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Year 3 WWII Homework Project for Term 2

Over the next 7 weeks, I would like you to complete at least one activity from I enjoy reading, writing and speaking and at least one from I enjoy Maths. Once you have completed these then the rest is up to you! The aim is to complete at least 20 points worth of learning over the term and then bring in what you have learnt in the final week of term. There is a wide choice of activities to choose from to suit everyone but dont leave it to the last minute!! I am looking forward to seeing the results of your project and sharing them on the blog.
Seven ways to learn Points I enjoy reading, writing and speaking (You must complete at least one activity from this row) I enjoy Maths (You must complete at least one activity from this row) I enjoy being scientific What do I know and understand? 2
Write a list of countries involved in WWII. Identify the different sides involved.

Can I apply and show what I know? 4

Choose two WWII artefacts and write 5 facts about each of them.

What can I question, compare and analyse? 6

Interview a person with experience of WWII. Write one side of A4 lined paper about what they said alongside your own thoughts. Create a graph comparing the size of armies from different nations. Explain why countries had different numbers of soldiers and weapons. Compare the ships, submarines and planes that the different countries built during war. Describe how they were different and create an information poster about them.

What can I create? 8

Make a phrase book containing at least 25 words from World War Two and explain what they mean.

Can I evaluate and make judgements? 10

Write a comparison between being a child during WWII and the present day. This could be a story or a nonfiction piece (2 sides of A4). Find out about food rations in WWII. Describe why rationing was important and what were the advantages and disadvantages? Design and make an air raid bomb shelter for the Blitz. Try using several materials. Which materials are best and why? Label each material, explaining why you chose each one.

Find out at least 5 number facts about WWII eg how many people fought in the war?

See what sort of vegetables you can grow in your own Dig for Victory garden over the next term.

Draw a pictogram of the food allowance for one weeks ration. Then draw a pictogram of the food you eat in a week. How do they compare? Research a famous scientist from the time what did they do and what impact did they have on the war? Write as much as you can about them.

Choose a picture or photograph and create at least 5 maths questions about the picture. Explain your answers to these questions. Draw your own uniforms for soldiers fighting in different conditions around the world. Include uniforms designed for desert, arctic and jungle conditions. Explain the different features of the uniforms and how they are adapted to the different environments. Create a WWII board game using materials that you would find in a WWII home. Your game should involve numbers and questions involving number facts. Research a WWII recipe and make it for your family to try. Take a photo of the meal and write out the recipe.

I enjoy painting, drawing and visualising

Paint/sew/make 3 flags for countries involved in the war.

Draw/make a WWII artefact and label with at least 5 facts.

Compare and contrast using labelled drawings, the fashions of Wartime Britain and Britain today.

I enjoy being active and doing hands-on things

Find out how to play a traditional WWII era game and teach the rules to a friend or member of your family.

Challenge 3 different people to name as many countries and leaders involved in the war as they can in 2 minutes. Record their scores. Who gets the most? Present your results in a graph. Research popular musicians/ singers of the time (eg Vera Lynn). Create a poster to show what you know about them.

I enjoy making and listening to music

Find and listen to a song/piece of music about WWII. Describe what you think of the music.

I enjoy learning by myself

Complete the rationing challenge on the BBC website Children of World War Two on Primary History. Ask your parents to sign your book to show you have done it.

Make a conscription poster (a poster to persuade people to join the army).

Discuss what you and a friend would pack in your suitcase if you were going to be evacuated. Draw the 8 items that your friend would take (you are only allowed 8 items) and explain why they would want to take these items. Create your own WWII song to boost soldiers morale who were fighting a long way from homeorwrite a rap to remember the order of the main events of WWII. Find three propaganda posters. Write a description of how these were used to persuade the public.

Design and make a model of an aeroplane/ship to fight in the war. Evaluate your model by suggesting at least three adaptations/ improvements. Visit a museum, and write a detailed report of what you thought about the different things you saw there and how the museum might be improved.

Research a dance that was popular during WWII. Learn how to do it and prepare to teach the rest of your class a simple part of the dance.

Listen to and comment on two WWII songs. Write two paragraphs comparing them.

Create a WWII board game, with instructions.

Research how peoples lives were affected in the war. Use sub headings e.g. food, clothes, jobs, families. Compare how it was then to how it is now. Create at least three sides of A4, including pictures.

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