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I believe that the single biggest challenge is to address the issue known as the Fallacy of Composition.

In essence it is a process of discounting the importance of acting responsibly because we continue to witness the action of others not acting responsibly. So the justification for not doing our part is that - my little part will not make any difference so why bother. As humanity proceeds forward during the 21st. century, the advent of climate change will emerge as a huge burden for all. The primary driver of elevated global temperatures will place a strain on the physical and economically available water and food supply. The result will be more and more people trying to survive at the Margin of Life. So the challenge now and in the future is, how do we as a human population in all parts of the global community maintain a quality of life we want for ourselves on an ever-shrinking base of life sustainable resources. Quite simply, people will be denied access by virtue of not being able to afford life's essentials. If this World View - based on currently verifiable indicators that are substantiated by scientific research - is our benchmark, how can we justify the continued waste of resources that we all witness daily? How can you through your continued efforts - and personal examples - motivate others to follow your lead? The need exist to show others how waste abatement is vital both for the present and the future for all life forms on planet Earth. How can all of us re-calibrate our thinking to see that "Less is More"?

Photo Credit: Slow Fashioned 2011 Ask the basic question - regarding the issue of refuse accumulating in waste receptacle - why is that amount of waste present in the first place? What incentives would be needed to change personal behavioral patterns of consumption that would also set a new standard that demonstrates responsible actions? I personally like to ask questions, and when you ask a

question and get a response, again ask a follow-up question regarding the answer given. A process of asking the question and getting an answer five sequential times usually leads to the root of why things happen as they do. It is very important that you cultivate the art of listening to a person's response so as to gain a level of understanding as to why things happen the way they do. Sustainability is the issue. The Earth is not in danger, just the life forms that depend on the balance of nature that is life giving. Humans are in no way exempt from this vital system of support. So when we have artificially high levels of consumption that creates an imbalance of our natural support system we place ourselves and the future of all life forms on planet Earth at risk. The solution has to be education - to be followed by motivation. Singapore's public servants do a respectable job by both public service programs and also attempting to motivate their citizens. The students need to do their part by educating themselves as to the importance of what it means to be responsible for their actions as well. Prof. Ken Teeters UNLV Main Campus

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