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January 9, 2013
2012 in review
Area high school seniors can
now apply for the Golden West
Telecommunications college
scholarship. This year, 44 $1,000
scholarships will be awarded to
students from high schools in the
Golden West service area. In ad-
dition, students who attend home
school and students whose par-
ents live in the Golden West serv-
ice area but who attend a school
not included in the program are
eligible for one additional at-large
scholarship. The Golden West
Scholarship Program is designed
to help local students pursue de-
grees at vocational schools, mili-
tary academies and universities.
Golden West Scholarship ap-
plications are available from
guidance counselors at local high
schools and at-large applications
may be requested by calling 777
from any Golden West telephone
or by clicking on the scholarship
button at
ship-Deadlines. Application dead-
line is Friday, March 15.
Golden West General Manager
Denny Law said the company
sees the scholarship program as a
way to strengthen and build
South Dakotas rural communi-
ties. At Golden West, we under-
stand how important it is to
invest in today's latest technolo-
gies, but also the importance of
investing in tomorrow's leaders,
Law said. We recognize that the
graduating seniors of today may
be the community leaders of to-
morrow who will help create
greater opportunity for everyone.
Committees overseen by each
schools superintended and/or
principal will select local scholar-
ship winners, while a committee
of Golden West employees will se-
lect the at-large recipient. Golden
West Scholarship recipients will
be chosen based on SAT or ACT
scores, high school transcripts
and scholarship applications. In
addition, the committees will con-
sider leadership in school, civic
and other extracurricular activi-
ties, personal character and the
applicants motivation to serve
and succeed. The students par-
ent(s) or legal guardian(s) must
reside within one of the Golden
West telephone service areas and
subscribe to a Golden West serv-
ice (phone, internet or cablevi-
sion). When two applicants are
extremely close in qualifications,
financial need will serve as a
The 2013 Golden West Schol-
arship program marks the 14th
year the Golden West Telecom-
munications Board of Directors
has funded the program.
Farmers State Bank to merge
with First National Bank in Philip
Golden West announces 2013
Scholarship Program
Morris Gustafson, President of
Farmers State Bank, and Ray-
mond Smith, President of First
National Bank in Philip, today
announced that the boards of
Farmers State Bank and First
National Bank in Philip have
agreed to merge the two
banks.The merger is expected to
take place in the first quarter of
2013 pending regulatory ap-
Were very pleased to be join-
ing First National Bank. Like us,
they have been focused on serving
the credit needs of local ranchers,
local businesses and the people of
the community. As our local
ranches and businesses have
grown it has been difficult at
times to meet their credit needs
due to our size. Our combined
bank will have a lending limit in
excess of $3,000,000, said
Gustafson. Smith added, We are
excited to be joining the Faith
community. Farmers State Bank
is a well-managed bank with
great employees and customers.
Were both focused on agriculture
and our community. Its a natural
After the merger is complete,
First National Bank will have lo-
cations in Faith and Philip, SD.
The new bank will have combined
assets of almost $200,000,000;
capital in excess of $21,000,000
and a lending limit of $3,000,000.
Smith will be the CEO of the com-
bined organization and Gustafson
will continue as the manager in
Farmers State Bank is a lo-
cally owned community bank in
Faith, S.D. They have been serv-
ing the banking needs of the
Faith area for over 100 years.
2012 was a mix of happy and
sad. We lost several of our com-
munity members due to death or
moving elsewhere. But we were
blessed with a new school, thanks
to the many, as Carv Thompson
said it, Faithful, near or far, who
donated funds towards the proj-
May 2012
We had great weather all last
week. Sunday was our warmest
day with temperatures in the low
80s. The wind hit Sunday night
and continued Monday. Monday
we were in the low 50s, what a
The South Dakota Brand
Board has withdrawn an earlier
decision that would have raised
the livestock inspection fee by 20
The Faith City Council closed
out their old year and started on
new at their May 1st meeting.
The first item of old business was
to approve hiring part-time help
at the Faith Information Center.
Corinna Thompson and Saman-
tha Gray were approved for 32
hours each. Animals running at
large generated a lengthy discus-
In appreciation to all who gave
their support and to celebrate a
great moment in the history of
the Faith School District, there
will be an OPEN HOUSE on Sat-
urday, May 19th of the recently
completed school building.
Carv Thompson was named to
the South Dakota Hall of Fame!
Carv and Marg both did so much
for our small community. Carv
was always a great promoter for
Faith. He was the creator of the
Faith Area News on KBHB which
still continues today. Carv kept
busy with his seven drug stores,
along with the Faith Stock Show
Assn. and other organizations.
Most recently he headed up the
New Faith School Building Com-
mittee, raising over $1 million for
the project.
The Longhorns boys and girls
track teams brought home the
team trophies from the Lemmon
Lions Meet on Monday, April
30th. The boys medley relay team
also broke the 42 year old record.
Their time, at this time, is the
fastest in State Class B.
We had 50s-80s, wind, sun-
shine, overcast the second week of
the month. Mothers Day Sunday
was a beautiful day, especially for
the FHS Rodeo.
The Faith City Council ac-
cepted a grant and approved an
application for another at their
May 15th meeting. Council ac-
cepted the Deadwood Historical
Restoration Grant received in the
amount of $9,000 for the ice
house. This funding would be
used for doors, windows, painting,
Faith received a nice rain last
Friday night, May 18th. Measure-
ments around town varied from
around .5 to .7.
Twenty-two FHS Seniors re-
ceived their diploma on Sunday,
May 20th. Elizabeth Bogue was
Valedictorian and Cassie Maier
was Salutatorian.
Faith Longhorns had 22 State
Track Meet qualifiers. The boys
brought home the Region 8B
championship from Lemmon last
week, and the girls received run-
According to Superintendent
Elsie Baye over 225 visitors
toured the school during the open
house on Saturday, May 19th, in-
cluding several from out of town.
Everyone was anxious to see the
new building, and it was no dis-
appointment! Orville, Tom and
Nina Graslie were here to cut the
ribbon to open the doors to the
new school.
At the first May City Council
meeting, Mayor Haines reported
their mitigation grant application
for a safe room has passed the
state level and now goes to the
federal level.
Deaths: Bev Baxter, Leona
Traver, Lois Brink, Ray Linn
June 2012
We had highs around 90 the
first week of June. Thursday we
were much cooler, overcast and
late in the afternoon thunder-
storms moved in and dropped an
1 or more of much needed mois-
The Buffalo Regional High
School Rodeo was held in Buffalo
on June 1-3. The Faith High
School Rodeo Team brought home
the team trophy.
The Minneapolis Brewing
Company Warehouse in Faith
has been awarded a matching
grant from the South Dakota
State Historical Society, an-
nounced by Jay D. Vogt, director
of the society. The Minneapolis
Brewing Company Warehouse re-
ceived a $9,000 grant for repair of
the roof, fascia, windows and
openings, interior wood, HVAC
system and foundation.
Continued on Page 3
are reading this, you are NOT one
of South Dakotas holiday crash
statistics for Holiday Driving
2012. Now is the time to make
that important NEW YEARS res-
olution to NEVER drink and
Americans who drink and
drive are deadly and dangerous
not only to themselvesbut to
everyone else on the road. One
poor choice can turn into tragedy
in the new year.
These tragedies can be pre-
vented by making these New
Years resolutions:
Dont even think about
getting behind the wheel of
your vehicle if youve been
Highway Safety: A Year
Round Resolution
Plan ahead and designate
a sober driver before any
party begins!
If you drink too much, call
someone who is sober for a
If youre hosting a party,
make sure you have plenty of
non-alcoholic refreshments.
Lock up the liquor.Teens
DO NOT need to be drinking!
Friends dont let friends drive
Responsible adults dont let
kids drink!
EVERY trip! EVERY time!
Lets all plan ahead and make
2013 a SAFE TRIP for everyone!
Page 2 January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent
Faith Community Health Center
Verna Schad, CNP . . . . . . . .Call for schedule
Peggy OConnor, CNP . . . .Call for schedule
Office Hours 8:00 AM-5:00
PM MondayFriday
For appointments call:
605-967-2644 or
Published in the Heart of the West River Empire
Publication No. 184760
Published Weekly on Wednesday
Faith, SD 57626-0038
POSTMASTER, Send Address Changes to:
P.O. Box 38, Faith, SD 57626-0038
PHONE: (605) 967-2161 FAX: (605) 967-2160
Faith, South Dakota 57626
SUBSCRIPTION RATE: Faith & Dupree $34.00
+ local tax; In-state $39.00 + local tax;
Out-of-state $39.00; Foreign $45.00.
ADVERTISING RATES: Local Display: $4.70 per
column inch.
WANT ADS & CARDS OF THANKS: $5.00 for first
20 words; 10 per word thereafter.
PUBLIC NOTICE DEADLINE: Friday, 10:00 a.m.
DEADLINE: Last possible moment to turn news
items in at the office to be published.
County, City of Faith, Faith School District 46-2
Publisher.............................................................Don Ravellette
Office Manager.......................................................Diane Isaacs
Reporter, Proofreader, Composition.................Loretta Passolt
COPYRIGHT: 1988 Faith Independent. All rights re-
served. Nothing may bereprinted, photocopied, or in
any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or
part, without the written consent of the publishers.
Tressa Gabriel, age 90, of
Philip, died Tuesday, January 1,
2013, at the Hans P. Peterson
Memorial Hospital in Philip.
Tressa Belle Coleman was
born October 24, 1922, in Wood-
bine, Iowa, the daughter of Orrin
Wesley and Goldia Belle
(Thomas) Coleman. She lived
near Pisgah, Iowa with her par-
ents and older sister Erma, until
they left their home in the Loess
Hills to move to Haakon County
Northwest of Philip, South
Dakota, at the age of eight years.
