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Extracted from Fossen (1994), Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Wiley and Sons Inc. Appendix 3.

5 Mathematical Models of the ESSO 190000 dwt Tanker Mathematical models describing the manoeuvrability of large tankers in deep and confined waters are found in Van Berlekom and Goddard (1972). One of these models, the ESSO 19000 dwt tanker, is listed below: ESSO 190000 dwt Tanker
Length between perpendiculars (Lpp) Beam (B) Draft to design waterline (T) Displacement ( ) Lpp/B B/T Block coefficient (CB) Design speed (u0) Nominal propeller 304.80 (m) 47.17 (m) 18.46 (m) 220,000.00 (m3) 6.46 (-) 2.56 (-) 0.83 (-) 16.00 (knots) 80.00 (rpm)

Deep and confined waters are described by a water depth parameter:

T hT


where T (m) is the ship draft and h > T (m) is the water depth. A3.5.1 Speed and Steering Equations of Motion Non-dimensional Hydrodynamic Derivatives (Bis-System)

(Lk z )2 r + Lx G ur = gLN

u vr = gX v + ur = gY

(A3.5.2) (A3.5.3) (A3.5.4)

where k z = L1 I z / m is the non-dimensional radius of gyration, x = L1 x G , and X , Y and G N are nonlinear non-dimensional functions:
X = X (u , u , v, r, T, , c, ) Y = Y (u , u , v, r, T, , c, ) Z = Z(u , u , v, r, T, , c, )


The hydrodynamic derivatives corresponding to these expressions are given in the table on the next page. In addition to these equations, propeller thrust T and flow velocity c at the rudder are defined as:


Extracted from Fossen (1994), Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Wiley and Sons Inc.

gT = L1Tuu u 2 + Tun un + LT n n n n

(A3.5.6) (A3.5.7)

c 2 = c 2 un + c 2 n 2 un nn

The hydrodynamic derivatives in the table follow standard hydrodynamic notation. For instance, the non-dimensional surge force is written:

gX = X u u + L1X uu u 2 + L1X vv v 2 + L1X c c c 2 c + L1X c c c + gT (1 t ) c

+ X u u + L1X uu u 2 + X vr + L1X vv v 2 2


where the first two lines are deep water effects and the last line is confinement effects. Hence, we can write the resulting surge dynamics according to:

(1 X X )u = L (X + L ( X
u u


+ X uu u 2 + 1 + X vv + X vv vr
+ X 2 v 2 + L1Xc c c2 vv c (A3.5.9)

+ L1Xc c c + gT(1 t) c The expression for the sway is derived in a simular manner, that is:
gY = L1Yuv uv + L1Y v v v + L1Yc c c c + Yur ur + L1Yc c c c v + YT gT + Yur ur + L1Yuv uv + L1Y v v v + L1Yc c c c v

+ Yv v Yv v
Substituting this equation into (A3.5.3) we obtain:


(1 Y Y ) v = L
v v

Yuv uv + L1Y v v v v (A3.5.11)

+ L1Yc c c c + ( Yur 1) ur + L1Yc c c c + YT gT + Yur ur + L1Yuv uv + L1Y v v v + L1Yc c c c v The expression for yaw dynamics is derived in a similar manner, that is: gLN = N uv + LN r v r + N c c c + LN ur + N c c c uv ur v c c + LN gT + LN ur ur + N uv + LN r v r + N c c c uv T v c

+ L2 Nr + L2 N r r r Substituting this equation into (A.3.5.4) we obtain:



Extracted from Fossen (1994), Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Wiley and Sons Inc.

