Syllubus-IT3403 Business Management September 7 2007

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BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi

IT3403: Business Management (Optional)

INTRODUCTION This course on Business Management is one of the five courses designed for Semester 3 of Bachelor of Information Technology Degree program. It starts with introduction to evolution of management and moves to managerial processes and the economics of the business management covering 60 hours of lectures. CREDITS: 04 LEARNING OUTCOMES After successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Apply management theories and practices in the decision making process Identify the skills needed by managers and managerial roles Recognize the importance of leadership qualities and motivation theories Discuss Marketing Strategies based on Marketing Principles Interpret Financial Statements and use Financial Ratios in the decision making process Apply economic principles in day to day business operations OUTLINE OF SYLLABUS Topics Evolution of Management Managerial Roles & Skills Management Process Organizational Structure & Behavior Motivation & Leadership Marketing Introduction to Accounting Introduction to Double Entry Account System & Trial Balance Financial Statements : The Balance Sheet Financial Statements : The Profit & Loss Account Introduction to the Analysis & Interpretation of Accounting Statements Managerial Economics Total Hours Hours 03 04 10 04 06 08 02 04 03 03 04 09 60 1

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi


This course is carefully designed to provide a clear understanding on business management to non-management learners who are involved with multiple disciplines. It emphasizes on the managerial roles of a manager, the management process, organizational structure, leadership and motivation in management and also focuses on marketing theories and introduces the financial concepts such as double entry, trial balance, balance sheet, profit and lost account and financial statements in management in a nut-shell. It introduces the basic concepts behind managerial economics, too.

The main pedagogical framework of the course focuses on instructions, demonstrations and simulators to create an environment for the learner to learn through activities. EXPECTATIONS/ EXAMINATIONS/ REQUIREMENTS The learners are expected to obtain knowledge and master necessary skills to work with any Business Management competently. Set of questions are provided to the learner at the end of the content of each chapter and two assignments are provided one at the end of the first half of the syllabus and the other at the end of the full syllabus. Marks for the activities and quizzes are not counted but marks for the assignments are tracked by the LMS and a pass grade is issued. Obtaining pass grades for the two assignments and Final Exam are mandatory for the completion of Semester 3.

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi


Main Reading: Ref 1 : Management (6th edition), By James A.F. Stoner & R. Edward Freeman, ISBN: 81-297-0252-5, Prentice Hall

Ref 2 : Principles of Marketing (11th edition) By Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong, ISBN: 81-203-2825-6, Prentice Hall of India.

Ref 3 : Financial Accounting in Sri Lanka (1st edition), by Hema Wijewardena, ISBN: 9-5598-8150-7, Wijaya Publishing

Ref 4 : Economics (10th edition), By Lipsey & Chrystal ISBN: 0-1956-6902-1, Oxford University Press

Supplementary Reading Ref 5 : Business Accounting (6th edition), By Frank Woods & Alan Sangster. ISBN: 8-1317-0524-2, Prentice Hall

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi

DETAILED SYLLABUS: Section 1: Evolution of Management (3 Hrs) [Ref1] Learning Outcomes

Define what you mean by management Explain the classical and behavioral theories of management Describe the different approaches to management

Material /Sub Topics 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Introduction to Management [Ref1: pg 32-39] Classical Theories of Management [Ref1: pg 61-66 ] Behavioral Theories of Management [Ref1: pg 67-70] Systems & Contingency Approach to Management[Ref1: pg 72-75] Modern Approach to Management [Ref1: pg 77-78]

Section 2 : Managerial Roles & Skills (4 Hrs) [Ref1] Learning Outcomes

Identify different types of managers State the different roles of a manager Identify various management levels and skills Describe the challenges of management

Material /Sub Topics 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Types of Managers [Ref1: pg 42-43] Management Level & Skills [Ref1: pg 43-44] Managerial Roles [Ref1: pg 40-41] The Challenge of Management [Ref1: pg 44-48]

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi

Section 3 : The Management Process (10 Hrs) [Ref1] Learning Outcomes

Explain the process of management Discuss the techniques such as SWOT and Porters Forces in Environmental analysis Describe the steps involved in analyzing and planning Identify the concepts of organizing Identify the importance of leading process of management Identify the steps in controlling process

Material /Sub Topics 3.1. 3.2 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. Introduction to the Management Process [Ref1: pg 263-277] Environmental Analysis [Ref1: pg 89-98 and 300-301] Planning Process & Strategic Planning [Ref1: pg 289-302] Organizing [Ref1: pg 340-349] Leading [Ref1: pg 466-467, 496-497] Control process & Types of Controls [Ref1: pg 584-597]

Section 4 : Organizational Structure & Behavior (4 Hrs) [Ref1] Learning Outcomes

Summarize different organizational structures Define the role of coordination, communication and delegation Explain the concept of decentralization and empowerment Summarize different authority levels

Material /Sub Topics 4.1. 4.2. Organizational Structures [Ref1: pg 356-360] Delegation & Empowerment [Ref1: pg 370-388]

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi

4.3. 4.4.

