I Threw Away My Porn Collection, Thanks To...

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Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission 2012 Annual Report


Duke was in a church in the East Coast Road, Chennai, preaching in a Missions' Awakening Meeting. The first message he preached there was a powerful message on the uniqueness of Jesus, the foundation for missions. His dad, Mr. A. Jeyaraj, interpreted that message into Tamil. Not only winning young people to the Lord is the focus of G4 Mission. This Mission, through passionate mission challenge messages to youth, has successfully challenged the Google Generation to get involved in ministry and even do it fulltime. The youtube link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JANzNptRr3s contains a message clip of Duke where-in, he challenges youth to consider missions. In Jan 2012, Duke also was invited by Rev. Younus Samuel, the Youth Pastor of the New Life AG Church, Hyderabad, to share in a devotion during the church's 21-day fasting. Duke's message, "Don't Give Up!" not only touched those who listened to him live ("I decided to continue to my water-only fast!") but also those who watched him on the internet from faraway ("I was so encouraged to listen to this ...").


In Feb, 2012, Duke flew to Bangladesh to preach God's Word. God, thanks to His grand plan, has used this ministry beyond the borders of India. God has used the uploaded youtube videos of Duke (found on www.youtube.com/visitduke) to bless people in India, Indonesia (the world's most populous islamic nation), UAE, USA, Saudi Arabia, etc.. This particular youtube channel has secured over 20,000 hits the year 2012 alone. Duke was in the country of Bangladesh during Feb 2012 to preach God's Word in a Compassion International leadership development event for the Google Generation there. Several young people made life-changing commitments to the Lord.

'MIND-SHARPENING' MARCH 2012: "I will stop teaching, the day I stop learning!" This is a dictum that Duke believes in. That's one reason he is studying even as he continues his ministry, thereby taking efforts to sharpen his mind. He is part of a Doctor of Ministry cohort in Southern Asia Bible College. In March 2012, he took up a course on Conflict Management from leading experts in that field. He is presently working on a project that will design ways to make Jesus disciples of the modern young working professionals of our time as part of his doctoral studies (D. Min. studies) under Dr. David Balasingh's guidance. This year, he travelled to places such as Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Trivandrum, etc as part of work related to this course. Even as he travelled to these places for research work and interviewed those who worked in IT/ITES companies, God, through cooperating and large-hearted pastors opened doors for ministry and preaching of the Word.


The G4 Mission believes in making the Google Generation to go gaga over God's Word. With this goal, a magazine is published to invite them to do this - to go bananas over the Bible's message! This year we continued publishing The Days Of Your Youth Magazine, a mag that wraps Bible Truth around contemporary events, a mag which was first launched with Duke's call centre job salary in March 2006. The message of the book of Job was wrapped around contemporary events and presented persuasively to the presentday youth in an article authored by Duke in one of the issues of The Days Of Your Youth published in 2012. Talking about writing, which Duke considers as one of his primary calls that God has placed upon his life, it must be mentioned that Duke's articles were published in Mumbai based Christian magazine, Light of Life, every month of 2012. Duke gave permission in 2012 to organization such as Christian Broadcasting Network to use his articles following a request for the same. A newly

launched local Christian newspaper, The Way, was filled with Duke's articles in it's first issue. The Evangelical Teachers Fellowship published Duke's challenge to teachers from the life of Ezra in one of it's issues in 2012. 'MEATY MESSAGE PREACHING' MAY 2012:

In May 2012, the General Superintendent of South India, Assemblies of God, Rev. V. T. Abraham, put Duke on a flight so that he could minister in the church he led in Kozhikode. He remarked, after he heard Duke preach a message from the questions that Jesus posed in a service, that the meaty message shared was among the most solid sermons he had heard in a long time. Duke Jeyaraj and his wife, Evangelin, get invited to minister in youth camps conducted by leading churches across India. In May 2012, they had the honor of preaching God's word in the Bethel IPA Church's youth camp in a scenic camp site just outside of the city of Coimbatore. God moved mightily in this youth camp. Duke shared God's Word during the Sunday Services of the AG Church, in Kozhikode, in May 2012 (about the perils of procrastination). In the same way, Duke, in 2012, challenged church believers during Sunday services in New Life AG Church, Hyderabad (where over 4000 heard his challenge, "Marks of a Backslidden Believer", from Malach, following Rev. Valson Varghese's warm invitationi), Bethel IPA Church, Coimbatore (where people from two services heard his different message, "Bible Lessons From

