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The hotel industry covers a wide range of establishments providing hotel services in the form of accommodation, food and beverage and tourism. The industry is very global and so large that it is worth over 3.5 trillion dollar within the global economy. Nonetheless, the industry is cyclical and it is dictated by the fluctuations that occur with an economy every year. Travel agents were used for not only travel plans but they also sold transports, tours and accommodation for suppliers. Travel agents were the most common source for booking hotel rooms and any other travel components. It is believed that only budget minded travelers did their own research and contacted the suppliers directly. Nonetheless, as time passed by and technology advanced; we reached the digital age, also known as the information age. It was the global economy's shift in focus away from the production of tangible goods, towards the manipulation of information. The internet emerged and the World Wide Web was invented, linking the world into one global network. The emergence of the internet had a great impact on all businesses including the hotel industry. This paper aims to examine the role of the internet in the hotel industry Brick And Mortar A traditional "street-side" business that deals with its customers face to face in an office or store that the business owns or rents. The local grocery store and the corner bank are examples of "brick and mortar" companies. Brick and mortar businesses can find it difficult to compete with web-based businesses because the latter usually have lower operating costs and greater flexibility. Click and mortar A type of business model that includes both online and offline operations, which typically include a website and a physical store. A click-and-mortar company can offer customers the benefits of fast, online transactions or traditional, face to face service. This model is also referred to as "clicks and bricks." Approach to the case The research was conducted in two parts:In the first stage, consumer segment was targeted and asked the relevant questions through an online survey. In the second stage, Hotel owners were approached and asked a few questions, the answers to which were recorded.

The data so collected was organized and analysed for the ways in which the move of industry from brick and mortar to click and mortar has affected the marketing mix of the industry. Different headers, primarily : Product Price Place Promotion

Place Mix
The Place Mix of hotels has changed drastically with the advent of the internet and different travel sites. Even luxurious hotels like Taj Vivanta, Marriot and Hyatt Regency allow booking through the likes of and The Place Mix conventionally consisted of the following: Direct individual sales

This is the simplest method. The would-be guest chooses a hotel and then contacts it by letter, telephone or some other medium. The only parties involved are the hotel and the customer. One of the main problems with direct contact is that the customer is usually located at a considerable distance from the hotel. This means that he has to place a long distance telephone call in order to make a booking, and might have to repeat this several times In order to obtain a room at a particularly busy period. This costs money and (what is often worse) often takes a good deal of time Travel agents

There are two main types: 1 Retail agents These are the common and familiar high Street agents who sell direct to the public. Their main business is to arrange holidays for their customers, including hotel accommodation. 2 Company agents Some city centre agencies specialize in business house travel, while organizations such as major multinational companies are so big that it is worth their while to have their own travel agency to handle all their business. Sometimes they buy one outright, sometimes they simply invite a small agency to specialize in their business. Either way, the agency is likely to handle a lot of valuable bookings. It receives the usual commission, though some of its profits are likely to be passed on to its parent company or major client. Travel agents make their money from commissions received on the sale of tickets and bookings. Since tickets are fixed in price, the mechanism is simple. The agency carries a stock of blank tickets and simply remits the money less the commission to the carrier after it sells one.

How Internet changed the Place Mix

The Internet Either booking at the spot or through a travel agent often requires considerable amount of efforts (travel, time, money etc.) to be spent by the customer and usually puts an intermediary between the hotel and the final consumer. The Internet does away with these limitations, as more and more customers are discovering. Any would-be guest equipped with a computer and a modem can now call up a hotel database covering his proposed destination and select an establishment on the basis of its location, price and facilities. He can use the built-in e-mail facility to check its room availability, make a booking and even pay a deposit by quoting his credit card number, all without having to leave the comfort of his home or office. With a fax connection as well, he can have a confirmation slip printed off. In short, it allows him to select a hotel anywhere in the world and offers him instant connection at minimum cost, with all the advantages of immediate response and a permanent record. Moreover, the different travel websites give the customers a plethora of options which include not only different hotels, but also the different schemes on offer, the variety of services being offered and a gamut of other information, thus giving the customer the power to make an informed decision according to his needs and budget.