Coordination [Ref1: pg 525-533] Communication [Ref1: pg 550-566]

Section 5 : Motivation & Leadership (6 Hrs) [Ref1] Learning Outcomes

Identify different theories in motivation Apply different theories and approaches in leadership

Material /Sub Topics 5.1. Introduction to Motivation 5.1.1. Content Theories [Ref1: pg 466-472] 5.1.2. Process Theories [Ref1: pg 473-481] 5.1.3. Reinforcement Theories [Ref1: pg 482-486]


Introduction to Leadership 5.2.1. Trait Approach [Ref1: pg 496-498] 5.2.2. Behavioral Approach [Ref1: pg 499-505] 5.2.3. Contingency Approach [Ref1: pg 506-510] 5.2.4. Modern Leadership Theories [Ref1: pg 513-515]

Section 6 : Marketing (8 Hrs) [Ref2] Learning Outcomes

Describe the fundamental principles in marketing Identify the elements of marketing mix Explain the process of segmenting, targeting and positioning Discuss the product life cycles and BCG matrix Express the pricing and marketing strategies

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi

Material /Sub Topics 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. Introduction to Marketing [Ref2: pg 4-12 and 22-31] Marketing Mix [Ref2: pg 46-51] Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning [Ref2: pg195-227] Product Life Cycles & BCG Matrix [Ref2: pg 290-301 and 38-41 ] Pricing Strategies [Ref2: pg 330-345] Marketing Strategies [Ref2: pg 524-546]

Section 7 : Introduction to Accounting (2 Hrs) [Ref3] Learning Outcomes

Identify the basic principles of financial accounting Explain the different forms of ownership in business entities

Material /Sub Topics 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. Financial and Management Accounting (Ref3 : pg. 5-8) Forms of Business Organizations (Ref3 : pg.13-14) Primary objectives of a business (Ref3 : pg.14-15) Basic Principles of Accounting (Ref3 : pg.22-24)

Section 8 : Introduction to Double Entry Account System & Trial Balance (4 Hrs) [Ref3] Learning Outcomes

Discuss the principles of Double Entry Analyze Ledger Accounts and Trial Balances Identify the procedures used in a double entry accounting system Identify the relationship between the trial balance and the double entry system Explain the usefulness & limitations of the trial balance

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi

Material /Sub Topics 8.1. Principles of Double Entry (Ref3 :pg 65-72) 8.1.1 The account, ledger and journal (Ref3 :pg. 65-66, pg. 71 and pg .98) 8.1.2 The system of debits and credits (Ref3 :pg 65-70) 8.1.3 The double-entry system (Ref3 :pg 72-78) 8.2. The Trial Balance & its limitations (Ref3 :pg. 78-81)

Section 9 : Financial Statements : The Balance Sheet (3 Hrs) [Ref3] Learning Outcomes

Discuss the concepts behind the Balance Sheet Identify the transactions which has an effect on the Balance Sheet Extract data from the Balance Sheet & comment on the performance of the organization

Material /Sub Topics 9.1 Balance sheet of a sole proprietor (Ref3 :pg 29-32, pg 186-188) 9.1.1 Assets (Ref3 :pg 32; pg 188-189) 9.1.2 Owners equity (Ref3 :pg 33-35) 9.1.3 Liabilities (Ref3 :pg 35-36; pg 189) 9.1.4 The accounting equation (Ref3 :pg 36-37) 9.1.5 Transactions affecting and not affecting owners equity (Ref3 :pg 3741)

9.1.6 Effect of transactions on the balance sheet (Ref3 :pg 37) 9.2 Transaction and their effect on Balance Sheet (including examples) (Ref3 :pg 37-52)

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi

Section 10 : Financial Statements : The Profit & Loss Account (3 Hrs) [Ref3] Learning Outcomes

Discuss the concepts behind the preparation of a profit and loss account Analyze sales, other income and expenses in a balance sheet Extract information from a profit and loss account and comment on the performance of the organization

Material /Sub Topics 10.1 Key features of accounting for a trading business (Ref3 :pg 162-164) 10.2 Value of sales (Revenue) 10.2.1 Returns & allowances (Ref3 :pg 172-175) 10.2.2 Net sales (Ref3 :pg 177) 10.3 Cost of sales (Ref3 :pg 164-165) 10.3.1 Value of inventory (Ref3 :pg 165-166) 10.3.2 Discounts (Ref3 :pg 166-167) 10.3.3 Returns & allowances (Ref3 :pg 172-175) 10.3.4 Transport cost (Ref3 :pg 167-168) 10.4 Operating Expenses & profit or loss (Ref3 :pg 183) 10.5 Example (Ref3 :pg. 178, pg 185)

Section 11 : Introduction to the Analysis & Interpretation of Accounting Statements (4 Hrs) [Ref3] Learning Outcomes

Define ratio analysis Identify different uses of financial statement analysis

Extract necessary information from a given financial statement to calculate ratios to comment on the profitability, liquidity and financial stability of the organization

BIT, Year 2 Semester 3 Detailed Syllabi

Material /Sub Topics 11.1. Type of ratios and its use (Ref3 :pg 625) 11.2. Profitability ratios (Ref3 :pg 626-634) 11.3. Liquidity ratios (Ref3 :pg 635-640) 11.4. Financial stability ratios (Ref3 :pg. 641-643) 11.5. Limitations of financial statement analysis (Ref3 :pg. 643-644)

Section 12 : Managerial Economics (9 Hrs) [Ref4] Learning Outcomes

Identify the laws of demand and supply Identify different types of markets Discuss the principles in production and costs in the short run Explain the basics of macro economic principles

Material /Sub Topics 12.1. Introduction to Economics (Ref4 : pg. 1-10) 12.2. Demand, Supply & Price (Ref4 : pg. 39-54) 12.3. Types of Markets 12.3.1. Perfect Competition (Ref4 : pg 156-175) 12.3.2. Monopoly (Ref4 : pg 177-190) 12.3.3. Oligopoly (Ref4 : pg 199-201, 209-213) 12.4. Production & Cost in the Short Run (Ref4 : pg 128-134) 12.5. Macro Economic Issues (Ref4 : pg 367)


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