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Dark Heresy Mass Combat V1.

By Jeremy Yates (Wildeyedjester)
Contact at March, 2008

What follows is my take on Mass Combat within Dark Heresy. Inspired by my most favorite part of the Pendragon game system, I have elected to create a system that focuses on player actions and skills within large battles. As such, I have created a fluid system, which maintains the focus firmly situated on the players while battles rage around them. Their direct actions do not control whether an army will win or loose its engagement, but they certainly have a chance to play a large roll. I have also written the system to be easy for a GM to use, and to minimize down time calculating and recording troop movements. This mass combat system is written primarily from the perspective of players joining the ranks of imperial guard, planetary defense forces or etc. in battle. If they are of appropriate rank, and have the appropriate skills it is also entirely possible for them to lead a contingent into battle. The player action tables reflect a general encounter that happens to players each hour a battle rages, and the encounters should be modified by the GM to be appropriate and reflect the enemy. Alien armies will require more modification and a bit more thought to use with the encounters as they are written, but should be easily manageable. (Please note that I will not attempt to stat out anything, as stats for almost every race can be found on the internet, and primarily at Dark Reign.) The system begins with a few simple calculations to determine which side will have an advantage in combat, and also how long each side is willing to fight without rest. This basic information generates beginning victory points for both sides. A wide variety of factors are taken into account for these starting victory points. (GMs may elect to modify these totals to reflect any other factors not included, or to ensure victory by a side they need to give story immunity to). The victory points totals are then modified by how well each army is fighting on a given hour of the battle, and also by how players react to given situations they encounter each hour of combat. Following the end of the battle, Victory points totals for both armies are compared. By making use of a simple table, the GM can assess roughly what should occur and whether an army routes, is destroyed or etc. Alternatively, it is just possible for a GM to generate just random encounters for the players to have during a battle. By doing this, the GM Can directly just choose which side will win a battle and ignore victory points altogether. Please note that I have only attempted to give a GM a skeletal framework for each battle encounter the players may have. I have also purposefully only outlined what might occur to losing armies during post battle sequence. I do not intent to fully flesh out every detail, as it would not be possible, and still reflect the diversity of the 40k universe. The GM will need to think on their feet and make the encounters more meaningful and set them up for the players by appealing to all their senses. As the players are having encounters, the GM should stress the

actions of friendly soldiers and the enemy, describing them and bringing them to life for the PCs. Focus on the sounds of battle, such as screams, the roaring of autoguns, explosions, and the like. Paint the picture of the battle, describing the gruesome battles, charred scenery, leaping cannons and etc. Describe the emotions that are being exhibited, such as a willingness to die, the obvious fear in the new recruits face, or the tears wept over fallen soldiers. If you notice any problems or have difficulties play testing these rules please email me at the above address and I will attempt to fix/clarify problems before releasing a final drafted version. Enjoy, Jeremy Yates (Wildeyedjester)

Pre Battle Phase: Step 1: Generals: Determine the Primary Commanding NPC or Player leading the battle on both sides. These generals make Command rolls and then they also make opposed Scholastic (Tactica Imperialis)* rolls. They total their successes
* [note: Tyranids and other armies would have appropriate tactica skills other than imperialis]

The winning side gains the following starting Victory Points based on the number of successes they generate: 1 or 2 net successes = d10 VP 3 or 4 net successes = 2d10 VP 5 or 6 net successes = 3d10 VP 7 or 8 net successes = 4d10 VP Step2: Number of Combatants: The side in the upcoming combat will gain bonus victory points based upon how many troops they outnumber the enemy by. The side with the most troops gains the following victory points: Outnumber enemy 2:1 = d10VP Outnumber enemy 3:1 = 2d10VP Outnumber enemy 4:1 = 3d10 VP Outnumber enemy 5:1 or more = 4d10 VP Step 3: Fighting Equipment The army with the best fighting equipment being employed gains bonus victory points based upon weapons and armor, as established by the GM. Army slightly outclasses the enemy in equipment = D10 VPs Army generally outclasses the enemy in equipment = 2D10VP Army Greatly outclasses the enemy in equipment =3D10 VP Step 4: Conditional Modifiers Familiar with territory battle will occur in = D10 VP Defending Homes or Families = D10 VP Step 5: Combat Hours: The GM decides how many hours each general is willing to directly engage the enemy, without rest, before withdrawing to regroup. Each battle round lasts for approximately one hour. Any combat beyond 12 hours imposes one fatigue point on every PC and NPC within the combat that has not rested. The following table shows typical combat lengths:

Typical Combat lengths based upon troop outlooks: 04 hours: Poor (e.g. fearful, outclassed) 5-8 hours: Uncertain (cautious, doubtful)

9-12 hours: Normal (determined, willing) 12-24 hours: Good (zealous, hateful of foe, reckless) Combat will last for the shorter amount of time as indicated by the two willing armies, and then the armies will seek to hunker down, retreat the field, or etc. The army that is willing to remain longer on the field gains additional VPs as below. Last Army to leave the field of battle = +D10VP Step 6: Total the victory points for each side. These are the starting Victory Points and these will be modified later by player actions and combat actions: Battle Phase: Step One: Squad Leader Each battle turn of the combat, the players choose amongst their group who will lead them into the next round. This player then rolls either their common lore (war) skill or their scholastic knowledge (tactica imperialis) +10 skill, or their scrutiny -30. Note the successes. The successes will indicate how well the player leads the group in the actual battle: This roll is to indicate how well the characters are reading the battlefield, staying away from sticky situations and extremely dangerous areas. Encounters lower on the Encounter tables are less deadly than those at the top end, near scores of 100. One degree of success: -5% on the combat event rolls. Two degrees of success : -10% on the combat event rolls: Three degrees of success: -15% on the combat event roll. Four degrees of success: -20% on the combat event roll. Any failing rolls: Add +5 % to the combat event rolls. Botching a roll (96-100) Add +10% to the combat event roll.