They traveled at 45 mph in the
Model T Ford while their per-
sonal belongings and livestock
were shipped to Cottonwood,
South Dakota, on the train.
Here on the farm, she helped milk
cows, herd sheep, with chores
raising hogs and gardening. Her
mother taught her to preserve
vegetables and to prepare whole-
some meals.
Tressa attained an eighth
grade education at North Lincoln
School. Being too far to walk, they
rode horseback when the weather
permitted. In cold, snowy weather
Tressa had a room and boarded at
Axel Olsons.
An experience she and Erma
talked about often, was Erma
taking a rein from her horses bri-
dle to kill a rattlesnake while she
was on the horse something she
did often. One time, the snake
caught in the rein hooks, and the
horses spooked and ran full speed
home with the snake flying in the
air behind.
Tressa met her lifetime part-
ner when Floyd Gabriel arrived
at her parents to purchase some
hay. Floyd and Tressa developed
a companionship that lasted a
lifetime. Colemans were con-
cerned about Tressa and Floyd
dating. For them to go anywhere,
it was necessary to take Erma
and Frank, (Floyds brother),
along as chaperones.
Tressa and Floyd were married
March 17, 1941, in Philip. They
went to Iowa and Nebraska to
visit relatives for a honeymoon.
Quote of Floyds taken from
Tressas Brides Book. We got
home in fine shape and found
everything was o.k. We were a lit-
tle wiser but just as foolish and
wished our honeymoon to con-
tinue indefinitely.
This marriage was truly made
in Heaven. They were business
partners as well. At first they
summered sheep for neighbors as
well as themselves on land for
which they borrowed money to
purchase. When Floyd was away
helping neighbors whose family
member was serving in the war,
Tressa was responsible for their
business. After Beverly was born,
Tressa loaded her on the saddle
and took her to tend the sheep all
day long. Their only rest was a
nap in the shade of the sheep
wagon while the sheep bedded
down by water during the heat of
the day.
When Tressa was in late preg-
nancy with Larry, Mom, leading
Beverly, took a sheep buyer to
view the herd. He told Floyd You
want too much for your sheep, but
I feel sorry for your wife so Ill
give you what you want.
Cattle replaced the sheep in
their business. Tressa still rode
horseback. Dixie her mare, was
still very important in her life.
In addition to Beverly and
Larry, a sister Ruby brightened
Tressas life. In 1981, Floyd,
Tressa and Ruby began traveling
the U.S. Tressa enjoyed continued
trips, collecting state plates and
shot glasses while seeing most of
the continental U.S. and part of
Canada. Tressa became an excel-
lent map reader, instructing
Ruby where to turn. Branson,
Missouri was the highlight of her
She was active in the Dowling
Community Church where she
was baptized. She was treasurer
for many years.
Tressas hobbies include play-
ing the piano, which was pur-
chased in 1956 to replace the
pump organ which she played by
ear. She also played the violin,
embroidered, scrapbooked her
childrens activities and trips, and
enjoyed reading historical fiction.
Leaving to mourn her loss, are
her three children Beverly
Hamann and her husband Herb
of Clear Lake, Larry Gabriel and
his wife Charlotte of Quinn, and
Ruby Gabriel of Pedro; a double
niece Cindy Nuzum of Buffalo;
four grandchildren; and six great-
Tressa was preceded in death
by her husband Floyd on Febru-
ary 5, 1998, her parents, her only
sibling Erma Gabriel, and two
Visitation will be held one hour
preceding the services at the
church on Monday.
Funeral services were held
Monday, January 7, 2013, at the
United Methodist Church in
Wall, with Pastor Harold Del-
bridge officiating.
Interment followed at the Wall
A memorial has been estab-
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Chapel of Wall.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Tressa Gabriel
Ruth Irene Capp, 86,
Spearfish, died on Friday, Janu-
ary 4, 2013 at Rapid City Re-
gional Hospital.
Ruth was born July 25, 1926
on her grandparents ranch near
Crookston, Nebraska to Clio
(Westlake) and C. Chester
Searby.Her parents lived on the
Searby ranch near Long Valley,
South Dakota. She was later
joined by eight siblings (seven
brothers and one sister).
Ruth attended elementary
school at rural grade schools near
her home and later attended Lin-
coln High School in Lincoln, Ne-
braska (staying with her aunt).
Her parents moved during her
high school years to her grand-
parents ranch near Crookston,
Nebraska and Ruth graduated
from Valentine High School.
Ruth obtained a teaching certifi-
cate while attending high school
but instead of becoming a teacher,
Ruth opted to marry and raise a
family. She married William
(Bill) Capp on August 1, 1944 at
the Searby ranch house in Ne-
braska, in the same house where
she had been born.
For the first year of their mar-
ried life, the newlyweds herded
sheep for Bills brother, Howard
Capp, near Faith, SD. In 1945
they purchased a ranch near
Long Valley, SD which they oper-
ated for 18 years.Four children
were born to Bill and Ruth: Larry,
Carol, Linda and Dorothy.
In 1963, they sold their ranch
and bought a motel in Spearfish,
SD. They operated the Capp
Motel on Jackson Blvd. until 1980
when they retired and moved to
their home on Polley Drive. Ruth
enjoyed fishing and camping with
Bill until his death in 1995.
She was an active member of
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
and played a leading role in or-
ganizing the quilting group there.
Ruth also served as ALCW presi-
Ruth was a volunteer at the
Black Hills Passion Play for over
twenty years and loved her role
as a water bearer. She was a
founding member and also served
as president of the Spearfish
chapter of the VFW Womens
Auxiliary.She was on the Senior
Citizens Center Board for a time
and did volunteer work at the
Spearfish Hospital gift shop.
Ruth also enjoyed letting oth-
ers know that she was thinking of
them and was well known for the
birthday, anniversary and holi-
day cards she sent to friends and
family. Her family always mar-
veled at her beautiful handwrit-
Her parents, husband, two
brothers (Kenneth, Nyle), her sis-
ter (Lila) and an infant great-
grandson preceded her in death.
She is survived by her children;
son, Larry (Penny) Capp of
Spearfish; daughters, Carol (Nor-
van) Ness and Linda Lester of
Spearfish, Dorothy (Allen)
Hilburn of Allen, Texas; eleven
grandchildren, nineteen great
grandchildren, and one great,
great granddaughter, her broth-
ers Jay (Ruth Mary) Searby, Carl
Searby, Earl Searby, Wiley
Searby and James Searby plus
numerous nieces and nephews.
Funeral Services were at
11:00 AM, Wednesday, January
9, 2013 at Our Saviors Lutheran
Church in Spearfish. Interment
will follow at Rose Hill Cemetery.
Arrangements are under the
care of Fidler-Isburg Funeral
Chapels and Crematory Service.
Online condolences may be left
at www.fidler-isburgfuner-
Ruth Irene Capp
January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 3
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Citizens Citizens
Menu Menu
Bring in your prescriptions and have them filled locally
3 Easy Ways
1. Have your physician fax in your prescription to our pharmacy
2. Bring us your empty refill bottle
3. Call Vilas wi th your physician and prescription information
Its That easy. Fai ths full-service pharmacy is here
to serve you PH: 605-967-2123
Please bring in your new insurance cards when you fill or
transfer your prescription!
Vilas Pharmacy &
Healthcare Store
PH: 967-2123, Fai th, SD
Bernice Lee, Mobridge, for-
merly of Faith, passed away Sun-
day, Jan. 6th at the Mobridge
Services for Bernice Lee will be
held Friday, Jan. 11th at 10:00
AM at the Bethel Free Lutheran
Visitation will be held Thurs-
day from 3:00-5:00 PM at the
Faith Area Memorial Chapel, and
one hour prior to the services at
the church.
Bernice Lee
The Faith School held their
mobile home auction on June
13th. The 7 units were sold in
about 20 minutes.
FHS has been selected as hav-
ing an Outstanding Student
Fatih Stock Show announced
their parade would be on Satur-
day only this year.
FHS Rodeo Team won the
team trophy at the Dupree Re-
gional HS Rodeo. 19 members of
the club qualifed for the State HS
Rodeo to be held in Belle Fourche
June 22-24.
FHS Elizabeth Bogue was rec-
ognized as one of South Dakotas
top students by Gov. Dennis Dau-
gaard at the 22nd Annual Aca-
demic Excellence Banquet in
Four FHS Rodeo Club mem-
bers made the National HS Rodeo
Team: Tearnee Nelson, Jhett
Williams, Tyrell Bachman, and
Shayna Miller. Cody Bernstein
qualified in the trap shooting.
Jhett Willams won a $500
SDHSRA scholarship and Shay-
na Miller won a $1000 Western
SD Buckaroo scholarship at the
State HS Rodeo Finals.
Summer arrived Tuesday,
June 26th, and the warm temper-
atures did too. Temps were
mostly in the 80s and 90s. We re-
ceived about .20 of moisture
early Wednesday morning. We
are supposed to get over 100 this
Deaths: Lester Hale, Millie
Vansickle, Robert Redelsperger,
Mildred Wall, Syble Brown,
Sylvia Steinheuser, Loren Burge,
Judy Bertine
July 2012
We hit the 103 mark last
Tuesday as predicted. That was a
scorcher! Just shortly after 5:30
Friday morning we had a thun-
derstorm move through with
plenty of thunder and lightning,
but not a whole lot of rain. Light-
ning must have hit a transformer
somewhere, the power went out
for about half an hour. We had
another big storm move through
here Saturday evening with lots
of rain and hail. The hailstones
were anywhere from pea size to
around quarter size. It sure
stripped the leaves off the trees.
We must have gotten 3/4 to 1 of
The Faith City Council ap-
proved free swimming at the pool
this summer as they are so late at
getting it open due to the remod-
ling/repair work on it.
