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Solid Modelling With TopSolid’Design (basic concepts) TopSolid’Wood (for wood design) Versions 2005 and 2006 Authors Jean-Yves Chavant Lecturer in Wood production Au Lycée de Presies BP 310 03306 Cusset cedex Stéphane Surmely Lecturer in Wood Production Au lycée Louis Lachenal BP 38 74372 Pringy cedex Translated to English by; Bill Reddington Lecturer in Manufacturing and Design Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton St, Dublin 1, Ireland. Derek Creighton Dedicated CAD Systems, 5 Ryders Row, Dublin 1, Ireland. \TopSolid'Design and TopSolid'Wood // Solid Modelling Acknowledgements ‘Thanks to Missler software for their authority to publish a book on TopSolid’Design, TopSolid’Draft and ‘TopSolid' Wood. ‘Thanks to M. LEGRAND, Didier, M. ARBER, Christian and M. ARNOULT, David at Missler Software for their help and to M. ESPOSITO, Olivier at Missler Software for his input on TopSolid' Wood. ‘Thanks to M. JOURDAN, Lilian at the Hotline at TopSolid' Wood at TOULOUSE for their help. ‘Thanks to M. BENECH for his course and assistance on the use of the software ‘Thanks equally to M, BOURDUCHE, Gérard and M. LE GALL, Marc for certain examples on the use of the software All rights reserved. TopSolid @ is a trademark of Missler Software. TopSolid ® is a product name Missler Software. Information and the software used in this document is subject to change without notification by Missler software. The software used in conjunction with this document is provided under licence, and can be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. CONTENTS Software Presentation = Introduction 2 ~ General presentation of TopSolid 2.4 — Graphic interface 2.2 — Using the mouse and keyboard Introduction to Workshops Workshops - TopSolid’Design and TopSolid’Draft Cross Member (Construction by points : Sketch Mode) Hinge (Construction by points : Using Coordinates). . Window Catch (Construction using Sketch Lines) Wood Bracket (Turned Part) Memo-pad hakler (Creating an assembly) Die (Propagate operations) .. Angle Bracket (Parameters) Angle Bracket (Creating a standard Component) Window Catch(Creating a standard Part) PVC Window Profile (Creating a standard Part) . Coffee Table (Design in Place) CD Holder (Assembly Design) Workshops - TopSolid’Wood Circular Mirror (Sawing / Moulding) Stair Rail Glazed Door (Create Tenon / Create Section) Printer Stand (Edging) Mini Bench Carcass (Multi-Drillings) Parametric Carcass & Door Creation of a Too! 146 152 160 168 178 187 195 200 & “TopSolid'Design and TopSolid Wood Solid Modelling TopSolid’Design (Related Functions) 21. Ergonomic Seat (Create Photo Realistic Views) 204 22. Adjustable Stool (Using Kinematics). 208 23, Collapsible Chair : 212 24, Footboard (Create Exploded Views) 216 25. Coffee Table (Generate AV! files). 219 Resources TopSolid'Design The contours: Contours, 224 Creation of Joints 224 Modification of links and joints 225 Extract an entity from a contour 225 Insert one or more entities 226 Use of a protractor ..... 7 226 Adding Constraints 227 Removing Constraints . 227 Construction of a contour using previously created sketch lines 227 Profiles 228 The Line 228 The Rectangle - 229 The Circle 229 The Axes 230 Parallel Lines 231 Other Profiles 232 Operations on Curves: Merge 233 Trim 233 Thicken aaa 234 Dimensions 235 Rendering Modes 238 Creating 3D shapes: 239 Extrude 239 Tum 239 Pipe 239 Block 240 Cylinder 240 ‘Cone : 240 ‘Sphere 240 Ruled surfaces : 240 Lofted Surface 240 CONTENTS / Operations on Shapes: Unite 241 Subtract 241 Intersect ... 242 Trim 242 Pocket .... " ae 243 Copy a pocket 243 BOSS : 244 Fillet 245 ‘Chamfer : 245 Draft 245 Shell 245 Thread 246 Holes . 