Step Two: NPC Combat around the PCs As a GM, for each hour of combat (each battle round), choose an average rank and file trooper from each army and roll either their weapon skill or their ballistic skill. Compare the results and determine who has more successes as if making an opposed roll. {It is okay to choose weapon skill for one army and ballistic skill for the other army}. The winning roll gains 1d10 VP for their side of the battle. Repeat step one each round. This number should represent the general ebb and flow of the battle and be described as an overall picture of battle to the players, on which side of the battle is inflicting the most damage to the other.

Step Three: Player Actions!!!

The length of time the battle will last has already been determined, previously. Each hour of combat is called battle round a battle round may consist of any number of combat rounds as dictated by the battle rounds events table. During each hour, or battle round of combat, the players must choose to try any one of the following actions: a) Lay Low/Seek Cover: The player with the best concealment score, amongst the PCs, makes a hard concealment skill roll. If the check succeeds, the group may lay low for one hour (one battle round) avoiding all combat situations. This is an opportunity to try to repair equipment, eat, rest, medicae and etc. If the roll fails the characters must automatically carry out option c (see below). b) Withdraw: This action may be taken as a group, or by single characters who is badly wounded, or has simply had enough of combat. This action represents them fleeing the field of battle and trying to escape to safety. Characters wishing to escape the field of battle must succeed on either a Common Lore (War), Silent Move, or Concealment check. Success indicates that they have escaped the battle altogether, leaving others to fight in their stead. This action may take them to the safety of medicae tents, or it might be considered going AWOL, under certain circumstances. If the skill roll fails, the players must immediately carry out option c (see below). c) Each battle round a player will roll d100, and apply the appropriate modifier from the Step Two: Squad leader step. The DM will then consult the following table to see what even the players have become embroiled in during the battle. The characters carry out the scene noting any victory points gained or lost. These are added or subtracted from Victory points gained thus far:

Battle Round Events:

**special battle round escape rules***: Combat on the field of battle is not a static thing. Troops are constantly being swept into battle, and are constantly on the move or on the watch. If a group of PCs is engaged in combat by one of the below encounters, they may try to escape at any time. Any character taking a disengage action for three turns in a row has effectively left the scene of an encounter. If the entire PC group disengages, then they have automatically failed the encounter and may suffer victory point losses for their sides. GMs may rule on occasion that escape is impossible or that it may take more or less consecutive disengage actions. -1 or less: The round is considered to be uneventful for the characters. They make good headway and are able to rest and recuperate for an hour without problem. It is a time they may take to use Medicae, and also rest to recuperate fatigue points. GMs may allow them to find a friendly ammo dump, resupply point, medicae station, or etc. Additionally, the characters lead several friendly troops to safety and they are able to get some rest. This energizes them for further encounters. *Add 1 victory point*

1. Boom - Nearby a shell explodes, injuring many soldiers. The majority of those struck are killed outright. A single soldier, having his eyes burnt is trying to make it to safety. He cant find his way on his own. Making your way safely and in time to him will be difficult. *Gain 1 Vp for getting him to safety* 2. Stranded Troop Transport An armored troop transport has been struck by a missile. Smoke is pouring from the wreck, and the players can hear the men inside screaming and beating against the exit. The door seems to be stuck fast and the fire is building in intensity. *Gain d3 Vps for getting them out* 3. Hidden Tunnel - A group of soldiers has uncovered a hidden tunnel/Sewer/Duct/ Etc that looks to advance well across the battlefield. It is filled with muck/refuse and is to dark to see without light. Investigating it might lead to a battlefield advantage, and might allow a way to get behind the enemy. *add 1 victory point for success* 4. Sniper Soldiers around the players are falling like crazy. Spurts of gore spout from allies, as they are struck in the head or the neck. As the players assess their situation they realize a sniper is making short work of the men around them. It is up the players to figure out where the sniper is hiding and the best approach for eliminating him without loosing more troops. *add 1 victory point for success* 5. Weve got to get through! A blocked road/Trench/Bulkhead/Building is needed to be cleared, NOW!. The demolitions expert never got the demo charges in place. His body lies in a depression about 30 meters from the blocked area. The squad he is with is frantically looking for an explosives expert or a group suicidal enough to clear the mess *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 6. Machine Gun Nest A group of the enemy has a Heavy bolter/ (Heavy Weapon of your choice) in an advantageous position. Allied Soldiers movement has stalled and they are being cut down. If the players dont act in some way, the troops around them will perish. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 7. Enemy Armor An enemy tank/armored vehicle is bearing down on the players position with guns blazing. Its making a direct line through friendly ranks toward some of the allies more vulnerable targets (Mortars, Supply Vehicles, Etc). The players must figure out some way to halt the machines progress or it will make short work of its intended target. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 8. Hit them while they are down - The players identify a squad of enemy soldiers falling back directly toward them, carrying wounded enemy. The enemy is battle weary, and not paying much attention. The enemy counts as fatigued, and the players and allies outnumber the enemy 2 to 1. The players may either attempt to hide and surprise them in close combat, or catch them unaware and without cover at 60 meters away in ranged combat. A successful difficult intimidate check will get the enemy to surrender without combat. Otherwise the enemy will attempt fight to the death. *Successfully defeating the squad gains d3 VPs. If the players are driven away they loose d3 VPs*