Drought worsens - June 2012
considered among Top Ten Worst
in 100 years. Continued dry and
warm conditions have continued
to worsen conditions in South
Dakota, nearly all the Corn Belt,
as well as much of the nation says
Dennis Todey, SDSU Extension
State Climatologist in his July 13
drought summery.
The hot weather this month
continues here in the Faith area,
and throughout the state. We had
a couple days last week that it
reached 100 or more. These hot
temperatures have certainly
dried up the pasture grasses and
create high fire danger. A few of
the ranchers are selling off part of
their herds because of little grass
to feed. Another storm moved
through the area this past Mon-
day night. We didnt get much
here in town, but the north part
of the country got hail and up to
3 in some areas.
Author and storyteller Jean
Patrick visited Faith on June 26.
Jean is the author of The Girl
who Struck out Babe Ruth,
based off of actual facts that 17
yr. old Jackie Mitchell struck out
Babe Ruth. Jean, dressed as a
baseball player, re-enacted while
telling the story to the partici-
pants at the 2012 Faith Librarys
Summer Reading Program.
Twenty-two adults and 18 youth
attended the evening event at the
Faith Community Center.
Girls Basketball Coach Bryan
Carmichael was named Region 4
Coach of the Year.
Deaths: Dennis Kennedy,
Arnold Matt, Stanley Teller, Car-
rie Flatmoe, Dorothy Serr, Del-
bert Gustafson
August 2012
We had temperatures a little
on the cooler side last week, in the
80s and low 90s. Felt much better
than the 100s the week before.
According to weatherunder-, Faith had a record
high of 111 on July 19th, and tied
the record high of 108 on July
20th! We received about an inch
of much needed rain last Tuesday
night, some in the area got more,
some less.
Faith Stock Show is August
7th-12th. New activities this year
include a car show, gun show and
a scavenger hunt. Bill and Ida
Hibner have been named Parade
More and more area ranchers
are selling parts of their herd as
the drought continues. I dont
think we received 2 of rain in
July. And the heat continues with
temperatures in the 90s last
The fire whistle blew several
times last week. Wednesday all 5
trucks went south. Trucks went
again Thursday morning and
night. They went about every di-
rection that night due to plenty of
lightning, but little rain.
The Faith School will be begin-
ning fall practices during the
month of August. Football, vol-
leyball and cross country prac-
tices all start on August13.
Fifteen climate observing loca-
tions reported the driest June-
July period on record, says
Dennis Todey, SDSU State Cli-
matologist. Seven locations had
their warmest June-July on
record. "The number of days
above 100 degrees was excep-
tional in July," Todey said.
The Faith School Fund Raising
Committee received the ASBSD
2012 Community Service Award
for raising over one million dol-
lars for construction of the new
Karisa Carmichael was
crowned Miss Faith Stock Show,
Jr. Miss went to Taylor Fisher,
and Little Miss was Kaycee
Faith School opened its doors
in their new building for the
2012-13 school year on August
Deaths: Pearl Douglas, Dar-
lene Bestgen, Gladys Dessie
2012 Continued
The South Dakota Department
of Environment and Natural Re-
sources (DENR) has added a one-
stop public notices page to its
website at
lic. The webpage consolidates
every currently-active depart-
ment public notice to a single
The webpage includes links to
active public notices for depart-
ment activities involving air qual-
ity, Brownfields, concentrated
animal feeding operations, state
revolving fund intended use
plans, general permits, ground
water discharge, mining, oil and
gas, proposed rules, surface water
discharge, solid and hazardous
waste, water rights, and total
maximum daily loads.
The webpage also provides for
online commenting by interested
individuals for certain public no-
tices. Anyone can subscribe to be
notified weekly by email when
public notices are added to the
All meals served with milk and
bread. Menu subject to change
without notice.
Wed., Jan 9: Gr. Beef/Grn.
Bean Cassserole, Potato Rounds,
Thur., Jan 10: Baked Fish,
Company Potatoes, Sliced Toma-
toes, Tropical Fruit
Fri., Jan 11: Hot Beef Sand-
wich, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy,
Corn, Sunshine Salad
Mon., Jan. 14: Meatloaf, Pars-
ley Potatoes, Baked Squash,
Apple Juice, Pudding w/Topping
Tue., Jan. 15: Chili, Jello
w/Pears, Apple
Wed., Jan 16: Roast Pork,
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Corn
OBrian, Crunchy Cranberry
Thur., Jan 17: Creamed
Turkey w/Biscuit, Oriental Veg-
etables, Tomato slices on Lettuce,
Fruit Cocktail
Fri., Jan 18: Mexican Chicken
Soup, Fruity Slaw, Fruit Crisp
one-stop public
notice page
colts are the right age. The futu-
rities in Faith and Las Vegas both
had colts in the top final five that
were purchased at this sale.
Dont miss the Battle of the
Borders Saddle Bronc Futurity
Tuesday, Jan. 29th at 7:30 at the
Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
with 30 top futurity colts from
Canada and the United States.
The sale also includes 30 head
of bucking bulls consigned from
proven herds.
Bucking Stock will be at the
Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
Tuesday afternoon, so that you
can view them prior to the sale.
This is one of the premier sales in
the nation and has continued to
The 27th Annual KBHB Buck-
ing Horse and Bull Sale will be
held on Wednesday, January
30th at 10:00 a.m. This sale fea-
tures 50 head of Sutton Rodeo
Ranch Raised Bucking Horses in-
cluding the coming five year old
colt crop raised by Sutton Rodeos.
These colts are sired by studs
Checkers, Gunsmoke, Showtime,
and Wolfman-all sons of Justin
Boots, Boom Boom, Dakota Time,
and Dakota Bob. The mares of
these colts have produced top
quality bucking stock.
There will be 20 head of out-
side consigned bucking horses in-
cluding some very good futurity
prospects. With the bucking horse
futurities that are going on, these
get better every year. This offer-
ing looks to be one of the best ones
Contestants enter February
1st at 8:30 a.m. at the Arena.
There will be added prize money
in the three rough stock events.
Animals will be bucked on the
day of the sale. This is a great op-
portunity to view new and upcom-
ing bucking stock and riders.
For sale information regarding
load out, phone bids, temporary
boarding of animals, contact
Steve Sutton at (605) 381-0270 or
Sutton Rodeo Office (605)258-
2863. See a complete sale listing
and sale schedule at www.sutton- closer to sale day.
2013 KBHB Bucking Horse and Bull Sale
Guess whos
Send your
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Barb Isaacs
17511 Avance Rd
Faith, SD 57626
Page 4 January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent
Marcus News
By Vicky Waterland
We had a lovely weekend
watching basketball. Saturday
morning we drove to Spearfish by
9:30 A.M. to watch daughter Jills
son, Daniel,play a game of bas-
ketball. Our trip then continued
to Buffalo to watch the Longhorns
take on the Harding County
Ranchers. Folks, if you missed
the boys A team playing the
Ranchers you missed the game of
the season! Despite the fact that
some of our A team starters were
sick, we stayed with the Buffalo
team which had not lost a game
up till they meet the Longhorns.
Faith ended up winning by one
point in a down to the last second
game. The boys of the B team
subbed in and really pulled it out
of the hat. Im predicting the B
team will come on and be the
team to watch in coming seasons.
Senior Reggie Rhoden was a key
player who got in there and
fought for the ball, besides mak-
ing those free throws that really
counted! Sophmores Josh Afdahl,
Dalton Sheridan, Jarius Halli-
gan, Rio Hulm and Glenn Palmer
made a difference when they
came in. It was a thriller! I also
wanted to compliment Cody
Trainor on the good sportsman-
ship he displayed when he took a
second to shake hands with #20
Harley Mollman when Mollman
fouled out of the game. Guys, its
just a game but gestures like that
last a lifetime! I was so pleased to
see it. Congratulations to all the
FHS moms and dads on such
great young men. They represent
our town ! Thanks boys!
Speaking of the moms and
dads, Faith had more fans at the
game than Buffalo did! I saw lots
of grandmas, grandpas, aunts,
uncles, cousins, siblings and die-
hard fans there. What a wonder-
ful following of people. I have
wondered if this comes from the
many years Faith did not have a
school bus to transport students
and the parents did all the trans-
portation? I graduated in 1971
and there was no bus. What was
the first year Faith had a bus? In
recent years parents got together
and bought a bus so their kids
could travel safely. The old bus
provided by the school broke
down a lot and the miles had
mounted up on it. The school just
did not have the money for a bet-
ter one. No one whined to the gov-
ernment or went online and
complained or carried on, they
just got together got the money
and bought a good used one. We
dont see that on the evening
news, but it should be! The We
can do it spirit of Faith Country
is to be applauded. Keep it
up! Ive also wondered who chose
our school colors and why those
colors? Dont get me wrong, I love
orange and black but most
schools have something and
white. Does anyone know?
Tucker and Bev Hudson were
New Years Eve guests of Ed and
Joyce Buccholz in Belle Fouche.
Many of the area people at-
tended a New Years Eve party at
Jade Hlavkas shop. They had
fireworks at 9:00 so the little kids
would still be awake. Quirt was
thrilled with the fireworks and
had a great time. Thanks to the
Hlavkas for the awesome party!
Duane and Sharon Keffeler
were New Years supper guests at
Tucker Hudsons.
The Marcus Church will be
holding their Winter Extrava-
ganza at the community center in
Union Center Saturday, January
19th. There will be a soup buffet,
and dessert bar, free will dona-
tion, silent auction, fish pond and
more. Come over, bring the fam-
ily, enjoy the day and help the
Marcus Church. Without your
help the church may not be able
to spread Gods word to a world
that really needs Him!
