Andi Dwi Dharma Nastiti, Xii Acceleration - Expression Task Semester 5

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NO. Expression 1 Suggestion Example of Expression Asking suggestion: Do you have any suggestion for me? Will you give me some suggestion, please? Shall I ? Any idea? Please tell me what should I do? Giving suggestion: You'd better.... You could (might).... I suggest that you.... I recommend that you You really should.... I strongly advise you to.... My advice is Accepting suggestion: That's a good/nice/wonderful idea. Yeah, sure. Thank you. I'll try that. Why didn't I think of that? I think you're right. Sure. I'll do that. Rejecting suggestion: I don't think so. I tried that, but it didn't work. Thanks, but that won't help because.... I don't want to do that because.... That's a good idea, but.... I'm afraid I can't do that. I think it can't solve my problem. I can My friends know how to I cant She couldnt I am able to give you a ride home today Example of Dialogs Seth and Leah go to fitness center. They talk about Leah want to do exercise because she overweight. Seth: Leah, see your body now, its a little, and yeah width I think. Leah: what do you mind? Width? I dont understand. Seth: I mean, yeah sorry, fatter. Sorry Leah, I dont mean to mock you, but its true. You look fatter. Leah: am I? Yeah I feel so. Do you have any suggestion for me? Seth: I suggest that you must take this exercise. You know, overweight can causes heart disease. Leah: really? Any idea? I dont think I can take this exercise, its so hard for me. Seth: no, I dont have any. Its the best way, Leah. Leah: Im afraid I cant do that. Seth: better if you try it.


Bertha and Daisy in class now. They in there because additional period. Now additional period almost end, but Bertha doesnt know how to come back because her mother borrow her motorcycle. Daisy: Bertha, you look so worry. Bertha: really? Daisy: why do you look so worry? Bertha: see the clock. Now its 06.00 p.m., but my

mother doesnt come yet. Im afraid come home so late. Daisy: Dont worry Bertha, I am able to give you a ride home today. Bertha: really? Thank you very much Daisy. Daisy: youre welcome. But Bertha, can you wait? I want to go to gas station, my motorcycle is almost out of gas. Bertha: it doesnt matter. 3 Possibility/Impossibility Is there any possibility of finishing these assignments tomorrow morning? Do you think that the school will dismiss earlier today? Is it possible that we can win that competition? There is a good chance It is very possible There is possible I think there is a little possibility Maybe/Perhaps/Probably I dont think Its impossible/not possible Maybe/Perhaps/Probably not. Im not sure at that I dont think so. There is no chance of Command Close the door! Go to school now! Open the window Lock the front door! Clean the whiteboard! Go to in front of my house! Turn off the stove! Mary and William go to the park. They see beggar on the roadside. William: Mary see that beggar! Mary where? Oh yeah I see. Why? William: is it possible that the beggar is real beggar? Mary: What? Why you can think like that? William: I think there is a little possibility they are not real beggar. They just receive command and their income will be given to their boss. Mary: but this beggar is bringing her son. Is there any possibility that they arent real beggar? William: yeah, maybe.

I want to go to my friends house to do my homework, so I ask permission to my mother. My mother said that she will give permission after help her. I: mom, I want to go to Renee house to do my homework. Mom: but I need you here to help me. I: What can I do to help you, mother? Mom: Close the door! I: ok, then? Mom: lock the front door! I: ok, then?

Admitting mistake

Sorry. I know this was my fault. Please fro give me. I realize I've made mistakes. This has been my terrible mistake. I wouldn't do it anymore. I will pay for what I've done. Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't think of the consequences. It shouldn't be like this. Forgive me. I neglected


I promise you that I wont leave you again I swear to do my homework soon. Promise me that you will come to the party. Will you promise to be on time next time? Make me a promise, will you? Is that a promise? I want you to promise that youll never leave me. Will you give me your word on that? Can you / Will you promise me? Can I trust you? Ill take your words. I promise Ill make it to the party. I promise not to be late again. I promise you that Ill never forget you Its a promise. You have my word. I give you my word. I swear that I will never leave you.

Mom: turn off the stove, then you can go now. I: ok, thank you mother. Michelle go to Donnys house to inquire about art assignment of making a vase. Michelle hold Donnys task, accidently the vas fell and broke. Michelle: oh my, Donny you vase fell. Donny: what? Michelle: oh Donny, its my fault, I neglected. Donny: oh dont worry Michelle. It doesnt matter? Are get hurt? Michelle: This has been my terrible mistake. Donny: dont worry Michelle, it doesnt matter. Michelle: Forgive me. Donny: yeah, Ill receive of that you want. Michelle: thank you Donny. Bonita wants to go to park to play with her friend. But her mom forbid Bonita to play because Bonita dont do her homework yet. Mom: Bonita, dont go to play! Bonita: but why mom? Mom: finish your homework first! Bonita: yeah, Ill do it, but not now. Mom: Make me a promise, will you? Bonita: I swear to do my homework soon. Mom: Ill take your words.

Accuse & Blaming

Take my words (for it). I promise you my love and my life I think youre the only person who could have done it. It must have been you who did it You must be doing something wrong You must be the door It was your fault. I told you but you just wouldnt listen. Its all because of you! You should (not) have done that. Youre the one to blame. Serves you right

Tiffany go to class to take her pen, but when she want to take it, the pen is already broke. In the class, there is only Steve. Tiffany: Steve, I told you dont touch my pen. I told you but you just wouldnt listen. See this pen! Its already broke! Its all because of you! Steve: I dont do it. Tiffany: I think youre the only person who could have done it. Steve: but I really dont do it! Why you think like that? Tiffany: there only you in this class. Last time I used it, its not broke. Steve: but I really dont do it! Tiffany: Youre the one to blame. Maria eat in restaurant, but the fell satisfied at the waitress because bring wrong dish. So, Maria go to customer service at that restaurant. Officer: Good morning, can I help you? Maria: I'd like to make a complaint about your service. Officer: I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly was the problem? Maria: your waitress isnt cheerful, and he is not delivering food. He also incorrect refund Officer: I do apologize. I'd like to offer you a 20% discount on the price of your dish. Maria: A 20% discount, you must be joking. I want to see the manager.


Making a complaint Im afraid I have to make a serious complaint. Look, Im sorry to trouble you, but. Excuse me, Im afraid Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with Excuse me, there appears to be something wrong I wonder if you could help me.. Ive got a bit of a problem here, you see Do you think you could? Im sorry to have to say this, but. Would you mind (doing).? I wish you wouldnt mind. I do wish you could. Wouldnt it be a good idea to/ not to. Accepting a complaint Oh, Im sorry about that.


I cant tell you how sorry I am I wish it never happened Oh dear, Im really sorry Im so sorry, I didnt realize I just dont know how to say. I just dont know what to say Delaying a complaint I suggest you leave it with us and well see what can be done. I suggest you leave it with us and well see what we can do. Im afraid the manager/boss isnt in at the moment. Could you call later? Im afraid we cant help you at the moment. Could you leave your contact phone number and address? We will contact you soon. Rejecting a complaint Well, Im afraid there is nothing we can do about it actually. Well, Im afraid there isnt much we can do about it. I wonder What Id really like to find out is Id be very interested to know Ive been meaning to ask you. Id like to know I wish I knew Id love to know Whats on your mind

Nanda and I go to teacher council to collect assignment. Nanda: I wonder if we late to collect this assignment. I: we would get yelled. Nanda: and I wonder if we collect wrong assignment. I: we would get yelled. Nanda: I wonder I: Whats on your mind? Stop wondering! Just collect this task if we dont want get yelled. Nanda: yes you are right!

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