246 Points ‘ 247 Coordinate Systems 249 Propagations 251 Feature Tree 255 ‘Symbols used in feature tree 259 Kinematics: Connections 261 Resources - TopSolid’Wood Tenon-Mortis : 264 Pin Assembly 266 Wood - Mouldings 268 (© yTopSolic'Design and TopSolidWood Solid Modeling SOFTWARE PRESENTATION (::° ae SOFTWARE PRESENTATION 1- Introduction ‘TopSolid’Design is a 3D solid modelling design package. It allows for the design, in 2D or 3D which can be either parametric or not. In parametric mode any design changes to the original geometry will result to a change in the design of the model. Also, ifa design modification is made to a part, these changes will be automatically reflected in the 2D draft views of the parts and assemblies. In the initial design of parts, the designer has three choices for creating contours: - Construction by points: Using the mouse, this method allows the user to create a contour by a series of points on the screen. The proportions of the contour are then controlled by dimensions. ' 8 CI | = ot bee 4 [nl waked Contour with points Dimension Creation of extruded form - Construction by entering coordinates : (28) (a2) (ante) tos ze tesg > ee ——— Sy) V6.0) 130.87 Enter the coordinates - Construction using Sketch Lines: This method allows the creation of a contour by tracing around existing sketches (points, segments, circles, edges) to create a profile that is associated with the original sketches. Creation of construction sketches Creation of contour Creation of extruded form Then to create an assembly of parts, two options are available: = Create In Place: Option one allows for the creation of an assembly within a single and unique file, which gives the advantage of working on and visualising the entire assembly within this single file. This offers advantages: giving immediate detection of errors, and proportions. Moreover, using parameters, it is easy to modify dimensions and look at various design options and problems that may occur in the design. TopSolid'Design and TopSolidWood Solid Modelling - Design by Reassembly: With this option we can create an entire assembly by inserting idual parts and mating them together. Each partis created in a different file. This allows us to use parts that are already designed and also to use standard parts and sub assemblies, 2- General Presentation of TopSolid: 2.1- Graphic Interface: 19H 2|x9 6 Glas PLN OBT|7 1 NOCEMOO CT SE ae 2) eemtoeal ebte snaka = 7 “See dae ceqs a em martes 79%: 7a op ape gon ots a 2.08 9:3 sees cise Message window ee > Title Bar BSc Title Bar “Drop down menus Function Bar “System Bar rompt Line Context Bar State Bar A Graphic area IGE wee Identical to all Windows applications, here is found; * The name of the TopSolid application and its associated icon. The name of the file used ‘* The state of the document: running or not ‘+ The design mode of the current document (Associative, Free. > Prompt Line Its here that one responds to questions, enters values, and selects various options. v State Bar This bar allows one to set the current state of certain values. Clicking the left button of the desired cell, itis possible to modify its state. Clicking the right button, itis possible to specify what information appears on this bar. 7 Message Window This window posts various messages such previous values entered by the user as well as error messages. > Drop Down Menus All the commands of TopSolid can be found in the Drop-down menus. Sub menus can also exist; these are indicated by an Arrow. ‘Qvatre pst Footrest (Cele ie cuter me A Csestpire a teen SOFTWARE PRESENTATION > System Bar (On this bar, one finds the icons for the most commonly used commands such as, zooming, rendering modes, colours The presence of a black triangle as shown here on the zoom menu indicates the presence of further icons (zoom forward, backwards...) when clicked on by the mouse. Black triangle The function bar contains the majority of tools necessary to create a model, an assembly. ‘These icons give direct access to commands without having to click on the drop down menus. Clicking on an Context Bar icon causes the icons in the Function Bar to change. CGeNVNOOnr0e 44082 WNaM [) terete orn Example: Clicking on the icon "Curves" Generates a series of icons allowing various curves to be created (circle, rectangle, polygon...) Function Bar Curves > The Compass ‘The compass allows the user to modify different views of the soreen, depending on the way in which itis selected. To change the view, click with the left button of the mouse on a specific part of the compass, then move the mouse keeping the left button pressed. Zones to click for a rotation Zones to click to pan the model across the sereen Zone to click for a rotation i about the Y axis, dl Zone to click for a rotation + about the X axis Zone to click for a rotation about the Z axis,

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