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roven leader wlLh more Lhan 13 years of wlde-ranglng experlence ls looklng for a new poslLlon ln communlLy
developmenL ln Lhe San lranclsco 8ay Area.

LsLabllshed four Colorado charLer schools for
dlsenfranchlsed sLudenLs.
uLlllzed daLa from quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve
sLudles Lo wrlLe buslness plans and granL
proposals, wlLh Lhe goal of advanclng communlLy
ouLreach programs.
Managed all aspecLs of evenL plannlng for small
and large-scale evenLs.
8ullL, managed, and sLaffed large Leams.
CreaLed mulLlple nonproflL boards by developlng
road maps and LargeLlng communlLy
lormed long-Lerm relaLlonshlps wlLh local,
naLlonal, and lnLernaLlonal communlLy donors
and governmenLal leaders.
LxL8l LnCL
,-)#"."/ 0$+) 0-/123 a publlc lnLeresL consulLlng flrm
speclallzlng ln pro[ecL managemenL, evenL
producLlon, and communlLy relaLlons.

4/'# 1* + $'+ 3 5675 8 41- - )'+

Secured consulLlng conLracLs wlLh 9): ;#-$)* &1'., <'"=)-#"+> /? 4$*"?/-'"$3 @$' &-$'A"#A/ B<4@&C,
4/'D-)D$+"/' @E$F$- G$E$=, 7H
0I9 and ,$+AEJ/-(# &"*K# Lo produce evenLs, dlrecL communlcaLlons,
supervlse and Lraln sLaff, and creaLe fundralslng plans.
Along wlLh Lhe 9): ;#-$)* &1'. reglonal board of advlsors, managed sLaff and volunLeers Lo produce a 300-
guesL fundralser, ralslng over a mllllon dollars.
Co-produced large (3,000+), medlum (130+) and small evenLs (30+), aL <4@&, whlle also supporLlng Lhe School
of nurslng's alumnl board of dlrecLors, webslLe conLenL, flnanclal reporLs and communlLy relaLlons sLraLegy.
8alsed dollars, managed conLracLs, and recrulLed lnLerns Lo produce a prevlew parLy and fundralser for
,$+AEJ/-(# &"*K# laLesL lndependenL documenLary, LlLled, Pavana Curveball.

L):"#E 4/KK1'"+> &).)-$+"/' M I'./:K)'+ &1'.3
a phllanLhroplc organlzaLlon LhaL addresses presslng
lssues faclng local and lnLernaLlonal communlLles.
! 0NO P" - )A + /- 3 566QR5675

Acqulred granLs, creaLed fundralslng sLraLegles wlLh local and lnLernaLlonal phllanLhroplsLs whlle managlng Lhe
annual communlLy lnvesLmenL budgeL of $300,000.
As parL of a Leam, deslgned, fundralsed and carrled ouL a reglonal needs-assessmenL sLudy. lormulaLed Lhe
resulLs from Lhe sLudy lnLo a sLraLeglc plan Lo presenL aL reglonal and naLlonal conferences. 8ecommended
lmplemenLaLlon sLeps for addresslng dlverse communlLy needs.
CreaLed and Lhen managed Lhe board of dlrecLors as well as a communlLy ouLreach commlLLee.
unlLed communlLy leaders Lo help esLabllsh ouLreach programs and evenLs.
ueslgned and wroLe conLenL for web slLes and blogs Lo promoLe ldeas, grassrooLs communlLy ouLreach and
share Lhe phllanLhroplc lnvesLmenLs made by Lhe commlLLees.

1 e l : ( 4 1 3 ) 7 3 0 - 2 1 3 0
l l s a f l n k e l s L e l n . c o m
l l n k e d l n . c o m/ l n / l l s a f l n k e l s L e l n
l l s a f l n k e l s L e l n [g ma l l . c o m

Llsa llnkelsLeln 8esume3 ,$D) 5
&1** 4"-A*) &1'.3 phllanLhroplc group culLlvaLlng
professlonal leaders from varlous secLors wlLh Lhe
common goal of soclal change.
P" - )A + /- /? ,- /D- $K# 3 566S8 566Q

MaLched organlzaLlons and communlLy agencles wlLh volunLeers.
Managed flnanclal, volunLeer and sLaff resources Lo maxlmlze Lhe lmpacL of communlLy engagemenL.
erformed accounLlng, granL managemenL, and human resource duLles.
lmplemenLed daLabase processes Lo lncrease ease of coordlnaLlon of sLaff, board, and volunLeers.