9. Enemy Disembarkation The players see an enemy troop carrier tearing toward friendly lines. As it begins to slow, the players move into an advantageous position, and as the door to the transport opens the players and any accompanying friendlies open fire as enemies try to extricate themselves. The players are 50 meters away, in light cover, and the enemies can only try to get out of the APC. 3 enemies will exit the vehicle each round, until all 12 have made their way out of the vehicle. Assume nearby friendly fire aids in killing 1 enemy per round (the closest). The enemy does the only thing they can and tries to rush toward the players. On the third round, the support weapon of the APC is brought to bear on the players offering suppressing fire. Once all the enemies are out of the APC, the vehicle will try to escape *Gain d3 Vps if the enemy is elminated and gain an additional D3 if the APC is destroyed. If the players are driven away they lose d3 VPs* 10. Enemy Standard - The characters have an opportunity to surprise the squad protecting the enemy standard/communication node/motivational officer/etc. The standard is heavily protected (2 enemy soldiers per player) by well armed troops but destroying it would have a devastating affect on the enemy. They may either choose to engage the target from cover at 60 meters, or they may make concealment rolls to ambush the target in close combat. The players may engage this target as an option, or they may instead leave the target for someone else. *Should they destroy the enemy standard, add 1D10+2 VPs for success* 11. Help! The PCs come to a standoff between sides of the battle. Fire lines have been drawn, and neither side is advancing out of cover. Cries from a wounded soldier begin to reach the players ear. He has been shot through the leg and is trying unsuccessfully to crawl back beyond friendly fire lines. His squad lies dead about him on the ground, and if someone doesnt intervene, the enemy will start taking pot shots at him. Its about 120 meters out to him and another 100 meters to the enemy position. If he is allowed to perish it will have an effect on friendly morale. *Add 1 VP for success, and subtract D3 VP for failure* 12. Fallen Vox The players come across the smoking corpses of a command squad. All the soldiers are either dead, or have been hideously wounded. Frantic cries can be heard asking for directions on how to proceed over the vox caster. If the players respond, have them make a successful common lore (war) at -10 or scholastic lore (tactica imperialis) to correctly assess the situation. If this check succeeds give the players a +30 bonus and have them make a command roll. If this roll succeeds the squad at the other end of the vox deals with the problem correctly. Failure indicates that they all perish. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 13. Intercepted Message A frantic allied trooper is making his way through the lines under fire. He is approaching everyone looking for an officer to read the orders his squad and he just received, and he breathlessly explains that his sergeant was killed in action. His squad is unsure of what their next move should be, and they are wanting to fall back out of harms way. The players should either make a Secret Tongue (Military) or Ciphers (War Cant) Skill check to read the orders. Success indicates that they read

the orders correctly and can then order the squad to correctly protect the right flank. *Success adds d3 VPs and failure subtracts D3 VPs* 14. Scout it Out! The players receive orders to scout out a series of buildings up ahead, but to NOT to alert the enemy to their presence. A series of Heavily armored enemy squads were seen moving into the area to set up an ambush along the flank. Friendly artillery needs to shell the position, and they need to get it right without first alerting the enemy. There are 3 possible positions where they could be taking cover. The players must make a series of Silent Move rolls to investigate each building opposing an awareness skill roll of a sentry from the enemy. There is a 30% chance the enemy is in the first building the players investigate, then a 60% chance the enemy will be found in the second. If the players cannot infiltrate the building and are spotted, they will be attacked and probably driven off or be killed by a superior heavily armed outnumbering force. The enemy force doesnt leave its position until the players are gone, then they move away to a new position. If the players succeed in identifying the location of the enemy and reporting back, the enemy position is then obliterated by support artillery. *Success gains D5 VPs. Failure loses D5 VPs. 15. Enemy Ammo Dump - The players stumble upon an ammo dump only tended by a pair of labor servitors and a trio of operators. The operators will engage the players for only a few shots, before surrendering. The players may restock their weapon supply, and they may decide to destroy the dump. If they do not think of it have the players make a Common Lore (War) or Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) check. Success will indicate the importance of the dump to the enemy campaign. If the players destroy the dump Add D3 VPs. 16. Mines! A nearby friendly soldier is annihilated as he triggers an enemy mine, and then a friendly directly behind one of the players is blown apart as well. The players have stumbled into a mine field (counts as frag grenades). To extricate themselves from the situation, the players must lay down and carefully make their way to safety. The characters must make Search checks to work their way out of the field. In total they must generate a total 5 successes per player to get to safety. Any botched rolls 96100 indicates that a player has set off a mine. 17. Answer the Question! - The players arrive on the scene of a friendly squad who is questioning an enemy officer repeatedly with their fists. Its becomes obvious that if the friendly squad continues with their unskilled interrogation, they will not get the desired information out of the officer. If any skilled players are in the group, they may take the opportunity to either intervene or carry out the interrogation correctly. A difficult medicae check may also be used to keep the enemy officer alive long enough for the friendly squad to beat the answer out of him. A normal Interrogation skill check is enough to get him to crack, and spill the information. If the players can get the officer to spill his guts, they gain an addition d3 VPs.

18. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with primitive hand to hand weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across

the battlefield. There is roughly one enemy for every 2 player characters and allied soldiers in the immediate vicinity. Describe one allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1-3 Enemy being cut down. After 1 PC has slain their enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 19. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 120 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to half the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Assume 1 enemy soldier is killed every d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 1 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 20. Communications Vehicle An enemy vehicle loaded with vox equipment is broadcasting support orders to other vehicles and enemies in the field. The vehicle is protected by an entrenched squad in heavy cover and a single heavy weapons emplacement in sand bags is atop the vehicle. There are 2 enemy soldiers per player on the ground, and 2 atop the vehicle manning the heavy gun. If the players make concealment rolls opposing the enemy awareness they may choose to surprise the target from cover at 100 meters, or alternatively they may make opposed concealment rolls vs. awareness to ambush the targets in close combat. If the players fail either roll, roll initiative normally The enemy will not leave their positions. *Should the players destroy the enemy vehicle, add 2D10 VPs for success* 21. POWs - The players find a group of allied soldiers being held in a lightly guarded area. The allies are bound and gagged and lie on the ground. There is a number of enemy equal to the players. The guards eyes are fixed upon their bound charges and crafty players might be able to exploit the situation without combat. Successfully freeing the POWs gains the players d3 VPs. 22. Fish in a barrel Allow ONE of the players to make a navigation check. If he can succeed at a navigation (surface) roll he has figured out how to bypass a dangerous portion of open ground ahead, and they lead the players to safety. Gunfire echoes across the area, and live ammunition flies through the air - it is an area best avoided all together. If the player fails the roll, the entire group must make their way through 100 meters of almost entirely open terrain without cover, as the rear of their position has been overrun. Each round the players may take the advance action to move from tiny cover to tiny cover. As they do this they may make either a contortionist roll, or an acrobatics roll. A success indicates they are not shot at on that round. Players who choose to run straight through the area, or fail their rolls during an advance action are shot at d3 times per round by the enemy.

23. Drive this thing! Out of necessity the players have commandeered a stranded wheeled military vehicle. They must use it to move them and some wounded troops out of a hostile area. One player must generate a total of 10 successes using Pilot (Military Craft) to get everyone to safety. Any failures indicate the vehicle either takes some damage from terrible driving, or that shots are taken at the vehicle from the enemy. A botch (96-100) indicates that some critical component of the vehicle is destroyed. If the players cannot get to safety or cannot drive the vehicle they are forced to either fight a very difficult battle as their position is overrun, or abandon the wounded soldiers *If the players can get the wounded to safety they gain d3 VPs, if they loose the wounded soldiers they loose d3 VPs 24. Medic! The players find a smoking piece of cover/building and make their way to it. There the players find what is left of a command squad, and they discover a lieutenant that is very badly injured. A pair of injured soldiers are trying to help him. He is suffering from blood loss, and unless it is stopped he will perish, and a good deal of the forces leadership will vanish with him. * Gain d3 vps if the lieutenant is saved. Loose d3 VPs if he is allowed to die* 25. Follow that Messenger! - The roar of battle is loud all around and the PCs are hunkered down with a large contingent of soldiers. The Sergeant hands the PCs an Distancing Optics Imagifier and orders them to follow the messenger that was just dispatched from an enemy post. The players must succeed on a shadowing roll vs. the targets awareness to safely follow him. If he catches on to the players following him, he will commit suicide instead of allowing the players to take his message. If the shadowing roll is successful the players follow him a hidden location housing a tactical map, and vox caster. There are 3 lightly armed enemies operating the location. *If the players destroy the location they gain d5 VPs* 26. Grenade! - A grenade bounces around landing at a random players feet. The players are clustered all together, as are a large group of friendly soldiers. In agility order ask each player what he wishes to do. Any player leaping to cover must make a dodge check to get away. Any player attempting to grab and throw the grenade must make first make an awareness roll, and then a ballistic skill roll to grab the grenade fast enough and chunk it before it goes off. Any player leaping on the grenade to save friends and allies must make an easy agility check. Any players not successfully leaping to safety, grabbing the grenade and throwing it, or any character jumping on the grenade takes full grenade damage at the end of the round. Assume d6 friendly soldiers are killed if this happens. *If the players save the friendly soldiers they gain 1 VP. If they fail to save the soldiers, they loose 1 vp. 27. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with primitive hand to hand weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. There is roughly one for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe one allied soldier being cut down each round, and One Enemy being cut down. After 2 PCs have slain their enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with

them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 28. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 60 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Assume 1 enemy soldier is killed every d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 2 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 29. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 180 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 2 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 30. Hold that Line! Friendlies are taking huge amounts of withering fire, and then suddenly the front line begins to falter. Fear and Cowardice take ahold of the nearby squad and they begin to run. The characters must hold the squad together, or this will surely take ahold of nearby squads as well. Characters may roll intimidate checks to keep the troops holding their positions. They gain a +30 bonus for making an example of a fleeing trooper. They may make a difficult command check to also stop the panic. *Gain d5 VPs for stopping the rout. Loose d5 VPs if the squad flees* 31. Incoming! Players each make an awareness check to hear the shrill whistling sound in the air. Someone screams get down. Players may then make concealment rolls to find somewhere to hide. Characters who passed the awareness roll gain +30 on the concealment rolls. Anyone failing the second roll takes damage as if from a grenade. 32. The players and a few friendly soldiers have found a civilian vehicle, and are attempting to use it to get beyond an enemy position. One player must generate a total of 15 successes on drive checks to get beyond the enemy position. Each failed roll indicates the shoddy vehicle is exposed to enemy fire taking damage. If the vehicle is damaged 5 times or A botch is rolled (96-100), this means the vehicle is destroyed altogether, and the players must escape its fiery mass, and they are pinned down under enemy fire. (Consult one of the firefight from cover entries but do not award VPs). 33. Swim For it - The players have found a stream/body of water and have realized that they can circumvent an enemy emplacement by swimming. The water is 50 meters across and the players may choose to swim to avoid combat. If the players take too

