4608 Just Fiction Brochure

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Novel Building Workshop Series by best-selling author

Enrollment is $89 per class. This includes coffee.


If mailing a check: Oklahoma State University A&S Outreach 213 LSE Stillwater, OK 74078

William Bernhardt
at the Stillwater Public Library Saturdays 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Email OSU Bursar (CWID) Master Card or Visa Cardholders Name Card Number, Expiration Date

William Bernhardt

Novel Building Workshop Series by best-selling author

April 6 May 11 June 8 July 6 Aug. 10 Sept. 7

Premise Structure Character Plot Style Marketing

$89 Per Class With Limited Availability

Enrollment is $89 per class. Please check which class(es) you would like to attend.

April 6 - Premise

Postal registration deadline: postmarked 2 weeks before start of class. Questions? Please contact: Christine Nichols, Program Coordinator OSU Arts & Sciences Outreach (405) 744-8459 christine.nichols@okstate.edu
Arts & Sciences Outreach reserves the right to cancel this course. Refund Policy: Registered, but cant attend? 100% refund available up until the Monday prior to class. 50% refund up until the day before class. No refunds on class day.

May 11 - Structure June 8 - Character 6 - Plot July Aug. 10 - Style

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Sept. 7 - Marketing

Arts & Sciences Outreach


ONLINE REGISTRATION justfiction.okstate.edu

Number of classes multiplied by $89 + $10 for texts Grand Total : $_____________________________ Grand total for all classes and 2 textbooks is $544.00

In addition to being a national bestselling author of 29 books, Bernhardt founded HAWK Publishing Group in 1999 and started hosting writing workshops in 2005. HAWK, the workshops and his small-group writing seminars have educated several authors now published at major New York houses. He holds a masters degree in English literature and is the only writer to have received both the Royden B. Davis Distinguished Author Award (University of Pennsylvania) and the H. Louise Cobb Distinguished Author Award (Oklahoma State University), which is given in recognition of an outstanding body of work that has profoundly influenced the way in which we understand ourselves and American society at large. After an incredible 18-book run with series character Ben Kincaid, he retired the series to pursue other writing projects. In addition to novels, he has written plays, a musical (book and music), humor, nonfiction articles, childrens books, anthologies for charitable fundraising and crossword puzzles. He also has published poetry in more than a dozen different literary journals and is a member of the American Academy of Poets.

William Bernhardt

This noncredit series of classes is intended for the general public.

Workshop Schedule

Just fiction is an introductory novel building series. Learn the elements of novel crafting from an expert in the field, New York Times best-selling author William Bernhardt. Students may mix and match a combination of classes based on their individual needs, and may pay as they go. April 6 - Premise: Getting started right, tweaking your idea for maximum success, premises that appeal to agents and editors, writing the perfect first sentence, paragraph, page, and chapter to grab the reader from the outset, contemplating your audience. May 11 - Structure: Organizing your story for maximum impact, understanding inciting incident, plot points, character turning points, rising and falling action, climax, denouement, outlining your book for maximum success, extending your premises into a successful story plan. June 8 - Character: Designing protagonists and antagonists that bring your story to life, understanding character arcs, distinguishing character from characterization, using secondary characters effectively, understanding viewpoint, using psychic distance to increase reader identification with your characters.

July 6 - Plot: Designing a story that engages a reader throughout, understanding basic plot elements, uniting character and plot, the importance of the ending, creating a climax and resolution that satisfies and delights the reader. Aug. 10 - Style: Focusing on your language, how to use words to maximum effect, writing the lightning (not the lightning bug), using effective verbs, avoiding passive voice, how to make your writing publishable, how to comply with contemporary writing standards for modern novels and style guides. Sept. 7 - Marketing: The query letter, the synopses, finding an agent, pitching, working with an editor, marketing and publicity, using social media, building an author platform, the role of electronic books. The same textbooks will be used in each class. (Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass & Dark Eye by William Bernhardt). Please choose textbooks option with your first class only.

ONLINE REGISTRATION justfiction.okstate.edu

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