Sunday, we attended a baby
shower at the White Owl Hall for
Krystal Keffeler and son Brayden
Keffeler. There were about 35
people in attendance including
Krystals grandmother, Mae Kef-
fler, age 99! What a lady! She
turns 100 in April but looks like
shes 80 and gets around darn
good. Congratulations to the Kef-
flers on a special addition to their
family! Hes a cutie!
Kelly, Codi, Kimber and Kinley
Fees attended the shower, too.
Kinley, age 3, kept saying,
Momma those ladies are waking
that baby up! Im guessing shes
been in trouble for waking a baby
up so you ladies need to
straighten up and quit bothering
that baby! I enjoyed Kinleys com-
ments cause she was right!
As we left the shower, Duane
Keffeler was telling me about an
article Betty Quinn Matkins
wrote several years ago telling
about her dads bootlegging still.
He said she had written this story
and talked about the revenuers
watching the place so he had left
her locked in the still room for a
time before he could safely get her
out. Does anyone know of this
story or have a copy of it? Im sure
wed all love to read it.
Vonnie ODea sent me the fol-
lowing news. Thanks Vonnie.
Christmas, all 3 girls and fam-
ilies were home from Sunday
through the evening of the 25th,
also a friend from Nebraska.Had
15 and some were sleeping on the
floor. All attended services at the
Spiritual Center Christmas Eve.
Kind of lonely when everyone
left. Sunday, the 30, Donnie and
Marcia Eymer and Billie and
Karyl Sandal and Jim and I met
for dinner in Philip to celebrate
Karyl's bithday. Played cards in
the afternoon and just enjoyed
the day together. Amy Deichert
spent some of her vacation here
and she left for Chadron Satur-
day for college. Saturday, Garrett
Schweitzer and his friend, Je-
remy, were dinner guests and
cards players. It sounds like a
wonderful time at the ODeas
house.What memories you guys
created Vonnie! Lucky you!
Northern Hills
Eye Care
Schedule for Faith Clinic
For Appointment call: 1-800-648-0760
1st & 3rd
of each month
Dr. Hafner
JAN. 16, 2012
Dr. Prosser
FEB. 6, 2013
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Central Meade County News
By Sandy Rhoden
It was a packed White Owl
Hall on Sunday afternoon for a
potluck and baby shower for
Brayden John Keffeler.
Brayden is the son of Kristal
Keffeler and Matt Dutt. Brayden
came into the world on Dec. 3,
2012 in Rapid City and weighed 7
lbs 11oz. and was 20 1/2 inches
long. Blessed to be his maternal
grandparents are Roger and
Diane Keffeler of Enning. Many
friends and family, including
Braydens 99 year old great
grandmother Mae Keffeler, were
there to shower the baby with
gifts, enjoy good food, and fellow-
ship. We welcome little Brayden
to Central Meade County.
It was an exciting game at Buf-
falo, SD on Saturday night as
Faith won the tight game by one
point in the last few seconds of
the game. The Faith boys and
girls had a double header that af-
ternoon/evening and all Faith jv
and varsity teams won hard
fought games. The boys and girls
from Central Meade County are
Caden Smiley, Reggie Rhoden,
and Cheney Keffeler who are on
the varsity team, Wyatt Scheulke
plays on JV, Paige Brink is a var-
sity starter while Brandy Enright
and Tanielle Arneson play JV and
some varsity. So far the Faith
varsity teams are undefeated.
For those who would like to
keep up on the details of the Faith
Longhorns you can google or go to and check out
the basketball section. It is an in-
teresting rundown on the games
and the players.
Larry Rhoden, Gary Cam-
mack, and Dean Wink are now in
Pierre for the 88th Legislative
session. Gary Cammack will
serve on the House Ag & Natural
Resources, and Commerce com-
mittees. Dean Wink is Speaker
Pro Tem in the House and will
serve on Judiciary and State Af-
fairs. Larry Rhoden is a majority
whip in the Senate and will chair
Senate State Affairs and also
serve on the Ag & Natural Re-
sources committee. District 29
legislators will be busy this year.
Legislative cracker barrels will be
posted as soon as they are sched-
About 15 tumblers are in full
swing with weekly practices. I
have had many reports of tum-
bling, cartwheels, etc. taking
place in the homes of some of our
tumblers. No performances have
been scheduled as of yet, but we
will post a date fairly soon.
Cody Rhoden was back for
Christmas vacation from Fort
Rucker, Alabama. He returned to
Alabama on January 1 and will
continue his flight schooling with
SEER and more training until
November. He enjoyed his visit
home and looks forward to being
finished with his schooling and
coming home late this year.
Some families from the Red
Owl community got together for a
sledding party over the holidays.
Some of the families who enjoyed
the fun were Lyle & Deb Wilcox's,
Justin and Megan Longs, Jeff
Longs, Arnesons, Grubls, etc.
There will be Rural Neighbors
this Thursday, Jan.10 at the
Community Baptist Church fel-
lowship room. Thank you to
Casey Brink and Donna Cam-
mack for helping host this
monthly community get together.
All are welcome.
It was the winter of 1935, there
was at least 10 inches of snow on
the level and draws and swales
were badly drifted, it was also
very cold. The government snow
plow was finally getting rural
people plowed out. Some people
were getting in desperate need of
groceries and medications, as
most hadnt been to town for
three weeks or more.
Late one afternoon, the plow
had gotten to the Delehan ranch
so Eddie and his mother Leah
had hurried off to Faith not
waiting until morning when the
roads might be drifted shut again.
The aged grandmother, who lived
with them, stayed home.
Leah liked to visit so she
shopped slowly and eight oclock
soon rolled around. By then it was
dark and looking stormy. Eddie
and his mother spent another
half hour or more trying to decide
what to do! They were afraid to
start home for fear theyd get
stuck in unseen drifts or an ensu-
ing storm.
My dad, Matt Clasen, was get-
ting up in years and after a long,
cold day of outside work, was in
bed and asleep by eight oclock.
The old-fashioned wall tele-
phone rang. It was Leah Delehan
wanting to know if Matt would go
to their ranch (2 /12 miles away)
and spend the night with
Grandma Davis, as they didnt
like her being alone. She was in
her late eighties and quite frail.
Matt got up and dressed in his
warmest (no insulated bibs and
jackets then). Mary tied a trian-
gled dish towel over his lower face
and neck and with a wry chuckle,
Matt stuck a flashlight in his
jacket saying, Just in case.
He then opened the door and
stepped out into the cold, dark,
stormy night. He called at 11:30
or so when he had gotten there.
He walked home the next
morning about 7 oclock to begin
his own chores. He did not ask for
pay nor was he offered any. It was
just what neighbors did for each
Irean Clasen Jordan
Memories of the Past
January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 5
email us at
Faith News
By Loretta Passolt
Opal Area News
By Kay Ingalls
I had missed talking with the
Lemmel family for their Christ-
mas gathering, but as usual Spud
an Bernice had a house full on
Christmas Day, 47 to be exact.
Several stayed overnight so had
10 or so for breakfast the next
morning. Brynn Lemmel came
out and spent three days this
week with her grandparents,
then on Saturday, Uncle Ronny
Lemmel was out for dinner at
Spud's and Brynn went back to
Faith with him to spend some
time with cousin Brooke.
Monday, Faye and Diane Fees
went to Faith for business and
shopping. Foggy drive, but made
it safely. Jesse Fees was up to
help Walter with a pickup project
that day.
Mike and Lisle Reeve took a
business trip into Rapid City on
Monday and stopped by to visit
Merle Vig in the rehab center.
Marlin Ingalls helped his
granddaughter Jodi Howie at
White Owl with a project on Tues-
Rod, Tracy, Nathan, Jason and
Justin Ingalls had New Years
dinner with Howard and I.
The Heidler family hosted a
good old fashion ice skating gath-
ering on New Years Daywith a
bon fire, marshmallow and hot
dog cooking and games. Had a
good crowd and no serious in-
Walter and Diane Fees took a
trip into Belle Fourche this
week for chiropractor appoint-
ments, then on to Sturgis and
Rapid City for shopping.
Dan, Glenn and Margaret Fo-
gelman were in Rapid City on
Wednesday to keep an appoint-
ment. Was a windy, snowy day in
the Hills, but not too bad here or
in Rapid City. Robert Ingalls was
in Sturgis that day and said it
was nasty there with snowing
and blowing.
Spud and Bernic Lemmelwere
in Sturgis on Thursday to get
their pickup checked out and Ber-
nice visited with her sister Arlene
Strochein.John and Carmen Hei-
dler also were in the Hills on busi-
ness Thursday.
Zona, Kelsey and Brixie Vig
spent Thursday in Rapid City,
stopping to see Chandelle Brink
and family in the forenoon.
Dwayne flew down in the after-
noon to attend a meeting.
Darrell Vig came from North
Dakota to his dad Merle Vigs
home on Wednesday. Friday, he
was able to go to Rapid City and
bring Merle home following his
stay withsurgery and rehabilita-
tion. Howard Ingalls and Sam
and Jonathan Cowles were visi-
tors at Merle's on Saturday.
Jason Fees was down from Mo-
bridge this past weekend to visit
his folks, Walter and Diane Fees.
Sunday after church dinner
guests of the Sam Cowles family
were Marty Vig and Duane
Wood. JoAnn Wood is away
spending some time in North Car-
olina with daughters Shawna and
Trinity. Duane had spend some
time in NC also, but is home to
take care of ranch chores now.
Keep Trinity Wood in your
Temperatures were not nearly
as warm here last week as they
were in the Hills. Rapid City was
in the 40s-50s the end of the week
and weekend, we were in the 20s.
Doesnt seem fair, but it could be
a lot colder! Although we were in
the mid 30s on Monday.
I received some late Christmas
news to share.