L2 k2 N N r = N uv + LN r v r + N c c c uv z r r v c
+ L ( N x ) ur + N c c c + LN gT ur G T c + LN ur ur + N uv + LN r v r + N c c c uv v c Rudder angle limit: 10o to +10o and rudder model is
= c (where c is commanded rudder)



Rudder rate limit: 2.33o to +2.33o Maximum shaft rpm: n = 80 rpm n= 1 nc n (where n c is commanded shaft rpm, Tm = 50) Tm 60
(A3.5.15) (A3.5.16) (A3.5.17) (A3.5.18)

Yaw rate: r = Position in x-axis: X = u cos v sin Position in y-axis: Y = u sin + v cos
A3.5.2 Non-dimensional Hydrodynamic Derivatives (Bis-System)

1 Xu X uu 1 + X vr X vv X c c
X c c t X u X uu

X-equation 1.050 -0.0377 2.020 0.300

-0.093 0.152 0.22 -0.05

= v/u
(thrust deduction)

-0.0061 0.387 0.0125

additional terms in shallow water

X vr X vv
1 Yv Yur 1 Yuv


2.020 0.752 1.205


Extracted from Fossen (1994), Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Wiley and Sons Inc.

2.400 0.208

YT Yv Yur Yuv

2.16 0.04 0.387 0.182 0.85 (1 0.0 0.50 0.191 N-equation


(propeller side force) additional terms in ) 0.8 shallow water


< 0.8


(k )

0.1232 N r 0.231 Nur x G 0.451 Nuv 0.300 N r v


N c c N c c
N T r N

0.098 0.688 0.02 0.0045 0.047 0.241 0.120

(propeller yaw moment) additional terms in shallow water

N ur N uv
N r v
N c c


0.344 0.00695 0.00630 0.0000354 0.605 38.2 c-equation n0 n<0

Tuu Tun
T n n

c un c nn c=0

The state vector is defined as x = [ u, v, r, , X, Y, , n ] .



Extracted from Fossen (1994), Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Wiley and Sons Inc.

MATLAB M-file for Nonlinear Model of Tanker (Fossen, 2002)

function [xdot,U] = tanker(x,ui) % [xdot,U] = tanker(x,ui) returns the speed U in m/s (optionally) and the % time derivative of the state vector: x = [ u v r x y psi delta n ]' for % a large tanker L = 304.8 m where: % % u = surge velocity, must be positive (m/s) - design speed u = 8.23 m/s % v = sway velocity (m/s) % r = yaw velocity (rad/s) % x = position in x-direction (m) % y = position in y-direction (m) % psi = yaw angle (rad) % delta = actual rudder angle (rad) % n = actual shaft velocity (rpm) - nominal propeller 80 rpm % % The input vector is : % % ui = [ delta_c n_c h ]' where % % delta_c = commanded rudder angle (rad) % n_c = commanded shaft velocity (rpm) % h = water depth, must be larger than draft (m) - draft is 18.46 m % % Reference : Van Berlekom, W.B. and Goddard, T.A. (1972). Maneuvering of Large Tankers, % Transaction of SNAME, 80:264-298 % % Author: Trygve Lauvdal % Date: 1994-05-12 % Revisions: 2001-07-20, T. I. Fossen: added speed output U, changed order of x-vector % 2005-05-02, T. I. Fossen: changed the incorrect expression % c = sqrt(cun^2*u*n + cnn^2*n^2) to c = sqrt(cun*u*n + cnn*n^2) % - thanks to Dr. Euan McGookin, University of Glasgow % Check of input and state dimensions if (length(x) ~= 8),error('x-vector must have dimension 8 !');end if (length(ui) ~= 3),error('u-vector must have dimension 3 !');end % Normalization variables L = 304.8; % length of ship (m) g = 9.8; % acceleration of gravity (m/s^2) % Dimensional states and input delta_c = ui(1); n_c = ui(2)/60; h = ui(3); u v r psi delta n = = = = = = x(1); x(2); x(3); x(6); x(7); x(8)/60;


Extracted from Fossen (1994), Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Wiley and Sons Inc.
U = sqrt(x(1)^2 + x(2)^2);

