FND Exer1

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Q 01 A B C D

Capture and replay tools are useful for which type of testing? Integration Testing Regression Testing User Acceptance Testing Unit Testing

Q 02 A B C D

Error Guessing can be used to supplement? Only with Acceptance Testing Formal Testing Methods Only with Systems Testing Informal Test Design Techniques

Q 03 A B C D

What should be focused on first when prioritising test cases? Testing high risk areas Performing the easiest test cases first Performing as many tests as possible Finding as many bugs as possible

Q 04 A B C D

Deviating from the specified behaviour that is visible to end users is called? A fault A failure A defect An error

Q 05 A B C D

The IEEE 829 Test Plan documentation standard contains everything listed below except what? Test items Test tasks Test Specifications Test Deliverables

Q 06 A B C D

When should you stop testing? When the allocated time has run out When all planned tests have been executed It is dependant on the risks for the item under test When there are no more faults

Q 07 A B C D

What is the purpose of Exit Criteria? To determine when writing a test case is complete To determine when to stop the testing To ensure the test specification is complete To determine when to stop writing the Test Plan

Q 08 A B C D

What is Functional Systems Testing? Testing that each individual component works correctly Focuses on what the system is actually supposed to do Testing that the performance of each component Testing the end to end functionality of the system as a whole

Q 09 A B C D

You cannot raise an incident for what of the following? Test Cases Test Specifications Requirements Comments from the end user

Q 10 A B C D

What is Maintenance Testing? Testing a released system that has been changed Testing a released system that has not been changed Updating test cases after a software change Updating the test results after software change

Q 11 A B C D

Static Analysis cannot find which of following? Unreachable code Memory leaks Array boundary violations Typos

Q 12 A B C D

Which of the following techniques is not considered to be Black-box? LCSAJ Testing Syntax Testing Boundary Value Analysis State Transition Testing

Q 13 A B C D

Who would typically perform Beta Testing? Customers at the developers site An independent Test Team An Internal Test Team Customers at their own site

Q 14 A B C D

Acceptance Testing is aimed at what? Testing from a Business Perspective Testing from a developers perspective Ensuring that all faults will be accepted by the users Finding specific faults within the system

Q 15 A B C D

What is the focus of Re-testing? Re-testing ensures the original fault has been removed Re-testing prevents future faults Re-testing looks for unexpected side-effects Re-Testing ensures the original fault is still present

Q 16 A B C D

What is the focus of Regression Testing? Regression Testing looks for expected side-effects Regression Testing ensures the original fault has been removed Regression Testing looks for unexpected side-effects Regression Testing prevents future faults

Q 17 A B C D

An expected result is? Used only in User Acceptance Testing Of most use when specified in advance Used only when Unit Testing Of most use when specified after Testing has occurred

Q 18 A B C D

Which review type uses formal entry and exit criteria? An Informal Review A Test Specification Review A Walkthrough An Inspection

Q 19 A B C D

Impact Analysis is used the most by which of the following? Unit Testing Maintenance Testing Non-Functional Systems Testing User Acceptance Testing

Q 20 A B C D

What does COTS represent? Commercial Off The Shop Commercial Off The Shelf Commercial Off The Seller Commercial Off The Software

Q 21 A B C D

The cost associated with fixing a fault is? Decreases the later it is found Not relevant Not important Increases the later it is found

Q 22 A B C D

Error Guessing should be used: To guess the amount of test cases to use After formal techniques have been used Before formal techniques have been used After the product has been released

Q 23 A B C D

Testing is performed in different stages because: It is easier to added and delete separate stages Each individual stage has its own purpose It is much easier to manage in stages We can assign each stage to a different Tester

Q 24 A B C D

Which of the following is not performed in Unit testing? Modified condition/decision coverage Equivalence partitioning Syntax Testing Stress Testing

Q 25 A B C D

How is the amount of Re-testing required normally defined? Discussions with the end users Discussions with Developers Metrics from future projects B&C

Q 26 A B C D

What is the internationally recognised Testing standard? BS-7925-1 ISO-9000 BS-7925-2 There isnt one

Q 27 A B C D

Testing can only find defects, not prove that Errors exist! There are none! Defects can find Testers! There are always defects!

Q 28 A B C D

A Human action that produces an incorrect result is.. An Error A Fault A Failure An Action

Q 29 A B C D

A manifestation of an error in software is. An Error A Fault A Failure An Action

Q 30 A B C D

Deviation of the software from its expected delivery or service is.. An Error A Fault A Failure An Action

Q 31 A B C D

Which of the following can also cause a failure? An Error A Fault A Fix An Action

Q 32 A B C D

What is Executing a program with all possible combinations of inputs or values for program variables? Example Testing Executive Testing Exaggerated Testing Exhaustive Testing

Q 33 A B C D

Why isnt Exhaustive Testing commonly used? There simply arent enough test cases Most Testers dont like it There simply isnt enough time It can be tiring

Q 34 A B C D

If Testing time is limited, we should.. Only Test high risk areas Only Test simple areas Only Test low risk areas Only Test complicated areas

Q 35 A B C D

When should high priority test cases be performed? Only after performing low priority test cases At the end of testing phase Last First

Q 36 A B C D

The quality of the product is said to increase when? All faults have been reviewed All faults have been found All faults have been raised All faults have been rectified

Q 37 A B C D

What can be used as a measurement of quality? Testing Developing Reviewing ATSL 160669

Q 38 A B C D

In order to perform _______ ______, the testing must be planned? Effective Testing Ad-hoc Testing Defective Testing Error Guessing

Q 39 A B C D

The ____ ____ shall specify how the test strategy and project test plan apply to the given software under test. Test Case Test Specification Test Report Test Plan

Q 40 A B C D

Which document outlines what is going to be Tested? The Test Specification The Test Plan The Test Report The Best Plan

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