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For a Harvest NEW YEAR

Harvest Baptist Church
...welcome to the harvest!

13 January, 2013
Message Two


Acts 1:8
Point 2. The ________________ unit from which Jesus measured the mission was a city. Point 3. Discipleship is not just leading ____________; it is training others to become a leader like you. Point 4. The context for a miracle is always __________ sacrice. Point 5. You are either called to this church to become proof of God to this city, or you need to ________ to where you are.

AN EXPERIENTIAL EXEGESIS OF SCRIPTURAL DISSONANCE 1. Sometimes there is scriptural dissonance because the Bible is a ________ story 2. Sometimes the Bible has scriptural dissonance because it is ________________ and not invented 3. Sometimes we nd scriptural dissonance simply because we are not willing to believe the promise to the point we ______ on it in faith

2 Peter 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these


The mission of God is to win ____________ world through lust.

ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the

Point 1. True spirituality means living an ____________________ spiritual life.

HOW TO GO REACH THE CITY 1. Grow in ____________ and apply our lives to the city that needs to be reached, and God will use us, Eccl 9:13-18 2. How you treat what you ________ determines how much more Christ rewards you with at his return, Luke 19:11-26 3. God puts you in the __________ where he wants the city to change, Rev 22:23-27 4. We must ________ the city we are in to the Lord, Jer 29:4-7,11-13

A Common Vision for a Cohesive Team

TODAY Nursing Mothers new room available for use (room 2) 5:00P.M. (New Service Time!) The Next Level The philosophy and function of Discipleship. SNL Sunday Night Live! for kids TUESDAY 10:00A.M. Pinterest Live ladies craft circle in the gym 7:00P.M. Gospel Choir Practice All are welcome to come out and sing! WEDNESDAY 7:00P.M. AWANA program for kids 2yrs-6th Grade Devotional study for adults in the auditorium, Psalm 121 Saturday 9:00a.m. Deacons Meeting room 6 NEXT SUNDAY 9:00 & 10:45A.M. Dream Work that Makes the Team Work, 1 Kings 19:15-21 Volunteers! If you can play a radio or run a computer you are qualied to help with media. Sign up with Mark back at the audio booth or in the lobby. We will schedule an audio/ lights/Powerpoint training soon. We need four more adults to help with our SNL (Sunday Night Live) kids at 5:00P.M. See Courtney Ball or give your name to the Hospitality Booth.


Discipleship! We can't make cookie cutter Jesus copies. If we could, Christianity would be counterfeited by the Devil. Instead, Christianity has to come passed-down through human DNA in a one-on-one process called Discipleship. Come learn how to pass-on life with Christ to someone else, Sunday nights at 5:00PM!

Next Up!
I. THE COMING OF THE KINGDOM, 3 II. THE COMMAND ABOUT THE COMFORTER, 4-5 A. For Encouragement, 4 B. For Energy, 5 III. THE CONFUSION OVER THE CULMINATION, 6-8 A. Our Priorities Clarified, 6-7 B. Gods Program and Commission, 8 Dream Work to Make the Team Work, 1 Kings 19:15-21 Rev. W. Alan Shelby @HBCBlueSprings


Sun Jan 20 Sun Jan 27 Sun Feb 3 Sun Feb 10 Sun Feb 17 Sun Feb 24 Sun Mar 3 Dreamwork that Makes the Team Work, 1 Kings 19:15-21 #1 Salvation: Starting with Evangelism, Matt 28:16-20 #2 Security: Payment to Erase Your Pain, Isa 53:4-5 #3 Baptism: Bridge to Holiness, Rom 6:1-11 #4 The Spirit: Making Dead Bones Dance, Ezek 37:1-14 #5 Bible: Wrestling for Your Blessing, Gen 32:9-12,24-26 #6 Prayer: Our Communications Circuit, John 14:12-14

Acts 1:8

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