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Innovation Strategy Paper Q. Ann, K. Bennett, P. Dailey, K. Ford, H. Foroozan, A. Heinrich, T. Hodge STR/581 December 03, 2012 Kimberly A. Ford


Innovation Strategy Paper INTRO QuratulAnn Over the past several years Apple has recognized and served as an innovative learning tool. Apple has increased revenue more than 400% and increased profits more than 650% in the past eight years (, 2010). Steve Jobs served as inspirational source behind all these extraordinary achievements. Steve known for his leadership attitude .By using his leadership attitude, Steve Jobs has developed an elevation at Apple that is competing by none. In other words, Apples introduced a customer focused innovations strategy. Generally, Nnot all the companies accomplished what they say. But Apple has achieved what they thought of. In monopolistic fashion, Apple has taken the PC, the cell phone, and digital music and created a unique experience for the customer to enjoy that has yet to be cloned or duplicated by any of Apples competitors (SAP & ERP Consulting from the Customer Point of View, 2009).Through their achievement Apple Inc. became the most worthwhile technology company all over the globe. Description of the innovation strategy Hedyeh The rapid growth of Apple is not only a result of its continuous effort of using innovation strategies, but also the use of breakthrough innovation. Breakthrough innovation is defined as an innovation in a product, process, technology or the cost associated which ultimately causes a quantum leap forward (Pearce and Robinson, 2011, p. 376). Examples of products of breakthrough innovation of Apple are the iPod and iTunes. Jobs and Apple took advantage of these strategies that shaped the companys structure and made it a dominant force. From then on, Apple made creating new industries a habit that is now unbeatable by other industries. Apples innovation strategy was focused on integration of technology and entertainment according to the


markets demand. It was less about inner focus and geared more on outward understanding of the market and customer by directing their energies into improving profitability by addressing the needs, wants and frustrations of their customers. The customer experience was the center of Apples new products and new applications. Market demand is the center of Apples core of innovation and they give so much importance in listening to what is the frustration of the market and respond by creating the product. Evaluation of the innovation strategy Philicia Apple Incorporated has established itself as an innovator in the personal electronics market. Its products appeal to consumers for a variety of reasons. Users have raved about the ease of use, sleek designs, and innovative software of Apple products. The company is always on the forefront of consumer needs in relation to technology. The companys first attempt at in the personal electronics market included the release of Apple II in the 1970s. When the Macintosh reached the public in the late 1980s, it revolutionized the personal computer experience (Apple Computer n.d.). Apple Inc. currently creates and produces the iPod, iPad, iPhone, and Mac computers. The aforementioned products are all cutting-edge in respective to its use. The In addition to trailblazing equipment, Apple Inc developed and launched its own operating system, Mac OS X. The companys innovative progression led to the development of the world-renowned iTunes store. The (Apple Inc., 2012). Apple has been able to corner markets with ease. The companys vision statement Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings correlates with its accomplishments (Apple Inc. 2012).


Suggestions to improve the innovation strategy Terrence To establish a company focused on innovation and continuous improvement the company must first change the culture. Strong innovation cultures are present in organizations that actively encourage innovation. The organization must develop fundamental skills like critical thinking, collaboration, leadership, and project (time) management. In an innovative culture employees are encouraged to try new things and fail. This is a principle behavior and a behavior that is opposite of the status quo culture. High failure rates, the ability to ask tough questions, and embracing change are a few of the characteristics that stand out from the norm (Morris 2011). In order to create an innovative culture the company needs leaders who embrace change. An innovative culture focuses on behavior change not technical skills. The company can create training focused on creativity and innovation. Typically an innovation culture helps a company either introduce their products to new customers or helps the business improve the skill to take care of current customers. In the new culture the focus must be on behavior changes; information sourcing, methods, information sourcing, and critical analysis. Each behavior alone can help an organization improve. Conclusion Katrina The introduction of an Apple product has always captivated the world and has always had a big to do about their products. Apple has been the leader in their innovation of new products from a host of different media devices to communication devices worldwide. Apple must continue to offer high quality products and services that complement their innovative process such as improvements of their current products as well as the new retina screen display.



References Morris, L. (2011). Who Innovates: Creating the Innovation Culture with Geniuses, Leaders & Champions . Retrieved from Pearce, J. A., II, & Robinson, R. B. (2011). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (12th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Apple Inc. (2012). Apple Inc. Retrieved from Apple Computer Inc. (n.d.). Funding Universe. Retrieved from (2010). Creativity and Innovation Driving Business - Innovation Index. Retrieved from apples-innovation-strategy-learn-how.html

SAP & ERP Consulting from the Customer Point of View. (2009). Business Strategy and IT Strategy to Reproduce Apple Innovation. Retrieved from

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