Magic IPL5 Moments", following Pastor Terry Prakasam's warm invitation), Living Springs English Church in Chennai (where a mix of corporates and students from the African continent heard practically him summarize the message of Esther using the acronym, 'e-s-t-h-e-r', following Rev. Austin Carter Jones' warm invitation), Metropolitan Mission Church, Vijayawada (where he encouraged the 400 church believers with the message from "Let us" passages of the book of Hebrews, following, Dr. B. Ebenezer's invitation), in the AG Church led by Rev. Anil Alexander in Navi Mumbai (where he challenged the young audience from the questions of challenge found in the Bible for evangelism through the local church), and in two different AG churches in Chennai (led by Pas. Jabez Sendhil and Rev. Jeghil) on the Sunday before Christmas (using the message outline born out of his personal meditation, a message subsequently posted on Facebook which went on to attract a "Good Message" comment from one of AG India most-loved evangelists and senior leaders). G4 Mission is not a church. Duke does not run a church in Hyderabad or elsewhere. G4 Mission believes that existing churches must be revived by passionate, Spirit-filled preaching of the Word. Duke's family, when they are not in ministry travel, are found actively participating in the activities of New Life AG Church, Hyderabad, the church they attend as a family. Duke's kids performed small roles in the Christmas program 2012 of this church. 'JOSIAH TALKING ABOUT' JUNE 2012: One of Duke's life passions is to show the present-day youth that there are characters they can identify with in the Holy Bible. In the month of June 2012, Duke preached in an youth event of Operation Mobilization in Hyderabad. His challenge to youth from the life of King Josiah replete with videos of Usian Bolt moved several youth to the altar to get right with God. G4 Mission, is glad to join hands with existing organisations to reach presentday youth, this way. In October 2012, Duke spoke in an event organised by PROFIT, a fellowship of professionals under GEMS Mission.

Thanks to the generous giving of one of our ministry friends (an Indian!), Duke was able to publish a book that assembled the best of his Gospel Presentations for present-day youth in one book - Good News for the Google Generation. This book was released in June 2012 and has blessed many. Along with this book, new message CDs of Duke were released in 2012. Now the total number of message DVDs/MP3 CDs has crossed 40. This year, the first English to Gujarati message DVD of Duke was released. These CDs were briskly bought by those who heard Duke in the meetings he preached in. Duke promoted the resources of G4 Mission in a large Lutheran Church in Guntur and in the AG Church in Mumbai led by Rev. Vivek Dindorkar (The River of Life Assembly), the Superintendent of the AG for Maharashtra, in 2012. As honey bees would crowd around certain flowers, folks crowded around the place where G4 Mission resources were placed, in these churches, post the service. In the 2012 National Youth Conference of the Assemblies of God in NLAG, Hyderabad, a record sale was made of Duke's books.


Month after month, Duke gathers a bunch of modern young working professionals to his base and teaches God's Word to them. He basically squeezes out the spiritual juice out of the chosen Bible book, in this rare, rocking study event. 8 different Bible books (I Thessalonians, II

Thessalonians, Hebrews, I Peter, James, Luke, Acts, Colossians) were summarized in a practical and powerful way to a small bunch of them each month in a meeting at Duke's rented base in Hyderabad on selected Sunday evenings spread through the year. Duke used the very name of the book as an outline for the message of the book, each time. For example, the message of Colossians, was put in c-o-l-o-s-s-i-a-n-s. These outlines were uploaded onto www.freshbiblestudy.wordpress.com. Entire Bible Study video recordings in HD were uploaded onto Youtube.com. Here is one link in which you will find the I Peter Bible Study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOxMYBzx98c. Duke also taught this group on the discipline of Bible Meditation (January 2012), he brought out lessons on sex, love and marriage from the Moses-Zipporah relationship in an event called, When Moses Gave Roses (Feb 2012), he gleaned Bible lessons from the magic moments of IPL5 in June 2012 and did a different Christmas Bible study from Revelation 12 in December 2012. In July 2012, he summarized the message of the book of Luke. In August 2012, after the study of Acts God filled those who came with his Spirit. In a home in Bangalore during September 2012, Duke summarized the message of Job for small group of believers using acronym, "J-O-B o-f U-Z".