Lou Ann Steen of Faith cooked
up the Christmas turkey and all
the trimmings at Albert Steen
Jrs rural home. Her children,
Christopher of Faith, and Eugene
of Newell, with her sister, Jomay
Steen of McLaughlin, enjoyed the
meal. Later in the afternoon, the
family celebrated Lou Anns
birthday with more gifts and food.
Bobbie and Mark Misar and
their family were unable to at-
tend, but spent the day with his
family in Madison. Jomay spent
her entire Christmas break at the
ranch. Gene stayed for Christmas
Eve and the following day before
returning to Newell for work.
Christopher had completed work
as part of a road construction
crew about a week before Christ-
mas. Albert enjoyed the extra vis-
itors and has been slowly
regaining his strength over the
past two weeks.
I had a visit with Marge Hoff-
man on the phone Monday.
Lynda and Gary Galinat arrivced
from Arizona on the 23rd to spend
Christmas. They went to Pierre
and stayed until the 27th. Christy
Galinat flew in on the 29th and
they, along with the Pauls spent
New Years Eve in Deadwood and
watched the ball drop at mid-
night. Christy couldnt fly out
when she was supposed to due to
bad weather elsewhere so she
spent another night.
We lost another one of our for-
mer Faith school teachers. Ber-
nice Lee passed away over the
weekend and her services will be
this Friday at 10 AM at the
Bethel Lutheran Church. Our
condolences to her family. Bernice
taught elementary grades for
many years in the Faith school.
She will be long remembered by
many of those students.
Friday night, Keith, Roxi and
Clayton Gaaskjolen stopped by
for a short visit at Garnets. Keith
and Roxi had gone to Rapid City
to pick up Clayton to take home
for a few days. His parents,
Zachary and Jeny Gaaskjolen
were spending four days in Stur-
gis where Zachary attended meet-
ings with his boss. Zachary is a
manager of the business in Stan-
ley, ND so came for their annual
Garnet Gaaskjolen and Dee
Ann Loomis were New Years Day
dinner guests of Pastor Terry and
Diana Bottjen. As usual, a deli-
cious meal was served.
Dave and Eldora Fischbach
went to Rapid City on Friday to
spend a few days. Eldora had a
presentation on Saturday for up-
coming quilt classes she will be
teaching this year. Dave came
home Sunday. Eldora has a few
other appointments this week.
Faith students started the last
half of the year on Monday after
a two week Christmas vacation.
It doesnt seem like the year
should be half over already, but it
probably does to the students.
Congratulations to the boys
and girls jv and varsity basketball
teams on their victories last
week. The girls defeated Dupree
and Harding County, and the
boys defeated Hettinger and
Harding County.
The Lady Longhorns will be
hosting Lemmon this Thursday
night, and the boys will be com-
peting in the West River Tourna-
ment this week. Rounds 1 and 2
are in Newell this Thursday and
Friday, beginning at 6:00 with
the Longhorns playing Upton,
Wy. The finals are at the Rapid
City Civic Center on Saturday,
beginning at 2:00. The jv will be
playing a game there at 10:15.
The jr. high boys will be trav-
eling to Philip for a game this Fri-
day at 3:30. They will be hosting
Lemmon next Tuesday, at 4:30,
followed by jv and varsity games.
The Longhorns made the long
trip to Harding County on Satur-
day, Jan. 5th and brought home
two more victories.
Dalton Sheridan led the jv
with 14 points, followed by
Chaney Keffeler with 11.
Quarter scores
Faith 13-18-29-45
Harding County 6-16-25-37
Stats: Chaney Keffeler 11 pts,
2 assts, 10 reb; Dalton
Sheridan 14 pts, 5 reb, 2 stl;
Gereth Bushong 5 pts, 3 asst,
7 reb; Glenn Palmer 2 asst, 1 stl;
Jarius Halligan 1pt, 2 asst, 4 reb,
1 stl; Josh Afdahl 6 pts, 5 asst,
5 reb, 3 stl; Rio Hulm 2 pts, 3 reb;
Wyatt Schuelke 6 pts, 2 stl
The jr. varsity hit 48% from
the free throw line.
The varsity boys had a real
battle on their hands with the
Ranchers. They were down by 7
points at the end of the first quar-
ter and came back to tie it up at
the half, only to be down again at
the end of the third quarter. It
was a fight all the way to the end
but Faith came through at the
end, winning by 1 point.
Reggie Rhoden was high scorer
with 12 points, followed by Cody
Trainor with 10.
Quarter scores
Faith 4-16-24-46
Harding County 11-16-30-45
Stats: Caden Smiley 5 p t s , 2
asst, 4 reb, 2 stl; Cody Bernstein
2 pts, 1 reb; Cody Trainor 10 pts,
5 asst, 4 reb, 4 stl; Drew Vance 3
reb, 3 stl; Jarius Halligan3 pts, 1
asst, 3 reb, 1 stl; Josh Afdahl 9
pts, 3 reb; Marty Shaff 3 pts; Reg-
gie Rhoden 12 pts, 1 asst, 12 reb,
1 blk; Rio Hulm 2 pts, 2 reb, 1 stl
The Longhorns are 6-0 on the
season. Their next games will be
in the WR Tourney this week.
The boys will be playing Upton,
WY at 6:00 in the first round.
Longhorns bring home wins from Harding County
The Faith Longhorns traveled
to Hettinger, ND to take on the
Night Hawks on Thursday, Jan.
Chaney Keffeler was high
point scorer with 15 points, fol-
lowed by Jarius Halligan with 13.
Dalton Sheridan and Gereth
Bushong each added 8.
Quarter scores
Faith 23-32-43-56
Hettinger 13-24-42-46
Stats: Chaney Keffeler 15 pts,
1 asst, 10 reb, 1 stl; Dalton Sheri-
dan 8 pts, 2 asst, 3 reb, 3 stl;
Gereth Bushong 8 pts, 2 reb, 1 stl;
Glenn Palmer 1 reb,1 blk; Jarius
Halligan 13 pts, 2 asst, 2 reb, 2
stl; Josh Afdahl 9 pts, 4 asst, 6
reb; Rio Hulm 3 pts, 8 reb, 1 blk;
Wyatt Schuelke 1 asst, 1stl.
The junior varsity hit 46% of
their field goals and were 50%
from the free throw line.
The varsity Night Hawks gave
the Longhorns a good game, but
the Horns won by 6. Cody Trainor
had 18 points on the night, with
Jarius Halligan adding 12.
Quarter scores
Faith 14-23-33-48
Hettinger 8-18-26-42
Stats: Caden Smiley 6 pts, 1
asst, 5 reb, 2 stl;Cody Bernstein 2
pts, 1 asst, 1 reb, 3 stl; Cody
Trainor 18 pts, 5 asst, 1 reb, 6
stl; Drew Vance 2 reb, 1 blk,1 stl;
Jarius Halligan 12 pts, 1 reb, 1
stl; Marty Shaff 1 asst, 3 reb; Reg-
gie Rhoden 10 pts,1 asst, 6 reb, 3
blk, 2 stl.
The varsity hit 44% of their
field goals and were 63% from the
free throw line.
Longhorns get
two wins at Hettinger
The Faith Longhorns brought
home two more wins on December
20th when they traveled to Tim-
ber Lake.
The junior varsity had no trou-
ble with the Timber Lake Pan-
thers, winning by 20 points. Josh
Afdahl led the jv points with 14,
followed by Jarius Halligan
with12 points.
Quarter scores
Faith 14-23-41-55
Timber Lake 2-21-27-35
Stats: Chaney Keffeler 8 pts,1
reb, 1 blk,1 stl; Dalton Sheridan 8
pts, 1 reb, 3 stls; Gereth Bushong
1 pt, 1 asst, 4 reb, 1 blk, 2 stl;
Glenn Palmer 2 pts, 2 assts, 1 blk;
Jarius Halligan 12 pts, 2 assts, 1
blk, 3 stls; Josh Afdahl 14 pts, 2
assts, 5 reb, 2 blk, 1 stl;Rio Hulm
6 pts, 2 assts, 5 reb.1 blk; Tye
Grubl 2 pts, 1reb; Tyen Palmer 1
asst,1 reb,1 stl; Wyatt Schuelke 2
pts, 1 asst, 2 reb.
The team hit 49% of their Field
Goals and 62% Free Throws.
The varsity boys led from the
beginning, winning by 15 points.
Cody Trainor had 12 points
in the game.
Quarter scores:
Faith 13-24-35-42
Timber Lake 8-18-23-27
Stats: Caden Smiley 5 pts, 2
assts, 12 reb, 3 blk; Cody Bern-
stein 2 pts, 1 asst, 2 reb, 4 stl;
Cody Trainor 12 pts, 2 assts, 4
reb, 4 blk; Drew Vance 4 pts, 4
reb, 2 blk, 2 stl; Jarius Halligan 6
pts, 1 asst, 3 reb; Marty Shaff 5
pts, 3 reb,1 stl; Reggie Rhoden 6
pts,1 asst, 3 reb, 2 stl; Rio Hulm
2 pts, 3 reb.
The varsity hit 32% of their
field goals and 62% of their free
Longhorns defeat Timber Lake
Newell will play New Underwood
at 7:30. The two losers from
Thursday night will play at 6 and
the two winners will play at 7:30
Friday night.
The jv will play New Under-
wood at the Civic Center at 10:15
Saturday morning.
The Longhorns are in the State
B Polls.
Page 6 January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent
email us at
90th Birthday Card Shower
for Lois Haines McInerney
Cards can reach her at:
2211 Windmill Dr.
Spearfish, SD 57783
Cake & Coffee
Jan. 13th, 1-3 PM
At the Senior Ci tizens Center
1306 N. 10th St., Spearfish, SD
Teagan Engel gets the tip off at the start of the JV game on
January 4th when the Longhorns hosted the Dupree Tigers.