long, or botch the swim checks, instead consult one of the firefight from cover entries but do not award VPs) 34. Destroy that Tank - The players come upon an enemy tank that has been trapped/is stuck in rubble/etc. The tank is immobile, but its weaponry is still working just fine. A neighboring squad hunkering in cover is trying to get the players attention over the roar of the gunfire to coordinate an attack on the tank. A successful lip reading check or a secret tongue military check allows the players to communicate with the neighboring squad. The squad has a meltagun with them, but if the above check is failed, he is the first to die as he tries to rush the tank and is mowed down leaving the meltagun lying out in the open. *if the players destroy the tank they gain d5 vps, if they fail to destroy the tank they loose d3 VPs* 35. Gas! Explosions sound around the players, followed by screaming and gasping as green noxious clouds evelope nearby soldiers. Characters must flee to safety to get away from the chemicals. They must run a total of 10d10 meters to get to safety. Each round they stay in the cloud they must make a toughness test to avoid inhaling the deadly gas. They gain +30 on this test for gas masks/rebreathers or etc. Failure of any roll indicates the player takes d10+1 damage, not modified by armor. *If the players help any troopers to safety they gain 1 VP* 36. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with mono or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. There is roughly one for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe two allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down. After the PCs have slain 3 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 37. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 40 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 1 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad has one special weapon type within the building (grenade launcher, flamer, meltagun, etc) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 2 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 38. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 130 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times

the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad has one special weapon type within the building (grenade launcher, flamer, meltagun, etc) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 39. Fire Fight in the Open The players and the enemy have attempted to sneak across the same opening at the same time. Both groups of find themselves stuck out in the open, separated by roughly only 40 meters of open ground. It is 80 meters back out of the engagement zone for both sides. The players may decide to close the ground, while taking fire or they may engage the enemy from a distance. There are a number of enemy soldiers equal to 1 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 2 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 40. Junior Command. A small unit of the enemy command has been identified. There are 2 enemy for each player that are heavily armed and armored. In addition there is a communications specialist, a medic, and an officer. The players have the opportunity to engage them and destroy a portion of the chain of command. *If the players can kill the officer and communications specialist (voxcaster), they will gain (2D10+2 VPs)* 41. Fire from heaven! Explosions sound around the players, followed by screaming as flames evelope nearby soldiers. Character may make Awareness rolls to hear the whistle of shells and get to safety prior to the explosions. Those failing the rolls must make agility rolls or be subject to a flame attack. See the rulebook for details. 42. Higher Ground The players have come to a depression in the terrain, and high above in a tower/building/etc the enemy has created a heavy weapons emplacement. A group of the enemy has a Heavy bolter/ (Heavy Weapon of your choice) in this position. Allied Soldiers movement has stalled and they are being cut down. If the players dont act in some way, the troops around them will perish. The only way to get up to the position is to climb *Add D3 VPs for success, and subtract D3 VPs for failure* 43. Snipers Paradise - The enemy is trying to sneak on their stomachs across a long open area to the players position. There are 10 of them, each carrying high explosives. The players and 4 surrounding soldiers get wind of this and open fire on the enemy. The enemy is laying down so they are hard to see, so all shots are at -10. Further, the range is 240 meters. After half of their number are killed, the rest will stand up and try to run back to cover, taking them 6 rounds of running. *If the players kill all the sappers they gain d3 VPs* 44. Mortars The players are tasked with tracking down the mortars raining fire on the men. They may make tracking rolls to follow the smoke trails, which will lead them to

the location where a number of enemy mortars have been placed. Each mortar is worked by a pair of individuals only armed with pistols. They will try to defend the mortars as best as possible, but may be able to be convinced to surrender. *If the players destroy the mortars they gain d5 VPs, If they are driven off they loose d5 VPs* 45. The Interrogation The characters are captured at gun point by an extremely large number of enemy and an enemy officer moves in to question the players, He is pressing them for information of what lays behind enemy lines. Friendly gunfire is moving closer and closer all the time. Have the players make Deceive rolls versus his interrogation skill. There is time for only 2 rolls, before the position is overrun with friendlies and the enemies make good on their retreat. *If the player cracks, they loose d5 VPs). 46. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with mono or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power weapon. There is roughly 1.5 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe two allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down. After the PCs have slain 3 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 47. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with mono or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power weapon. There is roughly 1.5 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe two allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down. After the PCs have slain 4 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 48. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 40 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is an open expanse of impassable terrain between the two (Chasm, Flowing River, Etc). There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad has one special weapon type within the building (grenade launcher, flamer, meltagun, etc) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure*

49. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 150 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad has a heavy weapon within the building (Missile launcher,heavy bolter, Heavy Stubber, etc) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 50. Senior Command. A small unit of the enemy command has been identified. There are 3 enemy for each player that are heavily armed and armored. In addition there is a communications specialist, a medic, and an officer. The players have the opportunity to engage them and destroy a portion of the chain of command. *If the players can kill the officer and communications specialist (voxcaster), they will gain (2D10+10 VPs)* 51. The Trenches/Tunnels A section of tunnels has been heavily booby trapped by the enemy, and a number of friendly troops can not proceed. The characters my search the tunnels (skill check) to locate the charges. They may make Demolitions checks to disarm the charges. Botches (96-100) on either check or just moving through the tunnel causes each character in the tunnel to take damage as if from a frag grenade. *Clearing the tunnel gains D3VP for the allies, Leaving the tunnel behind looses d3VP* 52. Get that truck unloaded A vehicle with crates of supplies and strategic materials must be unloaded quickly. An aerial craft of some sort has been making passes over the area and the guardsmen are pretty sure it hasnt noticed the supplies, yet. They yell at the players to help them get the items off the truck and to safety before its too late. The players have 5 rounds to help the troopers. They must make strength checks to carry materials, and they must accumulate a total of 15 successes before the end of the 5th round. At the end of the 5th round a missile strikes the truck destroying it and everything left inside. *If the players get everything to safety, they gain d3 VPs. If the truck is destroyed, key materials are lost and the players loose d3 vps. 53. The trouble with Psykers. Roll on the 2nd psychic phenomenon tables. Apply the result to the players location, and the friendly troops around them. The friendly troops attempt to turn on the psyker and its up to the players to stop them. *Gain d3 vps for saving the psyker. Lose D3 VPs if the psyker is killed 54. A friend in need A friendly psyker has summoned up something he/she cant control. A demon has appeared in the area (bloodletter, etc and it is making short work of the nearby troopers. The players must intervene before it does too much damage. It will stick around for 15 rounds. *gain d3 VPs for defeating the demon, Lose d3 for letting it expire*

55. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with mono or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power weapon. There is roughly 1.5 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe two allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down. After the PCs have slain 4 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 56. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with mono or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power weapon. There is roughly 2 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe two allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down. After the PCs have slain 4 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 57. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 100 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad has a heavy weapon within the building (Missile launcher,heavy bolter, Heavy Stubber, etc) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 58. Fire Fight without cover The players and an enemy are both trying to secure a bridge/causeway. The players are trying to stop them from destroying it, and the enemy is trying to move to the center of the bridge to set charges. The enemy is 60 Meters away. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing squad equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad has a heavy weapon on the opposite side of the bridge (Missile launcher,heavy bolter, Heavy Stubber, etc) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 59. Elite Troops Elite troops of the enemy (Hardened Scum, Mutant Heretics, Storm Troopers, Terminators, Etc) have found the players and attempt to engage them in a manner best fitting the troops. There is one elite troop per 2 players, and these are

armed in their most basic manner. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3 d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d5 rounds. After 3 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 60. Friendly Standard - The characters watch as the squad carrying the friendly colors is overwhelmed and cut down. The characters have an opportunity to retrieve and hoist the standard high. The standard is heavily protected (2 enemy soldiers per player) by well armed troops but leaving it behind would have a tremendous impact on the friendly army. The PCs may either choose to engage the target from cover at 60 meters, or they may make concealment rolls to ambush the target in close combat. The players may engage this target as an option, or they may instead leave the target for someone else. *Should they fail to retrieve and hoist the friendly standard, subtract 1D10VPs * 61. There they are The players are advancing past a crude shelter for wounded soldiers. A pair of stealthy enemy soldiers are attempting to sneak into the building and destroy the unshielded target. The players have a chance to stop them, if they notice them. The enemies must make Silent Move rolls versus theAwareness skill of the players. If they are seen, they may be engaged. (If the medicae station is destroyed the players lose d3 VPs, if they stop the demolitionists they gain d3 VPs) 62. Friendly Fire Friendly artillery start raining shells down on the friendly location the players are in. The players must make use of a communication device and use the correct codes and procedures to stop the shelling. Any of the following skill checks may be made to convince them they are firing on allies: Secret Tongue (military), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) -10, Common Lore (war) -20. If the players cannot stop the shelling 4d10 allies are killed, and each player must make an agility test or take d10 damage from shrapnel. *If the player do not stop the shelling they loose d5 VPs 63. Inspire me! The players come across a massed number of troops. They are all all young and crouching down with bayonets on their weapons. A scrutiny check +20 reveals their terrified and unconfident conditions, and that something needs to be said to motivate them. They are waiting on a horn to be blown by a nearby officer and then they must make a headlong charge at the nearby enemy gun emplacement. The players may make any of the following skill checks to inspire them: Charm -30, Intimidate -20, Command -20, Common Lore (Imperial Creed) -10, Common Lore (Imperial Guard) 10, Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed). * If the check is made the soldier attack feverishly when the horn is blown overrunning the emplacement but suffering tremendous casualties Gain d3 VPs. If the check is failed the soldiers run hesitantly at the gun emplacement and are all cut down Lose d3 VPs. 64. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with mono or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power weapon. There is roughly 2 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe three

allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down every other round. After the PCs have slain 5 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 65. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with mono or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power fist. There is roughly 2 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe three allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down every other round. After the PCs have slain 5 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure 66. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 130 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad has a pair of heavy weapons within the building (Missile launcher,heavy bolter, Heavy Stubber, etc) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 67. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 220 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad is all armed with long las guns (or the equivalent of ranged weapons ) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 68. Fire Fight and Closing The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 50 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise and they are just beginning to break cover and move toward the players positions, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing squad equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad has a trio of short ranged special weapons (flamers, melta guns, or etc) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3d10 rounds