Pricing Mix
A Survey and a post analysis on the hotel sector provided the following information: Capacity increased over a relatively short period of time post inclusion of the online model Demand grew sufficiently after 2001; Demand has fallen in 1991 and 1998; Room rates have been falling post inclusion of the online model Analyzing these developments using marketing theory and results from local survey provides some interesting insights Irrespective of the data source used, it is clear that the price of accommodation i.e. room rates, has fallen very severely since about the middle of 2001(if the annual inflation was accounted and discounted for). The data refer to standard published rates and probably do not take account of special offers, the implied rates when rooms are sold as parts of packages, discounts that may be available for bulk buyers and intermediaries, in particular online distribution sites. Consequently, and based on consultations with industry operators, the consultants conclude that prices were considerably weaker and highly dynamic post to 2001. However, irrespective of this difficulty, it is clear that rates have been falling very rapidly since 2008. One further issue that arises is the suggestion that arose in the consultations that quite different hotel rates often apply to international visitors when compared with the domestic

market. As a result, many of the special rates that have been available to local markets(the mortar element) have not been available on international/online markets(the click element). This means that prices for international/inter-state visitors have been higher and a different price trend might be applicable. However, international tourists account for about 65% of hotel occupancy. The consultants have been unable to obtain any hard data in relation to any difference in the average prices of rooms sold on the local market (the mortar element) as distinct from overseas/inter-state visitors(users of the click element).
Change in Strategic Directions in pricing strategy Due to a shift of model to the click and mortar model, the price competition became significant and change in price by one competitor was instantly reflected in the entire industry.

Faced with a situation of excess supply, the evidence indicates that hotel operators cut prices to maintain occupancy and thereby undermined margins, depleted cash and introduced a threat to their long-term viability. It is easy to understand why individual hotel operators react to market weakness by cutting room rates even if it is known that demand for hotel rooms is not changing. At the same time, costs are higher than they would be if rates were maintained and occupancy was lower. Margins are therefore lowered across the sector. However, at the level of individual managers in hotels, it would be a common perception that lowering room rates will enable a hotel to protect its market share and lead to a better financial outcome. This is what economists describe as a market failure: individuals making decisions that are in their own interests produce a result that is suboptimal, and possibly very damaging, for everyone. In other words, although the level of demand has not responded sufficiently to the fall in prices to maintain revenues, a rise in prices could have an adverse market reaction such that the fall in demand in response to a rise in prices would be quite large i.e. an elastic response. This would mean that revenues would fall even more in response to a rise in room rates even if this was coordinated across the sector. Given the current brick and mortar model and increasing availability of new holiday locations, this is a very real prospect at present. As a result of the online presence of each hotel would still have an incentive to under-cut its immediate competitors that would immediately undermine such a strategy. As a result, while the objective is obvious, achieving it has been very difficult. Usually, change in price by a single competitor is a coordinated response (in terms of offerings), but this response will not be successful if it attempts to directly determine prices. The underlying problem is that demand and supply are out of balance and rates have fallen as providers and customers have responded to market forces. Concentrating on promoting demand via reduction in price is unlikely to be successful given the scale of the imbalance and degree of online competitiveness. Placing the emphasis on reducing supply without an intensive demand promotion strategy risks the adverse response and a industry devastative reactions are discussed above as prices changes. In addition to direct inferences form the survey other dominant changes in the pricing model has been summarized as under.

After discounting the room-rates for inflation, it was found that room rates have fallen post 2001(the year when the online model was kicking in) The price competitions have been severe post 2001. The overall margins for the hotels have shown a downward trend since 2001.