Photo by Marcia Samuelson
#34 Michaelah Martin takes the ball down the court during
the JV game on Friday, January 4th. Photo by Marcia Samuelson
Katie Miller presses a player from Dupree during Friday
nights game. Photo by Marcia Samuelson
#32, Paige Brink brings the ball down the court during the
home game against Dupree on Friday, January 4th. The Lady Long-
horns went on to defeat the Dupree Tigers with the score of 62 38.
Photo by Marcia Samuelson
The Lady Longhorns hosted
the Dupree Tigers on January
The JV girls led their entire
game, winning by a wide margin,
36-13. Tanielle Arneson and
Brandy Enright led the jv with 9
points each.
Quarter Scores
Faith 6-16-28-36
Dupree 4-8-11-
Stats: Brooklyn Schauer 2 pts,
1 reb; Shali Sheridan 4 pts, 6 reb,
1 assist, 8 steals;Tori Simonson
2 pts, 1 reb, 1 steal; Bonnie Lutz
2 reb; Penny Welter 1 reb;
Tanielle Arneson 9 pts, 2 reb, 1
steal; Michaelah Martin 5 pts, 2
reb, 1 steal;Katie Bogue 2 reb;
Brandi Enright 9 pts, 4 reb, 1 as-
sist, 2 steals; Teagan Engel 5
pts, 3 reb, 1 assist, 1 steal.
The varsity girls also had an
easy win over the Tigers. Madison
Vance led the varsity girls with
15 points, followed by Tearnee
Nelson with 12.
Quarter Scores
Faith 22-38-52-62
Dupree 11-19-26-38
Stats: Tearnee Nelson 12 pts, 5
reb, 3 assists, 5 steals; Katy
Miller 6 pts, 1 reb, 1 steal; Madi-
son Vance15 pts, 2 reb, 1 assist;
Tori Simonson 2 pts; Shanna
Selby 7 pts, 3 reb, 4 assists, 7
steals; Marissa Collins 7 pts, 9
reb, 1 assist, 4 steals; Paige Brink
3 pts, 4 reb, 1 assist, 1 steal; Ash-
ton Delbridge 10 pts, 6 reb.
close battle. The Lady Longhorns
were led by Tearnee Nelson with
16 points, followed closely by
Marissa Collins with 15 and
Madison Vance with 12.
Quarter Scores
Faith 12-29-34-54
Harding County 9-24-32-46
Stats: Tearnee Nelson16 pts, 3
reb, 2 assists, 5 steals; Madison
The Lady Longhorns traveled
to Harding County on Saturday,
January 5th to take on the Lady
The JV girls came home with
the win, 32-20. Michaelah Martin
led the girls with 11 points.
Quarter Scores
Faith 8-16-21-32
Harding County 1-3-12-20
Stats: Shali Sheridan 5 pts, 3
reb, 2 assists, 3 steals; Tori Si-
monson 2 pts, 2 reb, 3 assists, 1
steal;Bonnie Lutz 1 reb; Penny
Welter 1 reb;Tanielle Arneson 7
pts, 1 reb, 5 steals; Michaelah
Martin 11 pts, 5 reb, 3 steals;
Katie Bogue 4 reb, 1 assist;
Brandi Enright 5 pts, 4 reb, 2
steals;Teagan Engel 2 pts, 5 reb,
1 assist.
The varsity girls continued
their winning streak but it was a
Vance 12 pts, 3 reb, 3 steals;
Shanna Selby 5 pts, 6 reb, 1 as-
sist, 1 steal; Marissa Collins 15
pts, 11 reb; Paige Brink 3 reb;
Michaelah Martin 1 reb;Ashton
Delbridge 6 pts, 3 reb, 1 assist, 1
The Lady Longhorns are now
7-0 on the season and are in the
State B Poll.
Ladies win over Harding County
Lady Longhorns
defeat Dupree
January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 7
PIERRE, S.D. - A cornerstone
of Gov. Dennis Daugaards eco-
nomic development plan for
South Dakota includes building
on South Dakotas competitive
advantage agriculture.
Over the past 18 months, the
Governor and South Dakota De-
partment of Agriculture (SDDA)
have been very engaged with the
agricultural community.
Knowing that agriculture is
the primary industry investing in
our rural communities, we have
an opportunity to set the stage for
the next generation of livestock
production in South Dakota, said
state Secretary of Agriculture
Walt Bones. In human terms, its
also a dialogue about the next
generation of farmers and ranch-
ers in our state.
The Governors Coordinated
Livestock Development Initiative
has four goals.
Goal No. 1 is to communicate
South Dakotas vision for live-
stock production. Starting this
month, SDDA will hold forums
across the state to discuss the
challenges and advantages of
livestock development in South
South Dakota has progres-
sive, forward-thinking entrepre-
neurs who understand the
exciting potential of todays agri-
business marketplace, Bones
said. Were continuing the con-
versation about the challenges
and advantages South Dakota
has to increase the number of
livestock in our state.
The second goal is to support a
local presence for agricultural de-
velopment. SDDA congratulates
and supports the efforts of the
First District Association of Local
Governments in gathering site-
ready locations for livestock de-
velopment in Moody, Grant and
Brookings counties.
Goal No. 3 is to provide re-
sources and training for South
Dakota livestock producers.
SDDA is providing support and
services to producers through col-
laborative training opportunities
and updated livestock develop-
ment checklists.
The final goal is to explore
ways to embrace local control
when it comes to livestock devel-
opment. We have listened to the
concerns expressed by townships
and counties, Secretary Bones
said. Their issues have been
SDDA is currently working
with legislators, industry stake-
holders and local governments on
ways to support and be a resource
for livestock development.
Our livestock producers are
held to a high standard, Bones
said. With abundant feed, water,
affordable land, processing capa-
bilities and a favorable business
climate, we think there is no bet-
ter place to be in livestock produc-
Looking Ahead to 2013
In recent days, Congressional
leaders came together with an
agreement to provide middle class
tax relief and extend protection
for two million unemployed
This agreement provides some
relief for all of us who are frus-
trated with the gridlock that
often dominates Washington. It is
also good news for the 98 percent
of American families and 97 per-
cent of small businesses who were
protected from a tax increase.
At the same time, I am disap-
pointed that Congress was unable
to pass a multi-year Food, Farm
and Jobs Bill. Congress did ex-
tend some 2008 Farm Bill pro-
grams that will prevent a spike in
the price of dairy and other com-
modities. However, the extension
fails to provide any of the long-
term certainty that we know is
vital for rural America.
At the start of this New Year,
my New Years resolution is to re-
double our efforts at USDA to
achieve a strong and defensible
safety net for producers in times
of disaster; a comprehensive ef-
fort to build up the biobased econ-
omy; support for conservation
efforts that are protecting our
soil, water and forest land; in-
creased resources for important
agricultural research; and sup-
port for safer, more nutritious
food for all Americans.
Thats why I will continue to
work with Congress to encourage
passage of a comprehensive,
multi-year Food Farm and Jobs
Bill. Such legislation will help us
at USDA to carry out our mission,
and provide more certainty for
those in rural America.
Our small towns and rural
communities are too important to
be left out or let down. I look for-
ward to continuing the effort to
get this important work done
without further delay.
Ag Secretary Vilsacks
tion. We look forward to helping
our current and new livestock
producers, and we appreciate the
demand they create for our grains
and forages.
Agriculture is South Dakota's
No. 1 industry, generating nearly
$21 billion in annual economic ac-
tivity and employing more than
80,000 South Dakotans. The
South Dakota Department of
Agriculture's mission is to pro-
Governors Coordinated Livestock Development Initiative
email us at
Special Bred Cow, Heifer and Sheep Sale
Sale Time: 10 AM
Expecting 600-700 yearlings and calves & 800-1000 lambs
consignment 35 Red Angus heifers bred Red Angus calf 3-10
pending 80 Angus cows 3s bred Angus calf 4-5
consignment 40 red baldy cows 6-8s bred red & blk Angus clf 4-1
More calves and yearlings expected by sale time.
Upcoming Sales:
Mon., Jan. 21: Special replacement heifer, feeder cattle & sheep sale
Mon., Jan. 28: Special bred cow and heifer sale
Mon., Feb. 11: Special replacement heifer, feeder cattle & sheep sale
Faith Livestock Commission Co.
(605) 967-2200
Our first sale of the New Year was Monday, January 7, with
a nice crowd of buyers on the seats. An excellent offering of
high quality cattle in the offering, thank you to all the produc-
ers for bringing your livestock to Faith.
Thank you for your business.
Tim Smith
126 ...............Char x steers NHTC 787 .............$153.50
35..................Angus steers NHTC 744 .............$160.50
75 ................Char x heifers NHTC 764 .............$143.75
Jim Wilkenson
78.............................Angus steers 777 .............$152.75
Storm Inc
90.........................Angus x heifers 639 .............$147.25
19.........................Angus x heifers 532 .............$155.00
D & G Storm
25..........................Angus x steers 596 .............$160.50
34.........................Angus x heifers 599 .............$147.25
Wayne Palmer
56 .......................blk & bldy steers 723 .............$155.75
Brandon Miller
68.............................Angus steers 782 .............$153.00
24.............................Angus steers 675 .............$157.25
66 ...........................Angus heifers 714 .............$143.25
Todd Goddard
95............................Angus heifers 679 .............$146.60
Verhulst Ranch
98.............................Angus steers 730 .............$155.75
61.............................Angus steers 653 .............$156.25
100..........................Angus heifers 659 .............$147.10
P & V Tenold
18......................1st x baldy steers 588 .............$182.50
48.........................Hereford steers 558 .............$172.25
Allen Dye
122..........................Angus heifers 484 .............$166.50
32............................Angus heifers 407 .............$169.50
VTV Ranch
94............................Angus heifers 680 .............$145.50
49............................Angus heifers 580 .............$149.25
43.............................Angus steers 662 .............$154.75
consignment of
91 ................Angus heifers (open) 747 .............$139.85
31 ................Angus heifers (open) 862 .............$121.50
We appreciate your business. Give us a call at 605-967-2200
or if you have livestock to sell.
