to the object that acted to the force 6. Explain the that force include to the vector quantity 2) Scientific Action, students can: 1. Do the experiment to investigate the changes caused by the force 2. Measure amount of the forc by using spring balance 3. Read the scale at spring balanced D. Material E. Learning Experience a. Introduction ( 3 minute) 1. Teacher attract students attention (open the learning by greeting, ask the condition of students today, then checking students attendance). 2. Teacher explores the prior knowledge of students about the material that will discuss about heat but before it the teacher asks again about the last lesson about force. 3. Teacher tells the students about the standard competence, basic competence, and indicator of the learning process. 4. Teacher gives some question to students about some phenomena that occur in their daily life about force and

Can you measure the force that you do when you pull the door? Do you know the cause of the object fall to the earth?

b. Main Activity ( 10 minute) 1. Students in group set by doing the demonstration that show the change of the object that caused by the force. 2. Students in group set by doing the demonstration to measure the force using spring balanced. 3. Students in group set by doing the demonstration that prove are the force have direction? c. Closing ( 2 minute) 1. Teacher ask students to make conclusion. 2. Teacher gives the students task to mastery the concept by reading the literature. 3. Teacher close the lesson then tell the students about the topic next meeting. F. Scenario Introduction ( 3) Teacher :Good morning students Students :Morning miss!!!! Teacher : How are you today? Students : Fine, and you? Teacher : Im Fine too, thank you. Because all of you in good condition, Im sure that you are ready to follow my class. Isnt it? Students : Of course Miss Teacher : But, I think I lost my students, any abstain today? Angga : Yes Miss, Dewi. She has the ceremony at her hometown. Teacher : Okay students, before we go further I will tell you about the basic competence and indicators that you must reach in this learning (teacher tell the basic competence and the indicators). Can you get it? Students : Of course Miss Teacher : Okay student. In this meeting we will do the discussion, so all of you must be active in this matter. Give your opinion and I will give you point. Can you? (Tantangan). Student : Yes Miss.

Teacher : Now we will do the demonstration that shows the change of the object caused by the force. I need one student to do this experiment. Come on who can help me? (Bergerak mendekati siswa) Teacher : First observe the form of the balloon. Then you press the balloon, how the form of balloon, still circle? (Pemberian tuntunan) Student : No, the form is change. Teacher : Thats the point. Force can make the form of object is change. Now, push the ball into front. Then push again in different direction. How about the direction of the ball? Student : The change of position. Teacher : Thats the second point. And how about when the ball moves we push to the other direction? How the direction of the ball? Student : The direction will change. Teacher : Thats good student. We already get the point of the change object caused by the force. Can you get it? Now we will discuss about the contact force and field force. Contact force, where the objects that give the force and the object that exert the force is in contact. Vice versa. Now, who can give me the example of contact force? Student : When I push the desk. Teacher : Good answer. You already understand about the definition (penekanan pada halhal positif). How about the field force? Student :

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