Of late, God has been gracious to use Duke and Evan not just to minister to those who are single but

also to married couples. They ministered in a couples camp organised by their young friends, DannyRuby, in a camp site in East Coast Road, Chennai, in August 2012. While Evan ministered to the singles/teens in that family camp, Duke preached to the couples and some general sessions. The same month the board of G4 Mission (which includes non-relatives of Duke) met in Chennai. Ministry reports and accounts were submitted. They were audited by a non-Christian auditor and submitted to the Government. Duke's dad, Mr. A. Jeyaraj, coordinated this work, voluntarily. The Government acknowledged this and sent a receipt to Duke. 'SISTER IN MINISTRY' SEPTEMBER 2012

The Lord - thanks to his amazing grace - has used Duke's wife, Sis. Evan, to preach His Word in various places all these years. This year she was one of the featured speakers in a large women's conference held by a leading church in Hyderabad - the Pearl City Church. In September 2012, she taught women pros on how to shine for Christ in their work place. Apart from preaching, Evan was happy to counsel young people who sought her help at various times, with regard to delicate problems they faced: broken marriages, confusion about life partner choice, secret addictions, "unwanted" pregnancies, etc. Evan shared the pulpit with Duke in the Bethel IPA Youth Camp and also preached in a Sunday Services of Bethel IPA Church, Coimbatore and Metropolitan Mission Church, Vijayawada, in 2012. Her message,

"How long?" to single girls was a blessing. In the same month, Duke preached a message on Who is a Mature Christian to a small group of believers atop Bro. Christopher's home in Dr. A. S. Rao Nagar, Hyderabad. The hearers' hearts were warmed.


It has pleased the Lord to use Duke Jeyaraj not only in city-wide, state-wide, events but also in National-level events. This year, he was one of the speakers of in the National Youth Conference of the Assemblies of God of India, an October 2012 event that drew over 1800 youth from 19 Indian states. His presentations were eye-opening and edifying. In the Question and Answer time and in the organizing leaders requested Duke to 'let the cat out of the bag' in matters such as porn. And Duke daringly did so. He busted unspoken but rampantly used excuse youth have to justify porn-watching, using logic and the Lord's word! One young man who was in this conference, later met with Duke to let him know that he repented from the sin of porn-watching he had been addicted to for years and had gone on to destroy his porn-collection. God was clearly touching lives in that youth conference! One of the messages, that Duke preached in this landmark event, a practical exposition of Proverbs 7 with bold references to sins of petting, porn, rebellion against elders, etc, is found on this Youtube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuxOUsbg0LM

In a city-wide event organised by Metropolitan Mission, Duke and his wife Evan, addressed over 2000 youth in Vijayawada in the same month. Hyderabad, Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Calicut, Vijayawada, Pune, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Trivandrum, etc - these were some of the cities that Duke preached God's Word in, as an itinerant preacher, in 2012.

One of the hallmarks of Duke's ministry is the passionate way he preaches not just to large audiences but even to smaller ones. He was in the Emmanuel AG church in Pune, led by Rev. Nana Dar, ministering to the youth in November 2012, with great passion, teaching on sex, love, marriage from passages such as Ezekiel 23 and Genesis 24. The Lord touched the audience. Several 'holy' decisions were made as the youth made their way to the front. In the same Duke's answers - frank and faithful to Scripture enlightened questions asked on topics as diverse as miracles to masturbation. In the same month, Duke preached in a CNI Church in Mumbai in the Sunday service. His vibrant message which began with the reference to the movie, Life of Pi, was a blessing to that congregation. G4