by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. The enemy will try to move and shoot and close the distance to use their special weapons on the players. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 69. Elite Troops Elite troops of the enemy (Hardened Scum, Mutant Heretics, Storm Troopers, Terminators, Etc) have found the players and attempt to engage them in a manner best fitting the troops. There is one elite troop per 2 players, and these are armed in their most basic manner. One Troop has a special weapon. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3 d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d5 rounds. After 3 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 70. Communications Vehicle An friendly vehicle loaded with vox equipment is broadcasting support orders to other vehicles and enemies in the field. The vehicle is unprotected at the moment. There are 2 enemy soldiers per player on the ground moving rapidly toward the vehicle. If the players make concealment rolls opposing the enemy awareness they may choose to surprise the target from cover at 100 meters, or alternatively they may make opposed concealment rolls vs. awareness to ambush the targets in close combat. If the players fail either roll, roll initiative normally The enemy will not abandon their attacks. *Should the enemy destroy the communication vehicle, subtract 2D10 VPs * 71. The players receive orders to set up booby traps for a enemy unit advancing uncontrollably. They are given boxes of grenades and mines and are instructed to rig the area with explosives, and then finish off the squad. The players may roll Demolitions to set up the explosives. Pick out any ranged combat on these charts to start with that is appropriate. If the character set up the traps and are successful, only 1/3 of the number of enemies is left for the characters to finish off. If the character fail their explosives roll, then they must fight the enemy as normal. 72. The players are tasked with destroying a key tactical building nearby. It must be destroyed to prevent the enemy from gaining such a defensable structure. The characters must make it there as quickly as possible (they get to see a battlefield map before they go) and then make navigation checks to get there. Once they arrive they must interface with the technology within and convince the machine spirits to lower the bulkhead doors, or they can destroy the place with explosives. Only allow a short while before the enemy begins to arrive in force. *If the players allow the enemy to gain this building they loose d5 VPs* 73. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with mono or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power fist. There is roughly 2 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe three allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down every third round. After the PCs have slain 5 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold

their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure 74. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with chain swords or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power fist. There is roughly 1 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe 2 allied soldier being cut down each round, and 2 Enemy being cut down every other round. After the PCs have slain 4 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure 75. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 90 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad is all armed with long las guns (or the equivalent of ranged weapons ) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 76. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 140 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad is all armed with las guns (or the equivalent of ranged weapons ) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 2d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 77. Enemy psyker (Psyker level 3) and retinue the players are engaged by an enemy psyker and 1 bodyguard per player. *Defeating this band will gain the players d5 vps, loosing will cost them d5 vps* 78. Elite Troops Elite troops of the enemy (Hardened Scum, Mutant Heretics, Storm Troopers, Terminators, Etc) have found the players and attempt to engage them in a manner best fitting the troops. There is one elite troop per 2 players, and these are armed in their most basic manner. Two Troops have a special weapon. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3 d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every round. After 3 of the enemy are killed, they must make a

will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 79. Armored Vehicle and Foot Soldiers An armored vehicle and 1 enemy soldier per player has engaged the PCs. The enemy soldiers will disengage as soon as the tank is disabled or destroyed. Any friendly soldiers near the players must make a Willpower roll each round or flee from the scene as a group. Assume 1 enemy is brought down by friendly fire for each round the friendlies remain in combat. *Gain d5 VPs for destroying the tank, and lose D5 if it is left unchecked* 80. Hold that Line! Friendlies are taking huge amounts of withering fire, and then suddenly the front line begins to falter. Fear and Cowardice take ahold of the nearby squad and they begin to run. The characters must hold the squad together, or this will surely take ahold of nearby squads as well. Characters may roll intimidate checks to keep the troops holding their positions. They gain a +30 bonus for making an example of a fleeing trooper. They may make a difficult command check to also stop the panic. *Gain d5 VPs for stopping the rout. Loose d5 VPs if the squad flees* 81. Take out that Bunker! A pair of heavy bolters (or equivalent) are in a position overlooking a key junction point in the battlefield. They are behind heavily armored rockcrete walls and have a commanding presence on the battlefield. They offer full cover with the exception of the head of the firing person. The area leading up to them is completely littered with bodies and destroyed vehicles. The characters must figure out how to take these out so that friendly troops may advance. *Destroying the Bunker gains the players d5 VP. Leaving it alone causes a loss of D5 VP* 82. Tactical Advice The players are summoned in on an emergency strategy meeting. A dire situation including a shortage of troops and ammunition is laid out and the commanding officer asks for advice, or thoughts on the current situation. A player should roll Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) at +10, or Common Lore (War at 30). Success indicates a brilliant plan that is jointly formulating gaining the players D5 VP. Failure means the inhalation of a platoon of troops. And costs d5 VP. 83. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with chain swords or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power fist. There is roughly 2 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe 3 allied soldiers being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down every other round. After the PCs have slain 4 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure 84. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with chain swords or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. One of the enemies is armed with a flamer as well, and will attempt to make use of it before charging in on the players. A leader of the squad is armed with a

power fist. There is roughly 2 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe 3 allied soldiers being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down every other round. After the PCs have slain 5 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure 85. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 60 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad is all armed with hot shot lasguns (or the equivalent of ranged weapons ) Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3D10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 86. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 160 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 2 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad is all armed with bolters (or the equivalent of ranged weapons ). One enemy will carry a plasma gun or equivalent. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure*

87. Enemy psyker (Psyker level 4) and retinue the players are engaged by an enemy psyker and 2 bodyguards per player. *Defeating this band will gain the players d5 vps, loosing will cost them d5 vps* 88. Elite Troops Elite troops of the enemy (Hardened Scum, Mutant Heretics, Storm Troopers, Terminators, Etc) have found the players and attempt to engage them in a manner best fitting the troops. There is one elite troop per 2 players, and these are armed in their most basic manner. Two Troops have a special weapon. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3 d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every round. After 4 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 89. Armored Vehicle and Foot Soldiers An armored vehicle and 2 enemy soldier per player has engaged the PCs. The enemy soldiers will disengage as soon as the tank is

