Town of Holden Beach: "Unofficial" Minutes & Comments

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Unofficial Minutes & Comments

Lous Views

1. Fiscal Year 2011 2012 Audit Report Alan Thompson Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams and Co.

Unqualified opinion which is to say they gave the Town a clean report. Commissioner Harrington questioned the timeliness of the report which is normally given in October. Alan responded that the reason for the delay was that despite previous experience working with the Town it was the first year that they performed our audit after a number of years of not doing so, so it took a little longer. Mayor Holden pointed out that the bottom-line is that our total liabilities are down and our assets are up so we are going in the right direction.
2. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Acceptance of Donation of No Littering of Cigarette Butts Materials and Labor from Edward Gutknecht

Nice public service by Keep Brunswick Beautiful Asked for and got approval to post signs, distribute ashtrays and literature *** Parks & Recreation Department was supposed to create a uniform / standard signage for each beach access point that includes all of the rules & regulations that apply to the beach strand. They haven't done any work on signage yet.
3. Police Report Chief Wally Layne

Introduced newest addition to the police force Officer Sean Watson Community Watch Need to look out for each other and report any suspicious activity Call 911 if you see or hear anything suspicious Request property check by the police if you will be out of town West End Guard Shack So, have you heard the one about the guy who while driving his pickup truck reaches down to pick up his dog and drives into the guard shack?

It may sound like the beginning of a joke but unfortunately its not The impact completely destroyed, leveled, wiped out, totaled (You get the picture) What Im saying is the guard shack is history; there is nothing but asphalt there now Hard to believe but the driver was sober Fortunately no one was hurt
4. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 13-01, Resolution Requesting the General Assembly Increase the Maximum Time Allowed for Accrual of Dredging Funds in a Fee Supported Canal Dredging District to 10 Years

Lewis Mitchell addressed issue at the Public Comments section of the meeting. Initiative to increase the number of years they can collect and hold funds for dredging projects came forward from the canal POAs. Ordinance allows flexibility in accrual time increasing maximum time from five (5) years to ten (10) years.
5. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 13-02, Resolution Accepting and Endorsing the Solid Waste Management Plan of 2022 for Brunswick County

NC requires local government to update Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan at least every three years; Holden Beach is supporting ten year waste management plan. 6. Curbside Recycling Program Waste Industries Waste Industries offers curbside recycling for a fee County residences can sign up for annual service fee of $77.04 They also offer a reduced rate of $3.65 month or $43.80 year THB would qualify if 100 residents signup for the program Only 75 properties have signed up which is less than the required threshold level to get the discounted rate. Previously Commissioner Harrington recommended having the Town pick-up the tab (BPART account), tonight he recommended it be paid for from our taxes. Discussion was mostly about the program participation being voluntary vs. being mandatory. We currently spend @$40,000 year for the dumpsters at the recycling center If the Town is really committed to recycling than the program should be 1) Mandatory 2) BPART funds utilized to minimize or eliminate the service fee

We are not talking about big numbers here 1) 2,100 residences at $44 is $92,400 2) $92,400 less the $40,000 we spend for dumpsters now is $52,400 3) $52,400 % 2,100 residences is $24.95 per residence per year @$2 per month Two dollars a month is not going to have any negative socioeconomic impact on any of us This is doable if the Commissioners have the will to make it happen *** Unintended consequences - Of course, if mandatory and no dumpsters at recycling center than every other week pick-up would not be adequate during prime tourist season.

7. Discussion and Possible Approval of Request by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board to Accept Donations to Beautify the PAR Course Area

In the you cant make this stuff up category Request was to accept monetary donations made to purchase vegetation Town staff to select plant material and location of plantings This was unacceptable to this board They wanted additional constraints and sent it back to committee Its ridiculous when they cant even agree to accept donations Plan was approved in August 2011 Raging debate about palm trees was in February 2012 Went from 70 palm trees to no vegetation Now in January of 2013, we are still undecided about vegetation there So let me get this straight We paid an engineer and landscape architect We had Parks & Recreation Advisory Board recommend approval We had Town staff support plan We had BOC approve plan We still have not implemented plan It sure does not seem like they have their act together Or is it just me? *** Par Course (Fitness Stations) was supposed to include benches, water fountains and palm trees with project costs already in budget with the source of funding BPART account. Benches and fountain materials have been procured for some time now and Public Works installation of same is

imminent. Programmed funds for palms were not executed per BOCs and were returned to fund balance.
8. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 13-04, Resolution to Amend the Town of Holden Beach Rules of Operation and Establish User Fees for All Holden Beach Facilities

