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Roman literature really dominated the western world.

Prose compositions are marked by their immaturity of art and language. Satire, it is a literary genre which the Romans claimed as their own invention. The second period in Roman literature, the golden period represents the highest excellence in prose and poetry. Their literary works were only circulating around selected groups of well-educated men. The famous writers in the golden period were Catullus, Cicero, Vergil, Horace and Ovid. On silver period the famous writer is Pliny, who wrote letters on Roman life and history. One of the famous works of Romans is Aenid. The Aeneid is a Latin epic poem composed of twelve books. The first half of Aenid talks about the wandering of Aeneas from Troy to Italy. They met Achaimenides, the one who told them his story about their close encounter to be slaughtered by Cyclops. The Cyclops almost slaughtered Achaimenides for him to become Cyclops meal. Aeneas then arrived in Carthage and there he met Dido, the founder of Carthage. Dido eventually fell in love with Aeneas thats why she was flirting with him in Carthage. But Dido had her heart broken when Aeneas left Carthage to continue his mission. Upon departure of Aeneas, Dido committed suicide using the sword Aeneas left behind. The second half of the Aeneid tells about the victory of the Trojans against the Latins. Junos hostility arose when she met Aeneas and knew about his plans. Junos opposition Aeneas caused her to be hostile. The story of Cupid and psyche is the work of Lucius Apuleius. Cupid is the son of Venus the goddess of love and beauty and psyche. The enviousness of Venus caused her to turn to his son Cupid and told him to shoot psyche with his golden arrow to make psyche fall in love with the most horrific creature alive. The psyche was advised by the oracles to be left for a summit of a mountain in clothes of mourning or showing sadness, and sorrow through facial expressions or actions. Then psyche was carried away by the wind of Zephyrus to a fair valley and magnificent palace where psyche will stay. Psyche's sisters visited her, they noticed that psyches wealth was far much greater that their. Because of jealousy, they spread rumours that the psyches husband is a monster. Psyche was furious about what her sisters were spreading in their kingdom, but she also became curious. One night while psyches husband was sleeping, she got a dagger which she had hidden in the oil lamp. Psyche sneakily brought the oil lamp to her husbands side and then, the most handsome face that she has ever seen came to her surprise, it was Cupid, the flawless son of Venus. Psyche drops the oil lamp on Cupids shoulder which wounded him. Cupid went back to heaven, because of his wound, Venus found out about her sons affair with Psyche. Venus greatly disagreed and said that psyche can only regain Cupids love if she completes a series of formidable tasks. Psyche would do anything to regain Cupids love so she did all the tasks Venus requested. Except for one. It was not to remove the lid of the box filled by Persephone with the elixir of beauty. She opened the Pandoras Box. This released a heavy mist. A cloud of water droplets that surrounded her body. That cloud of water droplets induced her to fall into a deathlike sleep. Cupid asked help from Jupiter, so Jupiter decided to summon all the gods. Jupiter announced the marriage of psyche and Cupid. Mercury gave psyche a drink made from ambrosia to make her immortal like her husband Cupid. Cupid and psyche had a baby named Volupta. Even though Venus was jealous of psyche, Venus had no choice but to let Cupid marry psyche. The Romans were labelled as great philosophers because of the Enchiridion. It is a collection of notes discussed by Epictetus, which is also known as The Hanbook. It was complied by his student Arrian.

The echiridion is a brief introductory manual on how to transform stoicism into a way of life. Teaching and sayings in the echiridion is more on the spiritual side of life. Another literacy piece made by the Romans is called attic night. It is the one and only work of the loquacious Aulus Gellius. The attic night contains notes about different branch of knowledge.

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