Prevalence of Tobacco Products

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Prevalence of Tobacco Products:

A rural Indian perspective

PART 1 Primary Surveys in rural and urban regions of Pune with view of 250 individuals and Estimate the extents of usage of tobacco products used .

PART 2 Impact of tobacco use in rural regions and identifying the main reason for a prevalent use of tobacco products.

PART 3 Develop an effective intervention strategy to stop the rising use of tobacco products primarily in the rural areas

Data collected from very minor sample was considered applicable for a wide set of population
Uncertainty in probability of data collection has not been accounted for.

Part 1

Conducted in rural and urban parts of pune
Sample of 250 individuals spread over 30 days disintegrated in following sub divisions
a) b) Survey Preliminary survey data analysis

MONITER Analysis: Frequency of consumption PROTECT Analysis: Exposure to second hand influence of tobacco product

OFFER Analysis: Cessation

WARN Analysis: Anti-tobacco information ENFORCE Analysis: Tobacco Promotion

Urban MONITOR Analysis

Ratio of tobacco consumption (urban)
tobacco user tobacco non-user 34% 66%

Rural MONITOR Analysis

Ratio of tobacco consumption (rural)
tobacco user tobacco non-user

37% 63%

Majority chunk of the urban population does not use tobacco products
Recurrence of tobacco usage (urban)
60 40 20 0

Minority chunk of the rural population does not use tobacco products
Recurrence of tobacco usage (rural)

100 43 5 Daily Weekly 4 Monthly 1 less than monthly 50 56 0 Daily 7 Weekly 0 Monthly 1 less than monthly

The maximum number of tobacco consumers consume tobacco products on a daily recurrent basis

The maximum number of tobacco consumers consume tobacco products on a daily recurrent basis

Urban PROTECT Analysis

Exposure to tobacco at residing place (urban)

Rural PROTECT Analysis

Exposure to tobacco at residing place (rural)

9% 6% Daily exposure Weekly exposure no exposure

10% 9% Daily exposure Weekly exposure no exposure



That majority of the tobacco consumer are exposed to daily exposure in their residential areas

That majority of the tobacco consumer are not exposed to daily exposure in their residential areas

Urban OFFER Analysis

Tried to quit in past 12 months (urban)
Didn't Try tried Tried but, didn't seek medical assistance Tried and sought medical assistance

Rural OFFER Analysis

Tried to quit in past 12 months (rural)
Didn't Try tried Tried but, didn't seek medical assistance

58, 91% 26, 49% 27, 51% 27, 51%

6, 9%

6, 9%

0, 0%
0, 0%

50% of tobacco users do realize the demerits of tobacco use and have tries to quit the same.

90% of tobacco users (rural) do not realize the demerits of tobacco use and havent tried to quit the same

Urban WARN Analysis

Rural WARN Analysis

Types and extent of noticed tobacco warnings (urban)

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 30 25 20 Types and extent of noticed tobacco warnings 15 10 5 0

Types and extent of noticed tobacco warnings (rural)

Types and extent of noticed tobacco warnings

All of the urban tobacco users have noticed warnings on the packets of tobacco products or have encountered the same in news papers or televisions

Only a few of the rural tobacco users have noticed warnings on the packets of tobacco products

Urban ENFORCE Analysis

Types of promotions noticed (urban)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Rural ENFORCE Analysis

Types of promotions noticed (rural)

Indicates innovative marketing practices by the manufactures of tobacco products

indicates slowly accelerating marketing practices by the manufactures of tobacco products

Part 2

Conclusions drawn out of survey data analysis

Higher male respondents of rural area uses tobacco.

Daily use of tobacco is done in rural in form of smoking/non smoking and smoking in urban

In urban area ,quitting of tobacco products has been depicted whereas its minimal in rural

Conclusions drawn out of survey data analysis

Delay access to medical resources and lower educational attainment in rural areas leads to highest prevalence's rates of smoking

Tobacco illness is present more in rural area than urban

Tobacco company is emphazing on rural area

Factors Leading to of Tobacco Use(our analysis)

1.The role of family 2. The role of peer influence

3. Easy availability of tobacco products

4. Lateral/other Psychological/emotional factors

5. Promotion by tobacco companies

Part 3

1. Restricting Minors Access to Tobacco Products:
Sales Laws Directed at Tobacco Retailers to Reduce Illegal Sales to Minors

Laws Directed at Minors Purchase, Possession, or Use of Tobacco Products

Retailer Education with Information on Health Consequences

Community Education about Minors Access to Tobacco Products

2. Increasing Tobacco-Use Cessation
Increasing the Unit Price for Tobacco Products

3. Mass Media Education

Mass Media Education Campaigns Combined with Other Interventions

Mass Media EducationCessation Series

Mass Media EducationCessation Contests

4. Multi-component Interventions That Include Client Telephone Support
5. Reducing Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (E.T.S)
Smoking Bans and Restrictions Community Education to Reduce Exposure to E.T.S in the Home


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