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The Anunna i and Ulema-Anunna i Vault of Forbidden Knowledge and the Universe's Greatest Secrets. Boo 2.

7th Edition (Secret teachings of the Anunna i Ulema) you can buy it from amazon -------------------------> http://tiny for $13.79 PUBLISHERS’ NOTE: Do not miss the most EXPLOSIVE boo ever written on the German UFOs and lin between the U.S. and the NAZI UFO technology: &#x20 1c;German UFOs Apocalypse Over America. UFOs World War Three. (Extraterrestrial, Intraterrestrial, German, Canadian and American UFOs: Origin, Classes, Projects ”, authored by Maximillien de Lafayette. -America-Extraterrestrial-Intraterrestrial-eboo /dp/B008K3TG3G/ref=sr_1_37?s=boo s&ie=UTF8&qid=1343201138&sr=1-37& eywords=maximillien+de+la fayette Author’s website *** * ** ***THE ANUNNAKI AND ULEMA-ANUNNAKI VAULT OF FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE AND THE UNIVE RSE’S GREATEST SECRETS. Boo 2. 7th EditionThis volume includes:• On activating the Conduit, decontaminating or cleansing ourselves, galactic spec ies in the Mil y Way, galaxy and universe, stargates, invasion of Iraq, Anunna i and extraterrestrial spaceships and UFOs• Is it possible that mind controlling frequencies can be remotely transmitted into our homes through devi ces such as the cable box or TV or other electronic instruments? Yes• What do the Annuna i have to say about other galactic species, how many are they and how much interaction between species is going on here and elsewhere in the Mil y Way galaxy and universe? • Is there a stargate in New Yor City? Ye s! • Do the home planets of extraterrestrials visiting/ inhabiting ea rth exist in higher dimensions within our own galaxy?• What is the meth od of propulsion to travel interdimensionally and what do these ships loo li e and consist of?• What are Anunna i ships made of and how do they loo ? &# x2022; On sharing the same God with extraterrestrials • On the Bando Pro ject, and the study of the anatomy of dead aliens’ bodies, and extraterre strial survivors• On “Barage Europa” (Extraterrestri al tunnels/structures) • On Bariya, and the Anunna i’s creation of Man• How the Anunna i created us? • A adian/Sumerian clay t ablets passages on the creation of Man• Inanna the legendary Sumerian go ddess who created the first 7 prototypes of man ind • The Sumerian-Anu nna i goddess Nammu “Namma” and her son En i created multiple form s of humans• Ea illed Kingu, the demon son of Tiamat, and used his b lood to create man ind• Apsu and the creation of man• From the Sixth Tablet• From the Seventh Tablet• On Mu, Anunna i’s interference in Earth’s affairs, the reptilians, departure and return of the Anunna i, God, religions, and life after death• Where are the An unna i right now and why don't they interfere on our planet anymore? • Is it true that lots of Earth governments including US are controlled or ruled b y an Alien race called reptilians? • Were the prophets controlled by Anunna i or they have manipulated the people as they wished? • On telep ortation (Bar a- irama)• On super tall beings, Coral Castle, Admiral Byrd , animal mutilations• Re h-get-Amen; the Anunna i-Ulema Extraordinary Deeds and Faculties• The Supersymetric Mind: Study of the influence o f the Anunna i’s programming of our brain and fate• The Dupl icate Image or Reproduction of a Being • Shape-shifting of extraterrestri als • Entities Created by the Anunna i, and the Ulema in Modern Times “Helama-Gooliim”• Columns “charged” with Anu nna i’s Supernatural Powers “Jachim”; the two large cast-br onze pillars in the Temple of Solomon Abbreviation of Yahweh “Jah” , “Yah”, the real and first name of God• Spathe of the Ma le Date-Palm “Lagishimmar”, “Lagi-zulum”, the handbuc et carried by Sumerian ingsAnd much much more. The Anunna i and Ulema-Anunn a i Vault of Forbidden Knowledge and the Universe's Greatest Secrets. Boo 2. 7t

h Edition (Secret teachings of the Anunna i Ulema) The Anunna i and Ulema-Anunna i Vault of Forbidden Knowledge and the Universe's Greatest Secrets. Boo 2. 7th Edition (Secret teachings of the Anunna i Ulema) boo indle eboo pdf online free download review characters chapter summaries s ummary synopsis audioboo free quotes online for free hardcover buy order The Anunna i and Ulema-Anunna i Vault of Forbidden Knowledge and the Universe's Greatest Secrets. Boo 2. 7th Edition (Secret teachings of the Anunna i Ulema)by

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