Previously reported The Town had set-up a fee schedule to reserve the Pavilion for private and / or public events. Courts have rules that anytime you engage in business activities like charging fees you will be treated as a business and no longer enjoy immunity from liability. BOCs suspended collecting any fees in the future and refunding any fees collected on existing bookings. No court decision has been made yet so we are waiting to decide how to proceed until the outcome of State Supreme Court ruling. A local dance studio has scheduled and is charging for exercise classes that are being given at the Pavilion and Yoga classes that are being given on the beach strand. The town would like to prevent commercial enterprises from doing this. Apparently none of our current ordinances apply to this situation. Prudently the board sent this issue, use of town facilities for business purposes, to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for them to study and make a recommendation Update New agreement gives the Town control to approve use or not THB reserves the right to accept or reject any use of the facility whether or not it is reserved. No mention or discussion of liability issues when charging user fee...
9. Town Managers Report

Lockwood Folly Inlet dredging The Army Corps of Engineers will begin maintenance dredging Four weeks scheduled 1) Last week in February 2) First week in March 3) Second week in May 4) Second week in June Beach compatible sand will be placed on east end of beach strand Fire station renovation work has been completed, its good to go

Xmas trees collected at recycling center will be used in beach nourishment program Parks & Recreation Site Plan to be presented at next BOCs meeting Should have everything needed in next few weeks Recreation Site Plans In November the Board requested that the plans be modified and that the scaled drawings be presented to the Board for approval. The plan is to hold off doing cost estimates till schematic depicting of what we want where is finalized. We need more action and less talking if we want this completed for the 2013 tourist season.

General Comments
Rough start to the New Year, contentious meeting as things got out of control a number of times. Commissioner Lehr was not in attendance therefore the Mayor was required to vote several times. Meeting really tried my patience. It is disappointing / frustrating to sit through meetings where they are unable or unwilling to take any action.


Upon Further Review

This month in the continuing saga of Mark Saunders and The Coastal Companies

BB&T files paperwork to foreclose on Saunders BB&T has filed a foreclosure motion against developer Mark Saunders and several companies owned by him. According to court documents the bank is charging that he defaulted on loans of about $4.5 million. The action by Branch Banking and Trust Co. cites loans dating back to 1997 and expired in March. The foreclosure adds to the list of legal actions taken against developer Saunders and his umbrella corporation. Read more here p=all&tc=pgall

Foreclosure filed on Saunders' properties Couple seeks new neighbors in Jaguar's Lair Property owner unhappy with Jaguar's Lair agreement

Corrections & Amplifications

Frontal Dune Policies Stated Holden Beach Code of Ordinances Made by the Planning & Zoning Board Should have said Submitted by the Planning & Zoning Board The P & Z Board can only propose ordinances to the BOCs But only the BOCs can implement changes and make the ordinances for Holden Beach. Town would like walkways to go over newly created dunes. Currently no requirement to build any walkways Most walkways are not in compliance including the towns. 1) Walkways are supposed to go over the frontal dune, the one closest to the water a) Goal is to minimize people walking across the dunes b) Ordinance has $500 fine for walking on dunes no citations have been issued

Does not make sense to continue to spend money to put sand on the beach strand and then not address this issue. All agreed we need to protect the dunes, now we need to figure out how we can do that. Understand the challenges as follows: 1) Significant cost to oceanfront property owners. No easy or inexpensive solution 2) Complicating the issue The situation varies based on island location Sand and dunes are constantly shifting 3) Town has proposed three possible solutions: a) Change ordinance b) Change definition of frontal dune c) Require portable board and chain paths Its been awhile since it even came up yet alone anything was done to implement changes

