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May 24, 2006

Officer Joseph Gray Peoria Police Department Peoria, Illinois 61602 Re: Letter of Suspension, PS#06-29 On May 2, 2006, you were involved in an incident where you were taken into custody by the San Francisco Police Department at Terminal 3, gate 82 ofthe San Francisco International Airport. Police reports and observations made by officers and witnesses at the scene indicate that you were discovered passed out which prompted a call for EMT's and police, and you appeared intoxicated. Paramedics attempted to render aid to you but you refused their assistance and were uncooperative. As Officer Canedo questioned you about your condition you stood up and your balance was unsteady. Officer Canedo states you pulled away and seemed angry and you were handcuffed at that time. According to the reports, as you were led from the seating area you were screaming and were told to cooperate and not resist. According to Officer Canedo you remained belligerent and were transported to the South Sub Station and placed into a holding cell. While in the holding cell you kicked the door several times and screamed "let me out, I'm a fucking cop you assholes. " You refused to quiet down and officers opened the cell door to quiet you down and you took an aggressive stance and said "let's fight" . You were physically restrained and handcuffed to a bench. You were verbally abusive, swearing, name calling, and threatening civil litigation to everyone in the booking area. You stated that you had six drinks prior to going to the airport and another 10 vodka martini's at the airport. You do not recall any details of the incident. This off duty use of alcohol apparently had an extreme effect on your behavior. The abhorrent behavior you exhibited during this incident brings discredit not only to yourself but to the Peoria Police Department. Although criminal charges were not filed, this behavior cannot be disregarded. Your behavior is a clear violation of:

General Order 100.06 - Rules and Regulations Article VI Rules of Conduct Section H Use of Alcohol and Drugs Paragraph 3

600 SWAdams Peoria, Illinois 61602-1592 309/673-4521

Officer Joseph Gray May 24,2006 PS#06-24 Page 2

"3. No officer shall be under the influence of alcohol in a public place while off duty to the extent that it results in obvious impairment, intoxication, or offensive conduct which discredits the officer or the department." Therefore it is my decision to suspend you without pay for three (3) working days. Any similar violations in the future may result in further disciplinary action, including termination. This letter shall remain in your personnel file. During your suspension you shall not exercise any police powers or take any police action. Upon receipt of this notice you are to surrender immediately your department issued badges and identification cards for the duration of your suspension. Your division commander will inform you of the dates of your suspension. Pursuant to Section 16.4 of the collective bargaining agreement currently between the City of Peoria and the Peoria police benevolent Association, disciplinary action by the police Chief or his designee shall be grievable, grievan e is filed within fifte days after the employee is notified of the in force review of any providing the discipline.

Steven M. Settingsgaar Chief of Police SMS:MTS c


Human Resources Director Labor Relations Manager Captain Michael Scally Lieutenant Robert Baer PPBA Secretary Personnel File '/ Professional Standards File







December 21, 2009 ML Joseph Gray . 523 Shady Oaks Metamora, IL 61548 RE: Letter of Termination; PS #09-14

Mr. Joseph Gray: I reviewed the internal investigation regarding your off duty traffic accident arid subsequent arrest on.March 8, 2009, You were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and for felony criminal damage to property. You entered a guilty plea to felony criminal damage to property. The guilty plea was upheld which in effect removes your ability to maintain a certification as a police officer in the State of Illinois under 50' n.cs 7,05/6.1. . You maintain that your appearance of intoxication and violent behavior in kicking out the window of a Metamora Police Department squad car were related to your use of medication at the time of the accident. Thestatements made by civilian and police-witnesses at the scene indicate you were under the influence of alcohol and Officer Boland's investigation did not find any evidence which refuted the witness statements. You were in violation of several Illinois State Statutes as well as being in violation of General Order 100.06 Rules and Regulations Section VI (A) 1 Rules Conduct which states: ''No officer shall violate any law, department policy, regulation, order, rule, or procedure."


You were also in violation of Section VI (B) 1 Conduct unbecoming ail officer which states: "No officer shall engage in any conduct or activity on or off duty that reflects discredit upon the Department or its officers, -or tends to bring this Department in disrepute, or impairs its . efficient and effective operation." The March 8, 2009 incident is the. second alcohol related offense for which you have received discipline. You received a three (3) day suspension for a May 6, 2006 incident in San Francisco. You were arrested while intoxicated in the San Francisco International Airport, You were belligerent to officers and kicked the cell doors and took a fighting stance with officers who were. then forced to physically restrain you and handcuff you to a bench. You admitted to drinking 16 alcoholic beverages leading up to your arrst The suspension letter you received related to the 2006 incident warn~d that: "Ally similar violations in the future may result in further disciplinary action, including termination.

600 SW Adams Peoria, Illinois 61602-1592 309/673-4521



Mr. Joseph Gray .December 21, 2009 PS #09-14 Page 2

Officer Joseph Gray you are being tetminated from employment with the City of Peoria Police Department for violations of Illinois State Laws, d'eneral Order 100.06, progressive discipline related to a 2006 .suspension for an alcohol related incident, and due to your loss of certification as a police officer in the State of illinois. Upon receipt of this notice you are to immediately surrender your Department issued badges and identification cards, and all other Department equipment. Pursuant to section 16.4 of the collective bargaining agreement currently in force between the City of Peoria and the Peoria Police Benevolent Association, review of any disciplinary action by the Police Chief or his designee shall be grieved, providing the grievance is filed within twenty days after the empl e is notified of t discipline.

~H'~~---'Steven M. Settingsgaard Chief of Police c City Manager Acting Director of Human Resources Labor Relations Manager Uniformed Operations Captain PPBA President Personnel File Professional Standards File

Date Date

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