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Group 5 Galsote: hey friend!

Did you know that Italy has played a big part in the shaping of western civilization? Do you guys sharing it? Aznar: sure! I read that the liberal arts flourished at the end of the 5th century. But unlike other countries, Italy lacked legends, tales, epics, poems, and satires. Del Rosario: just so you know, it was in the middle ages when Latin became a literary language of Italy that was used in writing their history. Belen: and in the 13th and 14th century was the earliest poetry written by the greatest of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri Pimentel: Dante wrote his first book, La Vita nouva in which he describes his idealized love for his beloved, Beatrice. Nepomuceno: while the Renaissance in the Italy was a period of expanding economic, political, and cultural activity. Soriano: and in the late 14th century was one of the important figures of the early Renaissance, a great Latinist named Petrarch. He helped restore classical Latin as a literary.

Galsote: the 15th century saw the rise and confirmation of a spiritual and cultural movement. Aznar: the ideals of humanism culminated in the Renaissance and the period marked the beginning of modern civilization. Del Rosario: And in the 16th century, there was quite a variety of minor literature already. Prose saw the the spread of poetics and didactic works. Belen: the 17th century was a decisive one in the formation of modern European civilization and god was once again a stern presence. Pimentel: while the 18th century; Italian art experienced a revival that caused increased interest in philosophical and historical research. Nepomuceno: then the Napoleonic period in the 19th century. It was the rise of neoclassicism, a cultural trend that spread widely from figurative arts to literature and the minor arts. Soriano: and the early 20th century were characterized by a deep anxiety, a sense of insecurity caused by the loss of faith in positivism.

Galsote: I think we have enough information about history of the Italian literature. So have you guys heard about Dante Alighieris Magnum opus?

Aznar: of course Eddy! It is the divine comedy. By the way, Magnum opus is not the title, it is another word for great work or an artistic masterpiece, right? Del Rosario: Youre right, Bie! Well, the divine comedy is an allegory of human life in a vision of the world beyond the grave. Belen: Allegory means a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. Pimentel: the divine comedy is an allegorical poem because it tells us two meanings. Nepomuceno: first, the literal translation is Dantes journey to God through the supernatural aid of Beatrice. Soriano: and the second are Dantes reminder that God loves and living God who is willing to make a journey with mankind.

Galsote: in the opening of the poem, Dante found himself in dark woods, a dark and threatening wood symbolizing his own sinful materialism. This was the start of Dantes deviation or turning away from the righteous living. Aznar: and at the top of a shining hill was the mountain illuminated by the sun, representing the hope of the resurrected Christ symbolizes the temporal and eternal happiness. Del Rosario: and when he attempts to climb toward the light, a leopard, lion, and she-wolf which symbolizes human iniquity or a wicked act, also known as sin, blocks his way. Belen: the three beasts: the leopard, lion, and she-wolf, symbolizes mans vices and power which became obstacles to ones goal. Pimentel: the spirit of Vigil leads Dante through hell or the inferno where he will recognize sin for what it is. Nepomuceno: then to purgatory where Dante will abjure or formally rejects and purge himself of it and finally leads to heaven. Soriano: vigil here symbolizes the reason (moral and intellectual values). Dante travelling through hell, purgatory and heaven symbolizes civil and religious confusion of society

Galsote: the divine comedy presents life as a journey in which one man must overcome obstacles to achieve the ultimate goal. Aznar: and that ultimate goal is to be able to meet the eternal felicity in the sight of god. Felicity means the state of being happy or happy. And the obstacles that every traveler must overcome are temptation and sin. De Rosario: the divine comedy is telling us that every human being is subject to temptation and sin, and that every sin will be punished in the 9 circles of hell, the inferno.

Belen: but it is also said that every human being is also being free to repent for his or her behavior in order to avoid punishment and win the eternal rewards from the 9 spheres of paradise. Pimentel: a man or a traveler can save if he commits sins through the seven terraces of purgatory. These correspond to the seven deadly sins. Nepomuceno: each terrace is purging a particular sin until the sinner has corrected the nature within himself that caused him to commit that sin. Soriano: thus enabling him to proceed at some point on theParadisoo. Dante described paradise as heaven. A place of perfect happiness is a celestial region with planets, stars, and other bodies.

Galsote: the placement of an individual depends on the level of goodness he or she achieved in life. But how do the souls in purgatory differ from those in hell? Aznar: purgatory and hell are structured differently: whereas hell punishes sinners according to the sins they have committed. One example of this is stealing. Del Rosario: while purgatory cleanses them of the voices that led them to commit those sins. And in relation to the Eddys example, the example of this is greediness. Belen: this is quite an interesting topic guys. Pimentel: I agree with Belen Nepomuceno: from what I know, purgatory is where our kind Soriano: (topping) like the place where we wait if were going to neither hell nor heaven?

BETROTHED Galsote: anyway! Hey guys have you ever heard such an ominous poem named betrothed? Aznar: what is it about? By the way Ominous means foreshadowing evil. Del Rosario: also Betrothed means a couple who is engaged for marriage. Belen: I think this poet was written by Alessandro Manzoni if Im not mistaken Pimentel: right you are, Manzoni was an Italian poet and a sympathetic novelist. Nepomuceno: Sympathetic means expressing, feeling, or resulting from sympathy. He was also popular in major works of Italian literature. Soriano: I hear the betrothed was one of the most historical novel in the Italian literature.

PETRARCH Galsote: well theres another one called sonnet of Petrarch

Del Rosario: the sonnet of Petrarch, was written by Francis Petrarch regarded hes the most lovesick poet of all time Belen: you guys knew that the 1st 8th lines of the sonnet are called octet Pimentel: the 2nd 6th lines are called sestet Nepomuceno: Italians call it as the Petrarchan sonnet named after Francis Petrarch whose sonnet circles his love Laura Soriano: plus he even made about 200 poems for her

Galsote: that looks absurd and Francis Petrarch should be reprimanded for that. Aznar: yes, reprimand or reprimanded means giving someone a lecture Del Rosario: people and things come and go, but inner peace and serenity sustain us and will endure into eternity. Belen: it means material possessions; love ones, friends they all go away in time. Pimentel: the peace that the sailor seeks in the storm and the rest that the warrior aims cannot be purchased with wealth in any form. Nepomuceno: for me, this means that wealth and riches cannot give you peace. Soriano: a gem cannot be polished without friction nor a man perfected without adversities.

Gazette: that meaning for me is the life of a person cannot be made stronger if he did not experience trials, failures and difficulties. Aznar: one bite of sin leaves a bitter aftertaste. Del Rosario: I know what that means! Even people who are considered perfect, great leaders or man of righteousness when they commit sin, it is known and exposed. Belen: for two strangers, to pledge his life for another is indeed an act of faith that requires belief in miracles.

Pimentel: someone close to you will have a hard time binding and give his life to you. What more a stranger? That requires ultimate sacrifice. Nepomuceno: true love does not change the circumstances. Soriano: true love does not change anything in person. Instead the partner must learn and appreciate what his or her partner is.

Galsote: okay guys I think we should go for now ALL: (saying goodbye to one another)

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