We would be glad to visit with you.
Gary Vance (605) 967-2162 OR Scott Vance (605) 739-5501
OR CELL: 484-7127 ORMax Loughlin (605) 244-5990 OR
1-605-645-2583 (cell) OR Glen King 1-605-390-3264 (cell)
mote, protect, preserve and im-
prove this industry for today and
tomorrow. Visit us online at or follow us on
Facebook and Twitter.
Page 8 January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent
South Dakota Farmers Union
President Doug Sombke released
the following statement after the
U.S. House and Senate passed a
farm bill extension provision as
part of the fiscal cliff bill.
This farm bill extension is a
complete disappointment for
rural America, Sombke said.
Our elected leaders have let us
down, and everyone in rural
America will be impacted by the
lack of a five-year farm bill.
Its incredibly disappointing
that the full U.S. Senate and the
House Agriculture Committee
both passed separate versions of
a five-year farm bill, and now all
of that hard work is being ig-
nored. Leadership in the U.S.
House failed rural America by re-
fusing to even hold a vote on the
farm bill. The result is now a
piecemeal approach via the fiscal
cliff deal by picking and choosing
which programs get continued
funding, others that will have
only discretionary funding, and
some that are cut altogether.
Farmers and ranchers need cer-
tainty, and an extension doesnt
give us any.
Well continue to work with
our elected leaders and we hope
that at some point theyll realize
how important a five-year farm
bill is to the food supply and the
future of our country. Right now
it appears that they dont know,
and dont care about the impact a
five-year farm bill has on where
our food comes from.
The South Dakota CPA Society
is once again sponsoring ASK A
CPA, a call-in program to give
the public an opportunity to ask a
certified public accountant (CPA)
about business and personal tax
matters, planning for yearend,
general business and accounting
issues, referrals and other finan-
cial concerns. The event takes
place Thursday, January 17th,
2013, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
In addition to the call in pro-
gram, we have created some online
resources from previous asked
questions, along with some infor-
mation on new tax laws and devel-
opments.The online resources can
be found on the Society website at The online re-
source allows the public the ability
to get answers to frequently
asked questions anytime. In addi-
tion, there is a newly launched
national website, sponsored by
the AICPA, offering tips, check-
lists and help during tax season
and year round.
The intent of the ASK A
CPA program is to assist individ-
uals and small business owners
who dont typically hire a CPA
with questions regarding tax and
financial situations. CPAs help
ensure the correct amount of tax
is being paid and that income, de-
duction and credits are properly
reported. New tax laws and their
potential benefits are also of in-
terest and value to many.
If you have lost or changed
jobs, expanded your family, pur-
chased or sold property or experi-
enced any other life changing
event during 2012, ASK A CPA
may be able to help you under-
stand the changing and complex
tax rules for individuals and busi-
nesses. The fiscal cliff has many
tax payers concerned about the
impact on them personally and
this is a unique opportunity to
visit with a tax professional
about what this legislations
means to them.
The interstate toll free tele-
phone number is: 1-888-3SD-
CPAS (1-888-373-2727)
The South Dakota CPA Society
is a membership organization of
over 850 certified public account-
ants, most of whom live and work
in South Dakota. They are em-
ployed in all areas: CPA firms,
business, government and educa-
tion. SDCPAS offers a variety of
programs and services for mem-
bers and non-members. For more
information about the organiza-
tion or ASK A CPA please con-
South Dakota CPA Society
P. O. Box 2080, Sioux Falls, SD
Ask A CPA program scheduled for January 17, 2013
Farm bill
extension a
for rural America
The Faith
In Town & Dupree
$34.00 + local tax
In County
$34.00 + local tax
Out of County
$39.00 + local tax
Out of State $39.00
PO Box 38 Faith, SD 57626
Ph: 605-967-2161
FAX 605-967-2160
Legal Advertising
Friday noon before
Wed. publication
The Faith Independent
January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 9
Gov. Daugaard announces $5.1
million for environmental projects
Gov. Dennis Daugaard an-
nounced today that the state
Board of Water and Natural Re-
sources has approved nearly $5.1
million in grants and loans for
drinking water, wastewater, and
storm water projects. The board
met Friday via the Digital Dakota
The $5,098,950 total includes
$1.56 million in grants and grant
amendments and more than $3.5
million in low-interest loans.
Making grant and loan funds
available for these projects will
result in better drinking water,
improved wastewater treatment,
and enhanced protection of the
environment, the Governor said.
The grants and loans awarded
by the board are administered
through the South Dakota De-
partment of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR).
Grants were awarded to:
Bear Butte Valley Water,
$500,000 for regional water sys-
Bison, $19,350 amendment
for storm water management sys-
Eagle Butte, $260,000
amendment for wastewater facil-
ities improvements
Pierre, $210,000 for Lincoln
Avenue storm sewer
South Eastern Council of
Governments (SECOG), $120,000
amendment for regional recycling
and solid waste revolving loan
A loan was awarded to:
Spearfish, $3,254,000 for
west zone water tank and main
Grant and loan packages were
awarded to:
Astoria, $368,700 grant and
$235,000 loan for wastewater sys-
tem improvements
Twin Brooks, $81,900 grant
and $50,000 loan for connection to
Grant-Roberts Rural Water Sys-
Gov. Daugaard announces $5.1 million for environmental projects
The grants and loans were
awarded from DENRs Consoli-
dated Water Facilities Construc-
tion Program, Solid Waste
Management Program, Drinking
Water State Revolving Fund Pro-
gram, and Clean Water State Re-
volving Fund Program.
The Consolidated Water Facil-
ities Construction Program pro-
vides grants and loans for water,
wastewater, and watershed proj-
ects statewide. The Solid Waste
Management Program provides
grants and loans for solid waste
disposal, recycling, and waste tire
projects. The Drinking Water
State Revolving Fund Program
provides low-interest loans for
public drinking water system
projects. The Clean Water State
Revolving Fund Program pro-
vides low-interest loans for waste-
water and storm water projects.
Page 10 January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent

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The national PRCA Xtreme
Bulls Tour returns to Rapid City
on Jan. 25-26 at the Black Hills
Stock Show & Rodeo for the 7th
Annual Rapid City Xtreme Bulls.
Seventy of the worlds top bull
riders will converge on the Rush-
more Plaza Civic Center to com-
pete for $52,000.
The star-studded field will fea-
ture 70 riders competing in a two-
day event. Each night, 35
cowboys will participate in a long-
go with the top 10 riders brought
back for a short round. The Rapid
City champion will be crowned
based on the highest average
score from both nights of compe-
Performances on Friday, Jan.
25 and Saturday, Jan. 26 begin at
7:30 p.m. (CT).
Tickets for the Rapid City
Xtreme Bulls event can be pur-
chased by calling 1-800-GOT-
MINE or by going online at
The Rushmore Plaza Civic
Center is located at 444 Mt. Rush-
more Road North in Rapid City.
The 2013 program will feature
eight televised events scheduled
throughout the year across the
U.S., with combined purses of
$400,000. Money earned at
Xtreme Bulls events count toward
the PRCA World Standings,
which determine Wrangler NFR
The PRCA Xtreme Bulls Tele-
vised Tour provides ProRodeo en-
thusiasts a national schedule that
brings the excitement of PRCA
bull riding to millions of fans.
GAC Network will provide 8 orig-
inal airings of coverage of 2013
Xtreme Bulls events.
The 2013 event schedule is as fol-
Jan. 25-26 Rapid City (SD)
Xtreme Bulls, Rushmore Plaza
Civic Center
Feb. 17 Seminole Classic
Xtreme Bulls, Brighton (Fla.)
Rodeo Arena
Feb. 23 San Antonio (Texas)
Xtreme Bulls, AT&T Center
March 23-24 Fort Mojave
(AZ) Classic, Mojave Crossing
Event Center
June 20 Reno-Tahoe Xtreme
Bulls, Reno (Nev.) Rodeo Arena
June 30 Cody-Yellowstone
Xtreme Bulls, Cody (Wyo.) Stam-
pede Rodeo Arena
Aug. 6 Lea County (NM)
Xtreme Bulls, Lea County Fair-
Aug. 31 Ellensburg Tour Fi-
nale,Ellensburg (Wash.) Rodeo
The PRCA, headquartered in
Colorado Springs, Colo., is the
largest and oldest professional
rodeo-sanctioning body in the
world. The recognized leader in
ProRodeo, the PRCA is committed
to maintaining the highest stan-
dards. The PRCA, a membership-
based organization, sanctions
approximately 600 rodeos annu-
ally, and there are nearly 30 mil-
lion fans in the U.S. The PRCA
showcases the worlds best cow-
boys in premier events through the
Wrangler Million Dollar Tour
presented by Justin Boots, and its
subsequent Justin Boots Playoffs,
the PRCA Xtreme Bulls Tour; and
the world-renowned Wrangler Na-
tional Finals Rodeo. Action from
PRCA-sanctioned rodeos and its
premier events appears on Great
American Country (DISH Net-
work 167, DirecTV 326) and Pur-
suit (DISH Network 240, DirecTV
608). Each year, PRCA-sanc-
tioned rodeos raise more than $26
million for local and national
PRCA Xtreme Bulls Tour returns to
Black Hills Stock Show Rodeo Jan. 25-26
70 of nations top bull riders converge on Rapid City
LEGALS Legal Newspaper for the City of Faith Faith School District 46-2 Meade County NWAS January 9, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 11
Place a Classified Ad...