Odds and ends

Terminal Groin Project Terminal groins are structures that run perpendicular to the shore and close to a tidal inlet to catch sand and keep the shoreline intact. Towns position is that a terminal groin could be a vital part of our beach nourishment program; providing stability in the most erosion prone areas of the island. Meeting was held on Thursday September 6th, all stake holders were represented Formal rollout for short terminal groin at the east end of the island Below is link to The Army Corps of Engineers slide show

Terminal Groin Project Review Team Meeting Presentation

Wildlife Mother Nature has provided an answer to our ongoing rodent problem. Unfortunately the bobcats are not just eliminating the rodents; rabbits and our cats have become casualties as well. Bobcats are crepuscular mammals, meaning they're most active at dawn and dusk, I strongly recommend you take your pets indoors when they are out and about. Feline Management Program which is essentially a community supported animal rescue program. Placed nine (9) cats only four (4) accounted for now

A number of people have asked me if we are doing anything about the bobcats I spoke to wildlife biologist Tom Padgett this week The abridged version is that he would like to see more bobcats and less feline cats Bobcats are native Feline cats are not native and are considered an invasive species Hunting season in the County is October 15th through February 28th There is no hunting allowed on Holden Beach They will only trap bobcats if they become a public safety issue He pointed out that they are not easily trapped

Factoid That May Interest Only Me

North Carolina ranks fifth for annual growth The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that North Carolina's population increased by more than 100,000 people in the past year earning it a rank of fifth (5) for such growth nationally. The ranks only concerned with numeric increases and are not to be confused with growth-rate ranks. North Carolinas one-year growth-rate was 1 percent for a rank of fifteen (15). Based on its estimated population of 9,752,073, the Tar Heel State remains the tenth largest state. Hottest Year Ever 2012 turns out to have been the hottest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States. How hot was it? The temperature differences between years are usually measured in fractions of a degree, but last years 55.3 degree average demolished the previous record, set in 1998, by a full degree Fahrenheit. The 10 warmest years on record all fell within the past 15 years, a measure of how much the planet has warmed. Read more here nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20130109

Things I Think I Think

Restaurant Review: Dinner Club visits a new restaurant once a month. Ratings reflect the reviewers reaction to food, ambience and service, with price taken into consideration.

Name: Cuisine: Location: Contact: Food: Service: Ambience: Cost: <=40 Rating:

Ports of Call Mediterranean 116 N. Howe Street, Southport 910.457.4544 / Average / Very Good / Excellent / Exceptional Efficient / Proficient / Professional / Expert Drab / Plain / Distinct / Elegant Inexpensive <=17 / Moderate <=22 / Expensive <=27 / Exorbitant Two Stars

The downtown bistro, bakery and gourmet market, located two blocks from the water in the former Maritime Museum on Howe Street, offers a unique international dining experience. A well-rounded menu of comfort foods served in a homey local restaurant. The tapas were wonderful the entrees not so much.

Buy one entre, get one free!

Angelo's Steak & Pasta 2311 S Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, SC (843) 626-2800 Myrtle Beach The Sun News Find n Save Coupon

Angelos Steak & Pasta It's all about the steaks! Home of The Greatest Steaks in the Universe They serve 75,000 steaks a year there Steaks range from 8 oz. to 24 oz. and are priced from $15 to $35 With coupon you are just paying $.73 oz. or $11.67 lb. a) which is close to what you pay in the meat section at your supermarket At this price, it costs almost that much to eat at home As good a steak as you will get at your upscale steakhouses Hard to beat this deal, great steaks and an incredible value Last year they opened at their new location two blocks south of the restaurant they operated for 23 years at the southern end of Myrtle Beach. Book Review: Read over six (6) books from The New York Times best sellers fiction list monthly Selection represents this months pick of the litter ///// PHANTOM, by Jo Nesbo This is the ninth entry in the bestselling crime novel series about Harry Hole a damaged alcoholic detective. The son of a woman he loved has been arrested for murder. No longer in the police force, Harry returns to Oslo where he sets out on a solitary investigation. Harry is in constant jeopardy and the complex plot contains several twists and turns that ends in a shocking climax.

HBPOIN Holden Beach Property Owners Information Network

Gather and disseminate information Identify the issues and determine how they affect you Act as a watchdog /

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