% Parameters, hydrodynamic derivatives and main dimensions delta_max = 10; % max rudder angle (deg) Ddelta_max = 2.33; % max rudder derivative (deg/s) n_max = 80; % max shaft velocity (rpm) t Tm T = = = 0.22; 50; 18.46; 0.605; 38.2;

cun = cnn =

Tuu = -0.00695; Tun = -0.00063; Tnn = 0.0000354; m11 = m22 = m33 = 1.050; 2.020; 0.1232; % 1 - Xudot % 1 - Yvdot % kz^2 - Nrdot % 1 + Xvr % Yur - 1 % Nur - xG YT = Yvv = Yuv = Yvdotz = Yurz = Yvvz = Yuvz = Yccd = Yccbbd = Yccbbdz= 0.04; -2.400; -1.205; -0.387; 0.182; -1.5; 0; 0.208; -2.16; -0.191; NT Nvr Nuv Nrdotz Nurz Nvrz Nuvz Nccd Nccbbd Nccbbdz = = = = = = = = = = -0.02; -0.300; -0.451; -0.0045; -0.047; -0.120; -0.241; -0.098; 0.688; 0.344;

d11 = 2.020; d22 = -0.752; d33 = -0.231; Xuuz Xuu Xvv Xudotz Xuuz Xvrz Xccdd Xccbd Xvvzz = = = = = = = = = -0.0061; -0.0377; 0.3; -0.05; -0.0061; 0.387; -0.093; 0.152; 0.0125;

% Additional terms in shallow water z = T/(h - T); if h<18.5, error('the depth must be larger than the draft (18.5 m)'); end if z >= 0.8, Yuvz = -0.85*(1-0.8/z);end % Rudder saturation and dynamics if abs(delta_c) >= delta_max*pi/180, delta_c = sign(delta_c)*delta_max*pi/180; end delta_dot = delta_c - delta; if abs(delta_dot) >= Ddelta_max*pi/180, delta_dot = sign(delta_dot)*Ddelta_max*pi/180; end % Shaft saturation and dynamics if abs(n_c) >= n_max/60, n_c = sign(n_c)*n_max/60; end


Extracted from Fossen (1994), Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Wiley and Sons Inc.

n_dot = 1/Tm*(n_c-n)*60; % Forces and moments if u<=0, error('u must be larger than zero'); end beta = v/u; gT = (1/L*Tuu*u^2 + Tun*u*n + L*Tnn*abs(n)*n); c = sqrt(cun*u*n + cnn*n^2); gX = 1/L*(Xuu*u^2 + L*d11*v*r + Xvv*v^2 + Xccdd*abs(c)*c*delta^2 ... + Xccbd*abs(c)*c*beta*delta + L*gT*(1-t) + Xuuz*u^2*z ... + L*Xvrz*v*r*z + Xvvzz*v^2*z^2); = + + + = + + + 1/L*(Yuv*u*v + Yvv*abs(v)*v + Yccd*abs(c)*c*delta + L*d22*u*r ... Yccbbd*abs(c)*c*abs(beta)*beta*abs(delta) + YT*gT*L ... L*Yurz*u*r*z + Yuvz*u*v*z + Yvvz*abs(v)*v*z ... Yccbbdz*abs(c)*c*abs(beta)*beta*abs(delta)*z); Nuv*u*v + L*Nvr*abs(v)*r + Nccd*abs(c)*c*delta +L*d33*u*r ... Nccbbd*abs(c)*c*abs(beta)*beta*abs(delta) + L*NT*gT ... L*Nurz*u*r*z + Nuvz*u*v*z + L*Nvrz*abs(v)*r*z ... Nccbbdz*abs(c)*c*abs(beta)*beta*abs(delta)*z;



m11 = (m11 - Xudotz*z); m22 = (m22 - Yvdotz*z); m33 = (m33 - Nrdotz*z); % Dimensional state derivative xdot = [ gX/m11 gY/m22 gLN/(L^2*m33) cos(psi)*u-sin(psi)*v sin(psi)*u+cos(psi)*v r delta_dot n_dot ];


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