The Faith Independent
Dr. Jason M. Haf ner
Dr. David J. Prosser
Faith Clinic
PH: 967-2644
910 Harmon St
Cell: (605) 441-7465
Fax: (605) 859-2766
Bus. (605) 859-2585 or 1-800-859-5557
101 W. Oak St., PO Box 816
Philip, SD 57567-0816
Chrysler Dodge Ram Ford-Lincoln
Faith Community
Health Service
HOURS Mon.Fri.:
8 a.m.12; 1 -5 p.m.
After Hours
Verna Schad: 964-6114 or
605-365-6593 (cell)
Dustys Tire Service
PH: 605-490-8007 Faith, SD
Have truck will travel
For all your on-farm tractor, truck &
machinery tire repairs call Dusty.
Leave a message if no answer
Call anytime 7 days a week!!
I have tubes & most common
tires on hand & can order in any
tire of your choice.
Serving the town of
Faith, SD
Bison, SD
H&H RepairJade Hlavka
3 mi. W & 3 mi. N of Howes, SD
Equip. Repair/Maintenance -
Hydraulics - A/C - Tires
Car & Light Truck Tires
Shop: 605-985-5007
Cell: 605-441-1168
Certified Diesel Tech
Dr. Brandace Dietterle
DC Chiropractor
Located in
Imagine and More
Prairie Oasis Mall,
Faith, SD
PH: 415-5935
Imagine And More
Home Furnishings
high Quality ~ Low Cost
Prairie Oasis Mall
Po Box 402 Faith, SD 57626
Mon.Thurs. 8 aM-6 PM
Bus: 605-967-2562
Krissy Johnson ~ Owner
Ravellette Publ. Inc.
We offer a complete commercial
printing service ...
Business Cards Letterheads
Envelopes Brochures
Office Forms And More!
The Faith Independent
PH: (605) 967-2161 OR
FAX: 967-2160
Faith Veterinary
(605) 967-2212
MondayFriday: 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 am-Noon
For the best in critter care!
For all your Real Estate Needs
call Kevin Jensen
1-800-888-1619 or 381-4272
Black Hills land, homes and businesses.
With values and honesty born and bred in Faith,
trust Kevin Jensen to help you
solve your real estate questions.
Kevin Jensen your friend
in real estate
Raben Real Estate, Rapid City
Bogue & Bogue
Law offices
Eric Bogue
Cheryl Laurenz Bogue
416 S Main St., Fai th, SD
967-2529 or 365-5171
Available for all
Anniversary - Weddings
Call Diane Fees
605-748-2210 or 2244
Hol l oway Storage
Fai th, SD
Unit sizes: 5x10, 8x20,
10x10, 10x15 & 10x20
Steel storage facility
Cal l 967-2030 or
Cel l 605-200-1451
Badlands Enterprises
Samuel C. ORourke, Sr.
PO Box 1618, Eagle Butte, SD
Septic Tank Pumping
Portable Restrooms
General Contracting
Notice is given that application has
been made to the Comptroller of the Cur-
rency, 1225 17th Street Suite 300, Den-
ver, CO 80202 for consent to merge
Farmers State Bank, Faith, South
Dakota into First National Bank in Philip,
Philip, South Dakota. It is contemplated
that the main and branch offices of the
above named banks will continue to op-
erate. It is contemplated that the main of-
fice (127 Main Street, Faith, South
Dakota 57626) of Farmers State Bank
will become a branch office of First Na-
tional Bank in Philip.
This notice is published pursuant to
12 USC 1828(c) and 12 CFR 5. Anyone
may submit written comments on this ap-
plication by February 11, 2013 to: Direc-
tor for District Licensing, 1225 17th
Street, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80202 or
The public file is available for inspec-
tion in the district office during regular
business hours. Written requests for a
copy of the public file on the application
should be sent to the Director of District
January 9, 2013
Faith, South Dakota
Philip, South Dakota
Published January 9, 16 and 30, 2013
for a approximate cost of $38.48
CLASSIFIEDS CALL 967-2161 Email: The Faith Independent January 9, 2013 Page 12
CLASSIFIED RATE: $5.00 minimum for first 20 words; 10 each word after.
CARDS OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for first 20
words; 10 each word after. Each name and initial must be counted as one
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.
Classified Display Rate.....................................................$4.70 per column inch
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate advertised in this newspaper is sub-
ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise
any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, or national ori-
gin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimina-
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which
is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised
in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Breakfast: Burritos
Lunch: Hot Hamburger $4.29
Sandwich: BBQ Chicken
Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwiches
Lunch: Tacos $4.29
Sandwich: Rueben
Breakfast: Biscuits & Gravy
Lunch: Asian $4.29
Sandwich: Hamburger
Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwiches
Lunch: Cassserole $4.29
Sandwich: Philly Steak & Cheese
Breakfast: Burritos
Lunch: 2 Piece Chicken Dinner $4.29
Sandwich: Hamburger
The Better Choice
Prairie Oasis Mall 605-967-2622
Faith, SD
258 acres of native grass and grass/alfalfa mix available
beginning March 1, 2013. Located near Red Elm, approximately 10 miles
west of Dupree, adjacent to US Highway 212.
South Half of Section 28, T13N, R19E, Ziebach County, less appx 62 acres
located in and south of highway right of way.
Written bids for the entire 258 acres in one contract, for a term of 3 years,
are due at Fredericks, Peebles & Morgan, LLP, by 5:00 PM MST on Friday,
February 1, 2013. Faxed bids will be accepted.
No late or oral bids will be accepted.
Interested bidders must contact Tracey Zephier at Fredericks, Peebles, &
Morgan, LLP, via phone or email, to obtain a bid packet that includes FSA
details, maps of the subject property, a bid form, and a proposed lease
agreement. Owner reserves the right to waive irregularities
and reject any and all bids.
OWNER: Thelma Frame
Tracey Zephier, Esq.
Fredericks, Peebles & Morgan, LLP
2040 West Main Street, Suite 110, Rapid City, SD 57702
(605) 791-1515
The Bureau of Indian Affairs is advertising for a five-year
farm pasture lease starting December 1, 2012 to terminate No-
vember 30, 2017, lease to be awarded to the highest bidder.
The lease available is:
Lease 100861 Tribal Tracts T-6306-J Lot 1, Lot 2 Sec-
tion 7, Township 11 North, Range 18 East, Black Hills Meridian,
Ziebach County, containing 71.210 acres, more or less, all dry-
land farm ground. Note: This is located approximately 10 miles
south of US Highway 212, situated on the Meade and Ziebach
County line.
Offered to highest bidder with no minimum per acres.
Sealed bids will be opened on Monday, January 14,
2013, at 2:00 PM, Mountain Standard Time, in the Confer-
ence Room, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Cheyenne River
Agency, Eagle Butte, South Dakota. Interested bidders
may call 605/964-6200 or visit the Realty Office to pickup
the bid form and maps.
1st Tuesday & 3rd Wednesday
of each month
Trips to Rapid City, Sturgis & communities in between
Fares to Rapid City are $25.00
For information or a brochure call (605) 374-3189
or Call 967-2001 to arrange a ride!
NOW IS THE chance to buy a well
established & successful business
in the State Capitol of S.D. The
Longbranch is for SALE (serious in-
quires only). Call Russell Spaid
CNAs, Med Aides. $2,000 Bonus
Free Gas. AACO Nursing Agency,
Call 1-800-656-4414 Ext. 18.
- City of Custer, seeking an individ-
ual to maintain & repairs streets,
water & wastewater system. Info at or 605-
673-4824. EOE.
Hospital is seeking one FT RN and
one PT RN for 12-hour rotating
shifts. SD RN license required.
AHCMH offers a competitive com-
pensation and benefit package.
Apply online at
or contact Debbie Pullman 605-
DAKOTA LOG HOME Builders rep-
resenting Golden Eagle Log Homes,
building in eastern, central, north-
western South & North Dakota.
Scott Connell, 605-530-2672, Craig
Connell, 605-264-5650,
- Make & save money with your
own bandmill - Cut lumber any di-
mension. In stock ready to ship.
FREE Info/DVD: www.Norwood- 1-800-578-1363
statewide for only $150.00. Put the
South Dakota Statewide Classifieds
Network to work for you today! (25
words for $150. Each additional
word $5.) Call this newspaper or
800-658-3697 for details.
$1500.00 SIGN-ON BONUS! EXP.
OTR Drivers, TBI, 33/34, $375
mo., health ins., credit, 03 safety
bonus, Call Joe for details,
FOR SALE: Black Lab-Springer
mix puppies, 8 weeks old. $75.00
OBO. Call 507-766-6423.
WANTED: ranch or grass land to
lease by the month or year, by the
head. Call 316-734-3374.
for pasture for 2013 and beyond.
Pairs and/or yearlings. Phil
Jerde, Reva, SD. 605-866-4888.
GUN SHOW: Dakota Territory
Gun Collectors Association An-
nual Winter BISMARCK Gun
Show. Saturday, January 19, 9
a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, January
20, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. BISMARCK
701-336-7533 or 701-851-0129.
Countryside Apartments in
Faith. 1 bedroom, carpeted
throughout. Laundry facilities
available. Handicap accessible.
Rent based on income. For infor-
mation contact: PRO/Rental
Management 1-800-244-2826 or
1-605-347-3077 Equal Opportu-
nity Housing. F5-tfc
with trencher and backhoe, Live-
stock Water Systems. 10 1/2
miles south of Maurine, 605-748-
2473 Merle Vig. F2-tfc
First: a BIG thanks to all the
faithful people that attended and
helped with our annual soup
Second: A BIG thanks to the
Farmers State Bank Tellers for
the great job they did on collect-
ing food for our Food Pantry.
Third: A BIG thanks to the
Festival of Trees for the pro-
ceeds from the auction of trees,
etc. We live in a very generous
and great part of the country.
All the CAT members

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