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Student Names: ________________________________________

CATEGORY Preparedness 4
Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.

Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. Listens intently but has one distracting noise or movement.

The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Sometimes does not appear to be listening but is not distracting.

Student does not seem at all prepared to present.

Listens to Other Listens intently. Does not make Presentations

distracting noises or movements.

Sometimes does not appear to be listening and has distracting noises or movements.


G: Presentation is G: Presentation is G: Presentation is G: Presentation is 9-10 minutes long. 7-8 minutes long. 5-6 minutes long. less than 5 I: 5 min. I: 4-5 min. I:3-4 min. minutes. I: Less than 3 min. Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A definite leader who contributes a lot of effort. Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination. Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together. Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very self-directed. Usually provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A strong group member who tries hard! Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination. Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause "waves" in the group. Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Other group members can count on this person. Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A satisfactory group member who does what is required. Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination. Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team member. Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Other group members must sometimes nag, prod, and remind Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. May refuse to participate.



Rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's inadequate time management.

Working with Others

Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player.

Focus on the task

Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Lets others do the work.

to keep this person on-task.

Handouts for Review (x 2) ***Must have one graphic organizer and one notes sheet Game for Review (x 2) ______________

Group has enough typed, appropriate and useful handouts for fellow students to use as review for exam.

Groups handouts are somewhat confusing or are well done but hand written.

Groups handouts are poorly done, or there are not enough for all class members.

Game is lively, engaging and an appropriate way to review for exam.

Game is interesting, but somewhat confusing or not appropriate way to review.

Game appears to Game has little or be poorly thought nothing to do with out but attempts to exam review. help review for exam. Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic, but delivery is sometimes confusing. Content is somewhat helpful to others. There are gaps in information presented. Does not seem to understand the topic very well and presentation is confusing. Content does little to help other students prepare for the exam.

Shows a full Content understanding of (x 2) ______________ the topic and

Shows a good understanding of the topic and delivers said delivers said information to information to fellow students in fellow students in an effective a mostly effective review. Content of review. Content of presentation is presentation is thorough and mostly thorough helpful to others. and helpful to others.

Classes, classroom vocabulary and possessive adjectives Pronouns and articles (definite and indefinite), gender Stem changers and yo-go verbs Greetings/common phrases/Conversational interchanges Telling time AR/ER/IR regular verbs Question words and how to form questions The verbs IR, Dar, Ver, estar, ir + a Food/restaurant vocabulary and food customs Family members and descriptive adjectives (ser and estar adj.) Gustar/Flip verbs, sports vocabulary Tener and tener phrases, tener que + Numbers 0-1000, Dates Alphabet/vowels (Individual) Spanish speaking countries/capitals

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