For successful marketing, it is only not sufficient to concentrate on the quality of services but it is also impact generating that we promote our business in such a way that the prospects come to know about the quality to be offered to them as hotel customers. This focuses the attention on innovative promotional measures. The components like advertisement, publicity, sales promotion, personal selling, word-of-mouth promotion and telemarketing need due attention of hotel professionals. Advertisement For a long time out of all the media, print media is found to be the most effective media for hotel advertisements. This was due mainly to fact that in the print media, the advertisers get an opportunity to display facts and figures which may be very much instrumental in convincing and persuading the prospects. The fact cannot be denied that while using print media, the materials used for advertising are found of world class, such as quality papers, quality print, quality photographs, attractive scenes or so. The use of quality materials paves avenues for attractions. Publicity Another dimension of promotion known as an unpaid form of persuasive communication also plays an incremental role in promoting the hotel business. While publicizing, the hotel professionals play a significant role by managing the media personnel for publishing news items related to the hotel. Public relations activities thus become instrumental in the process of publicizing. The British Institute of Public Relations has defined it as the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and the public. The vast majority of hoteliers welcome publicity not only because it is free but because they know that most people buy a magazine or a newspaper to read the articles, news and editorials, rather than the advertisements unless they are looking for a product or are interested in booking a holiday or a restaurant or a convention hall or a wedding hall. In the hotel business, there are a number of events which should be transmitted to the local press, such as the appointment of a new chef, list of cocktails, menus for certain functions held at hotel, particulars of certain important conferences or exhibitions to be held, menus for special days of the year, photographs of staff dressed up for special days and well-known people staying in the hotel. There are a number of hotels doing a lot of charitable work and helping in organizing charitable fund-raising events too.

In the public relations, the activities range from a press release to newspaper and magazines, especially to create the interest of prospects in a holiday age in a good resort of a country. The holiday package tours and trips on familiarity with a tour spot, organized by tour operators for the travel agents to help them in enriching their knowledge and making the travelling decisions. Illustration, copy and the spoken word are the primary publicity to media, which are grouped into the following heads:

Printed Publicity Advertising Publicity Projected Publicity Structural Publicity Personal Publicity

Thus it is right to say that public relations activities occupy a significant place in the promotion mix of hotel companies. In the hotel companies, the tour operators, travel agents explore opportunities for educating the masses. In this context, it is important that hotel companies are getting the best co-operation from media and for which the Public Relations Officers or the marketers or the contact personnel bear the responsibility of developing rapport with them, organizing for them lunch or dinner, offering to them small gifts and influencing them to write in favour. You spend nominal amount but get big coverage, which help you substantially, if not at present of course in future. Sales Promotion In almost all the organizations, we feel the need of offering incentives for promoting the business. Like other organizations, the hotels and hotel companies also offer incentives to the users vis- -vis to the personnel and organizations evincing interest in promoting the business. Sales promotion is considered as a temporary device to increase the business with certain objectives. It is a short term activity seeking to boost sales during peak demand periods to make it sure that the firm obtains its market share and helps launch a new product or support an ailing or modified services. These facts make it clear that sales promotion is complementary to advertising. Sales promotion and advertising objectives do not conflict but reinforce one another. The tools of sales promotion are directed at the hotel staff, tour operator and travel agents and guests or clients. There is a three-tier arrangement for sales promotion in the hotel business. There are a number of incentives offered to them. In addition, some of the hotels also offer concessional travelling and accommodation facilities, especially to their staff. Besides, there are also cases of organizing sales contests

Product offering in the context of hospitality industry has seen enormous changes in the past few years with the advent of the Internet and the dawn of the digital age allowing the Industry to expand its reach to a larger base of customers not just in the domestic market but in the international markets as well with the increase in tourism footfalls and leisure holidays gaining