L/="$' T/*."'D#3 !!43 a prlnclpal lnvesLmenL flrm and
consolldaLed offlce for Lhe enLrepreneur, elecLed-
offlclal, phllanLhroplsL, and famlly of Lhe currenL u.S.
8epresenLaLlve for Colorado's 2nd congresslonal
dlsLrlcL, !ared olls.

P)21+ > 4E" )? /? @+ $? ? 3 566UR566S
&$K" * > ,E" * $'+ E- /2" A V.=" #/- 3 566W
IX)A1+"=) P"-)A+/-3 4/K21+)- 4/'')A+"/'3 5665
IX)A1+"=) P"-)A+/-3 L$-). ,/*"# &/1'.$+"/'3 5667

Crganlzed and managed Lhe Lhree mllllon dollar annual phllanLhroplc commlLmenLs of u.S. Congressman
!ared olls and esLabllshed Lhe !ared olls loundaLlon wlLh LhlrLy Leam members.
Cversaw Lhe sLarL-up of four publlc schools and Lhree dlsLlncL publlc charlLles.
Worked dlrecLly wlLh Lhe Chlef of SLaff Lo manage offlce operaLlons as well as school admlnlsLraLors and
phllanLhroplc-based sLaffers.
ueslgned, creaLed, and promoLed professlonal ouLreach maLerlals, webslLes, promoLlonal vldeos, k-12
educaLlonal currlculum, fllers and newsleLLers.
CCMMunl 1? l nvCL vLMLn1
9$+"/'$* <'"/' /? L):"#E !0NOY @+1.)'+#:
Annual unlverslLy based conference, 8oard
Member, !""#$%&''()*
Z)#E)+[ ulverslLy, Advocacy & LducaLlonal
nCC: SLeerlng CommlLLee, !"++$%&''()*
!)$.)-#E"2 @$' &-$'A"#A/: Chamber of
Commerce class for buslness leaders, !"+!
;#-$)*" \"'"#+-> /? &/-)"D' V??$"-#: WesLern
ulplomaLlc 8epresenLaLlve, !"+"
9): VK)-"A$ @AE//*: ubllc charLer school
for sLudenLs learnlng Lngllsh as a second
language, CperaLlng Co-lounder, !"",$!""-
VA$.)K> /? <-]$' !)$-'"'D[ ubllc charLer
school for dlsenfranchlsed youLh, CperaLlng
Co-lounder, !"".$!""-
@/A"$* ^)'+1-) ,$-+')-#: 8oulder & uenver
hllanLhroplc ChapLer, Member, !"""$!""/
V.=$'A). *)=)* "' _??"A) $22*"A$+"/'#[ MlcrosofL Access, Lxcel, CnenoLe, CuLlook, owerolnL, ubllsher,
vlslo, Word, Culck8ooks, and Adobe lnueslgn, and hoLoshop
,-/?"A")'+ *)=)* "' .$+$ K$'$D)K)'+ 2*$+?/-K#[ Plgher LducaLlon's Advance, 8alser's Ldge, and Salesforce
,-/?"A")'+ *)=)* "' A/'+)'+ K$'$D)K)'+ #>#+)K#3 #/A"$* K)."$ M ]-$'. `/1-'$*"#K +//*#[ Wordress,
P1ML, urupal, lModules, ConsLanL ConLacL, Mall Chlmp, 1wlLLer, lacebook, Coogle +, 1umblr, Llnkedln,
lnsLagram, and lnLeresL
LuuCA1l Cn
8egl s unl ver s l L y, uenver , CC 2002R2004
\$#+)- 9/'2-/?"+ \$'$D)K)'+
ro[ecL ManagemenL and Soclal LnLerprlse
CraduaLe Level CerLlflcaLlon

unl versl Ly of Cregon, Lugene, C8 1996R2000
!"])-$* V-+# P)D-))3 N$AE)*/-# /? V-+#
SubsLance Abuse revenLlon rograms
CraduaLe Level CerLlflcaLlon

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