Mission does not belong to one church nor is it sponsored by any denomination. It is interdenominational and is supported by individual Indians who believe in it's vision. In the year 2012, Indians (from Tirunelveli to Tinsukia, from Vadodara to Vizag) moved by the Holy Spirit sent in offerings via bank transfer/cheque/money-order for the work of the Gospel done by Duke/G4 Mission. In the same month, November 2012, Duke had the privilege of addressing students of an international secular school in a particular Indian city on how to save the earth where he brought in the Gospel at the end using the acronym, 'e-a-r-t-h'. H, stood for heart transformation through the Gospel of Jesus. The Assembly Speaker of that particular state was in the audience while Duke did this, as his son studied in that school! G4 Mission believes in reaching the Google Genners of all ages!


In December 2012, the G4 Mission organized an Evangelistic Conversations event, an event that drew folk from various faiths. This event was held in a popular mall in the city of Hyderabad. Through conversations, the Gospel was shared with the Google Generation that assembled. Also, through out the year, outreach in which the Google Generation armed with a couple of tracts that Duke has written for them (including one based on T20 magic moments featuring India) went to different youth hangouts/hotspots in Hyderabad (like the Railway Station, Shopping Malls,

Movie Theatres, etc) and distributed them. Some of them read it animatedly like the young man pictured above. There were orders for the T20 Gospel tract and the Bubbly Gospel tract from different parts of India. By December 2012, God graciously added, through the giving of Indian friends of the G4 Mission, two more gadgets which would help Duke connect with the Google Generation better and minister to them more effectively and swifty. We are talking about two Apple products here - the small MacBook Air laptop & I-Phone 3GS. Joel Joseph, one of the volunteers of G4 Mission, walked into Duke's rented base in December 2012. He was armed with a high-resolution HD camera. An introductory/promo video for G4 Mission was then by Joel featuring Duke. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clhDqlq0-zo

12 pics which you saw above summarize the ministry done in the year 2012 by Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission - an independent, inter-church ministry to modern youth founded by Duke Jeyaraj which is supported by offerings sent by those blessed by Duke's writings and messages and Indians who believe that the Google Generation must be reached with the Gospel in a creative way with the same old Gospel. If you are led to support this ministry log onto www.googlegeneration.in/donate.php


Mobile Phone: +91-888-604-0-605. Leave a message please if I am not able to pick up. Thank you! Duke is a full-time, itinerant, presenter / communicator of Truths from the Bible to the Google Generation, who operates from out of his base in Hyderabad, and is someone who ministers cutting across denominational or organizational barriers. Duke founded Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna (hell in Greek) Mission (G4 Mission) in Feb. 2006 to creatively reach out to the Google Generation. This ministry, which Duke n his wife work for full-time, is supported by individual Indians who have been blessed by his preaching and writing ministry, and NOT by any particular organisation or group. See www.g-4mission.blogspot.com for more details about this ministry which is run with the help of volunteers on a day to day basis. You can be one such volunteer! Visit www.youtube.com/visitduke to see down-to-earth, daring message video clips of Duke Jeyaraj on hot yet hushed subjects like salvation, sex, love, marriage, missions, and more.

At www.TheDaysOfYourYouth.com - you will find articles by Duke which wrap Bible-life truths crisply and creatively around contemporary events of interest! The PDF of the mag by same name which Duke publishes can be downloaded at this site. See how Jesus rides on the back of donkey Duke to various places at www.G-4Mission.blogspot.com a websites that provides picturesque reports on the ministry Duke does, the ministry products like message DVDs that Duke creates and places where he going to minister! Read Dukes articles that present the Gospel to the Google Generation creatively wrapped around modern events at www.PurposeSpot.Blogspot.com. Read fresh Bible Study outlines born out of Duke's personal Bible meditations in raw format at www.FreshBibleStudy.wordpress.com. Have a look a photos of Duke and his wife, Evangelin, a preacher herself and their son, Dale (8) and daughter Datasha (4), by going to www.facebook.com/dukejeyaraj and www.facebook.com/googlegenerationduke Follow Duke as he wraps Bible Truth around contemporary events in just 140 characters at www.twitter.com/dukejeyaraj

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