disabled or destroyed. Any friendly soldiers near the players must make a Willpower roll each round or flee from the scene as a group. Assume 1 enemy is brought down by friendly fire for each round the friendlies remain in combat. *Gain d5 VPs for destroying the tank, and lose D5 if it is left unchecked* 90. Defend the Command Station. A small unit of the friendly command has come under fire. There are 2 elite enemy for each player, and each is heavily armed and armored. In addition there is a specialist or officer leading the attack. The players have the opportunity to engage them and defend the command or they will surely fall *If the players cannot defend the command section they will loose (2D10+2 VPs)* 91. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with chain or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. A leader of the squad is armed with a power weapon. There is roughly 3 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe three allied soldier being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down every third round. After the PCs have slain 6 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 92. Assault Combat A number of the enemy armed with chain swords or the equivalent weaponry charges the players and the soldiers around them, having infiltrated across the battlefield. One of the enemies is armed with a flamer as well, and will attempt to make use of it before charging in on the players. A leader of the squad is armed with a power fist. There is roughly 3 for each player character and allied soldier in the immediate vicinity. Describe 3 allied soldiers being cut down each round, and 1 Enemy being cut down every third round. After the PCs have slain 7 enemies, have the enemy make Will Power checks to hold their ground. Have them make another check each time a player dispatches another foe. If the players slay all the enemy directly engaged with them, the enemy will automatically rout. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure 93. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 30 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 3 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad is all armed with bolters (or the equivalent of ranged weapons ), one possesses a special weapon of sorts (flamer, meltagun) and one of them operates a heavybolter, heavy stubber or etc for surpressing fire. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 4D10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 6 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure*

94. Fire Fight From Cover The players have moved into an abandoned shell of a building, or a series of low cover pieces. 190 Meters away, an enemy squad has done like wise, and there is very little additional cover between the two buildings/pieces of cover. There are a number of enemy soldiers in the opposing piece of terrain equal to 3 times the amount of players, plus one for any allied soldiers immediately accompanying the players. Additionally assume the squad is all armed with bolters (or the equivalent of ranged weapons ), one possesses a special weapon of sorts (flamer, meltagun) and one of them operates a heavybolter, heavy stubber or etc for surpressing fire. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 4D10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every d10 rounds. After 7 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 95. A pair of enemy psykers (Psyker level 4) and retinue the players are engaged by an enemy psyker and 2 bodyguards per player. *Defeating this band will gain the players d5 vps, loosing will cost them d5 vps* 96. Elite Troops Elite troops of the enemy (Hardened Scum, Mutant Heretics, Storm Troopers, Etc) have found the players and attempt to engage them in a manner best fitting the troops. There is one elite troop per player, and these are armed with upgraded weaponry. Two Troops have a special weapon. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3 d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every round. After 6 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 97. Elite Troops Elite troops of the enemy (Hardened Scum, Mutant Heretics, Storm Troopers, Terminators, Etc) have found the players and attempt to engage them in a manner best fitting the troops. There is one elite troop per player, and these are armed with upgraded weaponry. Four Troops have a special weapon. Assume 1 enemy soldier is automatically killed every 3 d10 rounds by friendly fire. Assume one friendly soldier is struck every round. After 6 of the enemy are killed, they must make a will power check each round or begin to flee. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure* 98. Armored Vehicle and Foot Soldiers An armored vehicle and 3 enemy soldiers per player has engaged the PCs. The enemy soldiers will disengage as soon as the tank is disabled or destroyed. Any friendly soldiers near the players must make a Willpower roll each round or flee from the scene as a group. Assume 1 enemy is brought down by friendly fire for each round the friendlies remain in combat. *Gain d5 VPs for destroying the tank, and lose D5 if it is left unchecked* 99. Hard Hitters The players have stumbled upon the most elite troops the enemy has to offer. (This may include Ogryn, Terminators, Demons, or etc). Play out an encounter with one enemy per 2 PCs. *Add D5 VPs for success, and subtract D5 VPs for failure*

100. Defend the Warlord It is clear that the enemy is about the claim the head of the a Senior leader. A huge well armed and armored unit of the enemy has the leader of the allies pinned down. There are 3 enemy for each player that are heavily armed and armored. In addition there is a communications specialist, a medic, and an officer in the attacking units. The players must try to defend the command. * If the players cannot defend the Lead officer, they loose (2D10+10 VPs)*

Post Battle Phase: Step 1: Compare Victory Points: The side accumulating the most victory points during the battle has won the engagement. The GM should consult the following chart to determine what occurs. Won the Battle by: <20 Victory Points: The battle has not been decided in one day. After d10+2 hours of rest, the generals will again send their troops into battle. They will not reroll the starting victory points, however. They will instead use the victory points they now begin with. The number of rounds the armies are willing to fight should be halved. 20 - 40 Victory Points: Marginal Victory: The side winning the battle has won just by the hair of their teeth. The enemy withdraws and scatters. Harsh sentiments will remain amongst the enemy and it is only a matter of time before they are reorganized. Light enemy casualties and a few prisoners of war are taken at the completion of the fighting. 40-60 Victory Points: Decisive Victory. The winning side had driven the enemy from the field of battle. Key components of the opponents force have been destroyed, and it will be a long while before the enemy can organize itself for another battle. A large number of enemy casualties and a small number of prisoners occur as the enemy leaves the field of battle. 60-80 Victory Points: Rout. The enemy takes enormous casualties and is all but destroyed. Key personnel are killed and equipment is lost. A huge number of casualties are taken among the enemy in the rout, and an equally large number of prisoners are taken. >80 Victory Points: Annihilation: The enemy is completely massacred or surrenders following the battle. The enemy force is destroyed or captured almost to the man.

Enemy modifications for battle actions: a) Note: The GM must use his or her head for these tables. If the players are fighting space marines, it would be very rare that the marines

outnumber the army they are fighting. The GM must be ready to modify the numbers of enemies rolled on the tables.

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