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Research Projects on selected Cultural Festivals in Ghana October 2009-March 2010 Introduction Culture remains an important component of countrys branding targets and ought to be the main instrument of the training of our children. The benefits of a well-branded country and in some cases towns are too enormous to be ignored. Currently, tourism is the third largest earner of income for the country. Not surprisingly, culture is the driving force in the this very important industry. Again, modernization, the association of Africa with mediocre and doom by the west, urbanization and the gradual disappearance of the extended family support system necessitates an invigoration, revitalization, preservation and the repackaging of our culture. One way to contribute to this process is to document our languages and culture. This can be and is most successfully done by an informed elite in a teacher training institution where the focus of both students and lecturers is the best in education in the most appropriate culture. This is the object of this whole exercise of the documentation of festivals in our communities no matter how obscure or restricted that festival may be. Goal: to document some festivals in Ghana in six months from the date of Commencement of this project. Objective: Document aspects of our dying culture or under threat of extinction expose the aspects of our cultures as a means to branding our Country and our communities attract support for their development into national and tourism assets provide reading material for our educational institutions provide an avenue for project associates to contribute to the academia help enhance the image and employment drive of contributors

Problem Festivals are either disappearing or little attention is paid to them in spite of their huge potential in contributing to the branding of our nation and communities. They have therefore failed to provide the economic relief to the communities in which they exist. There is an international effort at documenting languages and cultures that are under danger of extinction. Not much attempt is being done in this direction in Ghana. National institutions such as the Departments of Ghanaian languages and the Centre for National Culture do not either have the resources or they stand aloof whilst the situation degenerates. Unfortunately, however, our chiefs and elders who possess a very good knowledge such matters are dying. We therefore risk the possibility of losing this aspect of our culture completely or documenting it at the time when much of the knowledge has been lost. It was acceptable in the past to allow foreigners to record such an important area for us for reasons known to amny of us but is a shame at this stage of our

development effort to sit whilst our cultures and traditions are re-written not just in another persons language but with that persons warped understanding of the culture. Justification Most of the festivals targeted in this study are little known or if they are they have not yet been properly documented. In cases where they are well documented we take another perspective in the documentation; for instance, looking more extensively at the economic value or their role in the sustenance of the ecosystem. Tourists would very much appreciate any form of literature on these festivals. Senegal is believed to be the most preferred destination in West Africa. Ghanas position Africa is not very much noticed. Yet the country possess some the most attractive cultural tourist sites and artifacts that are either little known or developed. One important medium by which a country can be branded is through the marketing of its cultural heritage. Festivals are an aspect of our culture attract visitors and expose the beauty of the culture. Cultural studies books are either non-existent or very limited in our educational institutions. The project will provide some reading material to these institutions at very affordable prices. Outputs 1) three important meetings organised to discuss project objectives and the instruments for the research 2) produce a book on some festivals in Ghana for schools and the curious foreigner Outcomes: 1) many unnoticed and sheltered festivals brought to the fore 2) many more tourists attracted to hitherto unknown cultural festival sites 3) communities whose festival are exposed improve their image and brand 4) Ghanas corporate image and branding greatly enhanced. Project Period: Work Plan 1) September 2009 2) Octber 2009 October 2009-May 2009.

Write proposal for the consideration of project team/associates Identify students of different languages and cultures from across UEW (Winneba Campus) 3) October 2009 Invite project team to meeting to discuss project 4) November 2009 Follow-up meeting to discuss outline and research questions and nature of data collection 5) December-January 2010 Collection of data and writing of draft during the Xmas holidays project associates 6) February 2010 Project meeting: February 5, 2009

7) February 2009: 8) February-March 8) March -May, 2010

Typesetting/editing of drafts Identify and select Printers/Publishers Publication of Manuscript

Project Team Leader: E. Avea Nsoh, Department of Gur-Gonja Languages Education, University of Education, Winneba. Associates: Selected Language and Cultural Consultants drawn from B.Ed, Mphil students & Teaching Assistants Modus operandi: Identify committed students and lecturers with similar interest Meet to discuss modalities for the project Go to field during holidays Report back at re-opening Consider data and draft Discuss possible review of draft Submission of draft for editing and typesetting Research Questions 1) Preliminaries Your culture consultant; name; status; age; occupation; name of community, place and time of interview, audience type and number, etc. 2) What is the name of the festival? 3) Are there other names? 4) When is celebrated? 5) Is there a traditional calendar for the celebration? 6) Who declares/announces the festival? 7) Who are the main participants at the festival? 8) What time of the day is it celebrated? 9) Is it a days event? Or much longer time? State that clearly. 10) What is the genesis of the festival 11) What rituals are associated with it? 12) Who performs the rituals? 13) What sacrifices are involved? 14) Items used in the rituals. 15) Is it taking any new dimensions? 16) What are the major economic activities associated with it? 17) Have these economic benefits changed over the years? 18) Who benefits most from these festivals: indigenes, government, assembly, foreigners,

19) Any other general observations. Tentative Outline for Manuscript Festival in Ghana (Tentative) 1. General Introduction 1.1 collection method/techniques 1.2 The people and the Language (s) they speak 1.3 Demographic/geographic information 1.4 Genetic affiliation 1.5 About your consultants 1.6 Your experience 1.7 About the project 2 Festival calendar 2.1 What is called? 2.2 Festival period 2.3 Description of calendar if any 2.4 History Rituals 3.1 Type of ritual 3.2 Nature of sacrifices 3.3 Objects used in sacrifices 3.4 Costume Major custodians 4.1 Chief (s) 4.2 Elders 4.3 Youth leaders Modern developments associated with the Festival 5.1 Beliefs 5.2 rituals 5.3 costumes 5.4 participants 5.5 attitudes 5.6 economy of the communities Major participants

6.1 Chiefs and peoples 6.2 Neigbouring communities 6.3 Government officials 6.4 Youth groups 7 Economic activities 7.1 Traditional businesses 7.2 Emerging businesses 7.3 Business potential Shaded side of the Festival 8.1 Problem faced by the festival or its organizers 8.2 Negative effects 8.3 Marketing The festival as brand instrument 9.1 Branding strategies 9.2 Chiefs and people as personification of the brand 9.3 Positioning the Brand 9.4 Touch points: logo, tag line, customer service, etc

10 Recreational and Accommodation facilities 10.1 Hotels/hostels 10.2 Other tourists attractions 10.3 Means of transport 10.4 Telecommunication facilities 11 Conclusions

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