more importance and the increasing shift of importance to business travelers as well in the new liberalized and growing Indian economy. The pre-digital era involved more reliance upon the tie-ups with travel agencies to bring in customers to the hotels an there was very less information available about the type of product offering by the hotels which was limited to catalogues and the travel agents advice, this has seen a structural change with the advent of digital travel agencies such as new age booking sites like,,,, etc which brought about paradigm shift in the way the business was done giving customers the power to really choose in the comfort of their homes with access to all the information like customer feedbacks, the room rates and other charges, the amenities available, location, etc, thereby enabling him to make a informed decision. Now all big and even hotel brands have their own website presence whether it is the big brands like Taj or Hyatt or the regional local hotels to connect with the customers.. To build a stronger brand, hotels are now trying to differentiate their service offerings and bundle all its offerings into a product offering and promoting it as a Brand and connecting to customers to be ahead of competition. It has also led to more competition in the Industry which has ensured that customers get better rates and in the end customer being the king. The typical product mix of a hotel could be categorized under the following categories: Reception Boarding & Lodging Entertainment facilities such as cultural events Shopping outlets of high end brands, etc Personal Care such as spa, salon, gym, sports centers, etc Communication and transport such as magazines, newspapers, car rentals, guides, etc Medical facility such as first aid, ambulance, etc There has been a lot of Innovation in the sector as well with a whole range of new and unique product offerings some of which are briefly summed up below: Virtual tours of the hotel Special seasonal offers to increase the occupancy rates in off season Customer engagement through modern technology like Apps for Smartphone to connect with the customers and provide information etc and other like free wifi connectivity, etc Filtering of hotels by booking sites according to customer needs and then suggesting deals in future suiting his/her needs and preferences Flexibility in the service offerings such as Late checkout time, complimentary breakfast, dinner, etc to delight the customers Loyalty programs such as Bonus points or credits on hotel bookings for regular customers on a Loyalty card and offering special discounts depending upon the points or credits gained Exclusive offers such as extra night stay upon certain number of days with complimentary dinner, etc Rating of hotel according to customer to his/her experience and giving feedbacks

Green hotels which aims to be eco-friendly and hence create value through it by adopting green and sustainable measures and reducing its carbon footprint Providing facilities such as mini gym in the room for high end fitness enthusiasts Complimentary gifts according to customers tastes and preference for high end regular customers Special Dining offers clubbed with Hotel room bookings Early bird offers by offering discounts if rooms are booked in advance and easy cancellation policy

Thus, the change in product mix of the hotel industry has ensured that it keeps in touch with changes customer expectations and aspirations to stay competitive and redefine customer experience.

1) What is your preferred means of booking hotels ?

Preferred Means of Booking Hotels

Online Booking Travel Agent Booking Onsite Hotel Booking Telephone Booking

13% 48% 30% 9%

2) What are the factors that you consider while booking hotels ?

Factors considered for booking Hotels

80 60 40 20 0

3) On the basis of degree relative importance, please rate the following factors you consider while booking

Relative Importance of Factors

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

1 2 3 4 5

4) If you book hotels online, which booking websites do you prefer the most

Most Preferred Wesites

60 50 40 30 20 10 0

5) What are the problems that you faced while booking hotels online?

Problems faced while Online Booking

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Difficulty in Payment Slow Response to Query Irrelevant Misleading & Search Results Confusing offers Other

6)What are the types of promotional offers offered?

Types of Promotional Offers

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Regular Discount Loyalty Programs Off-season Plans Combo offers Online Booking Discounts

Conclusion The 4 Ps marketing mix was created in the early days of the marketing concept when physical products, physical distribution and mass communication were dominant. Today, with the new business environment created by the different and empowered capabilities of digital contexts, the marketing mix paradigm increasingly becomes object of criticisms. Although the mix has the capacity to include a wide set of variables in order to adapt to a large range of mutations in the business environment, many authors believe it is obsolete and inadequate for the 21st Century. The search for a new dominant paradigm for

operative decisions in digital environments is still in progress. We are still far from finding a new widely accepted standard able to fully substitute the 4 Ps mix after almost half century. The reason underlying this lack of a new universally accepted model is probably the imperfect comprehension of the full potential of the new digital technologies for business and the insufficient emphasis given to case study research on marketing operations. On-line companies have still to reach their full maturity, which industrial enterprises had reached when McCarthy formulated the 4 Ps. Until now, after almost fifty years, it is apparent that, despite the controversies between conservatives and revisionists, the basic construction of 4 Ps is still valid and, with some extension and adjustment, is still the core of operative decisions. The conservatives view described is based on the possibility to change the elements inside each P of the traditional mix. When e-marketing research and practice will arrive to a deeper comprehension and maturity in the digital environment, we will probably see a new marketing mix paradigm which will definitely put to the traditional 4 Ps to rest and give light to a new widely accepted paradigm for marketing operations.

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